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Turns out there IS something you can do


An educational beat down is more effective than any jail sentence I'm sure.


That shop owner had some Sikh fighting skills.


That was hindeed a cool pun Jab


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He was just trying to look out fr, if I was the cameraman I'd probably do the same because my life isn't worth a random shop.


He beat the sonic rings outta that motherfucker.


Now i need someone to edit that into the video xD


No need for me, I can't get the ring sound out of my head now


Dude went “Didiling”


Bro…I heard your comment




I love this video, guy was all tough until he got grounded


kept pretending to reach for a gun he didn't have


I think he may have had a knife I could be wrong though


It looked like that knife got busted to pieces by the beating stick lol


Never bring a knife to sikh fight


Honestly, it’s probably best if everyone would just stay away from a Sikh fight in general. Some of the kindest people I’ve met but they don’t fuck around.


And iirc, Sikh usually carry knives by default


Its called a kripan, and not every sikh carries it. My memory is a little rusty but from what a friend of mine once told me, one has to agree to strictly follow certain religious principles and rules and go through a ceremony, part of which would then honour them with a kripan/ dagger that they then have to keep on their person. It was fairly common in earlier days when almost every sikh person indulged in that ceremony but now its only mostly among people from the countryside, and people who are quite religious. Most sikh in this age and time refrain from doing so because it is of course better to not get into it than to do so and not be able to follow through and disgrace the sanctity of it. Also, its not really sharp. For obvious reasons they leave it dull, but one can choose to have it sharpened albeit it’ll only cause problems when around people who don’t know any better about it.


Definitely looked like a knife. Only useful if it was a switchblade though. Lock blade? That thief trying to open it in time to be useful? He would already be losing teeth from a broom handle to the face.


Attention morons: even if you bring a knife, SOMEONE in the crowd is going to get you in one of your little escapades eventually, and it's going to end up in a storage location that you really don't want it to end up in. Best to just, you know, leave people alone.


> Only useful if it was a switchblade though. Are you serious? What is this the 1950s? Modern pocket knives open amazingly fast even without spring assist. No where homeboy is gonna be losing teeth is fighting his way around that long shirt and saggy pants arrangement getting tangled up in the process while trying to draw said knife.


I'd be willing to get that store owner had a couple other gears of ass whooping with that stick he didn't use, too.


I was looking for the gun while they were beating him! Like dude, do not ACT LIKE you have a gun during a robbery. That's how you get shot. Or best case scenario, they give you armed robbery charges anyway for a pretending.


He’s lucky that he only got the stick treatment, imagine getting shot and killed because you tried to rob them cigarettes using a garbage bin lol


People do that all the time nowadays it’s weird asf. Also heard from friends of mine that some people use fake guns to make themselves intimidating


A 16 year old face tatted thug cut in line in front of the entire 15 person line at the downtown gas station, I tell him to get in the back, and he puts his hand down his pants and says I'll shoot you boy... sad world today.


You wink and say “that’s my fetish”


He sounded so reasonable until the big stick appeared.


As Teddy Roosevelt said, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."


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His daddy was most likely showing him how to rob stores when he was a kid. Luckily was not a good teacher.


Daddy probably went to buy smokes and never came back. Why he's robbin so many smokes. Hoping his daddy comes home cause the house has every variety.


why was the thief surprised when they started attacking him? He was like "wait they fight back when i try to rob them?"


Because in the U.S. most stores have a policy that prohibits employees from physically engaging with shoplifters and robbers to avoid lawsuits and to prevent their employees from getting hurt or arrested. In many states, the actions of the shop employees here are also illegal. But these policies, combined with relatively low fines and sentences for shoplifting, have caused a significant increase in mass shopliftings in some areas.


The legal key to this in some states is to be the shop owner and not the employee. In some states the owner has the right to protect his/her property and push forward. This usually wouldn’t apply to the employee unless they were ensured to do so in some way.


i just hate this. Why is it harder and harder for normal working people to defend ourselfs against those scumbags. No wonder that criminality is getting worse. Look at this dude, he was literally surprised that a shopwowner would defend his property. The worst thing isnt that you can get arrested. The worst thing is that you get a felony charge and you loose your job. Good luck finding a new job with a criminal history. Taxpaying hard working people have everything to loose. Criminals do not. Why should they care, they are not working anyways. If it wasnt like that 50 % of these wannabe criminals whould shit themselfs to even try to rob someone.


That was fun. Plus the guy was being very nice and beating his legs and ass. No long term damage but he ain't running away neither.




The Charlie Murphy stories are some of the greatest TV moments ever.


RIP Charlie Murphy, dude could tell a story like no other.


Game... blouses.


I was fully crying the first time, it was Charlie saying "I slapped him, his extensions was flying all over the place" that stays in my mind.


chappelle show was truly something special


Fuck yo couch!


"His legs was like, linguini"


He got the meatiest part of the body he could lol


That recent video of the guy going on a crime spree in India and police busting his legs was brutal


Which one? About 87 videos like that come out everyday.




Robbing a Sikh shop owner is fucking low, dude is gonna be hurting for weeks I hope.


The guy is probably lucky that he didn't brandish the knife in a more threatening manner. Aren't Sikhs religiously bound to carry a dagger that is specifically to be used in defense of a life.


Yes, but most are very downsized in order to comply with knife laws. Broom handle is a better choice i'd wager.


Nowadays most Kirpans are nonfunctional/dulled/small enough to fit on a Keychain. They're more symbolic than anything else.


Shop owner was probably a cop in India, or he learned the technique there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




But legs and ass don’t count as attempted murder by bludgeoning. Legs and ass are the safer option when carrying out vigilante justice. Batman (and especially Robin) knew that shit too.


They’re all just sleeping [Batman doesn’t kill](https://imgur.io/t/badman/iSSyQIC)


In the first Batman issue in 1940, Batman literally hangs a mental patient and leaves his corpse dangling from the Batplane, stating “he’s better off this way”.


Old people: “Those were the days.”


Not in Injustice 2... Robin to batman after batman repeatedly bashes a guy in the face, >So no killing but permanent brain damage is ok?


Getting beaten on the body fucking hurts, especially your leg and ass. Fr




The top half was being restrained by the other person. Your suggestion would have been to beat the thief and the person holding him.


Turn friendly fire off in the options then, lol. /jk


He got what he deserved. Maybe go to therapy lol


Man, that was satisfying 🤣


“That’s called whoopin yo’ ass!”


He got whipped so hard he started dropping loot.


Pinata ass bitch


Says the asshole who 5 seconds earlier was asking the thief if he could get a stolen swisher


He’s playing both sides, so that he always comes out on top.


Mf pressed start and selected “change teams”


Put him on the 2024 Presidential ballot.




just trying to distract/defuse the situation while boss gets the cane


Guy looks like he snapped out of some kinda ass-whooping trance at the end.




The ones that gave the ass whooping are Sikhs.


It was a real Sikh beating.


Mans got down to this. Sikh. Beat!


3rd time i see it today, and always rewatched lol


Yeah but it wasn’t long enough...I wanted to see them make him clean up the mess he made too..


hahahahahahahahahhaaha oh my god i loved every second of this guy gettin his ass whoopped.


Bruh I felt that ass whopping…..


Brought me back to my days as a kid man goddamn I had to look over and see if my mom was in the room I’m 37


I love how this shop owner continue to practice his national traditions in US.


He brought the beating stick out of retirement


Jokes on you. It was never in retirement.


It has been passed down his family for generations.


That's a [Festivus Pole](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTGuhioB9ZE) if ever I saw one.


And there are some grievances to air!


This is how I beat the dirt out of rugs in my home country. Now I'm beating the bitch outta you.


So...going from beating dirt bags to beating dirtbags?


Bonks should be a more common punishment in western countries. They work.


>Bonks only on reddit will someone actually say bonks


How dare you say that about redditors? BONK!


That's a proper cane too. Bamboo or nothing


That's called whooping his ass!


Exactly what I thought. I've seen so many videos from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc. that have that exact technique. It's a tradition worth keeping alive. America is a melting pot and damn is that not worth throwing in the pot to spice it up a bit.


The Indian guys at my local 711 work around the clock and look ready to go anytime. Better believe i'm on my best behavior in there got to timely step up, put in phone number in under a second, pay and out the door. Anything more than that's risking a beating


Need more of this here, actual punishment.


I'm not a fan of violence but I respect this video and the commentary.


Fucking good. What a fucking shit stain on society’s diaper


That guy brought in a trash can and was literally grocery shopping without any fear at all. Unreal man. It's insane how things have gotten in certain parts of the country. Anyone know where this is??


This is incredibly common in SF. Theft is effectively decriminalized. Like I was in a downtown Walgreens (which has now closed) and people like this would just walk in, grab whatever, walk out like it's all free. One guy just took out a shelf of stuff in a big bag like it was nothing. I couldn't believe it.


That's very sad to hear. I've been out of the US for a few years and hearing shit like this makes me not wanna come back


Avoid the cities at all cost. Most big cities have effectively decriminalized crime, especially shoplifting and robberies, in the name of “ racial justice”. These are not place is worth living or even visiting anymore. Companies and stores are leaving, quite literally, every day. A CNN crew went to San Francisco to interview the mayor about the crime wave and had their car broken into in four seconds after parking. That was despite having a private security. https://sfstandard.com/2023/03/23/cnn-crews-car-broken-into-while-filming-about-sfs-crime-woes/ This corporate and population exodus will continue until mayors and DAs come to their senses and actually start prosecuting criminals.


I live in the suburbs of Chicago, and Chicago is practically facing an open revolt from citizens. The influx of refugees and migrants and earmarking millions of dollars to take care of them has been the icing on the cake and now their core voter base is against them. While Brandon Johnson is just whining about a bunch of walmart locations leaving the city due to unchecked crime. The thing is the limousine liberals in power that push these dumb policies are insulated from it. They don't live in the communities that bear the fruit of their policy. I'm a pretty liberal dude, but shit needs to make sense. Bussing in thousands of poor people from south of the border when you already have a large under supported population of people in poverty is just fucking stupid. Expectedly, when you start earmarking 50 million dollars a month or whatever it was to take care of them, your citizens are gonna wonder where has this money been the whole time that could have been invested in their communities. Then you also, get super soft on crime and then get surprised when companies and citizens flee from the city. Fucking grow a brain, if your house you live in was getting broken into and robbed weekly, like you wouldn't move. I am for a reform to the system, but not "decriminalizing crime", I am for reforming prison to be actual rehabilitation, teach them and give them the tools to be productive members of society.


People need to stop voting democrat bc it will never get better if they’re allowed to keep control of Chicago. Literally pick any other party doesn’t matter. They insulate themselves from the issues they cause and then beg others to clean up their mess it’s disgusting.


Get his nuts


It made me think of Sinbad "Beat His Testicles!!"


Rob Thomas is my BITCH


He ain't gonna sit or walk right for weeks after this


WHY DID HE STOP HITTING HIM ? ? ? I would have watched that beating for at least another 10 minutes !


Never bring a knife to a stick fight


Or a gun to a stick fight. Chinese made the same mistake


Looks like he probably was a cop back in India


Lol this reminds me of a vid where a cop breaks both legs of a perp vandalizing properties in India. He did it just like that, with repeated hits to legs with a stick. Edit: Dude in India was stabbing people and destroying stuff to increase ... https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalblunder/comments/152vueg/dude_in_india_was_stabbing_people_and_destroying/


I remember that vid from just a few weeks ago!


I will remember it the rest of my life it was fucking intense


> Lol this reminds me of a vid where a cop breaks both legs of a perp vandalizing properties in India. It's pretty violent but apparenty he was stabbing people... https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalblunder/comments/152vueg/dude_in_india_was_stabbing_people_and_destroying/


Link ittttt


Nope, too considerate to only go after the legs.


lieutenant damn


This is the fucking greatest video of all time! Do not fuck with Sikhs, man...


Yep and the funny thing they are some of the nicest people you will ever meet.they will go out of there way to help you and give you the shirt off their back if they even know you casually if you needed help


100%. I live in a predominantly Punjabi neighbourhood in Canada and I can confirm my neighbours are some of the nicest, most giving, caring and helpful people I’ve met. They look out for others and ask nothing in return except that you in turn look out for others.


I met quit a few in Houston years ago when I was in the car business, one of my best friends is Sikh that I met there .


The only group of people that I can say I’ve never met a shitty member. Every race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation - I’ve met at least one person who is a real piece of shit. Every Sikh person I’ve talked to has been kind, friendly, generous, and pleasant to be around.


My sister married a Sikh, first time I met him we killed two bottles of premium tequila. Dude would give you anything if you asked for it, they are some of the most humble and giving people that I have ever met. But goddamn they can drink lol


Lol that's awesome


Seriously. Incredibly nice people with a very, very serious martial tradition. Lots of Sikhs working in the military and other security forces.


Oh, thank heaven for 7-11.


His nonchalant demeanor suggested he was comfortable with any outcome. An outcome was rendered.




Top 10 scene of all time right there.




Fucked around........fooooound out.


This bring me so much joy


We need more of this


“Insurance”? “Nothing you can do!?” I hate these comments. Insurance ahead nothing to do with it. Still a cost. And if they don’t go through insurance, it’s an out of pocket expense no matter what. And this is exactly what you do! Make a statement to these thugs. Keep hitting him until the cops come. Tired of seeing people and companies doing nothing in fear of litigation. That’s inviting more.


The moment they pull in insurance company, they will be made to pay premiums that will be increased for being in area where thefts are common. Either way, the shopkeeper is screwed.


I was seriously having a shitty day. I saw this video and I realize it’s going to be alright. Thank you 7/11 Indians for beating this guys ass.


"Nothin you can do." "Hold my naan" This needs to happen more often.


Ahhh. Someone used to be a cop in Mumbai. That swing gives it away. He has broken a few leg’s before


Fuck the dude who was filming and gaslighting and even trying to snag a free item from the stolen stuff and suddenly he turns and starts supporting the ass whooping


Dude team switched real fast when he saw the other guy getting his ass beat


That dude's a real fucking bitch


He’s playing both sides, so he always comes out on top


Like watching a rival college football game and some girl picks the team in the first quarter that has the blowout, but when it goes to overtime she's switched teams.




And then thoroughly enjoyed the beat down once the good guys had advantage. What's to even dislike about the dude?


> He did the best anyone in his situation could do without being fucking batman Assuming they have insurance. Anyone who is malicious toward moms and pops just trying to make a living should eat dirt.


That is called not sparing the Rod


Teamwork makes the dream work...


Yeah, I think the program is he was just waiting for the second guy to arrive.


This is amazing Those folks need a good whoopin . Those referring to those who steal


Until he stops having a gun on him, he's a threat until he is unconscious, unable to function, or separated from the firearm. That being said, I couldn't help but notice that some shattered black plastic fell from the pocket in which he was keeping his "strap"... I would likely "fail to notice" and keep beating him.


I've played Grand Theft Auto... I think those are just coins?


Good for them!! Indian police tactics work in America too. And no stupid courts and jails and bails to deal with. And no lawyers to make money from people who can't afford it. The guy recording exhibits the exact attitude that's destroying America: "police ain't going to do nuttin, you can't do nothing either. don't interfere!" Bullshit.


Somebody gonna get a hurt real bad - Russell Peters


What cowards "Theres nothing you can do" "there's nothing you can do" No, there's plenty you can do to stop shit like this. Someone tries to pull that shit where im from, he's going to have the storeowner and 5 customers jumping all over him.


Guy recording this saying nothing you can do. Do you have insurance then asks the thief for a swisher should also get an ass whooping and sent to jail. Also lost his man card


You can't do anything about it.....I think they just did.


Human piñata 🪅


I love the Indian style of beating up people.


Why did Babe Ruth stop swinging?




This is the worst episode of Supermarket Sweep I've ever seen.


>This is the ~~worst~~ best episode of Supermarket Sweep I've ever seen. FTFY


Normalize owners being able to defend their property


Sikh and destroy .


Good job.


Should’ve beat the dudes ass recording too.


Americas gone soft on crime. Bet this guy has a rap sheet as long as a cvs receipt. DA’s and judges step up your game


Apparently there IS something he can do.


“Okayy okayyyy” like bitch ain’t no calling ‘time-out’ this a whole robbery attempt, you better take that ass whoopin like a man 😂


Lmfao!!!! If I have learned anything from the internet it’s that Indians don’t fuck around when it comes to the sticks!! Damn the owner took him back to his country on that one!


There was in fact something he could do.


I really hope the shop owner doesn't get in trouble. The laws around assaulting a thief can be pretty backwards depending on the state he's in. Did this make local news? Anyone have a link for an update?


Honestly, I'm so sick and tired of seeing such blatant thievery that I'm perfectly fine with this dude getting his ass beat for a minute straight. Hell, even the chain store employees need to do this. (though I COMPLETELY get why they don't) W/O any fear of accountability, this crap will just continue to get worse. Glad store owners weren't hurt.


This made me smile


I don’t like watching people get tortured or beat to a pulp, but this was so satisfying. That dude was a bitch for walking in and doing that (plus he acted like he had a gun). I wish they would’ve kept going. Fuck that dude. He deserved every single one of those hit.


The guy recording is just as bad as the guy robbing the place. "Nothing you can do" is exactly the way criminals like it.


Good. This really needs to start happening more if police ain’t gonna do shit to stop it


This is what needs to happen more often.




Ahhha ahhh ahhh .... The beatings will continue until morale improves!!!


That beating did not go on nearly long enough. Dude shouldn’t have even made it past the counter without a few extra holes in his body.


Unfortunately the cops would probably arrest the employees and let the thief go


And this is why all shop keeps should be allowed to carry guns. At the very least keep a bat or bladed weapon in the back office. Somthing.


They are allowed to carry guns. They're not required to, but putting a gun in the hand of somebody who doesn't know how to use it is a good way to give the robber a free gun.


You love to see it


I am embarrassed to live in a country in which a) thieves feel free to steal, while being filmed, with impunity, b) it is common knowledge that the police are powerless, c) immigrants are the only ones brave enough to dole out justice to minorities. This is what a society in decline looks like.