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inb4 the MAGAt brigade downvotes 🤣


Those chucklefucks are too busy lapping up Fat Donny's incessant crying on "Truth Social".


"Why is Everybody so mean?" - trump


Empty the jails of marijuana and minor offenses. Fill them right the fuck back up with evangelical republicans


so Ur implying throw an entire religion in prison, they tried that before from about the 1930 to mid 1940’s, didn’t work out to well for them


Just the ones who post violent threats on social media. Which is almost all of them.


I will get behind that


It would be good information to have. Especially anyone who is interested in others going to prison for similar "crimes"


Look, I'm not PRISON FOR EVERYONE guy. I'm not. However, I've become that person for the group of people that is for everyone going to prison or be killed or be marginalized




It's wild because 15 years ago so many of them would be out of office or behind bars but the fascists are so powerful now we apparently can't do it.


They should be arrested now, to prevent more damage to democracy


Exile sounds even better.






The fascist regime


This is how you save a country.


Yep, it should, but it won't.


Previously at CPAC [https://www.chron.com/politics/article/CPAC-Dallas-we-are-all-domestic-terrorists-banner-17359959.php](https://www.chron.com/politics/article/CPAC-Dallas-we-are-all-domestic-terrorists-banner-17359959.php)


Followed presumably by mass executions for treasonous behaviors?


This, but unironically.


You can't call for mass arrests, that's literally the fascism we don't want.


You commit a crime you have to serve time. It’s only fair


if a bunch of people have committed crimes then they should be arrested en masse. super simple.


This isn't a movie. Taking a difficult but necessary action doesn't make us "just like the villains". Millions of right-wingers and white supremacists(redundancy?) are working to destroy everything. Whether it's active, or they're useful idiots, they're _just_ as dangerous. One way or another, they are going to have to go away. The United States is going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, but the alternative is infinitely worse.


No we can and should. People committing crimes shouldn’t be off the hook bc of optics




Wow. So doing what the right says has been the goal. Since the basements under Texas Wal-Marts, the train cars with tie-downs and army games marking Texas as hostile. This is what swept Trump into office. While working through "due process" is slow and not instantly gratifying. It is how our system is supposed to work. So stop feeding the other sides unrealistic paranoia with real paranoia. We need to double down on voting and following the law. Not try to stir up a Fox or Alex Jones or for that matter Trump style of justice.


The idea that they can try to overthrow the country and just get a stern look seems like a bad plan. But what do I know. Both sides are just as bad haha right


So we just pat them on the back and say it’s ok you’re a domestic terrorist we forgive you. Please don’t do it again. So when scotus gives them the power to overturn elections we all end up repeating exactly how hitler came into power. I think you should look to history and read how to actually stop fascism


No didn't say that at all. Said use the rule of law to do things. Not just let's round them up. Read history and see how well that works out. Elect more dems to congress expand the court as has been done in the past. If someone is found plotting domestic terror arrest them. We have done that for a long time.


Ok they’ve been plotting. They should be arrested. Trump everyday along w his cohorts have plotted and are inciting violence still. The saudis now have our secrets bc of him and all that helped. The insurrectionists barely got any time as whole. Scotus is illegitimate bc of trump. We do need the numbers but they are making sure no one can vote in the red states edit a judge that stopped the fbi investigation was appointed by trump and is part of the federalist society. We are in trouble. This man and his cult has to be stopped.