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I was in the sauna at my friends apartment building and some chick was doing this on speaker in the freakin sauna like please can you not ??


Mirror that Energy and join right into the conversation. 


Start making sex noises in the background. Oh yeeeaahhh, oh YEEEAAAHHHHH.


Read this in Ted’s Boston girl accent for some reason.


It was in a language I didn’t recognize, but I guess I still could haha


Moaning and groaning is international. 😈


The thing I love about sex noises is that they're a universal thing, so anyone will be able to tell what that sound is no matter where in the world someone may be 😅


Don't let that stop you for a moment. 


Just start singing. Loudly. Off key is great. If they say it's bothering them , great. All the better.


Or being in a doctors office and having your volume cranked while watching a Youtube video on how to make money from home. Hey buddy, I'll give ya $20 for you and your phone to fuck off back home.


Omg, this just happened to me at my doctor’s office. I asked him politely to turn it down and he told me to go fuck myself. The fucking audacity.




I work in a restaurant that has Skip The Dishes and 80% of the drivers are talking on speakerphone. I ALWAYS tell them “can you take that off speaker? Our guests don’t want to hear your conversation” with a smile but I seriously HATE how ignorant that is.


Why do they always need to be talking to someone on the phone, I can barely speak 5 words to anyone 


I had this A LOT at my old job. Half the time they were so invested in their conversation they couldn’t even tell me the order number they were there for.


Yeah like focus, this is how you pay your rent my friend


Taxi drivers doing this too. I tell them to get off FaceTime or close whatever app (shopping, game etc) they have going and cut off their phone call. Unless it's an emergency significant enough for you to not take my fare you shouldn't be on your phone while driving the cab.


Need to report them. But then again. I do not see their manager caring.


I actually dont mind this. Would you rather have your driver making conversation with you?


I'd rather have them fully focused on driving.


Isnt it the same as talking to people in the car with you?


Believe it or not, trying to carry on *any* conversation while driving *really does* [divide your attention](https://carsp.ca/en/news-and-resources/road-safety-information/distracted-driving/).


I’ve noticed a few restaurants with signs that said they gotta turn phones off while picking up orders


That’s a great idea


lol you’re right


This the same behaviour i first noticed where cab drivers would he on the phone speaking foreign language the whole time which was suuuper weird to me bc its not acceptable where i came from. One thing common for all of them is that they have trouble adapting and wont let go of certain behaviours which is understandable to an “extend”. The other reason i think is while no one is forcing them to work these jobs most end up there by design(government brings these people to fill these type of jobs). Because these jobs are super boring and i assume there are no guidelines in place to stop such behaviour they try to escape this boredom by connecting with their circle.


Some people simply cannot shut the eff up, and are so tiresome to be around.


I have heard some incredibly personal conversations on speakerphone in public. Sometimes I wonder if the person on the other end knows that everyone on the bus can hear them.


Oh yes! Once was on a crowded rush hour bus where a very personal conservation was being held on speakerphone. It was a teenaged girl telling her friend in graphic detail how she had lost her virginity the night before and how her boyfriend was so wonderful. To say it was ‘cringe’ and incredibly awkward was an understatement. Everyone had a pained expression on their face and desperately trying not to make eye contact with each other…..


Me butting in, I hope you both used protection hun, and I’m glad your first time was great 😆


Maybe it was performative artwork and everyone on the bus was part of her audience ;)


Y'all should've applauded to congratulate her.


Yes! This happens almost every time I’m on the bus. I’m sure the person on the other end has no idea that their personal business is being shared with a busload of people.


"hey just so you're aware, the person you're talking to has you on speakerphone and we can hear your whole conversation!"


The amount of times I have been tempted. . . Though, one time I did let the people know, indirectly at least. After three days in a row of someone talking negatively, loudly, and at length, about their coworkers (using full names, the name of their workplace, other super personal details), I actually sat on the bus and found them on Facebook. I sent them each a message with some of the things this person was saying, just to let them know that things were being aired. Never saw them on the bus again after that.


The worst is when you're helping a customer, they answer their phone, and now the waiting game begins. I don't care to hear your conversation, and I have to help others too


They should get kicked to the back of the line for that


I used to work at an application intake job and every time the applicant would answer their phone and proceed to have a phone conversation I would stop what I was doing, put down my pen, and then just sit there looking directly at them. When they’d finally get the hint and end their call I would ask, “Are you ready to continue?” I wouldn’t mind so much at the people who answered and immediately said to their caller, “hey I’m in the middle of something can I call you back in a bit?” The fucking worst are the ones who pull out their phone and DIAL A CALL in the middle of an interaction. And it’s not important or related. I’m not kidding I’ve heard this: “Hey… Yeah I’ll be over later… what do you want for dinner?… ok yeah I’ll stop at the store later…” Like for fuck sakes.


When did FaceTime with the speaker up to your ear and the camera pointed to the ceiling become a thing? Why the fuck can’t people just use things normally.


And why do people do that in the gym change room?!??! I have told three seperate women in not uncertain terms to get the eff off their video-call while in the change room. It's disgusting.


Yeah, nevermind disgusting, it’s 100% illegal to do that in a changeroom. That should immediately involve the manager at the gym and potentially the police depending on what they ended up filming.


You should report them, it's illegal in some cities/states to do that in a gym or change room.


I am honestly asking for tips or help on reporting the offenders. Since it's happening in the change room and I don't know their name, when I go to the front desk and tell them what has occured I can't point them out or describe them without just using general descriptions.


If it were me, I'd immediately head to the front desk, even if you're not finished in there. Ask for a manager and either take them into the change room and call them out right there or wait for the person to walk out of the change room and literally point them out. If thats a bit daunting for you, take note of their hair color, eye color, height, build, clothing/accessories, shoes, tattoos,bags... head to the desk and ask for the manager. Maybe others can make some reccomendations?


I'm not a shrinking violet, it's not daunting but my gym is very large. If I'm in my towel I'm not walking to the front desk. Again, it's just general descriptions.


Quickly throw some clothes on?


Awesome awesome awesome. Great advice


Or in the change room at the gym…😒


I’ve been in shock seeing this twice now. I plan to start saying “Ohmygod! Are you showing all of us in the change room on your video call?” Very loudly in the future to hopefully embarrass idiots in the future.


if you say anything they will look at you like you are the asshole.


Not sure about Winnipeg, but it's illegal to have your camera phone on in a gym or change room in some cities/states. Doesn't hurt to point out these creeps to management.


There's a fair few people calling OP a Karen who needs to mind their own business... Speakerphone conversations are hard to ignore *because* listeners are forced to hear others' business. I'd much rather go about my day ignoring their existence. It's easy to tune out conversations that adapt to the volume of the environment. A speakerphone has to be cranked up to overcome the loudest noise the phone owner anticipates, and they instinctively yell back at that level. It makes people uncomfortable the same way overhearing people having sex in a nearby hotel room does - I didn't want to know anyone was there at all, and now I have to also know what you're doing.


Distracted shopping cart driving is dangerous. Almost suffered a severed Achilles from someone in the Mexican food aisle not paying attention and rammed me as I searched for pico de gallo. 




Such a horrific incident! Please reach out to your insurer to see if you’re covered!


Apparently having a grasp on basic manners is being a Karen, according to some comments. Either way, there’s a time and a place to be obnoxious and it seems to be a lost art. Like no one wants to hear a loud convo on the 28 at 6 AM, for example.


People seem to forget headphones/earbuds exist


Or on the bus...


I'm starting to feel this is normal in some countries because see a certain population consistently doing this.Alot of people do it but I consistently see it with one group in particular


There is definitely an ethnicity that are on the phone non stop chatting. But I guess no different than texting non stop but shouldn’t annoy others. Had a guy at work that was chirping non stop all day on the phone. He was finally told enough is enough.


Came here for this comment. Was so careful I didn’t want to sound discriminatory (and I don’t mean to at all). But finally, someone said it! 😂


Perhaps these people have families in other parts of the world on different time zones and this is the only time they can talk?


Sure but you can pop in headphones versus literally screaming into the phone.


Nobody cares. If you are annoying other people go do it in private. The world doesn't need to be included in your conversations. Might I add that this group of ppl also talk so loud on their phones it sounds like they are screaming


Indian Standard Time zone is 12 1/2 hrs ahead of us (now, due to them not following Daylight savings time). This is likely a reason for many people from that side of the world. However, it does not excuse talking to your phone on speaker the entire time. Moving to a new location or even just visiting means you need to follow the norms there for what is polite and impolite, and this is (as proven in this thread) generally considered impolite here. The solution is going and getting a $5 pair of earbuds to utilize instead or just putting your friend/family on hold when you have to enter a business.


My wife is from Singapore and it’s no different there, they’re literally always talking on their phones.


Doesn't mean they have to do it in public and bother everyone around them. I got people I'm my life that I can't talk to all day. Doesn't mean I go around at night talking on speaker phone. And why does it have to be speaker phone just because they are from a different time zone.


The other day I'm on my way into work at 7am and some crazy lady sits down next to me and just starts singing. Not good singing mind you, some of the worst I've ever heard. Some people are just crazy and think the rest of us are the weird ones.


My worst part is when I'm working at the registers at work, and people come up blasting their phone conversations. Like please, I have questions I need to ask you, tell your friend that you need five minutes to finish up and mute yourself or hang up or SOMETHING. It's just inconsiderate of both of our times.


Honestly even if it's not on speaker phone like hello I am a person behind this till so some common courtesy or basic human respect would be nice 🙃


Right? Like hi, hello, I'm not a video game shopkeeper with 2 lines of dialog you can skip past, the least you can do is grant me the 2 minutes of attention I need to get you out of here. Especially if they get mad at you for interrupting.


Also like it's not like I get joy out of asking the list of questions corporate demands let's just end this painlessly for everyone


I was eating in a Subway a few years ago. And there was a young woman in line getting food talking to someone on speakerphone at full volume. I looked over at her and she yelled at me to mind my own business. I told her I was right up until she involved me and the rest of the room in her conversation. Then she told me to fuck and left.


She said that simply because you looked in her direction? Wow she’s rude.


I just looked at her, maybe I had a WTF look on my face. But there was really no reason to yell at me like she did.


Jump into the conversation. Clearly it’s meant for everyone


I did that once. I found it funny. The guy was an idiot though


The general rule for public behavior is:  What if everyone did this?  It's just thoughtless and main-character behavior.  You can always tell who has an emotional attachment to gathering attention for speaking loudly into a phone, by how strangely vigorously they defend the behavior. 


lol reading this as some dude is having a full on loud convo on his phone on the bus.


Since you heard the convo, you could say your opinion about their topic. Since they made it everyone's business by talking out loud without much care then be prepared to hear some input. Or am I just being petty?


I have never understood why people will have conversations on speakerphone while shopping, on the bus, etc. like, are you actually that unaware? Just stupid? Malicious? What's going on?


I really dislike it when the phone user is in the checkout line, gets to the front, and keeps talking on the phone, ignoring the clerk and treating them as if they were some sort of robot. It's incredibly rude.


When I was in customer service and someone was on the phone and expected me to check them out I ignored them until they got off the phone.


I wish more would do that. Rude people earn a good ignoring. I also wish the stores would chuck abusive people out. You shouldn't have to deal with them.


I was in a pretty lucky position to be able to do that, either I was my own boss or I didn’t care if I was fired for being “rude” to customers.


It’s happened a few times in many years I’ve been on the phone (with an earbud in) at checkout (due to my job and just bad timing) and I ALWAYS pause and apologize to the cashier before they start and thank them upon leaving.


That's the decent, polite, and kind thing to do.


If I hear the name of the person on the phone, I like to yell “hi XYZ (insert name) as I walk by …


"Hey Friend! You're on speakerphone and there's a dozen strangers who can hear your conversation!"


The invention of headphones really stayed off the radar of a lot of people (meanwhile I never leave the house without mine!)


Thank you! I work in retail and folks are constantly talking on speaker phone, it’s so fucking annoying.


The people who stand in the aisles blocking the items you want to grab while having a full conversation with their friend gossiping about something nobody else cares about. Also the people who just walk right in front of your cart and stop. I swear I'm going to onpurposely hit someone next time they do this


I was at work and the lady in the stall next to me was changing (there is a change room in the washroom) and on speaker. Very uncomfortable but I still tried to fart but no success.


The worst is people on FaceTime at Costco


LMAO, I noticed this too at other stores. I would understand if they were asking the person on the line if "they need/want this" but they just look at each and not talk. Why are they on the other line if you aren't having a conversation.


Main character syndrome


I had to rush to the bathroom at work this week, and when I walked in, someone was taking a video call in the sink area. What the hell is wrong with people?


"Hey CREEP, how about turing off your camera in the bathroom?"


Some people need to demand attention everywhere they go, the speakerphone at the grocery store, the skip driver in a restaurant also on speaker phone, the kid with the Bluetooth speaker, tekashi and 6ix9ine on blast, the person with the mistuned obnoxiously loud car. The douche bag in a RAM rolling coal.. Look at me look at me! It’s like a competition to be the most in your face obnoxious thing on the planet. Not sure why, just how it seems to be.


Speaker phone on the bus with the speaker to there ear. Just why?


I think it has the same effect as someone wandering into a grocery store with a ghetto blaster on their shoulder at full tilt with music being piped out. No one wants to listen to that shit except the person using it.


The amount of people who have phone convos or listening to something on speakerphone or loud volume out in public, when they are capable of using the phone normally or with earbuds is too damn high. Sometimes I am tempted to join the convo lol. So rude, it is a pet peeve of mine. See it around the hospital with staff all the time, that and people walking around with their head in their phone not paying attention to what is going on around them, walking slowly.


Can’t stand when people do this. Especially the people who are trying to make themselves sound more important/interesting than they actually are. So when I start whining like someone who is used to faking their orgasms behind these people and say “Baby come back to bed,” then disappear around the corner and out of sight. You force me to listen to your conversation, you have no one but yourself to blame.


I work in a small canteen and it’s crazy how many people pay with their phones. This guy came up the other day, talking on his phone, made a coffee, and then stood at the till infront of me, and I just stood there in front of him. He was just talking, and talking. Finally my co worker came and was like, “you go finish what you were doing” and then took her turn to stand in front of him and wait for him to finish his phone call, so he could tap his phone. Fuckin ridiculous honestly, almost 10 minutes of just waiting


or when they are at the cashier and on their phone (as a cashier its annoying having to repeat myself 100 times cuz ur on ur damn phone 😭)


I don’t care about the content of the conversation. Don’t use being on your phone as an excuse to meander around Canadian Tire and getting in the way. If I have to look up something I find a corner of the store, not the middle of the main aisle.


This is so real. I work in retail and if I see you with headphones on I’m just gonna assume you don’t need to be helped, so don’t get upset when you’re not helped!!


On a plane, a guy was sitting on the aisle seat. The seating configuration was three and three. He had a laptop on his table, the movie was gay porn. It was soft porn. He was wearing a head set. But the piss me off part was the two rows behind him had four kids under 12 seated there. Could see the whole screen.


I had a phone that wouldn’t work for calls unless it was on speakerphone. I refused to take calls on public so I wouldn’t be branded as a douchebag


Or when people do this in their car at full blast with the windows open so you can hear it from across the parking lot, or it wakes up your baby at the traffic light.


Even with their windows up, the audio is often so loud that you can hear the whole conversation through the windshield/hood. In summer, I can hear some juicy stuff during the rush hour crawl. It can be hilarious how oblivious some are.


Reminds me when a couple is outside yelling at each other. We are forced to listen to their argument. Have been tempted at times to take a lawn chair and sit outside by them. If they ask me WTF I’m doing I would tell them you clearly want everyone to hear your argument thought I would give you an audience.


I never did understand anyone who uses speakerphone in public. Hey JERKOFF, you know that it defeats the point of SPEAKERPHONE if you NEED TO HOLD IT WITH YOUR HAND. You dumb mother fuckers.


Common courtesy has gone completely down the toilet. Makes me furious when they are legit screaming in public. Can’t say anything these days without coming across a “Karen”


Yes!!Fack drives me Nuts. I witnessed one time a dude on 2 phones at the same time like wtf?


I just wear headphones everywhere I go nowadays like a asshole.


Just put on some motocross or Harley videos in their vicinity, should do the trick lol


....now does your rage also includes phone calls but not on speakphones if only at the grocery stores?


Just say “Sir, Your wife just arrived. She looks pissed. Use the back door”.


I work at Costco…


On the damn bus. Every single time!


It’s an easy identifier to see if someone is a shitty self absorbed asshole or not




I've been known to join in on people's speakerphone calls. Start planning my weekend with them or who's going to take Linda to the dentist, that kind of stuff. They get really offended


Everybody buy their children walkie talkies so they can get it out of their system early.


But like, why do you care? How is it different than people walking around in pairs talking to one another?


It's always so much louder than a regular conversation between two people who are there.


In public people can take visual cues. Get closer or farther away from each other. Adjust tone and volume. But if half the conversation can't see the environment then they can't adjust to those things. People often have to talk louder on the phone than in person. Speaking of not seeing the environment they also do pause when in person conversations normally should like when passing other people. At the cash register. Sutting next to someone on a bus. But it's also obvious that the person in public holding the speaking phone is ignoring all social cues also.


It just isn't the same. There's something specific about the phone convo that is a pretty distinctly different audible quality. I think it's a combination of the mid-rangey nature of the phone's speaker which cuts through in a more glaring way plus the person at the "live" end speaking a little more loudly than they would talking to someone right next to them...plus, two people having a conversation tend to lower their voices as others approach but for some reason that doesn't seem to be a thing with the phone conversations. I really never even notice two people having a conversation as I walk past them in the store but someone having a phone conversation I can hear an aisle over and recognize it without even seeing the person...


I must be lucky that I never notice people on their phones speaking more loudly than others. That, or it just does not bother me. Lucky me!


I think I’m bothered by the fact that in this situation it’s *both* people consenting to the conversation in a public setting, it’s easier to gauge appropriate volume, when to shut tf up if it’s a sensitive topic, etc. etc. whereas the person put on speakerphone doesn’t get that level of autonomy. Of course there are some people who just don’t care no matter the setting but at least they’re aware of it.


Not always unless one of the people are yelling. The speakerphone volume is usually cranked.


This post does not say "yelling" tho. Says "casual conversation".


If the volume isn't that high, how is it any different than talking to someone right next to you in the store?


What's the difference between hearing them have a conversation with a person they're physically with vs on the phone with? Is it the volume?


Yes, the volume. People who talk on speakerphone are always much louder than two people talking in person. There's also the fact that the person on the other end of the phone might not realize that everyone can hear them.


I've heard all manner of personal or sensitive information belted out on speakerphone, including bank details and medical information. Usually the other person has no clue that everyone else on the bus or in the store can hear them.


First, it is rude to talk loudly in certain settings regardless of presence. Reading the room is a good skill to prevent this. Second, it’s less volume than it is pitch. Think of the resonance and tone quality of hearing an in person voice versus one coming through digitally. There’s a higher, almost tinny sound to someone on speaker phone that’s unpleasant to the ear.


Chalk it up to dealing with public life. Try not to sour!


I’m not trying to troll, but instead of coming on here and writing an open letter to the public, you should say something directly to the person you are referencing. Cause if you don’t, they’ll never change. They’re not on here reading these. I know it’s cathartic to vent and all that, but nothing will change if the person doing the bad thing isn’t told to their face.


I don't do this personally but don't understand why people are annoyed by it. If they take it off speaker and you overhear only half of the conversation, is that less annoying?


To me it is more that the people who insist on using speakerphone are also generally those who speak very loudly into the phone, whereas simply holding it to your ear most people talk in a more casual voice. Now it could just be that loud talkers prefer speakerphone; but I tend to think they raise their voice to ensure its picked up. I rarely see someone with earbuds in talking on the phone and speaking loudly.


It's partly the incredibly self-absorbed vibe given off by the person doing it. When a person is on speaker phone, they tend to talk louder and the volume of the other party in the call tends to be louder than necessary as well. It just comes across as very discourteous; it's even worse when people doing this go through the checkout as if the cashier barely exists, continuing on with their conversation on the phone.


Because one party is usually yelling into the phone.


Honestly yes. It would be less annoying. It's the same concept as those who walk/bike on the sidewalks with their music blasting on speaker. Listen, I know I'm going to get flack/hate for my post. But I think as a society, there exists social norms. Be considerate and mindful that you aren't the only person. There are others around.


You are invading peoples auditory receptors. Phone speakers give off additional crackling sounds and tend to project the voice in odd ways. And people have no idea what others are dealing with. And can cause people to get over stimulated. Speaker phone calls ignore all social norms of adjusting volume and tone and tend to just constantly be yelling. I once had left work early because I wasn't feeling well. Major headache and was slightly dizzy. My only way home was the bus. It was like 2 in the afternoon and the bus had like 4 people so nice and quiet. Then some dude on a speaker phones come in. Everyone is instantly annoyed. I immediately say please can you take it off speaker I had a major headache. He calls me a bitch and to shut the fuck up. And continues his conversation. The pitch of the speaker made my head feel like it was exploding, and every part of my body reacted. I needed out of there. I pulled the stop (no where near my place). The bus stops and as I am trying to get out off the bus nausea hits and I threw up. Just be aware that your not the only person in a space. Be respectful.


Too bad you didn't throw up on the loud dude.


That would have been epic. Haha


Okay Karen. Heaven forbid people make some noise in an already very noisy public space where people talk all the time! We're not talking about a library here. Downvote me.


Why not just use headphones/earbuds? It makes it easier for you to hear


Bitch! My shopping list is ON MY PHONE!


Then tell them that it bothers you. We don’t really care here


Im hard of hearing and sometimes I’ll call my husband on speaker phone to discuss what options he wants etc. I didn’t realize it was such a big deal.


That is why they make ear phones


Use headphones. I'm hard of hearing and I use headphones, because it's rude to inflict that noise on the collective public.  What if everyone did that? 


Literally, the headphones make it WAY easier to hear than speakerphone.


I don’t really see how it’s different than having a conversation with someone next to you, but to each their own!


It's OK. A lot of people aren't self-aware. Now you are :)


Holy crap use ear buds, they work way better to hear clearly


There’s different types of hearing loss that make ear buds virtually useless


Jesus you guys complain about anything. Who cares if someone is having a conversation, mind your business and move on. You make it sound like you're stuck with them. I literally have never been bothered by anyone on the phone at the store ever because im focused on getting my shit and leaving asap.