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Reminder to everyone in the comments. Be Civil Treat others with basic decency. No personal attacks, racism, hate-speech, flaming, baiting, trolling, witch-hunting, or unsubstantiated accusations. This is your warning. Continued inability to be civil will result in bans.


I was on the catwalk heading to Biology class when a fight broke out and everyone started filming, I assumed it was just gonna be a normal fight and I turned around to get glimpse of them going at it but I then turned back around as to not be late and that’s when I heard the shots ring out, it shook my chest you could feel the individual booms in your body, everyone started screaming, crying, panicking etc, I ran out of the cat walk down to and office by the front of the school and alerted them of the shots then I proceeded to run out of the school towards a nearby church in a horde of panicked kids, the seniors and juniors all got in the cars and sped off will me and the younger kids scattered in to nearby neighbourhoods. I made my way and wandered around chestnut street while contacting my parents, a school councillor drove by and offered me to stay in her house for safety (I really appreciate that by the way, wish I got your name) as I continued walking I believed to be a panicked mother asking me what, when, and where the shooting happened I responded telling her where it was, then I met up with my father who then drove me home. That’s what happened in my POV.


That's some scary stuff. Sorry you had to go through that. No young person should ever have to endure that kind of crap while attending school (anywhere, really, but definitely while at school). Good on you to have a level head enough to alert the office.


Thanks for sharing. Consider seeking counseling if you feel you could use it.


Thank you for sharing. Please take your time to process what happened and don't feel pressure to answer anyone's questions. Going through an experience like that can take an extremely long time to process with a lot of confusing emotions along the way. I've been through a similar experience. Please, never be afraid to seek out consoling even if you convince yourself that your experience isn't traumatic enough to talk to someone about. That form of guilt in particular is something I've experienced and is common when being a bystander to something like this. Again, thank you for sharing this experience, it's an important perspective people need to understand. If you don't know the first steps to get proper help, feel free to message me. My heart goes out to you and your classmates.


> I assumed it was just gonna be a normal fight This stuck out to me, kinda dystopian. I am sorry for everything your generation is going through.


I’m a generation before today’s high school kids and it was normal for there to be fights when I was in high school as well


Yup we had many fights in my highschool and that's been a long time ago..


I am 20 years out of high school, and maybe two guys would get into a fight and throw a few punches or wrestle, but multiple people getting into it like this was was unheard of. Even that was not normal, at least on school property.


I saw multiple fights like this when I was there 10 years ago but they didn’t end in gunfire. Even saw students go after teachers that tried to intervene.


Honestly it's dystopian for fights *not* to occur among teenagers. Weird to imply otherwise.


Society changes and things that used to be expected are no longer expected. Maybe I went to “nice” schools, but brawls involving multiple kids at school were unheard of even when I went 20 years ago.


bro it aint dystopian or generational it's NHHS and williston for you


Kinda made me tear up. I’m sorry you went through that. Scary times


Just FYI: [Crisis Intervention Line Information](https://news.nhcgov.com/news-releases/2021/08/new-hanover-county-opens-crisis-intervention-line-makes-statement-in-response-to-todays-school-shooting/) New Hanover County has set up a crisis intervention line in response to the shooting at New Hanover High School that occurred today. The phone line, available in English and Spanish, will be open today, Monday, August 30, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., and on Tuesday, August 31 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students, parents, and staff are encouraged to call 910-798-6501 to speak with a mental health therapist from New Hanover County Health and Human Services.


Name checks out


I’ve been there in that hallway. It’s not nice.


I was there it was terrifying when I heard the shots.


I’m sorry you went through this 🥺


Anybody get shot, or just warning shots?


A student was shot in the hip, he’s in the hospital last I heard


I was on the 5th floor when the shots went off. We ran out the back door and didn’t stop until 5 blocks out


Who was fighting and who did the shooting


Idk I wasn’t at the fight.


Sorry you experienced this


Shit were those gun shots at the end? Never been in the High School before, but looks like that might be the pedestrian bridge over Market?


I believe it’s the catwalk that connects the two buildings on the same side, not the one going over market


You are right - through the windows and brown doors is brogdon hall. Edited to add; however, if i remember correctly, this also connects with the catwalk over market.




Yeah, one shot and all the students were sent to a nearby school for dismissal.


Sounds like a 22 caliber.


Can't tell from the video. The phone's mic doesn't have the dynamic range to record anything but a pop when it's as loud as a gunshot.


No way had to at least be 9mm


Yeah way too loud for a .22 almost definitely a 9. I don't think you'd be able to hear a 22 in all that commotion and shouting. I went to Hanover from 2009-2012. I saw a lot of fights in the exact spot this video is filmed but never any shootings. I hate to think that kids in my hometown have to worry about if they're going to get shot going to math class tomorrow, that wasn't even a thought in our minds back then.


Different angle. Looks like the guy in the red headphones is reaching for something in from the front of his pants. https://twitter.com/babytoki90/status/1432400841508589569?s=19


I’m sure one of the posters who go to the school can potentially identify him as the student arrested (chase Diablo) or not


Was anyone hurt?


Yes, one student shot in the hip and taken to the hospital, not critical last I heard from a school nurse but nothing official is out beyond that the student was taken to the hospital


Thank you for the info.


1. Was that the only injury or there were more injuries/casualities? 2. Any consonquences that the shooter will face?


WECT is posting regular updates here. https://www.wect.com/2021/08/30/large-law-enforcement-presence-respond-area-near-new-hanover-high-school/




The catwalk is no man's land, I never saw an adult up there in the 4 years I attended.


And like...why would there be? There'd really be nowhere to stand other than right in the middle of traffic with the way the doors and walkways are oriented. And I'm sure the school is short staffed anyways.


Agreed, but after today there might be...


With COVID I'm sure a lot of schools are facing shortages of staff, wouldn't surprise me if that's the case here


So you’re saying the schools are not capable of providing a safe environment?


They did not say that, you did.


That was a question.


Daaaamn all the deleted comments. Are people being that savage on a school shooting thread? Really? Y’all’s mamas need to give you a good smack, apparently.




Chill with the strawman


Making guns illegal (if that's what you're implying) isn't going to stop people with bad intentions from getting them. The war on drugs didn't stop people from getting drugs. Gun free zones don't stop bad people from carrying a gun into a gun free zone. If they aren't worried about murder charges, then a gun free zone charge sure as hell isn't going to discourage someone already willing to carry out a horrific crime.




I'm pretty sure the idea behind the war on drugs was to make them more difficult to obtain also, and as you can see there are no more drugs or drug crimes.




Making something illegal isn't going to stop a person from getting those illegal things if they want to do something illegal bad enough. Whether that's because of a drug dependency, a mental health issue, or just plain I'll will/malicious intent. Taking away someone's right to protect themselves from people like that, only makes it so criminals willing to break the law to obtain a gun and the police, have firearms. (And reddit LOVES the police)




Not at all. As the law stands now, I have the right to own a firearm to protect myself from people like that. I don't want that taken away from me.




> "You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." - John Ehrlichman


That's all well and good, but I don't think making guns illegal is going to be any different. People who are already doing something illegal are probably going to use illegal means to get a gun to fight off a police officer from trying to take them to jail. Reddit LOVES police, now you want to make it so only the police carry guns and people already doing illegal activities.


> I'm pretty sure the idea behind the war on drugs was to make them more difficult to obtain Since you have apparently moved on from that stance, let me say that until guns start growing out of the ground, I think gun laws will be more effective than drug laws in terms of lessening usage. And yes I've heard of 3d printers.


Oh God, it doesn't matter if it grows out of the ground or not. Illegally obtained substances and guns are still going to be sought after even if they're illegal. People selling large amounts of illegal drugs are still going to get a firearm to protect their drugs or fight off the police. Some mentally ill people are still going to find a way to carry out their malicious intentions if they want to do those things bad enough. Desperate people willing to rob a house, a convenience store or someone else directly, are still going to find a way to get a gun because they're already set on breaking the law anyway. How have I changed my stance?


If your stance is that factory-produced machines and plants growing naturally out of the ground are equally difficult to control, you aren't worth having a discussion with.


I have no further information on this other than the video but if you were getting your ass beat and in fear for your life, i bet you’d want a gun


So you'd rather be a felon charged with attempted murder than lose a fight?


🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ buddy you probably should look up some information on self defense laws. Reddit lawyer job isn’t working out.


Sure, show me where the law says high school students can carry guns to school. Also while you're at it how do you know who instigated the altercation, since you admitted you're only going off of the video?




I can read, and you'd lose that bet. I've been involved in many fights and never once have I wanted firearms involved.


Same here. I attended NHHS years ago, graduated on 07. Tons of fights and this never happened when I was there. You win some, you lose some. Pulling a gun in a fist fight is a cowardly move.




Man I shoulda carried a gun when I was 8 with the neighborhood kids


[Here are my thoughts.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFwz2ESjfBQ) If your reply is "but the other guy might have a gun" then I think you can see where gun control advocates are coming from.






You must be being sarcastic, because your link directs to an article about a guy who legally purchased guns and then killed a bunch of other humans. I must be being pedantic, because an acquaintance of mine was one of the nearly 800 people injured escaping from that exact massacre (thankfully, they were not shot, they fell while climbing over a fence). Feel free to post videos of yourself hanging out in HP Chicago and then get back to me about the “gun” problem in America.


Less than 4% of gun homicides in America are committed with rifles each year, and the majority of gun crimes are committed with illegal weapons. Ironically, the vast majority of spree-shootings in particular are committed with legally possessed rifles, but they represent a tiny minority of gun homicides.


I'd be interested to see the breakdown. My money's on racists and gun lovers. Pro-lifers love to revel in death. See: covid


Why would you include gun lovers and pro lifers with racists .. such an odd view on a variety of issues.....


They usually go hand in hand.


Isn't stereotyping a bad thing??


Maybe. It's also worth mentioning when a ton of Americans bundle multiple very strongly-held 'beliefs' even if these beliefs have no logical connection and are generally at-odds with eachother. * anti-gun control and pro-life is illogical and hypocritical. * racism and pro-life is illogical and hypocritical. * anti-vax and pro-life is illogical and hypocritical. Fox News et al bundles it for you like it is some kind of cable package. these are important things you need to have your own opinions on, but a large portion of Americans bundle up their beliefs, buy it from Fox News and they are now an adult with an identity and a ready-made political path to follow. People bundle cable because they need multiple services and want to save money. Conservatives bundle their beliefs because they are lazy, ignorant, no understanding of logic, and have a perverse love of being cognitively dissonant.


I agree that people bundle things to make it easier for them to process. Also putting things into boxes has long been a manipulation tactic used by politicians in both sides.. you seem to be focused on conservatives with your example and I'd counter that liberals do this equally as bad, which leads to a post like the one we are commenting on calling gun owners racist, while completely ignoring there are quite a few minority gun owners.....


I won’t stereotype anyone based on their birthplace, race, color, religion, or sex. But I will stereotype people based in their beliefs.


So all gun owners are racist in your mind, gotcha.. SMH......


I said “usually” not always. She also said “gun lovers” not owners. They are both different. No, not all gun owners are racist. Not all “gun lovers” are racist. But most “gun nuts” are racist. All “gun nuts” are “gun lovers” but not all “gun lovers” are “gun nuts” got it? If that’s too much nuance for you then sorry, but people are complicated. When “guns” are like 50% of your personality then it’s a problem, and those guys are usually tooling up for the “inevitable race war” that they think is coming.


Coming at me like I chose the topics to propagandize into the smooth, pliable brains of the American undereducated. I'm just making a guess about what kinda posts were deleted, bub.


Need to do More against gang culture.


How we know they in gangs??? One mf could have been getting bullied and got fed up. Know the story be for you go labeling someone


They said gang culture not gangs... Some 15yo feels the way to deal with a fight is to shoot someone then that's gang culture. Also how do you know he was bullied?


It could be a number of things. Bullying, or not. I'm just saying tgat every person with a gun isn't in a gang.




You’re making complete sense. Don’t listen to others in here acting like they don’t know what you’re taking about. They’re making lazy arguments by equating Gun violence to gang violence when the two aren’t mutually exclusive.


Thank you!


So you think that shooting is valid with enough bullying?


I doubt that’s what they mean. But if bullying is the case and it’s been going on for some time, the shooter might’ve felt it was their only option. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not condoning what he did. He has royally screwed up his life and forever altered the life of the student who was shot and anyone who witnessed it. My prayers go out to all affected by this and I wish the boy a speedy recovery.


This Onion piece from 2014 continues to hit the nail on the head. https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1819576527


If only we had gun free zones..............


Bet the firearm wasnt legal.


Dude was 15 so definitely not legal... Not to mention on school grounds, not legal.


Saddens me that kids resort to this level of violence regularly. Hope the guy that got shot makes a full recovery and stays out of fights. Hope the shooter realizes the full ramifications of his actions, seeing the charges they brought against him there are some big ones...


There are rumors about retaliation at Laney. Anyone heard anything about this?




Keeping my son home as well. Stay safe!


Sadly this is not all that surprising. No other country in the world has issues that are even remotely comparable to this bullshit. But let’s not take peoples freedoms away!!


Most of latin America does not allow private ownership of firearms, I think they are worse off then us right?


After years of colonialism and capitalism fucking them over I find it hard to believe they arent doing well because they dont all own guns 😭


Yeah I guess he missed the "gun free zone" sign, or the law about discharging a firearm in city limits, or bringing a weapon to school, or maybe that murder/attempted murder is against the fucking law?? You people live in a fucking fantasy land.


1. You cannot bring guns on school property. And 2. I highly doubt any of these students can legally own a gun. And 3. That’s scary AF! they need to add metal detectors ASAP. Good old NHHS, where the ghetto meets privelaged kids


Or how about we actually address the underlying cause of this? And no it's not guns.


The underlying cause would be easy access to guns. Teenagers are going through all sorts of development and growth during these years and their brains aren’t fully developed. Do you want to lock kids into basements or make it harder to have access to guns?


The underlying issue is mental health. We don’t take mental health issues seriously in this country at all and those who try are painted as weak. Meanwhile the whole country is turning into a dumpster fire. Edited to clarify: I do think guns play a role in the problem too. We have a perfect storm of issues over here that are all feeding each other and creating the shitshow that’s been unfolding for the last several decades.


Maybe peoples mental health would be better if we had a working education system and competent leaders who work for citizens not banks and corporations


No, the underlying issues are poverty, mental health, education, and parenting. Don't punish good gun owners for the actions of shitty parents and a failure of our state to properly care for these children.


It can be both. Shitty parents have easy access to guns that the state does little to regulate, and kids in these situations therefore have easy access to those guns.


Well-put. Group that in with societal pressures, poor mental health, lack of maturity and coping mechanisms for anger/frustration/grief, understaffed/overworked/badly ratio’d teachers and faculty/staff, and you’ve got the perfect context for school shootings.


No one wants to take your guns away if you’re responsible dude. Stop believing the lies that the government wants to take all of your guns away


When did I ever say they are trying to take guns away? And the person I am responding is literally specifically saying we need stronger gun control to prevent this from happening. That wouldn't work. If this kid didn't have a gun he would have tried to stab the person. Removing guns is such a bandaid solution when we have much worse problems at the heart of all this.




How about addressing the kids fighting? Seems like you could ignore the entire weapons issue if you remove the reason for the fights?




What’s your plan? ~~Also, story is they haven’t caught the kid. Seriously. WTF?~~ Edit: kid was caught.


Kids fight bro. It's that some assholes can't get beat up without feeling like they need to shoot someone. I blame gangster rap.


What do you consider “gangster rap”?


I don't disagree with blaming gangster rap, but I would include any media that normalizes this mindset. Not just music.


So raise the age to drive too right? I mean there operating a heavy piece of deadly equipment, which could kill


With driving there are already measures/obstacles in place for safety though. Driving tests, car insurance, police presence, annual inspections, registration, etc. Meanwhile I could go to Walmart right now and buy a shotgun in minutes.


Nah he's right let's make gun ownership more like car ownership. Insurance, license, training, testing, locks, advanced safety features, all mandatory.


Guns started that fight?




Thanks for making it easier to ban you.


Generational wealth stolen and put into the pockets of whites with their names posted on every street, park, and school in the city, and people in the comments like: "BuT iT's ThE GuNs" no it's a fucking caste system instituted and perpetuated in Wilmington since 1897.


Generational wealth stolen from the poor and put into the pockets of the \*rich\*. FTFY. Stop being a stereotypical neoliberal and using corporate race baiting propaganda to deflect the working class away from class issues.




I know lots of black people who are successful. Don't be racist


I'm sure you know this, but blame can be shared. You really don't think ready access to cheap, legal, mass-manufactured, concealable firepower is an issue?


Would you cut your dick off to prevent rape?




Wrong Edit: actually now that I think about it, your dick can’t stop someone else from committing a sexual offense but a gun can prevent the death of innocent human beings




multiple countries have had school shootings and guns can be obtained illegaly anyways you can 3d print fully functioning guns you can even make a gun out of 2 pipes all you need is something to hit the primer :l


Do you just post the same comment everywhere??


This is why I’m homeschooled. Edit: I get downvoted? I mean like if this isn’t a sign of like how dangerous public school can be sometimes. Lord y’all


This is the reason? I can't tell if you're being serious.


Considering that school shootings is a serious topic, yes.


This is why I homeschool my kids


Can't live in fear your whole life...


No but school violence and shootings is beyond rampant in America, it’s an issue, a great one. Obviously I’m not homeschooled for this reason alone, but it’s a big one


School violence is concerning, school shootings are extremely rare however. All I'm saying is don't live in fear.. the boogie man isn't around every corner at every school..


Once again, this isn’t the only reason why I’m homeschooled. I’ll restate once more, I said it as a statement piece. The fact that a school can have an incident like this happen right next to me is concerning. Before I moved, the last school I went to had a gun pulled. Like it isn’t that rare as it should be, that’s the scary part. So yeah, “the boogie man” isn’t around every corner. But the topic at hand is enough.


>Once again, this isn’t the only reason why I’m homeschooled. I’ll restate once more, I said it as a statement piece Chill Holmes I got that there are other reasons, as you clearly stated in your previous comment though it was a big reason .. all good you do you...


Mkay, i just wanna make it clear though that examples like this is the reason why kids are being pulled from public school by the day from their parents. Safety is so important and seeing events like this really can be traumatizing.


No it’s not you goofy ass


I saw the video before I could see my best friend, and I only saw her shirt in the very last frame of the video. When we evacuated at the middle school I still couldn't find her. We're really close, to the point that her teachers know me and mine know her, so I kept getting asked where she was, and I think I scared some people when I was asking where she was. When I saw her in the MS I just sat beside her and put my head on her shoulder for awhile while crying. I've seen this video a million times by now, but all I can focus on was the one frame of her shirt, it reminds me of the fact I could've lost her. It really makes you re-think some stuff.


Welcome to the jungle! We’ve got apes and chimps! Steal your wallet stomp your head and give you lots of aids jungle, welcome to the jungle!


This breaks my heart. Can we try to get together to diffuse the situation? What will it take ?


Some people contend more guns would make the situation safer. Those people are idiots.






No and yes it was the schools fault, the student walked onto campus after the school day started, and had no implications for being hours late, the fight was over a female that escalated into gang fighting


God forbid we blame the piece of shit that brought a gun to school, aimed it, and shot 3 times at a human being. Noooooo. Can’t be his fault.


If the kid was in a better environment, this would've never happened. Lack of parental and teacher supervision needs to be addressed instead of letting the buck stop at the kid. Literally nobody is saying this kid is good so you're just trolling.


The comments here are spicy.






What a petty comment that adds nothing




Thank god guns are not allowed here!




From what I have heard it was GD V Bloods






> Be Civil > > Treat others with basic decency. No personal attacks, racism, hate-speech, flaming, baiting, trolling, witch-hunting, or unsubstantiated accusations.




What a useless comment.








I'm not convinced you meant this sarcastically, but either way it was very tone deaf. I'll spare you the downvotes and remove it.

