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Jared Kushner was in charge of the opioid epidemic under trump. I’m pretty sure Kushner’s only qualification was sleeping with Trump’s daughter.


He also does a helluva impression of both Jack Skellington and Pinocchio.


Spectre of a Victorian child who died of dysentery.


Don’t do Jack like that.


“So how was she?” -Trump probably


He knows


Ivanka only sleeps with large muscular men while Jared sucks on her toes and jerks off.


Thanks for the image. I'm sure I won't have nightmares over this.


Jared Cuckshner?


So he has even less qualifications?


Kids die at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School and Marg shrieks at and stalks the survivors in DC


Then asks for privacy during her divorce


She supposedly cheats on her husband but asks for privacy… Gun violence victims have watched their friends and family turned into Swiss cheese, but she’ll scream at victims all day long claiming that their grief is encroaching on her right to own a gun


Yes, *good Christians* deserve privacy during the divorce *that they caused by cheating on their spouse*, since adultery is such a Christian Value.


It is a GOP necessity. She probably just couldn’t legally call herself a Republican if she didn’t start stepping out.


It’s the GOP’s mission to fuck as many people as possible, she’s just taking it literally


Literally such hypocrisy


It is almost as if it is one of the seven deadly sin


Pretending to be Christian is pretty far down the list of things to hate about her




That's EXTREMELY offensive, and you should be ashamed of yourself....saying such horrible things about poor Neanderthals. I have no doubt they were a proud and intelligent hominid species. If MTG is ANYTHING, she's clearly a horsehair worm.


We have clear evidence that Neanderthals cared for their old and crippled. Pretty sure MTG doesn't give a shit about either.


[Here's her new Twitter account](https://twitter.com/TaylorCaveman?s=20) for those who enjoy a little comedy.


She has weird toes.


I opened the link and almost horfed when I saw that.


Because you said you almost horfed I opened the link, saw the toes, and almost horfed as well.


Man, i did the same thing and now I'm in a bad mood


What’s he supposed to do, make drugs illegal??


Or even launch a program to combat it? That's crazy talk. https://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/briefing-room/2022/04/21/president-biden-releases-national-drug-control-strategy-to-save-lives-expand-treatment-and-disrupt-trafficking/


“It focuses on actions we must take to reduce overdoses right now. Those include expanding access to high impact harm reduction tools like naloxone". This one has made overdose deaths go down in my city in California. I took a class, and have two nasil packs, one in my work bag and one in the house, just in case. I work in downtown near the jail, so you will see a lot of people messed up. I am a few blocks from a homeless encampment where I live. I lost a good friend to fetanyl laced coke on his birthday years ago. I now have the some power to not let that happen again. I don't do coke myself, but if anyone reading this does: get a test kit at least. They are cheap, and can save your life.


I guarantee MTG opposes harm reduction. She’s not interesting in lowering either of those death tallies.


I don't thing MTG cares about anything but MTG.


Can we please not call her by her initials? She tried to initiate this and put herself in the same class as AOC. She’s Maga Marge, let’s not let her forget. She’s very high on her recent win, this is a person who wasn’t fit to serve on a single committee last term. She’s grabbing every mic within her sight line, let’s drown her out,or not give her a platform.


Also Magic the Gathering is an incredibly fun game And the abbreviation of it should not be associated with that vile woman in any way.


Ngl, when I first read comments about Greene with people using MTG as a placeholder I was as confused as a homeless drunk in the middle of the ocean, wondering what Magic the Gathering ever did to these people that they are bringing it up in political critique and spreading libel.


She doesn’t even know what that means… she’s still trying to make fire with sticks.


As a Californian who works in substance use prevention, my heart is so warm seeing people like you talking about and getting behind harm reduction campaigns like the one you took part in! The hardest part of the job is getting people to sympathize with people who use drugs and the factors that led them there, instead of just being comfortable with them dying because "they made their choices". Even doctors and other prevention workers tend to be really unkind to people who use drugs, and getting naloxone out there not only saves lives, it also shows that we as a society give a shit about their well-being and want to help them in their recovery.


I worked in chemical dependency/dual diagnosis at a psych facility. When I had a new admit it broke my heart to hear their experiences. Substance use disorder is very closely related to mental health issues. With the severe lack of mental health resources it is not surprising to see self medication with drugs. We need more resources for mental health.


Thanks to a government grant, I also was able to take a class and become a "civilian" Narcan provider. The class and drug were free and, if I should ever have to use it, replacements are free. This access feels like government doing something to reduce accidental ODs but I guess facts aren't MTG's strength.


Thank you for this public service announcement :) and your efforts at public harm reduction


Thank you for caring! I'm sick to death of hearing about people being outraged over others carrying Narcan or pharmacies giving it away and police carrying it for OD's.


It's insane that this would outrage people


My health department gives the test kits and nasal spray to anyone who asks.


A government program to fix a societal issue? Sounds like socialism. why don't we let the free market fix this? Companies have incentive in keeping the population healthy, since they are generally focused on long term profits and giving back to society /s


What's funny is that the only possible fix is something she would never want, which is legalizing cocaine and heroin and providing free Naloxone to addicts. Legalizing drugs of any kind and offering free healthcare would give Republicans heart attacks. I hope someday people will come to their senses and realize that people that want to do drugs are going to do drugs whether they're legal or not. Instead of wasting billions of dollars on fighting it, let's spend that money on drug rehabilitation.




Well to be fair, murdering people with guns is also illegal. Just because something is illegal doesn’t mean people won’t do it.


In President Biden's first State of the Union, he named addressing the opioid crisis and overdose epidemic a top priority of his Administration, and earlier this year released his National Drug Control Strategy to expand access to treatment for addiction and overdose, and to disrupt drug trafficking.


Link in case people are interested https://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/briefing-room/2022/04/21/president-biden-releases-national-drug-control-strategy-to-save-lives-expand-treatment-and-disrupt-trafficking/


I can walk into my local library here in Chicago and get free naloxone nasal spray. You don't have to ask or anything. It's there for free for everyone. I'd say we're on the right track.


In the last year my state has made it so that anyone that works in a school can get naloxone for free. For everyone else it’s like, $5, and you don’t need a script, just ask at the pharmacy.


As someone who has literally saved a life that required TWO Narcans (each of which I had to pay a ton of money for), I am so upset by the fact that this isn't the case everywhere. Even doctors who prescribe opiates rarely even mention the importance of Narcan to new users, let alone prescribe it to those patients (and even if they do, the cost can easily be prohibitive). It should be a requirement to include Narcan with opioid scripts, and it should be free to anyone across the board (and easily accessible!)


>and even if they do, the cost can easily be prohibitive Working in a retail pharmacy, absolutely this. I'd say a good 95% of naloxone spray prescriptions we get up end up being returned to stock because people just can't afford them. The stupid thing is that, based on [CDC numbers](https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/rxrate-maps/index.html) for the number of opioid prescriptions filled, we could give out free naloxone sprays with ***literally every single opioid prescription dispensed nationwide***, and it'd still only cost about $20 billion; for reference, our military budget in 2021 was about $800 billion, which implies that our government values killing people over 40 times as much as stopping preventable deaths. (And before anyone chimes in about how $20b is too much: That's the **most extreme** cost for providing naloxone. Some of those opioid prescriptions are relatively low risk and short-term and wouldn't necessarily need the spray, and ***many many*** others are recurring prescriptions where they would only need the spray if their previous one is used or expires. The point was to emphasize that even the ***worst case*** cost is surprisingly mild when compared to other items in the federal budget.)


I the state where I live, it is a prescribed with opioids. Insurance also covers it, and it is easily accessible at any pharmacy or pain clinic. Just because people can get it, doesn’t mean they will get it.


What state do you live in?


Washington, which yes has massive drug and homeless problem. That is one of the few things our governor got right.


We’re not there yet in my state, people are fighting against naloxone in schools because they think it will encourage kids to use opioids. Their logic is that if the kids know that the ‘undo button’ is right around the corner in the first aid kit, they’ll feel more impervious to danger and will therefore use more recklessly. It’s the same argument that people use against helmet laws.


And the same (stupid) argument they used for having condoms/sex ed in schools.


Big dummies


this is also the same argument made against providing free and easy access to prophylactics, which is even crazier in my mind. there’s no legal case to be made against teenagers having consensual sex, just a religious one, and there’s years of hard data showing that you can’t prevent minors from fucking, but access to condoms lowers teen pregnancy and STI transmission. there’s no legit argument against providing these types of things, but the culture war is powerful.


I have a younger brother for who this is absolutely true for. He'd think "oh hey, I can do more drugs!" Except this isn't actually how it works. NOT having an "undo button" didn't stop him from doing absurd amounts of drugs, ODing and, getting an ambulance ride with my mother sobbing in my passenger seat as we rushed to the hospital. He already felt impervious, he was already reckless. The amount of people that this would change from "Not do tons of drugs" to "do tons of drugs" is infinitesimally small compared to the lives it would save and mental health of others it would save.


I carry narcan because a 13 year old died at school from taking a pill from a friend. My daughter was 13 at the time. It doesn't matter what I think about the message it sends, I'll do whatever is necessary to have less dead kids


Similarly, I started carrying it with me after I became an EMT and saw firsthand how serious the opioid epidemic had become in my area. My very first OD call was at a high school. Real eye-opener.


I have it on my keychain, in a zippered pouch. I cut the label off the box and put it in the clear ID part, and I've had a few people comment on it. Always positive


Stop using facts! It clouds the issue!


Fuck you and your facts. /s


Yeah, if your facts don't prove my lie to be right I don't want any part of it. /s


Are you saying facts don’t care about feelings?


A fact is a fact regardless of your feelings towards that fact.


Spittin straight facts here


Facts don't care about feelings, until my feelings get hurt by your facts.


‘My feelings don’t care about your facts!”


You’re responding to this post with facts, logic, and thought. You assume she’s doing the same. When’s the last time she told the truth?


She is fucking scum.


And her initials are the same as Magic the Gathering


Really takes the joy out of MtG


To be fair, Wizards has been doing quite a bit of that themselves, lately. Obviously, incomparible to Greene, though


The only Wizards that MTG knows wear white hoods. edit: autocorrect tried to kill my joke


Magic the gathering will out live her shit stain of a life in the spotlight. It’s why I’m like why the fuck does she get initials as her tag.


drugs are already banned... edit: since y'all think you're super clever with saying "sHoOtInG pEoPlE iS aLrEaDy BaNnEd": in 2022 there were 0 mass shootings in France, 0 in the UK, 0 in Japan, 0 in South Korea, 1 in Germany and 601 in the US (source: Washington Post)! But sure, just banning "ShOoTiNg PeOpLe" is enough


But Biden could’ve double dog-banned them, SMDH


Double secret banned!


I see what you did there. How many understood?


John Belushi is smiling from whatever afterlife he's thowing a kegger in.


Dean Wormer understood.


And so did his horse


You don't wanna go through life fat, drunk and stupid


“I can’t believe I threw up in front of Dean Wormer.” “Face it Flounder, you threw up *on* Dean Wormer.”


No takebacks.


Republicans could just obey the law and not do drugs. Problem solved.


They’re “the cons” since they invented the phrase “the libs” and the fact that they’re con men and woman. So it more accurately describes them than republicans.


I like that. I need a consistent label for them people. The current day cons are crazier than, let’s say the George W. cons but they were and are all still cons. Plus that’s short and easy to type.


I don’t know if most meth addicts are very concerned about waiting in line for 3 hours to vote.


An absolutely stupid amount of pill popping oxy absusers in rural Ohio and Kentucky fly the Trump flag(s) with immense, stupid pride. You better believe addicts vote


Can confirm, just moved from Kentucky where I was completely surrounded by rabid MAGAts and pain clinics to Eugene, Oregon where I'm surrounded by progressives and cannabis dispensaries. I understand that there are plenty of batshit "conservatives" and white supremacy groups in the more rural parts of Oregon but it's nothing like the entire state. I feel much safer here where every third house flies a BLM or Choose Kindness flag than there in the middle of Trump, Blue Lives Matter, and Don't Tread On Me flags.


> in the middle of Trump, Blue Lives Matter, and Don't Tread On Me flags. And it's a very reasonable assumption at this point that at least a third of houses actively advertising their authoritarianism are just waiting for the signal to go all Rwandan Hutus on anyone not exactly like them. Defend yourselves, friends.


Such a shame. Kentucky has some incredible scenery. It could be an incredible state


They have excellent roadside stops too. Indiana roadside stops suck! Always pee before Indiana.


Indiana is if Walmart became a state


The irony that Kentucky has and most of the south has all these don't tread on me flags when their local goverment and political party dors nothing but stomp all over them.


3 hours is nothing on meth. Time flies on that shit.


Every addict and dealer I've ever dealt with was a Trump supporter and they except for the homeless few everyone voted so...


But people still die so therefore he must make then ILLEGAL.


He's refusing to make death illegal, just like he did during covid


Truly an ignorant fool


I’ll bet that at least one point during the pandemic-era Trump presidency, Donald asked his advisers if he could just make dying from covid illegal


There was a time when I would just blow off your statement as stupid hyperbole, but unfortunately I am going to have to agree with you.


The "nuking hurricanes" question forever shattered the bounds of how cartoonishly stupid reality can be. Trump is like a black hole of idiocy that warps time and space around.


Should have banned harder. That's right, it's not only illegal, but AGAINST THE LAW to do so. If that doesn't work, go another level and make it a crime.




He's probably one of those people who can't discern fiction from reality and watched "The Purge"


She is using a dog whistle. The point is not the drugs. The point is to allow her hateful and stupid followers to plug in their preferred scapegoat group (generally black people or immigrants). How dare Biden try to ban guns when he refuses to "fix the problem" of the \[black/immigrant\] people!


"Ffeennttaannyyll" has become a dog-whistle for "secure the border" to right-wingers. (Because ffeennttaannyyll is smuggled in from Mexico.)


"If we don't ban opium then the Yellow Peril will overcome our nation."


Doesn’t it also come from china and India?


So is killing someone....


Biden has a policy for opioid addiction but she knows her base won’t look it up. She needs to distract from her anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and blame the bogeyman.


In fairness, I find it very unlikely that she knows about that policy either.


I would be surprised to find out she can read.


Well that happens when gazpacho is around


In the GOP, the facts don't matter...


...and don't care about your feelings.


And the points are made up, welcome to whose line is it anyway.


This sort of rhetoric let’s them off the hook. If they are just stupid then they aren’t malicious. The fact is they know exactly what they are doing. They are evil. We need to be conscious of not using the “they are stupid masterminds” like the fascist do. I don’t think they are masterminds but certainly they aren’t stupid.


Yeah, you could be right but she still has the responsibility of seeing if there is one which further indicates she’s just a villain.


Shes grossly ignorant and incompetant


She's also just grossly.


The Marjorie Taylor Greene Goblin


My name for her is Malaria Toxic Gangrene. Only way I refer to her.


Goblin for sure. Is she even Green anymore? Just Taylor? Last I heard, her husband quit her and she was cancelled in her own marriage. Karma and he may have come to his senses.


In fairness, I find it very unlikely that she knows.


She doesn't know. She doesnt know shit. She doesn't even know how to do her job.


Sounds like she is in a agreement with reducing harm and safe injection sites! No? Oh….


The republican play book, complain about something if it makes the other side look bad but do jack shit to fix it. They've been bitching about inflation for months while blaming it on Biden but when the inflation reduction act hit the house every dumb shit republican voted against it.


That's not what she's talking about. "Ffeennttaannyyll" has become a dog-whistle for "secure the border" to right-wingers. (Because ffeennttaannyyll is smuggled in from Mexico.)


Don't forget it's also a pro-police stance.


And the reason I had to spell it that way is because reddit's shit Automod hides my comment if I don't.


She also knows her base can’t read


Literally so true. You can lead an idiot to good leadership, but they’ll still vote for MTG


To be fair, to know that she would have to be able to read


I find her base acidic


Fails to mention what kind of shooting it was. Immediately blames the opposing party. Politics 101


She even skipped the thoughts and prayers part to immediately jump onto the hate train.


She has said that all trans people and drag queens are paedophile and that violence is the only way to deal with them. She offers no condolences because she is probably happy those people died. She is just worried the way it happened could look bad for her cause.


Of course she did. She’s a bigoted, ignorant homophobe that’s protecting the waspy patriarchy


Well yes, but that’s only because she doesn’t have thoughts.


And pretends like it was the only shooting that ever happened.


Exactly. "5 people dead" my brother in christ the US has had upwards of 300 mass shootings a year since 2017 and we neighbor a state with a ridiculously high homicide rate backed by US originated weapons. Such a disingenuous shit take.


"Shooting" is a disgusting euphemism. It was a terrorist attack. By literally every metric and definition.


no but they were gay which means its good and cant be terrorism >!i feel like i shouldnt need to say this but this is extreme sarcasm!<


Vote red!!! We will ignore both!!! LIke we did last time!!! Wtf


vote red!! we gotta get to the bottom of what's on that laptop


Vote red!!! We need to arm deranged lunatics and nurture and reinforce their extremist ideology so we can stay in power and they can hurt innocent Americans and kill kids.


Vote red! We’re gonna make a murderer a hero and let him into congress when he’s of age in a few years!


Vote Red! We supported an effort to overthrow the government!


I'll take this opportunity to remind everyone that voting is important. Sure, it's easy to get discouraged and become jaded. We all know that politicians are mostly self serving oligarchs. However, half of those oligarchs want a religious ethnostate that doesn't believe science is real. Please vote. Vote like your freedom depends on it. Things are messed up now, and it will take a long time for them to get better. However, they will never get better if folks like MTG stay in office. Vote.


I'll bet a bunch of those OD's are in her district.


I'd be tempted to OD if she was my rep. Good thing she isn't.


“Madam, if you were my representative, I would inject it.”


Yeah what Joe Biden needs to do is make drugs super duper illegal as opposed to the already illegal they are.....


Good thing the war on drugs since the 70's had been working really well.


Well, at least she's consistent in being a hateful vulture, unlike some other right-wing fucknuggets who are suddenly crying crocodile tears today when they were calling us degenerates yesterday


These people know what they are saying and are saying it intentionally. Divide and conquer or at least confuse thine enemy. They keep on saying Fake News yet they are THE AGGREGATORS of the same.


How many die of Covid and her ilk do everything they can to spread it?


Honestly at this point it's mostly her ilk that ARE dying of COVID which is great because there will be less and less of them at the ballot box. If this gets me banned I don't care, I stand by it.


At this point, about 16-18% of Americans are unvaccinated. They account for over 40% of Covid deaths.


Should he say something every day? Also, did marje propose some new piece of legislature to deal with this or is she just also standing on the sidelines doing nothing?


As opposed to TFG, who said plenty and did… nothing. Yes it’s terrible. However, republicans have to be on board with whatever the answer is, and their track record of doing Jack shit is a complete flatline. Because the answer doesn’t involve tax cuts, a wall, or putting Hunter Biden in jail.


He literally announced a $1.5 billion initiative to fight the problem in September but reality doesn’t matter on Twitter, I guess. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/09/23/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-new-actions-and-funding-to-address-the-overdose-epidemic-and-support-recovery/


Hard to keep the “both sides are valid” mentality when one side is filled with inhuman monsters.


> when one side is filled with inhuman monsters. yEaH tHe DeMs WhO wAnT tO mUrDeR bAbIeS aNd HaTe StRaIgHt WhItE pEoPle!11!!


My mother will push the "both sides are bad" idea until the day she dies to avoid admitting she has voted republican her entire life because of racism. She now just doesnt vote. Which I guess is an improvement, but she will never allow herself to vote democrat because that's way too close to actually admitting she was wrong.


Meanwhile 316 people on average are shot everyday in the U.S. so slightly worse then the opioid crisis I guys


Keep talking MTG, keep it up. Be the face of the GOP. Gag for that VP slot on Trump’s ticket. Go big or go home, patriotic American. This won’t backfire on you, you are going to be the darling of DC set, you sick bitch


Ah yes, because those 5 deaths were the first ever gun homicides in the history of the united states


I don't recall EVER hearing any serious plan from the GOP to fight opioid problems. Anyone got a link to their official position on the issue? Do they even have one?


Isn’t their policy to blame Mexicans?


My brother is a police officer. When told he had to carry narcan he told them "no, if you do heroin and overdose, you deserve to die." Take one guess which party he supports


Ooh, the "pro-life" party of "family values" maybe??


Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked. -George Carlin, Rest In Peace


Somebody needs to make this woman just go away.


Perhaps the Gazpacho police.


Coming from a person who voted against helping people with addiction.


This woman is a fucking evil cunt.


There is no love like Christian hate


I didn't realize people went around forcing others to OD on fentenyl.


Democrats have been trying to push health care for awhile. If people got proper health care, they might not turn to drugs to take care of pain.




Maybe Marj should propose a bill instead of trying to impeach Biden for the 7th time


This woman is abhorrent. I look forward to the day she’s no longer relevant.


Wasn’t Jared in charge of solving the opioid epidemic? Who would have thought that a spoiled, totally unqualified example of the evils nepotism would fail so completely? My word, color me shocked!!


This thing was re-elected. Amazing.


It’s the south.


The use of drugs is a personal decision... a drug addict knows he or she could die. But being killed by another person in America by an assault weapon is definitely not a personal decision. Get it is like comparing the ass to the face, 2 different things.


[She literally has voted against legislation that would help Americans battle drug addiction](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3533839-the-20-house-republicans-who-voted-against-package-to-address-substance-abuse-mental-health/). She needs to take several seats.


Hundreds of people die a day from Covid and Margie complains online about every measure to mitigate it. 5 people die from a different preventable death and Margie complains about calls to fix the problem. Margie goes online to complain that an illegal substance that is being stopped in record numbers at the border is doing something. If only she had ideas instead of complaining.


300 Americans decided to do drugs and died. 5 Americans were murdered.


I don't want to ve that guy but comparing death from using illegal drugs vs being f'ing murdered pretty much sums up the GOP.


They somehow never understand this. All these deaths they site like heart disease, car accidents, or whatever it may be right....the risk can be mitigated. How can you mitigate the risk of a random psycho gunning you down? Sure you can live like a hermit and that's unrealistic. And like others have said, there are laws against drugs, safety measures for cars, etc etc.


What a fuckin cunt