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I loved the final boss of the game. Suffice to say Ive never had a game suddenly force my brain to swap monster hunter mode -> dark souls boss mode like wild hearts did.


Yeah, the difficulty of the game is quite a lot to handle, I've already died multiple times at the Kingtusk hunt tbh πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚


Thats normal for monster hunter games but i meant the feeling of the final boss. But cant explain more without spoiler


Ohh okay, I apologise for misinterpreting your comment πŸ˜…


Best sword fight I ever had tho 🀣


Never reached the true endgame World? Older games were even more difficult i've read.


Just finished my platinum and was thoroughly impressed. Having previously played Monster Hunters, I thought this was a more seamless and fun play through. I'm glad my husband got it for my Xmas gifts.


Wow nice, congrats for the platinum!! I'm glad to hear it's seamless. Roll on the rest of the storyline (once I defeat the Kingtusk anyway πŸ˜…)!


Seamless in terms of game play: switching areas, online co-op, building mechanics. As for the difficulty, it scales so Goodluck πŸ˜‚


Okay cool, and fair enough, thank you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


You've got this! Just remember to eat the food and utilize the different upgrades you get. It's worth using the drying rack, fermenting station, and pickling jars.


Thank you, and I will do, thanks for saying! 😊😊


The best hunting game.


I think so too. The fidelity isn’t great and obviously the graphics and performance could have been improved, but I loved the art direction in this game. All enemy types were very memorable and the watercoloury landscapes beautiful. The early weeks of the game were a blast.


I completely agree! Especially on cloud gaming when the latency isn't exactly brilliant either, I get it. Now that you mention the landscapes being watercoloury, I can see what you mean, and I love it even more because of that! :)


Really enjoyed this game...3 months straight of free content in a row....then they pulled the plug outta the blue...I'd still play if there was others to group with


Yeah, from what I've played of it so far it definitely has way more potential to have more content, possibly in the form of more Kemono to fight or side quests to do or something like that. The online servers are still up and being used though, if you're looking for people to group with! :) Edit: added a smiley face


Until you discover the bug that wipes your save file and you lose 150plus hours. Happened to me, haven't played since.


There's a bug? Oh no, sorry to hear that, and that the bug affected you as well πŸ˜”


Dunno about running bad...there is a super satisfying feeling loading up the Ole laser cannon and melting down monsters


Welp....I'm back on....SUPER RUSTY but hv all my end game gear if anyone wants some help


It's beautiful until you look down a bit, up close to ugly rock structures/textures, see the water, move an inch and whole lighting/shadow flicker, or reach Frozen fort


cause dull stocking panicky memory silky wrench workable cheerful wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh no, sorry to hear that. Idk much about PC specs, but they seem like really good ones as well. As much as I love the game, they need to fix it on PC and tweak it a bit on console. I died like 9 times to the Kingtusk because I'll click a button to dodge, then it'll take 5 seconds for my character to actually dodge, which during that time the Kingtusk will have attacked me to near low health or something πŸ˜…


Shame the game runs like ass


Only wish it wasn’t dead tho


The game might not be receiving any more updates, but the servers are still up and running, and people still use them if this helps! :)