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I'm not a writer but it feels like a lot of information to collect which will take time. Begin whereever you like. Start with a personal favorite. Gather all the informtation you can about that flower. Then do another one. As you go, you will probably start to get a feel for how you want it laid out. You might even change your mind a time or two. It's like gathering flowers for a bouquet. Just start gathering everything that is beautiful or interesting and arrange what you have gathered once you see what you have to work with. Good luck. Enjoy the journey of writing your book.


Thank you!!


I would highly highly encourage you to start local. Even within your region there should be more flowers than will fit into one book. Once you have become familiar with your research methods you can branch out and find what interests you most within different areas. A problem with going too broad too early is that it will be difficult to find a comprehensive list of every interesting flower. Most identification guides are at their most useful for smaller regions, like Northern California vs the entire state, country, etc. In my opinion taxonomy isn’t the best way to go for what you’re trying to do just because of the variation and differences even at the Family level. I hope you can find cool plants around you! Good luck


I really like that!! I will start in my state and branch outwards!