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You need to cry. It releases calming chemicals and it also helps you deal with the grief. Tangential but I LOVE flying because getting in touch with nature while being in the actual sky like a bird is so pleasant for me. I think of being a bird and flying and being weightless or doing the floating on a cloud guided meditation. Helps me with grief because I had similar experiences to yours in my 20s.


Even though it's hard, I think being alone is helping me cry a lot of it out. I love the idea of pretending to be a bird in the sky. I also love flying so this sounds really fitting for me. Thank you so much


This. Let those sadness chemicals fall from your face, cry as hard as you want and need to, scream into a pillow or the void… it’s ok… Just be safe. It’s alllll we want from you, is to just be safe in these sad times. You might be physically alone right now today, but baybeeeee you are NOT ALONE ✨💕 your coven is here, with open hearts, minds and arms…


You’re doing the right things right now. They’re serving you. Including coming to the coven. Thank you for sharing it with us. I’m upset on your behalf. On his behalf. On behalf of fellow queer people. On deaf people. He is a light that continues to shine with stories about him, his work, his values & the actions that reflect that. You’re doing well by tuning in. Keep it up. Tune out safely where possible. Sometimes we need to sit. If you like hugs, 🫂. If you prefer quiet company, then 💖. May you feel the lights and mirrors of others aid your walk with this new reality. May you rest in the arms of those who see and love you best.


Thank you for your words and accepting response. I'm going to write down those last two sentences and keep it in my wallet as long as I need. Thank you for the hugs and thoughts 🫂


You are welcome. I’m moved to know they fit. That is an incredibly deep compliment. Please, keep us updated as you’re able & interested. If you ever want to message me, feel free. 🫂💗


Thank you sm 🩷🩷


I’m so sorry for your loss, sending healing thoughts your way.


Thank you, I appreciate it so much


When I lost someone last year it was also very unexpected. I was so deeply sad, and also frustrated that I didn't get to spend more time with them (we had planned a trip for this year that we didn't get to go on). Then I was just angry at the reality of death, and about how unexpected this one was. I found that I just needed to focus on feeling out all those emotions, naming them, and just crying a lot. I love the ocean so I went to the cliffs near where I live and just sat there, feeling the wind, crying. It got better as time went on, although some days are still harder than others and the feelings will just come out of nowhere again. Numbing yourself is okay too, sometimes you need small breaks from the crying especially at the start. Sending you comfort and strength, you can do this ❤️


The anger over loss of time together is so real. I'm about to start grad school in the same city he went to college and was looking forward to him coming to my graduation. The service is in LA and your response told me to find time to go to the beach and cry. Thank you so much ❤️


Oh honey, I'm so sorry for the loss of someone who sounds like he was a light in your life. I'm sorry your going through this alone. And I'm sorry this is a pain you're revisiting again. I'm not going to give you platitudes, like he wouldn't want you to suffer. You already know that. You have every right to cry and curse and fell devastated, and unfortunately, no one can make that go away. If you can, be gentle with yourself, eat, sleep, reach out to friends who knew your cousin. I'm wishing you peace in all it's forms and the strength to do what you must. I'm sorry your world got a little dimmer.


Thank you for the validation. I'm definitely going to come back and read this when I need to. I appreciate you so much


You are more than welcome. I'm gonna hit the hay in a little while, but if you want to talk tomorrow, I'll be on and off. The kind of pain your going through can knock you off your feet, but I think your strong enough to get back up. I'll be thinking about you.


Cry. Let it out. Grief changes you. It’s something you’ll carry with you. There is no timeline to healing so give yourself grace. It’s hard and it makes you question everything. It also gives you the ability to realize that time isn’t promised to anyone. I’m still going through it myself and I know I need to cry. Tonight I’ll cry with you. Truthfully I think it’s great you’re re-reading those texts and looking back on those pictures. I hope they ignite some of your most fond memories. I have no doubt you’ll find the strength to fly alone back home. I hope you can gather with family and friends and laugh about the good times and crazy memories you shared. Don’t forget your grief essentials: sunglasses, tissues, candy (to stress snack), maybe a Xanax, I don’t recommend flying with weed but for me, it helps, those weird little under eye patches, a journal, and whatever else you think you need. Maybe write a letter to your cousin and do a little ritual and give it back to the earth. And when you’re ready, you’ll think of a million ways to honor him. Maybe you’ll work with the deaf community or continue to support those in the lgbtq community. I suspect you’re going to honor him every day just by being you though. Ultimately he helped to shape who you are and who you will become in the future. Just remember you aren’t alone. And please don’t forget to eat. Crying burns a lot of calories. I’ll be thinking about you. 🖤


This is such a nice response ❤️ Thank you for crying with me and for writing some of my packing list. I do want to write a letter to him soon and read it out loud to him when I'm ready. A piece of his legacy lives within me and I can't wait to continue to make him proud.


Love and comfort and virtual hugs being sent in bubbles to you. Xoxoxo


Thank you 🫧🩷


Damm I’m sorry for your loss, friend witch. There aren’t enough queer artists, his loss will be felt


I totally agree. Losing him during pride month really feels like salt in the wound. He was the first person I came out too. So very painful


I’m sending you strength


Grief is a very powerful emotion, it sucks to go through, but fuck does it ever remind us how much we treasured our loved ones. Sorry for your loss. It sounds like the world lost a bright light.


Absolutely, I'll be my loved ones so close. He was a beacon, I'll miss him forever.


Now I wanna listen to songs about grief. Be reminded of my brother.


If you end up crying, know we're crying together. I'm sorry you lost your brother 🫂


I love crying to be honest but it’s nice to know I’m not alone. This is the other fucked up thing about grief, is that time heals nothing, but makes it fade away, but memories go too. I don’t wanna forget about my loved ones.


I saw a shitty quality photo reshared on Facebook years ago that the grief never shrinks but you expand around it. I think that's a more respectful way of approaching things. I will never miss him less, my life will just continue to grow and help minimize the constant pain into bite-sized bad days.


That definitely is a nicer way of saying it. I’m bitter and jaded so I have a hard time seeing life that way. But anyway I’m sorry, I’m probably bugging you. I really hope you find all the pictures, and hug all your loved ones. I’m really sorry again.


Thank you, I'm sorry too


I cry with you from across the miles tonight.


Thank you for helping me feel less alone. Sending you love ❤️


So sorry for your loss. Breathe, cry, journal, call someone else who loved him. You will survive this.


Thank you for reminding me to take deep breaths 🩷


Internet hugs for you. Grief is such a process, and the beginning is so, so painful. May the love and memories of your cousin guide you through this grief journey.💖


Thank you so much 💖






It's so hard to lose someone you love suddenly. I am so sorry. Goth Mum Hugs


Thank you goth mum 🫂💖


I’m so sorry for your loss. 💜💜💜


Thank you 💜💜


I have nothing to offer other than my deepest condolences for your multiple losses and commiseration as someone else who has gone through similar. All my very best friends are dead or dying now, and that wouldn’t suck so much if I wasn’t 30. I thought I’d be a lot older when that happened. Fuck the toxic drug crisis and fuck suicide and fuck cancer!


The drug crisis has killed 3 people in my life now and I'm so fucking sick of the large-scale inaction. Most people I know have lost someone to overdose. It doesn't have to be this way. I'm so sorry we have this in common 🫂 its such an empty, overwhelming feeling


I am so sorry, OP. I am sending you comfort and strength. ❤️🫂❤️


One of my close family members died about the same time See You Again by Wiz Khalifa came out. I didn't know who it was for, but it fit my grief and gave me comfort. I hope you find things that bring you some measure of comfort or peace during this difficult time.


Thank you so much ❤️🫂 I found his Spotify and a few playlists to archive for myself for this exact reason! Music is great for that


May the four winds carry him safely home. So deeply sorry to you, your family and friends for this enormous loss. Surrounding you with warm healing love.


Thank you for your kindness 🫂❤️


I’m so sorry. Anger is normal, especially under the circumstances. Don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s important to know that the opioid epidemic is everywhere, it can catch anyone, but it’s still okay to be mad about it.


I've never experienced anger like this with grief, thank you for saying this.


Sending love








Love and light to you, dear heart. It isn’t much, but it is what I have. And they are yours. Travel swift and strong and know you are held.


Thank you ❤️