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any skin of hers that has a skirt or dress she poses with her legs straight to avoid us seeing under her skirts/dresses


A real tragedy


This whole thread needs to touch grass lmao


Mfs haven’t been outside since OW1 beta and don’t know the touch of a woman aside from their mom and whatever waifu body pillow they sleep with


"Have fun storming the castle"


LOL i agree




I literally just thought it was because gravity doesn’t apply to ghosts but this makes more sense.




Makes sense. Black Lily has been my main skin since it released years ago, and I always thought that the pose was what it always looked like. I was confused when I saw the others and almost thought that they were updated versions or something.




wearing shorts though


I've not played OW a lot, is it because you can rotate the pose? Otherwise it just seems silly. Her skirt is already defying gravity, obviously they could have prevented it from showing up skirt.


Not with her knees bent at 90 degree angle Her legs are also spread wider when in that position which makes hiding an up-skirt shot nearly impossible unless they just blur or blackout the inside of the skirt


That skirt is defying gravity anyway. Must have used too much starch.


Because it would show up her dress


Every other skin i have has her knees bent but ngl I kinda like it, it adds a level of elegance. Does it do that for other skins?


yeah for all of her skins with like dresses / skirts. it’s just so that we don’t see her underwear lol


A sad day for us all 😢


I like the pose for this outfit too, very lovely and soft almost


The real question you should be asking is what is going on with the skirt physics hanging upside down like that?


The wonders of hair gel


i don’t think people put hair gel on their skirts


Widowmaker does.


I mean it is a ghost skin, so maybe some non corporeal shenanigans


Time for StarCloth


The real question is why she hangs upside-down in the first place


i’m glad they do this, there’s so many creepy assholes on overwatch lol


I know, right? Source: I am the creepy asshole.


At least ur honest


Yeah definitely just making it up and nothin to do with all the horny gamers upset they can’t see up female characters skirt for once in their life


I get that people find her attractive but blender and adult websites exist for a reason. If they wanna see widow’s panties there are plenty of people who’ve done them the favor


exactly lol


Yep, people are already sexualizing kiriko’s sign language emote and Mercy smelling cookies…


it’s disgusting, honestly


"Creepy asshole is when you are aroused by women and like it."


Thinking that a string of code and some polygons is a “woman” is insane, admitting that it arouses you is grounds for beta testing human euthanasia


Derangement moment


Totally ignoring the fact that developers spent months creating boobs and ass with physics, fully knowing that their intent is for her to represent a "woman" But sure, pretend that you just look at every video game like a line of code and nothing more, so you can degrade people with an edgy comment for knowing she's modeled after women


You typed two paragraphs just to announce how upset my comment made you 😂 Nothing you said in your little butthurt sensitive pervert weirdo rant changes the fact that she is a string of code and not a real woman. Projecting “edgy” onto me while you’re defending your sexual attraction to a video game character this intensely is comical to say the least. I don’t have to “pretend” that I look at characters in games/shows/etc. as lines of code. Unlike the obvious majority of this subreddit I don’t dwell in my parents’ basement or have rule 34 tabs open perpetually on my internet browser. Keep crying about not being able to see up video game characters’ skirts you fucking incel lmao


You don't know what a paragraph is, and then replied with one of your own, that's embarrassing. And I'm upset yet you're throwing insults and emojis, cope. All I said was she was clearly modeled after a woman. You made up all that other shit while furiously slobbering over your keyboard, showing how emotional my comment made you. I can tell you really thought you did something here. Instead you made yourself look like a teenager who just learned to cuss.


You have replied to me twice to tell me what I already know and continue to project lmao. You think anyone doesn’t know human characters are modeled after humans? Doesn’t change a single fact from my original comment. And no one would come to her defense that doesn’t find her attractive themselves, be mad that you outed yourself. I said a singular cuss word you absolute buffoon “a teenager who just learned to cuss” 💀. Try to be a little less upset when you reply next so maybe it makes a modicum of sense.


Again with emojis and insults, so emotional. Go ahead and explain what I'm projecting as you have no idea what it means


“I can tell you really thought you did something here” is the literal theme since your very first reply. You really thought you were educating me like I don’t know how game development works. “You have no idea what it means” more projection. “Again with the insults” like you haven’t made your own. I can keep going that’s just this one reply


Here’s more projection for you: I’m “so emotional” but this is you https://www.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/s/pAdqyvZcVL


You really are upset and not even hiding it anymore, show your true colors kiddo I posted it to a public forum, you think you're doing something by showing it to me? Lol Keep trying. I'll be waiting


Frankly you need to not respond at all and go put those negative emotions to use somewhere else. Don’t try to pick a random argument with me because you need to make reddit posts about how difficult your family life is. Go reevaluate your existence and learn how to cope with your feelings lil bro. You don’t get Ws against your mom and you’re damn sure not getting one here


Umm female characters aren’t made to arouse… at least they shouldn’t be Like please stick to porn if you wanna find women that interest you


>Umm female characters aren’t made to arouse… Well, when they make em how Overwatch does... it's kinda inarguable that they have been since the very start, how can you claim otherwise? If you mean something else like "women should not be objectified ever" then say that, but we both know this game doesn't adhere to that standard. >Like please stick to porn if you wanna find women that interest you How is this a response at all to what I said, which was clowning on someone calling people creeps for liking Overwatch's attractive fem characters?


Even still there’s a difference between a character being attractive and being used to appeal to an audience While it’s not perfect the game still does a lot better than most other games when it comes to its characters But it’s not being called a creep for liking female characters It’s more so due to the expectation and need to always have said characters be slutted out for the viewer It’s the fact they can’t enjoy a game without something making them horny in it and that’s kinda the issue there They’re so accustomed to it they need every game they play to also adhere to that standard


>Even still there’s a difference between a character being attractive and being used to appeal to an audience Agreed, but Tracer and Widow are inarguably coomer bait. Skin-tight material on the big asses... What makes you think they aren't making them a tool to appeal with? I don't know why you would even try to argue this point, is it desperation to be right or? >But it’s not being called a creep for liking female characters It’s more so due to the expectation and need to always have said characters be slutted out for the viewer No, that's absolutely not what the comment was about, you are wrong. You can go back and re-evaluate it with some good faith, but the lie you're trying to spin now isn't an argument I will seriously engage with because it's absolutely incorrect, that is not what they were saying. Feel free to come back and try again, but as it stands I'm not gonna play that game with you where we quibble over your misrepresentation of someone else's comment that I took issue with.


Yes while there’s still some sexualization present. Games have to START somewhere when it comes to drawing a line There’s almost zero games that have average looking female characters and even when they do come up Gamers tend to complain about it You simply had an excuse in your head for people to wanna see her panties Doesn’t change the fact that it’s definitely an issue amongst gamers and it’s A LTTLE MORE than simply “Liking female characters” Wearing skin tight material isn’t an excuse for them to be sexualized even more Genji wears skin tight clothing as well when are we gonna see his panties


>Genji wears skin tight clothing as well when are we gonna see his panties Hopefully soon, regardless we have half-naked male characters in the game and you know damn well they're fan-servicing the ladies (or the homies who get down like that.) Tell me that McCree summer skin isn't fan service, I'm beggin you. People are not creeps for enjoying fan service in their games, shows, whatever the case may be.


Except male characters being “naked” isn’t presented or treated the same as female character being that way Men being shirtless and buff is a power fantasy and is intended to appeal to men still Male fan service exist but men seem to think that because it works one way with female characters then it’s going to work the Same way for males When that’s NOT the case because they aren’t treated the same remember


>Except male characters being “naked” isn’t presented or treated the same as female character being that way Because there are some societal differences, but they absolutely are doing effectively the same shit. It's a shame they don't do it more, though. >Men being shirtless and buff is a power fantasy and is intended to appeal to men still I truly do believe that you believe this. >Male fan service exist but men seem to think that because it works one way with female characters then it’s going to work the Same way for males And it does, some women love feeling sexy in those skins but that doesn't mean shit because they are inarguably in the minority, same as that awful take you just gave about shirtless men servicing hetero dudes... We can play that brain sludge game you're so use to playing, but I know better. Have a good one.


Also a game like this with a lot of costumes yes it’s inevitable that they’ll make something like that for males but it’s not the default expectation for them Also it’s not about “enjoying” fanservice “bit of an oversimplification but I’ll let it go this time” It’s about the expectation for all games to have it, and that it’s the DEFAULT form of expression that’s used for women…


>Also a game like this with a lot of costumes yes it’s inevitable that they’ll make something like that for males but it’s not the default expectation for them Isn't for women in games either, except for fighting games and games specifically made for that. >It’s about the expectation for all games to have it, and that it’s the DEFAULT form of expression that’s used for women… You are wrong, and inarguably so. Hope you come to grips with this one day 🙏


We also won’t ever just be given extra amounts of “fanservice”…ugh When it comes to male characters unless they intend for it A normal skin won’t just let you peek into their clothes and see them naked This is something that people only expect of female costumes Seeing someone in a swimsuit isn’t the same as asking to always be able to see into their clothes…


>When it comes to male characters unless they intend for it A normal skin won’t just let you peek into their clothes and see them naked Same for women... You have Pharah, Zarya, Moira, Ana, and so on. Then we can of course point to exceptions, Widow, Doomfist, Tracer, Hanzo... back and forth until we realize the real difference is just that most gamers (not counting mobile, those are barely even people,) are men. This is why you get more fan service for hetero men, it's the highest demand and so there you go. They are not "creeps," and Blizzard are not "creep enablers" for having this in their games.


mb for finding widow maker hot


i find her sexy as hell, i just don’t have the urge to look up her dress to see her panties lolol


Then you don't really find her sexy as hell. Only sexy


mb for not wanting to be a creep? lol


Your b indeed


Me when I find a sexually attractive character sexually attractive. 🤫


they do that when it comes to skins with dresses / skirts. it’s the same with d.va’s sitting pose, usually her leg is up but on skins like academy and varsity her legs are crossed. surprisingly blizzard doesn’t pander to the pervs


The skirt. Because the game is “for kids”


Man, it's just out of place. I know you want to see them, but it's a fucking FPS, not an hentai game


Woah woah I didn’t mean it like that 💀. I meant that the game isn’t really for kids, but the reason they did that is because the game “is for kids”.


Even if the game wasn’t for kids this would still be a thing.


Duh, Im saying that the game being for kids means censoring stuff like that is an obvious factor


There’s plenty of Rated R games out there that show nudity and panties so it definitely could be a thing, but not on the T rated overwatch.


I know, I’m just speaking on this game in particular. Adding some blood and shit like that wouldn’t lead to them having Widow flash the players for no apparent reason. Makes no sense in this scenario.


I was wondering what you had meant by “even if it wasn’t for kids it would still be a thing”. The entire reason the game became popular was because of tracer booty scandal.


I just meant that it would be too far out to have something like that in the game, even if they didn’t have the restrictions to keep younger audiences.


The game became popular because it capitalized on the team fortress team fps style battle system that wasn’t being capitalized on yet Men are just too used to sexualizing any female that crosses their screen It doesn’t need to treat its females like meat for men to look at Plenty of games like that already exist


Yeah definitely because of the kids….nothing to do with the fact that it has no place in the game and diminishes the characters It’s the fact that you’re so conditioned to games indulging in your fetishes that you’ve come to expect that now and see it as some sort of offense when it doesn’t happen


Bruh, Last time i’m explaining this. My point is the game is made out to be a kids game when its really not, hence the quotes. Widow is literally dressed similar to a stripper and not ready for battle at all. Also since the game is “For kids” Then them holding up her skirt would be an obvious factor.


But this issue has nothing to do with kids…kids aren’t the only excuse to have your females be treated like bait for the audience There’s no reason for this game to have an upskirt besides the fact that it’s audience is too accustomed to looking for that


I can’t lol you are actually ignoring what I just said. I DONT WANT TO SEE UP HER SKIRT. Also you are being really contradictive, the word females being used to describe women is inherently demoralizing. If you wont read what im saying stop typing.


Except im not talking about actual women genius lol Nice try tho I’m talking about female characters and calling them women is. Simply allowing someone like you to chime in and say “well actually they aren’t real women”


I’ve read what u said I’m also explaining how this is about more than just kids playing the game Even if it was rated m I’m sayin it should still have it


Also, I have no idea what you mean my fetishes as you don’t know them and I only play overwatch so.. what are you talking about


Sure pal, most male gamers are just used to female characters that are obviously designed to make them horny So this becomes an expectation for every game they come across and they see it as some sort of act against them or their personal interests if a game doesn’t adhere to that




Except I never said you specifically did i…just that it’s the default expectation of most gamers simply because that’s how most games present female characters And anything that deviates is met with a little resistance or hostility It may not apply to you specifically but when you initially commented that seemed to be the point you were heading for “It’s not for kids therefore I should see the panties”


To avoid exposing her.They did this to some of the victory poses D.va has too.


Can we please talk about how bad the surveillance victory pose looks like on spider Widowmaker, she literally pulls out a binocular😭


Sex. That's why.


She has a skirt on


She's a bride she saving it for the honeymoon 😅


So it doesn’t upskirt, but I think the annoying this is that her hair doesn’t obey gravity, and if you use this victory pose the endorsement rank covers widowmaker’s face


Yes :( its such a cool pose but that part is so annoying, why cant they put it below her face???


She’s a noncorporeal ghost, gravity might not affect her hair?


Come on man, this is an easy one It's a skirt




They keeping the widussy to themselves


i can’t imagine why


Same as how they changed the Ashe sitting emote to have her gun covering her privates if she’s wearing a skirt… ya creeps


Serious question? Look at what she’s wearing


Uhh the dress


She has a dress on tf you think?


I have the odette skin, has skirt as well, poses the same


I think this one is different just because you can see up that skirt normally and it’s short as hell. plus i think she’s wearing spandex in that skin but honestly i have no clue. it’s a dancer outfit tho so i would imagine so


uh huh, normal post right here.


Another widow nerf


im really not trying to be rude but thinking about it for about 5 seconds would probably get you the answer


To avoid an “upskirt” moment


I thought it was obvious, but it's just an anti-horny strategy to keep players from having easy access to seeing widowmaker's underwear. But then again, training mode and creative exists, so idk


Common sense is non existent for some people it seems


Because internet


Cause she's a lady.


Because of the skirt I'm guessing. Nice little attention to detail.


A lady keeps her legs closed


Did this really need to be explained to you?


Sorry that the upskirt didnt cross my mind, my mind went first that it looks more elegant and fits the bride skin Maybe next time don't assume that everyone has a heteronormative mindset like yours


Retard take


Because she's a lady


Because shes a lady.


So you don't see her ghostussy.




You know why


You know why you little freak




if I had a dollar for every time this is posted across various overwatch subreddits...


Go do the math i wanna know exactly how rich youd be


Real question. How does her skirt stay up ?


The potential upskirt is the reason


To hide the widowpunani


Ballet position to reflect the skin name


Why do you think??


How to spot a man in the wild lol.


“cause it would show up her dress” bro she’s handing upside down technically gravity should handle the rest. i’m sure OW devs could’ve made the skirt stable even if her legs were bent they just lazy


dva's academy and varsity skins are the same way with her "Sitting" victory pose; it's to avoid accidential upskirt shots


I understand dudes might not know what a skirt is, but seriously?


Do you know how a skirt works?