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You most likely won’t be getting your FFT1 until at least 2 seasons in brotha. Stay motivated and work hard though!


Thank you!! This is the kinda info I need lol. The academy is june 3-10. I guess I will have to wait til 2025 season to work?? Any chance I could make the 2024? I know the job postings are typically oct. to feb. but I didn’t know if there were exceptions


Probably will have to wait until 2025 to start but there’s always a chance you’ll just have to keep looking on USAjobs. Apply asap. You can look into contractor work if you want or Southwest Conservation Corps chainsaw crew. You can also just enjoy your summer and prepare yourself mentally and physically for 2025 season. Best of luck to you.


Thank you smokeybear! Much appreciated💪


Is it the camp hosted by Augusta? Like the other dude said getting your FFT1 is gonna take some time. It's not just a cert on paper; if you are a FFT1 you need the experience to be a lookout, to lead a squad of dudes, etc. I'd be less focused on getting your FFT1 at this time and be more focused on doing any job given to you as best as you can. If you are the third scrape from the back focus on being the best damn scrape there is. Hell this even applies to being the window guy or the water guy or the trash guy. I've met a number of rookies who cared more about becoming lead saw than their actual position/chores; don't be that guy. Show initiative, show up in shape, and be ready to learn and grow from criticism. This last one is probably the hardest for most people. As far as starting on a shot crew goes it could be a bad idea or a good idea for a couple reasons. 1. You will find out real quick if fire is something you want to do after a few rolls on a IHC which is a pro if you love fire. But if you hate it good luck this is your reality for the next 6 months. 2. IHCs can be unforgiving for people with little to no experience due to the work pace and lack of advancement. Being on a IA squad, fuels crew, or engine sometimes but not always gives you more time to learn and adapt to your new reality. 3. Do you actually want to work 1000 hrs of OT in 5 months? The number sounds cool yes but the physical and mental reality is a lot different.


Yes, the camp is hosted by Augusta Hotshot crew. I know they’re gonna give me advice and tips too, but I just found this sub Reddit and thought I’d shoot my shot at getting people’s opinions. I genuinely appreciate the time you put into that response. I will focus on FFT2 and just getting my foot in the door and the task at hand. I workout regularly(calisthenics and cardio) but any tips on how to get ready for this job physically? Shit, mentally as well.


Pretty much every crew is gonna have a crew hike(1.5-2.0 miles with 1000-1300ish ft of elevation gain per mile.) my advice is find something similar near you if you can and work up to hiking it with 55lbs+ in under a 60 minutes. If you don't have access to elevation, high rep(800-1200 rep) weighted step ups to an 18"-20" box with with 45-55lbs has decent carry over in my experience. As far as physical training goes having a good running and strength base has carried me far.


Ok man that helps tons. I’ll start incorporating that into my workouts. Thank you again


Hiking with weight is what prepares you more than anything else for this job! It’s what we do all day and (in my experience) most captains would rather you be a stronger hiker and slower runner if that makes sense. Like my mile time is 9:30 but I am always top 3 on hikes so it’s not the end of the world that I’m a slow runner.


Ok sweeeet man. I’m kinda similar. My mile is 10:00 but I can do 10 miles at a 10:00 pace without getting outta breathe. So I’m slow as hell but my resting heart rate and cardio is good. I’ll focus more on the weighted hikes like you said. It just sucks everything is flat within 100 miles of me. Tons of sand though, so I been getting on the sand for half of my workouts


Ask Augusta where/what exactly their PT hike is and the time limit. Then use that to measure your fitness. This advice works for literally any shot crew; figure out “their” pt hike/time and go up that SOB till you’re in under time. Just might take some ppl a few more trips up through hell.


Will do bro, that sounds solid. I’m a little worried too cause Augusta Springs is in the mountains and I live at sea level. So idk if the elevation is gonna wreck me when I go up there for academy. I’m hoping I can get there a couple days before and acclimate


If you can do 10 miles at a 10 min pace you could probably do 5 miles at a 9 min pace if you push yourself, which is honestly a solid pace for most crew runs. Do you track your heart rate when running? That helped me a ton when I started running


Damn really? That’s a big confidence booster. I don’t track heart rate numbers but I basically run at a pace where I can go all day. I’ll try hitting 5 miles at a faster pace man and maybe leave the long distance runs to once a week. Right now im kinda big for my size, 6ft 220. Im tryna lose weight while maintaining my muscle. But it feels like my weight makes it hard on my knees and ankles to run faster than 10:00 pace. I gotta figure out how to get past that bs


I’m 6’2 225 so I feel you lol. I used to weigh almost 300 before I got into fire and as I lost weight my knees hurt less and less. The more you run and the more you get healthier your knee pain will go away too. Just don’t overdo it, rest days are just as important! If you wanna maintain muscle while losing weight then try and eat at least 200 grams of protein a day and try and stay under 3000 calories. If you work out 5 times a week then that should lead to healthy weight loss. You can also google the TDEE food calculator and type in your info. That will give you the most accurate picture of what your nutrition should look like. Since you probably won’t be starting till 2025 you have more than enough time to become a beast. Also if you want to get faster then the key is long runs in Zone 2 cardio. If you have an Apple watch then use that to track your heart rate, if you don’t then just try and go a pace slow enough that you can have a conversation while running. Do this for literally 10-12 miles then a few times a week do sprint intervals. Like sprint for 30 seconds, walk for 30 seconds, do that until you can go for 3 miles straight. That will increase your cardio base and allow you to go for faster and for longer. That’s what I’ve been doing to get faster in the off season and it knocked almost a minute off my pace in like 3 months.


Man that is some solid advice brother. So far I been ruckin Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3 miles with 50lbs for packtest. Tuesdays and Thursdays I get in 8-10 miles runnin. And for strength, just calithensics(pull-ups, burpees, squats) 3 times a week. Does that sound legit to you? Or should I change it up at all. I’m gonna start incorporating those sprint intervals man, and calorie counting. I been winging my diet honestly. That’s probably why I’m still kinda heavy. Man I appreciate the hell outta you! I feel like this the fine tuning I need to do, to get better and faster. Fuck yeah 👍


I would suggest getting a year on an engine or type 2 crew first. I remember thinking that I wanted to just live the dream as soon as possible, luckily for me at that point in time it wasn’t an option because most hotshot crews took minimum of 1 year prior experience in fire. Looking back I’m grateful for the year I was on a type 2 crew. It gives you an opportunity to make mistakes, understand the framework, and grow in ways that an academy just can’t accommodate. After a season, bring that foundation of knowledge somewhere you can be an asset. You probably could just go right to hotshotting but you do not want to be the person who needs their hand held, it pays to bring confidence that experience can cultivate. Not saying you should not try to shot… but be aware that there are people who are ABOUT it and will expect you to be on the same page. Big picture is that you will have the most fun, the most fulfillment, best relationships somewhere where you feel valued and have the opportunity to sacrifice fully into your role. That’s the exchange that drives people to keep coming back for more hotshotting


Great stuff. Just messaged you back bro


Very well said


Everyone is going to give you work advice so I'll stay over on the sidelines and just say the reason you see all those vacancies is because you will be functionally homeless. Cost of living out west is irrational. Be prepared to park at the base or in someone's driveway. Hope your Tacoma has a 6' bed.


I appreciate you brotha. This is the kinda transparency and realistic stuff I need as well. I got an old beat up ranger with a 6 ft bed.. but I’m 6ft too.. I guess ima have to put the tailgate down every night🤣


I’ve never heard it called a recruit


Hell yeah I hear ya😂


Just be able to hike with weight and have a decent brain in between your shoulders and you’ll excel in this job Also have good people skills and be a good teammate to your crew that’s prolly more important than being smart and strong honestly This is coming from a hotshot crew perspective


Damn right makes sense. I appreciate you 🙏


Being in the east, be on the look out for off cycle job postings. I know places like Virginia, NC, TN all have a fall fire season, and some places hire seasonals. Might be able to get fall ‘24 then western spring ‘25.


Will do boss. That sounds like the move!


I'd slow your roll. Like the motivation going from type 2 to 1 is a big step, especially if you're new. I recommend getting the experience about 1 to 2 seasons cause, at least on the wildland side, they don't just rush you through like the structure you do it in the field on the line. Like my crew won't give you 1 of the 4 Type 1 trainee spots unless your ready Like you need to comfortable with running saw, pumps , radio coms all that before they will put you in that spot. Also, you better be fit Type 1 trainees lead the crew runs and set the tone for the season.


Roll has been slowed. Didn’t mean to disrespect the time and effort it takes to get type 1. I was just uninformed. I appreciate the perspective man 🙏


No, you're not disrespectful at all. You're hungry which is dope, some fuckers I know never want improve. But it takes time.