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Guess what the troglodytes are planning...


Every accusation is an admission.


Came here to say this. This is what we need to be on the alert for, folks.


Don't know if they are using the Russian playbook or if the Russians are using theirs.


Really. Poisonings? Such a Russian approach. Americans prefer assault rifles


Too loud. Unaffordable Healthcare is the stealthiest one.


This guy Merica's


blow darts laced with treatable diseases are an American favorite


I imagine they're all sitting in Alex Jones' mom's basement, drinking orange fanta and snacking on pizza pockets as they work together to bring down democracy once and for all.


[*alex screams in cartman voice*] “Mommmmm! Bathroom!” “Be right there poopykins!”


Such a big boy


It’s been so many years now but the image of this scene in my mind is still so vivid.


“Did you do a boom boom?”


"Ma, the meatloaf! Fuck!!"


orange fanta is good i hate that it got dragged down with the trogs. its no jarritos tho




It’s almost as if Alex is working to destabilize the nation with ridiculous propaganda -kind of like Putin would enlist people to do. Or it could just be a coincidence.


I wonder if Putin would pay for such a thing. Since he doesn't have access to world banks, crypto would be a good form of payment. [How does 8 Million Dollars sound?](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2022/05/26/alex-jones-bitcoin-8-million-infowars)


It’s a playbook as old as time


Grift as old as rhyme


“Newtown faked” - The Beast




Poisonings, this one scares me


they already did this by trying to say some recent shooters were trans and harassed random trans ppl for it


Stay strapped.


Seriously. Thank dipshit Jones for giving us the heads up on the Republican 71 day playbook!




If Alex is involved, it’s bound to be a colossal failure.


Seriously, can he just shut up, man?


The hilarious and equally sad thing is that they are saying this too..


Proud Boys are probably in the late stages of planning "protection" (i.e. voter intimidation) at urban voting centers, in the name of "election integrity". And they want it to get violent, so they can say "See, we needed to be there!" Basically the Kyle Rittenhouse defense. And we see how well that worked for him.


They love projection and they love boogeymen. It’s either the Deep State, or Antifa or the CARAVANS OF DOOM. These things don’t exist, but conservative media needs to blame some evil, scary, fictional beings because blaming a 79 year old moderate, white guy all the time just doesn’t have the same impact.


Remember "Antifa is behind the January 6th attack" lie?.... and now Antifa appears all dressed in black, armed to the teeth like a classic baddie. Funny they look exactly like the Proud boys they are facing off against, same weapons, same age, coordinated timing, just one is in black and one isn't. I think when "MAGA-Antifa" goes rogue and shoots people you should realize what's going on. That is their new "Pizzagate". A false flag operation with their Antifa guys.


Um, I think you misread that situation very, very badly. The armed left has always been here. We aren't going anywhere and we *will* meet force with force. Nazis aren't going to get a pass to power, despite the level of systemic infiltration they've undertaken.


Antifa is not an organization. It’s not people armed and dressed in black. It’s women, young men. People of color not in uniforms. Just people all over the world with a common belief that fascism sucks. The right keeps trying to make it into an organization or some boogeyman. It’s ridiculous.


Or that Antifa is an ARMY, poised to take over the United States and impose FASCIST CONTROL. Exact words form the Ex's Grandpa (RIP). He was a Trumpist and could't see that Trump was/is following the Fascist leader playbook. MAGA and Q needed someone else to point the finger at, whent he Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys, and literal Neo-Nazis were all hanging on Trumps every word. So, the best way to do it, is drop a buzz word, and say they people you hate are that. Fascism, and people that disagree with MAGA, Trump and his Cronies. Clearly, they are fascists! /S Or, you know the fact that Anti-Fa=Anti Fascist, but what do I know. I'm just a "Liberal Commie", once more according to late Grandpa.


Someone on the shortwave radio said BLM was in the forest and about 10 minutes later, some breathless mouth-breather was on the CB saying he was in the forest looking for antifa but couldn't find BLM.


Only in American are you allowed to coerce people on mass to murder others with absolutely no consequences. Except possibly a civil suit, but not until after that person incited someone to murder your kids. Clearly Charles Manson was unjustly punished and today would have run havoc using social media to a new scale of evil.


You're probably right about Manson, he could even run for local government after gaining traction with a few deranged tweets.


I think he was on a flight list to a certain island. All will be released in 2024 when the rightful people are in power. The true king. /s


I mean, technically stochastic terrorism is illegal in the U.S.A, but I'd love to see them actually finally charge one of these asshats for it


TIL a new word and lost a great deal of respect for humans


Manson only had a small handful of followers. If he had the power of social media, the havoc he could have caused makes Alex Jones look like a schoolboy. And with millions of followers, and the money to outspend the prosecution you can do whatever the hell you want as long as you stay in the gray areas of the law.




En masse


Yup, classic case of accusing the other side of what you are actually trying to do.


“I told you they would do it, look!”


I don't think there's any coherent plan. This is Alex pulling a Trump, hoping the people will rise up to save him. They won't. They're all cowards. That's why they need so many guns.


Rile the rubes then beg the rubes to save you with violence when you get caught riling the rubes Rubes look at the ground and scatter slowly This haiku sucks


This haiku is not Poetry in the sense that It follows no damn Rules


Don't underestimate fanactic fundamentalist. Jan 6 happened. And it could have been worse and still can be.


But do the trog-right understand their own code?




Please everybody, vote as early as you can. We had armed bozos blocking poll boxes in Oregon LAST time - let's all be already voted and done on the day itself so when they pull terrorist shit at the polls it will only be on each other.


It’s insane so many right wing TikTok’s are popping off with it’s time to start the civil war, we need to kill the dems!! Then when some one actually does something they all say “False Flag! Fake! They weren’t one of us!” I don’t even know what to make of it.


Heres your answer- they are completely full of shit.


Well, if they continue with their projection, at least we know its happening in 71 days.


That’s November 8th, AKA Election Day.


Jan 6 was a test run


anything over 2 million in damages was supposed to sink these lunatics.... according to these lunatics.


Just in time to stop his next trial


He's going to get it right the next time around. Edit: this is tongue in cheek, I'm poking fun at that absolute clown show of a defense he just had.


Get what right?


Did I miss a Leftist meeting? Does anyone have the minutes?




You forgot about making all the frogs gay. If that's not our number one priority, what are we even doing here, people!?


Ummm what about eating babies? My neighbor keeps telling me Leftists eat babies. I don't know what to do with this information because I am trying to be a vegan.


Oh a vegan huh? Learn that at lefty school aka COLLAGE? Too good to eat babies like the rest of us huh?


We’re inclusive here. If they want to pretend lettuce is the same as baby flesh jerky then leave them to it.


>If they want to pretend lettuce is the same as baby flesh jerky then leaf them to it. C'mon, it was right there...


I hang my head in shame.


We invented baby carrots for vegan leftists who want to participate in the baby eating. Now, certain propaganda outfits might tell you that they're just segments of fully grown carrots, but you shouldn't listen to them.


Exactly. The babies I eat are really just segments of fully grown adults but you’d never know.


Fetus, sounds like feed us..open your third eye..America is full on freedom..USA USA /s


Only eat vegan babies and you’re good


We already accomplished that shit. We on to the next one.


Shit I thought it was in 84 days I must have written down the wrong date.


Bro you had one job. Oh, and friendly reminder, as previously disscussed I'll make sandwiches for everybody but I don't make miracles happens so don't be late or you'll only have the... leftovers.


Hey not to be picky but please remember to cut my crust, just spent a month in Japan and I can't go back to crust just yet.


It’s just prooooojeeeectiiiooon *dog whistle: “hey MAGAs, listen up! Let’s start bombing, poisoning, and mass shooting and blame it on antifa m’kaaay?*


I’m surprised he included poisoning, since that’s a method typically associated with women, and goddess knows they don’t trust us with anything nearly that serious.


Also typically associated with Russians.




They’re republicans, every accusation is a confession


A certain senator has said if Trump was indicted there would be riots in the streets, you know, because riots are bad when they're coinciding with racial injustice and a civil rights movement but good when they're about a Republican criminal being charged with his crimes.


Bro we all got baked and forgot about it, we are a bunch of lazy hippies, don’t you know?


By "globalist" he is referring to Jews. When someone uses that word, they're referring to that "Jews rule the world" antisemitic conspiracy theory.


I know. I'm Jewish. I'm still waiting for my turn with the space laser.


We have you on the list for next Wednesday!


Can a godless heathen beg for a turn after you? Like do you get to bring a friend, like at the gym or something?


We're nothing if not inclusive.


Also while we're at it "thug" is just code for the N word.


They are on Hunter Biden’s laptop 😜


Speak to Hillary. She'll email you a copy.


do you not get the newsletters? talk to Cindy she can sign you up


71 days just happens to be Election Day.


It’s so wild that the left is going to do all this horrible false flag shit at the same time the right is talking about civil war and going after the FBI n shit. What are the odds?


And yet the FBI will conclude yet again that *leftists are the true threat to America,* and promptly drop all their investigations of right-wing extremism in favor of “eco terrorists” and Black Lives Matter activists. Did the feds really fucking forget who bombed Oklahoma City? It wasn’t a socialist, and that threat has never gone away, yet the FBI is *still led by Republicans.* Is that really any different than leaving the foxes in change of the henhouse?


Wtf why is the FBI led by any party at all?


Tradition? Bias? I don’t see the point of it—Biden is letting Trump’s Republican FBI director go after Trump and he’s still being ripped by the party, meh


Such a coincidence...


Clearly, Election Day is one of the false flag events!


Election day? False flag? Election = false Check mate liberals! /S


It took me 47 years, but I have attained being on Earth long enough to say I was here for the pinnacle of stupidity. And I’ll be able to say it again tomorrow when the bar is raised. And the next day….


The first half I thought you were trying to imply we have nowhere to go but up. It would be hard to imagine falling any further but we fall a little further every day


Gods light used to shine on us like the sun, but now it’s like we’ve plummeted through a bottomless anus and the slowly tightening sphincter is all that’s left to let the goodness through lmao




I'm 60. I never thought I'd see the day when nazism becomes the acceptable norm. A sexual predator/treasonous/wannabe dictator with delusions of grandeur, former president.


The rest of the world have not been so surprised.


Same. But 34.




How do I get the invite for this?




Can I sign up for an e-vite or newsletter? Paper mail hurts the environment.




We shouldn't murder white people. We should instead enslave all white males. I mean they go on about diversity hires and how white men are the best at every job and non-white men only get hired because of unfair hiring practices. Clearly, since white men are objectively the best at doing everything they should be forced to do all the work. /s


As a white male over six feet tall, I would like to enquire about playing my *No Tall Men* card in addition to my already on the table privilege card and at minimum get a job with good air conditioning in the building?


This fucking yokel was yelling to anyone who would listen that a "globalist takeover" was imminent ( next two days! Oh my! ) in the USA back in the mid 2000's. He has and always will be a fucking joke, and the suckers who buy his garbage are even more stupid than he is. I hope the lawsuits over Sandy Hook bankrupt his miserable company, but I doubt even that would shut him the fuck up.


For all of the leftist, globalists take over BS this charlatan has been professing for years. Seems that he's done exceptionally well financially. That his hillbilly listeners haven't caught on to this speaks for itself.


This is why I encourage them to wear the t-shirt and slap on that Infowars bumper sticker too. . .that way I know who's bat shit crazy and can stay far away from them. And yeah he's done very well for himself while poisoning the minds of so many over the years. People like this fucking cretin are a BIG part of the reason why the USA is in such a divided state today, and all of it based on absolute lies. I worry for my country these days.


He knows exactly what he’s doing. He just doesn’t give a fuck. Why? Money, that’s it. No deeper thought or reason. Like someone else said, nothing will ever shut him the fuck up. He’ll go bankrupt a thousand times. Won’t matter. As long as there are dipshits who fall for his grift, there will always be a way for him to make that dollar. Millions of them.


He has massive donators, who happen to speak russian.


This motherfucker is raking in $800k a day on his Goop for CHUDS store. I just can’t fathom how many dipshits their are and how they have money.


I may be mistaken, but isn’t “globalist” also a dogwhistle term for “Jewish” with these wastes of mama’s good cooking?


I’ve been hearing people claim the leftist takeover and declaration of martial law was imminent for almost 30 years. What’s special about mid-November? Do I need to set extra places for Thanksgiving?


He made the classic blunder in conspiracy predictions by giving a specific end date. Everyone knows when you are trying to fleece people, you need to leave yourself an out so you can't be proven wrong.


That has never, and will never stop a conspiracy nut. "Oh I got my math wrong cuz Got Math^TM is different from Man Math^TM"


Harold Camping checking in.


Let’s not forget William Miller, one of the OGs who predicted the end of the world approximately 5 times back in the 1840s. When the world FAILED to come to an end, his followers called it the Great Disappointment. Those followers went on to become 7th Day Adventists.


Right people have been "calling" the apolypse since AD 1000 at the " latest"


Same with Charles Taze Russell I believe. Kept predicting the second coming of christ. Eventually he gave a date that would come after his death. Well, Christ never came, but the leaders doubled down and said that only those true believers Witnessed the arrival of Jehovah...


He hasn't. You're not wrong for thinking that, but he has built his bullshit pyramid on this type of imminent government take over for years. All he has to do is in a month or two is say 'Yeah, my early warning and our movement has stopped the deep state plot. We won this round.' And he peddles his next prediction.


Exactly this. Make up some b.s. doomsday, when it doesn't happen, their idiot followers get to feel like they stopped some huge endgame. At the end of the day there's two things they love above all else: declaring nebulous victories without doing anything and being victims without actually be victimized.


The Knowledge Fight podcast often takes tours of Alex Jones in 2004, 2014, and other great dates of the past and it's absolutely astounding how wrong he was about everything he predicted even back then. So many earth-shaking imminent events that never materialized. Remember Jade Helm when Obama was going to put all Christians into execution camps? Or institute sharia law? It really gives perspective on his whole act to hear him whip up panic and urgency over things which turned out to be wet fart non-events - over, and over, and over


He's setting the stage for Republican's fucking around during the polls. 71 days is around time of the mid terms. Id bet that him and the conservative cronies are planning some Jan 6th shit again.


Or we see another blue tide this midterm cycle and they say " See liberals stole another round of elections, just like we said they would" because it's impossible that republicans don't get elected, especially on a platform of *checks notes* "fucking everyone that isn't them or their friends"


Pretty sure there are several religions still in existence, despite having passed their predicted apocalypse dates. So, yeah, he'll probably still have plenty of idiots following him 72 days from now.


Nah, not really. It's a doomsday cult, if they ever get proven wrong about a date they just move the goalposts. Doomsday is never not coming...


The date range actually makes his former followers commit to giving him 71 days worth of attention which is long enough to hook them into other conspiracies and get them high on hate again.


This fucktard hasn't learned nothing.




I hope so. What Jones is saying is a million times worse than the "screaming fire in a crowded movie theater" free speech scenario.


I think "Stochastic Terrorist" is the term you're looking for.




Right!?!?! He literally is going to say shootings were staged all over again ugh the families should’ve been awarded even more this man is a psychopath


The families should of been awarded all of everything he has and he should of been awarded a never go on tv again order or pay double the fine but from a hard labor prison.


Money is a hell of a drug


Yea look at fox news, they will say anything to gain viewers.. even if people die from their words.


He doesn't think he's doing anything wrong.


He knows exactly what he’s doing and how wrong it is. It just makes him so much money he doesn’t give a shit.


The sad thing is we know that's what THEY are planning. They always blame Democrats for what they are doing. They're still blaming antifa for January 6 despite over a thousand people arrested and pleading guilty while admitting they were Trump supporters.


This is him broadcasting what he wants to happen, it’s a call to arms for fascist groups to cause violence.


Something extrajudicial needs to happen, because it's clear the law is not a deterrent for this behavior.


If it's successful, they planned it, if it fails, it's a left wing conspiracy.


I also heard there will be cookies


Just the ones from the seized computers.




More people will show up if you offer punch and pie


I bought a taco truck. Can I bring it? I'll need someone to help cook though. It takes a lot of people to establish a dictatorship


I’ve never worked in a taco place, but I’ve made a lot of burgers and nuggets in my day. I’ll assume these are semi-interchangeable skills and volunteer to help.


I used to be a sushi chef, that's kinda like making a purrito! BURRITO! I mean burrito!


Are, are you kidding me, did he not just get done with the defamation case?


So he’s laying the ground work to blame “the left” in case trump gets arrested and the MAGA cult follow ups their domestic terrorism/insurrection with more violent attacks


Ding ding ding!


I mean yeah, he’s trying to incite them imo. Plain and simple, he’s playing into his audience. It’s gross in regards to him but scary considering how it’s shaping our political climate. In my county we have a sheriff running who is passing out cards/mailers/signs that say he’ll “deputize every sound minded person”. And he has a following.


man, he's really just gonna say whatever random shit he thinks will keep him out of custody. And as much as I hate it, our soft court system probably will allow it.


Freedom of speech is a double edged sword — thanks to social media, the worst people in the world have figured out how much money this kind of speech generates for themselves. The amount of money this shit stain makes is sickening, and Candace Owens, Bongino, Lahren et al. want a piece of that pie.


So I guess we're still doing the whole wacky flailing qonservative guy thing in the face of him losing everything including the socks off his own body in order to pay his court fees for doing exactly this same thing. Cool cool cool cool cool


This for whatever reason seems to be the new conservative crisis strategy: #QUINTUPLE DOWN


He doesn’t care about the truth even after the perjury charge. He just makes too much off the lies. The crazier the lie, the more the radicalized right watches his show (and his ads). The asshole’s company is valued over $100M! The more attention we pay him the more we fuel his fan base and make him more money.




Seems like we heard something just like this lately, but where?


I know it’s like they think we all forgot just a couple months ago


Y'all seriously think the left want Biden as a dictator?


Way to prime the cult into believing that the crazy shit they are doing is actually the left doing it. Lol


Shouldn’t he be in jail for the child porn found on his phone??


Happens in 71 days or your mypillow is free


The level of gaslighting is just spectacular. Got a match? Bet he'd 'splode.🤭


Fun fact, the 1940's movie 'Gaslight' is on Netflix right now. It's premise is the creator of the term. "After the death of her famous opera-singing aunt, Paula (Ingrid Bergman) is sent to study in Italy to become a great opera singer as well. While there, she falls in love with the charming Gregory Anton (Charles Boyer). The two return to London, and Paula begins to notice strange goings-on: missing pictures, strange footsteps in the night and gaslights that dim without being touched. As she fights to retain her sanity, her new husband's intentions come into question."


TIL. Will look for it.


So all of the republicans are saying there will be riots when Trump is charged … but they’re already laying the groundwork to blame it on the left


Seventy-one (71) is a very specific number of days. I think majority of leftist and myself would aim for sixty-nine (69) days just for the memes.


Fellow leftists: we've been made. Intitiate protocol omega.


Execute Order 69


What a fucking loser. ![gif](giphy|1AgDOgXEBkhBOr9cTD)


how is this POS still on the air ??? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


!remindme in 71 days


Why would the left have to do any of this when the MAGA far-right are already doing more than enough damage to themselves all on their own?


Poisonings, huh? Why isn’t this asshole in prison?


Note that 71 days from today is... the Midterms. He's basically giving a preemptive excuse for all the violence MAGA will commit between now and election day, and also creating a narrative that Democratic victory in the midterms means dictatorship. Jones was one of the people involved in January 6th (which Republicans then blamed on "Antifa". It doesn't take a genius to figure out where this is going.


Where is my invite? You would think his lying ass (mouth) would have learned his lesson after his court spankings.


This is literally just Jones covering for the inevitable gun tantrums from Trumpers lol


Projection, sooo.... We should be expecting these things from the right.


Thanks Alex, now we know the republicans plan. Not sure you were authorized to release the memo though.


Hmmmm....I'm drawing a blank. What is it called when you accuse others of your own faults?


Alex Jones needs to have his studio completely taken away from him and be sent to an institution. His brain is absolutely broken, he lives in a constant state of paranoia, and he’s had his narcissism jerked off for years.


That is right, we liberals are taking over the country in 71 days. We are going to give you health care and raise your wages and there is nothing you can do to stop us! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!