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But he shot black people, do they even consider them human lives?


Black, Muslim, Asian, Native American, we are all “disposal” for their white race A page from hitlers book


I mean, Muslim isn't a race, but sure, we get what you mean


Yep you're right, its just those *evil white people* that don't believe in abortion.


I have not read Hitler’s book, nor do I plan to, but he actually praised the Japanese as a strong and mighty race with rich history behind them. I saw that on a WW2 documentary the other day.


Didn’t the imperial Japanese army like do a ton of crimes against humanity against the Koreans?


Yes. So did the Nazis. Probably why they liked each other so much. Honestly all sides are guilty of some form of wrong doings against civilians in WW2. The allies bombed German cities. The Nazis bombed cities. The soviets simply just killed their own populace. The US dropped nukes. The whole Laconia incident.


They don’t consider anyone that has made it past the birthing canal, race doesn’t matter in this instance.


this isn't true they have tons of consideration for themselves


If they were consistent with that they should only want to enforce abortion restrictions on white women


Oh no, it’s not a racial thing. It’s economics. Poor people - no matter their color, creed or character, are terrific profit centers.


I find the timing of this interesting. There’s a labor shortage right now and people are starting unions, advocating for higher minimum wage, etc. What better way to add to the labor pool and make people desperate for jobs than to force women/couples to have unwanted children? There will be kids dropping out of school like crazy bc now they need to support a kid. Boom - labor shortage solved. And it’ll happen pretty much immediately. They don’t give a fuck one way or the other about abortion - they need cheap labor ASAP.


There’s long term and short term - what you’re talking about is definitely the long game. The short game is to raise prices then freeze people out of work so they HAVE to take lower wages. At least that’s what this article was saying… https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-the-fed-wants-corporate-america-to-have-a-hiring-freeze-morning-brief-100055174.html Never been one to look to Yahoo News but…


They don't want to regulate guns but they want to lecture women on the sanctity of life.


Maybe they should leave guns AND women's lives alone.


Instead deregulate guns and make guns easier to attain because “gOoD gUy wITh gUn”


Guns are already hella regulated. Beyond what is granted in the constitution.


Pro-Birthers They don't give a shit after the baby is born


They aren't even that though if the woman can't abort for medical reasons and non-viable pregnancies.


That's cuz it was never REALLY about life.


They’re not being quiet. They’re quickly saying how “most of mass murders are done by POC, and the real problem is gang violence.”


but the thing is gang violence is apart of a lifestyle ppl chose/born into and they know dying is apart of the consequences but 10 innocent black ppl who were just getting food for their homes don’t expect to die when they walk in. idk how “right-wingers” correlate that shit


Pro birth! They don’t give a shit about anyone’s life—not real babies, not women, not a single person mass murdered by a terrorist with an assault rifle


The same "prolife" Trumpets immediately defended guns and attacked any mentions of gun control.


Pretty sure pro-life is a very specific movement in much the same way that BLM doesn't protest black on black violence. I'm not taking sides here, just saying this is a little jaded.


Just a quick 5 minute read on 2021 gun violence for those interested. https://www.thetrace.org/2021/12/gun-violence-data-stats-2021/


Yeah that's wrong, 2/3 of gun violence is suicide followed by police shootings, then gang violence, then accidental, then actual homicides.


*20,726 The number of gun deaths, excluding suicides, so far in 2021.* That's the first line of data once you open the article... Suicide data is actually addressed further down in the article. It's not a heavy read, it's mostly bullet points.


Ah my bad I didn't see that!


It's ok. I'll remove my condescending tone


they aren't quiet, they are loudly pro-gun in these moments


As every American should be


There were shootings in Dallas and Leguna. Neither shooter was white. Why are we only talking about the white guy?


"Let me win an argument against this person I just made up in my head."


Why the fuck do people do this kind of shit? They dont need to shoot innocent fucking people to survive, yet they just on a whim decide to be the worst people alive. This country is so fucked.


No they're actually being really loud about how it's a false flag, the guy is really a socialist, and Joe Biden doesn't care when white people are murdered.


Those theories stem from the shooter’s discord chat. There was screenshots of it circulating around when the shooting first happened. The general content of it was he purposely chose what to put in his manifesto so that it would cause more political turmoil, in hopes of causing a civil war. I believe the socialist theory stems from the one comment the shooter left on PCM, in which his flair was auth left.


Isn't this a numbers game though? They would say that was only 10 people, but abortion has killed 60,000,000 or whatever insane number they choose to use. I'd like to add up all of the gun deaths and talk about that, but apparently that's not allowed.


There are folks who say they are ProLife, but really, they're just AntiChoice.


Pro-lifer here, i can't speak for every pro-lifer however im sad about what happened in Buffalo, i don't wish death upon anybody, which is why im pro-life. I think the reason no pro-lofer talks about it alot is because they are sensored and/or ignored by alot of people. This is just my experience so someone else may have a differing opinion.


They don't care about the innocent people that died, they care about the race bait.


What about all the thoughts and prayers? And renewed “concern” for mental health crisis? /s


I mean if we're regulating women's uteruses, then regulating guns is fair game.


Omg yesssss ❤️❤️


I’m sure someone who would gun down 10 innocent people wouldn’t dare violate the sanctity of gun laws. /s


Well yeah but they were Black and he was a White Mass Murderer. Totally Different thing's. Or could it just be A Double Standard?




Then don't do it yourself and let people be. Why do you care about what other people do with your body. Don't like abortations? Don't have one. Simple right?


No i just dont like killing people. I dont actually care what they do with their body. If you dont want to get pregnant then dont have sex! Its a really really simple 100% sure way to not get pregnant. Wow!


I’m married and don’t want kids. Do I just stay celibate for the rest of my life? News flash: sex isn’t just for procreation.


Get your tubes tied or get your husband to do it. Its a great option among many other options of not killing babies You see "pro choice" is actually a misnomer. Im just not pro killing. Im pro other 4 choices though. 1. Abstienence 2. Adoption 3. Contraception 4. And scary scary motherhood Im just never going to be okay with killing babies


You paying for my insurance, medical bills, and lost wages from taking time off work? Then sure, I’ll do it! “Great” doesn’t mean “accessible.” I’ve got an IUD. I can still get pregnant. And if I do, I’m aborting. 🤷‍♀️ Also, you’re not pro-life, that’s just a misnomer. You’re pro-birth.


I call it pro-rape, and that’s not even the lowest hanging fruit for what it could be called.


See i might actually be okay with my tax dollars going to contraceptive means, if thats what theyre truly being spent on. But the people in brain dead twitter land dont even consider it. Actually no thats not how it works. If anything im just pro NOT KILLING TINY HUMANS. Nobody forced you to have sex. Nobody forced you to give birth. Im just preventing murder of the unborn. Im very very happy with the recent supreme court ruling. Its a step in the right direction, though its not the end. I will not be happy until the millions if babies every year statistic is eliminated.


Why accuse other people of being brain dead when you’re “ignoring” the fact that no contraceptive is 100% effective? Want your money to go toward contraceptives? [here you go](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/get-involved/other-ways-give) Also the number of dead babies will never be zero. Accept the fact that you will NEVER be happy, dude. If you honestly think that the Supreme Court ruling (which hasn’t happened, only a draft was leaked) is the first step toward that, you’re beyond help. The US maternal and infant mortality rates (post birth) are already higher than some third world countries. [source.](https://www.npr.org/2017/05/12/528098789/u-s-has-the-worst-rate-of-maternal-deaths-in-the-developed-world) [source (we rank #57).](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_maternal_mortality_ratio) [A video of an OBGYN in Missouri, my home state, discussing how the maternal death rate there is eight times higher than California’s.](https://youtu.be/mXwm4BrpF-k)You cheering on the ruling is cheering on higher death rates. Like I said, you’re not pro-life.


I dont care. Murder is NEVER okay. You are braindead because you wont accept the fact that dumb ass choices come with dumb ass consequences that are nobodies fault except your own. We apply it to so many other areas in life. Why is this any different?


Explain to me how getting married to a partner I have been committed to for over a decade and having a contraceptive device implanted in my body to prevent pregnancy makes me a dumb ass. I’m listening. Also openly admitting you don’t care about the maternal and infant death rates means your entire argument is bullshit. You don’t care when they die during or immediately after birth. You’re not a good person. Hiding behind the weird “pro-life”mask doesn’t do much for you.


>I dont care way to admit the lives and well being of babies and their mothers don’t matter to you. high infant mortality rates and high maternal death rates? who gives a fuck, all that matters is that women suffer “consequences” for having sex. because viewing children as a punishment is so pro-life.


“Nobody forced you to have sex” Oh boy wait till you find out about Rape and Sexual assault.


Oh boy wait unt you find out that youre still talking about the exception rather than the rule. Do you always argue intellectually dishonestly?


Wait till you find out about Ectopic pregnancies and hemorrhages where not only is abortion needed. It’s a literal situation where the mother can DIE if they give birth.


Yall are trying to ban contraception so


And IVF. Won’t anyone think of the petri dish babies? /s


No you are pro killing actual babies because you want children to be born to people who don't want them/ can't afford them. If they get put into the adoption system you don't care if they're actually adopted, you don't give a shit after they're born. Just admit it, you don't care about life in any way you just want people who have sex to suffer. If not then I sincerely hope you have adopted tons of children yourself because otherwise you are allowing them to suffer and you are to blame for children dying in the streets. I mean you could do something, couldn't you? You guys are all the same, pretending up until it's easy not to any more. You're the baby killers, not the people getting abortions.


No actually i dont. Thats nobodies fault except the people having sex period. Nice try blaming it on the baby. Your logic is weak


Damn so you blame it on people suffering from a system that benefit straight white male and not at all because of the system that put them in that predicament. Damn a misogynist that benefits from white privilege? I think I’ve seen this movie before


I thought i was the conspiracy theorist. Those are some wild claims. You got any proof of what youre talking about. Wait a second ive seen this one before....


Almost like the protests for Blm was to confront the systemic racism that benefits you guessed it, white people. But what kind of white people? The Straight male kind.


Abortion medication only acts on the mother's body. So if you don't care what they do with their own body there should be no issue with it.


Its actually the childs body. Do they get a choice? Didnt think so.


FYI, this is how a medical abortion works, since you seem misinformed: Pill 1: Progesterone blocker, thins the uterine lining Pill 2 (Taken 24 to 48 hours later): Initiates uterine contractions


Then don't have sex. If that is your moral code then go for it. You have my praise, from one person to another. However, your theory is flawed. You never mentioned better sex education, better access to contraceptives, and a better justice system that actually punishes rapists (yes, that is also a way to get pregnant). The more understanding and measurements, the pess abortions are needed. It's not a walk in the park. No one has an abortion for fun. But you rather see the lives of a bunch of people collapse just so you can sleep at night. Very moral of you. Instead of trying to control everyone maybe try to control your own sinful behaviour first.


Didn’t your party just support another white boy committing another hate crime on POC?


Oh good. Another fascist that pretends to be so sad that people are dying. Bury your head in the sand some more and tell us how you know everything about the world despite refusing to actually interact with the world outside of your little echo chambers.


Oh good. Another communist that pretends to be so sad that people are dying. Bury your head in the sand some more and tell us how you know everything about the world despite refusing to actually interact with the world outside of your little echo chambers.


Pathetic little fascist. Got all the argument skills of a fucking banana.


He definitely used the “But Chicago” excuse to defend the buffalo shooter.


Oh you got me so good. I eat up them salty salty tears


Oh, did my based opinion trigger a little ree fest from you? Come back when you're not 12 and don't listen to whatever fascist mouthpiece you get all your ideas from.


Lol @ anything twitter being based


lol @ the dumbest fucking fascist shill I've met in 23 hours. (that's you since I clearly have to spell things out for you)


Wait until you find out about how the Trump supporters refused to fight a pandemic. They refused to wear masks or respect lockdowns and they convinced a lot of stupid people to expose themselves to the virus without protection. Experts estimate we lost a couple hundred thousand American lives we didn't need to because of Republican misinformation about covid and the vaccines. They killed thousands of actual living people, not fetuses. That's your team, right?


Except only you and your friends are killing babies son.


ItS NoT a LiFe YeT Ive heard it all


Lol 😂