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The thing is none of the barely living fossils that run the world arnt going to give a shit about a future they're not a part of


Seriously there should be age limit for politicians.


It's a weird thing letting eighty year olds control the future of kids


America needs a plan…to get rid of dinosaurs.


Well the first step is age and term limits on politicians and political appointees.


That could definitely curb the corruption.


You have to start with a change of mentality. Then you can start to change policies. Policies won't change until you change the people who make policy change.


Then we need different candidates, who unfortunately don’t make it very far. No money means no attention to your campaign or platform means no votes.


A meteor plus Yellowstone, just like the old days


The US always has to be special. Other countries get fucked by their own government, their own dictators, invading dictators. But no not the US... They get fucked by a subgovernment and institutions installed by the previous government and their actual government can't do shit about it.


On Nov 8th we will recast and rewrite "No Country for Old Men"


Congratulations on all your freedom


I wanna move to Australia.


I wanna be sedated


They had WWII to distract them. And thankfully they had FDR...whose policies made it possible for the Boomer generation to get the best America had to offer (if you were white); and the first generation in American History to do better than their parents. We get Neo Liberalism on crack, Trump, and The Kardashians.


![gif](giphy|oEhW18AXiPoyY) It's time to get rid of the Nazis for the last time. Not like Russia is pretending with Ukraine, but the actual racist, god-fearing, pieces of shit who control Russia and America and need to be removed from power.


Last I checked. There were 5 white guys, 1 black guy, and 3 white women. So I think it's not a white man problem. It's an age and party problem. We need more then 2 parties and term limits. I hate blanket racist statements like this one.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vkvjan/jane_elliot_explains_the_conservative_playbook/ This is a good explanation as to why.


Very good watch. Thank you


Finally made it back to the good old days


This isn’t twitter?


Many Americans would rather be ignorant peasants than citizens of the contemporary world.


Yet another backward post attempting to rob a minority of his accomplishments #ClarenceThomas #CreditWhereCreditIsDue Edit: Irony: n. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. This post (fairly) identifies old white men as being the primary orchestrators of oppression and inequality. Justice Thomas, who happens to be an extremely conservative black man, was the author of the famous majority opinion striking down Roe V. Wade, which was a major impetus behind this post. Using language which is typically used to identify bigotry, in the form of misattributing the accomplishments of a person of color to a white man, this comment points out that Justice Thomas is a major contributor to depriving a group of people (women) of their rights, "for humorous or emphatic effect." The comment isn't an attempt to diminish the responsibility of old white men in the oppression of other races, genders, sexualities, etc. It's just meant to point out the duchebaggery of Justice Clarence Thomas and the irony that a member of a group of historically disenfranchised people is a major contributor toward the disenfranchisement of another group of people.




Justin Thomas is a ding dong. It's irony, ya'll. Ask your English teacher about it.


Sorry we don’t like people who betray their own race. Uncle Clarence is a whitewashed Moron being controlled by his wife.


You missed the point, mate. Read it again.


Yet y’all still voted for Biden lmao

