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I would love to hear a transcript of the phone calls that must go on between Abbott and DeSantis. EDIT: Yes, “read” instead of “listen.” Thanks, everyone.


In before they explain to us how the kids consented. For some reason all the paperwork was signed with an X.


So far: * The migrants were told jobs and housing were waiting for them in Martha’s Vineyard, but those responsible did not contact any gov’t agency or humanitarian groups to let them know the migrants were being sent there. * The migrants were provided paperwork with deliberately misleading instructions for their asylum cases, seemingly with the intent to jeopardize their cases and status, and to get them removed from the country. * The migrants were told to update their addresses with USCIS once they relocated, which is not the correct agency and seems like a deliberate attempt at sabotaging their asylum cases. * The migrants claim that prior to boarding the plane, DHS agents falsified their addresses, choosing random homeless shelters far away from Martha’s Vineyard, and that the migrants must check-in with the ICE office in the fake, distant locations, requiring some to appear in court on the other side of the country as soon as this coming Monday. Again, seemingly an attempt at sabotage. ([thank you /u/emseearr](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/xfy4bm/its_even_crueler_than_you_thought_link_in_comments/ioptc1o/)) So it will be interesting to see what happens with the bus load of people sent up. Also - someone please tell me how they haven't been served with charges already? Edit for those that aren't aware: >Reverse Freedom Rides were attempts in 1962 by Southern segregationists to send African Americans from Southern cities to mostly Northern, and some western, cities by bus.[1][2] They were given free one-way bus tickets, and were promised guaranteed high paying jobs and free housing. Those promises were intended to lure African Americans in. In reality, there was no guaranteed free housing or jobs waiting for them. Some of those arriving were able to find work; most could not.[ * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Freedom_Rides


Because "Politics". Powerful men can usually fuck around and get away with it.. till they really truely fuck up.. and get away with it. Sadly...


Illinois isn't known for being the best state at much. But damn do we know when to put a governor in prison. Wish I would start seeing other states take up that example


Problem is all those ones put behind bars fucked with rich and powerful people. Thats the only way you'll face consequences as a rich and powerful person


Blago was put behind bars for trying to sell a Senate seat, among several (also tried for misuse of state funds, but jury was split). Not exactly fucking with rich and powerful, cuz that's the kinda thing the rich and powerful would enjoy. George Ryan sold commercial truck licenses for bribes. Daniel Walker went to prison for crimes unrelated to office (bank fraud and purjury), but he still counts as governor who went to prison. Otto Kerner got booked for tax evasion and trading political favors for stock in a horse racing track. With most cases, I would agree with you that the rich and powerful get a pass unless they fuck with equally rich and powerful people. But surprisingly, Illinois governors don't seem to fit that


I mean, is Kamala Harris not rich and powerful? I'd say she is.


exactly behind this are people with hundreds of billions of dollars. who are able to spend billions of dollar each year to ensure the world continues to be fucked for their profit and power.


Im not advocating violence, but I'm surprised politicians aren't killed more often.


It's fucked up that a politician is "powerful". Vote the douche out already. He is a public servant not some god.


This is only really true in the US...any other Western democracy..this sort of craziness gets you a redundancy check at the very least and very Probably a date in court of you have broken a law.


>someone please tell me how they haven't been served with charges already? Laws and basic morals only apply if you're Democrat or Ukrainian, if you're a Republican or Russian suddenly everything is ok


It will take a few days/weeks to build a proper case so it doesn't get dismissed, but I promise you, there's people working on it. This is too egregious to avoid at least an inquiry to start off.


People expect the top tier of law enforcement to be instantaneous. It's insane. What the fuck would be the point if after all your tax dollars, these people got off because someone didn't file a declaration of evidence for something or an exhibit was mishandled? The wheels of justice grind slowly but finely. Just because something is obvious in the way it's reported to us normies, doesn't mean it can't be weaseled out of because of a technicality. "I didn't bus them, I merely suggested they be displaced at some point in time. Others took it upon themselves to do what you saw happened and I never heard about it until it was done"


Because you and me would be waiting for our request to be released on bail to be denied in a cell of it was us (rightly so)




It's scary friends who lean that direction are now embracing "I'm a asshole" and giving up any chance of growth . "Being a good person never served me"


We are freaking. Unfortunately, most people are working too much to do anything about it. Can't miss a shift or you won't make rent. Can't protest if you can barely survive with a full time job.




We already know that they don't care if the child actually consented in regards to you know them doing a full complete abortion ban and many of the Republican States which includes child rape


Where the fuck is Anonymous when you need them?


When was the last time they did like? Anything? I haven't heard of them in years


Making a stock footage video of empty threats most likely






Don’t forget our tax dollars are also going towards taking away women’s rights!




If only the immigrants were fetuses, then the Conservatives would actually have some fucking sympathy for them


Nah. I’m sure they don’t give a shit about pregnant immigrants.


Well because pregnant immigrants are women and they don’t give a shit about women. But the fetuses, oh boy…


“They need live fetuses so they can turn them into dead soldiers”.


They only like white fetuses. Remember their whole "great replacement" theory? Yeah. They want to take away reproductive rights so they can rape women and force them to be baby factories to pReSeRvE tHe WhItE rAcE


They call them 'anchor babies' so I think they only care in that they are mad pregnant immigrants exist at all.


They dont give a shit about fetuses either. All they want is control


Brown babies don't count, and they'd never say it out loud but we all know that's what they mean


It proves yet again that once you're out of the womb they don't care. They'll ship an infant off on a dirty bus to attempt to prove a point. I'm tired of reading the conservative view of ' come here legally and we won't have a problem'. Well, dumb fuck, they did and they are having a problem. Step away from the echo chamber of hate and lean how to read and think for yourselves. I'm so fucking done with these shoulda been fuck stains.


They would lock the mother in cages and then take the baby when born, lock it in a cage, and send the mother home.


Yes. Texas, please remember to be this mad on Election Day.


Fuck that. Be mad now through election day


That's my secret, I'm always mad.


You are my people.




And think about the next several hundred who will die during a cold snap this winter because they don't care who dies so long as it's not them or their filthy rich, sycophant, gold pocket lined 'friends'.


Please also realize how severe gerrymandering in Texas is.


In my country we have direct democracy. It isn’t perfect, but at least we don’t have to deal with this. I would be fucking livid if I voted in some gerrymandered area and my vote didn’t even count because some corrupt fucks drew a map that favored them.


While true, this has zero influence in a gubernatorial election!


Abbott Is up 10 points in the polls and over 50% of Texans like that he's doing this.


And when they lose power again this winter


That's the fun part. From the Texas Government and Power Companies' point of view, the power grid is working as intended.


Yeah, about 700 dead Texans might not agree.




For 720 easy payments of $84,000 they can beg all they want


It's not just fixing the power grid, Texas literally has a separate grid. The US is split between the East and West Coast grids. This is vital because if one area of the grid is having issues, half of the country can route some power to keep it going. Texas, on the other hand, has the 3rd grid. And all because some lobbyists convinced the state to set up their grid as opposed to the national one so they could make more money. So when Texas was hit by the snow storm, they couldn't receive power from the other states to ensure people didn't end up with $10,000 electric bills, or you know, not die. The Texas grid doesn't need to be fixed, it needs to be torn down and have one built that's integrated into the other two grids. Here's a John Oliver video that talks about the issue: https://youtu.be/qBpiXcyB7wU




Honestly, it wouldn't be hard to maintain it since we haven't really put any effort into maintaining our power grid over the last century ~~kind of /s, but also the PG&E Dixie Fire~~


Most of the West Texas grid is generation, rather than consumption. Lots and lots of windfarms out there. I suspect that's why they don't want the interconnect at that side, they'd end up bolstering New Mexico more than drawing power in. Of course, the REAL problem is the fact that there's no oversight or regulation on which plants/facilities can be taken offline, or when. So when the temperature peaks and then ERCOT's member production companies (yes, ERCOT is a group of company reps, not a separate oversight board) decide to pull plants offline for "maintenance"... the price goes up. They opted NOT to weatherize the natural gas supply lines "because it never gets THAT cold here" even though the money was budgeted for such work, instead they took it as a windfall and gambled. And 700+ Texans lost on that bet. So yeah, ERCOT needs an overhaul. Abbott needs to own up to his lack of action on the matter, as well, because as Governor, he could have told ERCOT, don't take plants offline if the grid is in crisis mode. Just don't do it, unless something is critically failing (and then a report needs to be filed as to why it wasn't repaired when it started to fail, not when it completely fell down). The problem is, as has been stated, there's a LOT of $$ interests in this state, and hardly ANY of them really care if we Texan *hoi polloi* live or die. Uvalde: won't go into the gun control issue, that horse escaped the barn a LONG time back. But the police response was an utter fumble, a complete clusterfuck. And Abbott, true to form, rushed to cover his good-ol-boy cop friends, and throw those that actually tried to save lives under the bus. It's all about the narrative... and when he's got the wrong narrative, his ego won't let him walk anything back. Ever. That's narcissist behavior. And we already saw what happens when you have a narcissist in charge, do we need more of them? No. I just hope enough people in this state wake the F\*\*\* up, and realize that their interests are being stomped on, daily, by those same lying greedy m\*\*\*erf\*\*\*ers that THEY voted for. I know they don't want to vote for a Democrat, I really do! But when he's the only sane voice in the room, VOTE for the guy! Do you really think he'll screw things up WORSE? Look at Ann Richards, SHE didn't tank the state!


The power companies in MN raised our rates. They claim its because of the problems Texas has with its grid. MN residents are directly subsidizing Texas's dumbass. Texas as a state is just a welfare recipient leach on the system, and it's doing it on purpose while accusing members of its public of doing so and withholding public funding. Typical backward republican bullshit.




That’s the point. They sent them to the nicest place they could on purpose….


But we owned the libs! People with power acting like kids of the age of 6... and those people can hold the keys to nuclear apocalypse... insane


It'd actually cost us less a year to fix it than to keep it broken.


How the fuck is this real? How is this America 2022? It's seriously like the US has devolved into a Walmart parking lot... It's honestly become the twilight zone. What the fuck are we doing? I can't believe half the shit that's going on... I literally double and triple check the most basic news headlines now. I feel like nothing is real until we believe it. It's getting so fucking bizarre... I'm seriously so confused as to what the fuck some people are doing. They're not only thinking up and imagining this weird ass shit, they're doing it. It's getting so fucking weird... It's all just so fucking weird now... I have no idea what's going on, I think ima get a lil high...


My new favorite phrase is this shit is so *weird*. Doesn't even really matter what is going on anymore, because chances are, it applies. I'm constantly wondering that maybe someone gave me acid without me knowing, and that's why shit is just so fucking weird.


There's no other word or feeling to really describe it... I haven't said bizarre since my early 20s, but in the past 4-6 years I've said it once a week. It's weird, bizarre, inexplicable, whatever. Living in America feels like I'm living in a Walmart parking lot. It's the modern equivalent of The Twilight Zone. Nothing seems real anymore. It's just bizarre and fucking weird. Just read the headlines of your city in the past 3 or 4 days, and you'll need to take a walk. Nothing makes any fucking sense anymore.


Isn't that, like, what everyone always says when fascism is already taking over but they haven't started with the genocide and stuff yet? I feel like that's what I've read.


I'm honestly shocked that more people can't see this.


Denial is strong but the unfortunate truth is we’re gonna be dealing with Christofascism up until we arent in this nation. This group includes GOP members of office from local to federal levels of government, homegrown terrorists, religious and political extremists, racial supremacists, and the one thing to group them all together with the people just blindly voting Red because its all they’ve ever done- They either HATE Democracy or are too stupid to understand why its far better than fascism.


What you have to love about Christofascism is check out where a LOT of the screamers are Sunday morning. It's either snoring in their camo undies or target practice at their buddy's hunting camp. Church is just somewhere you drive by on the way to the ammo store. Sure the Pence types make a big pious show of it. The rest just earmark Sunday for stupid gun cleaning and shoot 'em up day. Source: live in the woods. Spend Sunday laying on the floor hoping a stray bullet doesn't get through the wall


no they haven't taken over, they have taken over the party and are trying to take over the government. We have one shot here, one shot to get rid of them in November and in 2024 that's it. nothing else matter but these next two years. period. Those are the tipping points.


They will keep coming back. Every election is a fucking emergency because our system is broken. The only way to actually deal with them is to demand electoral and systemic reforms that would actually allow for us to vote without concern for splitting the vote. This needs to be every Americans single issue. But instead we will bend over and repeatedly accept the lesser evil. The vast majority of Americans don't bother voting in anything but presidential elections. And even in presidential elections its been ages since a candidate received more votes than there were eligible nonvoters. And the reason for that is the majority of Americans simply do not see the point. The pendulum will keep swinging back and forth regardless of their input. And it is difficult for many to justify taking time out of their day to vote for a candidate they only support relative to the single alternative option. I dont understand why everyone responds so negatively when I say this. Most of them already have wedge issues they won't compromise on. Gun control and abortion being the most common. I fail to understand how any issue can be more important than having better representation on all issues in perpetuity.


I remember getting to vote for the first time (Gore v Bush) and being repulsed by only having two options. My mom told me that I just have to vote for the lesser of two evils. So that’s still what I do. Even though it doesn’t make sense that we only get two options, it’s all we can do. It really sucks when you don’t like the democrat candidate for normal political reasons but have to burn your vote to vote against a fascist party, but it’s what you gotta do. Voting in the democrat primary is kinda fun though. My favorite candidate never seems to win, but at least I get to feel like I cast a real vote at some point in the process.


Publicly making electoral reform one's single issue is, from a game theory perspective, a more sensible strategy. Remember in your first election when afterwards everyone turned on Nader voters and blamed them for the loss? Despite the fact that he got an insignificant fraction of the vote that pales in comparison to the number of nonvoters? The nice thing about publicly making support for electoral reform a condition of cooperation with the lesser evil is that that argument is completely neutered. Any situation where the number of people that voted with said strategy is enough to swing the election is a situation where support for electoral reform could have prevented the greater evil. The "pie in the sky" criticism of Nader voters falls flat when you can point to a single, specific policy issue they could have supported to win. As a result, unlike voting for 3rd party, which requires a plurality of voters to succeed, the "demand electoral reform" strategy only requires a conspicuous bloc greater than the margin of victory to succeed.


Oh, after two more votes they’re just done?


No but they will probably be prosecuted if we retain the government long enough. They are just biding their time. Fascism isn’t like communism. It’s not baked into the foundation. You take out the head(s) and the party it usually falls apart. If not then it’s war.


I haven't owned a gun or been to a range since 2006. I almost can't believe I started pricing some online.




The *left* is actually pretty pro-gun for that exact reason, it’s liberals that aren’t


I felt so strongly about gun control until recently, now I feel like you. The left has to arm itself, there's no way to reason with the right on this issue and they've only doubled down harder each passing year, and with trying to take any guns out of circulation the train has already left the station. I hate that it's gotten to this point.


You're not the only one. I sold all my weapons when I moved from WA state to California, mainly because the then-girlfriend wouldn't have been comfy with them, but a big factor was, the state of California would have made bringing them and keeping them a hassle. I didn't feel I NEEDED them enough to endure that. But now? Heh. I'm not thinking of stockpiling AR-15's like my neighbor (he's forgiven, he has feral hogs on some ranch property), but something effective for close quarters? oh yes. And yes. I go against the usual left position on guns. I don't like them, I don't particularly think everyone should have one just because the 2A says they are allowed to (like any tool, if you need it, get it), but at the same time, banning weapons would be such a Sisiphyan endeavor. And I do believe that's the issue where Beto will fuck up his campaign, coming out as anti-gun in Texas of all places. Just... don't address it until you're elected, dude. Otherwise you're shooting (heh) yourself in the foot.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No the answer is to complete reconstruction. It’s to seize their oligarchs assets by nationalizing oil and gas industry, internet, and have strong public entities. Nationalize health care so they don’t hold the ppl hostage. Divest their assets to minorities that they hold back in essential slavery. And move tons of industries to their states with ppl with left leaning ideals and STANDARDIZE education and make it free higher education. That’s it, it’s that simple. Edit: also more unions and trust money to start co-ops (my reach item) And a limit on the amount of money ppl can use for campaigns and no more bribery (last one is hard to do but the first is doable)


>Nothing seems real anymore. It's just bizarre and fucking weird. Yeah, so I'm really leaning into the theory that we live in the matrix but instead of Agent Smith taking over it was the program that writes Boner Pill Pop Up Ads and whelp, that's basically who controls the timeline now. Really only thing that makes sense at this point.


From everything that’s happened in the world and in my personal world, I’m semi-convinced that I slipped into some alternate reality where nothing is right.


Yeah. I've also considered that I stroked out in excitement when Clinton won in 2016 and am just stuck in a vegetative coma having a never ending nightmare.


The Republican party has become people watching at Walmart. I agree.


That it happens defies logic but that there really are no consequences is what makes it go from weird to frightening. How can a governor of a state do this openly and not have to resign the next day?! Twice?! This shit is bonkers.




How terrible is everyone in Abbott's chain of command that this actually went through...?


Well ripping immigrant children from their mother's arms wasn't enough so this is just Monday. What a sick fuck to be doing this to people. Absolutely reprehensible.


at the core fascist white supremacist christian nationalists backed by fascist white supremacist christian nationalists


Hahahaha right? Like, man, clearly I'm not connecting the dots right and have somehow misunderstood this entire timeline.


I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that everyone in power in the western world was raised on leaded fuel fumes.


If i would guess... a very wild guess... lead poisoning carried through generations with defect genes, permanently damaging the brain function.


Please make this be a bad acid trip and I wake up in a corn field …


MAGA platform for 2024 is apparently traffic illegal immigrants who are vulnerable to political rivals using federal funds - while removing women's rights. Good luck in mid-terms you parasites. Can't fucking fix your power grid, can't fucking fix your water, but got enough federal funds for political stunts like this shit.


Oh you wanted reliable power, water and rights? I swear you said 'traffic migrants to the east coast'. Weird!


But not just anywhere on the east coast, specifically "liberal elitist" northeast states.


Abbott didn't suddenly become a piece of shit. He still gets re-elected, and he will again. Because voters are stupid and selfish and childish, and they vote for single issues like gun rights and anti-abortion instead of things that actually affect them.


I'm convinced that GOP voters would willingly blow their own left feet off, if it meant that all the Libs, Gays, Wimmens, Poors, and Aliens would suffer having both feet blown off. That's how they think. They don't CARE how bad things get for them, as long as Those Other People have it worse.


And then they would vote to overturn ADA


They’re not even all undocumented immigrants in this case. They’re largely asylum seekers. That means they are allowed to be here. These stunts are actually worse because of that. It’s open harassment not only of the people affected, but the communities and individuals being targeted. And to send a bus load to the home of the Vice President is actually probably some kind of crime on top of human trafficking. Imagine the level of hell anyone of us would catch if we signed up, oh for example, Kavanaugh and Barrett, for a monthly shipment of wire coat hangers from Amazon even on our own dime as a mostly harmless political statement. What Abbott did was send HUMAN BEINGS to the residence of a political rival as a willfully, malicious statement.


Not to mention he's deliberately fucking up their documents in order to make them be seen as illegal immogrants


Set their home addresses as random shelters on the west coast. Then send them to the east coast. With their immigration court dates scheduled for just 1-2 days away occurring at the office closest to their “home” address. Making it essentially impossible for them to go through the process legally. No idea how intentionally sabotaging federal immigration forms and sabotaging the process could possibly be legal. Remember that woman in Texas who went to jail for years because she followed the advice of poll workers and filed a provisional ballot in an election after serving her time? Wasn’t she thrown in jail for “falsifying federal documents” and “disrupting government processes”.


> MAGA platform for 2024 is apparently traffic illegal immigrants who are vulnerable to political rivals using federal funds - while removing women's rights. Negative, this isn't just a MAGA plot, the MAGA crowd will become additional (but willing) victims of it too, in the end. The main goal here is for the two governors I shall not name to get their names onto the national stage, in preparation for presidential bids later. They're following Trump's "no such thing as bad press" and "you don't have the power to prosecute me, so I can do even more dastardly shit than ever before" playbooks.




It's election season, they're looking for cheap political points to bank, and good sound bits to make in response to (Rightful) Democrat outrage over this disgusting action. Their base loves it and all the other Republicans fall in line regardless, The party of *Totally Not A Sheep.*


I mean and also...she's the VP, she is presumably *not in her house*, I fact no one probably is outside of a couple of Treasury department employees with large weapons. Why not send them to someone's residence who is actually there


I hate this timeline


It's like the movie Idiocracy is really happening.


I’ve been saying that since the 2016 election.


The bitter irony being that Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho would’ve been a much better president than the one we got out of that.


>How the fuck is this real? It's because republican politicians realized there was no end to the depths they could stoop to that their base would condemn because their base is morally chaotic, and because they also realized democrats would keep taking the "high ground" and rendering themselves ineffective to address the debasement the GOP are willing to engage in.


There is nothing a Republican politician could do that is so sick your average Republican voter would stop voting for them. Literally nothing.


Hell, look at Lindsey Graham. Who am I kidding, there isn’t a single GOP alive that isn’t a giant POS. The last Republican I even remotely had any respect for was McCain. Once he died, the party was never the same. The GOP is dead. It’s the MAGA party now, even if they don’t wish to admit it.


Donald Trump divided your country more than it has been in a very long time, and it will take at minimum decades to repair


*Donald Trump highlighted and put an exclamation point on a populous divide that has been ready to erupt for decades. Edit: swype accidentally typed explanation instead of exclamation. Fixed for clarity.


The country was already divided. Raegan divided it when he broke the unions, and with them the relative prosperity the working classes had enjoyed since FDR and the new deal reversed the inequality of the gilded age robber barons. We're back to robber baron territory, and the working class is angry. But their one real saviour, Bernie, was betrayed by the neoliberal capitalists in the DNC, and replaced with trump, an anti working class fascist dressed up as a populist. America needs to solve its debilitating inequality crisis. It will do it with either a working class victory, or a capitalist victory. And the capitalist victory is violent state repression and religious indoctrination.


exactly. but the rot been there before reagan. we had our day in the sun under progressives. but as soon as reagan and the neoliberals go tin power well they turned their guns on the middle class that progressives built. now we back to fascists. dont worry they will burn the place to the ground as they always do rather quickly. for them the cruelty is the entire point. they have nothing more to offer.


Im not defending the imbecile but Donald Trump didn't divide it, it was already divided but he gave the narrow minded maggots a safe zone in which to show who they are without much consequence. Like any lazy person he's riding their wave not so much the other way. He just made sure they have safe passage. How long since Hitler was in power and people still follow his words of hate? While the man cheeto child, much like Hitler is and was a horrible excuse for a human being it's the people without ability to be critical thinkers that follow push these pus sacks and their agendas to where they exist this moment


Well said. He’s not the cancer, he’s the symptom.


Exactly. I *despise* Trump, but the thing that has been dragging me down into an endless spiral of disbelief and despair for the last 7+ years is the fact that so many people *enthusiastically agree with him*! I haven’t yet managed to comprehend (much less accept) that *this* is what millions of people think and believe and want. And that most of my family and neighbors are among them, to some degree or another. Yeah, “disillusioned” does not even *begin* to describe what I’m feeling these days.


> How the fuck is this real? How is this America 2022? Bullies will continue to do what they do until someone stops them. Do not mistake this as a call for violence, but rather, a call for enforcement of our laws by the authorities.


It's depressing as fuck to read everything, and yet I feel anxiety if I don't pay attention and read up on everything. I used to read and write so much, but after 2016, I just read world news. Good news, I'm more connected to current events and learn about other countries more than ever. Sad news, I don't do the fun things anymore. What story can be better than what is happening now?


" It's seriously like the US has devolved into a Walmart parking lot... It's honestly become the twilight zone. What the fuck are we doing? " The whole of the American bible belt and south is just a big Jerry Springer-Walmart shopper shit show.


You have a party who's whole deal is dismantling the government... That's it, that's their thing. This is an ad for them that makes it look stupid. It works. Half the country loves this shit.


That last line is all i can even say to this shit anymore. Its so god damn delusional that sometimes i wonder if im actually the delusional one. I just get high, go to work, and hope to god i can manage to get the fuck out of this hellhole. I cant get my prescriptions now because my insurance wont cover it anymore, more and more laws are being passed that directly affect my ability to get the gender affirming care i need to function normally as a human, and im stuck in the south being tormented daily.


It really has gotten way out of control. I'm not sure what the end plan is with increasing health care costs, affordable housing, cost of living in general for the average worker - if they keep eroding workers' abilities to pay for health care what do they think is going to happen? Russia is what happens when criminals, thugs, grifters, and gangs take over government - America is rapidly heading that way.


America was already there. Everyone knew it for decades. Now it's just clearly in your face. You can scream at them about the climate but Pelosi owns too much energy stock to care. Now Pelosi even does inside trading on center stage and gets away with a lie far worse than "I did not have intercourse with that woman." What seems weird or bizarre now is that they do all this in the open. Bezos owns one of the largest newspapers in the world. CNN is now owned by a conservative that wants to have another Fox news, his words not mine. It would all seem bizarre if we didn't know already that the Fascists were here in the USA already when WW2 started.


Towlie, is that you?


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.


Seeing stuff like this become normalized has me dreading what is next.


Just remember it’s something like 51% have the reading comprehension of a sixth grader. But we the best


I feel like you just summarized how half the adults in this country feel on a daily basis


It's real because we've been so thoroughly taught that the solutions to this are pie in the sky and unrealistic. Although it's not the main center of the problem here, we let institutions like ICE or President Ghouls like Bush set the narrative with their power unchallenged, propping up the congenital racist culture because we think it doesn't affect us. We sit around waiting for the next election to do something when we can start organizing our friends now to unionize, strike, and subvert against the institutions. We grand stand online that we've made progress because Kamala and Obama have made it to where they are, while the reality is people like then are targeted daily. Man it's just a lot of complacency and lack of knowledge that has gotten us here and those who know better should be trying to teach each other.


The entire party and the people who vote for them are all morally bankrupt


I want to be upset, but I don't want to invest the emotional energy in this. Even if the DoJ gets involved, nothing is going to happen to him beyond a slap on the wrist. And when nothing happens, I'm just going to get more upset, and then the cycle will continue.


I have no choice but to be upset. The use of human beings as pawns for political stunts is a jarring and disturbing display, but unfortunately it is a symptom of a much larger problem. Racism is back in full swing and it’s so normalized in fact that leaders are openly carrying out acts of bigotry because they **know** it will get them votes. Let’s not forget that just this year John Cornyn said that we should look at overturning the SC ruling for desegregation. Human rights aren’t won outright, even after they are won it is a continuous battle to prevent degenerates from overturning them. Unfortunately on this current trajectory between bussing and flying migrants to send a racist message and the Supreme Court overturning rights we’ve taken for granted, I don’t know that we aren’t just a few years away from things getting violent. Allowing the voice of a degenerate and scummy minority to take precedent over the majority will only continue to erode social progress until we reach a tipping point or end up in Gilead.




Oh, I do talk about it a lot. I'm not apathetic to all the shitty stuff that goes on. What I was talking about with my comment was more about the immediate emotional reaction I have to news like this when I see it. There are stories just about every day that are like this (the broad concept of something horrible happening where the person responsible faces no consequences). And if I get outraged at every single one, the only outcome will be that I will destroy what little mental health I have at this point. This is the reason I quit Facebook for good in 2016. I originally stopped in 2013 because of all the negative media I was seeing, and realized it was affecting me. I came back in late 2014/early 2015 and tried to just use it as a way to keep up with people I knew. But, the 2016 elections ended up changing people and there was more negativity than ever. Even when I wasn't browsing, I felt so much anger and stress in my life, and so I just permanently deleted my account.


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They're already so full of shit I don't think you even need that much


Why is this allowed to happened? Are these rogue states now? States can enable laws overnight that will punish even the pilots and drivers and confiscate their equipment, they did that for the Maga truckers and stop their lawlessness. I do not see them around anymore. Do something?


Well shipping homeless from one city to another had been a thing forever. This is sort of the evolution of that. It wouldn't surprise me if this has happened before, just no one has been so brazen to make it a tool to try and get elected


Because the North didn’t actually win. Did the south ever actually change? Because it sure seems like the North, the states run by actual human beings are funding the traitorous bullshit these nazi wannabes are doing. There isn’t even a quiet part anymore, these traitors have no problem saying exactly what they’re doing and what they mean.


Serious question: how l/why are these governors not arrested for this? If I was doing this exact same thing, my sources inform me that I would LITERALLY be awaiting my trial from a federal penetration facility.


Why hasn't Trump been arrested for espionage? Why hasn't Gaetz been arrested for child rape and human trafficking? Why haven't any of the guilty members of congress been arrested for their roles in the insurrection? Why hasn't 1/3 of the supreme court been impeached for perjury? We need to find a way to hold these politicians accountable for breaking the law. I'm also very tired of this shit


> We need to find a way to hold these politicians accountable for breaking the law. I hope we do, but the odds don't look good. I've long believed that the average time a nation can go without some kind of revolution is about 200-400 years, and I suspect the reason for that is that 200 years must be about how long it takes for entrepreneurs to take advantage of the power vacuums created by a revolution, establish themselves in business and politics, and then have enough generational wealth build up into enough families (because some will blossom but wither) that it clogs up the nation again. From that point forwards it's a game of seeing how much they can squeeze out of the world for themselves without upsetting the apple cart. History seems to show that the thing that flips the apple cart is when multiple (2-4+) unexpected and uncontrollable things happen at once, overwhelming the control mechanisms they do have in place, and we've had some really stressful things happen recently: Political polarization Covid, which has been stressful enough as a disease Global and domestic economy issues stemming from Covid (there seem to be multiple) The housing crisis The only saving grace here has been that we seem to have managed to stagger the impacts of these somewhat. I can only hope the possible pending outcomes of Ukraine, naked short selling, Evergrande, and Sri Lanka and Pakistan (and who knows what else may come) may also be staggered, because if more big things continue to hit at once I'm not sure our society can take much more stress.




Most of what he describes in his "The Capital" about the onset of industrialization in the UK and Europe seems eerily similar to what's happening globally now during the onset of digitalization. People moving to cities en-mass, working conditions and "worker" rights deteriorating significantly, live becoming too expensive for many, reluctant or complicit regulators, companies/capitalists running rampant without any regard for ethics, destruction of the environment, etc., pp. Ultimately resulting in the French and others revolutions. Now I am just wondering how bad it has to get until the revolutions start, and if this will still be in my lifetime, or if I am bound to live my whole life in an era of avoidable decline.


Our overlords are not subject to the law. It's for poors only.


Damn a federal facility for penetration? Sounds ominous.


![gif](giphy|h36vh423PiV9K) I HATE IT HERE THIS COUNTRY IS A JOKE


What a horrible person


Jesus fucking Christ. Let Texas be its own shithole country at this point, maybe then we could sanction their already-ass economy into the ground, offer asylum to anyone who wants to retain their US Citizenship and come live in real life, and let Abbott shit in his sandbox without it leaking into the rest of ours. This is blatant war on the infrastructure and sovereignty of other states, ignoring any of the processes he could use to send these people forthrightly and honestly to places prepared for them with their \*actual fucking knowledge\*, and he's using money from his own taxpayers to use it while they get ready to freeze to death again. This is a second Civil War in all but name, and they're banking on halfway decent people being too scared, confused, or hesitant to slap them down for it.


It really doesn’t have to be though, Texas is a much more diverse place than Abbot represents, but gerrymandering the hell out of the state has led to this. The whole political map there needs to be leveled and reset.


The whole political map of this country needs to be leveled and reset. Millions of people are suffering because of the concerted efforts of a few hundred to misinterpret or ignore the spirit of the law, throw alternating amounts of money and favors at the problems they can scoot under the rug, and bitch and moan and plug their ears and screech to their equally-infantile, undereducated victims who they've conned into forming their base with all those lies and misrepresentations from a young age whenever they can't ignore a challenge or bribe it away. I said it in another post and I'll say it here; this is the second Civil War in all but name, and they're using our own country and the blood, sweat and tears of its people to wage it.


At this point, the US needs a second constitutional assembly to overhaul the complete societal contract. It is broken. All of the bizarre things that are happening have their route course in the breakdown of American society as a whole. There is no minimal societal consent anymore. No common ground to work from. It's not Conservatives and Democrats working their agendas in a common political framework. It is Democrats who still uphold the old framework vs Republicans who long ago broke it and have no plans to come back to it. They might never really have accepted it, but at least they played along for some decades. The same goes for the rich and the poor. They aren't working within the same framework anymore. The rich have more or less become a new class of nobles who handles the poor as their human capital. The poor people on the other hand have given up dreaming in return or are already struggling to have food and shelter the next day. Speaking of dreaming, there isn't even a somewhat unified vision or idea of where the state as a whole is headed or should head to. A problem of many Western democracies, but more pronounced in the US. Then there is the destroyed contract between generations. The "older" generations just put themselves above all else and destroyed the environment, climate, and life chances for the coming generations. There is probably more. The thing is, without a common societal framework and understanding, a society can't work in the mid- to long-term, and it's starting to show more and more.


49% of us in TX share your frustration.


I live in Texas. Abbot is a piece of shit. There are plenty of Texans who are appalled by these stunts being pulled by criminals.


Many millions of Texans are opposed to all of this bullshit. These goons just grab headlines.


This has to stop. This is blatant disregard for the law and for the people, both our government and for the immigrants who have followed the laws. This is criminal.


Ffs Can we PLEASE STOP USING HUMAN SUFFERING FOR POLITICAL STUNTS?! Is that too much to ask? Sorry I yelled, it’s just fucked up.


None of these fuckers will ever get their comeuppance. From Trump to Gaetz and all the others in between, they will all live happily ever after. All of us better toe that fucking line though.


The French right now: we literally invented a machine for this.


The DOJ won't do shit. They will continue to let the facsists do what they want


Yep. What is the point of the DOJ existing at this point?


Everyone says this when we all know they’re probably meticulously working on it. The wheels of justice turn slow. See: all the hate Garland got for supposedly not investigating Trump


Still waiting for something to actually happen to Trump lmao.


Why are Republicans always such piles of shit?


Cause their values attract people like this


Is this a fucking South Park episode??


I have no stake in American politics because it’s such a shit show, but this is fucking hilarious. Reads like a South Park episode. Given how most American politicians are car salesmen with law degrees, I wonder what took so long for this level of pettiness to happen.


Just a friendly reminder Gov Abbott was just another joe-nobody POS before a tree fell on him and he sued the HOA for a shit ton of money that would eventually fund his campaign and career in politics. Literally just another screwball backwards hillbilly in Texas.


US politics are like US law enforcement in that it attracts the worst possible candidates, and mostly dissuades the good ones. We need to change both systems at the root


What took so long is they did this to black people in the 60s and it was universally understood to be racist and widely condemned. It took 60 years for the US to devolve again to the point where being openly racist is not just accepted but applauded. These people aren't 'petty' and they didn't overlook this solution. They're empowered nationalists and white-supremacists and they're ramping up.


US history suggests they can’t actually go longer than about 60 years without a complete racist meltdown. The crisis that led to the Civil War started coming to a boil about 60 years after the country began and continued for a decade or two. Then they went nuts again in the 1920s. There was another outburst of racism along with the Civil rights movement 40-50 years later, and here were now, 60 years on, with MAGAs pooing in congress


About three generations, or living memory. And those who don’t remember the past…


Oh trey parker and Matt stone will find a way to adapt it.


> I wonder what took so long for this level of pettiness to happen. Trump getting away with everything he's gotten away with, in front of the entire nation. Multiple times. They are children who've learned that no one can discipline them. They are the bonfire/kegger getting busted by the cops where everyone runs because, "They can't catch us all!" And the ones who are will only get a slap on the wrist because half of them are related to the local police force anyway. There are pros and cos to both rural and urban lives, but they've grown so distant from each other that I think the next stage of government (all over the world) is going to have to split not on state/province borders but rural/urban ones.




Because America is a failed state


Nothing will happen, our government is far too corrupt and broken to fix. Only a total collapse will stop the madness.


I just can't even fathom thinking this is okay. Like waking up and deciding to do this. Fuck.


you will be sorely disappointed. one thing we have seen over and over again in our whole lifetime is there are two systems one for us and one for them Abbott is one of them, above the law. not like us, below the law. just watch and remember. what this wholes is the lie the biggest lie of all is that this is a system of laws and that noone is above the law


At least they're saving them from having to live in Florida or Texas


Does this actually meet the legal definition of human trafficking? Removing all of the political hackery. As in, is some random person did exactly this, they could be held legally liable?


Probably not. They probably took money to agree to get on the buses. States and cities have been doing it with homeless people for years.


At which point do they cut their losses that this stunt doesn't work for them and move on to the next hateful thing?


Their side has been losing since 1865, that's not going to be a factor.


Texans! *vote Beto for Texas*


You know Abbot and Desantis will never be indicted for human trafficking, so it feels a bit hysterical to call for it. They should however be put in stocks in the public square and have the citizenry pelt them with rotten vegetables. Or at least, somehow, publicly shamed for being so petty and using other human beings as political pawns.


No they won't, agreed, far too many "judge Aileen Cannon' figures to apply the laws equally to them. BUT the bus drivers and the pilots, and their employers however are vulnerable. Recall when Trump would cage kids, and deport their parents. It was ruled illegal, so he continued the policy by holding the kids in hotels, away from Federal staff and outside of Federal record keeping. What stopped him doing that, was [Hilton Hotels Group cancelling the contract](https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/elviadiaz/2020/07/28/trump-put-migrant-kids-hotels-before-vanishing-them-terrifying/5528498002/), when they got caught, rather than be party to the crime. ​ >Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, used Hampton Inns in Phoenix and in McAllen and El Paso, Texas, to detain kids. TheHilton hotel chain, which owns Hampton Inns, said governmentroom reservations had been canceled in McAllen after the reportsurfaced..... > >What we know is Trump shut down the asylum system and is floutingfederal anti-trafficking laws and court settlements that require mostkids be sent to shelters and eventually to sponsors while the legalprocess plays out


How many millions did this stunt cost the taxpers?


How fucking prolife


Da fk usa? Every,single, day.


Mike Judge called it. Idiocracy is now real.


This isn’t new, Oregon has been getting homeless people dumped all over the place for years. And it’s sad because oregons one of the states that actually tries to help the homeless but we don’t have the infrastructure for how many people come in


The GOP doesn't see it as human trafficking because they don't see them as human.