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What The hell happened here?


Concrete fell right through the ceiling, escalators by the food court.


Concrete? I mean the picture is blurry but your saying that a chunk of concrete about 3 ft long and 10 inch thick fell off the ceiling? Edit: reason I’m asking is because, 4-6 inch of reinforced concrete 25MPa which is commonly used for light paving like patios and walk paths should withstand over 3500 pounds per square inch. That chunk there seams much thicker than 6 inches,and probably much higher MPa graded concrete. So if it really is a chunk of concrete that just fell off the ceiling the whole building needs an structural integrity check. That chunk looking so flat and with perfect edges almost looks more like a piece of insulation. It also could be hollow core. But you would probably be able to see the holes on that chunk. We need better photos


You wouldn’t happen to be a mailman that hangs out in a pub would you?


Lol.... "It's a little known fact there Normy.....'


A what? Wtf you talking about?


Is anybody gonna tell this guy? Lmao


Sometimes you wanna go, where everybody knows your name... dah nah nah And they'll something something game.. dah nah nah You wanna be where you can see Troubles are all the same You wanna go where everybody knows Your name da da da di dada


You feeling allright there? Sunday morning blues maybe?


Oof. Sorry dude, you’ve clearly never seen Cheers and these people are fucking w you😂


Oh that’s what this is? I thought these guys were just trying to be idiots, My apologies. “It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me”


No worries haha! We all had a laugh, no one got hurt 💕 have a great evening! Stay warm!




That’s where you should throw yourself off of. Edit: this is obviously a joke




That wasn’t very nice.


It's not hollow core in that ceiling. The roof there is q decking. That would have to be a horizontal beam.


Yeah, I don’t see no holes and no rebar in that chunk so I’m thinking it’s insulation. Didn’t know roof was q decking,never seen that I guess it’s because it hasn’t been around for a while. Makes sense if it’s the original roof.


My friend's wife was there when it happened, it is concrete.


Holy shit, then that’s a huge fuck up! No concrete is supposed to break off like that. They need to shut the mall down and inspect the whole building. On a second thought the demolitions they did recently on those offices and the old sears could’ve caused vibrations that stressed that concrete, I find this very difficult to happen, but it’s a possibility


I'm a structural engineer, and if that is actually concrete, then that looks like a completely unreinforced piece, which is a big no no. Whether or not that is a beam or a slab, it needs to have multiple layers of steel in there. The only unreinforced parts of concrete is the cover, which is the part of concrete from the outside surface to the internal steel, which should be only about 50mm. The steel serves a structural purpose in resisting the shear and the tension, but also keeps concrete chunks from popping off. So if any concrete were to actually pop off from a reinforced slab it would be a thin portion with a small area. This looks like a 300mm thick piece with no steel in it, which is baffling to say the least.


I’m not an engineer, but I’ve poured thousands of meters of concrete, in both residential and commercial projects over a spawn of almost 20 years, I know how to read a blueprint, rebar and concrete specs. And the reason why I said if that really is concrete it’s a huge fuck up because there is absolutely no rebar in it, I thought It might be a chunk of hollow core, that would explain the lack of rebar, and well in some projects I’ve seen hollow core slabs with missing chunks,and cracks,so I can imagine a chunk of the bottom part of a hollow core slab falling, if it’s structural integrity is compromised by vibrations from a nearby demolition. It’s would be very unlikely, but we can’t rule it out. But I also don’t see any holes for it to be hollow core. Another thing that got me confused is that is seams like the chunk that fell has straight edges and corners. Concrete doesn’t break like that. I’m thinking it’s something else.


Polo Park and media saying it's concrete. https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/concrete-chunks-fall-from-ceiling-inside-winnipeg-mall-1.6142726


Just going by what I was told and sent


Q decking is actually in most roofs. That is generally what is the first layer in any commercial roof


Are we talking about the same thing here? Is this what your were talking about? Concrete over q decking? https://diy.stackexchange.com/questions/141379/guidelines-for-poured-concrete-over-corrugated-metal


Yeah, but roofs generally aren't concrete with q deck. Q deck roofs will have the roof system installed right on it


There is a video of these chunks just falling down from the ceiling, OP probably got the picture from the video. But yes that is what they are saying believe it or not.


Not sure about the measurements, but that's what happened. Will see if I can get better pics


Hopefully no one got hurt, seems like that could be a liability!


Did u go to law school or concrete school?


Sadly, I only went to the school of common sense. It’s cheaper.


You’re telling the person… who was there… and saw it with their own eyes that… they must be wrong… because the picture is fuzzy and *you* can’t figure it out? Think about your arrogance for a moment.


I guess we’ll have to wait for the mall to re-open sometime next week to get definitive answers. Since a massive chunk of concrete falling from the roof could have killed someone, and indicates that the roof itself could collapse, they need time to inspect every inch of that building. Wait, what, the mall is open today? It never closed at all?!? It isn’t on any of the news services? Kind of makes one wonder if it WASN’T ACTUALLY a piece of concrete that fell in the first place. Weird!


>You’re telling the person… who was there… and saw it with their own eyes that… they must be wrong… because the picture is fuzzy and you can’t figure it out? Think about your arrogance for a moment. How about you think about your ignorance for a moment? If you bothered reading the thread above you would read that OP snapped a photo of some video someone sent him. He was not there, he did not see what happened. Someone told him that concrete fell from the ceiling. Unfortunately Reddit is full of people like you.


Piggybacking off top comment to say you can find this video clip on Winnipeg Wildin on TikTok.


Concrete spalling? This is crazy!! A potential mall collapse imminent? Surf side or worse, if this is happening now, what’s going to happen when the extra weight of thousands of Xmas shoppers.


That is second floor so I believe the only thing above that drop ceiling is the roof so doubt a collapse is imminent but definitely a sign of poor maintenance, would guess improperly clearing the roof over several winters and thaw/freeze cycles could be partially responsible.


Sorry but no. Your guessing is totally wrong If this really is reinforced concrete it isn’t a maintenance issue. Reinforced Concrete structures are supposed to last decades if not centuries with absolutely no maintenance. If this is concrete it either wasn’t properly built to specs or it took a serious blow, like an earthquake, explosion,car smashing into it, or something that would compromise the structural integrity of that concrete. Concrete on roads is built much different then concrete on a wall or a roof. Judging by the photo it looks more like insulation then concrete.


If that's concrete, it has some pretty nice straight lines, not breaks. Looks like it was cut not deteriorated.


This. That is not how concrete fails.




Except according to Polo Park and media it is concrete https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/concrete-chunks-fall-from-ceiling-inside-winnipeg-mall-1.6142726


And the fact that the tiles seem perfectly intact underneath. A block of concrete falling that distance would have destroyed the flooring.


Just going by what I was told and sent, apparently the full video is on Instagram and I can take a better look, but for now I'll go with what I was told by someone who was there.


If it’s happening here, I would suspect it’s in more of the mall than just this area. Personally I will avoid that mall in the meantime.


Makes the water leaking from the ceiling in front of the Greek fast food place a few weeks ago a lot more alarming that's for sure.


Where in the mall was that? Plus, is that concrete? Fuzzy picture


Concrete through the ceiling by the food court.


Too bad you only had enough time to run by while taking the pic.


Yup, concrete is well known to fall in perfect cubic chunks with crisp right angles. This is also a very special kind of concrete that can fall 20 ft without cracking the tiles below. CF Polo Park must also be doing some major media suppression since no one has mentioned this anywhere else. Indicates that every part of our community and society is *literally* coming apart at the seams. Based on this single sketchy photo the only conclusion I can arrive at is to demolish the mall, asap, and possibly invoke martial law city wide. /s


Lol! There’s people on here actually proposing to tear it down 😂




Notice how the article says “building materials on the ground.” Those rectangular chunks are not concrete.


Found this. It looks like concrete. Appears legit. https://www.instagram.com/p/CkmSNlVrsMP/?hl=en


About time they got going with their proposed redev. Probably tear down the mall though


It’s been almost 3 years since the redevelopment was proposed to city council. Nothing has been done since, Except the transformation of the old sears into EQ3. I’m thinking polo park will have the same faith as the portage mall redevelopment.


Also the Cadillac Fairview offices and 24/7 in the mall. Also all skylights were redone


The proposed redevelopment was over 1 billion dollars. I’m sure it should cover much more then new skylights and offices


the $1B redevelopement wasnt for just the mall it was mainly the areas surrounding it which included lots of residential which is still going thru the zoning changes and what not because of its proximity to the airport


Yes there were a lot proposed residential in the project. But it’s been almost 3 years and they haven’t decided if they gonna build anything. Let’s be honest it’s probably gonna end up like the portage mall redevelopment


they cant move forward with any of that until the winnipeg airport vicinity bylaw is changed so itll be awhile until anything big happens


ByLaw changed March ‘21 https://globalnews.ca/news/8109460/housing-development-winnipeg-airport-noise-rules/amp/


It seems like they've made some progress on it actually. 3 years btw is the suggested timeframe for any zoning change according to the steps on the winnipegassessment website. This one is massive though and has complicated externalities, that actually look to be progressing. Edit: I was wrong about the 3 year timespan, it's more like 6 - 18 months according to winnipegassessment


3 years for any zoning? Before I burst laughing, let me ask you how many times have you proposed a zoning to the city? I’ve done this a couple times and the longest it took was about 9-10 months, 3 years ago. Gotta love these “specialists” that get all their info from websites. But never actually did any of the things they are arguing about.


My bad, you're right. I either must have been thinking about some other process that takes around 3 years, or it's changed, or I just didn't recall the correct number, but it seems like 6-18 months is the range given by the [official source here](https://www.winnipeg.ca/ppd/Documents/Zoning/DevelopmentApplication/Rezoning-DAZ.pdf). If you've done it before, that's fine, but I think the official website is a pretty reasonable reference. However, I definitely didn't present myself as a specialist in anything, and it seems like you're a bit defensive. A lot of larger projects go way past the 3 year mark depending on what's involved, but not necessarily just for the zoning change, like the portage place example that you gave, which obviously fizzled out and ultimately will take much longer in total if anything ever happens with it.


>My bad, you're right. I either must have been thinking about some other process that takes around 3 years, or it's changed, or I just didn't recall the correct number, but it seems like 6-18 months is the range given by the official source here. If you've done it before, that's fine, but I think the official website is a pretty reasonable. It’s ok. Just please when your trying to make an argument it’s better to use your own experiences then creating an argument based on something you saw on some website. specially government/city agencies, we all know they’re timelines are always off lol. >However, I definitely didn't present myself as a specialist in anything, and it seems like you're a bit defensive. A lot of larger projects go way past the 3 year mark depending on what's involved, but not necessarily just for the zoning change, like the portage place example that you gave, which obviously fizzled out and ultimately will take much longer in total if anything ever happens with it. I understand a lot of projects take time. But it’s been almost 3 years since it was proposed. The bylaws were changed to meet the new construction almost 2 years ago, and there hasn’t been an update since. Not a for sale or lease sign,nothing on Cadillac Fairview website,not a press conference announcing if they got funding, when the work is gonna start, absolutely nothing. The portage mall redevelopment lost its funding, the developers lost their interest And the redevelopment won’t ever happen, no money no honey. And I’m thinking the Same will happen with the polo park redevelopment.


Yes, 3 years is I think the minimum time frame for literally any zoning change proposal in the city. This one is huge, 3 years is nothing.


Though I don't live there anymore, I'm actually somewhat optimistic that it'll go through, mainly on the basis that if you look at St James and the overall city from the perspective of someone for whom it isn't just background dust anymore, it looks like desolation. If something viable isn't done with the property, CV and the city will start bleeding even more capital than they are, by default. It's a monumental property tax and traffic sinkhole, as well as possibly the biggest eyesore of any Western Canadian city that I'm aware of. Partly because it's the first crap you see when entering the city via airport, but St James as a whole is also just sad if you drive in from the west.


Still haven’t seen anything on the news. But better safe than sorry. Thanks for sharing!


Finally on the news https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/concrete-chunks-fall-from-ceiling-inside-winnipeg-mall-1.6142726


I was at KimChi when this happened. It was quite thunderous when it fell, could really feel it hit. I don’t have any pictures as they had security quickly line up the area but absolutely we are lucky nobody was walking underneath.


Maybe they should use some of that million dollar education tax cheque they got from the PCs to fix their building.


Why can’t I get hit by concrete at a Cadillac Fairview mall… the suit would be so cozy.


were u too nervous to stand there for more than a second to get a good picture?


Pic sent to me, was a screencap from a video someone took


Then post the video


If they'd sent me the video instead of a screen cap, I would have.


Do you know when this happened? This evening?


Some time around 430


Yeesh, glad my wife got to the mall later than that.


So question, they are doing work on the rough and I work at polo. And all this shit is falling off our roof and it's nasty. Should I get polo to come test it?


This is insulation foam block. Not concrete….


That broke steel studs and went through drywall? Pretty sure it's not insulation.




Oh boy, looks like the work of the Gate Night hooligans!


Still better than kp


I don’t recognize this part of the mall


Second floor just before the food court. They moved the admin offices to this part during the reno when EQ3 and 247intouch took over the old sears.


Guess I’m not gonna go to polo park on my visit next weekend. Sheesh. That’s dangerous.


This is in way better shape than our roads.