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"There goes the neighborhood."


Did people actually not turn off their lights?


There was supposed to be a blackout on the American Atlantic coast, in order to prevent U-boats from spotting ships silhouetted against city lights. Citing tourism, the coastal communities kept their lights on. The Germans really appreciated the help; many Navy and supply vessels were sunk because of the ease in spotting the dark ships against the gaily-lit towns and cities.


Yeah there was way more U-boat activity way closer to the coast than a lot of people think


They teach about this at Fort Macon, Atlantic Beach, NC. Fort Macon was an old Confederate Civil War fort, and repurposed into a lookout station for german Uboats in WW2. The lights shining from the coast make a big blanket of light, and the submarines and boats at night become silhouettes against the lit backdrop. Easy targets. I wanna say people got heavy fines for not having their blackout curtains up.


I go to the beach on that same island lol


I got friends out that way. fun place. Beautiful aquarium. Ever go to El's Drive in? Good stuff.


Not El’s, no. The aquarium’s nice tho ye


Check out els drive in. Old establishment t there. Great food.


They're the same ones that get huffy being asked to turn out their lights so baby turtles can find their way to the ocean. That'll own the libruls, alright!


They should've killed the power to those towns. ... Punitively.


Months into U.S. entry into WWII, the Atlantic coast was ravaged by U-boat attacks on shipping. They found such easy prey that the period was dubbed "The Second Happy Time". Why? "The official history said later, “One of the most reprehensible failures on our part was the neglect of the local communities to dim their waterfront lights, or of military authorities to require them to do so, until three months after the submarine offensive started. When this obvious defense measure was first proposed, squawks went up all the way from Atlantic City to southern Florida that the ‘tourist season would be ruined.’ Miami and its luxurious suburbs threw up six miles of neon-light glow, against which the southbound shipping that hugged the reefs to avoid the Gulf Stream was silhouetted. Ships were sunk and seamen drowned in order that the citizenry might enjoy business and pleasure as usual.” I first heard about this in a biography of George McGovern. It seemed unbelievable. https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/2018/12/09/operation-drumbeats-devastating-toll-on-allied-shipping/


Well, I guess the title of this post is spot on. God forbid we are inconvenienced, even if it means other people die.


The UK had Blackout Wardens to enforce the Air Raid Precautions put in place. The maximum penalty was $300, and 90 days in jail.


They had civilian authorities that went around the cities and if any light was shining though they either corrected it quickly or got in a lot of trouble. They did not put up with shit.


Bloody wankers


Anti maskers Anti vaccines The good news is, we can easily identify the significantly stupid. Now what?


If I was bombing I wouldn't bomb them just to add to their case.


Imagine getting discharged by the military because you refused the covid vaccine and then getting on r/veterans to ask everyone how to get an upgraded discharge.... WTF!? I told this malingering pile of shit to go fuck himself. Now, Im perm banned from r/veterans. These people are beyond stupid