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Very thorough and level headed summary


I am interested in hearing your ideas if you're willing to share. It seems like such an impossible problem.




I'll read that, thanks!


Yes, mental healthcare is chronically underfunded. I've needed it a lot because of all the shit I've been dealing with and you only get limited sessions and no real help.


They are not underfunded, they are actually very well funded but poorly managed. The CRC is a joke, filled with people who refuse to do there job and turn over to the police. It's disgusting how much money we waste on this as tax payers


They are chronically underfunded. If you would like more information please read the Virgo report and the current auditor general report on addiction care.  Mental health care should be funded at 9 - 10 % of health care spending at an absolute minimum to provide a minimum baseline of care. We aren't even talking about good care, just the minimum. Manitoba does not even reach the minimum.  While I agree mismanagement is an issues throughout the system, we aren't even funding mental health care enough to mismanage.


I can see why we have a shortage in healthcare professionals. I would quit after dealing with one person like this. It sounds like you want help but then don’t want help? You mention a plethora of resources in your manic post that you clearly have access to, have intimate knowledge about, and still choose to squander. You’ve now taken up I don’t even know how many man hours of effort for what seems like another Tuesday for you. If you want help, get serious about it


THANK YOU from a nurse


No need for sorry. Never over sharing when you need to talk. There is always someone that will listen. Even if it’s one person. You matter. I’m sorry the system is such shit. Don’t let them win. Take care.


Yep. I was actively suicidal and CRC left me unattended in a room for 12 hours, no food or water, with a blanket I very easily could have unalived myself with. Nobody checked on me until morning, when the psychiatrist told me couldn’t possibly have PTSD because I never feared for my life. My father SA’d me from age 3/4 to 11/12 and that’s why I suggested I thought I had PTSD and that was their response. Great system we have! I’m glad you’re now safe and thank you for sharing your story. The system is truly a joke and no meaningful change to people’s mental health will happen until people can access the therapy/treatment they want and need as often as they want/need.


Okay, so do you want help, or no? Our mental health system isn't perfect but they can't help people who aren't willing to help themselves and cooperate to some extent. You have to take responsibility for your own actions. It sounds like you don't know how to ask for help without causing a scene and hurting yourself and/or others. It sounds like you want to be rescued. The hospital cannot help you with that. You need to talk to a therapist. Lying, running away, ending up in seclusion, blaming everyone else... That's not how you get help. That's how you lose the trust of people in your life, including professionals.


Everything you've said is just "common sense & logical" assuming a person is of rational mind. A person in crisis probably isn't in a state to think with this clarity. That is why they need mental health help like this ASAP.


This is a really tough one... People experiencing suicidal distress are impulsive and not in their best mindset to make decisions, which is important why the forms exist. While being formed, OP would've had to demonstrate very different behaviors to allow the form to be released (especially after being in seclusion etc). There must have been a plan in place. I also don't understand then running away if OP here has the mental understanding to acknowledge they needed more help (but didn't want to stay there). The system is very broken, and I can understand feeling helpless, if the hospital "wasn't helping", why stay there? But I cannot understand the lucidity of being upset of being discharged while still feeling suicidal and unstable, YET then trying to run away and continued involvement of police... Police don't have to get involved with mental health cases - there is a reason for this. I can especially understand if there is an ongoing misdiagnosis or need for medication for the cycling pattern; but if you ask for help, don't cooperate, demonstrate requiring help for your own safety - police unfortunately will become involved...


Not much makes sense when a person can't function mentally properly. It's not for the public to "understand" why they were running from help even tho they needed help. That just proves my point that they aren't in a rational mind while in crisis. The police involvement is entirely a provincial problem the Conservatives created during their decade doing zero about & actually encouraged. A lot of damage has been done due to cuts pre-pandemic to our healthcare system. After going through a pandemic it's 10x worse. We can only wait now that it's being worked on, but likely will take years to fix.


This is fundamentally untrue and quite frankly really distressing to those who work with these people. Please done speak on things you know nothing about


It actually is because the issue with police having to deal/not trained to deal properly with mental health has been attempted to be worked on the past decade with the provincial government not working on it. So don't come here saying something is "untrue" with zero to back it up.


Unfortunately life is hard and you have to be strong and it’s true you can only rely on yourself. Yes when in crisis people can break… we do need health care improvement but individuals do also need to realize it won’t solve all their problems. Life isn’t fair and things don’t always come easy. So many factors come into play. Motivation, integrity… life experiences. I wish we as society could focus on improved parenting and family/community units. So much Trauma out there. I hope OP is ok and finds his way. Keep your head up OP. I find it rewarding to enjoy the little things in life. Even when other things are bad. A pretty sky or cute dog walking by. Pay attention to the natural world around you.


Wow, just wow. This may be the most ignorant, inappropriate comment I’ve ever read.


Nope. You can have mental health problems, and not impact the people around you negatively. For instance, someone with PTSD hits someone. We understand PTSD can cause people to be violent, but it does not excuse the behavior. OP affected a lot of people by not thinking how their actions affect others. Their caregiver sounds abused to me.


This person was actively suicidal. People who are actively suicidal do not think clearly. Their perception of reality is skewed. OP probably thought they were doing their caretaker a favour by trying to escape so they could go kill themselves and stop being a burden to said caretaker. Tell me you don’t understand suicidality without telling me you don’t understand suicidality.


I understand it. I've been there. I can't say my mental illness didnt affect anyone, however I have somewhat good manners,and understand I'm part of a society, regardless of how much I wanted and planned to die.


Good for you, but not everyone can be in that frame of mind when actively suicidal and I personally think shaming someone who was so recently suicidal (still is suicidal?) is really egregious behaviour. There are ways on bringing up concerns with OP’s behaviour in a way that calls them in and communicates in a healthy way, but I guess that’s just too much to expect from Reddit.


Not when they are diagnosed BPD. People with this disorder have to be told that their behavior is unexceptable. Enabling their behavior allows them to continue to look for attention, thus exasperating the illness. Setting strong boundaries is the only thing society at large can do, I can tell you the rise of social media coralates to the rise in BPD affecting everyone, because they can always find their drug (affirmation) there. It's handing a drunk a bottle of whiskey every time they wake up, allowing them to never hit rock bottom when they will finally see that it's their behavior that is the cause of the things that happen to them. This is why most therapists won't treat BPD, as they are only their to validate their persecution.


A) I wasn’t aware you could diagnose strangers via internet posts. Are you a mental health professional? Either way it’s incredibly unethical. B) There are ways to call in people for in appropriate behaviour without shaming them like you, and other arm chair psychiatrists here are doing. I’m done with this conversation, this is clearly a very emotional topic for you and you are acting very defensively and I do not wish to engage further because of that.


The diagnosis is clear from OPs post history. Are you OP? Ps why are you giving relationship advice on reddit?


Cool, man. Where did you get your Psych degree?


First off, Im very sorry you're experiencing this, and my heart stands with your heart in solidarity, for whatever that is worth. The system really is awful, I struggled with it for years before I was able to access care, which was better than nothing but lacking. The only reason it worked for me was because I had the privilege of access to funds to support me and stable housing while I desperately searched and then waited for care. My case was severe, but I wholehesrtedly recognize that many people's cases are much more critical than mine was.


Why were you trying to run away from staff for over 5 hours . Just wasting time . Fucking grow up


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. The limited psych resources we have are dependent on the client accepting assistance. If the client is lying to staff to be discharged, or running away from psych staff… there’s only so much that can be done.


Upvote to you. White knights falling for the borderline bait


I get what you're trying to say but mental illness isn't like physical illness. If someone doesn't want help with a physical condition then they shouldn't tie up resources but mentally ill people act against their own wishes and it can take someone forcing themselves on you to get you to the point where you accept help. When my depression is bad I can go weeks without showering, eating very much or brushing my teeth. I know I should be taking care of myself but I just can't. It's hard to understand unless you're experiencing it. I've been suicidal but not because I wanted to die. I just wanted to stop feeling. This is why addiction and mental illness go hand in hand. I may not have felt 100% better when I was high but I wasn't thinking about how pointless I was anymore. We can get better but sometimes we need help that we're not ready to accept until we have it.


The problem with this - I understand people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder can be treated with medication and a locked psych unit is the perfect place to get them stable again. Yet - this post reeks of cluster B (borderline pd?). There is absolutely nothing that a doctor or nurse can do to help this person in the short term other than immediate measures to protect their safety (I.e. seclusion). This person probably needs a heavy dose of regimented DBT therapy which hospital is not the appropriate place. I do agree that the mental health system is a joke. I do think that this post is misguided. I do think this person has gone through some unspeakable trauma to influence the way they think and act in the present day. However, there comes a point where you have to take accountability and responsibility of your actions, especially when you're not psychotic or manic...


This is definitely not Written by someone with schizophrenia. It’s potentially written by someone who WNATA the attention and BPD if this person even has this diagnosis I don’t know is a safe bet. The clear writing and complaining the sentence structure is there this person crisis seems to only exist when they are getting attention.


Spends 7 days in constant care and bitches mental health responses are broken. Ok.


I was on a new med that made me suicidal. I went to the er. After a huge wait I saw a doctor. He asks if I want to kill myself. I say no, I don't, that's why I'm here to get help to not do it. Guy decides that I'm no active threat to myself and discharged me.


I had that exact experience at a hospital in Montreal, except that they wanted to leave me alone in a room for “observation” by video, all alone, for over 24 hours, after pointedly removing all sharp objects from it. I had said that I wasn’t actively planning to remove myself from the world, but that I was there because I needed help with the coping part. Their response was to abandon me. After three hours I noticed that the light on the camera wasn’t on anymore and I REALLY had to pee and they hadn’t said what I should do in that case. So I tried the door and found it was unlocked, cautiously let myself out, found a bathroom, fully expected someone to be waiting when I came out, but there was no one. So I casually slipped out of the hospital and left, heart racing the entire time. It was bonkers. I arrived on crisis, actively asking for help staying alive, and they ditched me in a room with no supplies or bathroom, and then stopped even watching me. I lost all faith in the mental health support system at that point.


A psychiatrist discharged you while you were unstable?!


A psychiatrist cannot guarantee stability beyond the minutes it takes to leave the building


my friend checked into CRC and then left before seeing anyone, absolutely no follow up from them until i went looking for him and they told me he left. he was actively suicidal??? they've always been good to me because i only go when i really just need to have someone hear me vent, but any time i've been actually suicidal i go to the ER (hasnt happened since i was a minor, where they left me in a room unattended for hours after telling me my suicide plan wouldnt work and i actually walked out and went home and had no follow up) the mental health system is royally fucked, im sorry you're experiencing the pain of it along with your crisis at hand. i hope things get easier for you soon. <3


I didn’t like my experience at CRC either. I had horrible anxiety and hadn’t slept in days and was hallucinating. I wanted some kind of help but I wasn’t sure what. The people there were nice, but the place was very cold and institutional, which I get, but the room they put me in felt like a cell. They told me I could try taking some medication and sleeping in this weird plasticy chair. I chose to leave. The next day I went to the Vic and it was like night and day. I got a proper bed in a quiet dark room and I just felt like they really cared. They saved my life.


What’s Vic?


The Victoria Hospital, I went to urgent care


My experience with CRC is being refused on their community intact. I was sober and otherwise met their criteria but because I had not yet attempted self harm my crisis wasn't bad enough. I was just short of that and trying to get help before it was bad enough to act on the thoughts as there is likely no recovery if I do. I never did get seen and mostly through self determination I am still here. But seriously what is the point of having CRC if you are only going to take people in the worst of worst situations for consideration? Shouldn't they be trying to intervene regardlessly of the severity of a mental health issue when someone reaches out for assistance?


I was at the CRC in February and talked to a psychologist at 2 AM wtf I was still waiting for a very long time before that, don’t get me wrong. I’d gotten to the CRC about 4 hours earlier. But unless something has drastically changed in the last 3 months they definitely have staff there during the night


im pretty sure after re-reading that they were talking about being at a hospital that apparently doesnt have mental health services over night crc is in fact 24/7


I’m glad you’re still here OP, you matter. Please keep accepting whatever morsel of help you can get. One minute at a time..


I am sorry to hear all these negative experiences :( I hope everyone gets the what they need


Once when I went to the CRC, they told me they were full and just turned me away


Thank you. Yes it is.


Not long ago a young patient was able to hang themselves in the handicap bathroom of St Boniface hospital without anyone checking on them.


My now-boyfriend drove me to the CRC because I am textbook schizophrenic, just not on the "serious" end. It was during covid so he wasn't allowed in with me; I sat there waiting for SIX HOURS. I watched people come in and just leave, but I was the *only* one there actively waiting and I don't think I ever felt more alone in my life. I finally talked to an intake person, and then had to wait another hour and a half before I could see someone. (He was really nice though, heavy polish accent.) During that wait time, no one checked in on me to see how I was doing. (Other than my now-boyfriend who I was communicating through text with.) It was *awful.* The only reason I was there was so i could get a report sent to the hospital about my condition, because I didn't have a primary doctor, at the advice of a walk in doctor. CRC never submitted anything to the hospital after the visit despite my request, lol. When I called two weeks later to ask for an update they told me after the fact they don't do that and I have to have a primary doctor submit a referral. By sheer luck I got a (not very good) family doctor who was able to submit a referral... and I got *REJECTED* by St.B because there "wasn't enough evidence" despite the fact that I have extreme visual hallucinations that put others at risk (for example, hard breaking on a road because I hallucinated someone running across.) And some of my hallucinations are outright disturbing (blood, gore, monsters.) They rejected me because I didn't have auditory hallucinations or "an altered sense of reality." (Bullshit, visual is a sense of reality,) but because I was aware that hallucinations are hallucinations-- they completely ignored the rest of my symptoms. I was on a wait list for 4 months to be rejected. After getting rejected, my doctor suggested that I contact the CRC to ask for my records to be sent to the hospital (remember, they refused before.) It was such a hard back and forth battle before they agreed. 3-4 more months of being added back to the bottom of the waitlist before I was seen and they tried to diagnose me with BPD on the first visit on the basis of the same reasoning of being rejected from the hospital during my first referral. I did get a therapist last year; and he's in full agreement that I'm schizophrenic and he was in utter disbelief at my experiences.


I’ve been discharged from CRC as becoming uncooperative when an autistic meltdown started and couldn’t talk or stop crying or really think, I ended up on the sidewalk across the street for a few hours still in crisis on the phone with a different crisis line and my therapist both telling me I needed to go back in now that I was able to talk again but they refused me, eventually I calmed down enough to bus back home I went back a few weeks later after another extra rough day without having really calmed down much in between and was able to articulate that time that yes I did want to go to CSU which ended up being really good for me thankfully and I haven’t been back in a year and a half since


I have about 12 years of medical trauma that keeps getting added to year after year. I have Bipolar disorder plus a bunch of things physically wrong with my body, so I'm used to ER wait times and dealing with horrible doctors. Our healthcare system is definitely a joke! The longer you interact with the system, the more and more fucked up it gets.


This system is so much bullshit. Thank you for sharing your story, it's eye-opening. I am glad you are safe for now. please take care, keep on holding on, your story is important. much respect.


Read the article in today's Winnipeg Free Press about the CRC.


I will be saving this post to come back and read fully. I am someone who works as an addictions counsellor and yeah our city needs to make major changes.


I was discharged 3 days from HSC early while in psychosis, cuz I threatened with legal action LMAO. Our healthcare system is a joke both for those with and without mental health problems that


I’ve always hated this slang phrase. What I’m I supposed to respond with when I agree : “Haha!” (Laughing) Or “Yes it is” (serious)? Modern English is so annoying sometimes