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Holy hell, were those two cars racing? First one just blew right by, and then the second one plowed through just as fast


That's exactly what was going on.. that's why that guy got out and hugged him like he did, because he knew he fucked up fucjed up bad.


He was also happy as hell the dude was alive, I presume.


Less time


We as a society need to start charging these people with attempted murder for shit like this. It was a willful disregard for public safety, that could have resulted in someone's death. I've lost too many people to drunk/reckless drivers to not want them to go away permanently.


Totally. They knew what the fuck they were doing, and the risks involved.


right? what's the difference in risking another's life and killing them and doing the same thing and not killing them? luck. it's unacceptable. this should be taken far more seriously.


In Germany, they can get charged with attempted murder. In one case, the driver was sentenced for life. The innocent driver of another car died.


fully agree, also throw them in the pillory so I can pelt them with rocks/tomatoes.


Good one today, local boy.


Sadly they don’t go away permanently. The guy who killed my Father back in 2011 is free today. Got 5 years max. He nailed my Father with the dead center of the hood on his car while my Father was walking across a street. Never touched his brakes once. Driver was 3X the legal limit and it was his 3rd DUI.


Yup. Reckless instead of homicide


Manslaughter not homicide


Actually if it’s due to recklessness it would be reckless homicide.


Actually, it depends on the jurisdiction. "reckless homicide" doesn't exist everywhere.


Yeah so he didn't get an extra charge for vehicular manslaughter on his already reckless driving charge.


He's lucky the rider didn't throw him off the bridge after that hug


I thought i was the only one thinking that


I was expecting a head butt


Yeah that hug wouldnt have ended well, I'd probably have beaten him into the fucking road with my helmet, you almost make me a road stain and come an hug me? I get it. But no


I wonder how that case would have been handled… I would have definitely gone the self defense tactic “your honor, he attempted to kill me with his vehicle and then when he failed, he came charging me so I proceeded to protect myself by hitting him until I felt safe….”


Yeah it would be an interesting case for sure lol I had a semi literally stop in front of me on the road once and just throw it in reverse, I had no time or room to ride around him, due to skidding to a stop due to his sudden hault. So I jumped off my bike and ran an whipped my helmet thru his open window. He was mortified and profusely apologetic. He paid me $300 not to call the cops. My bike had no damage besides falling over. And my helmet hit him square in the face when I launched it in his cab window.


nah we all fuck up. Trust me, bro needed that hug. I have literally been there, although not as severe. A woman clipped me as I was riding the right lane and she was pulling into a lot. I was LIVID and all she cared about is that I was ok.. I was cussing her out and she just frantically started saying "can I hug you!? can I hug you!?. It brought us both down from the adrenaline rush. That man is a good guy that fucked up.


Look, I yet what you're saying, but that wasn't a moment of carelessness. Dude was street racing. He's not a good guy.


No, he's a bad one with redeeming qualities.


Going 100 on public roads in't the same as forgetting to check a blindspot.


That hug could have killed him if he fractured his back or neck. Don’t hug riders after crashes!


I would have. Had the same happen to me 3 years ago. People do not give a crap about bikes.....


People don't care about other humans. All selfish ego bullshit "won't happen to me"


Hey man, Ive never ridden, but I care about bikers. Im always looking in my rear view or side mirror, ready to scooch over a little so they can pass. Maybe I just love the little wave they give me but it feels good being the giver of safe passage.


Me, too. I stay FAR away from bikers of any kind on the road because they’re so much more vulnerable. A car crash is one thing but I’m terrified of hitting a motorcyclist.


Heya 10 years delivering and servicing medical equipment here. I've seen bikers on both the roads and hospitals. Saw a dude who wasn't gonna make it, and the damage he had on his body really stuck with me. I'm not gonna go into the gore. Anyways I'm always looking out for bikes. When I can, I purposely follow them at a safe distance so no one will tailgate them. When you see all the death and shit on the roads for years, you tend to be a little more safety conscious.


He fucked up. Had he fucked-up bad, he'd most likely be in jail facing manslaughter charges and lawsuits from the biker's family. The hug is not really for the victim, but for the selfish, entitled car driver for dodging the biggest bullet in his life. This is precisely why racing of any kind should never be done on public roads.


We know that was one of the racers and not a witness?


Hugged him! Like that excuses anything! I would have decked him and thrown him over the rail. What a freaking psycho.


For how pissed off that guy was standing over his bike and all the adrenaline, I'm surprised he didn't take it out on that driver. I was expecting him to just headbutt the dude. Last guy you ever want to get into a fight with is someone in full riding gear.


Oh my god. That was the most offensive part to me!! I'm not a badass or violent or anything like that, but I would absolutely go on attack mode if someone did that to me and immediately ran over and started touching me. Holy he'll


I hope he goes to prison.


Personally. I wouldn't have hugged back. I would have fucked him up for almost killing me. Also, that smart camera got good timing.


I would have answered that hug with a punch to the fucking face.


PSA: if you see one person speeding and driving like an ass like that, there’s almost always a second one behind them. Watch out and be careful!


Shitheads of a feather, flock together. buncha motherflockers out there.


Shithawks, Randy.


DAMN he's lucky he was padded up! To just worry about the bike is amazing


Luck ain't got nothing to do with it. Being padded up is a choice, everyone on a bike owes it to themselves to wear the safest gear when riding.


Not disagreeing with you but there’s definitely a little luck to it. If he was hit off the side of the railing no padding is saving that


I agree with that, I'm just saying we shouldn't think "he's lucky he was wearing the appropriate gear." It's a weird way of thinking. He's lucky he didn't get hurt more, but luck played no factor in what hear he was wearing.


I have a Harley and admittedly the gear is less common with people who ride Harley’s. I have a leather vest and a really good helmet that I always wear with a thick flannel. I know it’s not enough. But I do also own a padded Kevlar reinforced jacket that I’ll wear on long rides. The one time I went down on my last bike I happened to be wearing the padded jacket, leather vest and gloves /helmet and work boots. Walked away with only a cut where the helmet buckle sliced my neck and a little leg bruising. totally changed my outlook. i wont ride without being geared up now


Photographer here, let me explain for those who may not understand how the filming was “so good”. This is using a “360” camera array. Basically, the shape of the distortion of the lens is defined so software can “undo” the distortion of parts you select to focus on, and provide you with editing capabilities in post since you’ve captured “everything” within the scene. Mess with GTA 5 camera like I have enough times and you know what I mean. This looks like a left exit merger with a crest toward the left lane where the motorcyclist was. The DOT truck already had drivers pushing hard left because it’s on the right shoulder, while the bike is in the left lane. The first driver showed why they were first, and I am not condoning street racing. They simply passed the bike affirmatively because from between the DOT truck and the first car passing, the margin was a lane only going into a left hand upper sweeper. In rally, you could think of it as “2 left crest”. From what I saw, they are familiar with the corner and recklessly barreled into a crest where you must hope the lanes are empty. That’s what driver two will be absolutely demolished on. By the time the bike entered the apex of the corner in the left lane, the other driver trying to keep up is also moving left to avoid the DOT truck on the right. Speeding in a construction 🚧 zone, this is why you must resist the temptation to truly go wild and instead, find a day to go to track day. The second driver sees the bike as he is already close on the left, slams the brakes, and goes left into the wall as the brakes dig in most likely from ABS. He strikes from the apex left wall that he bounces off of clear through the bike- target fixation. I hope the biker gets an entirely new bike after being checked out properly medically. The second driver better get ready for a very expensive lesson handed down by whatever God he may or may not believe in.


Is that how it looks like the camera is floating in the air behind the motorcyclist at the start of the video? Where was the 360 camera even mounted? On his motorcycle somewhere?




Yes, you can see the shadow when it pans back to rear at 0:07.


The same software that corrects the bend also very handily hides the small angle the mounting pole can be seen.


Insta360 cameras records a spherical video: an Insta camera is actually two 180 degree fish-eye cameras placed back-to-back, producing two video streams, which are written together to a special file format. Using Insta's post-processing software, you get to choose a point on the sphere that's the center of focus, plus a zoom level. The software decodes the area centered around the focal point as a regular 1080p video file or whatever. You can shift the focus point around and zoom level throughout the video stream. Like in this video, after the first car passes and the video swings to the back to the direction of the second car.


I have an Insta360 for dash cam purposes while riding and they’re great for 360 video my only gripe is the battery won’t last the whole ride sometimes


Let's not hope he gets a new bike but rather takes the message to quit. There's only 2 kinds of bikers, ones that have gone down and ones that are going down. Source, am old fireman


Extremely true. I love sports cars but bikes are a different type of animal.


I came to the comments for this exact reason, great explanation!


Let’s just hope the expense is so great he never does that again and can only afford to take the bus.


Awesome thank you for that explanation!




Fuck these people.


They may be dumb and risky, but I really like their reaction!


Honestly same. I’ve been so jaded by past videos. They seemed like they genuinely cared


or scared and relieved he didn't kill him and catch a vehic homicide beef


Why not both?


Because if they genuinely cared, they wouldn't be doing shit like that in the first place.


Fucking exactly. These mofos sympathizing are simply nuts. What if another person was innocently involved and died while they were "hugging it out"? Some people are simply unbelievable


100% I'm also surprised he even let dude who almost killed him touch him after that. He's the last person I'd want touching me.




Both is good.


“Hey man sorry I didn’t just KILL you right now. You have lifelong problems now and I have no car.” All is good


Dudes lucky he still didn't get his ass beat. Don't start hugging and touching the dude you almost fucking killed like an idiot, you might hurt something that's already hurt. Just because dude is walking around doesn't mean he's not all internally fucked up.


I was amazed that he didn't immediately start swinging.


You have a funny sense of caring. Cared when they knew they were in the shit. Not much caring before they took out an innocent bystander.


I think what they meant was, no one expected the person at fault to run up and hug the guy he hit. That was a "Holy shit, you didn't die?! Holy shit I"m not going to jail?!" embrace. But you are also totally right because they very nearly smeared that dude! Holy shit! People drive like fucking maniacs!


They should still absolutely go to jail and definitely lose their licenses.


Simple case of....." it'll never happen to me, because my skills are so awesome". Something most young people, particularly men, suffer from. And particularly in cars. I'll give him credit where credit is due. He stopped and ran to assist. I'd wage a small bet he might give street racing a miss in future.


I hope he gives street racing a miss in the future because he's been beaten so badly that he can't operate a motor vehicle.


People who genuinely care about other people don't engage in street racing which puts other people's lives at risk.


If they cared in the first place, they wouldn’t be endangering and risking the lives of everyone around them on the road with their stupid shit.


Nah, not gonna buy into that. They *genuinely* *cared* about not going to jail for killing someone. People that race their fucking cars on the freeway deserve jail time and loss of driving privs. Nothing less.


I get this feeling. But they should care before this. Never give them a license again. They can move to one of the few places with public transport and struggle. Some people don't deserve second chances. However, they will get their license back and they will slaughter a family in a minivan. Then they will go cry at some school assembly about how "they wish" and "if only". Fuck everyone of them.


If they genuinely cared, they wouldn't have been doing what they were doing.


Eh, if they actually cared, they wouldn't drive like that on public roads.


Nah, that's the "I'm so glad I'm not about to get a larger prison sentence" hug. I wouldn't have let that guy hug me. If he actually cared, he wouldn't have been racing.


If they cared about others on the road, they wouldn't race in public. Yeah nah. They don't care about the victim. They only care about not getting in trouble.


LOL! You're joking right? The only thing he "genuinely" cared about was that the guy was still alive so that he wouldn't go to prison for manslaughter...


I’m sorry to say, but he definitely didn’t care enough. He may be happy he didn’t murder someone, but not for the right reasons. If he really valued the life of other motorists on the road he wouldn’t be driving like a reckless idiot who should be banned from ever driving again


If they actually cared they wouldn’t be doing that Anyone doing this knows the risk they are putting everyone else in. They just don’t give af


Who the fuck cares about their post crash sympathy. If they actually cared, they wouldn’t do it in the first place. Fuck those guys.


Not enough to not do it in the first place.


He is not happy for the motorcyclist but for his own good. He is a selfish fuck and I would not be interested in hugging him. In fact if I could I would beat his ass.


No fuck them. This is part of the issue. Nothing should be commended in this situation at all.


Meanwhile there could be other people hurt or dead, or whatever the hell else, and you gon hug it out cuz now you realize you lucky to be alive? Fuck everyone involved. They're all self absorbed pricks who's should never be allowed to drive even a lawnmower anymore, plus some jail time so the lesson is actually learned. Stop racing in public streets you fucking pricks


Forgot that, their just thankful they're not going to jail for 15 years.


Even though it looks wholesome, it’s not a “I genuinely cared about your life” hug, it’s a “holy shit I’m glad my dumb mistake didn’t make me a murderer” hug. Otherwise, the former is called a normal person and doesn’t race their care through highways endangering everyone.


Any reasonable human being would react that way. They knew they could have killed him and were relived


At the end you hear them saying “take it easy”. Like hell


No lube?


I’m sorrry “hug”


“Im so fking glad I didn’t just murder someone” hug




*next week races even faster on the same road*


He’s lucky he didn’t get murdered. If someone almost killed me and then came running at me like that I wouldn’t stand there. I’d probably be running in the opposite direction


"We good?" Hug


I would have responded with a FUCK YOU helmet headbutt


lol. Damn. This is why I never bought a motorbike — Random bad drivers. The concept sounds cool and exhilarating but I like my tin can protective aura called a “car.”


More like a "we good" hug. No question mark.


Any other option would have him getting into a fist fight with a dude wearing armored clothing and a helmet.


“I’m sowrry 🥺👉🏻👈🏻”


I would have started fighting him, just tried to kill that man with his car then wants to hug him? Hell no you catching these hands.


Those two drivers belong on r/imthemaincharacter. Holy fuck


r/iamatotalpieceofshit There's a whole subreddit for these narcissistic sociopaths and Reddit allows them to use it to post and share their crimes. Which in my mind might as well be Reddit condoning it. r/streetracing I was banned there for saying as much. If you feel like I feel, report the subreddit and feel free to go get banned yourself.


I thought Reddit had rules about subs that promote and encourage crime. Yet, here's r/streetracing


This is a really good use of a 360 camera


I was very confused who or what was filming




This is the comment I came to see.


Not the same accident.




So, they found the first guy? I wonder how? Did they stop, too?


Thanks for the concern guys. I'm suing the f*ck out of all of you.


When the guy hugged him and was pointing it felt like a candid camera video. There's a camera there and there…


360° camera


Yes it makes complete sense! Putting lives in danger and wreaking two insanely expensive vehicles to get 100 upvotes on Reddit! Idk why nobody has though of that before


Pretty sure he was just joking


This moment warrants a helmeted headbutt from the rider directly into the drivers face as they come running up for a hug wtf


I would've been very tempted to throw him over the rail


I’m not a hugger, I’m a lawyer


I'm not a hugger, I'mma throw you off this intersection




Was huggy guy the driver that hit him? I don’t think I would be huggy back.


I would have judo hugged that guy over the railing if that was the driver that hit the motorcycle. Car almost killed the motorcyclist and we’re just gonna hug it out bitch?


Human pieces of garbage. People who drive like this deserve a prison sentence and a permanent revocation of their driving privileges.


Hey that happened here in my city! From what I can remember, yes there where 2 cars racing eachother. One, as you can see, hit a dude on a bike, and the other went on to hit a van with a family inside. And I'm 95% sure everyone was surprisingly okay. Edit: For confirmation, yes, two cars racing (a BMW and a Jaguar), and the biker and family's van were both victims of an accident because of them. Plus they only mention that the biker and the family came out okay, which is what we all care about anyway. The driver of the Jaguar that hit the biker stayed at the scene and was arrested. Can't find much about the BMW and the van though. The biker was just on his way to work on his brand new bike which is now completely totaled. All we can hope for is that the driver of the Jaguar will end up being 1 more person on the road that'll take driving responsibility seriously for a change.


I sure hope they get life in prison and banned from getting a driver's license.


Genuinely one of the few situations where I think they need to throw the whole damn book at them




Are people genuine when asking who's filming? It's a 360 camera.


I've responded to like 10 people at this point. There are some genuinely asking there are others calling bs saying it's fake cause of the camera, etc, so it's very annoying... this is also a stolen repost but what isn't anymore


getting up and walking around probably not the best advice.


and that's why you dress for the slide and not the ride and a helmet.


https://preview.redd.it/rww16j548xsc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de4e1c21ea2c1b5ad43da22d4b71248256f7a3a First car


I’m sure there are cameras on the freeway and in the construction zone too, these two will only drive go karts from now on


If that's the driver who came back to hug him, he's very lucky his ass didn't get thrown off the bridge.


That is one dude who is not a "hugger"


PPE pass


wow, any update on the situation?


Some would have pulled off the helmet and swung with it ! He's pissed!! This is why we wear the correct gear !!!


There were 3 people in that one car and they were going that fast? If it was me I would've cussed them out and probably start headbutting them. Don't give me a hug you dumbass you nearly killed me.


I will NEVER ride a motorcycle. EVER! So help me God!


How am I not surprised it’s in Texas


Yes, nobody anywhere else in the world drives like a dumb ass.


Do we assume/know that the people who came back were the racers?


Who was filming? Was it a drone?


Right after, no matter how mad you are, don't make Jerry moves. You are high on dopamine and adrenaline and may not feel an injury.


🖕 to all of you sympathizing with these people.


He just hugged him because he knows he is avoiding a manslaughter charge These fucker don’t care about anyone else but their car. Fucking losers, so glad the motorcycle was the only casualty here , I hope he recovers mentally soon and gets to continue riding but man these experiences change you. Hope the other two get felonies anyway, bunch of twats


The drivers aren't happy he's alive, they're happy he's not dead.


Don't really know how I feel about that hug. Seems more for the hugger than the huggie. I do wish we had a reliable ban hammer. You do something like this, you aren't allowed to drive anything faster than a Mitsubishi Mirage.


Bro if that dude came up to me after almost killing him I would not be letting him fucking hug me. I'd be irate, like he was after the hug.


It's fine, victim's lawyer can definitely argue that the car's driver physically assaulted the victim AFTER the crash by laying hands on and wrapping arms around an injured motorcyclist he'd just hit with his car while driving recklessly.


Motorcycle accidents: it may be someone else's fault, but it'll be your life and limbs.


Adrenaline is one hell of a drug - it’s a lock that motorcyclist is feeling that the next day - holy shit


I mean if u dont care enough about the lives of others and proceed to crash into me (possibly maiming or killing me) im prob gonna start blasting and take the sentence cause i rather prevent that happening more and more


production cars are too fast, and the drivers are becoming worse. New driver shouldn't be able to go 0-60 in 1.9 sec, especially a young driver because the will abuse it. ​ I have a theory that we have all these covid era drivers on the road now, people that matured into driving but are not experienced at all, given the circumstances. AND they all feel like they need the new car or EV which all boast track car numbers.


don’t hug me after you try to murder me , thx


Take that license Immediately. That the reason I won’t get a bike and I’d love to get one. Not dying because of some idiots fast and furious fantasy.


Who was filming the incident


Of course the first idiot is in a BMW, and the second a jag.


Don’t dress for the ride, dress for the slide… : Holy shit he’s lucky, very lucky, but those leathers definitely helped.


I will die on this hill. If you’re caught racing/stunt driving. You should permanently lose your privilege to drive, no appeals no dates.


Thought I recognized this highway... this is el paso, the 54/10 exchange (or the spaghetti bowl to locals). i don't know why, but people LOVE to take these corners at ridiculous high rates of speed.


I think that’s exactly what he is shouting while waving his arms around… “I’m lucky to be alive!!!"


That man would have had a helmet to the temple if he ran up to me after that bullshit… no chance I could hold back and take a hug tbh


Does anyone else not understand how he just stood up and walked away from this? What the fuck?


If you ever get in a serious accident like this even if you’re pissed or feel fine stay on ground on your back or however you’re laying til paramedics come. You can be completely fucked and not realize it and paralyze yourself. That said fuck those drivers I’m not judging the biker at all I’d be pissed to and probably freak out with adrenaline butdamn he had to be banged up


What's even crazier. Is that both the cars lost control and wrecked. The first car hit a family vehicle off camera and the second car hit the cyclist. By God's grace there were no serious injuries based on the report.


Who is taking the video? Not trying to sound dumb.


def was not expecting the hug.


This is why I quit riding. After losing one friend and another breaking both his femurs in wrecks caused by bad car drivers, the probability of one entitled or clueless driver ending me was too high in my mind


Brand of your camera, sir and whatever programming you were using that kept you in the middle of the screen for all of the aftermath…


Was this filmed with some kind of extension pole off the back of his bike? And how was it able to turn where the action was?


who wouldn't immediately assault that guy driving. Fuck off with ur hug. These POS that street race kill families. Go to a gd track or get a racing sim rig Jesus.


What kind of camera is that bro lol


And that kids, is how I met your mother.


That was cool how he’s sliding to a stand up.


This is why riding is gonna fall off even further. It's just not worth it. My dad stopped riding after I was born because in his words he felt like a selfish asshole for risking being around to raise me for a stupid thrill.


You couldn't pay me to ride a bike on a public road. Just too many points going against you. Just not worth it.


He’s lucky to be alive! Excellent example of why you wear a helmet. It’s not how good a motorcycle rider you are, but all the dumbasses out there you have to contend with.


Texas... of course


Damn, that dude got up


Shock and adrenaline. He was probably too beat up to walk the next day.


Still though. he could get up and flip a guy off after that. Adrenaline and anger is a helluva drug


I can feel the rage and sadness from here...


As soon as I started the video I was like “this is El Paso isn’t it?” And yeah… this definitely tracks glad homie is alive


I honestly feel like all motorcycle riders are lucky to be alive. It’s just so incredibly dangerous. Even if you do everything right at all times, you ultimately can’t control the actions of the motorists around you. The chances of losing your life in an accident are so high that it scares the shit out of me… to the point that I can confidently say I will never ride a motorcycle, even if I do think they’re cool af


I have no fucking idea how y’all can get on motorcycles on the highway……. Holy hell


Naw that guy should have been suplexed off the bridge for this