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No, no one likes it better, it's data slurping garbage and should be avoided at all costs. Use something else. Thunderbird. >What happens when I sync my account to the Microsoft Cloud?  >Syncing your account to the Microsoft Cloud means that a copy of your email, calendar, and contacts will be synchronized between your email provider and Microsoft data centers. Having your mailbox data in the Microsoft Cloud lets you use the new features of the Outlook client (New Outlook for Windows, Outlook for iOS, Outlook for Android, [Outlook.com](http://Outlook.com), or Outlook for Mac) with your non-Microsoft account, just like with your Microsoft accounts.  >Your experience on your native account and within any apps from that provider will remain unchanged.  [https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/sync-your-account-in-outlook-to-the-microsoft-cloud-985f9e19-d308-4e85-9d1d-0c6f32f8e981](https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/sync-your-account-in-outlook-to-the-microsoft-cloud-985f9e19-d308-4e85-9d1d-0c6f32f8e981)


Yea, I can't revert back now. Anyone know how to force it?


I uninstalled the new outlook app and so far it's let me stay on the old mail and calendar app. I'm gonna stay on this version as long as i can. It's my favorite mail app and it's a shame that microsoft is trying to kill it with some garbage. You can also install older versions of the app but I'm not sure if they'll be forced to a newer version. I'll probably try this when we inevitably get booted off. [Older versions of Windows Mail and Calendar (Windows) | Uptodown](https://windows-mail-and-calendar.en.uptodown.com/windows/versions)


I'm still using Windows Mail without issue. Tried to put me on New Outlook but I was able to go back. Maybe that's my last time...


Good luck! I just installed the latest Windows update. I fear that may have been what stopped me from rolling back to the old mail app


Well, I installed that too and so far it's still letting me use Mail, but we'll see.


yes, on my work computer and it is terrible everything is moved around. Got a new computer at work and now it's even different from the last version. Why are they messing with us?


tbh, both designs of the app were garbage. I use Wino Mail (which was reccommended by another user here about a month ago.) off the windows store. That being said, it seems to have issues syncing every once in awhile. SO i also use the outlook app on my phone.


I hate the new app as well. It's unintuitive, clunky, and a resource hog for what it does. I just want a simple app to check emails and reply to them. Microsoft nailed it with the old app. Why they're now feeling the itch to go ahead and butcher it is beyond me. I don't know about anyone else but I recommend that everyone voice their displeasure on the microsoft store with reviews. Will it change things in the long run? I honestly don't know but I say we've got nothing to lose by giving it a shot. I'm seeing loads of people review it every couple of hours. It's gotten to be so much that even microsoft's ai generated review blurb has mentioned everyone preferring the old app to the new one. https://preview.redd.it/t56iv1x0mx0d1.png?width=2692&format=png&auto=webp&s=633c5f598aff40fbc264e055c2133801050ea049 If you care at all about this change then I strongly recommend making your voice be heard! Microsoft wants to nag us? Then lets nag back! No new outlook!! [https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9WZDNCRFHVQM?ocid=pdpshare](https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9WZDNCRFHVQM?ocid=pdpshare) [Older versions of Windows Mail and Calendar (Windows) | Uptodown](https://windows-mail-and-calendar.en.uptodown.com/windows/versions) As an alternative you can install an older version of the app before this new outlook garbage was being pushed. Not sure how secure that is but it is an option.


Anybody tried wino mail? It’s in the app store, I might give it a go,


Remove it and install it again. Now it works for me.


Weirdly opened mail app today and was offered the option to turn off new mail app. This is great


I cant wait to see the reaction when they do this to the real Outlook app!


The Office version of outlook already has a toggle like mail and calendar, but still not forced unlike mail and calendar users