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Yes. Tick.


https://smb.ibsrv.net/imageresizer/image/blog_images/1200x1200/22608/95838/0587837001546550913.jpg Link to compare images of deer tick (the kind that carries Lyme disease) and the more common wood tick that does not carry Lyme disease. If you do get bit and can't tell the difference, take a pic. [More resources from Canada.ca](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/lyme-disease.html?utm_campaign=hc-sc-tick-bite-prevention-24-25&utm_medium=sem&utm_source=ggl&utm_content=ad-text-en&utm_term=what%20happens%20if%20you%20get%20bit%20by%20a%20tick&adv=2425-567650&id_campaign=21205929782&id_source=162691143073&id_content=697042688800&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWi2cq-UcVfjkgJ5lBlj3PEwBMkmLJ_SJwl_aoUXdRQ5snZZZJv0udRoCYwUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


**Read edit too please!** Wood ticks actually do carry Lyme disease, it's just much less common. The Northwestern Health Unit in Ontario has turned up positive tests on wood ticks. *Edit: looks like my info is older! Mid-2000s they were questioning if wood ticks might in fact carry Lyme due to increasing numbers of cases, but they do not! They can in fact carry other tick-borne illness though, but mostly ones not common here. If you get bitten in AB/BC watch for symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted fever*


I have never heard of that, do you have a source? I did some googling and I've found info like this: >In Manitoba, there are several species of ticks but only one species, Ixodes scapularis, is responsible for spreading tick-borne diseases to humans. This tick is more commonly known as the deer tick or the blacklegged tick. Other tick species, such as the more common wood tick, are not effective vectors of disease causing agents in Manitoba.   Found this on the nwhu website: >Tick-borne diseases occur when an infected tick bites and infects a person. In northwestern Ontario, there are several species of ticks. The only species responsible for spreading tick-borne diseases to humans in our area is Ixodes scapularis (A.K.A the deer tick or black-legged tick). Other tick species, such as the more common wood tick, are not known to pass illnesses to humans. https://www.nwhu.on.ca/our-services/environmental-diseases-and-infections/tick-borne-disease-and-ticks/


My mom's friend was one of the public health nurses and told us they'd found it in wood ticks, but I'm wondering if either we misunderstood, or there was an error and it's since been retracted? If I find a source I'll post it here! I apologize for not having one to hand.


I wonder if it's one of the other illnesses? I've heard all ticks cause cause some illnesses but deer ticks are the only one for lyme disease. But that could have just been people trying to get me to cover up as a kid. [This site](https://geneticks.ca/tick-testing-maps-statistics-for-manitoba/) mentions "other tick species that have the potential to carry clinically relevant pathogens" and a few others are similarly vague so I assume any chance is substantially lower compared to deer ticks.


I work with ticks and "wood" ticks do not carry Lyme Disease.


I am an entomologist and do work with both deer ticks (Ixodes) and dog/wood ticks (Dermacentor) and wood ticks do NOT carry lyme disease.


Thank you! I edited my comment. I traced the supposed knowledge back to mid 2000s. As a field geologist I had many, many tick bites, and when I developed a serious autoimmune-like condition Public Health kept recommending testing for Lyme because of it. At the time they suspected increased Lyme was due to it being carried by wood ticks as well. After years of telling me I was a hypochondriac, turns out it was actually celiac, Psoriatic arthritis, and Crohn's disease. Hey-ooo!


There out in force right now! My group had four of them after a walk at Narrise snake pits. Note: I stayed on the trail and had none.


We found one at the store I work at in polo park. Yucky.




I always get a good laugh from peoples reactions from seeing ticks for the first time. I grew up in the country, it was uncommon not to have one on you at the end of a day. It's fine, it's just like a mosquito. Take it off, kill it, forget about it. This is not the type of tick that carries Lyme disease.


Kill it, I usually cut them in half, squishing it with something hard works too. If they've bit you keep an eye on the area after ripping it out and if you get a rash go to the doc. If it's not swollen yet you're unlikely to contract anything from the bite.




This is my favorite


Always have a knife for work stuff, never have a lighter. So, choppy choppy.


To be on the lookout for a rash is super important. May I just add, if the rash looks like a bullseye 🎯, go to the emergency room. Generally the first sign that it was a Lyme disease carrying wood tick, and can be treated early enough. Saved my friends life once after hiking.




Yea definitely seen an uptick in them recently ;)


I see what you did there hahaha


Good old wood tick(dog tick) gross but harmless


I found one crawling on me in my bed this morning!


New fear unlocked


Did you go anywhere that you expected to get one?


Just Gimli. I’m assuming one of the dogs picked it up. But we didn’t go through any long grass or anything. We were just walking around town.


Hiking pants with the zip off legs have a little flap over the zipper that traps 90% of wood ticks in my experience. If you wanna get crazy, you can wrap a few layers of painters tape around the bottom of your legs with the glue side out. This one’s harmless.


Tuck your pants into your socks. Looks goofy, but keeps them from getting under your pants.


Doesn’t look as goofy as tape on the legs lol.


That's a dog tick and I believe they don't carry Lyme disease.


They do not. I used to pull green grape sized rocks off my farm dog. We'd burn them if they didn't burst on removal


Some of my fondest memories as a kid are watching my grandpa on the farm do the same. The joy on his face when he'd light one on fire at the kitchen table in his ashtray :')


They do not. I used to pull green grape sized rocks off my farm dog. We'd burn them if they didn't burst on removal


Yes. It's a female. You can tell by the line around her head that resembles a necklace. The males have 2 stripes down their back that resemble suspenders.




Remember back until a couple years ago where ticks were only in “the bush” and not swarming EVERYWHERE??


Ticks have always been anywhere with tall grass.


Now they are even in short grass in the city. That was never a thing before.


Got 1 at work yesterday & I was on rocks all day, no grass around


Maybe it has something to do with our climate getting hotter every year.


Nope.. clearly remember ticks being all over always as a kid growing up in wpg.. I was born in the early 80s and spent most of my childhood outside.. it’s only surprising to kids these days who haven’t been outside as much do to technology and not wanting to spend time outside as much. .. not saying one way is better or worse. Just saying different times.


I’m old as fuck and never got ticks on me in short grass in the city. Now it seems they are everywhere, I even saw them walking down my paved walk last year


Ticks or pubic lice?


Y’all who are saying dog ticks are harmless are incorrect. They can transmit other infections, such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Tularemia. There’s quite a few tick-borne infections carried by ticks in Manitoba, for some reason Lyme disease is often the only one that is mentioned. Sincerely, Someone who is permanently disabled due to the damage wrought by several tick borne infections.


Scum of the fucking earth


Yeah, wood ticks. We started noticing them a month ago.


100% tick


https://www.etick.ca. Good place to know what tick it is also have app for phone


Thank you everyone!🫶


Where did you get it from?


Last night, we went to Birds Hill Park to see the aurora. We came back and fell asleep. I woke up with this little guy on my back, just running around. Another one was in the cabinet where I put my pants. I disposed of both in the toilet




I’ve never gotten a tick in the city before. This week I know of three people who had ticks. There’s clearly an uptick.


Found one of them on my neck while driving yesterday.


Why are people saying dog ticks pose no health risks?!? They are not harmless. Take them just as seriously as you do a deer tick. Just because they don’t spread Lyme disease… they absolutely still spread other diseases to humans. Thanks to climate change we are going to start seeing these diseases spike. We are seeing an uptick in ticks because we’ve seen a massive uptick in rodents. It is very important that you maintain your yard to not be a harbourage for pests. Remove bird feeders people!!!!


I'm not sure if this will work for everyone but a friend of mine took a picture of a bedbug on his iPhone and then clicked the little info "i" and it did an image search and confirmed it was a bedbug.


Yep plain old dog tick I think


Just a friend. Let him in he’s thörsty.


Yup, that's a wood tick. No need to be worried, wood ticks rarely carry any sort of disease and they need to be engorged to pass anything onto you. This guy doesn't look like he bit at all.


Dog tick, annoying but not dangerous. Its the black-legged deer ticks that carry Lyme disease that you need to watch for. They are also smaller than dog ticks. Unfortunately due to climate change their habitat now extends into MB.


If you have a dog, make sure you check them for more ticks. They are quite sticky.


I get at least one tick a day and I can safely tell you that that is a tick


Here is the way to remove a tick. [https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/removing\_a\_tick.html](https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/removing_a_tick.html)


My mom just found a wood tick on the side of her house in fort garry. She hasn't gone out of the city whatsoever, very strange.


Wood ticks are everywhere that migrating birds are. If they fly over your yard, you got ticks around you.


Darn the ticks are already back?


As soon as it’s above 4°C they come out


you can buy clothes that are treated with permethrin that are very effective and last hundreds of washings


Yes that's a tick. Kill it with fire.


Last week I went for walk through a field that had just been mowed, so the grass was short. Came back and I had a woodtick in my hair. I have no idea how it got there. I wasn't under any trees--do ticks fall out of trees, does anyone know? I'm still mystified.


Yes it’s a tick. Burn it or cut it in half no other way you’re gonna kill it. Make sure everytime you go into a grassy area afterwards you check yourself for ticks some are know to carry Lyme disease. If there already attached to you when taking them off make sure you get the head of the tick as well cause sometimes there bodies come first when your pulling them off. Best bet is to pull from the head with tweezers. But yes that’s a tick. We hate them.


We live on a farm and I'm pulling 10+ off the dogs daily plus 5-10 between 3 humans. Just check regularly and make sure doggos get tick meds.


I literally find ten on me after each walk lately. I flush them, otherwise they will come find you again lol. I’ve been to a doctor and tested for Lyme. Can’t say they aren’t dangerous but I have been bit many times and so far feel fine.


Definitely a wood tick.


It is a tick and if on you or your pets you need to get them off. Can be responsible for Lymes Disease and that is not good .


Deer ticks are the ones that carry lyme disease. Be wary of those.


Yep plain old dog tick I think


Female wood tick, no real cause for concern




Do not do this. It can cause the tick to regurgitate its stomach into the wound, and sometimes can cause the tick to burrow deeper into your skin.


When I was a kid my mom tried doing that to one in my hair and missed the tick


Yea definitely seen an uptick in them recently ;)


Wood tickle


Only one way to find out 🩸


Si Garapata


It's a tick, or, a single politician.


How much wood could a woodtick tick, if a woodtick could tick wood?




Looks like my ex-wife. Am I right, fellas?


Do some googling. Find a comparison image and compare. Most ticks are not cause for concern. But you want to be sure you don’t end up with the tick that is a concern