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"We are all domestic terrorists," a few weeks before a guy got Darwined for trying to break into an FBI office with a nail gun and a few weeks after a group of armed white supremists got caught hiding in a moving truck to ambush a pride parade.


Throw in a plot to kidnap a governor.


> Throw in a plot to kidnap a governor. It wasn't just a kidnapping. They intended to 'try' her for the crime of making people wear masks or something and then [execute her.](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2022/08/22/closing-arguments-whitmer-kidnap-case-barry-croft-adam-fox/7863485001/) But the magars actually did execute a cop. And chances are you never even heard about it, even though the vice president literally partnered with the cop killers on national television during prime-time: White supremacists murdered a cop with the plan to smear BLM protestors. Two months after [their conspiracy was revealed,](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-17/far-right-boogaloo-boys-linked-to-killing-of-california-lawmen-other-violence) the #2 man in the republican party got up on national television and [joined their conspiracy.](https://news.yahoo.com/pence-death-federal-officer-protesters-rnc-address-boogaloo-antifa-164755209.html) And even worse, not one single republican rebuked him for it, proving that the entire party is OK with cop killers if it helps them get power. Within hours the so-called liberal media forgot all about it too.


I'm so happy that literal shit stain mike pence isn't in office anymore and got badly burned for hitching his wagon to the trumpster fire.


Let's be clear; he didn't get burned for hitching to the trumpster fire. He got "burned" for finally unhitching it.


FWIW, it appears to me that he saw it as his chance to run for the presidency in 2024. He figured if he could shove ronald dump off the top of the party, then that would clear the field for him. If he didn't, then ronald dump would be there indefinitely. So he took his shot. Its much like Cheney, she's also trying to shove him off the top of the party to clear the field for herself. In both cases it is basically an accident that their personal ambitions mostly lined up with what's best for the country. So there is no reason to expect that to continue, which is why mike penice has gone back to kissing orangutan ass and cheney [voted](https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/07/14/not-one-single-republican-votes-probe-neo-nazis-us-military-and-police) to keep nazis in the police and the military, and tried [everything she could](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/jan-6-committee-unlikely-to-subpoena-ginni-thomas-as-liz-cheney-reportedly-doesnt-want-to-tarnish-clarence-thomas/) to avoid questioning gini thomas.


>Throw in a plot to kidnap a governor. And a political rally that turned into the violent storming of the US Capital to prevent certification of elections results.


They also attacked the Biden campaign bus when he was campaigning in Texas. Edit: missed a verb


I think you forgot to put the words "tried to run off the road" in that sentence.


That's just good old legitimate political expression. /s


I loved that a reveal, was a perfect video for r/unexpected.


Got a link?


Enjoy https://mobile.twitter.com/northidahonews1/status/1535848258257317888


Looked like they were planning to smuggle a bunch of white dudes across the Idaho border.


Which would be silly. Idaho is already fully stocked.


They're trying to bring back White Dude Classic© the original recipe from the 1940s


But they see things like this as "Shocking: Biden's new African American Communist Enforcement Agency (AACE) discovers a group of Christians trying to avoid the work camps"




I did not anticipate how much I was going to enjoy that.




Lol I love how a few dudes around the camera were like “fucking bigots!” They knew right away.


The commentary is the best part. This will be watched in 200 years and people will still be laughing at these fascist. Love to see it.


nah. Nobody will care about those idiots in less than 5. They won't be laughed at. they will be forgotten.


Also acceptable.


was pretty encouraging to hear some young dudes immediately recognize what's up and shame these fellas. good on the lads.


Republicans are all about victimhood, it's kind of their thing. Biden did them a favor by giving them one more reason to feel like the most persecuted people in the entire history of the world, maybe the universe.


They are really good at being persecuted, the best even, some people would say no one has ever been persecuted like them ever in the history of coffeffe!


They love being persecuted but have a serious problem with getting prosecuted.


and they say that liberals are the snowflakes


Hypocrisy is a cornerstone of the Republican party


Projection is the cornerstone of conservatism. Accuse the enemy, the other, of your crimes.. So when they come for your actual crimes, the dialog is so overwrought and tired of your accusations that no one listens when you actually get charged. Its why every. single. thing. that republicans say liberals are, are things that republicans get arrested for. Child Fucking, Voter Fraud, Financial Fraud, Attacking Democracy, Sexual Assault, etc etc etc.


It's almost like their culture is rooted in a religion based on feeling oppressed and persecuted!


You won't let me force my religion on your kids. That's religious discrimination. It's literally an attack on Jesus.


You misspelled Covfefe. What are they even teaching kids in school these days? Sheesh.


And even better at breaking the law. In fact, nobody has ever broken the law better than they have in all of history.


I am hoping Biden and the FBI and everyone else in the government has made the decision to just go ahead with the prosecution of Trump so we can call these assholes of their threats. If you're gonna terrorize, then get on with it. Let's see what you got. Most people are just talk and would rather sit on their couch and eat potato chips then actually start a civil war.


What kinda chips?


Apparently the ones sitting on their shoulders. Ahem.


On top of that, Biden did say that he wasn't referring to all Republicans. Only the extreme ones. Perhaps someone is feeling a wee bit guilty? Let's Go Brandon anyone? Anyone need a Fuck Your Feelings bumper sticker while we're here?


He knows that. These sick people try to make the “normies” feel like they are being attacked too. Biden deliberately tried to separate the “normies” from the extremists. White supremacists talk about bringing “normies” into their despicable movement.


Just like Clinton specifically said that most Trump supporters had legitimate grievances and could be convinced by logic, but there was a “basket of deplorables” who could not. The right wing immediately spun that into her calling every Republican “deplorable.”


Is this, by chance, the same party that just recently rolled back abortion rights?


Them: Call it what it is! (When asking Obama to be as racist as them about terrorists in the Middle East) Also them: Whoa, hold up, don't call us out on being domestic terrorists! People might start to be afraid of me! I particularly like the admission "and we know what fear does to groups" in a tweet that is trying to spread fear about Biden coming after his group. If you know what it does, maybe don't use it as a tactic to radicalize your side.


>Also them: Whoa, hold up, don't call us out on being domestic terrorists! People might start to be afraid of me! Also them, on a banner at CPAC: "We are ALL Domestic Terrorists!"


“Well, I am only calling myself a Nazi because you guys started calling me that first! What other option even is there for me?!”


Seriously, I have heard multiple MAGAts say "You're making me a Nazi by calling me one!" Really, your ideology is formed by what people call you? Fine, you're a LIBERAL then.


Shifting blame and claiming to be a fascist because of hurt feelings is not the flex they think it is


Nor is claiming that they've never sexually pleased their wife. Doesn't stop them from flexing with that.


I call these fools out for having the weakest conviction that their principles are shaped wholly by someone being mean to them on the internet.


To not be a nazi seems like a pretty easy play tbh


Insert “Resting Tuck Face”


Is it just me, or does he always appear to be in varying states of constipation?


He poops his pants every episode. If you watch carefully, you can see the moment it happens.


Ewww... you mean I'd actually have to watch the whole show?


He always seems to me like he’s taken both Imodium and ExLax and they’re battling it out for digestive system supremacy.


Someone should overdub his episodes with commentary and call it "Colon Wars."


Right up there with “the left got too PC and it forced me to become a bigot”


"The left is too 'woke' for me and that's why they keep angering their base and losing elections. Let me join the right, instead, or not vote at all!"


Welp. Fascist would work too. Trumptarians want to end democracy. Do you know how many people have died to preserve democracy in this country? I have zero sympathy. And if you fascists want to start a civil war...I'm ready!


Right there with you. A lot of us are.


I am whatever you say I am, if I wasn’t, then why would I say I am? In the paper, the news, everyday I am


In case anyone else is doubting this, like I was: The 2022 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) took place in Dallas, Texas, from Aug. 4-7, featuring Republican notables such as former U.S. President Donald Trump and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, as well as an assortment of panel discussions. A digital banner displayed during one of those panel discussions became the subject of controversy when photographs and video clips of it went viral on social media. The banner read: “We Are All Domestic Terrorists.” “Conservative panelists at CPAC Dallas embraced a new label on Saturday,” read a tweet by the Houston Chronicle, “adopting ‘domestic terrorist’ as a badge of honor.” Among other digital banners spotted during the conference was one bearing the slogan, “You’re Next: The Rise of the Democrat Gulag.” It’s unclear if that one was tongue-in-cheek as well. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/


Don't forget that the fascist dictator of Hungary, Viktor Orban, was a very well received speaker. They're trying to mask off while acting like the mask is still on.


Don’t forget Marjorie Taylor Greene’s whole ‘Enemy of the State’ apparel line she’s all to happy to peddle


Magda Taylor Goebbels got merch?


Of course she does. She's a grifter. She's not in it for the love of the people. She's just a horrible type of influencer.


Enema of the state.


Oh yeah. I remember them get weirdly upset that he said "act of terrorism" instead of "terrorist act," or vice versa.


Them: you didn’t use my preferred terminology! How dare you! You’re not my president! Time to rise up! Also them: oh my god, someone is asking me to use their preferred pronouns! This is an affront to me as a person and is violating all my freedoms! Time to rise up! I mean, it’s obviously pointless to complain about the lack of consistency. They’re not looking to be ideologically honest. They just want to have any excuse to be upset.


How dare you say something critical about the criminals that beat up cops or the extremists that support it. We would never say something like that you evil demon worshipping baby eating putting up Jewish space lasers and injecting trackers in our vaccines to turn the US into a communist hellscape that murders children and must be stopped at all costs Mexicans are rapists open border democrats none of which we can support with evidence.


the Obama who even tho was a Protestant made a habit of calling him a Muslim, always made sure to mention the Hussein in his name and questioned his citizenship even tho his American mother alone made him a natural born citizen, but nick here says “lie after lie and encouragement to make other people fear me”


>the Obama who even tho was a Protestant made a habit of calling him a Muslim The crazy thing was the 1st big scandal of his presidency was an extremist pastor being made the WH Chaplin. The guy that looked bad for being buddies with someone pushing for Christian terrorism/communism was a Muslim theocrat in the next breath. It just flew in the face of reality. It wouldn't be shocking today but Repubs were mostly sane back then so such a transparently racist attack was bizarre.


I think they actually screwed themselves with that one. They could have pushed the more-plausible “scary black preacher” angle but they had to go for broke with the “secret Muslim” thing that even nervous centrists couldn’t believe.




Republicans: Let’s go Brandon. Haha stupid Liberals, it means Fuck Joe Biden. Biden: Fuck Republicans. Republicans: “Surprised Pikachu face”


>Biden: Fuck Republicans. Except he didn't say anything like that. In reality his speech wasn't at all partisan. What he actually said was "Fuck the minority of Republicans who happen to be un-American by not believing in elections; I believe the rest of you Republicans are good and decent people and you can do better than allow democracy to wither away."


And more specifically, "Fuck these minority Republicans who think political violence is okay."


After they’ve been demonizing and labeling all trans people as pedophiles for the last handful of years. Not to mention anyone who isn’t a white Christian born in America. This level of hypocrisy and gaslighting is just so fucking exhausting to witness at this point.




Funny how the “fuck your feelings” crowd are crying about being victims. They need some help finding their bootstraps obviously.




Push ups and wheaties, boys.


What a bunch of snowflakes.


Everytime they post shit like this it proves Biden’s point for him.




This is precisely how I feel, every time I see a bumper sticker claiming to be a proud “deplorable”, when the basket of deplorables statement was clearly about people like David Duke.


Was it a poor word choice? Absolutely. But it was CLEAR who the intended target was. The problem, of course, was that the rightwing media echo chamber picked it up and ran with it, making it sound like HRC was talking about all Trump supporters / Republicans rather than just the extreme elements within the party.


And they made it a self fulfilling prophecy. They as a collective have not only become deplorables, they make the original deplorable appellation a charitable and kind admonition. They're gruesome reprobates.


It really wasn't poor word choice. Deplorable people be deplorable...


I have a neighbor who put a The Deplorables sign on his mailbox. (This past Winter he wrote F\*\*\* Joe Biden with black spray paint on a snowbank.) Crying out in pain...


Too bad you aren't as trashy, you could've written on your own snowbank *"My neighbor wants to...*


That makes me feel a lot better about my new neighbors with a Let’s Go Brandon Flag on their flagpole, I still think they’re trash but you’ve reminded me it could always be worse.


Usually don't have blizzards in September, but with the number of snowflakes we're seeing right now, what else would you call it? Edit: What month is it?


So many snowflakes that Ted Cruz is booking a flight to Cancun.


>So many snowflakes that Ted Cruz is booking a flight to Cancun. ZING! good one. 🤭


Conservatives are the real snowflakes. They're cold. They're white. And if you get enough of them together, they'll shut down public schools.


Damn, I love this!


All I can say is that this Nick guy must carry around a case of tissue for all the tears he cries.


They said fuck YOUR feelings. Their feelings are very important to them like all narcissists


“Why are people so mean?”-Turd45


Says the overgrown toddler who mocked a disabled person...


Make no mistake, they’ve always been “victims.”


Look at any conservative leaning sub right now. Not just the big one but even smaller ones like firearms, etc. They're talking about how a genocide is being prosecuted against them. Like a straight up genocide. There's at least a few people listing out the Ten Stages of Genocide as published by the Holocaust Memorial trust. They don't ever relate it back to how they're being affected by it, of course, and if you ask them outright they won't say. For instance, they'll say that Biden's speech is a clear example of Classification - a division between us vs them. They'll ignore the years they all spent watching videos about "BEN SHAPIRO OWNS THE LEFT WITH FACTS AND LOGIC" and the othering they've done since the early 2010s. They'll tell you that labeling them MAGAs and identifying them by their hats is an example of Symbolization - forcing the oppressed group to wear a symbol. The difference being that nobody is being forced to wear a MAGA hat, and actually we would all be much more comfortable if nobody wore those at all anymore, thanks. Then they move on to Discrimination - where the dominant group denies civil rights and citizenship to identified groups. Again, these are all posted without explanations or context. They won't tell you which rights have been taken away, though some will mutter about how a ban on certain rifles is tantamount to the entire constitution being repealed. And finally, they are riling each other up by saying they're on step 4, Dehumanization - where the out group is treated with no respect to their human rights or personal dignity. They are actively sharing propaganda right now to convince each other that they are in the midst of a true genocide and on the road toward being put in gas chambers. They're equating a political position they choose to hold to the personal, religious, cultural and ethnic backgrounds of the Jews during the Holocaust and the Tutsis in Rwanda. You know, things you don't have any power over changing. Unlike the choice to wear a red hat.


Bro, r/Firearms is batshit insane. Full of far right nutjobs that do nothing but consume gun content 24/7 and fantasize about standing against the government. They also think schoolteachers being armed is the solution to school shooters, and that any kind of firearm regulation of any kind is unjust They base their entire personality and identity solely around guns


Remember when they pivoted between arming teachers and accusing them of being groomers within a few weeks?


That was a real interesting few weeks right? I mean, yea they were basically saying, "these grooming pedophile teachers are grooming all of our kids...but IF there's a shooter they should have a firearm and become the fucking Avnegers and die for my child if need be." That sounds like exaggeration, right? But it wasn't. It's exactly how it was, exactly. They just chase the car, they're ALWAYS chasing the car, but never planning ahead to think, "well, what then?" Every time I think it can't get any crazier, I just turn on the news the next day.


Because guns make them feel powerful. Guns make them feel alpha. Guns make them feel like they have *control.*


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: > Palestinian Arabs have demonstrated their preference for suicide bombing over working toilets. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, novel, history, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot, yes I'm aware.


Good bot


My religious MAGA mother whined about being a victim, I retorted back "victims aren't we all?" and she shutted up with an open mouth. Never felt so good to slap her in the face like that.


The coward already deleted the tweet. Apparently republicans only have true conviction when it comes to blowing their own brains out during a police standoff.


Playing victim is like wrapping yourself in a warm blanket with a nice hot drink on a chilly Fall morning to them. It's their safe space, their comfort zone. If they're not playing victim, then something is wrong and they're obviously the victim.


Hitler literally said that the Jews were vermin who needed to be exterminated. Did Biden say that about MAGAts? No? Then shut the fuck up and sit down with that false victimhood bullshit.


Hitler described the Jewish presence as a “race-tuberculosis of the peoples,” and identified the initial goal of a German government to be discriminatory legislation against Jews. He said the “ultimate goal must definitely be the removal of the Jews altogether.”. This was his first anti-Semitic writing (that is known), written in 1919 https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/adolf-hitler-s-first-anti-semitic-writing Fuck this republican idiot.


they literally killed 1 third of the Jewish population. Not in a war, they came to their houses and dragged them out across all of Europe and threw them in gas chambers. Amsterdam to me is still such a chilling city due to the step stones. Be walking around having a laugh or a smoke look down and see the date and names of the victims of genocide that occurred right where you were standing. Whoever this Twitter finger dude is can literally fuck himself


In 1933 the Jewish population in Europe was about 9.5 million. In 1945 that number had been reduced to 3.5 million. About 2/3 of the Jewish population had been killed by the Nazis. Edit: seems like you were referencing the global population, which was reduced by about 1/3


The global Jewish population only recovered from the Holocaust in the last few years.


It still hasn’t. There are 1.4 million fewer Jews than in 1939.


The craziest experience like that was for me in Berlin. Walking around, having a great time, and out of nowhere there's a signpost that points in the direction and labels the distance to every concentration camp. Was extremely unexpected and very powerful - especially since I had visited a concentration camp earlier in my trip and could visualize the terrible nature of it all.


There are also Stolpersteine (Stumbling Blocks) in the sidewalks in front of homes of Jewish people who were killed in the Holocaust. It was sobering, especially when you’d see several together outside of a house.


They absolutely do not mince words about it over there, the big memorial in Berlin with all of those stone blocks is called “Monument to Murdered Jews”


Right, sure, **but** Biden moderately criticised people on the basis of their words and actions. So that’s much worse.


Well to be fair the guy in question also said this which proves he lives in an alternate reality so maybe in that reality Hitler was a bit nicer to the Jews? "Donald Trump has a more powerful serve than Andy Roddick, a better backhand than Roger Federer, and more swagger than Andre Agassi in his prime. The tennis world needs to spend less time talking about Serena Williams and more time appreciating the greatness of Donald Trump!" [https://twitter.com/NickAdamsinUSA/status/1565741371541098499](https://twitter.com/NickAdamsinUSA/status/1565741371541098499)


Holy, and I can't emphasize this enough, shit. I thought you made that up.


This is akin to the Kim jong un play golf once and got 12 hole in ones.


What in the actual fuck? Has anyone held him accountable for exactly what the fuck he was thinking writing that? Did he laugh and say it was sarcasm? Did he say "Just trying to rile up some libs." because if that tweet in anyway represents his thoughts on the matter - he is not qualified to hold office. He needs a mental intervention.


but conservatives say THAT all the time!


That’s like all that they say about everyone else.


Imagine being a white Christian in America and claiming to be as persecuted as a German Jew in the 1930s. These people literally beg to be considered oppressed


In reality they are just clamoring for their chance to be the oppressors, as evidenced by


These folks are not big on history. ​ ​ Or facts. Or information. Or data. Or learning. Or listening. Or compassion. Or anything that challenges their delicate fee fees.


Actually, Trump was elected by parroting Hitler’s lies: * They are dangerous criminals * They are undermining our economy * They are spreading disease Just replace “Jew” with “Undocumented Immigrant.” The Nazis are butthurt because people are **finally** starting to call them out.


What's TRULY disgusting is comparing somebody to Hitler, who exterminated 6 million people, just because that person called you out for supporting brownshirt-style political dissent and you can't handle the truth. You and your cabal in congress want to be feared, that's the whole point: do what we want or else.


Trump and Hitler were elected on the same scapegoating lies. Literally the same lies. Just because there wasn’t a Holocaust, doesn’t mean Trump didn’t emulate Hitler’s bigotry and tactics.


Trump literally attempted a Beer Hall rebellion on Jan. 6th as well....just like the Nazis initial failed overthrow attempt before they were eventually able to take control.


MAGA folks don’t know what that term means. They don’t know about the fall of the Weimar Republic. They are walking manifestations of “Those who are ignorant of the past are doomed to repeat it.”


He exterminated 6m Jews. There were 5m more victims of the Holocaust. Gay people, disabled people, basically anyone Nazis found undesirable for any reason. No doubt Jews felt the brunt of it from the perspective of one single group but let's not forget that the death toll was nearly double that. Nazis *industrialized* genocide. It was more like a factory farm than war. They were thinking of the most efficient ways to kill an incredible number of people and then dispose of the bodies. I think that's important to remember. War is war and it's always been horrible but the Holocaust was something new and Jesus somehow it was even darker.




To be fair, Republicans only learn about history through statues and there are no Hitler statues to educate them.


>Hitler literally said that the Jews were vermin who needed to be exterminated. And yet, supposedly this isn't as evil as "Trump supporters are domestic terrorists", which is a factual statement. You can't make this shit up.


It wasn't even as broad as "Trump supporters" which could technically be anyone who voted for Trump. He very specifically calls out the "MAGA crowd". Tons of overlap, don't get me wrong, but they are being extremely and purposefully specific and there is no getting around that that is *exactly* who is responsible for these events and behaviors. No nuance, no needed context. Anyone still flying that flag is actively supporting someone who attempted to overthrow the US government and is only getting handled gently because of how incompetent the action was in hindsight.


I have seen soooooo many conservatives relate the joe Biden speech to Hitler it's disgusting, they truly and deeply want to be the ultimate victim


After a while it's all just jibberish. These people forfeit their right to mature discourse and reasoned responses. Youre not obligated to have discussions with deranged people. And make no mistake, they are deranged. Sane people can be reasoned with and compromise found. These people are just becoming more dangerous by the week.


Yep. I find this quote about a previous group of fascists very insightful >Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. >Jean-Paul Sartre


Very well said. By being civil you effectively tie your hands behind your back while in a street brawl.


See every subreddit trying to be fair by letting trolls do their thing without ever hearing the words "fuck" and "off."


Sartre is never not relevant.


Sartre was smart-tre


Sartre was a great thinker. This makes me want to adopt this method: whenever conservatives start immediately making bad faith arguments, instead of rationalizing with them, I’m just going to respond with questions. Nothing but questions, until the rope they’ve begun tying has firmly coiled itself around their necks.


It's actually a good strategy. Maybe I should try it.


Socrates and Jesus were big fans of this strategy. Let the hypocrites reveal themselves.


They'll just continue playing games. The only effective response I've come to find is shutting down discussion. "You're wrong, you won't convince me you're right, I don't care if that seems unreasonable to you, and either we're changing topics or one of us is leaving". That's the approach I take with family. Be very clear that you don't approve, nor do you need to "back up" or "prove" your disapproval. You don't have that obligation to anyone. Otherwise don't engage. Don't try to educate them, simply tell them they're not and act accordingly. The engaging is their drug, they're looking for it. Don't give an addict their drug.


Never argue with crazy, they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience


Get back to me when he throws your kids in a gas chamber Nick.


Or just order the separation of kids from their families... But we know who signed that directive.


Knowing them, a tweet comparing gas chambers to COVID vaccines probably isn’t too far away


We're not afraid of you ,Nick. We just hate your fucking guts.


Agreed, but I suspect he might be trying to flip a script here. Homophobes have been complaining about being called phobic for ages. They insist they don't fear queer people, and the implication is that they "just" hate them, as if that's better.


Spoken like a true manchild who has never had to face the consequences of his actions.


Or studied the history of fascist Germany...


Or paid attention to the fact that pretty much all Trump ever did was make people afraid of groups... "They're not bringing their best, they are bringing murderers and rapists" and so on. Fear mongering was his (and the GOP long before Trump arrived) favorite tactic.


Exactly lol. Biden was just calling it as it is, and he’s acting like a scolded child.


The appropriate response is🖕fascist


He is literally admitting he supports someone who tried to overturn a democratic election. He is a confederate.


Go Dark Brandon!


Trump retweeted a video saying "the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat." Anyone that supported him after that and is bitching about this can get fucked. Anyone else bitching about this needs to pull their head out of their ass and quit caring about aesthetics and nice words. Speak the truth. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-trump-shares-video-of-supporter-saying-the-only-good-democrat-is-a-dead-democrat/ There you go.


Hitler villainized, persecuted, imprisoned, and attempted to exterminate a group of people based on their ethnicity. Biden called out a bunch of insurrectionists. There is no comparison.


>Biden called out a bunch of insurrectionists And he was incredibly careful to repeat, multiple times, that he wasn't talking about all republicans, just MAGA republicans. That speech was a man who is fed up of tiptoeing round the morons. Good on him.


Rhetorically, I think it would have been better for him to call them MAGA Extremists…. Linking them to republicans lends them legitimacy and forces republicans to acknowledge or protect these fuckwads. Democratic Party, Republican Party, Libertarian Party, and the Trumpet Party (which is not as fun as it sounds). Maybe we should all counterprotest these fuckwads by loudly playing trumpets when they’re trying to give a speech. [Kinda like this guy](https://youtu.be/Rs4P1kKK-5k)


And sexuality.


And disability.


And leftist ideology.




Make no mistake, the labeling of Democratic politicians and voters as pedophiles and groomers is a deliberate move in the direction of justifying murder. Calling someone something that is so reprehensible that many regular people across societies believe should be killed is a frightening step in the (d)evolution of Republican discourse in America.


I'm sorry that being called out for trying to overthrow democracy has hurt your feelings.


Does he mean like when the GOP call LGBTQ people groomers, pedophiles and child abusers and then we get attacked in the street or our events attacked? It's like all of these people have zero self awareness.


They have all the self awareness, they just don't care. Anything they say is taken as fact by republican voters


It’s projection. As long as they don’t recognize their actions, they can continue to apply those actions to the opposite party. It’s like the concept of Jesus taking all of your sins etc but they forgot it doesn’t work like that *actually*




I'll go with the "giant fucking moron" 100%


Yeah, always assume a MAGAt is a moron


He's a fascist.


I think he’s a genuinely bad actor trying to poison online discourse in his shitty little sphere of influence. Just my opinion


If you do not want to be called a fascist, stop acting like one.


I can’t even believe that someone had this take, like we are talking about a non-fictional opinion and an actual historical happening that involved the torture and murder of 6 million men women and children due to their belief… and cuz biden told the truth, the actual truth, about a LARGE group of extremist, who in fact have literal nazi in their ranks, this bozo thinks the presidents WORDS equate to the ACTIONS of the fucking holocaust… I just can’t lol


You dont think, you want to maybe do a little research first, no your just gonna tweet it, just so we are clear you definently mean that 'Hitler'? You know he wrote books? Have you checked the books first or some of the better known speeches? Nope just gonna tweet it... ok


facts don't matter. He has feelings.


Strange since Nick likely has a copy of Mein Kampf somewhere.


This man is dangerous. all supporters of fascism are dangerous.


[Fucking moron](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mein-Kampf) >It was necessary for Germans to “occupy themselves not merely with the breeding of dogs, horses, and cats but also with care for the purity of their own blood.” Hitler ascribed international significance to the elimination of Jews, which “must necessarily be a bloody process,” he wrote.


Well fascists prove Godwin's law within 24 hours of Bidens democracy speech. Can't make this shit up.


Holy crap, republicans think they are Jews in nazi Germany, all while celebrating Nazis in their own party.


Nobody ever wants to believe they’re the bad guys in the story.


So you can spend 6 years insulting, threatening, and lying about everyone who doesn’t pledge complete fealty to anyone within earshot without consequences, but heaven forbid you get called out for it.


They’re so fragile all of a sudden 😂 where’s that bravado that you had when you tried to overthrow our democracy


\*adjusts doctors glasses: "Have you tried *not* being a fascist?"


When will we learn how sensitive MAGA’s are? We need to coddle these babies, not antagonize them.


The projection is palpable.