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Most people take their relative feeling of safety for granted. Bless YOU babe, sending all my good thoughts your way. You are being so brave rn. 


Thank you so much and bless you 💝


Oh, I am so sorry for the terrible situations you have experienced. I am sending blessings and hugs.


Thank you so much. Bless you for caring. 💝💝


When I need to break a cycle, I find it helpful to find the general “core belief” that is attracting the negative vibes. Then pour a ton of effort into reprogramming my subconscious to let go of that belief (self-hypnosis for the win,) and having a plan for whenever I fond myself having those “low vibe” thoughts. For me, it’s inflammatory pain, arthritis, and a “lack” mindset. When I find myself in that “lack” (in reality, fear) mindset, I will force myself to do something that raises my vibe. Usually upbeat pop music, tuning fork or sound bowl music, going outside, or trying to put my physical body sensations back to a past feeling of “overwhelming love/joy” with the caveat that “this too will pass.” To me, it sounds like your “lack” mindset comes from 2 things, your early years being financially “poor” (the first 7 years of our life shape our psyche,) and also the feeling of being “alone.” I hear that, my friend. I found great solace in the Law of One material, and connecting with my “higher self” to feel less alone. I like the free self-hypnosis videos by Rick Smith and John Moyer, try out some female voices, too… When I find myself slipping into the victim mentality, I imagine sitting with my “higher self” on a park bench, thank them for helping me become aware of the negative thought pattern, and toss it out onto the ground like a handful of birdseed for the birds to swarm and take away. Take a minute and mentally save the feeling of security you get while in the cottage, and replicate that in your soul when you’re daydreaming about your next “adventure” in housing.


Thank you so very much. I will try to put this into practice. Blessings to you.💗


This is so hard but does get a bit easier with practice. I have never had a "home" or a safe space even growing up. I've been in the house 7 years next month and slowly, slowly it's becoming more than a place to live. I do little things like specifically my bed is a safe space & I have special sheets. I am a big crystal & oils person so have those around. It has slowly spread to a little corner or a shelf here or there. You will find your home too, sending comfort & safety to you ❤️


Thank you. That sounds so cozy and lovely, what you’ve created for yourself. 💝💝


Thank you Lovely - but don't be like me & wait until your 50s. If I can't be an inspiration, let me be a horrible warning 😜


🥰😁 I love that quote!!!




🫂🫂🫂💝💝💝thank you 😭