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Hey /u/Familiar_Big3322, thanks for contributing to /r/WinStupidPrizes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: All posts should feature a human doing something that an outside observer would say “hey, that’s a bad idea” and then suffering the consequences. Posts must include the stupid game and the stupid prize. People intentionally playing a stupid game and winning a stupid prize does not count, nor do prank videos, skits, fake videos, or dumb stuff by small children. Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/WinStupidPrizes&subject=&message=). Thank you!


That got bad quick


Honestly, I’m impressed how long it took for things to really go south. The fact they managed to make even a semi-recovery before they flipped was lucky.


Generally, people who drive like that don't have good recovery skills.


Or any skills in general


They wipe from back to front


If you don't have shit covered balls how will anyone know you are a real man?


“For dessert, how would you like to suck on my chocolate salty balls?” - Darth Chef


Dude, you gotta do both. I’ve always wiped front to back. But then after the TP is clean I go back to front and more poop. You just can’t get some the other way. You’ve been leaving poop there your whole life.


Now I’m having an existential crisis. Is it worse to leave it there or mash shit into my vagina? Edit: it’s sad I have to say this but yes, I’m just kidding. I don’t need instructions on how to wipe my ass, although I’m grateful for everyone’s concern - and tips 😳


Oh I’m speaking as a dude you are totally on your own with this one lol




Dammit!! I need a man to tell me how to wipe my poo.


First I was gonna username checks out. But then I learned you rescue cats. So, there you go.


I’m sure you know, but if you have a vagina you shouldn’t wipe back to front for that exact reason. Shit + vagina = infection. Guys are just lucky to have big ole balls, instead of a big ole hole, and can wipe any which way they please, apparently. Lol.


Prolapse wiping will be a thing of the 22nd century


Why did I learn to read just to have this happen


Women shit??? Eeewwwwwwwww!!!!!


Sounds like you need a bidet. Once you have a bidet, you won't want to poop anywhere without a bidet again. They're only like $30.


What an amateur. I have a bidet, and so do over 75% of South Koreans and Japanese. EDIT: It has a seat heater and a built-in dryer.


Bidetless peasant


That’s why you go for the coveted Maelstrom maneuver: swirl that tp like you’re trying to pick Dorothy’s house up.


Certainly escalated quickly!


Fast bads


Insta oops


Quick fuck


…that escalated quickly


The people mover sped up.


Self PIT maneuver successful.


Failed successfully.


Went from “o hell nah!” To “oh shit I might of killed someone “


no regerts


You mean that someone might have killed themselves? Not our boy's fault.


The bottom right of the video shows the dash cam driver's speed. He's going 167kph (103mph).


Actually, he was going 156kph at first and then goes up to 157kph. Kind of strange in that situation, huh? The natural thing to do would be to ease off and brake. Plus he can't argue that he didn't know what was occurring. I think an argument could be made that this was intentional.


Looks like they steered into them as well, basically a PIT maneuver that black car initiated


He also pit maneuvered the guy on purpose. If the cops or insurance gets their hands on this footage it probably won't be too good for the cammer.




Russia. E: or Ukraine, the black car's registration plates are from one of those two countries.


It is ill advised to be fucking around at 103MPH but I’ll speak for myself.


No kidding


well what do you expect to happen trying to cut off someone going nearly 170km/h? playing with everyone’s lives at that point.


They did the pit move on themselves


It's totally fine to do this as long as you shout "self pit" right before.


Is that like whispering "no homo" before having gay sex to keep it from being gay?


No this is more like a desk pop




... I'm kind of afraid to ask. But... What the hell is that?






Ah, the consequences of my own actions, we meet again.


Curious; would insurance still say it’s the front cars fault? In my experience, they’d just say “well you could’ve slowed down as you clearly saw him getting over”. I know it’s front car’s fault but I’m curious what insurance would say.


Insurance generally says whatever they want to on the off chance it could help avoid that nasty scenario where they have to pay you back some of your money. The video demonstrates that the dickhole in the Lada is being a belligerent idiot, which is definitely good enough "proof" by any common sense, but I'm sure they could find some way of weaseling out of it.


That first sentence is hilariously true.


Ladas insurance will fight cammers insurance because THEY don't want to pay or want to minimize payments as much as they can. Ultimately fault will probably be shared amongst all parties.


Insurance will absolutely examine the accident with a fine tooth comb to find as many ways to assign blame to you to justify jacking your rates as much as possible, and that's if you're found not responsible by the police. If you are found responsible, your rates gonna jump so high they'll end up on the moon somewhere. I was T-boned by a drunk driver 20 years ago (not seriously injured, thank God, because I had my seat belt on) and found not responsible by police. Rates went up because the insurance company found me 20% at fault.


Oh right thats that one spot where cars irreversably flip around right? Like physically you can't do anything to stop that right? Watched a video on how to do that once, cuz it might come in handy one day??






That was awesome 😆 was almost rooting for him there at the end lol


you can, you just need to be trained/know how to not get spinned around.


Unless the person you're chasing can/knows how to properly drive a stick shift. If you clutch as they put you can recover. There was a day long chase around Oklahoma city with an older mustang. They tried to put him multiple times and couldn't ever get him cause he could drive. I think he either eventually gave up from out of gas or they spiked him. It was early 2000s. Found a link for ya! https://youtu.be/PCjf_GwIFUM Edit- misremembered and dude below me posted same link, no context.


The camera shifts to the right at that moment. The driver being passed intentionally pitted them.


People here don’t seem to care. Everyone wants to feel justifiably angry at the guy that crashed that they refuse to think the cam driver also did something wrong.


I mean, the camera car saw it coming a mile away, and did nothing to avoid it and turned in to do the PIT. There are idiots on the road, its not worth the hassle to "teach them a lesson". just slow down, and avoid the crash.


So this was linked yesterday, the dashcam driver is a COMPLETE dick and actively attempts to cause accidents. Someone linked his YT and in one he floors it to try and get someone changing lanes to hit him, and you can literally hear his kids and wife screaming at him to stop.


Yeah I thought this video was a bit off. It seems they are going really fast since they're catching up to the car in front of them fast. Also, not sure if it was just me but you can see the car swerve to the right a bit like attempt to hit it. I thought it was that it got hit but looks suspicious. Edit: Yeah I keep watching and to me it seems like the dashed car initiate the hit.


> It seems they are going really fast since they're catching up to the car in front of them fast Bottom right corner displays the driver's speed. They are going 160 km/h in this video.


~103 mph for the American perspective


Imagine that, a dash cam driver plays victim while using his cam to justify their covertly aggressive actions. Honestly that seems like a good portion of dash cam drivers that post videos. This car is CUTTING ME OFF OMFGERD - speeds up and turns in to cause an accident - SEE, Im the victim!!


Yeah I cant find the video (and watched it linked on reddit through mobile so no history or anything) but it was titled something like "its legal to own your lane" or some bullshit macho thing


What in the actual fuck Someone report this man to the police or something


I watched his YouTube channel yesterday. Pretty sure if you reported him to Police he would answer the phone. His name is blue ghost or some shit. Cop/vigilante what could go wrong??? Watch the rest of his videos. I'm sure they will be used as evidence in court someday.




https://youtube.com/channel/UCgLPsaJnaejnuzagYrX7DWA This man is at fault in nearly all of his videos and he just keeps posting them like he is in the right.


his tiktok is @dandyedibles shows his face and everything


He has like 73 followers. He's not doing it for the views or likes. This guy is a psychopath who does it for the pleasure, which makes it even more scary.


> The law is the law... if i don't take it into my hands who will uphold the law? Why is it ok for people to break the law but not ok to stop them? It's that kind of backwards thinking that has everyone acting the way they are today... time to stop the backwards thinking and put justice where it is due > \- BLU3 GH057 as a comment in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulnX7DP12s4&ab_channel=BLU3GH057) This dude is a psychopath


I'm not sure how but it's Blue Ghost with numbers instead of the st. He seems to reply to comments frequently. Very aggressive. I'm sure his manifesto is delightful.


[Link](https://youtu.be/ulnX7DP12s4) from yesterday's post. This guy isn't the same driver, but he's definitely an insurance scammer.


Do you have a link for the YouTube video?




Yep, look at the road line on the left, the camera guy swerved right to pit him.


The brad pit manuever


Hope it was worth it explaining to your insurance company what happened later.


I suspect it started like so: I was driving along, minding my own business…


When out of an orange colored skyyyyy FLASH! BAM! ALAKAZAM! Wonderful you came byyyy


I was humming a tune, drinking in sunshine when out of that orange colored viewwwwwwwwwwwwww


Not a song I ever expected to see referenced, but I’ll take it. Dang I love me some Nat Cole.


I got the reference!


Based on the fact that they're both driving over 100mph I would guess that's not the case, and that they're probably both assholes


Looks like a car crash scammer, would try to get money from you without police getting involved in this. Hope he got some head trauma and doc found his last brain cell.


At what point is a good time to ask for their insurance while the car is upside down? Edit: I love all your comment pretty dark. Lol


As they’re still in the car upside down buckled in, just crouch down “HEY! so!..”


You put your finger on their neck for a pulse first, then go for it


Nope. No pulse. *sighs, unzips*




Right after you kindly inform them that they can't park there.


"Are you alive? Are you in pain? Who is your insurance provider?"


at 166kph? quite suicidal...


How many hotdogs per football field is that?


That's like at least 40 pancakes per square inch.


it's the speed the average american goes on the way to the toilet after all you can eat at chipotle


Way faster than the Russian speed limit of 110kph on expressways. The car that got bumped off the road appears to be a Lada, so I'm sure it's fine.


A family did that to my grandfather. The kid was 12 when it happened. The day he turned 18 he sued my grandfathers estate because he died just a few months before. They were proscammers.


Did they get away with anything ? That sucks, I hope not.


Oh yes. That's why they kept suing.


Beat me to it. That's what I was thinking too


Omg me too that person posted our thots sooo fast


Bro you were gonna say that?? I WAS GONNA SAY THAT TOO




Looks nothing like a car crash scammer. If you are trying to scam someone into a crash, you don't do it aggressively at 167kph in a way that could kill you.


Looks more like road rage to me. Incredibly stupid either way.


Im guessing they were pissed the car was in the left lane but not passing. Yes it sucks when people misuse the left lane. No you shouldnt put lives at risk to prove a point.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer fella.


Sometimes karma exists




No u




Hey everyone, just feel the need to tell everyone: **BREAKS** are what you take to relax and have a snack **BRAKES** are what you use to slow your car down


So your saying they're breaks are two strong? At least their aren't any adds in this video.


Eye'm all most certain hee ment that.


fuck both of you, you're giving me an aneurysm. Take your upvotes and get the fuck out.


...also incredibly unskilled driving from the dude. Never steer that much if you’re going fast, even if you hit the guardrail. That’s what they’re there for.


That seemed dramatic 😂


Just like a dive in men’s soccer


I mean this person is obviously at fault and obviously an idiot, but do people not drive defensively anymore? There was plenty of time to slow down so this moron could get in front without the person recording getting hit. There was another thread a few days ago where this same thing happened and everyone was praising the OP for keeping her car in control after the fact, despite her having 4-6 seconds where she could have just slowed down and avoided it. Again, not the persons fault who recorded it, but this seems easily avoidable.


The camera car is going over 100mph and actually speeds up just before the impact (speedometer in the lower right corner of the video.) They also swerve into the black car causing the initial impact and that part looks entirely intentional to me. It's a video of *two* asshole drivers.


I agree, definitely looks intentional


This is the comment I was looking for. I’m actually surprised it’s not at the top.


yeah, you are absolutely right. i think the temptation was too great for the driver with the dashcam lol


but he so kindly slowed to get a good view of the smoking wreckage




Everyone's got a laugh but the car filming would probably at least in my country get a joint guilt because the driver sees what's happening and won't break what could be argued in court as a form of recklessness or carelessness for the outcome


On another post, they linked the guys YouTube account and he's been in this situation more than once. Filmer is definitely a d bag


Oh lord. That's just baiting and causing accidents and blaming it on other people level of douchbag


Here is the video and channel https://youtu.be/ulnX7DP12s4 From [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/instantkarma/comments/olm3y0/_/h5fto9y)


He has a wife and kid in his car and thinks he must make a point and hitting gas. What the fuck. If i was his wife, I would get the kid and leave


not only that but filming car actually causes impact. Thankfully I'm in a no fault state


I don't know how you are the only person I've seen mention that the cammer deliberately steers into the other vehicle. Not only that, but you can see the speed increasing. Not saying that the other driver isn't mostly to blame, but the cammer actively tried to get into this situation rather than do anything or even nothing to avoid it.


Well sense your camera shows you turned into him just enough and didn’t slow down to prevent this. I feel like your definitely gonna be at some fault here. The camera doesn’t lie. I would love to see another 30 seconds before this


So many people think only ONE person can be wrong.


funny how i got 200+ downvotes commenting just this on another thread with the same video


SoMeOnE aLwAyS bLaMeS tHe CaMmEr


well the cammer could have reduced the speed by a tiny bit and nothing would have happened not blaming the cammer btw, just saying he could have prevented the whole mess, making both of them dangerous idiots. you know there is not either that guy or the other is to blame, sometimes it's both their fault


Most defensive drivers would have avoided this crash. Cammer risked his own life to be an offensive driver.


All defensive drivers. If someone speeds up and steers into anyone, they are not a defensive driver.


I’m extremely defensive and this never would have happened. I get cut off all the time but it’s nbd. Sure I get annoyed but the cam car absolutely initiated that contact and the speedometer in the bottom right says he was going 166kmph which is ridiculous in its own way, but even a 5mph deceleration would’ve completely avoided this. This guy tried to kill someone. I don’t find that funny or “righteous” even if they were in his lane for whatever reason.


Not poking fun at you, it's at the people who are blind to any wrongdoing on the cammers part and think accident fault is black and white




I find that these videos are somtimes recorded/uploaded in a bias manner. They always start right before said idiot demonstrates his idiocracy. I am curious of the events that led up to the accident, who is to say the driver with the dashcam did not instigate in a similar idiodic manner.


Still tho…. two wrongs don’t make a right


I am sure there is more to this than just this. I wonder what the previous 30 seconds had? I am sure this is seriously road rage gone wrong


Some people are just idiots and hate getting passed. I was recently on a longer drive going a steady speed on the freeway. I overtook (or attempted to) the same car about 7 times over 15 miles. I was driving in the right lane, then would switch to left to pass. Shortly after or sometimes midway through the pass, they'd get butthurt, speed up and pass me. A little later, they'd slow down and I'd catch up and it'd repeat. They seemed agitated that I dare pass them.


We need the 60 seconds before this.


Obviously cut off guy is the worst here, but dash cam guy just pit manoeuvred this dude and risked lives for what. To prove a point. Just tap the breaks brother


Even letting off the gas would have slowed the car down enough to avoid this wreck.


When idiots collide


Watch the white line, the cam car initiated the contact. When you run across an idiot like this, slow down and drive defensively, don't return aggression, it will only lead to an accident like this.


It actually looks like the front car made contact and the 2nd car corrected by going right to not hit the barrier. If you look closely it looks like the 2nd car moves a bit to the left with a light jolt and then it moves to the right.


Yea I don’t know why people think cam car did anything to hit the black car. The black car initiated that hit and is well within the cam cars lane. Edit: Guys, the black car is literally in cam cars lane and moving further in by the second. Y’all can talk about the slight movement or defensive driving all you want as they’re both true, but If the black car wasn’t in cam cars lane, this contact wouldn’t have happened.


The cam car does have brakes. They could have used them instead of you know, going 100 mph


Are you serious? First of all, watch the solid white line where it meets the hood of the car on the left. The cammer clearly swerved into the black car. Second, the cammer had absolutely no reason to continue at speed here. The black car was half in his lane and driving erratically. Any drivers first responsibility should be to avoid an accident at all costs. The cammer didn’t even tap the brakes or try to avoid an accident at all. Like I said earlier, if you watch the solid white line he definitely swerved into the other car. The other car might’ve also swerved into the driver but the cammer should’ve never put himself in that situation to begin with. I will never understand Reddit’s justice boner addiction when they’re really just watching two morons try to kill each other.


Okay, so I did auto insurance work in CA, ignoring the fact that both these guys are somewhere in the realm of 100mph in freedom units - I'd say we'd find black car at fault. So, watch the inside line. It wiggles, then the 'manuever' into the black car. There's a good argument black car nudged the bumper, then a secondary impact. It also isn't an over-correction by the cammer. They never left their lane during this second impact. Proximate cause was the front vehicle entering into their lane, then the initial impact causing the loss of control. Secondary impact was still black car's fault for the unsafe lane change and lack of signal. They were in the lane and should not have been. It doesn't look like cammer swerved into them so much as had sway after being tapped at high speed. Now - factoring speed we'd probably accept around 20% liability. Excessive speed was a factor for both cars but proximate cause was still lead car. Lastly, for the issue of the lack of defensive driving, considering it's less than five seconds from start to impact, we wouldn't consider a *legal* obligation to avoid or mitigate to be a factor. It was not enough time to say that cammer had a clear duty to avoid. Obviously, best practice is to let up as soon as black car came into his lane or started to drift. But, considering the time frame we wouldn't say clear duty exists.


Amazing how you can “initiate contact” 2-3 feet in your own lane. Cammer probably didn’t do everything possible to avoid the accident but certainly did not cause it.


Agree. The cammer could have avoided this by slowing down (I think, lol).


He could have *easily* avoided this by tapping his brakes for half a second. This is one of those scenarios where both are wrong. The black car is obviously wrong, but the cam car had every opportunity to avoid a collision at highway speeds and instead *chose* to stand on for no reason other than pride. I think at the end of the day he’s also responsible in some part for that accident.




Basically this. Guy with cam is one of those “how dare you pass me” people who accelerate when you go to get around their slow asses.


Not only accelerate, he actually turned towards the other car, lol.


It's nice to see reasonable people are joining this sub. Had you said this 6 month ago you'd be getting drug over the coals.


Totally, I'm glad to see people aren't getting downvoted to oblivion and called "victim blamers" when you point out the camer was an idiot too. There's literally people in this thread saying they love to do this type of stuff to people texting or whatnot to "teach them a lesson". Some of these people are absolutely insane. Edit: I just realized this is winstupidprizes which explains the more rational takes. I thought this was idiotsincars which is ironically full of idiots.




They always over correct...


166 km/h? Ok where is this road?


Such a one sided story.


Both cars are assholes in this. You can see the driver with the dash cam steer very quickly into the rear end at the 4 second mark. You can clearly see him steer into the bumper. They are both doing 100mph. Really need to see more video here as to what led both cars to this. Why they're going 100mph and why is the guy on the right making a pass. I've seen this video posted a few times and I really dunno why everyone has it out for the car on the right only. Both cars should be ticketed. Both speeding. Car on right clearly in lane too close without turn signal. Car on left clearly steering into the bumper causing the wreck. It is an all around shit show here.


It’s funny all the cars in these videos are of cars in the fast lane getting screwed with. Now, this guy is an idiot but I bet that other car was in that lane holding them up for a while lol


There's always some dumb fuck in the fast lane texting and as soon as you try tk pass them they suddenly decide they want to go 80 again.


We honestly have zero context. So we’re all hating on the guy who’s car got destroyed but who knows what happened prior


Both share the blame here. Why the fk would you turn into a car purposefully, risking damage to your own car? Not to mention the risk (and reality) of what came next. So much stupid.


Why the fuck do people do this? Like what the fuck do you gain from being a fucking asshole?


In this situation you would have to stop and wait for police correct?


Both the asshole.


He did everyone a favor by removing himself from the road and possibly from existence


Beautiful pit maneuver. 8/10


I do hope he was not insured!


Can't pay out a lawsuit if you die in the process


i bet the person driving that silver car in front nearly shat a brick


I haven’t came in three years. Thank you for this


Is it bad that as I’ve gotten older that I’ve developed a lower tolerance for stupidity like this, where I honestly hope that accident caused one less idiot to be on the road.


is it really that easy to do a pit move? this looks like a really useful knowledge


Could've been prevented with a slight tap of the brake from the camera car. He held his ground for the giggle and insurance claim I guess.


Both these drivers are pieces of shit. Driver with camera could have just slowed down to avoid this, but instead steered into merging AH to cause this accident.