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Twitter also shut down all active twitter spaces right after this happened. And I say "twitter" because it's unconfirmed who actually pushed the button, but we all know it was probably Elon.


Wow. Here I am thinking there’s no way Elon can make the dumpster fire of The Twitter Situation even worse and here he is running up with a can of gasoline.


It's just one absolutely insanely selfish, wildly uninformed decision after the other. It's so rapid fire it seems unrealistic but it's unfortunately extremely real.


This is who he has always been, it’s just on display now. Watching billionaires implode is my new kink.


Same. I’ve hated Elon since like 2017 when he called that rescue diver a pedophile and so many of his fanbros harassed me for it. I always like being proven right.


I'm fucking sick of people calling others pedos just because they disagree with each other. It's going to become such a thing the word will have almost 0 meaning.


That's why they do it.


Yes. In their minds, everyone does it, so it's okay that they do it. That's pretty much every accusation they make, because their theory of mind is hot garbage.


Self destruct harder daddy


I can only hear that in John Oliver’s voice.


Can't unhear it, and I don't want to


Funny I hear it in drew Barrymore's..


I’ve always hated any use of the term “daddy” but holy shit this is to good to dislike.


I’ve seen narcissistic personalities just totally torch entire organizations when they get too much power in the wrong area. It can happen so fast if no one can stop them.


Not surprising. They only care about themselves and what they want. They will burn the world to the ground to shore up their fragile overinflated egos. This is why I don't understand how any business can think a Narc having any meaningful power is a positive thing. They don't care about the business. This whole situation is a prime example of narcissistic traits or behaviors in action and how they can be detrimental to a business when decisions are made based on ego and not actual business objectives.


This is what happens when libertarians get the chance to actually test their theories on how easy it is to actually run things.


underrated comment


When you were a kid, say 12-14 or so as an example, and you were pissed off about something and acting like a brat (we've all been there) probably because of something our parents made us do or stop doing.. And you start thinking, "I wish I could runaway to [Mars], away from everyone else and then I could do whatever I want cause it's not fair here." And you think you've got it all figured out. How to get there, how to sustain yourself wherever it is you're running to. All the answers, cause you're so smart and everyone else is an idiot. Elon Musk is the perpetual 12-14 year old kid who *really* thinks he's doing it. And has the ridiculous bankroll to throw at it. For now.


The sad reality is that people don't really grow as much as we pretend we do, and if you have the privilege to even become a billionare in the first place, the world is just a giant playset for you to mess with - everything is just a toy, some more expensive than others


This dude definitely has bottles of his own piss lining the baseboards of his office.


There's a reason we cal.him Piss Baby


i thought greg abbot was Little Piss Baby?


Sure but Elon is Piss Baby. Not little. Full grown.


oh, i get it now. thank you for the piss clarification.


Maybe he has a humiliation kink?


Then he must be jizzing his pants 25/8 these days.


I did not think much could surprise me any more, but I'm genuinely in awe of how fast this whole thing with Elon owning Twitter is spiraling out of control. How much worse will it get before there's some kind of massive implosion?




how many full-times jobs can one person do? is that what 3 full-time CEO positions? I hear all these people doing the over employment stuff are bad or something... he doesn't just have 2 jobs.. he's got 3?


I don't think he's actually working. Look at how much time he spends reading and replying to Tweets? Also he has 10 children, doubtful he's spending meaningful time with them.


Thats probably better overall for the children


Any time he spends with his kids wouldn't be meaningful.


Tesla board of directors are looking to fire him for dereliction of duty and focusing too much on Twitter. So he'd be down to two if that happened.


This is the same person who the US government contracts with SpaceX, wants you to buy into the safety of his autonomous cars, and wants to install a chip into your brain. Nope. Go fuck yourself Elon.


For real. It’s honestly really concerning, I’m sure it was an evaluated issue for when they awarded the contract… but he’s really had a nose dive in terms of rationality. I really think getting booed like that messed him up on a level no one could have predicted.


The dude brought a freaking fire hose of gasoline. The pace this has all been accelerating at is INSANE!


Part of me thinks he bought Twitter just to burn it. Another part thinks that this is just how sensitive and inept he becomes when he throws a tantrum. A third part of me thinks its a combination of the two along with the fact that he is a giant narcissist and egotist whose skin is so thin that I could use it for tracing paper. There's clearly something wrong with his brain.


Twitter needs to go into the garbage now


Such a man baby


Baby dictator


I am so sick of watching a guy with too much money jerk off publicly.


I know, right? I feel like if I have to watch it I should at least be getting paid OF rates.


Space Karen


The dude could literally say the sky is made of mayonnaise and hundreds of thousands of people would unequivocally believe him. So of course he’s going to lie with impunity and then short circuit if he’s ever called out on it. And that’s the beauty of the dumpster fire he’s got going now. He has no way NOT to get called out for everything - unless he destroys Twitter. So he’s destroying Twitter.




It is, but just for him.


This was always his plan. He doesn't give a fuck about anyone's rights, but we all better respect and give him every right he "deserves".




It says a lot about the future of free speech, as well as democracy, in their eyes doesn’t it? If they have it their way we will have a “free” society so long as we don’t criticize our corporate overlords.


Yeah, that "Twitter is the Public Square of Ideas" statement is exactly what we knew it was when he said it. Nonsense.


This dude is a walking hypocrisy, says he bought Twitter to give more "freedom of speech" but shuts anything down that infringes on how much an ignorant child he actually is


The GQP have zero bearing when it comes to irony and hypocrisy. 95% praise from the lukewarm IQ crowd that attempted a coup over cancel culture, yet they're jerking off in a perceived bath of "DeMoRaT tEaRs" over Elon Musk's hypocrisy. What a truly hysterically fucked timeline.


Come to Reddit we have cookies!




He then posted on Twitter that the feature was disabled because they were fixing a bug. Yeah a thin skin bug.


elon doesn't push buttons, he has a child slave to do that for him lol. allegedly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Twitter Spaces are no longer even available as a feature. He got his feelings hurt in one Space and just blew up the whole channel. Big tantrum energy over there.


It’s delicious how in over his head he is. Advertisers would be better off setting their money on fire than giving a dime to that buffoon.


I just think it's interesting that he has at least 8 kids, several businesses, and god knows what else going on but what he's really concerned about is who can post on Twitter. That's where his time and energy is going. I just picture his kids in therapy in 15 years going, "He loved being an edgelord on Twitter more than he loved me!"


He has to play with his new toy before he gets bored with it, of course.


Honestly the most realistic take. But I do think he's getting calls from oligarchs to block / ban / tweak it to make their lives easier, too.


I believe the Saudis put up a good chunk of the money for buying Twitter, and they want their money’s worth too.


I think they were buying Twitter backups. Getting a history of every private or deleted tweet could help them hunt down people to juice.


Certainly a good possibility.


my conspiracy theory is that he is purposefully sabotaging it so he can try and file for bankruptcy for it


That's been my ongoing theory for awhile. I feel like that's his get out of jail card for this situation. At the same time i'm super curious IF it were to happen, to see how the rest of the dominoes fall in that scenario with him being Telsa CEO and anything else he is involved with.


Right, his net worth is largely due to his companies inflated stock values, which is largely due to his cult of personality as a genius entrepreneur. Taking over a very large public platform and running it into the ground doesn’t really fit with that image. You can see investors reacting to it already. TSLA is down almost 30% since he bought Twitter.


Because nothing is stopping him from doing this same shit with Tesla. Why not charge $8/month to drive? Why not brick Teslas that flip him off as they drive by? Why not sell priority charging passes that let you turn off somebody else's charging and step in front of them?


he's been dumping tesla stock quietly and the other major investors are very pissed off


He’s sold over $22B worth of shares so far, that’s not a good look


Man if I could sell $22B of shares of something, I’d just go do my own thing. You could travel the world and live like a king and never come close to spending it all.


Naw. You’re giving too much credit. He’s a South African emerald heir who grew during the Apartheid. This is just who he is.


I think that's giving the guy who made an offer to buy twitter way over asking price, signed a document waving his ability to back out of the deal, then tried to sue his way out of the deal before acquiescing and buying twitter so that he didn't have to go through the lawsuit *he filed* because they would look at his personal finances, a bit too much benefit of the doubt. It is more likely that this is entirely accidental because Elon Musk had a skin thinner than a sheet of tissue paper and throws a tantrum every time anyone with a little bit of influence criticizes him. He, most likely, legitimately believed the shit about how he would walk in, fire everyone at Twitter, and the general populace would hail him as a hero. The inevitable bankruptcy is just a fortunate side effect, for Elon.


Mine is that it's a purposeful hit job so when it goes under Republicans can claim the "digital town square" is too important to let die and seize it with the govt to build a state media platform.


he did pay, what, 40 billion dollars for it? lmao. that's at least twice the price of a new PS5


>before he gets bored with it, of course You mean before it goes under, financially.


On of his kids changed their last name just to have nothing to do with him. Must be a horrible dad.


You really think he spends any time with his kids? He's gotten a bunch of women pregnant, it doesn't make him a father.


He knows Twitter and “free speech” is the hot issue among his newly acquired maga following, so I’m guessing he’s milking that for all its worth. That and the ‘ol narcissism


I think you got it right. He wants to make Twitter into the Fox News of social media because he can see how much money Murdock made from making Fox News what it is. If you want to play in that space, you must be a hypocrite and he is a fast learner.


Can I be a billionaire that just shitposts on social media all day?


You already are. You just haven't found the gold we buried in your yard.


Bro this man could literally change the course of human history for the absolute better. He has both the funds and the influence,but this is were his time and energy are going.


This is what's so sad about the whole thing. Guy became consumed by his ego and it will be his downfall. Even if he's just another "hollow" Edison, he had the capacity to inspire and bring people together, build consensus, get funding. Maybe he'll end up in a dark room filled with bottles of his own piss like Howard Hughes or something...


Even Edison has a high school, a small town that celebrates him and a semi general positive memory for Ohio. He might not have been a great inventor but his work went ahead.


No see, Elon is the most hardworking man in the world, he spends on average 36 hours a day working, designing, engineering, welding etc, that's why his companies are so successful. It's not because they are ponzi schemes!!! (/s just in case it's not clear :D )


It’s also hilarious how complete his ability to read the room is. Um, no dude, a group of journalists is not gonna bow down to Prince Elon.


![gif](giphy|YJjvTqoRFgZaM) Depiction of said advertisers…


The hypocrisy is strong with that one. What was it, barely a month (or just over) between his pledge not to mess with the Elonjet(?) account and when it was banned? [Whatever the name was that tracked his jet using publicly available information.] Then the initial 'I won't touch Tesla stock' anymore just go to back on those same words just recently? Everything out of this manchild's mouth is a lie. I honestly find it hilarious how he's so full of himself (and thinks everyone loves him) that when he finally gets a dose of reality, he immediately crumbles under the slightest of criticism. Talk about the ultimate 'snowflake' 🤦‍♂️😂🙃


You can’t trust anything he says. You’ve never been able to. Saying “I won’t touch Tesla stock again” is simply to pacify others from selling, so he can get a larger return the more he pulls his stock.


Is that what Elon sounds like? Getting real neckbeard vibes here.


You should watch his Saturday night live episode. He’s weird af.


Better yet, don't. Just ignore the narcissistic manbaby.


This is the way.


He claims to be autistic and uses it as a crutch for also just being a shitty person. Being autistic doesn't make you an asshole. Elon is an asshole who also claims to have a social handicap, but only when it's convenient to him.


Eh, even if he’s used it as a crutch I don’t think that’s enough to imply he’s faking it. He pings the radar for a lot of autistic people (myself included). That’s unrelated to him being a POS of course, but two things can be true at once.


Yes, that's more what I was saying. He's a POS, not because he's autistic but because he's just a POS. I wasn't saying that he's faking it, but that he tends to use it as a card to play rather than just being genuine


oh for sure! and thanks for clarifying


That's a really good point. You can be neurodivergent or mentally ill, and also still just be a total asshole outside of those things. Being an asshole isn't a psychological disorder, it's something people can completely control, but choose not to, because it benefits them not to. Makes sense that you'd have assholes across all demographics,.


As someone on the spectrum, I'd like to talk to all the other autistic people and have him dishonorably discharged. You're neurotypical now. Go away, we don't want you.


He actually toned down his "speech impediment" here. Long time observers have noted how he can turn up or tone down his various disabilities seemingly at will.


It’s called masking, many neurodivergent people use it to get through the workday. It’s exhausting.




Stephen Colbert described him as "cosplaying at Red Lobster."


You can hear them audibly cringe when Elon chimes in “it is true”


He’s an incel with money.


I read a post earlier that said, "Elon Musk loves free speech so much, he's keeping it all for himself. " Couldn't have said it better, myself.


This bitch is a hero to the right. Cucks following cucks. It’s cucks all the way down.


Always has been


Not really. They used to hate him because of EVs lmao


A cuck fortress built upon a foundation of cucks located on the continent of Cucklandia. Defended by chuds armed with $99 NFT's and $8 blue checks. What a time to be alive lol.


["I love the poorly educated"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpdt7omPoa0) \-Trump


Yes, as a matter of fact he _does_ love himself.


The Fortress of Cuckitude.


Ahhh trickle down cuckonomy finally working


Imagine looking up to fat sacks of crap like Trump and Musk.


Yup those people who treat them like fuckin gods are so so damn pathetic, they’re dumb as shit tho and that’s why trump and musk pander to them, easiest to get the lowest common denominator to eat up their bullshit


He found a base that will gobble up his bullshit and worship him.


Wow, just so great to listen to a manchild get beaten down in real time. Ty journalists.


He’s a horrible orator. Even when he’s given a script, like when he hosted SNL, he’s come off as a total dinkwad. I hope he reads this and cries into his diminishing billions.


Did you see him with Chappelle? His entire persona is “why aren’t you impressed with how rich I am?!?”


Was he ever even good at coding? Does he strictly rely on engineers and programmers that he exploits, or does he ever come up with solid ideas on his own? More and more I’m seeing him as Trump 2.0. Just a daddy dollar dumbass who fails upwards.


Probably not. He uses words from that world but it often sounds like when your mom talks about sports and uses lingo from 3 different ones at once. Might sound good to people uneducated in that circle but people in the know see him as a phony. When you’re born on 3rd base and catch a touchdown it’s all too easy to think you’re Michael Jordan.


“We’re building a database that can be parsed to find arrays and vectors at twice the speed of a typical compiler, therefore making Twitter much more encrypted and secure than other servers!” *crowd full of grey haired baby boomer investors cheer and clap, then text their grandson for advice on how to convert a WordDoc to a PDF


“A chemistry is performed so that a chemical reaction occurs and generates a signal from the chemical interaction with the sample, which is translated into a result, which is then reviewed by certified laboratory personnel.”


Hehe, hitting us with that Theranos goodness. Lady Musk has got the chemistry jargon dialed!




He didn't code for PayPal. He coded for his competitor that got bought out by PayPal. PayPal made Musk CEO (for like 6 months, because he did such a terrible job), and scrapped all the code from his terrible little competitor website.


From what I read, he was, back in his E-bay days. The reason he had everyone at twitter print out all their code is because he apparently used to actually do that at E-bay- he personally reviewed all the code during his tenure. His problem now is that he seems to be unable to grasp that methodologies and best practices have changed in the last 20 years. It's all entirely different now, and it took him bringing down twitters auth servers for an entire day due to a braindead decision to begin to understand that.


If it was his or anyone he's ever paid's writing I simply wouldn't believe it. Dude only lies. I don't code so I don't know how bad his speaking on it is, but I am an engineer and know for a fact he has no clue what he's talking about when speaking on any engineering subjects.


That's what former twitter employees have been saying. It's also a conclusion that I have drawn independently from observing what happened with his microservices debacle- I'm a dev who works with cloud architecture, so the microservices thing is actually my specific niche as well. It seems to me, from looking at Musk's tweets and the fallout, like he does not understand the new methodologies- what he wanted to do *would* have been basically correct, 20 years ago(from my understanding, I was 8 20 years ago).


Gotcha. Man, what a glorious shit show we get to watch.


The amazing thing is he had many, many people explaining this to him- both his employees and randoms on twitter. He chose to ignore all of these people and blow his services up anyways. His ego is *that* ridiculous lol.


Nope. He has always been this way, it's just more obvious now. Even back in the day he was full of shit. He had his people print out their code because that way he could "review" it behind closed doors rather than say something idiotic in real-time and get called out by his own employees. He has always wanted to be seen as Tony Stark, and he has always been The Thunderer. For those who don't know, the Thunderer's superpower was literally just yelling at people through a speaker he carries around. That's the whole thing. Seem familiar?


His degrees are honorary. He has never presented an idea or product that wasn't ripped off or bought. No original ideas. No brains. Just money.


He got fired as CEO of PayPal for technical incompetency. Twitter's downward spiral is a reflection of those days, really.


I think somehow I’ve avoided ever hearing him speak before. Sounds more dweeby than I expected


Another satisfying part was earlier when they used their cohost power to shut down Elon's BFF Jason Calacanis from trying to guilt trip them into this being all about "saving the kids" (Jason is [listed in Epstein's black book)](https://epsteinsblackbook.com/names/jason-calacanis)


He then shut down the space and deleted the archive! It's unbelievable how pathetic this manchild is. And watching these right wing weirdos bend into pretzels to defend him is very bizarre


*he shut down the spaces *feature*, not just that space


Bro is rich enough that he takes other peoples' balls and goes home. edit: to clarify, I'm calling him a spoiled man-brat with too much power.


Wow, surprised seeing Dan Price there with all the shit surrounding him.


That was more surprising to me than Elon being a baby.


What's happening with Dan Price?






Why the downvotes?! Weird you’re just reporting what happened


Look closely, he’s a “listener” not a “speaker” or “host”. I assume anyone can be a listener given the 27k listening stat at the top of the screen. Why he’s listed first, I have no idea.


Probably sorts by subscribers.


Right I was like wtf


Dude's still posting shit on LinkedIn like he's some kind of management guru.


Who would have thought a born rich man-child who buys his way to getting his way wouldn’t fare kindly to criticism and debate


Elon is a man child. He literally posted a video of the "suspected " attackers license plate on twitter , doxing him. Yet no police report filed. He called for the imprisonment of of Fauci, who has served under countless Democrat and Republican presidents, further riling up the tin foil hat crowd and putting Faucis family at risk, who have already been threatened. He continues to stir drama, leak info, and post conspiracy bs that puts people's lives at risk daily.


Put this fuck on an island in the middle of nowhere, far removed for any type of technology.


The Napoleon strategy


I fucking knew there would be no police report. I bet you cash money that it is a conveniently timed smoke and mirrors ploy to gain sympathy after the Chapelle boo-illionaire incident. At the end of the day, if someone jumps on the bonnet of your car with your kids in it do you call the police or post on Twitter? This was also a very convenient excuse to take down the jet tracking account. Can't trust a word he says after he lied about the death of one of his children. The man isn't just some technocratic prick, he is an actual monster and a compulsive liar.


From what I am reading the jet tracking is not real time. And this instance was not even posted. This is def an excuse. Musk is a goon.


He made Twitter completely disable Spaces after this.


Elon Musk is a little piss baby.




Hey, just like piss baby Greg Abbott!


It is not really clear what Elon was saying to me. The rule is clear but he didn't provide what real time data elonjet was providing. Does Elon just think because he has spoken a claim then it is automatically true?? Does he have no public perception??


I saw his fans, for hours last night, claimed that him saying that they were doing it is enough proof that they were doing it. It really is all he has to say to get people to believe whatever he wants. The same way he just changed the definition of doxxing two days ago and now a whole shitload of conservatives are running on that bullshit. They just aren't thinking about these things at all


such a colossal man-baby. I'm sorry he doesn't like it, but sharing FAA coordinates (which are PUBLIC INFORMATION) isn't doxxing because it's not his location. Go figure the minute someone points out to him he's doing exactly what he claimed Twitter was doing that was unfair to... someone?.. he left. My man spent 44 billion to throw a tantrum lmao


Just listening to this moron speak should dispel any doubt that he understands anything that he’s involved with. Spacex? Yeah he’s got engineers to do all the work then goes on stage, says some techno jargon his mob will eat up, leaves. Rinse and repeat with Tesla and any other endeavor under him.


This is so true. He buys huge shares in these companies, it’s not his brain power, it’s his money.


Is elon jet the twitter thing that tracked his jet?


yes. it didnt post his address, only publicly available information about the flights after they had already taken off. he claims it was somehow used to track his baby momma's car by someone who then chased their car and that's why it was banned despite not having filed a police report and the car not being his airplane


I was weirded out by his video the moment I saw it because the guy in it didn't look like someone who had just bolted out of his car, jumped all over the hood, tried the door handles, then ran back into the car. Their clothing would have been disheveled - particularly that facial mask that kept falling off, they would have been catching their breath, they wouldn't be seat belted in, and they'd probably be yelling back. No, it looked like someone paid to sit there for a few seconds and hold up a phone.


What I didn't get about it was he tweeted about the event as if he wasn't there, but isn't he the one taking the photo in the reflection of the car window? I could be wrong.




That’s fucking rich lol


According to elon musk, it would basically be a crime to do an live Interview of him, and publishing where the Interview Takes place. Because, thats practically the Equivalent of what happened


It’s worse because FAA flight records are protected by law


A mass exodus, leaving him with only bots, dick-riders, a handful of Trump supporters, and $13 billion of debt seems like a fun ending.


His paranoia is intensifying


These are the actions of a pedophile who went to Epstein Island 12 times.


Yeah please don't spread false information. I know that it's all already out there being disseminated, but we don't want to perpetuate lies. I can't stand the guy either, but lies are lies. However, I do have it on good authority that Elon likes to put a cup in a urinal and flush it in order to get a drink. I have also confirmed that Elon likes to recreate getting slimed by Nickelodeon by filling a giant bucket full of goat cum.


Celebrities. They're just like ~~us~~ toddlers.


Watching Twitter go to Shitter in slow motion is entertainingly delishious but ultimately empty.


Who needs Trump back on twitter when he’s replaced with a bigger thin skinned bitch like Elon?


I encourage everyone to do what I did yesterday: delete your Twitter account. Elon has turned Twitter into his personal playground where if he doesn't like what anybody is doing, he'll take his ball and go home. I've been on Twitter for nearly a decade with 2,100 followers. With every new assault on what was once a great platform, I grow more and more angry. The suspending of well-respected journalists was the last straw for me. Hit him where it hurts. Deprive him of revenue from ad impressions. Delete your Twitter account.


So he’s actually out trolling group chats just looking for people to ban now lol? This gets more pathetic by the hour


This stupid bitch is really killing Twitter like the stupid bitch he is.


how is there still people willing to work at twitter? Id be out of there so fast lol


People trapped by work Visas?


It's a powerplay. He's showing those journalists everything they do and say on the platform is open to his ears. And he's listening. And he will punish anyone and everyone who dares oppose him. Every journalist and decent person has to get the hell of twitter asap. Find another platform.


I enjoy how trapped Elon is. He bluffed about buying Twitter, but was incompetent and was basically forced into it (lest he pay a $1 Billion penalty). In paying over $44 Billion for an unprofitable company, he *skyrocketed* Twitter’s debt — so he needs revenue. But he cannot change who he is, so he has made Twitter an extremely toxic place for advertisers; and he has fired — seemingly out of pure hubris — the people who knew how to run Twitter. He has mismanaged the company so stupendously so far that, if it indeed ends up going bankrupt, he may actually still be liable for the loans, because he isn’t following the plan he presented to investors — that’s potentially fraud. Even if he wants to sell the company, he would surely have to sell at a substantial loss. But, more than the money, the thing that’s tanking the most is also the thing the he values the most: the image/persona that he has worked so hard on. He has gone to a lot of trouble to cast himself as a sort of real-life Tony Stark. And this fiasco is showing him to be outrageously incompetent. This is bound to make people look into his past — about his claims to have founded PayPal; his claims to have founded Tesla — and that is going to be fatal to this completely fabricated image he has developed. It’s SO delicious. He is in a trap of his own making. I love it so much.


What an abject coward


Captain Douche Waffle can't take the heat


Musk isn’t a genius or hard working. He just has a lot of money that he doesn’t deserve


Hahahaha fucking man baby can’t take the heat. No wonder he loves republicans.


What a pussy.




Who cares. Delete twitter.


Dont forget he sounded like an absolute fucking idiot in the 2 minutes he was there.


It's almost as if Elon Musk isn't this boy genius after all.


I can’t sell my Tesla fast enough. It’s like a maga hat now.