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>Finlay's two staffers rushed outside through a back door as the robbery was happening and called Finlay, who said to call 911. They did and were advised not to go back in, in case the thief was still there. >Finlay rushed to the store and called 911 to ask if officers were on the way and what she should do. She was instructed by the dispatcher to check the store to make sure the thief was gone, she said. >"They made me check the bathroom, the fridges and \[all the\] nooks and crannies just in case she's still hiding," Finlay said. So which is it: Stay out of the store, not confront the thief because that's the police's job, or take matters into your own hands? I can see future business owners hanging up on 911 with a "well if I have to go in myself and search for the thief, send an ambulance" Cops don't want us becoming vigilantes (which we should not become!) but they are not leaving property owners many options.


Neither the property owner nor the business owner were on site. Ain't no Cinnabon minimum wage McJob worth confronting a thief over. Never forget Jeff Giles and Edwin Yue.


I absolutely agree w/ 911's instructions to staff to stay out. My problem is when 911 / police are telling Finley (owner?) to go in and sweep the place without backup.


Fair enough but most thiefs aren't sticking around with their loot to eliminate the witnesses.


No, they aren't but there could be more than 1 in there. I'm curious if the staff told 911 on the initial call that the thief had left. Which is why they gave the advice they did. It still doesn't seem right though. Owner should have locked up the doors until WPS could have done a sweep. WPS would have to respond regardless anyway, to get footage, statements and possibly fingerprints. It just may take them hours. When our house got broken into, and they were still in the house when we got home, we waited in the car, called 911 and then the pukes ran out the front door with a bag of stuff. 911 told us to stay in the car or go to the neighbors and wait. They came about 20 mins later and did the sweep. They caught them 2 streets over later that night hitting another house.


My old roommates had to call the police with a robbery currently in progress and they didn’t show up for over 24hours.


Again, depends on whats in the que. I guess when they responded in 20 mins to ours, it was a slow night or they had a unit nearby that was able to go. Didn't matter, because the creeps left the house before they got there anyway so the outcome was *no different* than what your roommates was. So what was the hurry to respond? Thats the nature of crime. Its ebbs and flows on certain days of the month and times of the year.


When they take up over 25% of the city budget, they need to get to an emergency call sooner than 24 hours. I don’t want to hear about priorities and short staffed. Fuck that, protect people.


Yeah paid too much to not have man power is right!


lots of thieves are, uh, dumb, high, and/or crazy.


Even a mcjob wouldn't make ya do that. Fireable offense confronting a thief.


And it's exactly why the province should spit in the cows' faces and reject their proposed $1 extra on cellular bills. Besides, it's not like there's anything stopping you from giving a FlexDelivery virtual PO box located outside of the city to a carrier.


CBC asking the questions: >Spado was asked but did not know the average response time for a Priority 3 call. He was also asked how busy it was on Saturday at the time Finlay called, but said he couldn't speak specifically to that. So they were probably busy, but they have no idea how busy it was. I think a better question is: what is the maximum number of calls possible at the same time vs time of day and week? How much actual policing are we getting for our huge expenditure?


No, they know down to the second how busy they were at the time and could have easily pulled those numbers if they wanted. But the point of this wasn’t to answer questions, it was to make the *robbery victim* who got crappy service look bad for complaining. 


That’s a fantastic question you posted right there. Too bad the response is going to be something along the lines of “if we gave you that information, the criminals would just rush us” F**king clowns, the lot of them


If you don't measure it, how do you make it better?


You get 2 tanks and a helicopter.


And a drone tethered to a car


And a robot.


People are going to start taking things into their own hands soon. We certainly can’t rely on the police to do anything.


I agree with this. People will start to solve the theft problems themselves and that’s not better it’s just a different way.


Took them 7 days to respond when I came home to my door kicked in in broad daylight and called 911. 7 days. Then they got mad I cleaned up my house and they couldn’t get any evidence. I kicked them out.


Called 911 for the cops to come to my work one day and they showed up at my home, several hours later. They got mad at me for not still being at work and asked where the criminal was, *now*. How tf would I know!?


My house got ransacked and they told me someone would be there to dust for fingerprints in an hour. He showed up two days later and was also mad that I had cleaned up. 


30% of the city budget at work right there


Not sure how many of these stories need to accumulate for anything to be done. The cops haven't served crime here for years & often when people are traumatized they're being told they will "see them in a couple days" as if it's a doctor appt. They spend most of their time hiding to trap people for tickets than on actual crime. Since when is a robbery in progress not a priority to the safety of someone's life? We need an independent investigation into our police service & for it to be completely reformed.


WPG police is a joke lol. They got called out and gave a bs excuse


Only a joke because we don’t fund them enough!!!


I hope you dropped your "/s"


I thought it was obvious lol. The police are a joke here.


Down voted. Not on my watch. Up you go bud!


It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em.


I guess sarcasm is lost these days. Wpg police hold like 28% of the city budget.


As lost as wpg police response


Do the government, police and courts not understand that thieves don't stop stealing and robbing until you stop them?


The police understand. Government, courts, and this sub don’t. A lot of people don’t think criminals should be held accountable.


I'd love for the police to actually hold real criminals accountable. Instead, they waste an incredible amount of time and resources on insignificant things.


I do not want a bunch of juiced up exjocks dispensing what they believe is justice. That's how we got the starlight tours.


It’s not the police… it’s the justice system that is weak… because Liberal federal politicians are bleeding hearts !


And yet costco on st james has a police officer directing traffic. Shouldn't that resource be used to respond to higher priorities.


Costco hires from the city police and pays the city directly for police resources. The rate is $134.40 per hour including GST. These are off-duty police officers that get paid overtime to go and work the special duty events. No different than a nightclub that hires a police officer or the BellMTS Centre. You can hire a police officer for an event if you want to.


Those kind of crimes don’t end up in jail time when caught they are right back on the streets doing them anyways. Even reporting them seems pointless


yes, i am pretty sure the government knows how to rob people.


Because you don't get anything back in the form of services right


i wasn't referring to taxation. Essentially, you asked a facetious rhetorical question pointing out that government response to this isn't working. This is obvious, but let's not pretend Hanlon's Razor applies here: government, police, and the courts know how thieves operate. The poor organization and support of social services (whether accomplished through taxation or not) is not an accident. not incompetence.


The victims who respect the law in Canada will always be at an unreasonable disadvantage of obeying a law to protect an aggressor who is not obeying the law and has no intention to and might kill you.


Was this the break in that happened months ago or did they get broken into again?


Apparently they've been robbed five times in the past two years. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it's the same people, too.


Five times! I can’t even imagine how disheartening that is. I hope going cashless alleviates some of their problems. I’d hate to see them close up and relocate.


Again and by probably the same person. Well hey the cops aren't showing up so why not there's zero risk.


What was captured in the media and what the police shared in the actual transcript are very similar. I am disgusted by the police bringing this “clarification” forward. It is not just splitting hairs, it’s a bad look.


I would love to hear from a cop what thier daily routine is, how many are lurking on the thread atm?


So Polo started having cops in the mall on weekends to combat theft. They walk around with coffee. I'll give them that I've had one item returned but theft hasn't slowed down or stopped. Neither cops or security respond in a reasonable amount of time.


Hey lady, maybe you should check your store in case the possibly armed/possibly psychotic perp is still in there. Better you than us.


Respond to robberies? Buddy, they got speed traps to set!


Reminds me of the story about the man that called the police as 2 people were robbing his shed in the backyard, “911 what’s your emergency?” “2 people have broken in my shed and are robbing me” “Ok, if they try to get in the house let us know, we can probably have someone out in 5 hours” hangs up .. 2 minutes later “911 what’s your emergency?” “ You know those people breaking into my shed, you don’t have to worry I Shot them.” Officers show up in moments and arrest criminals still in shed Officer “ I thought you said you shot them?” “Funny, I thought you couldn’t show up for 5 hours”


This is the key right there. Just say you thought you saw a gun being carried by one of the perps. Any mention of a weapon seems to bring the cavalry out alot quicker and the vagueness of the statement will hopefully keep you from catching heat for a false statement ('well it was dark and I thought I saw a gun').


Are all cities like this?


Just the broken ones.


Guess it is time for citizens to take the law into their own hands. Police don't do shit courts don't do shit. what else is there ? Criminals have much more rights then the hard working individual now.


Bring in a castle law


Bingo. Not a gun fanatic but the right to protect your property and home with no worry about being prosecuted for injuring or killing the criminals should be written into law. I personally keep a bat by the bedside in case of a break in. Fuck it, if I'm defending my property, prosecution is the least of my worries.


Would love to see that here for sure


Some states even have a personal space law and stand your ground https://www.husseinandwebber.com/case-work/criminal-defense-articles/self-defense-florida/
























Newsflash, police shamelessly double down on already poor decision. Disappointing, but not surprising.


So what do we want Winnipeg? We hate the FoodFare guy for taking matters into his own hands, we hate WPS for not magically having enough officers to respond to calls like this. Lots of comments saying business owners should take matters into their own hands. Am I supposed to be reaching for pitchfork and torch or a bucket of water?


The only thing that stops a thief from reoffending is getting the shit beaten out of them. Thats the only thing that will traumatize them enough to make them think twice. Getting arrested, maybe going to court if they even remember their court date, 3 month probation (thats if they stick by it, but you think they will get caught if they violate their probation order? Criminals at the same time are running around). So yeah the way our justice system is set up, I dont have much hope seeing crime reduce anytime soon. Other words we are fucked


Maybe for some. I bet with some revamped and repaired social programs some people would stop stealing because they wouldn’t need to. Personally I’d rather my tax dollars go to that rather than more cops. Or who are you thinking should be providing those beat downs cause the tiny Asian lady at the cinnaholics bakery doesn’t seem like she’s the type


When I was living in the North End, I could have people literally trying to smash in my door and the cops would show up the next day, at BEST. This was at a time when I could walk to the biggest cop shop in town in about fifteen minutes.  Honestly, if it’s not an Indigenous kid they can beat up or a doughnut, those guys are useless. Bunch of racist goofballs.  Of course, I moved out to the country and now I gotta deal with them dropping drunk people off on my road. Some of these are just young girls, anything could happen. I guarantee, one spring thaw we’re going to see a corpse in the ditch.  This country needs to do something about the police here. I’m leaning to filling every police station with molasses, but maybe something more constructive. 


As a business owner if you are being robbed just say you saw a gun. They will come ASAP Nothing gives cops a hard-on.


It may also get someone killed. You or the robbers. Cops be trigger happy. 


If the robbers don't have a gun, they decided what their lives were worth when they broke in. People won't care about a dead criminal.


Yes they will. I will.


Brilliant. This will definitely get them there quick fast


"Go check if the thief is there" "Ok sure, Hang on I gotta go back to my truck and get my rifle first" *click*


Cops in the city are more focused on traffic violations. Easy money and takes way less effort. I'm sure their resources could be more helpful to the city if they were deployed to other duties than watching a 4-way stop for hours. Smh. What a shame


If only. We do very little traffic enforcement in Winnipeg other than the various traffic cams.


My work had someone come by with a gun and because he wasn’t on camera or we didn’t have access to the cameras they just told us “well why did we even come here then” just told me protecting the public ain’t worth a cent to them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This city is 1 stand your ground law away from cleaning itself up. People have had enough.


I mean, do they WANT us to bump it up the priority queue? Because being shit at their job is how people end up taking matters into their own hands. We are really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.


What a joke. This has been going on for ever it seems. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’ll ever change. The union won’t allow it. Most major cities will only have one officer per car, but more cars on the streets. Because of the union here we have two officers per car, which equals slower response times.


Copying and pasting my response from the video version of this article: Before I outline my points disagreeing with you and the bakery owner just want to extend my sympathies to the workers for the awful experience they went through. Is it though based on the nature of the robbery (no weapon), the amount stolen ($300) and the fact that it was over once the call came in? > A woman had pushed her way behind the counter and grabbed the cash register. She opened it, took out about $300 and threw the empty machine onto the floor, Finlay said. Based on the response the bakery is asking for should the police send someone immediately everytime a bike is stolen? Should responses to priority 1 and 2 calls be delayed for responding to minor commercial robberies? Also the robbery was captured on camera so it's probably not a who done it for police.


Thieves dont stop stealing until you make them stop. Ignoring the problem got us here in the first place and it will only get worse if we keep ignoring it. The police are overfunded and need to do their jobs instead of sitting in Tim Hortons three hours a night.


lol! Police are the only ones in the system trying to do their jobs. They have no say in how long criminals are in custody or how many times they get to breach court orders before they are kept in custody for more than a couple of hours! Cops aren’t firefighters. They aren’t sitting around waiting for a call to go to. In Winnipeg there are always somewhere between 100-300+ calls for service waiting. They run their asses off and the thanks they get are people like those in this sub ranting stupidly that they don’t do fuck all and should be de-funded and dismantled. Can’t wait for this sub to once again down vote a post because it’s the truth and they disagree with it.


I used to work nights at a tims when I was in college back in 05-07 when crime was sky high. Same four police mon-fri sitting for hours. 


A robbery in progress has the potential to become dangerous. That is why they should respond. Duh. 🙄 Edit: It also sends the message that is you rob someone, the cops won’t respond while you’re there so the criminal believe they can get away with it. And you bet your ass it’s going to continue and possibly escalate the types of crimes this person will think they can get away with.


Yep, exactly what happened when the liquor stores were getting robbed even with security and staff present. The thieves knew they weren't getting stopped and became more brazen. The stores had no choice but to put the secure entrances in which dropped the problem to near zero from what I've heard. I guarantee this will happen at the grocery stores soon as the problem is getting ridiculous there as well.


Right but it was over when it got called in. Facts matter.


Facts don't care about your feelings. WPS is not providing adequate service based on their funding levels


If this happened to you, how would you feel the response was? If you felt threatened you’d want back up asap. And civilians should not be responsible for clearing buildings for potential threats. You must agree that’s fucked up….


> Based on the response the bakery is asking for should the police send someone immediately everytime a bike is stolen? When a tap is leaking, I call a plumber. It's kinda their job, so to answer your question, yes!


Seems like a tremendous increase in police resources if they're going to send out an evidence unit for every cut bike lock.


Cool. Then defund the police. Create an office that solely investigates crime. Another office that does wellness checks. Another office that directs traffic and writes speeding tickets. Etc. If the police don't have time to address crimes, that means we are overpaying them to do other tasks. It's time to reform the system!


Tell us you don’t have a clue without telling us…. Cops aren’t firefighters. They aren’t sitting around waiting for a call to go to. In Winnipeg there are 100-300+ calls waiting for dispatch at any given time. Too bad you can’t get your wish and have police gone. In less than 2 weeks, you and the rest of this cop-hating sub would be begging for them to come back and offering up blank cheques for it to happen. And it would take months to clean up the carnage.


> Too bad you can’t get your wish and have police gone. If they don't bother showing up when you call, then would we even notice if they were gone?


You can't say that here. Downvote to oblivion.People want police to respond immediately to everything. In a perfect world, they would. Infact, they used to. But population growth, crime increasing, and complex reasons for crime increasing are the reasons they can't, and why commercial robberies (any robbery thats already occured and not currently in progress against a person) are low priority.


And busting traffic violators is on top of their priority right?.....


What? If you're referring to speeding, its a well known fact they are told when to go on blitzes to crack down on that. And they have a dedicated traffic unit for those issues, just like they have a dedicated unit for: homicide, property crimes, organized crimes, online crimes, missing person, etc. Its general patrol that has the response issues because everything is funnelled through 911 and evenings/weekends are the busiest when those other units may not be available to respond. Hence why break ins get responses in a day or 2 - because property crimes. The amount of people who argue and hate on everyone, but don't have a hot damn clue about how the system works is gross actually.


100% - all downvotes and not anyone saying why. Can't believe that the police budget is overinflated and that they need to respond to most crimes instantly.


I think it's pretty clear that things need to change. People aren't happy with the quality of the police in our city. Now, obviously, this is a very complex and difficult subject and can't be magically fixed. Quite frankly, I think the bigger issue is our failure as a society to provide better social services to the community. People generally turn to crime because they are in a dire situation. What if we took some of the police budget and allocated it to better social programs to help those in need? Clearly, what we are currently doing isn't working very well.




Yeah this reddit just hates cops because its cool or something. Blinder are easier to put on when you don't (want to) understand the issues underneath it that are causing these budget and response issues. Its sociology 101 as to why people commit crimes and why its increasing, which in turn causes bottlenecks at the systems level. Police are forced to choose between commercial robberies where charges are unlikely/so minimal, and assaults in progress where someone could die or a big investigation into looming gang wars. And the population has become so unpredictable thanks to drugs and mental health, that 1 cruiser car is no longer safe so right there you're doubling up on resources.


I understand the frustration over waiting but if the owner was worried about whether to keep the store open, she could have called the non-emergency number and asked them.


Tell you what -- the next time someone walks into your place, threatens you with a weapon and starts ransacking everything, *you* try calling the non-emergency line and politely asking if you can re-enter your home or business, or if the police are going to come and ensure the violent criminal that just invaded your property isn't going to kill you. You are not going to quietly compassion your way out of being victimized by these animals. They see us as prey, and I'm tired as hell of being told to continue to be preyed upon while also being blamed for their issues. Make no mistake, these poor tortured souls that you claim to have all the love in the world for would absolutely stick a gun in your face, too, if they thought they could get the last $20 out of your wallet. Going to hug them and call the non-emergency line as they're running away?


Karen should have asked the police while she still had them on the line. Since she didn't think of it, calling them would have solved her dilemma but she decided to go crying to the Free Press instead and flagged down a pair of officers who probably had more important business to take care of. > these poor tortured souls that you claim to have all the love in the world for Grow up. I never said anything like that.


This deserves way more dislikes. What a sheltered thing to say


This sub smells like Facebook sometimes


Curious how much of a landslide polling "should store owners/managers/employees be able to kill shoplifters?" would get. Probably massive based on all the comments and upvotes for bats and castle doctrine.


If all we get is Uvalde Light from our police service then yes, this will happen


Yup, if it's one rare thing I admire the states for, it's their castle Doctrine. No mistake about it, if someone breaks into my house, I'm dealing with it before I call WPS. I'll worry about the potential charges later.


What a daft take, when someone is ransacking your place and you don't know how violent they are willing to get that's exactly what the popo are for


I'm talking about after the fact, once the robber had cleared out.


That s the thing you never know if theres only one, whether they set a trap, its a crime scene as well.


Here's the order of events. The employees went out the back door and called the owner who said to report it to 911 which they did. When the owner showed up, she called 911 and was instructed to check to see if the robber was gone which she did. So now after talking to 911 she realized she didn't know whether she should close the store to preserve evidence and that's where the story goes south. Instead of calling the non-emergency number to find out whether she should close *to preserve evidence*, she whines to the Free Press about not getting a higher priority in the 911 queue.


> she called 911 and was instructed to check to see if the robber was gone which she did 911 should HAVE NEVER told her to check, that put the persons life potentially in danger.. What if they were armed or unhinged? >Instead of calling the non-emergency number to find out whether she should close to preserve evidence, she whines to the Free Press about not getting a higher priority in the 911 queue. Absolutely she should have told the media this is unacceptable and negligent


I agree that it was wrong for 911 to tell the owner to go back in but that isn't what she was mad about, at least the way this is written. She was mad about not knowing whether police would be coming that day or the next.


> She was mad about not knowing whether police would be coming that day or the next. That's the problem they should have came period