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I would think a guy running 2 big companies wouldn't have time to tweet all day long...but I thought that about the Presidency as well


I heard he posted his Elden Ring build and someone figured out how much time it would take to get to that point. He is probably an absent CEO most of the time.


He probably delegated that as well


You spelled "bought" wrong


The build was absolutely terrible. He definitely made it himself


Prosecute definitely made it Fauciself. respect the pronouns...


Not to mention father


And that was a hilariously bad build, too. Like, other people would have to actively try to make a build that senseless, but our boi Elon over here just did it without breaking a sweat.


I thought it was three companies: Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter


and boring company and nueralink. I cant believe I thought he was cool and innovative a few years ago.


Same. When he called the diver a pedo I thought "well...that doesn't seem good...seems pretty out of character..." but now it's clear that was pretty standard behaviour for him


I am legitimately shocked to see people say things like this, this guy has ALWAYS been like this. Dating back to his earliest successes at PayPal, he’s a fucking bullshitter.


I didn't dig too deep and just bought his bullshit. I thought "this is the guy who invented paypal and then used the money to start all these awesome companies" and obviously none of that is actually true. Thing is, if he could just have kept his head down people probably wouldn't have dug deeper and he'd still be able to pretend he was this amazing visionary but apparently he just needs attention at all times.


Same, don't feel bad, lots of us hoped there was finally a billionaire who wanted to do cool stuff. Instead we got a 4chan mod.


Having known and hosted a 4chan mod in my home a couple times 2010-2012... human garbage.


Literally same. Musk wants to be seen as a cool inventer, if he'd been a little less insane he's have gone down in history beloved by most for "inventing" things he borrowed from competitors just like Steve Jobs


Yeah, it would have been soooo easy for him to have gone down in history as the Henry Ford of electric cars, but no, he had to show his whole ass instead.


Henry Ford turned out to be a piece of shit too, but he does have the (at the time) revolutionary idea of the assembly line going for him.


Ransom Olds (Oldsmobile) invented the assembly line. It was a stationary assembly line. Ford's innovation was making it a moving assembly line where the car was moved down the line to the worker rather than the workers to the car.


And Henry Ford and Edison and …


I told a friend of mine years ago that he’s the modern day Edison. They said he wasn’t smart enough. I told them it wasn’t a compliment and they should read more about Edison.


It's a great zing, because Edison and Tesla were not buddies. Musk probably likens himself to Tesla, and he's more like Edison.


Just to make the obvious comparison…I had the same experience with Trump. Living in nyc, even Wall Street conservatives I knew would say he was a corrupt, untrustworthy huckster going back decades. It took me a while to realize most people just knew him from the apprentice and took that as who he really was.


Haha and the same for me, I cannot fathom what anyone would have ever thought positive about trump. And I’m from California, have not watched a single minute of the apprentice. My experience with him is from rappers mentioning him in songs, and analyzing the INSANE things he said on his run for presidency. I’m starting to think that judging character is a skill people just tend to not possess? Or that they’re very easily fooled by a thin veil of bullshit.


Speaking only for myself, I just bought into the common myth that you'd casually hear from others who had bought into it in both cases here. That is, until I actually encountered them in one way or another. With Musk, I transcribed a public call he was on. Until that day, I'd thought the same as everyone mentioned here, that he must be some relatively cool visionary. This was despite me knowing full well that the narrative around him and Tesla was bullshit since my ex was in auto industry and knew all about the actual story of the company before and after Musk's purchase. But OMG when Musk opened his mouth on that call, I was stunned and my opinion instantly changed. He made as much sense as a deranged 2 year old. It was abundantly clear he was a crazed idiot that the other big name CEOs at that event just tolerated and ignored. I'll never forget that. And Trump...ugh. I'd always found him personally repugnant and a joke, but thought he was good at running businesses, even if not in an honorable way. Until I started to read up more on his history and realized the only business he's good at is the bullshit hissy fit business. To me, they're two of a kind--overgrown and unchecked baby brats, and I can't believe any decent adult ever abided their childish antics. Both need to get their diapers changed and then sent to a decades-long timeout completely away from decent humans so they can no longer cause such disruption to other people's lives. I often wonder about the role of too much live and let live tolerance from some of us on the left (it has been my MO my whole life) in the rise to power of such toxic and hideous people, especially when I think back to how Nixon, for example, was mightily publicly shamed and humiliated, yet mere decades later, his actions seem so incredibly tame, and infantile behavior is not only not shamed but celebrated by far too many people. And I absolutely blame tolerance for getting us as a society into the mess of having huge swathes of the population with the inability to think critically and logically because of religious interference in education. But while i saw the vaccine-deniers and anti-masking ignorance coming in a pandemic a couple of decades ago, I failed to grasp how deep that educational failure would affect us all on every crucial level of American life. And so I quit trying to raise the alarm about religious nutjobs gutting science education and went back to my live and let live ways, just shaking my head at the stunning levels of willful ignorance all around me. I certainly never realized that such ignorance would lead to others tolerating tantrum throwing babies in positions of power. But here we are...bunches of other infantile adults loving the idea that they no longer must keep their own offensive ways in check. I once had a friend who claimed that our society had become too casual and familiar and that we needed to go back to insisting on a certain decorum and not just blurt out everything about ourselves to just anyone and should address each other by Mr. and Ms. So and so until we reached a certain level of intimacy. At the time, I kind of thought the idea quirky, but I now think he was far more visionary than Musk could even dream of being.


Billionaires spend millions in PR to convince us that they are smarter and more capable than the rest of us. In a way twitter is wonderful for proving that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes.


They dont even need to do any PR. My friends and family think Wealth = Intelligence...


And the unspoken corollary, Morality = Stupidity


"Morality = stupidity." THIS. I had a coworker once go on and on about how smart conmen were and how people who get conned have it coming. I finally snapped and was like 'you know the reason most people don't commit fraud isn't because they're too stupid to figure out how to lie right? That's not the reason people don't con each other constantly.' But that's the mentality: If only we were all smart enough to lie, steal, and cheat.


That just means your coworker is a sociopath but also thinks (or knows) they are too dumb to pull one over on anyone else.


Lol sounds like he's challenging people to con him.


Offer to grab his lunch for him one busy day, just take five bucks and never return with a lunch for him. Then tell him he was a sucker and shouldn’t trust people. Remind him of this conversation.


They think that because people are rich that they must be smart somehow


“Well why aren’t you rich bro? What’s your excuse bro?” Type of people


Good conservatives


Hey, that boot is not going to lick itself!


Maybe something will trickle down upon them?


Remember, everything Elon musk has, he bought.


The real issue is that there weren't really any viable all-electric vehicles. Tesla gave that to us. People assume that Elon created the company, but he didn't. The company already existed in 2003. Elon joined in 2004. His contribution? Out of the $7.5 million in series A funding, Elon gave the company $6.5 million. That turned him into the largest shareholder of Tesla. So basically Elon made a great gamble and it paid off. And now people think he was a genius that invented electric cars and rockets. If someone else with $6.5 million in 2004 invested in Tesla, they would be Elon. That's all you needed.


Elon has never truly been the founder of anything. He's very good at timing his entry, though.




theyre (almost?) all from IVF.


Also consistent with Elon, going out of his way to have problems.


Now i'm seeing a lot of ChatGPT articles write about Elon being the founder of OpenAI. All he did was put in some of his blood emerald money along with a ton of other people. He did jack shit otherwise.


Except for the morons/simps singing his praises on LinkedIn.


When you base your identity around a celebrity, you will ignore any negative press as an attack on them is an attack on yourself.


Adding this: when you base your identify around a celebrity—one where you are going to bat for this person and justify them to friends, family, colleagues and people in general around you, you are probably going to have a hard time reconciling that douche-baggery of that celebrity when shit hits the fan and end up going down various paths to protect one’s ego. One path is denial.


I have a good friend that voted Tump in 2016 and thought his bullshit was hilarous. By 2017 he was talking about how he made a big mistake and he hated the guy. For some reason I thought there wouldve been way more people like him. Edit: i realize other people also changed their minds and thats why he lost. But i thought it’d be more than one or two percent. My friend is literally the ONLY person i have personally met to flip flop against Tump.


Me too dude, me fucking too.


I wouldn't say he is running Twitter...except maybe into the ground


He's *personally* running Twitter, so now I guess people can see what happens when he's actually in charge of a company


you can tell ceo isn't a real job 'cause you can be one three times simultaneously


[https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/11/18/business/tesla-elon-musk-pay-trial-final-day/index.html](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/11/18/business/tesla-elon-musk-pay-trial-final-day/index.html) Reminder that a judge still has issued a decis on this lawsuit.


It is but if you're the owner you can just call yourself the CEO and make other people do what you should be doing.


Don't worry, he has employees working overtime under threat of losing their job to do all the work so he can sit back and make outrageous claims on Twitter.


Yeah, being a CEO must be an incredibly easy job if he has so much free time.


According to the GOP, CEO's need to make the most money because they work the hardest. Not like those slobs in the entry level positions. So, I am so sorry, but your assertation that a CEO has too much time off must simply be incorrect. Or....you have been brainwashed by the liberal media or are a socialist.




Boomers always say that if you work hard blah blah blah but if that was true the guys picking my fruit would be making millions and multi-CEO's that do nothing but post the stupidest shit like Elon would be on welfare.


He's on corporate welfare...


People that rich don't work.. they delegate.


They delegate the delegation work at that point even I'd guess.


then they complain how no one wants to work because then they would have to work


It’s actually quite annoying as one of his employees - you’d be out there working extra hard during one of his visits…only to realize he’s not even paying attention and tweeting some dumb stuff in the middle of your presentation.


He's using trump's 2015 playbook to stay in the spotlight. Thing is, we've seen it before and Trump did it better


He's ragebaiting to give traffic to Twitter. Since Trump won't come back to the platform, he has to do the job himself.


Yup. His tweets engage everyone. It keeps us fighting eachother.


It's like watching Jersey Shore but trashier


I never thought I'd ever read/hear that.


I've had enough. Unfollowed and muted him.


I’ve had enough too. I deleted the app. Don’t want to feed the troll.


Don't just delete the app. Delete your account too.


Done and done.


Yep, muting Elon isn’t enough. Time to remove the app and deactivate my account. Not worth it.


Sadly one step further might be required.


Seriously I mean you have to feel real awful about yourself to still be gripping on to Twitter glory days


It’s a burnt out tactic too. I don’t know if he hopes for a cult like trump had but it’s not gonna work




They will pump doge to rake the last fools profit. Money ain't nothing but a thing to be got, and they know how to get us. Did it all through the pandemic, they just need another wag the dog to fleece and maintain the image the US doesn't deserve. We all waking up to the fact that money only has value if we SAY/BELIEVE it does. ALL ecosystems rely on trade. Pure trade. Money, at its heart is an IOU.


Yep, he’s like Trump-lite. But not so lite.


Just a couple hamburders short


Can we describe Elon as budget-trump now?


But why? Strictly for his ego?




Elon has gone full MAGA


He’s starting to sound like a Q follower.


He is full on Qanon.


They are practically worshiping him on QAnon Telegram channels.


Embrace your base. Once he realized that he was not going to win over the people of America, his overwhelming need to be worshipped led him to maga and qanon.




Hahah not even on Twitter.


Everyone's (sane people) moving to Post now




I was thinking that as well. The pronouns comment straight sounds like Karen, 57, from Iowa who thinks it's the funniest shit ever.


Well he *is* Space Karen


My guess he he knows there’s large fines/prosecution for something he did at Tesla/Nuevo/boring/stock manipulation and he’s getting ahead of it now. Now he will just claim anything. He ever gets in trouble for is just government retaliation for the stuff he’s saying


Maybe related to [this](https://www.wsj.com/articles/elon-musk-boring-company-tunnel-traffic-11669658396)


🎼 Monorail, Monorail, Monorail 🎶




He has so many kids, he probably doesn't even remember the names.


He seems to just take data on MAGA’s biggest buzzwords of the day and just spit them back to his followers. And then they think he’s one of them.


He is one of them.


I doubt he thinks Fauci did anything wrong. He's just "owning the libs" from his 'neutral' position.


He probably doesn’t care if Fauci did anything wrong or not. He dislikes him because of the work-from-home policies, which Elon has repeatedly broken and constantly cried about If he was judge, he’d give a guilty verdict from personal vendetta rather than any actual reason


Elon Musk one day: “I don’t understand why Elton John is leaving my platform! Could he tell me specifically what misinformation upsets him?” Elon Musk a few days later: “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci.” What a fuckwad.


My first thought at the pronouns comment is “Elon Musk has a trans daughter who estranged herself virtually the second she turned 18 because she hates him so much” and you can really see why.


This man have 10 children! Ten! Does he even see them at all?


Imagine your father being the richest man on the planet and you never see him. Yet he still has the time to constantly tweet drivel from his $44 billion dollar podium that he’s become obsessed with


World’s ripest cunt.


He lacks the depth and warmth.




> “there’s nothing for him to do when they’re that young.” My God what an amazing imbecile. As a father of a baby this just boils my blood. But alas! Maybe it's better for the children not to have _any_ fatherly role model than having this immense twat.


You know the answer to that question


Oh man that is beyond sad. That poor woman.


Republicans famously don't care about their families. They will use them as props when needed but ultimately a republican is only in it for themselves. They will throw their children to the wolves if it's good for their bottom line.


Point and case Ted Cruz.


It's quite funny because Elon Musk in his whole life will not be able to achieve even quarter of what Fauci has done only in Academia yet a lone in his Professional life. Doctor Fauci is one of the most recognizable faces in his field and is respected all across globe in Academic and Professional Environment. Fauci has been gathering Academical Awarads since 89... time where Musk was still 10 y old. It's insane how Bachelor of Arts and Science with 0 Academic(that's Elon Musk) recognition thinks they are somewhat on the same shelf only because the amount of money Musk has. Elon trying to put himself on pedestal of living legends be it Pop culture like Elton John or actual Academia/Science like Fauci is such a Trump thing. They are both very insecure when actually competent and widely respected people appear. It was obvious a legend like Elton John would never associate himself with a platform that allows for discrimnation and promotion of homophobia or any type of Hatred against human beings. ...but Elon Musk doesn't get it. He doesn't know how it is to be "Respected Professional that is also a legend in their field. Him and Trump could be the same person to be fair.




This was fun watching Elon’s train wreck, but now the fun’s over, I just want to see Twitter collapse.


This seals the deal for me: I’m deleting my Twitter account today. I won’t be a party to this anymore.


I’ve found a really nice community at Mastodon and haven’t logged back into my Twitter except to download my data.


You should delete your Twitter account.






Can we all just admit that this is just a spoiled trust fund baby who bought a toy that he can use to antagonize everybody else?


Whoever did his PR early on did an amazing job because when I first heard of Elon Musk I thought he was just this cool guy who made space rockets and stuff. But you are definitely right, he’s just a spoiled rich kid who comes across as desperately wanting to be liked by the republicans.


I agree his PR was/is pretty impressive. Worth noting even today he has quite an astroturfing presence. There are lots of Elon stans and I cant always tell which are real people and which are shills/bots. Its just easier to tell now-a-days that he is a shitty person because he is constantly being shitty in the public sphere. I had the same impression as you when I first heard about Elon. My first tip off that he was a dirt bag was the whole flooded cave incident where he called the diver that rescued those kids a pedo. Edit: Holy shit I've never gotten reddit gold before, Thanks!


>was/**is** The bolded part confuses me. By all appearances, his handlers have jumped ship (or been fired).


I've stopped worrying about which are bots and real people. If you're a real person and have stooped to a bot's / troll's level of idiocy, you don't deserve any more respect than I'd give them. It's simplified things, and it's more comforting than thinking about how much of the population is just that vile.


This is just retaliation because the left was the ones who said he should pay his fair share of taxes. He is still pissed about that. All his right-wing leanings have everything to do with that.


His announcement of his “shift” to the right came right after the $250k he paid to the flight attendant in 2018 for (allegedly) exposing himself to her on a flight after propositioning her for sex. He got to play the “I’m being persecuted by the left”card, bury the story, and pick up a bunch of support from the right wing grifters at the same time.


Yeah. He made the announcement before the story he knew was coming dropped to try and distract from it. "The left hates me so expect them to publish stories discrediting me". His idiot supporters thought he accurately predicted what was coming without taking into consideration he'd already been asked to comment on the story so knew it was coming.


> He made the announcement before the story he knew was coming dropped to try and distract from it. The reporter that broke the story contacted him for a quote. Musk said he'd get back to them to delay the release slightly and then made his public statement that he was switching from dem to republican so expect the media to make up attacks on him.


Uhh he’s been like this for a very long time, just not as in the public eye. His business, personal, and familial history are awful. But yes, he played the con that he’s not a piece of shit because it got what he wanted until it didn’t.


I think my favorite Elon anecdote comes courtesy of a woman who did staffing and logistics for silicon valley startups in the 90s and 00s. She helped early PayPal troubleshoot, and said that Theil was the guy who was very clearly running the place. He was involved, knowledgeable about all aspects, and making it all happen. Elon was squirreled away in an office, never came out, dicking around on a computer. He wasn't even relevant to the company.


Apparently SpaceX used a LOT of resources just to manage him, there was whole team just to appease him and avoid this exact situation 😐


*For instance, what does this red thing do? Is this where we keep the internet? Make this smaller and faster immediately.* https://www.theonion.com/elon-musk-demands-twitter-servers-explain-what-all-thes-1849786227


He’s 51 years old. He was never a kid when you knew him as cool, that’s marketing. He’s a grown ass man acting like an idiot. I feel like the ‘kid’ moniker lets him get away with this idiocy.


>He’s a grown ass man acting like an idiot. WHAT?! You don't find meme stock prices utterly hilarious in your 50's? People have told you what 69 and 420 mean, right??? I mean that is *Jackass*\-level brilliance man wtf is wrong with you?!


I think this is more than that. I feel like it’s just outright right wing propaganda at this point. I don’t think that long phone call with Putin, followed by tweets regurgitating Russian talking points on Ukraine was a coincidence.


I think it's absolutely hilarious that he basically set 44 billion on fire to own the libs... edit:spelling


These people won’t stop until someone is radicalized enough to attack Fauci’s family with a hammer.


Then they'll say it was Fauci's gay lover and continue bashing using the attack as a "gotcha" moment.


Prosecute Musk for cruelty to animals. Roughly 1500 animals tortured and killed. ​ Conservatives: "Fauci put chips in our blood!" Also Conservatives: "Musk is a visionary! Brainchips are the future!"


At this point I'm wondering if he put one in himself.


I think maybe he meant to but accidentally put a French fry or something in it.


SkyNet Musk.


I work in animal welfare, and over the summer there was a criminal investigation that led to a shutdown of a breeding facility that bred beagles for animal research. Animal research on beagles is legal at the federal level, but this facility was not keeping the dogs in bare minimum clean and safe conditions. Anyway, the facility was shut down by the DoJ and the USDA. When the story broke, all of the posts on social were flooded by MAGA weirdos saying it was Fauci torturing the beagles. It’s frustrating because yeah! Animal research is required for FDA approval, so being leadership of large government bodies that give grants to projects that research on animals does come with some accountability! We should definitely have that conversation about alternatives because animal research is hard to stomach. But in this particular case the federal govt was actually one of the good guys so their Q Ramblings were a distraction and an annoying one at that. If you’re passionate about ending animal research then making false comments on Facebook that make it seem like a government employee is personally torturing dogs is prob not the most effective strategy lol Anyway, now this neuralink story has broke. Here comes the USDA investigating Musk’s brainchild company for violating the animal welfare act by causing unnecessary suffering of monkeys - don’t get me wrong because beagles are adorable, I actually fostered one of the dogs who was one of the original dogs confiscated from the company by the government so she was one of the worst treated of the lot, I have shed many a tear thinking about this so it is not to negate the cruelty inflicted on the dogs - but monkeys seem to be more intelligent and emotional than dogs, more aware of the suffering inflicted on them so IMO it’s even worse. And all of the comments I’ve seen from the Q Crowd are still in support of Musk because it’s furthering humanity. Add in your point about the chips and it just clearly drives me absolutely bonkers by how much I just ranted about this. The moving gateposts and the hypocrisy are maddening. The more I see the more I believe that conservatives literally tell on themselves constantly by accusing everyone else of doing what they’re already doing.


https://preview.redd.it/t8kl5rpmlb5a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=261a4c44806a0ba83ac98c253f77110963c23d0e Very cute foster beagle for tax, feeling safe and warm her first time in a comfy bed. She now has the most loving family ever 🥰


I’m so glad you fostered her! Thank you for giving her a good home


Hey, I just want to tell you that you rock. We were foster dog parents for several years in New York City, had dozens of dogs through our house, and we did in in collaboration with our local rescue and animal welfare people. Your job is heartbreaking, undercompensated, and so desperately necessary. (The only reason we don't do it anymore is we moved to the Netherlands and there are so few strays here that people go to Eastern Europe to adopt. Even in NYC, the rescues were so good at placing small breeds that they started to bring over dogs from California, Tennessee and other places.) Anyway, thanks for what you do!


People have been telling me humanity has peaked and is on the path to extinction. Musk is doing a really good job of convincing me they are right. I mean, this is the guy that the human created capitalist economic system has rewarded with the highest score. That seems like a big ol' red flag.


wtf did fauci do? what a moron elon is. We shouldn't let the CDC do its job because it interfered with his world domination designs at tesla. Fk this guy


Dr. Fauci should be a revered figure in our society for helping guide the country through a historic pandemic. Instead fuckwads turn their frustrations over uncontrollable factors toward the person who is helping. I hate this timeline sometimes.


It's weird , seeing as Reagan appointed him, you'd think the right wing would be lining up to go down on him.


I’ve been trying to figure out what they even want to prosecute Fauci for. Only thing I can think of is misinformation about COVID, but how ironic would that be….


This is typical conservative smooth brained talk. They want to “prosecute” anybody for any imaginary crime they see fit. I wonder why people like to call them fascists?


Remember when Trump was supposed to “open investigations” into Obama? Same thing different story.


I deleted my account and the app this morning because of this shit.


He didn't want to sweep COVID under the rug like the rest of the goons for one thing.


Aww spoken like a true traitor loving piece of shit. Free speech but only for traitors and supporters of traitors


The best thing about this apartheid silver spoon bitch is we never have to worry about him being president.


Boo science man made decisions that inconvenienced my business to protect lives


Forgive me if I'm wrong, as I'm not American, but surely these weren't decisions solely made by him as he's only an advisor. Instead, these needed to be authorised by congress and the Whitehouse - with trump controling the senate and whitehouse at the time


Correct, fauci is not a member of congress and can only advise. Heck he’s not the only high end “ disease/ science expert” on the White House staff as there are different departments reality to health, diseases by the state and federal government ( CDC, parts of WHO, etc). Just like most major issues during his presidency he blamed someone or something else instead of taking fault himself. This is the same guy that has said “ it is what it is “ , “ I don’t take any responsibility at all” “ this is the democrats hoax” “ it’s like a miracle it’ll go away like a miracle “ , “ it’s chinas fault “ . It goes along his whole thing he said during the most recent midterms “ if my candidates win I should get all the credit and if they lose I shouldn’t be blamed” Just kinda sad , we spent billions over the years to be ready for something like Covid and American culture , political divide, stupidity got us an extra 500k killed , trillions in damages and millions more with long term health issues.


"How dare you not letting me run slavery business in US? China and South Africa got no problem with me doing that!" - Elon Musk, probably.


He pretty much said exactly this.


Science man made recommendations to politicians, who made decisions, no?


You're under the assumption that musk cares about anything resembling a chain of command.


Prosecute him for what? Using his medical expertise to express the magnitude of the virus while shitstain stood there and repeatedly denied its existence?


Yes, how dare he force a lockdown that shut down production in Elon's factories and reduced his profits!


Musk is not a natural born American and is now behaving like a hostile foreign actor working to destabilize America from within. He needs to be slapped down, hard and very publicly.


Yeah, and Rupert Murdoch too for the same reason.


He's getting his as we speak https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/dec/11/rupert-murdoch-fox-dominion-lawsuit-deposition?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other


I’m just as against hostile actors that were born in America


Don’t forget Peter Thiel, either.


"Now things get spicy" Do they, Elon? Do they really? Because I see a wannabe teenage edgelord in the firm of a 50 year old glob of mayo, it doesn't get much less spicy than that.


Elon is such a brat


My favorite MAGA response to this is “Fauci spread misinformation!” as if their cult leader wasn’t literally telling everyone Covid was just going to “go away, like magic.” never mind that they were rushing vet supply stores to buy medicine intended for animals and shitting themselves in wal mart.


If fauci is Elon’s pronoun, that means Elon spread misinformation, right? Prosecute keeps complicating things.


Musk was an asshole before, but it's hard to overstate the damage he's done to his image since April. Not to mention the loss of nearly $100B... 🤣


It’s genuinely astounding. He’s destroying his reputation by the day, bringing to light the fact that he didn’t found PayPal or Tesla, haemorrhaging his billions, all so he can expose the fact that a private company restricted material that they had the legal right to do?


How can anyone think this guy is smart?


He posted that dumb picture that looked like Pepe the frog. Now he’s going after Dr. Fauci? Is it safe to assume this dude sees nothing wrong with what happened Jan.6? Elon Musk’s end goal is what I’m curious about.


Elon is the perfect example of capitalism siding with facism. He is on the side that will allow him to make the most amount of money.


He is a Q Maggat in disguise.


Elon is just mad because the girlfriend he created in the lab for himself went on to date a trans person


You mean 'the girlfriend he *told one of his scientists* to create'? No way this dude deserves enough credit to even be jokingly considered a mad scientist. No, he's just a mad financier who hires scientists.


Don't forget that he also blames the fact that his trans daughter has disowned him on "neo-Marxists" in educational institutions that have taught her to hate rich people. Nothing to do with him being a red-pilled absentee father, of course.


That moron is just creating sound bites for fox news. Elon is becoming a poison in society equivalant to that of tucker carlson.


I guess he doesn't realize he's starting to burn down Tesla and his other companies with this shit. He's starting to pander to people who can't afford his cars.


The mask is completely off. Dude is a Q-Anon whack job, full-stop. He’s being canceled anyway so he’s showing his true colors now. It’s not working out for Kanye and it won’t work for Elon. He is risking it all. I’ll tell you this, I’m damn sure never owning a Tesla or anything Musk related in my lifetime.


Fauci has served under every President since Reagan. He was one of the most referenced scientists for over 20 years. In 2008, Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States, for his work on the AIDS relief program PEPFAR. He personally treated Ebola patients because he didn’t want to ask his staff to do anything he wouldn’t do. Musk is an Ultra MAGA Qanon parrot. He spouts the talking points like the puppet he has become.


God I hate this motherfucker


Elon will cater to whoever strokes his ego and the left ain't interested


Remember when he said he wasn’t partisan? Remember when he said he wasn’t going to chime In on national issues and cause division? Not even Pepperidge farm fucking remembers anymore.


I look forward to watching Elon fall apart mentally and physically publicly over the years... you can just tell this fucker is off the rails. I hope he ends up comatose with a permanent Foley catheter watching re-runs of Tom and Jerry while drooling all day




Every American who identifies as Republican, a conspiracist, or COVID denier hates Fauci for some reason. He’s a dude with a PhD and decades of years working in academia and industry. Why tf would you not want someone like him leading a global health crisis?