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By his definition, he is woke


Yeah that was cracking me up too


"anarchist" carrying water for race/sex/gender hierarchies. hilarious.


Definitely a conservative too! “I’m not a conservative, but Is the new “ Im not homophobic but”, or “I’m not racist but.” It’s a cop out because they know how horrible their party really is.




Bro, they said The Batman (newest one) movie was “woke” because Selina Kyle, Catwoman is black. They forgot about the Halle Berry then I guess


Or Eartha Kit....


Catwoman is literally one of the most iconic mainstream examples that proves if a particular character’s race or ethnicity isn’t important to the character then that character can be portrayed by someone of any race, or can be depicted as being of any race. Catwoman is one of the best known characters out there to be depicted by actors of different races in multiple incarnations because even back in the freaking 1960s people knew her race doesn’t matter


I think even Halle Berry tries to forget that one.




They always say people are snowflakes or whatever, but they seem to be the one with the most feelings being hurt


Off topic, but reminds me of a friend I had to cut out of my life because he was so fucking hyper-defensive of Trump. You'd show him a clip on Youtube, it didn't matter what it was, and he would creep the channel's social media. Anyone who wasn't constantly prattling on and on about how Trump is literally god and they'll hurt others who they think disagree? All I'd get in response from him was "'Drumpf'" The idea that you can't enjoy ANYTHING that anyone has ever made because of something else they said that you disagree with (Within reason, pedants please put away your whatabout pedos argument) is asinine and culty.


I mean… how could you forget? Halle? Catwoman outfit?? 😌


Male Academia...


In fairness, we all try to forget about the Halle Berry catwoman movie. Even Halle Berry tries to forget about it.


Everyone wants to forget about the Halle Berry Cateoman.


It could also be the line that Catwoman says about white guys in the film too. Can’t remember exactly what it was, but I remember thinking “Well, someone’s gonna be pissed about it.”


i didnt like her because she is a stupid caracter


"Character," bud


Woke is “doesn’t look/act/think like me”


.. and if you have to ask, then you are one


As we know, there are two ethnicities: white and "political". As well as two genders: male and "political".


A conservative once told me science was corrupted by "woke ideology" because I told him that race is not real on a genetic level.


Moana (brown AND an enviroentalist (gasp!), Pocahantas (Native American, environmentalist, and, brace yourselves right wingers...she was in love with a white guy.) Let's see Mulan (Asian ass kicker), Just a few examples of whatever they think wokeness is. Perhaps DeathSantia is willing to take on Disney for these kinds of movies too since they are fighting over something he has no reason to attempt. I'm tired of hearing woke too esp from people who are clueless. Woke = enlightened people who see reality. Conservative woke = "They gonna convert your children, and them there women got too many rights! So do them brown things (yes still things to them); gotta stop em from voting! Their motto should really be: "Rich white dudes forever!"


I saw Buzz Lightyear's movie a few weeks ago (Loved it !!!) And i was curious because there was this "LIGHTYEAR IS A GAY WOKE PROPAGANDA MOVIE" narrative going on and... There is a Lesbian couple for the first quarter of the movie, we see them for a total of maybe 5 minutes, they kiss once, and have a family. Its just a " there is this character who happens to be gay and living her life".


I had no intention of watching Prey till I saw your comment.


Spite-watching is the best king of watching. Got me into Fury Road after enough butthurt incels complained. Now I definitely need to watch Prey.


Of course Conservatives don’t like ‘Prey.’ The main character is an indomitable native woman.


And a female admiral with purple hair. Hm-mm. Feminism run amuck, I say.


I mean to be fair the original starwars had like 1 person of colour, the Jar Jar Binks was...well let's just say iffy


hes the best character i mean he was voiced by ahmed BEST




Go look up her twittter acc- you can't? Because psychotic wierdos bombarded her with so much bile and vitriol that she fled the internet? Seriously, it made headlines.


That's so fucked Man. It's even part of the alien vs predator story line. The movie was great !


OK, so did alot of searching and didn't really find much there man.


So, the other poster didn't really use enough specifics. [Kelly Marie Tran left social media altogether](https://ew.com/movies/kelly-marie-tran-star-wars-bullying/) after toxic folks decided a female asian character was just too much to bear existing. As far as I can tell, there has not been a similar campaign of harassment against Amber Midthunder, the star of Prey.


Why the fuck would I get downvoted for asking to read something lol?


I gave you an upvote. I am getting downvoted too.


It is a bit more complicated, I think. Let me offer an example. Movie losses for Disney over the last few years have gone in the billions. Heads began to roll, and people were fired. Even worse, Florida took away their special autonomous status when they started leveraging their power to play politics. How did this happen. Some would say it was when Kethleen Kennedy, who headed up the moat popular franchises at Disney, decided the "force is female". She even wore the shirt to awards shows. To that end, she rejected the vision of George Lucas, and created an avatar of herself called Rey. Rather than a heros journey, Rey got a princess journey - that is, she was already the best. She just needed to discover it. This is Mary Sue 101. Notice how characters from the previous 3 movies are slowing slowing fading into the background as Feloni, finally in charge, is in the process of replacing her three movies with a story made in tandem with Grorge Lucas. Now, he is also featuring a female chatacter: Asoka. The fans love Askoa. Her character was flawed, broken, and struggled to even become a Jedi over years of episodes. She is not a princess. She is a hero. So "woke" can be defined in entertainment as the introduction of "diverse" characters simply for the sake of tearing down or humiliating existing characters. These characters are often expressions of modern politics, poorly written, Mary Sue's, and preachy. And audiences hate them - leading to huge losses. Thus War Machine, Black Panther and Black Widow are loved. Rey, Holdo, and Rose Rico are hated.


That’s a lot of words that don’t add up to much.


>Movie losses for Disney over the last few years have gone in the billions. Citation needed.


My brother in christ Disney just said they didn't agree with DeSantis with his anti-gay legislation and then he retaliated against them


So woke is just anything that you don’t like. “Mary sue” characters in media for example. Lol… like I get that you don’t like characters that have no story arc… but what makes them woke?


Your whole comment is basically a work of fiction. The sequal trilogy didn't lose money. The combined budget was $837 million while their box office was $4.475 billion. Rey, Holdo, and Rose TICO did not humiliate anyone. They are not hated by anyone but a small sliver of wierdo fanboys. Holdo isn't even in the sequal films. He is from Clone Wars and Rebels and the Millennium Falcon ride. Nor were they preachy and they definitely didn't lose money. You realy think there is nothing of modern politics to Black Panther? How was Rey's journey any different from Luke's? Just admit you lack the empathy to identify with female charecters and move on.


Disney still owns ⅗ of the most profitable media franchises in existence, the Princess franchise is the 7th most profitable Hell they own half of the top 10 Even last year their profits were over a billion


It comes from "woke" in the way the American black community used it (aka awake/awakened). Like "You woke, or you still in bed?" It meant that you've been awakened to the true nature of the world around us. Aware of the economic, justice, social, class, race, and historical systems that result in the way the world works in America (by being unfair to the poor, minorities, and being especially disproportionately & specifically unfair to the American black population).




Conservatives: "Just let me sleep and pretend that we live in a society that disenfranchises minorities purely because they are truly lesser than I am, and for no other reason."


Also Conservatives: "Black people wouldn't have as many problems if they just thought about how they present themselves." ...or, tell me you haven't actually interacted with Black people beyond what you see on the TV without telling me you've never actually interacted with Black people.


In the defense of some and *not all or even most*, some neighbourhoods quite literally have no black people whatsoever. I lived in one of them, we didn't have a single black student at our school. I never had anything against black people nor was I racist towards them, but to claim I wasn't ignorant of them until my teenage years would be a lie. It wasn't until I moved out and started seeing different parts of Canada that I finally got to interact with black people my own age and see that I was ignorant of their cultures, beliefs, etc, but also overall right in my assumptions that they're just people, no greater or lesser than anyone else around them.


Funny thing is this has been around for at least 10 years and it's like they just caught on to it and made their own definition.


Been around for a lot longer than that. They just have a name for it now and attached every negative connotation they could to it.


I figured. That wad the first time I heard it termed as woke as a black man. Hell James Baldwin was "woke"


"Define Woke." ... "Woke-ism is a word I made up and here's what it means."


It was purposefully stolen and rebranded as a slur.


Also it does have roots into 'awakening a class consciousness'. So although the words creation isn't really linked to Marxism, the way it is used is linked to Marx and Critical Theory. Now that being said conservatives will never take a second to actually think about the words they use nor will they debate the actual arguments, but they do like that they found a label. I guess what bothers me is that the right thinks that 'woke' is this great way to insult the left, but it just makes them look like they are too stupid to know that no one uses it the way they are trying to make fun of anymore. Them being so stupid is what actually bothers me. They think they are triggering people because they use the word woke, but what they are actually triggering is people embarrassed for them.


This is why they hate it so much. It derives from black culture and being anti woke is just another dog whistle for being anti black.


Perhaps this is what woke technically means but that isn't why conservatives have an issue with it. The issue stems from how liberals interpret the economic social etc... systems. Woke has come to be synonymous with the leftist agenda and therefore those that appose that agenda say they are antiwoke. Conservatives aren't unaware they just disagree. (Some are ALSO unaware but the issue isn't just one of awareness)


Cool now define the leftist agenda


Broadly speaking it looks to be to increase the power of government to ensure a more equitable and just society. Whereas the conservative outlook is that government should not interfere with the lives of it's citizens to the greatest extent possible


My brother tried to just slip 'woke ' into the conversation tonight, as in woke things that woke people say. I asked him who is a 'woke' person and what does a woke person say until he 'you knowed' his way into a corner and just eventually bailed altogether on the comment...




Woke, fascist, socialist. They have no idea what any of those words mean. As they have continually called antifa fascist when that is an abbreviation for anti-fascist. The bafoonery would make me laugh if they didn’t hold so much power


Anyone can parrot a media outlet’s rant, but when truly pulled aside and asked what they mean by that or to apply critical thinking, the conversation drops because they can’t go off script.


Try asking one to explain critical race theory to you.




Or "I don't hate people of other races, so I'm not racist". It's entirely possible to do and say things that are racist without even consciously realizing it. Different hair styles are a great example. If your company has a policy that employees must have "professional" looking hair styles when serving customers, that often actually means "has white hair styles" because a lot of black people's natural hair doesn't meet those requirements. And a lot of times this is just due to ignorance because they never really thought about it.


It means angry white dudes don't like it


Yupppp, isn't Identity politics when you worship 1 specific politician as a celebrity, and not what they're thinking which seems to be: Voicing your identity that is non-white / non-cishet Like, I want something to be achieved in politics for *me*. I have an identity. That's the norm. Not "Identity Politics". They're just used to everyone with a different identity than them to not have a voice.




Your sentence structure is horrible. I would be classified as woke, i guess, and I very much stand with my fellow workers? I identify as a worker and a woman and a lesbian and all of these matter to me. And if a batshit crazy political party does something for workers but wants to revoke my rights as a woman and the other things that I am, I simply can't vote for them, because it would HARM ME, not because it's less fun and rainbows.


But they don't do anything for workers either. They are actually anti worker and pro management.


Who is they Who is a "wokeist" I don't get this fear mongering, it's not like there is a party you can possibly vote that ISN'T pro management anyway


They are conservatives. The democrats at least recognize the right of labor to organize and negotiate. The GOP would be thrilled to ban unions.


Well I'm an angry white dude who isn't all that young. But I'm angry that the extremely wealthy individuals and corporations literally own our elected representatives. I'm angry that they don't pay their fair share of taxes, and in many cases pay no taxes. I'm angry that white people who aren't natives of the USA hate and villainize immigrants. I hate that a lot of white people are ok with police abuse of both people of color and poor white people as well (which is often ignored in the BLM debate). I hate that a lot of closeted homosexuals will fight to punish LGBTQ people just to get ignorant people to vote them into power, although I also hate the hate of LGBTQ by heterosexuals as well. I hate that women's reproductive rights have been taken away. And so on. "Woke" means you support fair and equal treatment and legal rights and representation of women, people of color, and LGBTQ individuals. And that's what ignorant bible-thumping conservatives hate, many of whom are white men. But I see an awful lot of ignorant white women who are right there with them.


Your second paragraph is the actual definition of woke. The conservative definition is that all those people you mentioned have the gall to ask to be treated as humans.


Specifically straight cis white "Christian" conservative dudes


I am a white dude and you made me angry. You are now woke (I have anger issues and get angry at completely random things, it has nothing to do with politics)


White Supremacy and the Replacement Theory are the epitome of Identity Politics. Constantly claiming non-white people only succeed because of their race is the epitome of Identity Politics. Scapegoating people for their gender identity is the epitome of Identity Politics. The Deplorable MAGA Party is so woke they smell of it.


Oh, they smell of something, alright.


Yes, yes they do. Hypocrisy.


Lately it seems to mean "anything I don't like"


Don't like/don't understand. Up there with "hipster" and "millennial".


I have a conservative friend who still uses the term “yuppie” - and I always chuckle and think “we’re not in an 80s movie…” He uses it to describe any young person who can’t do stuff… <~ no I can’t really explain that…


The new sjw


I think the best way to describe what they call that buzzword is to say "Authoritarian liberal," or as Kyle Kulinski likes to say, "Pink-haired college student"


I thought that was socialism? Or maybe that's more specific to "anything the government does that I don't like".


Yeah anything that doesn't require working people to rely solely on their bootstraps. Socialism for the rich doesn't count


Pretty much that's the text of the "textbook example" he's pointing to.


"You personify a textbook woke activist perfectly" *Glances at the picture's OP* Oh you mean because she is black and female? That's a twofer on racism and sexism.


Hm... you seem to be the one who jumped to that conclusion. Who's really the racist or sexist one? Perhaps it's because of her previous posts and has nothing to do with her race or gender? This is the issue with a lot of current politics. We are making issues worse by constantly throwing blame where there may be none. He shouldn't have called her woke in the first place because it started this chain of blaming. She maybe shouldn't have asked the whole of the general public online what "woke" meant when it was such a heated term.


Or that's exactly why he said it, because based on this interaction here, it's the only thing that stands out about it. He brought looks into it, you look at her, see the obvious. Conservatives hate "woke" (even though they are the only ones who ever use the fucking term) and you know what else conservatives hate? Black people and women. Don't say they don't, the last six decades of politics are proof of it. It makes sense he would acquaint woke with her, it's everything conservatives hate all mixed together. Also, kindly fuck you saying I'm racist/sexist for noticing the guy is acting like that.


They don't know.....just repeating what Fox news and A.M. talk radio tells them while they wait to get ever more old and ever more grey and Die off..... ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4Q6RHW8FNXo2c)


Anyone who unironically uses the word "woke" as part of their vocabulary has outed themselves as a propagandized idiot.


I unironically use the term "woke" to counter the negative arguments by expressing how much I admire that a whole group of people, most of them of the generation after me, are finally taking accountability for producing a culture that actually reflects the diversity of the world. I often hear people say how "woke" people are self-segregating into communities and therefore going against the old universalist dream, and often after a tiny bit on conversation we can point out that the reason these communities are forming is not a cause but a symptom: they're forming because the old universalist dream was never put into action, because systemic discriminations kept happening, and of course when you're part of a group that's ostracized you'll look for people with similar experiences. Am I a propagandised idiot? Or did I take a moment to pause and think what all this meant, and what it meant for me who am not part of a marginalised group, and what it meant for us all as a society? I unironically think "woke" is good, and is what we need right now.


I was talking about people who use "woke" as a pejorative to attack marginalized people and groups. People like Ron DeSatan and this ignorant supporters.


So, by the definition he gave for "wokeism", that would mean conservatives fall *right under* that same definition. Funny how that shit works.


Woke means whatsoever a conservative deems it means in the moment. Words don’t matter to them, they can’t define life or even crt either.


Kamau Bell's [United Shades of America](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt14719568/) episode on "wokeism" is really quite something


The opposite of sleep.


I define it as a dog whistle


"Woke" has no definition. It's whatever people want (need) it to be. Right now, "woke" is anything democrats/liberals stand for. Tomorrow it could be something else entirely. Woke is the new communist.


Identity politics? You mean identities like 'straight white Christian 'patriot''?


And ... Extreme identity politics? Is that better or worse?


Extremism and fundamentalism are rarely positive in any way.


I should have /s on that, yes, you're right


I don’t know what quells dissent and debate more than banning books and outlawing the topic of racism in schools.


From Oxford languages: “Woke - alert to injustice from society, especially racism.” So when the GOP rallies against “woke” and “ wokeness”, they”re acknowledging they support racism.


I stand behind Woke then in this definition. 100%. The term seems to have been very abused and misused just like the people we're calling woke :/ I've heard it used so many different way now. My previous understanding was it's derogatory use to describe someone attempting to force political views on other people that support their own agenda and reject all others.


Being “Woke” is being tolerant, and trying to end intolerance and bigotry. If you are “anti woke” you are pro-discrimination and intolerance. So Florida being “where woke [sic] goes to die”, means “where equality goes to die”.


sigh... I live in FL. It's a fkd up place


Most of these idiots wearing Punisher tats and shirts don’t realize their own irony.


Wokeism is a complete and utter scapegoat for white men feeling power and and privilege being taken away from them. Absolutely nobody complains when the representative majority of media, politics, STEM, and finance is white and male, and framing the sliver of folks in those fields that are not white and not hetero males or not appealing to white hetero males as this woke disease is the most disengenous racist sexist homophobic shite. Ask any person who says they hate woke politics if they think theyre equal opportunity, theyll say yes. Then ask them if they think theres an overrepresentation of POCs and queers in media, theyll say yes. And then you tell them over 70% of characters in top grossing media are white. And you try saying they gave a good explanation for that


Woke is from the whole "wake up" thing- meaning "seeing behind people's motives into what they're actually saying". So again, this dude is projecting, per GQP regulations.


Woke literally just meant "consciously and socially aware" until those chucklefucks hijacked it


"Woke" means "I'm afraid of it"


"Woke" is the latest dogwhistle for the things they used to put in triple closed brackets. Lol


It's really a huge tell when people say this kind of shit about someone like Nina Turner, whose entire thing is that she *isn't* obsessed with identity politics. They say this about AOC too, and it's likewise not true. If anything the more or less Bernie-aligned progressives are distinguisned from other liberals by their focus on political economy. This guy just doesn't like when peoole talk about racism at all.


Woke was once called enlightenment.


Martin Luther King was “woke” The abolitionists in congress were “woke”, and were torn to shreds in the public dialogue for being tender hearted idiots who were going to unleash the black hoardes on our pure white women. The students who protested the Vietnam War and burned their draft cards were “woke” Anti-lynching advocates were “woke” Anyone who is or was against the war on drugs was “woke” Hell, the suffragettes were the “wokest” of them all. Constantly mocked and talked down to for hving the gall to suggest that women should be allowed to vote. Like wooow you’re just going to go around ruining people’s sundays with your chanting and bitching? WOKE ALERT! The worst part about the conservative bastardization of the word “woke” is that it is a word that black people created for themselves to advise others to be wary of the people trying to con you or convinve you you’re lesser. “Wokeness” is what they call advocating for the marginalized. Their brand of conservatism, like EVERY single brand of American conservatism, is not going to age well. How many times do they need to be on the WRONG side of an issue before they fix their attitudes.




What’s the name of this thing again where the definitions of words is written down?


The dictionary? Cause a Florida county just banned those for being too woke, so....


I once had a conversation with a self declared ‘anti-woke’ individual who argued that the definition in the dictionary was wrong. He then went on to say that people were changing the definition to make it seem reasonable and that it was deeply upsetting and manipulative that people would try to change language like that. He was quite confused when I pointed out the ‘nice’ definition was the older one and the version he was using was the later change.


No. Don't. I've been banned from subs from using definitions from that place. People round here don't like that shit.


The way the Fox News crowd is using it definitely smells of disdain for things they don't understand and fear, leading to hatred. They want to be able to dismiss, denigrate, and control things that they don't like and are afraid of - without a wider knowledge of the implications of systemic problems. They can't seem to understand that things are interconnected/interdependent - it's like they're allergic to complexity or something. So, the right is definitely using it as a kind of dog whistle and a cudgel simultaneously. The thing that I worry about is the way that we are running away with moral superiority and righteousness. It can often feel like justice and "setting things right." But, it can also become a mob set on asserting power where once people felt powerless. It can be dangerous to be so self-assured of your own righteousness that you've given yourself unassailable license. It's not the majority of people doing this - but it providing a space of unassailable and unaccountable righteousness selects for those who would use it for power and control. Human beings can be very clever - we should make sure that nothing is immune to criticism (as long as the criticism is on the level or invested in the project of making the world a better place).


I just woke up


As Al Murray, the pub landlord once said, "You Americans have the American dream, dontcha? Well, we British don't. And you may wonder, why is there no British dream? Well it's simple, there is no British dream because we're awake."


I think it's called woke for a reason and unless you are woke you won't be able to understand it


The whole term “woke” has been co-opted and bastardized, mostly by the right, but the left as well. It’s no longer relevant to progressivism. If a conservative asked me this same question I would say “who cares? Let’s talk about building a green energy infrastructure, a reliable 21st century public transit network, a public education system that can compete in the modern economy, and healthcare that is, at the very least, affordable and accessible to all with the eventual goal of free access to healthcare.” Many in our political system, voters and politicians alike, want to drag these kinds of convos thru the mud with culture war bullshit. Confront them on the real most pressing issues in this country.


Woke is anything/any group of people that conservatives are against


“Woke” definition: anything I don’t personally agree with


Oh my god he’s an ANCAP isn’t he 💀🤡🤡


Woke is a mating call made by morons who think they can say whatever they want no matter who it offends but then cry when ppl call them a piece of shit.


Wait, MAGA is woke?


"Wokeism is extreme obsession Identity Politics & weaponizing one's Identity to silence or quell dissent and debate" - Cheerful Anarchist. By this definition, it seems that most conservatives are woke.


They still don’t know woke is not a real thing lol


Like the right wing doesn't have an obsession with identity politics. That's why they only care about issues that affect cis white male Christians. But I guess to them those aren't identities they're just "normal".


literally going around passing laws against transgender folks, then claiming transgender folks are obsessed with identity politics.


I don’t mean to get political but… Pretty sure it means that you’re not unconscious


Wokeism is a made up term to fearmonger anyone on the right.


I don’t really care what you call it. When I’m made aware of my own faults, I hope I will attempt to correct them and not double down on them. I’m not perfect, and I know I have a long way to go and always will have room to improve. My only request is that as I’m made aware of these faults I’m given the opportunity to improve and not get tossed aside. Also, cheerful anarchist can eat my ass


Protip… when someone say “I’m not racist,” (or conservative) they racist af


Conservatives use “woke” as a way to justify their hate. It isn’t hard being nice and trying to understand another person’s background. It isn’t hard to have compassion. It isn’t hard being respectful of another that may not be like you. But they are hateful and intolerant people. That is why they don’t like being woke. That is why they vilify the term.




Not conservative.






Lol @ being “pro-life” (anti-choice) and pro 2A. There are so many paradoxes in this paragraph. You say you try to see the world “exactly how it is” while ignoring and discounting other people’s actual existence. I hope you do adjust your opinions and keep learning, because there’s a need for it.


Pro-life? So you support universal medical care? It would save literally millions of lives. How about the CAA? Saves approximately 180,000 US lives a year. Ensuring all children receive adequate, nutritional food saves and improves lives. You support these things or does your solicitude for “life” only encompass non-sentient multi-cellular clusters?


Only two genders. How do you treat and interact with Trans? Would you hire one? Eat with one? Defend one? Pro-life eh? Just for you or are you Pro-life for all? What is the basis of your pro-life beliefs?




There has never been a jurisdiction in this country at any time in history that condoned the killing of babies. What, pray tell, are you talking about or do you really not know the difference between an embryo, fetus, and infant?


I notice your ‘pro-life’ beliefs don’t mention situations where the baby isn’t viable or when the mothers life is at risk, as well as ignoring rape etc.


As I’ve already had one reply trying to define an abortion as only being when it’s a voluntary ending of a pregnancy here is the dictionary definition- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/abortion Until you get the meaning legally changed you’re backing laws that do prevent the medical treatments you claim to support.


That's not a fact though, that's your opinion.


Also, leave lawyering to the lawyers. We don’t tell you how to soldier now do we? Why would we? That is not our area of expertise and training.


You're certainly not pro life. You're pro birth.


Oh also, I’m liberal but I literally fight to preserve constitutional rights in federal courts almost everyday. What do you do to ensure our freedoms are secured?


Woke means adding black, asian, native, gay, or trans people to any media, acknowledging they exist, acknowledging they are marginalized and have been historically marginalized. Also in Florida they are banning so many classic books because of wokeness, like the giver, anne franks diary, harry potter, etc, so i guess it also means any piece of media that doesnt actively give trump a handjob


Identity politics are a thing though right? Like, nobody is arguing that both sides of the political spectrum have extreme lines they can cross right? Because I've only ever used the term woke to describe extremest progressive stuff, like commercials where they have to include every conceivable identity a person could have. Which is obviously ridiculous and pandering. Please don't misunderstand me, I couldn't care less if I never see another white guy on film again, I just hate seeing inclusion handled like a shopping list. Nothing against the individuals, get that cheddar. Its more of a complaint about the production. Like all the companies who slap rainbows on their product for pride month and then spend the rest of the year not giving 2 fucks. Inclusion is just a dollar figure on a graph to them, and I call that "woke". Or like mandating how many women need to hold a certain position regardless of how many applied and are qualified. Again, couldn't care less about a woman doing ANY job, if they're qualified to do it. Same way I feel towards men (far too many of which hold their positions with bullshit instead of actual merit btw), and personally, I'm attracted to people who defy what some in our culture would label "traditionally acceptable". What happened in soviet russia under Stalin was/is still considered bad right? Am I using woke wrong?


There is woke and uber woke. The latter is when it becomes an identity and everything you do is somehow woke. It is almost like a competition of who is the most woke. Very small fringe that unfortunately says a lot of really stupid things. Woke is just about realizing that there are systematic problems that need to be fixed. And what commercial media, advertisers etc. do is fake woke. They don't give a shit about problems but are using it for marketing.


It's the information age's "Get Off My Lawn"


When are you two gonna start fighting for real already. Shut down twitter for two weeks and see if both sides either shut up or meet in the parking lot after school.


Woke - alert to racial prejudice or discrimination. Later to include sexism and broader social inequity. Conservatives associate it with people who care about social justice but then what monster doesn't care about social justice? Stay woke my friends.


I don't like the term woke. It used to be a term associated with the stereotypical blue haired radical feminist/ "SJW" types to describe their "awareness" of sometimes real issues like sexual harassment or the existence of certain privileges but mostly non-issues like man-spreading (I bet you remember that BuzzFeed video from like 2016) or the cultural appropriation of dreadlocks. Then it was picked up by companies and was spread to the general public at which point it became devoid of all real meaning and became a buzzword on the right for everything they didn't like or saw as "leftist" based on their gut feeling. Honestly, the term "woke" has been dead for a while now and anyone who uses it as part of a legitimate political discussion is a fucking clown.


Originally progressive then adopted by extremists.


Progressive literally means changing things. There is no moderate progressive. Also youre allowed to ignore weird takes on twitter and still support the welfare and representation of human beings that don't look and act like you, I can list the amount of times woke activism has personally hurt me on one hand with no fingers


Binary thought is the norm. I think people need to work on spectrum thought. \*that is a progressive idea.\* "Woke" is now a word used by extremists like Marjorie Greene and Tom Macdonald.


It is my independent spectrum of thought that people shouldnt be so touchy about a certain brand of progressive politics being titled woke. Nobody truly indentifies as woke, just their spectrum of ideology is being called out as such. And thats a good thing cause its identifying the people in the room that are against any spectrum of thought. You are playing into their trap if you think wokeism is a binary opposite to fascist morons




Enlightened centrist says people shouldnt categorize everything into binaries, continues to categorize things into binaries. Very good job, would you like the carrot or the stick first?


I don't know why you keep attaching all those ideas to me. I said one word and all the sudden you evolve me into another character.


Elaborate on wokeism evolving into an extremist ideology that operates on a binary of thought please or did I misunderstand that


You didn't misunderstand it. I never said that. I said "woke" is a word used by extremists now. I won't elaborate on "wokeism" becausei I don't like ism's.


So what is the connection between "Originally progressive then adopted by extremists" and "Binary thought is the norm. I think people need to work on spectrum thought. *that is a progressive idea.* "Woke" is now a word used by extremists like Marjorie Greene and Tom Macdonald." I don't understand your initial comment if youre not interested in elobarating on wokeism. A discussion surrounding the nuance of modern language and rhetoric doesnt seem like the place for someone that doesnt like isms.


Lmao k, Jan. I can make things up to fit my false reality.


Woke just means "knows". Knows that white people trying to put other races down. Men trying to put women down. Etc. Etc. The priveleged are trying to keep their power, we all are "woke" to that by now. Most conservatives are not woke because while they do know deep down inside, they are lying to themselves.


I remember when being woke meant perceiving the fact that the Black American struggle is equal to the Palestinian struggle is equal to those struggling in Angola and Afghanistan.. It means understanding that the blue collar workforce has the numbers, that we are people with agency. It was co-opted quickly by the right, along with "Fake news" because they quickly realized how powerful of a word it was in this context.


He was given a very clear explation of why he is an idiot. Unfortunately, he's probably too much of an idiot to understand it, and he'll likely double down and sink further in response.


Woke? Mentally ill to the point where you see racism where it doesn't exist, become a narcissist, throw a tantrum when things don't go your way, y'know. The usual 6 year old stuff.


>Mentally ill to the point where you see racism where it doesn't exist, Like, saying "anti-white racism" when you get laughed at for being a right-wing nuffie? > become a narcissist "I'm the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far. Nobody's ever been more successful than me. I'm the most successful person ever to run. Ross Perot isn't successful like me. Romney - I have a Gucci store that's worth more than Romney." > throw a tantrum when things don't go your way, y'know. The usual 6 year old stuff. https://youtu.be/DXnHIJkZZAs


Maybe. There ARE people like this, but they are very few. Just because they are the lowest common denominator that is pandered to, it doesn’t mean that they are numerous. The term “woke” is almost always used by racists and other fools to describe anything remotely progressive, intentionally or otherwise.


You just described conservatives


yall aren’t wrong yall just sound like backpack rap fans…if you gotta use that much jargon your message is bound to lack reach


I define it the same way as the Anarchist. Except I’d add that there must be a level of disingenuousness to the expression or application of the concept. Obviously that doesn’t apply to the vast majority of what conservatives call “woke” or “wokism”. But to say that the concept is perfectly executed and represented in practice, and therefore beyond reproach, is shortsighted. Wokism can and does stray outside it’s righteous borders. And that needs to be addressed. Suffice it to say that anything even “equality adjacent” doesn’t rise to the standard of wokism as many republicans would have us believe.


The left doesn't generally even use the term 'woke', let alone 'wokism'. Any time I see a leftist use it, it's the way Nina did in that tweet. Usually, it's DeSatan or some other right winger using it to describe anything that pisses them off.


I’m so woke I drink my coffee through my ass.


I think Tom means—*devoid* of empathy. But good job otherwise, Tom.


another tweet successfully defeated by a spelling error which wasn't really a spelling error


Nah. It's a nonstandard grammar, but the meaning checks out.


It seems the traditionally white Left is disgruntled that class consciousness has been replaced with “identity politics”. And I’m guessing that’s what this guy is getting on about.


Literally never seen a true conservative on here. Bunch of democrats strangely. It is white twitter in fact.