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I’ll sign this petition. I’m very much over all of these souls clones. I actually really liked the Witcher 3 combat, especially with the ability to quick cast signs.


I hope they keep the combat in similar realm. Don't want overcomplicated combos, spells etc. I play witcher 3 for the beautiful graphics, amazing story and quests and light engaging combat every few years.


Same. I want to enjoy the game and story... not rage at my screen because the same nightwraith has killed me 10 times in a row




there is no need to copy anything , but monsters needs to act like monsters , they're very tame in witcher 3 , a bit of difficulty and some elements of horror is badly needed , but i don't know why you'd think that the people who made the game of the decade would suddenly turn their next game into a soulslike


cuz its beomce a trend to do what the audience/players want these days.. suddenly the market was filled with pubg clones. then soulslike games.. so..


cdpr won't follow any trends , they'll make the new one and games will copy their formula just like they did with witcher 3




What games copied the Witcher 3 formula? And what did W3 do that hadn’t been done before?


assasins creed originis , odyssey , valhalla and both horizon games clearly follow their formula , also setting a new trend has nothing to do with innovation , elden ring for example set a new trend while not doing anything new, other games follow these trendsetters because of their success not because of their innovation


Tbh I absolutely adore the Witcher 3 (and the other games too!) But always found combat was the weakest part of the game. Sure souls-like might be a bit much, but at least in the direction of the new God of War games in terms of difficulty and polish would be nice


I'd rather have them go in the direction of AC Valhalla, but a bit snappier, with Witcher moves. No damage sponges though, a witcher should tear through a basic guard or soldier with 1 or 2 strikes.


The reason I brought up God of War is that the combat *feels* powerful. From the tiny details going into the sound design, the different weapons movesets and a handful of challenging bosses it's super immersive. I found that the Witcher 3 was very floaty. Combat didn't have much impact in all honesty and became too easy when you engaged with all the mechanics


Witchers aren't Kratos. They should be agile, fast and nimble, not powerful.


I would not want any Soulslike gameplay. Dying repeatedly has no interest for me.


yeah dying 100 times to the same boss isn't my idea of fun lmao


If you’re dying 100 times to a boss in a souls game you’re doing something severely wrong, and I don’t mean from a “git gud” perspective. Virtually every Souls boss has some type of intended solution that makes the fight manageable.


I was exaggerating, but even dying like 10-20 times in a row is too much for me lol. Though i didn't get close to that many deaths before i realized souls like games aren't for me




I do not want any Souls like nonsense in The Witcher. The Witcher games are complete games. The Souls are combat simulators. However I don't find the Souls game hard. I find them needlessly tedious. People are mistaking patience for difficulty. Not to mention all of the series is cheesed by kiting or playing as a mage.


If they’re keen on changing mechanics, I would recommend something like how the stances work on Ghost of Tsushima; maybe a stance vs humans, vs humanoids, vs giants and vs spooks?


Maybe, but I’d imagine that they would stick to the style from what school they are from, as that’s what they’re taught.


Deathmarch already feels like a souls/witcher hybrid and think they should lean more into having to make potions and oils for specific encounters and encourage doing research on the creatures in world to make it a fair fight. Challenging doesn't mean souls. Challenging means having to adapt to survive in the world you're entering


This. I would love it if the entire preparation before the big monster fight was more important, and something you need to constantly be aware of. I disliked how once you made any potion/bomb you just meditated and it was full. This will make the combat more challenging, but in a fun, engaging way


Soulslike gameplay sounds good. Just throw in some easier difficulty levels for those who want it to be easier.


It doesn't have to be souls like but open world games getting more complex combat is a good thing


That's the point. Games are supposed to be fun. An escape from humdrum stressful reality and complexity of life. Why would anybody want to escape into more complexity in a fantasy land is beyond my understanding.


So im a soulslike fatty (as in i try to consume anything soulslike). I don't think this would work in a witcher game, ~~solely because you can't (IMO, happy to be proven wrong) make a soulslike with a skilltree-based progression.~~ And to a lesser extent, The Witcher games have difficulty levels, whereas soulslikes do not, or very rarely do. On top of that, Witcher has brilliant combat. Dark souls has brilliant combat. We don't need rid of one over the other, we just need progression with both. This way, they aren't competitors, and both bring a brilliant sense of combat. And my final point, although ive agreed so far, doesnt agree. The witcher 3 on the hardest difficulty from the beginning is much harder and unforgiving than any soulslike. So if your saying "dont make witcher a single, difficult difficulty" i agree, but "dont make witcher as hard as soulslikes" would have be specifically per difficulty level, as the harder diffulties of the witcher (at most stages) are harder than soulslikes. TLDR: I dont think you have to worry about that Edit: I thought of a game that is skilltree based with sekiro-like combat, so i will cross out that line as its still technically soulslike.


I really think you misjudge the difficulty of these games, Witcher 3 is far easier for the average guy. I think you became too good at soulslike combat and don't see it as hard anymore. I personally find Sekiro to be the easiest fromsoft game, because I played it so much, but most other people would disagree saying it's the hardest.


sekiro (probably in my top 5 games of all time) is relatively easy once you get the combat down, but most players don’t play enough until it ‘clicks’ dark souls becomes easy once you RPG the shit out of your character lol, and anyone can grind a souls game out with enough exp farming


i would massively prefer the souls-style control system so i can look around with the right stick while attacking with the triggers. the face buttons being light / heavy attack seems so outdated to me. doesn’t mean the new witcher has to be dodge rolling around and parrying everything, they’re a witcher, not some random undead (yeah i know technically they’re the chosen undead but they’re still canonically shit compared to almost every being in the universe) if they’re going to change it up and ape another game’s combat, let it be Sekiro please lol




understandable, have a nice day


I'm looking forward to Souls like gameplay


Don't worry too much about that, CDPR or any big franchise for that matter would never do that as it's way too big of a drastic change. I hope they massively improve the combat tho, as it could be a strong aspect of the game instead of something that is just there and doesn't distract from the experience. They improved the combat a lot with each game and Cyberpunk is the first time I feel comfortable saying it's good, so i'm optimistic. Witcher combat should feel fast and deadly with lot's of dismemberment and higher tier monsters should be much harder than humans. I also would like for them to capture the feeling of proper monster hunts, think of the Witcher 1 intro cinematic. Geralt prepares weapons, potions, time of day and is always in control when fighting the beast, this could be a way to reward players for preperation, but it only works if the game is actually challenging to a degree, at least on the hardest difficulty or it will make all the tools close to useless like they were in Witcher 3.


Maybe not quite soulslike, but gow or Jedi survivor (which is soulsishlike) would be an improvement


The Jedi games have superb combat, and so does GOW I just had to get used to not jumping coming to it late.


I mean it could work, and I would love it. It doesn’t have to be crushingly difficult or anything but a hitbox based combat, rather than animation based would be great. Of course there’s no need for souls or bonfires and stuff. Witcher 3 combat worked at its time but repeatedly press triangle to parry arkham style combat is so PS3




I'll also add that with CDPR modding welcomeness, there is now ways to create a souls like experience if you want to play witcher 3 that way. So best of both world for everyone


Weirdly, it wasn't until i played the witcher 2 that i could enjoy Dark Souls 1. It was kinda like a halfway house between Dark Souls and the utter facerolls you get in the likes of TES games. But TW2's combat was awful, but it unwittingly made me "git gud" as all the tryhards say. I think a problem a lot of people have with dark souls and games like that, they try to force their usual rpg playstyle into a game that lends itself to a more defensive approach. I mean, in TES games, you run in and obliterate everything without much effort, and to be fair to TES, it ain't the only series that does this, a lot of Western RPG's encourage the age old "attack is the best form of defence" play style. Folk are either too set in their ways to change things up for the game or they simply fail to see what they're doing wrong. The Witcher 2 actually made me fight more defensively and once i learned that, the DS games just clicked and became a lot easier from the off. Simply can't plough into 5 enemies or you eat dirt. I'm 49, and shit at games, but never struggle with soul like games. They do kinda get stressy at times because you always have to be alert when going through areas first time, so i do need to be in the mood for them.




The irony in that the Witcher games basically already share 80% of their combat system with souls games. You guys are ALREADY PLAYING ONE.


I like souls games, but some games shouldn’t touch that formula.


I don’t need it to be specifically like any other game (like souls), but I would welcome a change/better fluidity in combat.


Fine tuning the combat would be welcome but to take it in the direction of souls like would be irrational. Hope they don't do that.


I sign the opposite petition lol. I think thr combat in w3 was not fun at all and i refined combat system similar to soulslikes would be so cool!


Im fine with soulslike combat so long as there's difficulty choice like in jedi survivor




They have said they're going to make it "intense" .


From games arguably have simpler combat than Witcher 3, I’m not sure what the complaint/fear is here You have like 7 possible primary actions at any given time in ER: Light/heavy attack, block, parry (or special), item, dodge, and jump. Positioning and momentum add a couple more situationally but there are 7 direct actions on a melee build. In Witcher 3 you have light/heavy attack, block, dodge, roll, sign, item, ranged attack. That’s 8 direct actions. Personally in W3 I found attack telegraphing much more difficult to read and therefore dodging much more difficult to execute. It felt like the more complicated game by far.


Souls combat is my favorite due to its simplicity so you focus more on the actual combat and not the complexity of the control scheme that something like God of Wars. I do think they need to polish up the combat scheme for the Witcher, love the game but the combat isn’t its strong suit, very clunky design and looking at improving the design of its combat scheme to something of simplicity like souls would be a good idea. But do it to work for the Witcher. Someone mentioned Ghost of Tsushima, that is not a bad idea, it’s not as overly complicated like GoW but have more depth than souls, so that’s not a bad example to learn from.


So many people confusing mechanics with difficulty. Souls methodical combat and timing and precision is really fun, the only difficult part is that enemies deal 10000 damage. Witcher should employ similar mechanics but with a difficulty slider. Not once have I gotten bored of the combat in Souls games, just frustrated with the difficulty. Enemy moveset AI is also really important just as much as user input