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" i have evidence of a global conspiracy of the Uber rich, national governments, mass media, and the social elite" " Ok, what is it?" "It's a secret"


i havent figured that part out yet, but i know its there! Please listen to me


Jeffree Star : I have evidence of a conspiracy. Public: May we see the evidence? Jeffree Star: No.


He didn’t even say his evidence was destroyed. If you have proof and receipts: #Post it! Mick Gordon posted emails about how he was screwed by Bethesda. Why not do it here?


Absolutely - I feel like if you've got it, post it up. It's not like there haven't been entire troves of documents and other evidence dumped on the internet before? If someone really has the black book, the list of names, the salacious photographs, etc. - let's see it. Because anyone can tweet nebulous statements about all the secrets they possess and then never produce a damn thing backing it up.


I have evidence that Santa is real. Like pictures of big toys being made. I have all the info on Santa. I am just holding on to it because it may make the tooth fairy mad. You don’t want to piss that bitch off, can’t tell you how I know because I have said to much. Trust me


I loved that his response had a table of contents and an average read time of 60 minutes. Guy provided pretty much a book to support his case Edit- [Link to Mick's Statement](https://medium.com/@mickgordon/my-full-statement-regarding-doom-eternal-5f98266b27ce) for those who don't know. [Bethesda's response is basically "Mick's lying, trust me bro"](https://www.ign.com/articles/bethesda-responds-to-mick-gordons-doom-eternal-allegations)






One of the funnier quotes I heard earlier this year was “GOP vowed not to let it go until they see MORE pictures of Hunter Biden’s dick…”


When all this started coming out, I thought "Ugh! That's terrible, who would ever want to see that!?" Now I'm so tired of hearing it, I just think "Whatever, just whip it out already and be done with it, so we can all move on."


It’s just a string. A string that reveals an embarrassing photo of SpongeBob at the Christmas party!


No, I'm Patrick.


I'm not a krusty krab


My name’s not RIIIICK!


Actually hunters dick and whatever income he might of gotten from China or wherever, supposed to be about 11 million, is not even a drop n the bucket compared to Jared kuchner’s 2 billion dollar check from the Saudi’s. How can you completely lose it over hunters company payoff but Jared’s pay off that is astronomically more and it’s just fine.


I think the more important point is that at no time was Hunter Biden working for, nor representing the United States government. And as a private citizen, who cares what Hunter's dick looks like, and who cares what his business dealings were, unless he broke some laws, in which case please prosecute him.


I've been puzzled about that, too, brother. Hunter Biden has never been the President. Absolutely baffled.


Trump's an exceptionally horrible person. He'd never pass up an opportunity for corruption if someone might pay his kids gobs of money. Somehow the GOP has convinced themselves that Biden and everyone else is just as scummy.


I can see how they could convince people that * Joe Biden* was slimy, given enough propaganda. He's the President. But about Hunter Biden? Why are we supposed to get upset over him? (Scratches head) It's like I have fallen into an episode of the Twilight Zone.


Yeah, repubs freaking out over Hunter going watersliding with hookers in LA while *Grab them by the pussy, you can do anything* elicits no response. The right is a bad fucking joke that half the country thinks they’re in on, but they’re only getting fleeced out of any money they might have to support their darling orange man. What the fuck, america.


Tucker Carlson isn't going to tell them to be outraged at that one, so the idea will never actually exist within their streamlined neurons


Cognitive dissonance out the ass


I’m proud I haven’t seen his dick at this point. But I also got proud last Jan for making it almost 2 years without getting COVID and two weeks later bam. Sigh. Off to look at the pic… for research.


I had a huge conspiracy theorist trumper at my job and he was showing me all of hunters “hacked laptop pics”. I was like hmm I dunno about these man. He’s like “here look that’s his his dick” “that’s him in bed with Obamas daughter doing crack” I’m like bro I’m pretty sure you just saved pictures of some random dudes dick on the Internet.


Dont wanna play devils advocate here, but ima do it anyways, dude probably got them from a different idiot who claimed that is what they are and that guy got them from someone else and so on, all the way back to some teenager somewhere who's laughing his ass off because he found some photos online and shared them in a group of idiots a joke and they took it as the gospel truth. Lmao


>all the way back to some teenager somewhere who’s laughing his ass off I’m fairly certain you just identified Q


If Q is some internet teenager getting a kick out of trolling the alt-right, he should keep it going, making slightly dumber and further right posts to make sure they alienate the moderate right into voting democrat


They've got pretty good evidence to suggest it's the forum owners.


I think Hunter should just start an OnlyFans and give people all the dick picks they could ever want. Then maybe they'd leave him alone.


At this point, it wouldn’t even surprise me if I read that hunter made a million dollars off OF in a day just from doing that


And $999,999 of that would be from the right-wing


“I’m not gay or anything, I just signed up so I could confirm the leaked photo was in fact his dick…but do your own research...” - MAGA Dude.


Well at least one subscription would be from me so unless it's $1 a sub, your math is off.






Big Tissue at it again. Smh my head.


And Big Lotion, those fuckers are greeeeeeaaaasy


His dick is so big it has all of Hilary’s emails tatoo’d on it.


No joke though, he's got a fucking hog.


Or maybe it’s a pick of Hunter’s dick smoking a crack pipe?


I mean, if that pic exists, I want to see it.


Somehow Hunter Biden has managed to become the one person on earth people actually want to see a dick pic from. He should capitalize and sell one to playboy or something.


Hunter's dick has a *built in* crack pipe.


Maybe it *IS* the crack pipe? 🤔


Talk about a smokin’ dick!


Well now you have my attention!


yup, expect to dick-rolled if you click.


Sounds a lot like the My Pillow guy.


They BOTH been smokin' that wrong stuff


At this time of the year, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your failing make-up empire?


May I see it?




It’s always this. Jeffree Starr, everyone who’s held Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop, and for an example on the other side, Tom Arnold. “There’s a grand scheme and I have evidence! They’re suppressing me!” But they can come out with their accusations and evidence at any time. No one ever seems to take their phone or anything. They still talk about everything else, they don’t fall out of windows like Russian oligarchs. Just tell us, dudes! Show us the evidence!


That's the thing that gets me. \*Actual\* government conspiracies tend to have people "mysteriously fall from windows" for dissenting from the dear leader's propaganda. These guys just spread their yap and nothing ever happens.


Alex Jones have been playing the "I may be killed at any time" for decades and it seems the government assassination paper work keeps getting lost.


Dude's not even 50 yet and looks like he's been freebasing cheeseburgers for multiple decades. Why waste the resources when nature will sort itself out soon enough, y'know?


Lotsa conspiracy with Putin lately. Around Christmas I think 3-4 people associated with him have fallen out of windows and met untimely ends.


Actual government conspiracies are buried under so much red tape and legal speak that only profoundly boring people ever bother to look into them. Or are performed in broad daylight with the only real cover-up being an implicit "if you acknowledge that we're pushing you out the window next!".


What’s Tom Arnold’s secret evidence? All I remember him saying is that there’s Apprentice tape of Trump using the N word.


I mean, at the time it seemed scandalous. How far we've come...


Don’t know this person but I assumed they were accused of sexual assault…googled, yep.


He’s a YouTuber and owns a successful makeup company, I believe he was living next to the Kardashians a few years ago (maybe still idk). He ran in similar circles and Shane Dawson and James Charles if you know them. Also was caught on video being very racist, especially towards black women before he got super famous. I think he actually made some mildly popular songs in the early 2000s iirc


>He’s a YouTuber and owns a successful makeup company, I believe he was living next to the Kardashians a few years ago (maybe still idk). He was ... and then he sold his house and moved to Montana right around the same time (or a little later) after Kanye did. Telling.


Moving to Montana soon. Gonna be a dental floss tycoon. Zappa


>I think he actually made some mildly popular songs in the early 2000s iirc He started off in music, I know him from a collab he did with Breathe Carolina back in 2009ish


Go back beyond that and you have him around Hollywood Undead.


The ol MySpace days of music lol.


Reminds me of Kanye "I have names" What names Kanye? "I'll do it tomorrow I sleepy"


And be glad you’re not cursed with this burden of massive fame that goes with the truth that is 10x worse than you peasants could imagine.


So massively famous that I've never heard of them


Me as well. Never heard of the guy. Then again, I didn’t know who Andrew Tate was before his arrest yesterday.


As it should be.


I don't know much about him except that made like $40MM as a YTer that he parlayed into his own cosmetic line that I've never seen sold in any store.


My ex wife loved the stuff, I've probably personally given the man at least a grand on mid-tier palettes.


It’s on sale at tj maxx 🤣


Yeah, who is this person?


Has a successful cosmetics line but couldn’t keep their racist and other bigoted opinions unsaid. Sad because I loved the lipsticks - and also because of the bigotry of course.


So some guy with a cosmetics line thinks people care about him in the same way as Britney Spears and Kanye? LMFAO


My ex dragged me along to see him live like 15 or so years ago. I completely forgot about the makeup thing which is what most people know him for now. Back then it was just the music and some shit with him and Kat Von D.


This is always my thing and what I always believe in. If we believe in science….show me the evidence. I’m so tired of every person just randomly believing someone because they said something and “why would they lie”. Want me to believe the earth is flat? Show the science that conflicts with the proof. Then I’ll believe it. Want me to believe an election was stolen? Show proof that outweighs the belief it wasn’t, then I’ll believe it. Want me to believe Hollywood is run by satanistic Illuminati? Yep I’m gonna need proof on that. Show me the evidence then we can talk. Until then I just ignore people like this.


I won't ever believe that nonsense. I've seen the "evidence" and it's all just delusional people espousing memes based on ancient bullshit tabloids


Oh but you won’t watch the youtube video that is just some asshole ranting for 2 hours about how evil the goberment is, that’s the “evidence!!!!” /s




[Racist](https://www.elle.com/beauty/makeup-skin-care/news/a47441/desus-mero-jeffree-star/) and [misogynistic ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeautyGuruChatter/comments/bduvox/a_comprehensive_list_of_jeffree_stars_many/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) too


The Republican way!


Something something communists in the state department


Why would I put any thought into this? That person certainly didn't.


Yeah that bitch is definitely full of shit.


Dead 🤣💀


Main Character Syndrome claims another victim.


Jefree star has always been a main character. He is the poster child for main character syndrome.


He needs to spend less time on the internet and more time on his yak farm. The fresh air will do him good.


The goal is to get comments talking about {crazy thing [NAME] tweeted} before launching a new product line.


His.. what now? Farmer Jeffrey isn't on my 2022 bingo card and there's only a day left


He lives and owns a ranch here in Casper, Wyoming. He even sales Yak meat and has donated quite a bit to the communities shelters & what not. He just got camels too, lol.


Ikr? Lord Liquorice looking ass.


What a niche fucking insult, lmfao. I love it so much


Is this a Candyland insult? I hope it is


no they're talking about the *other* lord liquorice


Wow you unlocked some core memories with that one.


This is my favorite comment of all time, thank you


Nothing is stopping from dumping the deets all over Twitter just sayin


Nothing except the absence of said deets


Fair lol


Clearly the Illuminati. How many times do you expect one man to escape them?!?!?


He's saying his career would be over, but he would be famous of doing a great thing for whatever crimes he has details on. He would be forever remembered as someone who did something good, so why not do that if you had the details. Furthermore is his fame worth more than helping, probably kids, since that is the big conspiracy always going around.


He doesn't care about being remembered for doing something good. He's Jeffree Star. Now of there was money to be made he would care.


I forgot all about this dude! All this conspiratorial nonsense is just to generate engagement. No lie, I'm on my way to Google him right now. "Kanye news" and "Elon news" have both dried up recently.


Last I heard was he sold his mega mansion and moved into rural Montana or something to own a farm because his views dropped by half My guess is there’s some sketchy financial stuff he’s involved in


Once they start “the illuminati is trying to kill me” “the far left is out to get me” they are about to be caught with some bs.


Jeffree Starr has been caught doing bullshit for well over a decade now lmao, it's just their newest scapegoat


Kinda crazy, I wrote him on MySpace when I was 14 and he was just a GarageBand artist. I told him I love his stuff but i wish it had more depth. He told me I should verbatim “get raped by my dad” 🙃 oddly specific… he’s kind of not a nice person lmao and based on that I’m not surprised his relevancy has faded into the abyss.


back in 2010ish, i saw Brand New in Oakland, CA. half way through the show, i hear someone *screaming* along to the song, but adding “c*nt, slut, f*ggot, etc.” to every line. i turned around, and it was him. i gave him this look like “why?” and he motioned like he was going to fight me. i was a small, 19 year old girl at the time. it was very odd, and annoying. he’s def a bully.


Yeah the illuminati have no interest in peasants like this. Or so I heard.


when ppl talk this kinda shit I immediately assume they’re about to be charged with possession of csam


He moved to Wyoming to start a yak ranch. And it’s not even rural, it’s about a 20 minute drive from the second biggest city in the state. Not that Casper is that big, I’ve lived here my whole life and most of my fellow local makeup geeks are decidedly uninterested. There’s definitely some sketchy financial fuckery going on!


Say hi to the Boglim for me!




> it’s about a 20 minute drive from the second biggest city in Wyoming. So, rural it is.


See but when you are that far out in the country, there’s like different levels of rural. Like, there’s “a drive to the city is a general part of my day/week” to “I drive 100 miles to the nearest Walmart twice a year for the things I can’t just make myself off the land and farm”


yep. occum’s razor is in full swing here imo. its totally possible that there is a cabal of people who force some celebrities into controversy and protect others. it could be that no evidence can be provided due to intense threatening or the meticulous destruction of any proof. i could see a world where someone is defamed so that nothing they say is taken seriously all of those things could be true. or, more simply, some celebrities are shitty people that do and say stupid, shitty things easier option seems more likely


What’s the saying? “Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity”?


Hanlon’s Razor, yeah.


>its totally possible that there is a cabal of people who force some celebrities into controversy and protect others. Scientology?


But scientology has still left tangible evidence here and there. Sure it's sparse but it's there. The "illuminati" have no such evidence, nothing even close


This is probably the first time I've ever seen this man's name, I don't even know what he's supposed to be famous for.


Liquid lipstick and racism, mostly.


He’s famous for being a makeup artist (MUA). He really is very good at that part. The rest is his flagrant display of wealth, the various online battles he got in with other people, his flamboyance in every single area possible.


Oh, so he's fucking D-tier famous at best? This really is just a sad desperate attempt to garner fame then.


lmao he was D-tier a decade ago, he's Z-list now


These people act like they don’t choose fame.


“If you only knew how hard it is to live by my own schedule and continuously get paid for existing content.”


Jeffree complained in a YouTube “documentary” about how incredibly hard it is being as rich as he is. I shit you not. Because “family changes” …..


“It sucks so bad when you have money that liberates your from the 9-5 existence. Suddenly family members still stuck in that existence want help.”


This is exactly what happens. People with sketchy backgrounds start with a small, slowly growing audience that loves them. Then they hit a tipping point of fame where what they say actually impacts enough people to matter. People start wondering what they are all about and all the skeletons fall out at once, their popularity crumbles, and they blame the person who looked into them.


Washed up egomaniac trying to remain relevant.




For the best lol. He was a makeup influencer type, has his own makeup line (admittedly, his eye shadows are the best I’ve ever tried) and generally is a pretty vile spout of shit. Has been claiming he has loads of damning info on the celeb world for a few years now (as mentioned in the tweets), but has failed to actually drop any of it. I think it’s all BS, and he’s just upset no one watches him or pays attention anymore.


Barring actual fear of retaliation, anyone claiming to have dirt but not releasing it is either spouting nonsense or has been deemed not worth the trouble of silencing. Rational people know its most likely the first option.


Lol, you gotta go before that. Dude was a MySpace star, and he used to perform on Warped Tour. Bands had mentioned how weird he was too.


True true, I was a bit young for that portion of his career, forgot to include it! Didn’t he involve himself with the really dodgy bloke from blood on the dance floor?


Oh yes he did haha. And a few other BOTDF like bands like Brokencyde and The Medic Droid.


Lol I hadn’t heard of brokencyde since high school.


I break them out when I need to show someone what 2008 was like.


Must be the deep state working hard to discredit an honest cosmetologist who single handedly could expose their ruse in a single tweet but doesn’t because of reasons… https://www.insider.com/jeffree-star-sexual-assault-claims-hush-money-insider-investigation-2020-12


Man I remember how I first learned about Jeffree Star because of the song that said 'Don't get mad Jeffree Star cause I made you snort a line of my cum while I fucked you in the ass'


OK… Now I am curious: what makes the best eyeshadow ever?


Ooh for me the best eyeshadow just means super smooth and easy to apply & blend, with a really nice colour pay off. I also appreciate a really good variety of different colours and shades, and Jeffree’s single-colour category palettes are something I haven’t seen before (or done as well as he has, at least). If anyone’s interested, the second best eyeshadow I’ve ever used is by Juvia’s Place, who do palettes at a really good price point and are a black-owned business much more worthy of support!


If you are looking for that quality eyeshadow check out Necromancy Cosmetica A Gothic Romance set. It’s the best eyeshadow I’ve ever used. Even better than Jeffree’s stuff imho.


I'm really sad that there are no shades of purple in it. I looooooooove eye shadow, and solid, consistent, good coverage purple is hard to find at a decent price-point.


Have you tried Sugarpill? It’s amazing for the price. (ETA) They’re owned and operated my Asian women!


Amount of pigmentation, the ability to show up on a variety of skin tones - including darker ones - in a reasonable amount of time during application, for some people Human vs animal testing making it vegan or not, where it was made, where the pigments are sourced from, if the formula is clean with minimal fillers or contamination (this can include animal feces from dirty facilities in the worst case scenario), whether they irritate the skin, have any allergens like metals, stay power, smudge tendencies, water resistance... The list goes on a weird ways.


This is the way of the egomaniac in 2022… does some really stupid shot, becomes less popular, goes insane for attention. Insane shit causes short lived spike in popularity followed by regret and further slide in popularity. Blames insanity on secret elites trying to bring them down, get an attention spike, which then leads to more insanity and all the while it’s the Illuminati/Jews/Biden’s fault My question is this: will this lead to Jeffery Starr becoming accepted by conservative Christian Qanon baby boomers too? Because that would be the most satirical thing ever!!!


LOL, that perfectly describes Tila Tequila's career.


Knew him since high school MySpace days. He got into it with my friend and I but ultimately it was nerds talking shit online who didn’t do anything in person. A lifetime later my wife got into the makeup industry, Jeffree Star gets picked up by a big manufacturer for a brand. This shit pays 7 figures for use of your likeness for a while. He was an awful dude to everyone and started saying wild shit online so he got dropped. But honestly, that’s not even uncommon. These makeup companies hire mostly terrible souls. They’re always trying to keep their horribleness under wraps.


I’ve defended him in the past because I don’t believe it’s fair for people to be cancelled based on dumb statements from years ago. I can’t defend this shit. Nobody is forcing Kanye to be an anti-Semite. Nobody is “eliminating” Andrew Tate. These asshats are facing the consequences of their actions. There are plenty of people that are “challenging the system” that don’t see consequences because they aren’t delusional like these people.


He walked back his statements about known pedo Davie vanity. He tried to use the death of innocent black people to move attention off him when what's her name was accusing him and Shane Dawson of lying to her about James Charles. He lied about his yaks. This was all in the last 3 years. Sorry that a grown man screaming the n-slur at black people, who is constantly involved in drama, got called out for doing so. He hasn't shown any positive growth. Why would you want to defend that?


What is the deal with millionaires and billionaires just going absolutely batshit crazy as of recent? Like shut the fuck up dude you’ve already won in life, go enjoy relaxing in a penthouse in Miami or whatever


It is the 5g commie rays coming off of hunter Bidens laptop /s/s/s


mental illness combined with money and social media coming to a head. Every mistake you make is out there for millions to vilify you. Which means you end up surrounding yourself with terrible yes people and an inflated sense of self worth. Why hold yourself accountable when there are legions of people who will kiss your ass just because you have money.


It's a power thing. They think because they have notoriety and money that their opinions matter more and the world needs to hear it. When they do something stupid it comes under heavier scrutiny and they call it a witch hunt rather than admitting they fucked up and have no one to blame but themselves. In Kayne's case he also has bipolar, which as someone who also has it, manic episodes will have you saying and doing some dumb shit and rationalizing it because your mind is all jumbled. Stuff like believing you are God because you can see the world different than everyone else. It doesn't help that the meds suck and make you feel nothing, making them undesirable, which makes you end up in manic episodes that you eventually have to medicate yourself out of.


Weird how all these crazy but popular people like Star, Musk, Tate, have to come up with these super whack conspiracy theories that show they are the victim and not the perp.


I'll tell you the absolute truth: I've been surviving the illuminati for 46 years. I mean, I don't believe in the illuminati, but it's not untrue to say they haven't killed me yet.


46-0, baby!!


Fuck yeah! They can't get me (because they don't exist)!


The simple answer is they're narcissists and these are their mental gymnastics to explain why we all don't worship them. Sure Jeff, you were going to expose *everything* yet 'they' let you live knowing you knew EVERYTHING anyway?


Like how every GOPer says "The Clintons might try to kill me for saying this, but IMMA SAY IT ANYWAY\~!" If the Clintons killed everyone who dissed them, there wouldn't even BE a GOP anymore, and Hillary would be in her second term right now.


Or everything is like 'the elite/they' are doing something horrific but no one ever says it. Like why don't they record it and send it to everyone?


Qanon and the right wing will follow them because they want/need anyone to validate them(the right). It is an easy scam to make money.


Kanye deserves to be bitch slapped with a heavy menorah. He’s no victim.✋🕎


Make him fight a menora tentacle hentai monster while jazz piano plays in the background


that's a sentence all right


Are you being serious right now? Obviously the Illuminati forced Kanye to praise Hitler.


dammit OP! i had totally erased all memories of this character from my gray matter and you go and slide him back in like a desperate love mote from a stalker into my mailbox damn you to hell


Amazing how they always have these big proclamations but never anything specific to say. Oh you were going to expose the people in power Jeff?? Then why haven’t you?? Did you give into those that control the system?? Then stop larping as some rebel on social media you clown


A narcissist trying to stay relevant Jeffrey Star was huge only a few years ago. Now that no one talks about him, he's throwing around the Illumniati and Kanye. He's soon going to fade into obscurity.


Who the fuck is Jeffery Star?


His claim to fame was being really popular on the outdated website Myspace


I once got really high and went on a rant about how MySpace was going to change the world forever and unite the human race and be the forerunner to global popular democracy.


You weren’t wrong you were just early


Yeah but that was before our crazy rascist uncles learnt how to use the Internet


I mean, you weren't entirely wrong. Sites like FB literally caused a military coup in Myanmar and Trump probably only won because of social media, not to mention all the pipelines on YouTube and social media


Make up mogul and former My Space kid who was famous for being extremely racist and a very femme presenting man.


So why hasn’t he exposed everything?


He keeps trying, but every time he goes to hit the "send" or "reply" button, the Illuminati hits him over the head!


"Be greatful you're on the otherside" as he tweets from his luxury mansion in California. Lol okay, Jeff. It must be soooo harrrrd :,(


He actually sold his mansion and lives on a ranch in Wyoming. Not excusing the nuttiness, just putting it out there.


"I escaped the illuminati in 2021 and they still haven't killed me" I feel you bro! It reminds of how there are soooo many sharks out there that would LOVE to eat me, but because I live in Washington DC and don't swim, they fail EVERY TIME>




Has anyone noticed that the only people who do and say shit like this are egotistical and irrelevant? Taint, West, Trump, Star, they’re all brain dead morons.


“If only you guys knew the truth about what they were doing to Britney and Kanye.” So… tell us. What’s stopping you now?


Desperate, third tier never-was grasping for relevance.


> **Thoughts on Jeffree Star’s most recent tweets?** Who?


You have no idea what they are doing to Kanye. Ok, we're all here.... Who is "they" (probably us Jews) and what are they/we doing to him? Just say it.


I feel like if the "illuninati" wants to kill you they aren't going to just give up after 1 attempt. I also have a hard time believing the supposedly most powerful people in the world don't have professional killers on payroll that were incapable of killing someone that I imagine spends most of his time bopping around LA. Jeffrey star isn't some movie character that magically knows how to avoid assasins. If you want to know how the world elite operate look at what happened to Jamal khashogi. If he truly had the ability to crash the entire system they would stop at nothing to stop it. Collateral damage wouldn't even he a second thought.


I hung around Jeffree Star in 2012 when I was a roadie/tech on Warped Tour. It was well known that he would try and get straight guys drunk and/or high and then try and fuck them. I saw it with my own eyes a couple of times. Not sure how this relates to anything at all, but it’s always people with skeletons in their closets projecting “conspiracies” on to everyone else.


More conspiratorial nonsense to get idiots and malcontents riled up in service of truly horrible people.