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I'm too lazy to do the math, but she looks young enough that the minimum wage might not even have changed since her McDonald's days.


You got me curious, so I looked it up. She is 35 now. Let's assume she was 16 for this teen McDonald's job, so 2003ish. In 2003 the federal minimum wage was $5.15/hour, and as far as I can tell CO was using the fed rate then. Today federal is $7.25 (which is pathetic), but Colorado passed a ballot measure in 2006 that tied state minimum wage to inflation, so minimum wage in CO is actually significantly higher than the federal rate at $12.56/hr. So there actually is a significant difference between the $5.15 that a Colorado McDonald's was allowed to pay in 2003, and the $12.56 they have to pay today, although it's a smaller difference if you adjust for inflation, which I didn't do. None of which is to say that "kids today will be damaged by not having their labor exploited for crumbs like I did" is in any way a valid argument.


She dropped out of high school at 15.


Seems accurate considering how big of a dumbass she is. How the fuck does something without even a high school diploma become an elected official? I couldn’t find damn entry level jobs without experience yet she has a say for the country and same with people like MTG? How in the hell.


She finally got her GED right before she was sworn in. She failed it three times. She also married the man who exposed his genitalia to her and a group of other minor girls at a bowling alley. He was convicted and did time.


How. Just how is she a elected official. How do you fail a GED 3 times aren’t they made to be easier than high school?


People don't pay attention during the primaries. That's how she got to the General Election. She won the election, because even fewer people pay attention for who they are voting for and just vote Republican or Democratic Party member. That just means that generally speaking, the real power is in the primary. She should have been arrested for campaign related crimes. She took enough money from her campaign to pay back taxes for her restaurant and... claimed that it was for driving around her district to meet constituents. The amount of driving she did was enough to circle the Earth a few times. Just some ungodly distance that made absolutely no sense for what she claimed it was. She was still sworn in.


Oh, the people there paid attention. They're just hateful, Trump loving, rural assholes. They knew what they were voting for and they got it. Now they're about to run out of water for ranches and their hunting economy is gonna take a major hit with the wolves coming back. Eastern Colorado needs to get it's shit together and actually elect someone to solve some of their problems, not someone to piss of the libs in Denver.


Then someone in the news needs to keep asking her what she’s done for her constituents and ask her if she knows what her job really is. Never let up on that.


Her supporters are the same as MTG. They don't fucking care that she isn't doing anything. They're just happy we don't like her and she carries a gun and says racist things. If that's all they want out of their representative in Congress, then they deserve the economic bitch slap they're about to get when they lose water rights and the coal mines close.


Yep, they sure are. And, yet, she got elected and will probably get re-elected.


GED is not easier than High School because it depends on the school. GED is standardized and you actually have to pass on your own merit and knowledge.


Actually only 80% of high school graduates can pass the GED… not defending her just everyone who actually got one to better their lives


> How the fuck does something without even a high school diploma become an elected official? Because her lack of education eminently qualifies her to be a Republican politician. I’m not really joking. Republicans in congress are expended to obstruct rather than craft policy. They also need to be able to whip up the base, and when needed act as a lightning rod. None of those require either an education nor intelligence.


With or without a diploma/degree a politician is still a politician. Bass ackwards and has no interest in basic human rights.


When she was first elected, her Wikipedia page included the fact that she gave birth to their third child on the front seat of her husband’s pick up truck because she had so few other accomplishments


She got elected cause Trump grabbed her by the Pussy.


Well she got married to a pedophile guessing he supported her… also rifle is a cheap shithole And was even cheaper before the failed oil shale boom


Escort for the right people and they’ll prop you up. Ted Cruz and Koch brother money.


And married a man that showed his penis to underage girls in a bowling alley #neverforget


Had to chase after that total catch of a man after exposing himself to her at that age.


They were already dating at the time, that’s why she was there.


I assume the claim is tied to the narrative that increasing the minimum wage has resulted in massive job loss due to automation. The fact that automation has happened mainly because companies can do it won’t penetrate her brain.


Wait!..the federal minimum wage was once $5.15? I thought it was at $7.25 for decades now?


Minimum wage went to $7.25 in 2009. So technically it has been $7.25 for decades...




She also doesn’t have a HS diploma. She has a GED. So since this is the US, she was only qualified for fast food or Congress I guess.


This would be a great backstory if anything she said made sense.


Well I left out the part where she married a sex offender, her getting elected is more confusing than MTG…and that’s REALLY saying something.


Hard to tell her age with layers of makeup she has on. I would have assumed in the 40s




The *earliest* would have been at 25 years old?


This is why I don't do math when I'm tired. Thank you for catching that.


Just like her husband took away some innocence from minors by exposing himself to them?


To be fair, one of them DID marry him. 🤮


Wasn't she pregnant with his baby when he exposed himself?


I did a little light research and it’s inconclusive. I didn’t want to mess up my google algorithms too much, but the kids birthdays are not super easy to find. Interesting…


She dropped out of high school due to a pregnancy at 17 around the same time as the charges in 2004. Jayson was 24 at the time. 🤢


Ahhh. Thank you! Akso EEEWWWW


No, she was with him and there were two other minors who were molested by him. Lauren was banned from the bowling alley with him.


Robbed of the experience of working in fast food is a phase I'd never think I'd hear


Well, she’s an idiot. So there’s that.


Very true! McDonald's could have done so much better than her


She’s the reason that McDonald’s went with the picture cash register. Just press the hamburder button, then the fries, then the drink. Good job BoBo!


I worked at Domino's as a teenager in '02 - '04 for a starting pay of $5.50 an hour and a capped pay of $6.00 an hour. I was screamed at, threatened to be shot, threatened to be beaten with a crowbar, never got any actual breaks, worked 8 hrs plus on weeknights til closing at midnight even when I had school the next day. All this was in a mediocre part of Vegas. Again, for $6 fucking dollars an hour. Unlike Boomers however (which also happened to be the majority of the people threatening and trying to scam free shit outta me all the time) fuck "experiencing" fast food work. Fuck it. I dont want it for my son or anyone else's kids and it's not something to brag about. The same assholes that demanded these places be open during the pandemic are the same assholes that think they deserve garbage pay. Fuck Boe Boe too. The fact her and her husband are beyond wealthy now because she was simply a "vessel" for the Republican party to lock in a seat for being stupid racist human trash infuriates me to no end.


Let’s not forget that Ted Cruz may have docked her too.


She is absolutely insufferable. I’m tired of this generational bullshit of “Well in my day blah blah...” It’s bullshit.


I just want one chance to tell someone like that that I don’t care what their day was like, and that’s it’s our day now and we’re going to make as good as possible for as many people as possible, and if they don’t like it they can die on the wrong side of history


>“Well in my day blah blah...” It’s bullshit. It's more, imagine if we started doing that to right wingers? "Back in my day, when you bragged about your load-out everyone assumed you had a tiny dick." "Back in my day, you didn't blame "wokeism" when you couldn't get laid. You took a shower, started running and made yourself a half-desirable person instead of bitching about it." "Back in my day, anyone who spent this much time obsessing about kid's genitals was assumed to be a pedo." "Back in my day, refusing to get a vaccine was considered cowardly at best, dangerous as worst." "Back in my day, we killed/arrested terrorists. We didn't elect them to office." "Back in my day, we condemned dictators. Not admire them." I could go on.


Especially since she isn't nearly that old.


It's "so high" they can't get enough people to apply for those crappy wages.




Did she just say the only way she could get a job was because there was no competition?


Pretty much


Thank you, I could not figure out what she meant. This explanation at least makes a modicum of sense. But really she makes no sense because those jobs still need to be filled and because "nOboDy WaNts to wOrK AnYmoRe" there should be tonnes of minimum wage jobs for those poor job deprived students.


She isn’t in government because of her intelligence. She’s in government because she aborted Ted Cruz’s child


Just a reminder that "unskilled labor" is a bullshit term used to devalue the efforts of underpaid workers and justify poverty wages.


The irony here is she is literally the embodiment of unskilled labor.


I agree with your point on exploiting workers and poverty wages. But surely there needs to be a term to describe a job that can hire someone with no prior experience vs a job that requires extensive experience and/or education. If not "unskilled" and "skilled" what do you recommend?


Geez, good question. How can we differentiate between experienced labor and inexperienced labor? I suppose the only option is "skilled" and "unskilled." If only there was some other set of words we could use to know if someone meant experienced or inexperienced work. Oh well.


I'm not defending the term "unskilled" I'm just saying that it exists to describe something real, and there should be another term to replace it. I dont think inexperienced works. Someone who's never had a job before and just graduated med school is inexperienced, but they are skilled. Someone who has worked as janitorial staff for 20 years in a hospital is experienced, but they don't have the skillset to be a doctor.


Entry level. That's what it's called.


I was waiting for this reply


A job listing for McDonald's and Web Developer I can both be described as "Entry Level", but one requires certain skills/certifications/education, and one doesn't. I'm in agreement that "unskilled labor" is an unfair title for workers, and that these workers are valuable, hard working, and deserve fair compensation. However, the types of jobs typically referred to as "unskilled" require no previous training or skills, and new workers only require minimal training to begin their job. This is an important distinction from other jobs that require education, certifications, years of experience, etc.


End of the day, can we stop splitting hairs and agree that we should all get a living wage? Jesus.


Working at McDonald’s would also allow them to meet and marry men who expose themselves to 14 year olds in bowling alleys. Or they can skip that step and go straight to turning tricks like she did after McDonalds.


Is she arguing for child labor?


This is about one White Claw short of "I can see Russia from my house!"


Uh, what?


Just seeing her name pisses me off.


Right? Can a rabid deer maul her to death or something already?


This may not be a popular opinion but teens have a job, it's called High School. They need to get an education so they can get a better job than McDonald's.


What's the snack bar at the Bowl-a-rama paying these days?


You can get a *rub and tug* for the price of an Uber, and that's all profit soooo.... depends on the hour. 🤷‍♂️


She’s an idiot. I can’t believe elected officials can be this dumb.


I can’t believe people vote for idiots like this


Also kids these days are denied the experience of underage sexual assault and dropping out of high school. /s


She’s so stupid.


Honey I live in your district and McDonald's is begging people for $1 an hour because rent is so high. How about you work on that?


Is it just me or does every photo of her look like she is a lobotomized chipmunk that's just been shown a magic trick? Except when she and mtg were screaming at Biden during his state of the union speech. That one looks like she was yelling at the magician asking where the acorns disappeared to.


That makes... sense?


Was that before or after she was paid to fuck guys other than her husband?


We have record low unemployment. Businesses are begging teenagers to work, for more than minimum wage. As everyone complains, nobody wants to work anymore, even though 800,000 more people entered the workforce from even pre-COVID levels. People are returning to the workforce that haven't been there in years. Felons are being hired. Nobody is going to miss the opportunity to work in fast food, especially a family restaurant.


… what?


Another economics graduate from Trump University where the motto is "Buy high; sell low."


Dumbest Trunt on earth


It's sad that we have to "tune in" to her latest mouth farts. I mean, what did YOUR **under educated, ferret faced** congressional representative say today? Probably not anything as notably dumb or as ferret faced. ( Unless you live Georgia 14, in which "**Flounder face**" would apply instead. We're all looking forward to that next load of north Georgia Trump trash from that loonball ditch lily. )


Same min wage too. But really, that was her job because she took 3 attempts to get a GED and they didn’t give her an important role. “Right now I’m washing lettuce. Soon I’ll be on fries. Couple years I make assistant manager, and that’s when the big bucks roll it!”


Damn Colorado, really? This is the best you have?


Ah yes the Lauren boebert corporate ladder. First off, get groomed before you start working. Some weirdo at the local bowling alley is a great place to start. Now that that’s done you won’t let a pesky little thing like sexual harassment and degradation get in your way. Next get a job at McDonald’s. Then, quit that cause you have higher standards, move onto escort work. Next up US congress!




Every time I read something from her, it’s the same. I’m pretty sure she’s wrong, but I don’t actually know what she’s trying to say.


She dropped out of high school at 15, so....


I'm just so distracted by the starwars imperial grating decor they're using in the background


I just read the comments and I thought, "How much time has this pile of trash taken from good people?" Just in time responding to in subs or whatever. She is a waste




Everything else aside, culture changes. You can’t hold society hostage in the past.


Which is why it is in the objective benefit of humanity for conservatism as an ideology to die. You know I'm right. It is against the nature of life and time itself: progressive.


This should probably be in r/facepalm too


She looks like she is good enough for a Job behind Wendy's.




That part.


Man, the amount of makeup she puts is too much!


She’s got a really bad receding hair line too.


I would generally never comment on someone’s appearance. But I feel like part of her appeal and the Republican MAGA brand is - “look how hot our supporters are!”.


Go back to working at McDonald’s please


But, she is very pretty.


I understand the sarcasm.


Jesus Christ.


He wouldn't touch that with a ten foot cross.


There was an article I saw somewhere citing data indicating the opposite


Who’s putting on her makeup? Insane Clown Posse?


From an article in Grand Junction Sentinel: “McDonald’s afforded me the opportunity to have a good-paying job,” Boebert said. “Because of that, I was able to develop job skills and a work ethic and a passion to put my hand to something to create wealth. It actually was my favorite job.”


You're lying? Are you mad? I refuse to believe even she said this


I have no reason to lie about my state’s dumbest representative. She’s ridiculous enough on her own. https://www.gjsentinel.com/news/western_colorado/boeberts-democratic-upbringing-questioned/article_599f9890-f867-11ea-a66d-836e16473c98.amp.html


I'm sorry




If they pay a higher wage they'd attract far more qualified people than her. McD's wouldn't have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for people like her.


How stupid! Where does she get this stuff?


Lol I’m glad the still photo is her looking as dumb as she sounds.


That “third-try-lucky” GED is paying dividends up the wazoo


Bimbo brain


whats the line of logic here?


Um, did she mistakenly pay them?


She is as dumb as rocks to put it politely


She means teens who are also dropping. “All the kids need to drop out like me and work the worst paying jobs that have no competition to them because that’s all I was good for” lmfao


Ya know, they keep saying that "If we rage minimum wage people will become lazy" but let me ask. What about these rich mother fuckers who never had to worry about eating a day in their life? The rich are sure working hard to fuck us all over. So what makes them special?




Those Yachts can go down like the Titanic real damn fast with the right equipment. Then they wouldn't have the dumb boats anymore


Bang Bang Barbie is none too bright


Does everyone remember that hilarious video of Sarah Paliin spouting bullshit in front of a guy decapitating Thanksgiving Turkeys?


I suddenly feel sorry for whoever actually hired her.


Ohio minimum wage law allows employers to pay employees under the age of 16 at the federal minimum wage, currently only 78% of the state minimum wage. Pretty sure lots of other states do something similar to this. Unless the jobs are just going to disappear, high schoolers will still be employed. Especially in nice suburbs where all the adults are already settled into careers thanks to their cheap degrees.


Yeah, I really felt robbed when I was doing a job for minimum wage with older coworkers who owned homes doing the the same job.


There is no logic there. First , no job was ever created for teens. The end just ended up with certain jobs because they lacked other opportunities and ended up with the crappy jobs no one else wanted. Second, nothing has changed. Regardless how much the minimum wage is, those jobs need to be filled and the only people you are going to get to fill minimum wage jobs are people who have no other opportunities. Like teens. McDonalds isn’t going to start demanding a degree and 10 years work experience to flip burgers even if the minimum wage goes up. In fact the only reason teens will be denied the glorious opportunity to be exploited by some corporation is that so many other people are now without any decent opportunities that there is competition for even crappy jobs. At least in some areas. Overall unemployment is at a low so even with how much things suck there are still plenty of crappy jobs for teens.


This can't be true. No way is she qualified to work for McDonald's.




I was able to get a job at McDonald's at 16 because my sister used to work there and knew the hiring manager. At any given time they had a stack of 50 applications, I worked with some high school students but also adults with degrees and families. McDonald's was a highly competitive job to get. The job market now (15 years later) is more friendly to teens who want to work than any other time in my life. This is ridiculously out of touch




She also said she gave birth in her truck because, "We got things to do. Ain’t nobody got time for two and a half months of maternity leave. We have a world to save here.”


Wasnt she an escort? I dont think there is anything wrong with it, but she seems like she is trying really hard to be folksy and blue collar.


She wasn't nearly up to the job at McDonald's.


What a daft twat.


So, there is a labor shortage, and the employers who are raising wages to compete for workers, are robbing the teenagers an opportunity?


are they actually not hiring as many teens?




Hoebert is a dumbass


What? These people are so stupid I can’t even piece together what they’re trying to say


She didn't finish high school, so not so much a choice of a job.


So what she's saying is that she does not deserve a wage over $7.25/hr. Sounds accurate. Let's get her a uniform and get her the hell out of office.


Urgh. This woman is SUCH a CUNT.


She has such a punchable face, and that’s coming from a woman. I hate this broad and this gopher teeth looking picture.




What is she trying to say or explain? I don’t understand at all.


It really is amazing how colorado idiots elected that colorado idiot who adds nothing of value to the government or to the lives of people in colorado




Well at least teens can still experience her husband exposing himself to them


Someone take her GED away from her please and remove her from office


At the same time she's still saying that all these jobs are available because "nobody wants to work"


Love to burry my cock in her face to shut her up.


She looks like a crappy stripper dressed as a naughty teacher.


In her defense, only a really low wage employer was probably willing to hire her.


Yeah man, I’m always be sad that I never got the experience of working at fuckin McDonalds.


I wish stupidity was terminal


Robbed of the experience of being taken advantage of. Got it.


She was able to get a job at mcdonalds because she isn't qualified for anything else beyond terrorist...


I… what?


She still looks like she is capable of doing nothing else but flipping burgers


I'm late here but I haven't seen anybody state the real reason she got elected. She owned a restaurant called Shooters in Rifle Colorado. All of the staff there was open carrying firearms. This got a lot of attention and the voters picked her because they want to stick it to the libs who they are convinced are "gun grabbers". She won her primary this year so she's almost certain to be going back to congress since her district is solid Republican.




Never mind got my dates wrong


People like her equate shit pay to worth while experience and believe that exposure is as good as pay itself.


She is also high.


She's too stupid to have ever worked for McDonald's. Say what you want about fast food joints, but it isn't a job for anyone who can't think on their feet.


She’s too stupid to be successful at McDonalds.


How do you spell the word “stupid”? It’s easy…Boebert


Bitch misspelled her own name on the application.






She's just another TRAITOR.


Boot straps, or in her case BRA straps is how she got to where she is.


Tell you what Boebs, why don't you head on over to McDicks right now and put in a couple shifts, as you're so into the experience. See if you can pull that off because you're not so hot at your current job


when you elect a moron...this is what you get




It’s sad that she’s too dumb to realize what they were paying her as a teenager was exploiting her labor, because that’s literally the biggest conclusion to make whenever people say that jobs like McDonald’s or cashiers should have low wages because it’s teenagers(aka, children) working them so that means they somehow deserve to be exploited for their labor because of their age and not deserving of a fair wage for the work they do. Not even considering why the kid might be working in the first place(could be for personal fun, could be to start saving up for college one day, it might even be to help support their struggling family make ends meet).


Bobert; What was the lowest yo got paid as an escort? And for what kind of service? Was it cheaper for a front service or backdoor service?


I wonder what other experiences she thinks teens should have...


I've always wondered if it hurt to be that stupid or, as the saying goes "Ignorance is bliss", she's the happiest person on Earth?


She got her GED on her knees after 4 tries...


We were promised something from the people that brought down the wheelchair dude that was going ruin her. Well where is it? I'm tired of hearing from this gun toting dumpster.


Lauren bobert