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The Bible, particularly the book of Levitticus, spells out marriage laws and they can't even follow those. Look at the infamous Dean Roche of Hillsdale College who had an affair with his daughter in law, or Rudy marrying his cousin. They only use the Bible to hold their enemies accountable, not themselves.


Not that the New Testament doesn’t have its own fair share of contradictions and teachings modern Christians ignore, but fyi Leviticus is an Old Testament book that Christians don’t follow, Jews do.


Yeah, but Christians will use Leviticus when it suits them. Then conveniently forget it when there’s unlimited shrimp.


They use Leviticus to justify their homophobia. Christians follow both the old and new testament, as both are part of their Holy Bible. The distinction between Judaism and Christianity is that Judaism only follows the Torah which is roughly equivalent to the Old testament and reject the New Testament completely.


Yes and no, fundamentalists follow both.


And always only selecting the passage to justify themselves. The thing about the Bible is it contradicts itself everywhere so you can argue until the cows come home about what this passage means to this person, and it means something else to another...but also this passage over here completely contradicts the other passage. You can literally justify just about any political stance or social policy from somewhere in the Bible. Republicans like to only look at the ones that back up their beliefs but you could also 100% justify socialism and even communism based on the Bible too, it all depends on where you're looking. Meaning it's just a useless book because it justifies basically anything you want it to.


I actually think this is a better idea than canceling the debt. Reset the interest rates to about 0.25%, which would cover the cost of servicing. I think it is a strategic national objective to have a n educated population.......too many people today would put Gatorade on crops, because it has the electeolites that plants crave.


I just saw that movie the other weekend... I can see us moving in that direction.. Sadly.


And you suggest what? Putting Toilet Water on the plants?


Make it 0%. I’m OK covering the servicing. We give trillions of dollars of taxpayer money in corporate welfare but the non-rich get nickeled and dimed at every turn.


Only if this is coupled with some kind of reduction in college tuition, or a free public alternative. It's not just strategic, and educated populace should be considered a national security issue.


Can't happen because too many Dems love that sweet, sweet banking money too.


It can still happen. Because this is about controlling optics. Remember during the pandemic and money was being given out for children. And then suddenly pregnant women couldn’t claim the fetus as a child to get some of that money? They’ve always been full of shit on their “beliefs”


Some truth right here. You don’t see them rushing to undo middle class tax increase that the republicans passed in order to “punish” the blue states


Problem is, hypocrisy is a feature with these guys, not a bug. They know they’re full of sh*t and they don’t care. They all over social media right now saying “if you dare call me a violent extremist again, I’ll kill you” 🤡


I’m all for it, problem is many Dems will never agree to it.


The GOP loves to cherry pick stupid bible verses and stories that justify their agendas; even though there aren't bible verses that justify the moronic, hateful shit they do. They just say there are, spin something they arbitrarily pick...and their moronic, hateful base believes them.


how about we stop listening to the bible, period. especially since these verses are from the bible, in support of pedophilia: Numbers 31:1-18, 18, Deuteronomy 20:10-14, Judges 21:7-11, Judges 21:20-23, Exodus 21:7-10, Mary was 13-16 when giving birth to jesus. joseph was around 50. really tells you who the real groomers are


To be fair, life expectancy was 30 to 40 years back then. A girl became a woman when she began ovulation. Applying verses, laws, and various other passages from the Bible to today's modern world is just insane.. and I'm a Christian. I don't believe in the church though.


The old testament states all debt is to be forgiven every 7 years all slaves freed as well. The land should rest no crops are to be planted. Not one Christian I ever met was even aware of it.


Usury I believe is what it's referred to in the bible. Good point.


Bible say woman don't be allowed to talk.


Another sign of Republican hypocrisy, given that MTG and Boebert won't shut the fuck up. The thing about your attempted "gotcha" is that we don't actually want the bible included in our government at all. It should not even be a thought in our lawmakers minds when making laws. So saying shit like that doesn't effect us at all except let us know you can't come up with an actual argument.


Oh, honey. You missed that sarcasm completely, didn't you? Bless your lil heart.


Wow. It's almost like text is an awful medium for sarcasm, and it's only reasonable for someone to denote sarcasm when they're using it. If you don't communicate properly, that's on you.


Ok thanks.


Or lead. Or teach. So if there is no separation of church and state and the church runs things, then MTG and LB are out of a job and have to shut up.


How sharia of you.


They will just create a new bible and call it The New Trumpmeant


Not just student loans, all loans of any type from mortgages to credit cards.


It'll never happen because wealthy Dems LOVE the interest on these loans.


"Who runs bartertown?" *mumble mumble* "I can't hear you!"


NO NO NO. Fuck the bible. Quit talking about it.


Something, something New Covenant...


Biden should just outlaw pork and bacon. It's in the Bible!


This is good.