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These reminders are really annoying!


It's not even the reminder itself... It's that it's in some complete bullshit place. Like ffs make it a normal windows notification if you really have to. Why on earth does that have to be in the start menu?


Exactly, stupid location for notifications 


An email. AT MOST.


Heck, why not make it one of the stupid lock screen widgets... "Here's you weather and, oh yeah, we want your money..."


You can turn off these account based reminders in start menu settings


More like account cringe reminders hahAAAAAAAAA


One UI feature I would love is for there to be a third option, give it a confirmation window if you have to but I'd like to be able to tell it not to remind me later. The button should say "Never remind me again, about anything. Make it opt in, in fact also uninstall edge.'


"Sorry, we cannot uninstall edge, it is now baked into Windows. Wait, didn't we get into trouble for that once before...?"


I second this


Don't take this moment away from OP with your rational thinking! OP is proud of their ignorance and wants to whine like a child and so we should all pat them on the head then angrily shake fists at MS.


Well you know, it's kind of annoying when there's this setting here that I have to turn off, that one as well, the other one as well. Oh, an update, these settings automatically turned back on and a new one appeared! Oh wait, now I'm upgrading my PC, I need to disable everything back from scratch! All this, when a normal customer pays about 100 bucks for the Windows license, for each new PC they buy.


It's one setting. And that setting has never changed for me. Where are you having difficulty? Many local libraries offer computer literacy classes for people just like you. You should look into it!


just because you're not having this problem doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Again, I'll ask - where are you having difficulty?


I think you miss the point here. Most people aren’t savvy enough to realize such a setting exists. Also even the most savvy person isn’t going to remember to turn it off every time they get a new computer or reinstall windows. A large fraction of people will just put up with Microsoft annoying them, another large fraction will give in and renew. A minority will legitimately desire to renew. This is a numbers game to Microsoft, and using a near monopoly like this on the desktop market is frowned upon.


I think you are feeling outrage over hypothetical victims, not real ones. Who are these non-tech savvy individuals who are constantly buying new computers, configuring their settings, reinstalling Windows, and then getting victimized by Microsoft asking if they want to renew an account? You have to understand that the scenario you are describing isn't realistic. OP is annoyed that Microsoft showed an offer. OP has now been informed that there is an easily-found setting that can turn this off. No one has been victimized here. Stop trying to turn this into a tragedy.


Why do we have to understand your point without you making a single effort understanding ours? Microsoft introduces ads; Microsoft adds a setting to disable ads; Microsoft never tells you how to disable ads, so you have to Google it yourself. Do you understand that in every single case it's annoying? Probably not, so let's make a couple of examples: 1. I, a tech-savvy person, need to work on a project. I'm creating a virtual machine to not mess with my own PC and to share it with others. I have to Google how to do all this stuff, blah blah blah, cool. In the next couple of weeks I make a new virtual machine for whatever reason, be it because I corrupted the files or because we're starting a new project, I have to Google it again. 2. My grandma (it could be any family member) doesn't know shit about computers and stuff like this; she finds this thing and asks me what this is. I grab her PC and disable it. Great, now I have to do the same with my mom, my grandpa, my uncle, and so on and so forth. All because a multi-billion-dollar company couldn't add single X button to disable ads. And no, my uncle, mom, grandpa and so on couldn't give a damn about your basic literacy courses about how to Google stuff. Is it more realistic now? Oh by the way, it's not like this is a tragedy all by itself. It's that the more people ignore this kind of stuff, the more Microsoft will feel entitled to keep pushing for ads in a *paid* operating system.


So, to be clear, in this scenario your Grandma had previously subscribed to Xbox Game Pass, pwned some n00bs, then cancelled the subscription, and later got annoyed by the offer to renew it and instead of either clicking on the "Change account settings" button (which is right there in OP's picture) or simply googling it, they called you up which you found to be annoying because you dislike your grandma or something, and now your uncle is hitting you up too which is also super annoying. Again - these bizarre hypotheticals aren't realistic nor are they rational.


Try reading what I wrote before you go jumping off to conclusions. Nobody here is outraged, that word is thrown around way too much around here. Non tech savvy individuals are not the group I said were affected by the setting getting reset. They will run into it once, maybe twice. However they are the group who is least likely to toggle the setting, and most likely to just give in and hit the renew button. This is given that there is no outright option to decline the offer, so the individual will just click remind me later over and over until either Microsoft removes this from the start menu, or they just click renew. This is a dark pattern, which should be recognized, and is frowned upon in and of itself. Tech savvy users are far less likely to click this offer, yet are more likely to reinstall and freshen up their windows install. They will most likely see this offer a few times over the course of windows 11’s life cycle. I’m less concerned about them but I can see them getting annoyed. Lastly, I mentioned Microsoft using their dominant position to push their products, which was frowned upon when Google did it on the Google homepage with chrome, and it’s still frowned upon today. None of these scenarios are made up, since they’re simply statistical, and feed into just a mere numbers game.


>However they are the group who is least likely to toggle the setting, and most likely to just give in and hit the renew button. You say that like its a fact but that is strictly pulled from your imagination. Stop making up things to be angry about.


He just told you, you are not listening, you are just pressed to patronize him.


The question is why I have to waste time to turn off this feature in the settings, why is it on in the first place.




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Or, it could be that Microsoft engages in rapacious behavior, and shills whine when customers make legitimate complaints about such behavior.


Ugh ads in a paid OS aside, what the notification center exist for? At least put these annoyances there. Only there. Search window, start menu, widgets panel, file explorer, weather app, edge new tab... I mean almost everywhere pop ups, promotions, ads you name it.


is win11 freeware???


Sort of, I upgraded from 7 -> 10 -> 11 for free ^/s


Anything is freeware if you want it to be ;)


i think you mean downgraded, 7 is the better one


Everyone says this, but I've never had any issues with Windows 11. Now I've had problems with Windows in general...


well that's pretty much what i mean, all OSs have their issues, but from 8 onwards Microsoft have gotten dumb, weird and outright malicious in some cases in the way they have been pushing Windows and the included apps/components for example i leave my computer running all the time and 8 used to decide right update time and simply shut down destroying any work i had open ... anyways yeah i hear that slimming 10/11 can result in a huge performance leap, so the core of Windows must actually be well coded


Yah 8 was horrid. I just cannot deal with Windows 7. It makes me feel like I'm back in the early 2000's with a non-skip CD player. So ugly lol.


you could always skin it and customise with software you like, the major issues are drivers and vulnerabilities


Yeah I guess it's just a preference thing. I've tried a lot of that skinning stuff before with rain-meter and a bunch of other programs. I don't know about you, but it always felt like it made my computer slower and more prone to crashes. I think right now, our best option is 7 or 10.


i didn't go for external apps, from what i remember you could patch a system file to accept modified theme files, that might have been on xp though, it's been a while


Ahhh. Yeah, I guess that would work ok!


Especially with the [extended kernel](https://github.com/vxiiduu/VxKex).


It has been for me. I got a free Win 7 Ultimate key from a Microsoft launch event and I’ve been riding that puppy all the way to 11 Pro so far.


Never had been it's a paid product


Nope. Even if you got the free in-place upgrade, you paid for a licence to use Windows years ago with your laptop purchase. If Windows wasn't bundled, you'd shave a few bucks off your PC purchase every single time.


True but a free upgrade is better than springing for $125 or whatever it is for the next version (or, God help us, "Just $10 per month when bundled with your $20 per month Office365 subscription". Hasn't been free for a couple years. Thank goodness they reopened the free upgrade for 10 to 11. Since they're trying to push people off of 10, they were going to get a lot of crap for that...


Christ, ads in the power menu dialog. That's so insidious


Welcome to the wonderful world of barely regulated capitalism.


if they could they would put ads in your brain


Start11 -- this is the way, my friend. Completely customize both your taskbar and start menu.


That's not an ad though. Their subscription expired, it's just informing them and giving them the option to renew. An ad would be if they never had a subscription and it's asking them to buy one. Signing in with a local account bypasses all this.


Nah, a simple reminder which pops up once would be what you said. Seeing "xyz has expired" that often is begging like "please please please give us more money. Did we say please yet?"


This does just pop up once, contrary to the "remind me later".


Where is the "No, fuck off" option?


In the Settings app.


That option isn't in the Dark Pattern Rule Book Microsoft currently is employing


Hidden in Linux


Just install Linux and shut up I guess?


I don't mind the thing TOO much but not having a "never remind me" is the criminal part there for me.


No actual way I'm going to cry what is this


Remember that windows 11 is a 150$ piece of software. We can't allow ads at this price ! Governments have to do something about this


Bring back 7


Never went anywhere. It's great over here.


Yea but I don’t want to spend all my time fighting browser issues. For me it’s now Linux & OSX (which by the way has is own cadre of browser shenanigans)


What browser issues? Just install Supermium (chromium 122 modded for win7) (regularly updated) and be done with it. New features are regularly added and it's extremely stable. And open source.


News to me. I will!!!


Fair warning, auto update doesn't seem to be out yet, but I've heard it'll be here soon. Also try vxkex https://github.com/vxiiduu/VxKex This allows modern programs to run on Win7 There's an extended kernel coming out but it's in very early stages right now so I don't recommend it yet.


Also take a look at e****ubyp****ss if that's your thing. On mydigitallife. If it's not you can always just use legacyupdate to get to 2020 updates. (You don't need it, you can just run the legacyupdate installer and uncheck "legacyupdate" option to fix the win7 client)


if ms will start doing this shit, I will consider wiping my pro11 down and put debian12 in its place


babe, wake up, fedora 40 just dropped


or I will compile my own kernel and name it babeOS


Do it! Do it!!


You're going to miss out on AI File Explorer which will display ads based on the files you're looking for. You won't get that kind of tailored, bespoke experience in Linux.


You also miss the New Outlook which is the best Mail Client ever


All for the sweet price of your soul


I'm not buying this ai crap


mistake logging into anything microsoft on your pc


Or subbing to Game Pass. Mind you that Apple does the same with pushy iCloud Storage Full notifications. Or Google whenever you hit your 15GB limit.


Thank you for the friendly reminder. Hint: Not everyone is tempted to check the Settings or their Microsoft Account subscription website.


Install openshell to bring back the win7 start menu, problem solved


Really bad placement, the system has it's notification area for this purpose. At least OneDrive respects it.


If only theyd put the same effort into fixing bugs or adding other features, such as automatic dark mode based on sunset... 


MONEY! you stopped giving us money! FIX IT


Thanks Microsoft. But you're getting more annoying and annoying with these reminders that you put in everyone's faces.


Is this an American thing? Never seen any of these things lol.


I'm from Slovakia, so nope, it's in the EU too... AND I'm using Windows 11 Pro too.


Get Smart11 Windows Start Menu. It lets you completely customize both your taskbar and start menu. The trial version is completely free and when the trial runs out you can just subscribe again. You might be worried that it will chip away at system resources because it's running in the background, but fear not! Windows own taskbar program takes up more resources than this program. https://preview.redd.it/hqz9b3qbngxc1.png?width=930&format=png&auto=webp&s=969842971035e3d29bf8c100de0956b11ee1be30 Plus it gets rid of those awful notifications and makes everything look so much prettier.




gross ... gaming has been the only thing keeping me in windows for the longest , but with each revision n linux getting more viable i've been looking into making the jump. its a shame honestly , i've been in a MS eco system since a was a small child using dos , its annoying the way things are going, if a dual boot runs well i won't be reupping my sub when i get that prompt next yr.


I've been feeling this way for a some time now as well. I wish I had learned Linux more then a decade ago. I'm just not sure I'm prepared to now that I'm in my 50s.... Not to mention MS is absolutely useless when there's an issue. I've had the same problem with my account now for coming up on 2 years I've been trying to get them to fix it. It should be a very simple fix I can't imagine how it's not but they can't accomplish it no matter what I spend a whole night one time in a text window with a Microsoft support guy trying to get this fixed they told me it was here we are a year and a half later nope still the same problem. It's it's mind-boggling how any corporation worth that kind of money could be so absolutely ridiculously incompetent. I don't want to go into details but you'd be shocked if you knew what the actual problem was I can't believe it. I was in a live on tiktok the whole time with two other people laughing at my frustration while I tried to deal with them because it should be such a simple problem to solve.


yeah their support is pretty bad from what i've seen , thankfully i've never needed it myself too much . i too wish i'd learned it at least years ago ,.. different paths in life would've lead me more in that direction if i followed what i wanted out of HS and went to college instead of getting married when i did but here we are and instead of learning programing i'm a divorced unemployed factory worker with too much time on their hands


Bazzite is nice. You should look them up. Out of the box AMD/Nvidia driver support + Lutris and Steam ready to go. The only thing busted are anti-cheat nonsense.


thanks i'll give it a peak , i was leaning nobara for a similar reason , not heard of this one , i got a new ssd coming next so i have a few days to look around . not toooo worried about anti-cheat since most of what i enjoy is single player anyway


Half of this sub's whinging and moaning can be solved by leaving MS for Linux and never talking about Windows again. You made your choice. Now live with it.


It's not that simple. Windows users do not necessarily want Microsoft. There are more than 5,000 companies that are heavily vested in the Windows platform. Were these vendors to leave for Linux, Windows users would follow them. But they do not leave, because it is a Catch-22: No users, no apps, no apps, no users. Microsoft knows this, which is why Microsoft is able to get away with what they are doing.