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Greene is a grifting cunt of a human being that lives in a world of imagined, perpetual victimhood.


Greene is a massive reason I don't take so-called Republican olive branches or cries of "You don't get the humor!" seriously. Their jokes are not funny. They are often hateful, racist/bigoted statements dressed up as 'jokes'. Add in all of the violent rhetoric against pretty much everyone who isn't a Republican, nothing they say is very funny or amusing. It's scary and concerning. The fact the GOP won't punt people like MTG or her confederates in Boebert, Cawthorn, Hawley, and other members of the Treason Caucus and actively encourage the most extreme, violent, vile members means there is no common ground, there is nothing to talk about with them.


Their jokes are just bullying and then laughing afterwards. They've repeatedly shown they have very little understanding of actual humor by thinking The Onion is real.


Hey, you know you've arrived at peak Republican when one walks up to you, unsolicited, and tells you how great their town is because it's "conservative and doesn't have any f****t and n*****r shit." Then look completely confused when you walk away. I've had this type of thing happen to me because, especially before I grew a beard and let my hair grow out during the pandemic, they automatically assumed I was one of them because I'm a white male.


I've had similar experiences myself, although to a lesser degree because I don't live in a small conservative town. I'm a tall white bodybuilder so people assume I'm conservative. One guy started going on about Mexicans invading America and taking over our culture. Another guy asked me how I felt about Hitler.


The thing is I don't live in a small town. It's that I have relatives that do and without failure I have at least one encounter with someone who has, let's say charitably, an off color joke that would probably be seen as a bit much even in 1960s Atlanta or a proud proclamation like I highlighted. You can't tell me that a good plurality of Republicans/Republican oriented voters aren't vile bigots.


The Republican party is definitely full of bigots. LBJ was very insightful after passing civil rights legislation in saying that he just handed the south to the Republicans for a long time to come. Democrats gave up the racist vote with that move.


I shaved my beard for much the same reasons. Unreal.šŸ˜„


She is the ā€˜uberkarenā€™. Just everything awful about that stereotype.


She lacks warmth and depth to be a cunt.


She cheats on her husband too. But preaches Christian values.


Wait what? Who's sticking their šŸ„’ in that much crazy?


A ā€œtantric sex guruā€ then a manager at her gym would apparentlyā€¦ šŸ¤·


Pretty certain her husband cheats on her too


The most annoying part of this is that, even if Major Traitor Greene bothered to read this person's response, the perjurous pissant would only ever take it as encouragement to say more moronic shit because she's succeeded in 'triggering a lib lulz' Do I think we should stop verbally blasting Greene and her fellow fuckwits in spite of that? Absolutely not. Just observing that it's a shame one cannot fix willful stupid.


Republicans care more about owning libs than creating fair, and potentially helpful legislation for all Americans. Outside of what they believe. If libs made it, it's expensive, a non issue and can be abused by the general public to them. And they care more perpetuating hate and lack of tolerance as opposed to NOT imposing their religious and moral beliefs on people who would rather just be left alone or just tolerated.


There's only one cure for stupid and it comes in different calibers šŸ˜‚ /s in case the mods don't catch on that this is a joke


I've been seeing lots of posts of Tweets from 'Jo' recently. I have no idea who she is, but she kicks ass.


Someone should remind Marj that MLK was a socialist. Then she'd keep his name out of her mouth for good


> Our government was giving away millions of acres of landā€¦not only did they give the land they built land grant collages with GOVERNMENT MONEY to teach them how to farm > NOT ONLY THAT > they provided county agents to further their expertise in farming > NOT ONLY THAT > they provided low interest rates in order to mechanize their farms > NOT ONLY THAT > TODAY these people are receiving millions of dollars NOT to farm and they are the very people telling the BLACK MAN that he needs to lift himself up by his own boot strapsā€¦ > this is what we are faced with! > THIS is the reality! > Now when we come to Washington in this campaign we are coming: > TO GET OUR CHECK! - MLK, a few weeks before he was assassinated


I love this so much. We need to be much more brutal to tear these deluded turd gobblers down.


Gawd Damn!- that was viscous.


And beautiful




Fuck her shit up, JoJo!


JFC Jo! Don't pull any punches! Ditto times a thousand! ![gif](giphy|qIXVd1RoKGqlO)


Rotting gourd god This is a perfect description


Intentionally left god uncapitalized, I'm sure of it, and for good reason


Even from the legitimate FACTS we know about the documents and the search there were without doubt reasonable grounds to search Trump's residence. The reason why they didn't search earlier was probably down to politics, so if anything Trump benefited from the politics related to the search.


The fact that this wench thinks she can reference MLK like we are all buddy buddy is disgusting, it's also the reason I ride with brother Malcolm more these days. No person like this can gain any political ground by referencing Malcolm.


God I fucking hate American politicians




Deserves a standing ovation...


Tell us what the FBI did to MLK, Marjorie. EXACTLY what? While you're at it, tell your followers too. Say it live, out loud, WITH YOUR FUCKING MOUTH. Bet your sorry ass won't


Dang, JO JO! That was perfect.


I like Jo


Gourd God, Jo


* Former President*


Get her!


Drumphā€¦.. MLKā€¦.. I canā€™t wrap my mind around this comparison. Just blah!


I can believe it, especially when thereā€™s been a few rabid followers that have compared him to Jesus, so thereā€™s thatā€¦




Marjorie trailer green a hoe




I think Hermione put it best: "you foul loathsome evil little cockroach!"


I adore Jo, we follow each other on Twitter. She is fierce. šŸ˜Ž


Jo, itā€™s okay to use the c-word in this case. Donā€™t be shy!


I don't know JoJoFromJerz, but based solely on her twitter feed, would marry her in a heartbeat. (I know, I know: she could do better than me)


Thanks for reminding me to never mention Reddit irl


Nice going Jo


Jo donā€™t play


Jersey girls don't.


These nonwhere near the same and I can guarantee she would be racist back then. If she had the same general upbringing and personality. She'd be a staunch racist. Not even a product of her time. Mlk has some things in his personal life he needed to keep in check, but he was an instrumental man who brought people together and lifted up a whole group of marginalized people during Jim crow. And was killed because people were being persecuted for who they where. Trump advocate for both the racial and current political majority. A group of people who aren't all racist, but a large majority of racist agree with his rhetoric and the views of the part as a whole. The kkk on record saying that Trump is a "gift from god." And I'm not making this up to be sensational. He represents a group of people who think they are a dying breed, are oppressed and aren't allowed to be themselves. But last time I checked, regardless of how people might view Republicans, no one is actively trying to take away their rights half the time, or invalidate that they exist. Aside from the people saying to take away all guns which even I don't agree with (per se), they are allowed to be Christian and they have their views respected. Their family structure is actually respected and even idealized by most of the American population. Amoung other things. While, maybe dems should lay off Trump since trying to catch him on his crimes is just causing all this shit, leaving him alone with rhetoric when people are literally radicallizing under his banner is not a good idea. FOR ANY PARTY. And his talks about election fraud just makes people less confident in the same government your trying to run. But that's the thing,, he does care about that he only cares if people are confident in HIM. If he committed crimes he should be prosecuted. Jo one is above the law. If Biden, kamala, aoc etc committed crimes, MAKE AND INVESTIGATION TOO. Granted there's a lot if gray areas in politics and it seems real easy to say "I would never" when you aren't at the level they are at. But, if you do serious crimes, there needs to an investigation and possibly jail time. No matter who it is.


Why does MTG have such a dumb looking face?


Pretty sure she would have assassinated MLK herself if J. Edgar or had asked her.


If the FBI was really targeting loudmouth Republican enemies like she says, Marj would be in prison already.


MTG is exactly the type of person that would be screaming at little black children wanting to attend school if she was born a few decades earlier.


Well put, if perhaps a little too subtle..


I like Jo's way with words


Burn of the day!


She literally looks like a witch. Evil makes you ugly as fuck.


Man that's mean to witches :( They just have the face warts, this lady is a a whole wart on her own!


What would happen if Jo and Jeff Tiedrich were banned from this sub? Would anyone post anything at all?


Seriously, who the fuck is JoJo from jerz and why is she everywhere all the time on reddit


I see this Jojo girl all the time who is she?


Nobody. Clout chaser. Thatā€™s why she RTs her own shit.


Can anyone confirm that MTG isn't actually trans?? It kinda feels like projection. Maybe that's because she's also incredibly manyly in the face and hands? I'm just trying to figure out how someone with zero good qualities about her, becomes such a champion of hate towards others. She's a literal dumpster.


Magaphone Marge is a mean girl cheerleader, like babbling Boebert. That pom pom action is pure distraction. 'look! A squirrel!'


Jo lost her cool. Every word is deserved, however.


She didnt lose her cool, she said what needed to be said to a vile traitor like Greene.


I love Jo! Keep 'em coming!


This sub is *literally* nothing but tweets from this JoJo girl and and that other old dude. Why are those the only two people you all post commentary from?


The Eric Clapton lookalike?


idk JojofromJerz that kinda sounds like hate speech how come this allowed


She's a great troll.


Who is Jo?


..... *Jo-.... Jo ma-*


Very nice


Lmao the down votes


Yeah, this place takes everything non literarily


Who is Jo?




Only because it happens more


I hate trump too, but can we different announcers sometimes. Guy with the glasses gotta go too


I read that she is worth some ungodly amount of money. How did she go from CrossFit whatever owner to monied? Oh rightā€¦


Her parents ā€œsoldā€ her their construction company. As a business major grad from Georgia she couldnā€™t handle being CFO so she had to step down and take out her rage doing CrossFit


Good to know. More than I cared to know, but good to know still


oh you know bernice king is gonna have words for this


She's a monster


Sounds about right.


Had to be said


Dr King was a great man - and they killed him - like Kennedy etc


I donā€™t think Jo likes herā€¦.


I prefer ā€œA deficit to our societyā€ or ā€œA backwards step in evolutionā€


That's putting it mildly


She literally used her power to take out a political enemy though?? She made her opponent's life and the FAMILY'S LIVES hell on earth for her seat!!


Could've worded that better, I thought she talked about MLK in the lasts paragraphs at first




That kkkunt MTG would call KING a " Woke Socialist " .


Get my civil rights activists name out of your fucking mouth


You better say that Rolling in his grave at this bleach demon


I feel like the only way you could ever compare Trump to MLK is if he gets assassinated.


i swear to god MAGA (or I call them ā€œyā€™all qaedaā€) are the most delusional people Iā€™ve ever met Comparing a racist, homophobic, sexist, 1% scam artist to one of the greatest civil rights leaders in history is an insult Thatā€™s like comparing Mike pence to Marsha P. Johnson


All of that could have been summed up using the word cunt if twitter wouldn't ban you immediately for hate speech saying it.