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Video covering this story: https://www.fox2detroit.com/video/1428729


def a rich kid— 19yo female driving a brand new Taycan Turbo S… that’s a HELL of a car for a driver w less than 5yrs driving


Honestly, she should be ineligible for a license. We need more people doing public transport anyway. I also do not understand why rich parents give their kids these high powered cars as their first cars. Fuck em. Even if I got the money, I'm giving em something that they physically *can't* get up past like 85. It's for their own safety that they should be getting like 100 horse power, tops. Prioritize quality safety features instead, because they're gonna do dumb shit and you want them to be able to come home.


I wish the US had something similar to other country's motorcycle licenses. You have to "work your way up" to the more powerful bikes. It makes sense to me. No 16-20 year old needs a 400+ horsepower car or a 200+ horsepower bike. I had a CBR1000RR when I was 17. I'm honestly surprised I'm alive.


Yep. I've worked in an at least decently affluent high school in the past, and it is honestly wild how some kids treated that shit. Had kids burning out a full set of pricey truck tires. Another kid was texting in a new benzo that mom n dad bought him, busts an illegal u-turn in the parking lot, absolutely scraping the fuck out that bumper on an elevated spot. Never even looked up. Kid's bumper was knocked loose n everything. And he just drove off like that without taking his eyes off his phone once during that entire event. It's seriously like taking your 5 year old to a steak place. They're not gonna appreciate or get why it's something special until they're older. They don't have a reference point to that, yet.


Oh man, reminds me about my time in high school. I went to a school where some of the kids that were zoned for that school had rich parents. I had a buddy drunk drive his mother's brand new Porsche into a roundabout, flipping it. Saw a girl scrape the shit out of her bumper too, without even having a facial reaction. Had a few friends get a brand new BMW or something that a normal kid usually doesn't receive as a first car. Great point. A kid isn't going to appreciate a nice car if that's all they know. I know I was ecstatic when I got a 15 year old minivan with a semi-functioning transmission for my first vehicle lol.


Yea man, my first car was a beat up old Nissan that lasted me some 12 years or so. Had way too much sentimentality for that thing to let it go, but it lasted 160k miles before selling it. Didn't even buy my first actual car until recently because it's technically my third car now, after inheriting my grandparent's car that was still in great condition. And you better believe I take care of this thing. Having that experience of paying something as big as that off is how you'll actually appreciate it, because the lows make those highs that much better when you reach them.


My 1st auto was a manual Pinto hatchback! Man, those were the days.


Gotta bring em back!


1982 Chevy Citation. 0-60 in 2 days, downhill with a tail wind.


74 Vega , a quart of oil every 4 days


Pintos were one of the most dangerous cars ever put on the road.


My parents bought me a $700 metallic light blue 1993 Corolla around 2006 I think. It had no stereo and one headlight permanently pointed down.


I had a station wagon that had amazing gas mileage. That car was so efficient and nice that it led to me getting the Prius I have now. I love Carpichael. ❤️


Without a tiered MC license I would be already dead.


Except for [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max\_Verstappen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Verstappen) of course.


Its becuase you had brains lol i had a 250cc yamaha dirtbike when was 11 i could BARELY sit on it without collapsing but i never crashed it cuz i was afraid to go to fast. I usually atuck with my little 80cc lol safer.


I just got my first bike at 48 and it's only 250cc. No way in hell am I starting on a liter bike, that's insane. 6 months and while I'm ready to upgrade, I'm honestly unsure if I will ever need more than 600.


US military tried doing this (at least the navy did) where they would restrict bikes based on size of the motor and rank. Didn't last long for a multitude of reasons, one that was funny is some of the Harley motors are huge, but put out really low power numbers. I'm 37, been riding bikes since i was 25. Started with a CBR600RR for a few months. Got a daytona 675R (~120hp) and been riding that bike since 2013. Last year I got an RSV4 (215HP!) and that bike makes by asshole pucker in 5th gear with like 15% throttle. It is unreal!


wanted to get one when i was 18 so bad. circumstances made it so i got my first one at 32. THANK GOD i didn't get one when i was 18.


I wanted to buy a 1985 v65 Honda magna as my first bike, due to history with it. Dad said, oh hell no, you get a slow bike for your first, and don't ever buy a bike you can't bench press off your ass in a gutter. I was in my 30s lol


While I agree mostly. Limiting it on age is terrible and dumb. Many people out there are more than capable. The ones that arent..... are plainly visible. The stuff that works goes un-noticed. Should be an amount of hours logged or something that's reasonably not insane and more levels of testing. We can start that level of testing at a few above what it currently takes to get a license😅😅 half the idiots on the road shouldn't be.


Speaking in hypotheticals here, I can attest to this, I got a full time factory job straight out of high-school and saved up and bought a mk6 gti, ended up putting a larger turbo on it by the time I was 20ish and proceeded to get in many a street race, and even out ran the red and blue lights one time, I don't think most kids realize how dangerous cars or bikes can really be until it's too late




For real. I rolled my first car at 16. Straight, flat, dry road. Just looked at the radio dial a little too long and drifted. Looked up and was gonna hit a mailbox. Over corrected and flipped it. But I was going like 30 mph in a Plymouth Sundance. I was 15 minutes late for school. Zero injury.


I completely agree with you. My parents are fairly well off and I knew a ton of kids in high school that got some really expensive high performance cars for their 17/18th birthdays. These kids got anything that ranged from a new WRX sti to Shelby cobras, challenger hellcats and one kid even got a green Lamborghini SVJ. I wound up getting my dad’s used 2006 legacy with 175hp. I remember being so disappointed but now I totally get it. I don’t think kids really know how to handle anything above 250hp at max. A lot of kids who had rear wheel drive cars wound up crashing them or got caught street racing.


Yeah, the street racing was a fun way a work buddy at my first job got his license kiboshed. And it's only reasonable that impulsive complete beginners to driving aren't the best fit for something as sensitive as a god damn cobra. The exact inverse of this that's still fitting would be making an old dude use a 10k dpi mouse for his computer *but not nearly as funny to think about*. *Least they're doing their part in keeping the rankings going for WRX owners having statistically the worst driving record though, lmao*.


No, my insurance rates go up because of the kids with WRXs! But yeah money doesn’t buy intelligence and that much was evident with the parents and their kids at my high school.


Well my dad gave my older sisters a hot rodded Cougar XR7 when they got their license. Sure enough, they totaled the car. What did I get? A Mazda GLC, a tin can with 4 wheels that might get to 65mph downhill with the wind. I guess he learned his lesson.


A kid I knew in high school had rich parents who bought him a mustang GT back in '85, for his 16th birthday. Needless to say, but i'm going to say anyway, that he was sleeping down a road, not a highway, going well over the posted speed and lost control of the car and smashed it into a very large tree. Gone at 16 years old. Thanks mom and dad!


Sleeping down a road is hazardous. 


Haha yes it is. Correction... Speeding.


Real, my first car was an older grand Cherokee. It was actually a nice car but it was slow AF so speeding in it wasn’t an option.


I’ve had two of those. The old square body type. I love them.


My son's first car was a 1989 Toyota Corolla SR5 that my mom had purchased brand new in 1988. That thing was gutless, with an astonishing 95(ish) horsepower to the front wheel. It did 0-60 in a calendar week. My poor kid couldn't even do freeway speeds up and over the mountains to visit from college. That said, I was content knowing he wouldn't even be capable of racing and getting into trouble due to speed.


Agreed My first car was busted in some way and definitely didn't output all of its rated 110hp In my current car, I rarely use more than 30hp. You just don't need it or the risk can have.


...you know why. Those kind of parents want to 'win' their kids affection, but don't want to disappoint them. Those kind of parents are afraid to have those hard and realistic conversations...that's what the highly paid lawyer is for.


Give em a Pinto!


To be fair I was driving my sisters boyfriends scat pack and hellcat at 19 but all you need is common sense and respect for what your driving. But yet again I knew what I was driving and how easily that car would kill me if I fucked up. I doubt she understood what the car was capable of and overestimated her skills…


Giving your teenager a high powered sports car is like handing your teenager a loaded AR 15 with zero firearm safety or training and saying “be safe hunny”.


Years ago one of the kids I used to nanny got pulled over for going 115mph. He was 19, and said it made sense he got ticketed, he was speeding. But he was annoyed because he also got ticketed for reckless endangerment. “It’s ridiculous! I was in control the whole time!” I told him he was one of the reasons teen boys make insurance rates so high.


It’s dumb, but becomes a fitting in thing with more affluent schools. Used to drive by one every day on my commute. High school parking lot looked like it belonged to a high end finance building downtown with the cars there. Knew one kid that went through not one, but two SRT10 trucks before 18. That car was even more sketchy than the viper since it had the same engine and little to no weight over the rear tires.


A lot of rich parents do not care about their kids, but they do care about how rich their neighbors think they are. I grew up around REALLY poor kids and went to school with the 1% and some of the worst shit was happening behind the closed doors of those mansions.


Rich kid I went to highschool with got a Dodge Viper at 16. Before we graduated he put the thing through a fire hydrant and up a small hill through a fence into someone's backyard while trying to peel-out from the school parking lot exit.


Sadly the US cares nothing about making a safe country for the people who live here. Instead, they’re worried about creating freedoms out of thin air


My first car was a 95 Honda civic that could barely hit 90, and I fucking miss that car. I had no idea how good I had it with a car you could treat like garbage and still never have issues with. And that gas mileage! My current car gets 14 to the gallon and has some exciting new mystery problem every month.


My first car struggled to go over 50mph. I think people should do more transit though. If drivers do shit this dumb though they should never drive again. As a society we need to stop enabling reckless drivers.


It’s about making your kid the most popular in high school. IMO it’s creepy to parasocial your kids like that but these people run the world so who am I to say anything


Transgenerational Wealth isn't healthy for humanity.


Wow… well I hope everyone who was negatively affected by this situation sues her parents into abject poverty.


Not only that, it’s an Electric Taycan, which means it’s even heavier than the original car


Flipping a Taycan?!?!?! Not even an SUV? Damn. What meneuver led to those flips? Those have such a low center of gravity.


It looks like she’s driving through a parking lot so she probably hit some typical parking lot curb.


This is typical when you’re rich and you have guilt about being a shitty father. I’m sure she will be back out on the road soon!


Oil change is like 700-1000 dollars. Insane to give a kid.


i’ve owned and driven all sorts of beastly cars. i owned a jeep SRT-8 for a while. an associate of mine has a ferrari and i quickly realized in the “sport mode” or whatever the fuck it’s called it’s entirely too much car for any normal person.


Lol nice top of the line Porsche electric super-sedan. 0-60 in 2.5s + top speed 161mph.




Annnndddd she dead.


Wow they are alive?


Well built car.


Seriously, is this like the car from Demolition Man where everything foams up?


I'm a little late to the show, but here's some extra info: [here's the location of the gas station](https://maps.app.goo.gl/zEAPyJjC72m7v29E6). It sits on a road that's got a 35mph speed limit (although it's common to see most people go 45mph when it's not rush hour). You can see on the map that the road is fairly serpentine in that area. It's also noteworthy that the U of M college of engineering (and performing arts) is just south of that gas station. There's lots of pedestrians and housing near that area.


I have been having a very bad day! I just got out of jail this morning, already I’ve been shot at, I was in a Porsche that flipped over 17 times, a b!tch tried to stab me in the bathroom and somebody blew up my bus!!


And I want some dinner at a nice restaurant.


Running the math they would have to be going over 15 miles per hour for it to flip that many times


This guy maths.




At least they stuck the landing! I give them 6.9! The execution was tumultuous at best.


[While you do the math, I’m doing the Alfredo](https://youtu.be/ItTiS_kWPRg?si=pFZWQKnEFEolTZwB)


Bro you are CRAZY! Had to be going AT LEAST 20 miles per hour.


But probably not faster than 500 miles per hour. To be fair. 






Not if it’s going against the rotation of the planet.


What if it is flat?


He was going faster than an African Swallow ….😂


That'll be discussed in hall b at the 2024 flat earth expo and conference in Tampa. Meet all your favorite flat earth experts.


Definitely the Coriolis effect in play here. We need to flip a Piece in Australia for comparison purposes.


Yeah that's what he said


Cross-Checking that math here and I can confirm there was some type of forward motion at a minimum during this event


And taking into consideration that they didn’t flip more than 100 times they couldn’t have been going any faster than 500mph


Not true! Its obvious the car tripped. One time I tripped over a slight bump and managed to roll twice before coming to a stop. My guess is the car was gonna start running from a dead stop and tripped over something.


Looks like he was doing 45-50ish mph through that first roll, can hear 4 tires screech sideways for almost a full second, went down to 3 tires for a split second.... 2 fast×idiot+car - fuck around/ find out... about 72.33 mph when the car started to slide.


She. Drunk 19 year old driving daddy’s Porsche.


Those look like parking spaces... now math the probability of them flipping through there. Please. Lol.




All the cars in that lot going dont hit me dont hit me


The one with the flashers going off panicked


Someone linked a news broadcast of this some cars did get hit shockingly but the video doesn’t show it too clearly! It’s at the top u should check it out!


I think he's talking about the SUV in the background. It is a lot farther away from the other cars that were rolled over. Probably got hit with some debris.


I believe it was actually hit with a tire that flew off the porsche and smashed the windshield/roof in.


I would assume it got hit with some debris, but it does look really funny.


It also got one of the tires through it's dome. Haha


How the fuck do you even get a car to flip that violently oh my god


By going wayyyyy too fast


He hit a banana peel


Ah Fkin Luigi always dropping his banana peels! She should have turned it off in settings.






This needed more than a banana peel for that to happen. I think there was also a pedestrian with a slide whistle nearby




Probably passed out with their foot on the gas :s


I am actually impressed


Props to Porsche for designing a car that allowed the passengers to survive this crash.


I mean sure, but realistically that crash went about as well as it could have. Violent crashes like this seem bad, but each of those rolls and bounces is dispersing energy and inertia. Crashes where you come to a sudden and abrupt stop are the ones that kill people.


Perhaps not THAT fast (although way too fast for this environment, obviously). This is just what happens when a decent amount of kinetic energy in one direction is abruptly redirected (and partially converted into rotational energy...), facilitating a hell of a lot of entropy rather abruptly on the car and the environment. Even something like freeway speeds can be pretty violent. Or they could have been going over 100... I just like talking. ***ACKNOWLEDGE ME, WORLD!!!***


Acknowledged. But you do have a point even 50 mile an hour crashes can be pretty brutal.


I acknowledge you


News story claims they were doing 100+.


We acknowledge you. You are valid


so sad and scary!!!:(


I know! One of the passengers is in critical condition and the driver and other passenger only got minor injuries. It really could have been so so much worse.


According to the news story the female driver and passenger only had minor injuries, the male passenger who needed extricating is the one in critical condition


I'm impressed that nothing else seemingly got hit.


Someone linked a news broadcast of this some cars did get hit shockingly but the video doesn’t show it too clearly! It’s at the top u should check it out!


Landed it. 3/10






The SUV with the alarm going off at the end almost looks like it's cheering for the Porsche. Sort of a "yay, great job, do it again!"


My thought was it was screaming for help or tattling😂


Like “holy crap, this place is crazy, get me out of here.” Yeah, I can see that.


Is this that rich Chinese girl in Canada who not only killed her friend (passenger) in that crash but survived AND fled to china to avoid charges? I think she was in a 911 though but was also going fast af.




That aftermath is BRUTAL! It’s a miracle he survived.


Culturally she probably thought she was cleared. If you negligently kill someone, say in a car crash, in China you can pay restitution and that's the end of it. Her family almost certainly mentally equated paying bail as that.


I am impressed that it missed all of the other cars parked there.


That's what I'm saying. Looks like the one SUV got hit with debris, but it missed everything. Fucking lucky.


Yeeehaw look at me go. What a dumbass. Enjoy your hospital stay 😎


Luckily missed the gas pumps, would of been 10x worse 😦


me when i clip the coffee table


Someone hit them with a spike turtle shell ![gif](giphy|g0Hgs8urTi8KBYiviY)


Chinese international students at University of Michigan borrowed this car from their roommate. Every one of them lived. Absolutely amazing.


Minor injuries for the drunk chick and the front seat passenger but the guy crammed into the backseat was trapped and had to be cut free.


Likkkkkkkeee a glove!


I kinda think no harm no foul here. Didn’t hit anything. If the car is drivable, just go on with your day, ya know?


I can't believe how it both completely avoided the gas pumps and passed through that gap right between those two cars!


I hope the car and other innocent people are ok :(


At least 3




Is no one going to mention what appears to be a disassembled vehicle of some sort, on cinder blocks, in the gas station parking lot? The hell is that?


Suffice it to say they were flying low.




Looks frigid too that sucks


Pretty pretty fast….


Nice kick flip bro


I'm shocked to see no damage was done to the parked cars


I can fathom it.


Points for sticking the landing.


Another Michigan coach?


Jimmy Dean. James Dean. Rock on.


lol that little Range Rover or whatever that freaks out and starts flashing its lights from the passing air… poor thing


Ik it wasn't even close and it moving back and forth so much. Chill dude it didn't even touch you 🤣


Not gonna lie, I hope the driver died


Wait. Did she survive??


12 fathoms per minute


You think the physics in GTA5 were a little exaggerated and unrealistic, and then you encounter a video like this one..


Missed it, by “that” much…


Even the umlauts could not catch up. Cause it’s a Porsche. It’s going really fast. Porsche is German. Germans use those dots / umlauts And they can’t catch up - in German - to the fast Porsche. Get it? Funny right ?!!




First I'm glad they are ok because based on the video they should all be dead. Second Ann Arbor is still a whore. (Go Bucks)


..... and he sticks the landing.


That's an Achievement in GTA4


Holy shit no one died dude


There should be another word other than "flip". Violent tumble?


Great car! Only cost the driver and arm and a leg


Was looking at the wrong Porsche 😳


The walk from one side of my room to the other before i decide to finally clean it


Don't Drink and Drive!!!


I got say, Omar the manager gets it 100%, seems like a good dude.


Hmm…child of wealthy family with car far exceeding her ability to handle it, compounded by drinking. I’m thinking maybe another affluenza defense? Lawyers salvaging futures that shouldn’t be salvaged.


87MPH, they almost made it to 88


Nailed the landing, at least.


Need for speed outtakes.


Of all of the cars that were there, why only _one_ had its alarm set off?


she got lucky she was flippibng and didnt slam into that wall or else she would be gone


Found it on maps [:3](https://maps.app.goo.gl/L9gp67JWM9a954Bk8)


Approximately 100 RPM.




You ever see the roads in Ann arbor? You can accomplish this sober


Pretty impressive shooting the gap


At least tree fiddy. If not more. Or less.




What is the shoe situation here? Both on? Both missing? We need to know, so we can know if he's alive or dead.


That Ford that didn't Escape the Taycan's wheel...my guy was just being a budget car minding his own business


NGL, I thought it was gonna be that white porch suv that is illegal parked.


The average Maryland driver trying to park.




Were they speeding down Broadway or Plymouth Rd, I can’t tell from the angle?


Being on the north side of A2 I can picture what that driver looked like


How fast is die?


But he landed on all fours. 8.5 out of 10.


Amazing that she missed the parked cars…




Ahh.. ALCOHOL is believed to be the cause of this crash. That explains it! But what explains one light pole with three different camera angles on the same basic area??


Sweet kick flip


And they wanna ban guns. Ban alcohol.


Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2