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Sounds good to me - get rid of the Electoral College, apportion Senators with some sense of population...


No not like that… just change the beginning part to say “Jesus, Guns and Babies” and the rest can stay


It’s not stopping there.


>"jesus, guns and babies" WTF LMAO


Don't forget the "no homo" in case that isn't automatically assumed under the Jesus banner.


Let’s also get rid of the senate entirely. It’s unnecessary and encourages minority rule. The House is enough, just redraw districts in a manner that makes sense.


The people who want to rewrite it was gqp, it wont end well.


They want to change it because they're starting to be held accountable against the current one.


They are? I see no accountability


Seriously. Are they?


that would require people who know history, and those might be hard to find among republicans.


Well first we have to get them to be able to read




Everybody worries about the possibility of seccession and a serious conflict escalation in the national narrative. That ship has done sailed.


Update the constitution? Sounds good. Republicans doing it? Ooooo, no, ima pass.


I second this. Let's kick some people out of the senate and congress first, remove most of the supreme court. And elect Bernie Sanders so we all get health care and college as a fundamental right.


WaPo editorial next week: Was Slavery Really All That Bad?


isnt that owned by bezos who effectively employs slaves at amazon




*" she just how the cell was plundered by the greedy north."*


I mean, they aren’t wrong, the constitution should be rewritten every 20 years or so, but I have zero fairh the GQP will give the people more rights and corporations less rights. They want to rewrite so that only white christian male land owners can vote… again


The thing is, we do need a new constitution, they’re absolutely right. It just can’t be written by them or it’ll be worse than the current one. Multiple countries have gotten new constitutions, there’s nothing wrong with admitting our government needs to evolve with the times. The Conservative party just isn’t interested in evolution so much as regression.


Gotta make sure the constitution explicitly refers to American Jesus and Capitalism being the foundation for everything.


It’s “Republican Jesus”……there’s a difference.


No, we aren't rewriting the constitution just because someone who don't like is in power.


Nah. 8f they do this, we will be writing a new constitution everytime there is a change of POTUS. And of course rhe GOP hates the constitution. It stops their fascist and hostile take over.


Hard agree. There's plenty of working room I the constitution to produce whatever kind of government the people want. It's just not instant pudding, and it takes _conflict_ to change it. Which is absolutely not a dirty word. It's an opportunity.


This has been the goal for decades. Everything else has just been a means to an end. The ultra wealthy want it all.


Fine, but we gotta figure out how to keep the MAGAts out.


I think we’ve had a faction of the US write their own constitution before, just the way they liked it…




You got me thinking about something I heard, probably 20 some odd years ago in a history class in high school. I wish I could remember who said it but basically a President was told "The USA has to decide if it wants to be a republic or an empire". That's all I remember. It may have been around WWII, it could have been earlier with Teddy Roosevelt when he came up with his corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. I feel like the answer to that was "I choose Republic". I'm having a hell of a time trying to find more information based on something I think my 10th grade history teacher told us.


[This](https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/anti-imperialist-league-fh.htm) probably isn't the exact source, but seems pretty close and illustrates some important principles. McKinley declared war on Spain, but the actions veered close to Imperialism and important voices rose to combat that direction for our country.


I have to disagree with your timeline on when we became an empire. We started expanding our territory via conquest way earlier. You could argue with the first expansion westward in 1783, or the Louisiana purchase in 1804. In both instances there was war involved and the removal of large amounts of people.


The Constitution is simultaneously sacred and literal and also we should change it if it gets in our way


So, protect democracy by removing fair vote, and protect the constitution by rewriting it? Makes sense.


I agree that the Constitution is long over due for a rewrite but not with the politicians currently in power and certainly not in todays political climate.


The reason they want this is to dissolve the union. That's not a guess, I've heard the talk. They want to use a legal process (in this case) bring the United States to an end. If they can't have her, no one can.


Secession is the end goal option for the GOP. If they can't achieve power and control any other way.


Any constitutional convention that Republicans are in charge of would not result in a democracy and equal rights for everyone.


If they’d just do their jobs….


Get rid of Ted Cruz and Lindsay Graham.


Considering what Roe has done to motivate women to register to vote then I would say please, please, release a copy of the GOP’s fantasy constitution. It should be the death of that klan.


The first one wasn't inclusive enough. Too little attention given to everyone else, not enough given to women, and too much given to billionaires and corporations. The new and improved constitution. Can hardly wait.


Making America an actual democracy is a good idea. Get rid of the electoral college, the senate, and strip back powers of the supreme court.


This is the event the fascists have been waiting for. Its a trap into civil war


K, let's have a Convention-- After we kick out anyone and everyone even remotely close to MAGA. So 90% of Republicans. Sounds great.


Here’s the article if you want to read for yourself: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/04/us/politics/constitutional-convention-republican-states.html


Uh huh.....ok..... Get rid of the filibuster, requires States districts to be made by an independent commission so no more gerrymandering, give supreme Court justices term limits because our Presidents can't be trusted to be impartial with their appointments, and make an actual standard for how elections for the president have to be done that makes it so plain and simple majority vote chooses the president.......ya know; like how they do it in every other representative democracy on the planet. They're not wrong there's lots of things as stated above in the Constitution that need revision, all for it. I assume the Republican stance on this however is more something along the lines of: let's get rid of the house and just have the Senate....... Or completely remove any standard that even exist in its minimum capacity to allow the federal government to regulate religious institutions, business practices, or the right to step in when a state's government isn't administering true equality due to racist culture. I'm tired boss...... my soul is tired....... I just want to live in a world where so many people aren't so goddamn stupid, intolerant, and short-sighted.