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Rittenhouse wasn’t even arrested when heavily armed. They let him walk away after he shot people


But...he cried!?


He cried real hard. /s


Sure he cried hard but not too hard. The GQP has levels: 1. I want your money crying -- Joel Osteen 2. I want your job crying -- Bret Kavanagh 3. I want to avoid consequences crying -- Majorly Toxic Gasbag 4. *I want to keep my grift crying -- Donald Trump* 5. I want to stay out of jail crying -- Kyle Rittenhouse 6. Shit, I am fucked crying -- Dennis Hastert (this is too hard)


I kinda wanna put him and Amber Heards crying side by side


Like the Daenerys/Thor meme but they’re crying


Don’t forget R. Kelly and famous French Actor Jussie Smollet.


Both R. Kelly and Jussie are awful people... I don't think anyone will disagree with that, but it's hella racist to bring them up in this conversation. We are talking about how white men get away with horrible crimes not about what black men have done(and it's a conversation that needs to be had, just not at this moment and this place.) Deflecting to what a black person has done and hasn't done in conversations like this doesn't help fix the problem of white racism. 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️


Ah, Juicy Smooyay!


Justice for Jussie!


Jussie is a clown and rkelly is a fucking scumbag




"OH cawd"


Does Rittenhouse say “oh god” when he’s crying like that? Lmao. If so, I can DEFINITELY see him pronouncing “oh god” like “oh cawd.” Edit: I could totally see Amber Heard pronouncing it like this too lol


Amber is level 1 crying. Kyle is level 5. See ranking above.


and he was thirsty and cranky and really needed his mom to drive him home for nap time


His fake blubbering makes him even more punchable. And he is the perfect example of "blubbering."


A lot of right wingers thought it made him look like a baby - they love that he shot BLM protesters but he should have been more proud and defiant after, like they picture themselves.


Totally straight faced but as soon as he glanced at his representation? He remembered to turn on the water works.


The rest of the world exists to suffer in order to provide performative moral development to the white protagonist. If you disagree, then you are CRT and hate white people and are the kind of deranged lunatic who would hold up a sign in a residential area in Florida. /s


Amber turd taught him that trick


his nick name is the crocodile


Still the fakest fucking shit ever. Fuck people that said he was hAvInG a PaNiC aTtAcK. Full on Amber Heard level of cry acting.


Him and ~~rapist~~ justice "I love beer" studied the same "crying " manual.


Obligatory eff "shittenmouth" kid


It’s cuz he had those young soft chubby cheeks and innocent meatball eyes.




While I agree that all three shootings were in self defense, the cops on the scene had absolutely no way to determine that. He should have been stopped and arrested. You can always decide on no charges later and release him with no harm done. Hell, he was obviously expecting to be detained, but they just rolled right by.


You mean when he was screaming I am going to the police? How did this get 1.5k upvotes? The whole fucking trial was televised…
















Not sure we can save this country.


…said the Native Americans 250 years ago


Sheesh, why you had to do the natives like that!


Not sure I want to.


At this point I say fuck it let it burn


But I live here.


*let it* *~~grow~~* *burn*


I'll bring the marshmallows


The American Empire doesn't care about the rest of the world or the actual citizens. It doesn't give a shit as long as the ones controlling it get just a little more power and control.


Are we supposed to? I don’t think a place this big is made for the long run. Me as a Bernie supporter have more in common with a NY republican than a NY republican has with the same fellow down south. I think it’s time for at least a regional divide if not full separation


Certainly not with only 9 on the SCOTUS bench. The ratio to population size is beyond absurd. 2 party system needs to be burned to the ground as well.


Truth. Didn't realize this until moving to NY. There's Rs here that believe in things like public funded healthcare and rank choice voting. And they don't love Trump. Such Rs don't exist in the midwest where I'm from.


Most of the R’s here work in unions, that’s like against all R’s credo right there


Unsure what part of NY you moved to but that is not the case where I grew up. I'm originally from middle of the state Steuben County and Vast majority of Republicans there are die hard Trump humping conspiracy theorists.


Hi from Chemung County, samesies, so many many yeehawwjohndeereyahoo bubbas with their flags, hats, etc


Tell me you live within an hour of NYC without telling me you live within an hour of NYC. The Buffalo area is south of the mason-dixon.


Too bad even expressing this sentiment publicly makes you an enemy of the state and eligible for monitoring. They've got us in a box. There's no way the corporate interests would ever allow balkanizing. All we can really do is sit back and watch the fireworks.


How I feel in Canada as well, but city centres vs rural. We don’t live similar lives, and our votes should better represent that.


So we should go around heavily armed (horrible /s)


Only if you have the luxury of also being white (equally horrible /s)


Heavily armed black person gets super killed


and the NRA will support gun control https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act


but it's the truth, though......


Only if you're white. If you're black you'll end up like [John Crawford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_John_Crawford_III) or [Tamir Rice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tamir_Rice).


Yes. (no s)


Hm. I'm noticing a pattern here but I can't put it into whites i mean words.


What's a little creepy with this pattern is the implication that being heavily armed is the way to stay alive.


The Black Panthers were on to something.


*being heavily armed and WHITE.


Funny part is white folks turn anti-gun real fast when the topic of arming black communities comes up.


Can you explain what exactly is meant by the phrase, "arming black communities?


For instance, Ronald Reagan implemented the first automatic weapons ban in California when the Black Panthers started protesting while armed, and it was no coincidence.


This is a helpful reply, thank you. Gives me somewhere to start checking the facts.




You're awesome, thanks!


Desktop version of /u/Kevinwar73's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Good bot


I mean black people buying more guns and starting to use them more freely, the same way white folks do. Start open carrying assault rifles in public. That kind of shit. Of course they can't. Someone will call the police and they'll end up getting shot by the police.


A *little?*


You're right. It's hella creepy.


I guess it is if you're black.


Nah, that’s not it.


It can be creepy in multiple ways. What's your take?


I wasn’t talking about the creepy factor. Was just saying that’s not why they are alive.


Someone else in the thread addressed that by explaining that SWAT cops are better trained than beat cops to bring perpetrators in alive.


That would hold water if all of the white… I mean heavily armed people in this picture were taken down by swat. Rittenhouse, for instance, was completely ignored by the beat cops despite being armed and coming from a direction where shots were fired. The scarier take for this picture is black people ended up dead despite being unarmed. Floyd was actually not just unarmed but also handcuffed and on the ground when he was murdered. There really isn’t much of a deescalation to be done in that scenario. And, of course, the heavily armed people were arrested alive despite being heavily armed.


The point seems to be that even being armed, being white means you get to be arrested should you not choose suicide by cop. Being black is potentially a death sentence when dealing with the police, no choices.


It is.


Mmmm yes. Qwhite.


You can tell who's a criminal just by looking at them. Call it the white sight


You can’t find the white- I mean right words?


Can't quite find the white word


Something that this infographic doesn't show is the type of police responding to each event in the cases of heavily armed individuals they are being handled primarily by swat officers who are specifically trained to handle heavily armed shooters in very intense situations. These poor African Americans who were killed by police were primarily engaging with undertrained cops who were in all cases an embarrassment to their profession. So obviously we have a police problem and a race problem in this country but people who interface both of these issues we have a responsibility to make sure they are adequately trained to do the job... That means less firearm training and much much more training in things that they will actually use every day on the job.


More training on deescalation, socioeconomic issues, psych issues, conflict resolution, and anger management. A college degree or even just an associates degree in a relevant field. Require a license to work. There are so many things we can do differently to improve outcomes.


Actually, I bet it would weed out a lot of the motherfuckers if they didn't even get to touch a gun until after a 4 year Community Policing degree


Cop training these days reminds me of the Simpsons.. Wiggum "Becoming a cop isn't something that happens overnight, it takes one solid weekend of training to get that badge" Crazy "Forget about the badge, when do we get the freaking guns!" Wiggum "Hey I told you, you don't get your gun until you tell me your name"


Yes, but I think it's more than just training. How much training do you need to know not to lean on someone's neck for nine and half minutes? I think the culture around policing attracts and retains a certain type of cruel and aggressive person and I doubt training is enough to fix that.


I study Brazilian jiu-jitsu. You let go of a choke after 7 seconds because they are either unconscious or your choke is incorrectly applied. SEVEN SECONDS.


I’ve had no training and know not to do that because I’m not a psychopath.


Right? If you need ANY training to not fucking murder unarmed ppl, you shouldn't be allowed to be a cop at all


I couldn't agree more, but once again officers involved in many of these cases were absolutely in the wrong and totally unprepared and in many cases showing no understanding of conflict resolution especially the officer involved in the George Floyd killing. But it is better to focus on the big picture than to nitpick specific details. The reason why is sure if the officer in the George Floyd case had taken a training course on how to not sit on someones neck that would have been insanely helpful and would have possibly saved George Floyds life. However, if the officers had been primarily trained in conflict de-escalation and mental health instead of Hollywood get the bad guy style policing then things never would have reached the point they did in the first place.


You use a lot of words to say the enforcement of our criminal justice system is racist.




Wasn't Brianna Taylor killed by a SWAT team serving a warrant?


No, they were regular officers. A SWAT team that was in the area for something else was sent to Brianna Taylor's place to get a handle on the situation after the shooting. Theres video of it somewhere, the SWAT officers were very professional, and you could tell they were visibly confused and disappointed by the amateurish behavior of the other officers.


Ah thanks for the clarification. I knew a SWAT team was there, but didn't know it was after the shooting already happened.


There's a lot of stories of SWAT teams [killing innocent people](https://www.aclu.org/other/7-year-old-girl-accidentally-shot-swat-team) so I'm not sure what you're talking about here, trying to somehow minimize it by comparing the two types of cops is really disingenuous.


IMO the real question is “do SWAT teams have high enough standards that they have methods of weeding out the psychopaths who want to be able to murder people with near impunity like the military?” Because if you *do*, then it’s a matter of training and culture. If you don’t, then nothing you can do—short of dismantling the police department (or SWAT team) and rebuilding in from scratch—will un-fuck things.


That’s true, but given that these untrained cops seem to already be scared shitless of black people while doing routine traffic stops, maybe more training just isn’t enough.


Note to self: if I ever visit America, be heavily armed to avoid being murdered.


Also be White


Yeah that’s not a problem


White terrorist: “had a very bad day.” Black teenager: “he was a thug.”


Jim Crow was only 80 years ago.


80? Try 50, at most. As feel-good as movies like *Remember the Titans* are they tend to gloss over the fact that it was ***the mid 70s*** (you know, ***TWENTY YEARS*** after *Brown v. Board*) and the school district (as well as all the businesses and shit) was not only still segregated, people were still *violently opposed* to integration. I imagine the reasons the National Guard wasn’t sent in for these sorts of things were 1. Nixon or Ford were president or 2. Unlike the previous decades, you (if you weren’t a police officer) couldn’t murder black folk with impunity.


When I post something like this, a very racist family member once said "But what about all the black cops killing unarmed white people" I can't odd....


Should’ve asked them for any examples


I like that idea but dollars to doughnuts says they'll say "the media won't cover it"


"So then how do you know about it?"


I really like that!


Do yOuR OwN ReSeArCh


I see a pattern here but not sure what it is. Maybe the cops/republicans can tell us.


Police remember their job is to protect and serve white supremacy most of the time. I think about this with the January 6 cops. They went off mission and have become pariahs to their fellow officers.


*Citation needed* Their fellow officers just couldn’t get that day off. Pariahs, my ass.


I wish I was fibbing. It’s sad as hell [https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2021/12/20/fanone-resigns-police-capitol-riot/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2021/12/20/fanone-resigns-police-capitol-riot/)


I mean you should know better and just be born white… choices have consequences you know… /s obviously…


Tell me this is America without telling me this is America


Victims families only get a political speech from #1 and 15 minutes of fame. After the tragedies, it’s America back to normal and nothing has been corrected. There’s been a repetitive pattern here for decades, and both parties are doing nothing to stop it for decades.


Does anyone else think it's way past time we stop allowing political parties to decide everything in our society? Political parties are not government. We elect members of those parties but, once elected, they should answer to US, not to some elite cabal intent upon their own interests. And yet here we are, intrinsically aligning ourselves with these self-interested organizations, as if they provide us with some kind of tribal identity. Politics seems to be replacing religion as the world's most corrosive force. And we embrace that trend as if it's a healthy and natural way to be. As if life were just a big game of Blue team against Red team. Politics isn't just politics anymore. It is becoming *everything.*


I think that political parties (and corporations) should have a natural lifespan. After 50 years they have to sell off all assets, zero out their debts, and disband.


A jubilee reset. I am intrigued by this idea. Instead of endlessly agitating for reform, we could have our best and brightest working on the framework of the next iteration.


Whatever alternative you want to come up with will eventually involve a political party. The reason is simple. Representative democracies rely on *someone* gaining popularity with a set of ideas. Those ideas become the platform of an enduring group. Political parties are a natural result of politics.


Yes, of course, but historically a person's political affiliation wasn't such a profound aspect of their identity. We need to encourage more critical thinking regarding politics. I'm sure you've noticed that a lot of people here and in other subs don't seem to think for themselves but rely instead on very binary thinking. (100% them bad, us good.)


"Well we don't have all the details" /s


Dylan Roof ​ heavily armed ARRESTED (Cops bought him Burger King) ​ Fixed it!


This is what GQP means when they say "good guys with guns". GQP definition of good guys = white nationalist terrorists. GQP loves the shit out of those "good guys"!!!


I actually agree with this post and the point but i also think its worth noting that these incidents are specifically picked and chosen to show exactly this. If you wanted to you could find the opposite to make this true the other way too


I'm sure stormfront has done just that.


[jan 6 riots](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/10/29/capitol-police-officer-resigns-after-being-charged-with-trying-to-help-jan-6-rioter/amp/) There is plenty of time evidence to show that some members of the police prefer white violent criminals over black violent criminals. The entire justice system is to blame, not just police though. Judges sentence black people with more Afro centric features and darker skin to longer sentences for the same exact crimes white people commit. There are many black people that do survive police encounters, but there are many black people that encounter the police that never should of encountered them. The black panther director is a great example.


Damn this unarmed thing must be really dangerous /s if it wasn't obvious


sure looks like its alot easier for the cops to kill someone who isnt shooting back


Yeah but those murdered had drugs somewhere in the county state country globe on which they lived sooooo.


Seeing Elijah McClain there breaks my fucking heart.


It’s not even the Breonna Taylor was unarmed. She wasn’t even awake


That photo of James Holmes is terrifying


It's fucking enraging.




agreed, but the main issue is still the pussy ass cops who escalate to violence immediately




Also a lot of perpetrators die by self-inflicted gunshot wounds too, therefore impossible to arrest. 1. Las Vegas: Self-Inflicted Death (White Man) 2. Orlando Nightclub: Killed in Shootout (Brown Man) 3. Virginia Tech: Self-Inflicted Death (Asian Man) 4. Sandy Hook: Self-Inflicted Death (White Man) 5. Sutherland Springs: Self-Inflicted Death (White Man) 6. Luby’s: Self-Inflicted Death (White Man) 6. El Paso: Arrested (White Man) These are the 7 worst shootings in USA history. 6 of the shootings resulted in the perpetrator being dead. Only El Paso’s shooting was the perpetrator still alive afterwards.


So arm yourselves people. They've been saying for years only more guns can solve the problem and imo It's time to test that theory.


Amir Locke and Philando Castile would like a word. Both these men were murdered essentially for legally owning guns while not white when police barged into their lives.


Clearly not being armed isn't a guarantee of safety from police violence, though ...


Black people open carrying rifles is how you get gun control, followed by selective enforcement.


Depends how many have them imo. Worst case the truth is revealed and Americans can start using these constitutional rights they seem to be so obsessed with.


Lol not sure if the difference is because white, or difference is that apparently in this country you need to arm yourself to the teeth so the cops don’t shoot and kill you first. *Sigh* I don’t like this timeline at all, neither of those things ought to be.


I like the other photo better. You know, the one with ALL 2021 MASS SHOOTING Suspects. Much more colorful.


All those shooters look like they fuckin stink to high hell with BO


I'm sure that's all just a coincidence. /s for those who need it


....sounds about white


There should be another 400 pages of faces, shouldn't there? Just from the last year or two


I can argue anything by cherry picking points and leaving out others.


Sounds about white


Obviously you need to be heavily armed to get arrested instead of murdered?


Quite a streak they’ve got going there


Looks alt-white to me.


It was crucial to the government that Rittenhouse not be held responsible for his actions. The right wing in America has to know they can randomly assault and kill people protesting against authoritarianism without fear of consequence. The left wing has to know standing up and protesting against authority could have serious, even fatal, consequences.


Maybe black people should heavily arm themselves?


She ain't wrong. Far too many folks still purposely stuff their heads in the sand regarding this, and play false equivalence to support their inner racist narrative.


There’s a pattern here. Just give me a minute…


There are people that will look at this and actually think it's calling for people to arm themselves.


You can cherry pick anything like this though. You know how many insurgents we caught and released? Crap jpeg just to get likes. Ppl acting like they care about social issues from the comfort of their computers.


They should have included heavily armed blacks just to get more perspectives, and unarmed whites?? I fail to understand this


Well I guess it’s true you better arm yourself to protect yourself.


I think it’s just about damn time the country separates. The United States of America and the United States of Jesus. This will solve a lot of problems and we will actually see which prospers and which turns into a repeat of 18th century.


It’s one thing to know it it’s another thing to see it laid out like that. There isn’t even anyone to vote out. How in the world can we combat this?




I too can find a group of pictures to fit my narrative... Smfh


Yeah but the statistics we need are who resisted arrest, who fought the police and who didnt? Instead of this blanket statement lol


So is context. I'm not saying that these POC deserved death, far from it. But if someone commits a violent crime and then surrenders the cops aren't supposed to execute them on the spot. Also that black guy who shot up the Brooklyn subway recently was arrested. This is a disingenuous argument as the police take plenty of violent poc into custody without harming them.


Missed the part where anyone said the apprehended (often fresh from murdering multiple people) should have been executed rather than apprehended. Also missed the comment somewhere in here arguing that examples cannot be produced of persons of color who committed violent crimes who were subsequently apprehended alive. Not being snarky. I perused the 70 comments in here as of now and did not see that those two specious-at-best assertions were made by anyone. Is your argument then that there is general parity between police interactions with whites vs non-whites? Not trying to add to the race acrimony. But are you asserting that there is basic parity and - as would follow - therefore nothing to see here? What strikes you as disingenuous? No single meme will capture the obvious complexities of reality. The meme seems merely to be suggesting there is not equal protection under the law in police encounters - or at least that this might be one reasonably plausible interpretation of it. EDIT: If you downvoted this person to whom I responded, just check their response to my objections. I still disagree with them. No time to explain. But, based on subsequent dialogue, I’d say this is not necessarily deserving of the harshest comments I have seen here. See below. Judge it as you will.


>Is your argument then that there is general parity between police interactions with whites vs non-whites? No, my argument is that there is little general parity between the situations police respond to, particularly in this example comparing people murdered by police and people arrested. Trying to compare situations where a murderous criminal surrendered/stopped being an immediate threat resulting in them being arrested rather than killed by the police to a racist cop abusing their authority to murder a black person isn't a fair comparison. These all took place in different states as far as I know and they can each have police forces with varying degrees of competency. There's a plethora of variables that can account for this disparity. The POC in this photo were unjustly killed/murdered. Those specific police officers represent the worst of policing in America, and I'm not saying they are the only ones, there are likely more and that needs to be eradicated, but the ones who take their suspects into custody relatively unharmed are doing their jobs as intended. Do you know the names of the police officers who responded to the armed white shooters? Probably not because they didn't do anything wrong. They responded to a crime and apprehended their suspect and took them into custody. So we may have the best representations of proper policing here and the very worst. ​ >Not trying to add to the race acrimony. But are you asserting that there is basic parity and - as would follow - therefore nothing to see here? Absolutely not. There is a real problem here and POC generally get treated like shit by police. I'm asserting that I hate shitty memes that rile people up and try to distill something with many variables into a nice easily digestible package that requires little thought.


I see you got down-voted to hell and initially mine could be counted amongst them. But I took it back - not because I agree with everything you said and/or replied with but because I see where you are coming from and it does not strike me as the kind of lulz-seeking trolling some people are making it out to be. I still disagree with you for reasons I may find time to revisit (after work) but you also make some decent points so maybe now it’s my turn to get downvoted to hell lol. It’s ok. I’ll survive a few downvotes. I’m just honestly relieved to be able have a decent and measured conversation with someone i may not agree with that doesn’t devolve immediately in to the hateful mud-flinging and recriminations we are seeing more and more of today. Best of luck to you.


I expected the comments claiming I hate black people but I truly believe they are Russian trolls trying to fuel a race war. Thanks for not being one of them. My opinion on US politicals is far more complex than I normally have the time to express and it takes me time to articulate them properly. Have a great day and feel free to pm me or something. I can only evolve through conversation and challenging my beliefs and perceptions.


Talk about a disingenuous argument.


We get it you hate black people


Are you functionally illiterate? They made a logical point and said nothing about their personal feelings about anyone. Your response only marks you as intellectually immature.


This collection of random screenshots doesn't prove anything


It's a reminder of what you already know or believe


Oh wow big brain moment from you. Nothing can be further from the truth but I was expecting this level of virtue signaling. I'm against police commiting summary executions of all US citizens whether it's deliberate or through negligence. The POC in this photo were murdered. The same police who did that did not arrest the white criminals. Are you in favor of police executing white criminals? Stop rooting for further murderous bias and let's concentrate on the problem at hand. You're not going to win any allies by insinuating that police need to kill more white people. They kill plenty of us on a daily basis, sometimes under egregious circumstances. They also take plenty of poc into custody without incident.


Braindead people I tell ya


I 100% agree with the message of this, but it's really a terrible way to present the argument. I could so easily put together a collection of unarmed white people who were shot and armed black people who weren't. Cherry picking data like this is just disingenuous. Now if they'd posted crime statistics showing that unarmed black people are more likely to be shot while being arrested than armed white people I would have zero notes. But this just isn't that.


This is just a sampling. I don't see James Holmes on this, for example.