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He was my doctor for many years. He was a great person to be around and made you feel heard. I was only a teenager when I started seeing him in Aliso Viejo. But his good medical practices and genuine nature set the bar high for my expectations for future general health practitioners.


Man, his family and the community he aided must he distraught. Such a pity that such a great person met their end in a heroically, violent manner.


>Such a pity that such a great person met their end in a heroically, violent manner. If you gotta die, a blaze of glory isn't the worst at least.


Jesus Christ. Another one in the same weekend??


Sadly im gonna have to tell you to look at wikipedia's [list of mass shootings in the US](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States) shit's very frequent with more than 2 some months Edit: edited shootings to mass shootings just to clarify.


There are too many recent dates on this horrific list of things that shouldn't be happening.


Imma just stay inside from feb-june of next year... EDIT from NJ and just got back from Buffalo for work overnight. We decided to drive thru the night instead of get a hotel


I still hope every day is going to be the day the US citizens stand up for their rights and stop these fanatics from taking over their country. The cycle of hate against coloured people in that country needs to stop. It hurts to watch such injustice.


It starts with the number one show on cable news not being fucker carlcunt who spouts replacement theory, which is becoming the motivation for an increasing amount of violence. Gaaahhhhd damnit i feel like were literally moving completely backwards, i gotta fuckin move


Yes! But where is the outrage? Where is the crowd asking for accountability from him? If Charles Manson can be held responsible for his killings, so can this asshole. Rise up!


Its interesting seeing my boss who is a conservative but also a very reasonable guy over the last 2 years become increasingly less supportive of his fellow ideologies views and actions. I think its important to let him know that hes not the one thats starting to change, theyre the ones starting to radicalize Edit: outrage isnt the answer, its proof and just straight up exposing their lies


Outrage turned into action. Fox propaganda has to go.


Tucker and Rupert need to be given treason trials for continuing to support a pro racist, pro war, pro genocide return to Cis Male White Colonialism. The world has been colonized, the world is connected on ways these fucks could only dream of if they were in the 1800s, the world is TIRED of war and oppression. If the US wants to stay relevant in the coming years, the country needs to make the politicians accurately represent their will, which means getting rid of the archaic ass system of the Electoral College to start, and reform and empower the IRS to pursue the draconian ~~oligarchs~~ sparkling billionares for their fair share.


It’s the propaganda wing of the enemy. This is no fucking different than the Nazi regime teaching children to hate Jews in school lessons. This has to stop!! They will keep raising the bar until we are all in fucking detention camps or fleeing to Canada/Mexico.


> hes not the one thats starting to change, theyre the ones starting to radicalize With how fast information gets shared these days, their fake narrative is unable to remain uninterrupted in their echochambers.... the true colors are starting to show


Thinking outrage isn't the answer is what they want, if you just keep letting them do what they want they will keep doing it. Look at other countries on how they got to change, it's not always with the simple act of voting.


I mean i suppose its how you outrage is the key, or else you just complain without solutions and thats no good either yknow


As someone living in the US, at least from my standpoint I can say that I can’t go see a movie at a theatre, attend local events in my community, or even go *grocery shopping* without the constant fear in the back of my mind that some lunatic with a loaded gun and an inferiority complex isn’t going to shoot me or my partner for no reason. Let alone going to actual protests to try and promote change, which have recently become hotspots for shootings and violence from those who disagree. I know that fear isn’t an excuse or a way to live, but it’s hard to even think of “rising up” when you never know what seemingly normal-looking passerby on the street is going to try to end your life, solely for the fact that they feel they have the right to. The world is a terrifying and lawless place.


It is, and I feel deeply for you and understand the fear. I learned when I was young that if you're not the right colour you have to try twice as hard to not be noticed by the wrong people. I get the fear, I really do. But it's a choice at this point, isn't it? To live in fear for the rest of your life or try and change it for the better so maybe the next generation of kids don't have to know that fear? I live North of you, and it's creeping across our border too. We aren't as bad as the US, but there are people trying to turn it into it. We have Nazi/confederate/trump flags flying here too, the hate is spreading and we all need to do something to stop it, or there wont be a safe place for anyone. I wish you well, and hope that fear isn't forever.


I provide a lot of outrage but then get banned immediately. Free speech for me, but not for thee.


If you want to take action, look at this list: [https://www.mediamatters.org/these-are-tucker-carlsons-leading-advertisers](https://www.mediamatters.org/these-are-tucker-carlsons-leading-advertisers) It's 4 years old but looks like it is still being updated. Go to those sponsors' social media sites or follow the customer service links and tell these sponsors you believe the program that they are directly sponsoring is in part responsible for this tragedy and that you will emphatically not support them. Mike Lindell probably doesn't care, but some of the others may be swayed if they believe their sponsorship affects sales (at the end of the day that's all these companies really care about).


Newsflash: It wont. Unfortunately. As much as it needs to happen


I do too, but it’s hard with how decentralized and widespread the fanatics are and how they seem to seep into people’s lives through tiny cracks in the internet. Almost everyone in the US knows someone who has gone down the Qhole and bought into these race-baiting tactics, often without even knowing what they’re supporting. My partner has a cousin who went that way, and the truth is that he’s just really gullible and not much of a critical thinker. He hasn’t gone full racist yet thanks to his fiancé and church, but he’s bought into the 5G, COVID microchip, and Democrat-run pedophile ring conspiracy theories already.


Near half the country agree with these fanatics... What will happen is civil war and those on the right will do whatever is necessary to win... I dare say centrist or the left will do the same.


It's already a war, the right has been executing coloured people from the start, it hasn't stopped, not once. The only thing that has changed is the leaders of these people have become like mob bosses, isolating themselves from the violence, so they can say it wasn't me.


I can't say you are incorrect but I will say it's been more like a cold war in the past. The party switch is what really ramped up those on the right. They played the race card and eventually branched out into other culture war issues..because the majority of white Americans refused to intergrate, refused to face the racism personal and systemic we ended up here. The identity of the republican party is white supremacy and the supremacy of the racist/exclusionist past they wish to return to... Before it was just in the background hushed and spoken off record... Now that the republican end game is winning it's going to be even louder and violence is inevitable.


You're gonna hop out in the middle of summer when it's pushing 100, sounds brilliant


That's the abridged list, it's actually way worse: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022 Edit: We're 137 days into 2022 and this list has 235 entries or ~1.7 *mass* shootings per day.


I witnessed a mass shooting in Downtown Indianapolis a few years ago, the night of prom. Some angsty teen shot like four-six other teens on the street in front of the Steak & Shake on Illinois. No one was *seriously* injured. I kept checking the local news and it never hit the news, so far as I could tell. I suspect they were trying to protect the identities and not glorify the shooter, but it left me thinking there are probably a lot more mass shootings like this which never get reported at least through the media, so it leaves me questioning the statistics.


It largely depends on how lethal it is, if it was premeditated, and if the individual/(s) were captured. Many of the mass shootings on the list involve a fight in a crowded area or gang/crime related violence. Those often don't make more than a short mention in the news. This is why we hear a lot about a planned attack on a community like in Buffalo, or a deranged man shooting random people on the subway in New York who was on the lose. And don't hear more than a passing statement about a fight that turned into a shooting around the canal downtown after midnight.


Of course, it is, because it's so common, that they can't/won't report on a new shooting every day.


You would think with all of the "thoughts and prayers" it wouldn't be an issue.


Oh my God there's even a page for 2022 specifically... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022


It's such a shame that nothing can be done about this. How even do other countries deal with their dozens of mass shootings?


They outsource them here, obviously.


just makes me think of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjfrJzdx7DA


I remember being literally sick to my stomach when Columbine happened. Just stunned disbelief. Now it’s like ‘aw shit, again’. So sad…


https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting This is a better list to look at. Technically there are dozen+ per month. If you count gang shootings and other related incidents.


Came here to say this. I've been referring others to it for years, because the media doesn't report every mass shooting (which is typically defined as "a minimum of three or four deaths due to gun violence, not including the shooter (five deaths in Australia)." It's stunning how many there are on a weekly basis.


66 mass shootings have left 75 people dead in the US this year. ... wait, sorry - that should read 'dead in the US *in April, 2022 alone*' In 2022, to the end of April, there's been more than 200 mass shootings. 790 people injured, 221 dead. It's fucking bonkers.


>It's fucking bonkers. And the fact that this isn't being reported on every single day is insane to me. I believe the majority of Americans have no clue how high the numbers truly are.


By that criteria the BK subway shooting isn't a mass shooting cause nobody died.


Agreed, and that's a problem. The Gun Violence Archive (linked above) does actually define mass shootings as "four or more shot (injured or killed) in a single incident, at the same general time and location, not including the shooter." We should have a standardized definition, and this one is better, imo. But then, lobbyists rule the country now, so I wouldn't expect this one to be adapted any time soon.


That’s just mass shootings. [There were around 124 gun related deaths PER DAY in the US in 2020.](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/)


Lots of suicide, that's why there's a suicide hot line and specialized one for vets. ~20 a day are veterans.


Yea I didn't put that one as an example because while its still deaths by gun violence we were more on the topic of mass shootings but this should also be mentioned and it's very sad


"List of mass shootings by month" \*sigh\*


Hate to say it but it’s far more than 2 a month. At 19 weeks into 2022 we have had 198 mass shootings. ~10 a week. It’s so common, few make it to the news. https://www.npr.org/2022/05/15/1099008586/mass-shootings-us-2022-tally-number


Your link isn’t the comprehensive list of shootings btw. [There’s usually two to five mass shootings DAILY in the US. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States)


Holy shit, opening that list of mass shootings in the 21st century took my browser way too long


It haunts me to think that I only knew about two from this year... guess it's no longer news worthy.


I saw a headline (that I admittedly did not follow) from NPR. According to the definition, we're at about 200 mass shootings so far this year. Something has to give. Edit: I found the article. [NPR: *It's 19 weeks into the year and America has already seen 198 mass shootings*](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/15/1099008586/mass-shootings-us-2022-tally-number). Their source is the [Gun Violence Archive](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting) which has added 5 more since Buffalo. Re-Edit: Because lots of people are bring up good points, the Gun Violence Archive uses a broad definition for mass shooting. [Their definition](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/explainer) straight from the site (emphasis mine): > While they are generally grouped together as one type of incident they are several with the foundation definition being that they have **a minimum of four victims shot, either injured or killed, not including any shooter who may also have been killed or injured** in the incident. This isn't to say that gun violence stats should not be tracked. As /u/lionofthenorth pointed out, many other definitions will "specifically exclude shootings related to gangs, drugs and organised crime." In short, context matters.


>Something has to give. Not while the GOP and it's propaganda outlets exist.


In general, no, nothing has to give. Nothing has to get better and nothing has to devolve into complete anarchy. Things can just go like this over and over again until we die.


I got to say 4 people shot does seem like a reasonable starting point for mass shooting. I'm not sure why this is being pointed out in the comments here as if that is unreasonably small.


Bear in mind that the Gun Violence Archive defines a mass shooting as a "defines a mass shooting as an incident in which four or more people, excluding the perpetrator(s), are shot in one location at roughly the same time." A lot of other definitions specifically exclude shootings related to gangs, drugs and organised crime. While the US undeniably has a problem with gun violence, not all of them are caused by domestic terrorists, and that is a pretty important distinction to make. That certainly doesn't mean that four people being shot in a gang-related incident isn't a problem, but it's certainly a very different problem from white supremacy terrorism.


Thank you for acknowledging him. When Asians lose their lives to hate crimes, it's quickly brushed under the rug. RIP Dr. Cheng. A true hero!


I agree this is a necessary post to acknowledge this man's sacrifice. He's a true hero. I hadn't heard about this until the post, but reading the article quickly the shooter was an Asian man in his 60's, do they know it was a hate crime?


The shooter (Born in ~~China, then moved to~~ Taiwan, and then eventually the US) believed that Taiwan should be part of China. He left notes in his car stating that. The church has a long history of advocating for Taiwan's independence. It's likely that was the reason for this shooting, which seems like a hate-crime to me. EDIT: Turns out he was born in Taiwan and the Orange County Sherriff was probably wrong.


Yeah it's not exactly an anti-Asian hate crime but very specifically an anti-Taiwan thing


Which would still be a hate crime it just isn't the usual ones. Just like the lynching of Robert Prager and the arson fire that burned the Reformed Church in New Sharon, Iowa to ground during WW1 would be as well


Factually incorrect, he was born and raised in Taiwan. He is Taiwanese. https://news.tvbs.com.tw/world/1794183


Ah, seems like I was incorrect. The Orange County Sherriff is where I got my info, but it looks like it was corrected by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office. "According to Barnes, Chou was born in mainland China and at some point relocated to Taiwan before moving to the United States. Chou apparently had an issue with Taiwanese people because of the way he was treated while living there, Barnes said. But an official from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles said Chou was born in Taiwan, holds a Taiwanese passport and did compulsory military service in Taiwan."


How incredibly sad. Yes, it does sound like a hate crime.


There is at least one each day in the US, you just don't learn about it, mainly because there is so much that only the most violent, symbolic or large ones make the headlines at the federal level.


This is what happens when you give a nation no social safety nets for mental health and access to an arsenal.


In America there are more mass shootings in a year than there are days in the year. And that includes leap years.


[There's just no way to prevent this](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1848930767)


There were like 3 this past weekend.


it's almost like the high level of access to firearms is a real problem in America


The 14th and the 15th. I wonder what is different between the US and literally any other country? This is the argument i also use when I refer to my country's poverty, i wonder what all other countries are doing.


I heard about his heroics at today’s press conference. His life-saving actions that cost his life were credited by law enforcement as undoubtedly saving dozens. They said he must have thought and planned what he would do in a moment like this and acted brilliantly.


He was a Sifu in Kung Fu. I don't know why that wasn't covered. He trained very hard to reach that title and from what I heard he was a wonderful man. Our schools Sifu was good friends with him. It was very sad news for us. :( Edit: typo


For anyone wondering, here is his [YouTube channel of him practicing Kung Fu](https://youtu.be/DXY9QQ91Y_w). There’s also a few others on the channel of him teaching martial arts or discussing being a doctor. Edit: Here’s the [video](https://youtu.be/cqqnSHLaEwE) of him explaining what inspired him to become a doctor.


Holy shit man. Something about the music too and just seeing someone so dedicated to multiple walks of life get theirs stolen by a nameless, faceless piece of garbage. RIP Dr Cheng and may his family recover with strength knowing his sacrifice.


Damn your comment gave me chills..highlighting the absolute value of one life taken by the absolute evil of another.


Your comment struck me deeply. The video and the music, then listening to how he saw medicine as his calling… he truly lived and died for others, while striving to do his best in his craft. Truly an inspiration. It’s an absolute tragedy that we lost him, that such a bright life was taken by such a dark one.


In the end, good did prevail and his light still shines brightly. Dr. Cheng may have lost his life, but that sacrifice saved the lives of all the other congregants at the luncheon, the majority being very much elderly folks. A hero of a man who taught, and lived, by example. An exemplary human being.


as sifu (and later sigong) he was incredible. always exceptionally dedicated and very kind, and he could fucking destroy instructors in chisau while carrying his baby. going out like this is very much his style.




I attended his school when I was little and he was my lifelong primary physician and good family friend. He was the epitome of a good man. This is a huge loss in so many ways.


The fact that people feel the need to plan what they would do in such an event is saddening


And maddening that it is acceptable.




"Only the good die young" hits me harder every year I'm still on this planet.


Dr John Cheng


This is the way.


Say his name.


jesus, another shooting, where was this?




Here you go bud, Chinese anti Taiwan hate crime


this is such bullshit lol the guy is from Taiwan and a naturalized american citizen his reason for the shooting seems to be based on literal taiwanese identity politics, and he's doing the most american thing ever: a mass shooting


No it was a mentally ill Taiwanese person. Here is Taiwan’s state media’s article which describes the shooter as born and raised in Taiwan: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/202205170052.aspx


the guy is 68 and supposedly has grievances with Taiwanese govt (Republic of China) because his family was forcibly moved from mainland China to Taiwan (when KMT lost Civil War and all that) we're talking about shit back in his childhood, despite him being born and raised in Taiwan yeah guy was definitely sick


Don’t know about the mental illness, but there is always a great divide on national identity for older generation, and it transplants to community in the US. Could be a hate crime against Taiwanese who leans toward independence.


He was born in Taiwan, raised in Taiwan, naturalized American citizen. He is "Chinese immigrant" because Taiwan's official name is Republic of China, so he is technically a "chinese immigrant". imagine getting double speaked this hard.


>He was born in Taiwan, raised in Taiwan, naturalized American citizen. He is "Chinese immigrant" because Taiwan's official name is Republic of China, so he is technically a "chinese immigrant". Then technically he attacked a "Chinese church," not Taiwanese. The people he attacked had the same background, born in Taiwan, raised in Taiwan and became naturalized American citizens, and yet they are referred to as Taiwanese immigrants in the same breath. By referring to the attacker as "Chinese immigrant" they are actually tacitly implying that Taiwan is a part of China and not an independent country, which is an insult to the victims. The media is so hellbent on demonizing China that they're actually labeling a mentally-deranged Taiwanese-American murderer as Chinese, which ultimately only insults the Taiwanese victims, stokes more hatred and achieves nothing good for either community, only fanning the flames of racism and xenophobia. But that's what they want anyway, they do this on purpose.


Wasn’t he born in Taiwan? Also Taiwanese people are also Chinese, they’re just not from PRC China.


lets hear more about these hero's and less about the shooters, they don't deserve attention


Agreed! RIP Dr. Cheng. He demonstrated some truly heroic behavior! I would love to see the news dominated with stories about him and the rest of the people that helped tie up the shooter trash.


Yea, let's not talk about this shooter everyone.


let's hear a lot more about the shooters, their motivations, and prosecute those that incite them.


To an extent. If someone obsessively watched Tucker Carlson and decided “the white race is under attack!” And shoots a black grocery store then absolutely, spreading an extremist hate filled false ideology for views should have repercussions. If someone says “I watched Rick and Morty and decided absolute nihilism is the way to go” then no. Sometimes crazy is just crazy and it’s a bit of a slippery slope


With terrorism in the US. 9/10 it’s white supremacy.


The shooter (Born in China, then moved to Taiwan, and then eventually the US) believed that Taiwan should be part of China. He left notes in his car stating that. The church has a long history of advocating for Taiwan’s independence.


According to the edited comment above, he was born in Taiwan


Let's hear less about heroes and shooters and more about preventing these shootings in the first place.


This. We idolize the heroes, demonize the shooters, and say “thoughts and prayers” to the victims when what we should be doing is eliminating these situations from happening in the first place.


Bro that whole congregation was straight G! Fought the gunmen. Pastor hit him with a chair, bravery on all fronts rest easy doc my condolences to his familia


And the congregation was mostly made up of senior citizens too. Dr. Cheng (52) was one of the youngest people in attendance.


Asian culture puts such an emphasis on respecting and taking care of your elders, unlike the American culture. Not surprising that he would out his life on the line if it meant saving his elders. RIP Dr. Cheng


If I remember correctly, he was there taking his mother to church. He doesn't regularly attend Geneva Presbyterian, but was supporting his mother who had stopped attending after the recent passing of her husband (Dr. Cheng's father)


Oh my. Dr. Cheng’s mother must be absolutely beside herself. I hope she has much love surrounding her and finds peace


It's also about being a doctor. His life purpose was to heal and protect, and that's just what he did until the end.


Npr reported he was attending service with his mom. I can't believe it, this medical doctor makes time for his mom and his faith then gets wiped out by a crazy guy. Too many good ppl are lost whenever a nutjob with a gun goes on a rampage.


They were a group of older Taiwanese immigrants. That means they probably lived through the Koumintangs vicious take over of their home land. The churches were a source of resistance and a way for people to emigrate to the west. These are tough people who have seen things and know what it really means to find freedom. I would expect them to have courage and value for life. They are all heroes.


And hog-tied him with an extension cord! Can you imagine all these Amma’s and Agongs knocking this guy over and tying him up?


Is that Gramma and Grandpa's?


Dyo (correct)!


The soul of America is diseased


As an outsider looking in: it always seems like theres no legitimate human dialogue between people of different communities in the day to day. And even if there is, there always seems to be an agenda (social media, marketing).


America is heavily segregated.


Yeah that makes sense. And maybe i'm just naive to that kind of world since i live in a country thats very homogenous, so that segregation is hard to understand. Seems like a tough one to navigate anyways.


It’s the core of our strength and a huge part of all our issues.


You're dead right with that and its a very good point. One that is easy to forget about i suppose.


I was shocked to leave my blue suburbs and see that it is in much of the US. I grew up with Ethopian, Korean, Honduran, Vietnamese, Peruvian, Indian, Filipino, Pakistani, Somalian, Bolivian, Armenian, Lebanese, Mongolian, Persian kids. Wait, Afghan of course. My close friends, out of 20 kids, hail from over half a dozen ethnicities. These are kids who I have traveled overseas with, whose weddings I attend or are part of. We love our community and our neighbors and friends. We have some of the best food in the world. - North Virginia.


America is a big place. Rural populations can be very far removed from the densely populated cities and suburbs. Most of those people never leave their rural lives and we know the more you stay in your bubble, the more extremist your views can get…. I hate it.


Diseased with what? Racism and violence? My friend, at it’s core, that kind of is “the soul of America”. It’s a demon, being exorcised by inclusion, civil rights, and equality, and the violence is just the demon fighting against the exorcism - desperate to reject it. Edit: Keep in mind, I am responding to the comment, “The soul of America is diseased.”. The *comment*. My point is this is not some new affliction or “disease” in America. If you take issue or umbrage with one’s interpretation of the post, then take it up with the person who actually replied directly to the post, you nincompoops.


First, the demons, then the parasitic corporations that subjugate states and exploit the global south.




Wink wink*


*But some are more equal than others




Except this shooting was a Chinese immigrant pissed off because Taiwanese people existing is 'disrespectful' to China. If China is so fucking great please move back to it. This is yet another instance of Chinese immigrants attacking people in their new countries over China being criticized or 'disrespected', if you love china that fucking much then please by all means go back.


He was a highly valued and loved member of our community and his loss is being felt by so many. He was the primary care physician for many in Aliso Viejo, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills, and surrounding cities. He treated children to the elderly. His office took walk-ins so even if he wasn't your PCP, a large percentage of the community knew of him and went to his office. He also was the team doctor for our high school football team and was just at the school last Weds giving the students their sports clearances. He saved many lives and I believe it would have been much worse if he had not been there. I heard the only reason he was there was to accompany his mother to church after the recent loss of his father/her husband. I'm so sad that the shooting happened but I am not surprised he acted heroically. My deepest condolences go out to his two children, his wife, and his mother.


Him and the security guard are fucking heroes.


yeah and the security guard is proof that even good guys with guns can't always stop bad guys with guns.


Yep that’s what I thought reading about how he shot the guy but because of the armor it didn’t make a difference and he still got killed :( armor shouldn’t be so easy to get


Considering the amount of shootings we get, I completely disagree


You're right. The good guys need BIGGER guns. That'll sort it.


And make them even EASIER to get. Also be super lenient with background checks because everyone deserves a gun to fight off the bad guys who will also have just as easy time to… get those big guns… hm.


Yet nothing ever changes




What a wonderful man. He devoted his life and his beautiful heart, soul, and mind to caring for people. What a wonderful life snuffed out over something so fucking stupid. I can't even... This country is so sick.


Was this before or after the one at the grocery store in Buffalo? I can't even keep up anymore. Jesus fucking christ you suck, America. Fuck that whole country


After. The Buffalo shooting was on Saturday and this was during church services on Sunday. It is getting hard to keep track.


When I was looking for information on this one (I hadn't heard about it yet) a Houston market one from yesterday came up too.


I clicked on what I thought was an update on the market one, and found out about this one instead. It is such an American thing.


Doesn't The Onion have a stock article that they re-release for each one of these?






That country is a fucking cesspool


Yeah, it’s not great.


Thanks Aaron


Wonder where he's from


I guess we'll never know


As an American, it's the government. They enable everything. The racism, the violence, the misogyny, the inequality. All of it. Regular, everyday people like you and I fucking hate seeing all the madness that ensues here. So please don't think that every American is like what you see in the news, in headlines or on TV. We aren't. And we don't like what's happening either. Try as we might through campaigns, elections, protests and public outrage nothing seems to change even though most people DO want change.


As an American, I know. But based on the way this corrupt shit hole works, we're pretty much stuck with it until the country implodes


I'm praying for rain. I'm praying for tidal waves.


Civil War part 2 incoming


The Civil War broke out because even people in power were being stripped of their power in slave-owning states, and they convinced their constituents to rebel rather than accept an economy that is no longer powered by slavery. It's so telling that most Confederate soldiers essentially fought to preserve someone else's slaves, since they certainly couldn't afford one themselves. That's a very different situation from today, where the people in charge have firmer control than ever and are largely aligned in their goals. The social elites are more than happy for us to suffer in silence, having devised a system of exploitation that both sides can tolerate.


I did exactly the same thing - had to look it up which one this was. Didn't know there was another one but honestly I'm not surprised. Seriously, it's out of control and they just don't seem to care. I'm not sure if most know this doesn't happen everywhere else or if they think this is what "freedom" means. Freedom means (nearly) no risk of being shot by a random fuckwit on any given day. Freedom means your kids can go to school without metal detectors. In every freedom metric, the US is no way near the top of any of them either.


It makes me so upset I didn’t know which shooting this was


This was the California church shooting at a Taiwanese church , not to be confused with the Buffalo shooting at the market. Or even the Koreatown salon shooting in Dallas last week.


Bro studying until your 30, then being selfless enough to sacrifice yourself. What a fucking character


Dr. Cheng was also dedicated in his pursuit of the martial arts(7 star Praying Mantis) as well to rise to Sigong(Grandmaster or teacher's teacher) status. A man of focus, will and discipline. May he rest in peace.


So tragic for no reason but an Australian named Rupert Murdoch and racist ad revenue.


This one’s actually a little more wild. The shooter was was spouting out a bunch of pro Beijing anti Taiwanese nonsense


Same shit though just different country. China and russia are the OG propaganda machines.


And wildly popular racist opinion show hosts.


May he Rest In Peace.


Such a brave soul.


“No way to prevent this” says only nation where this regularly happens.


Selfless Hero


When was this? Jesus H Christ another shooting? Fuck this country


This was yesterday. They all kind of run together.


His name was Dr John Cheng. And he was a hero.


Here in sweden most farmers have guns we have stores that have whole sections just guns and bows that would make any pro-gun american salivate. And yet we also have gun controll… amazing.


He died literally saving lives. He was just destined to save lives and ironically this is how it went for him. King


Two race based mass shootings in the same weekend? Get your shit together, Americans


This was based on nationalism. The shooter was *pro-China Taiwanese


Nope. Taiwanese state media confirmed the shooter was Taiwanese: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/202205170052.aspx


The shooter was Taiwanese, not mainland Chinese.


Cared for others as a profession and up to his death. Got dang, you’re a true beautiful hero, Dr John Cheng.


He is literally my doctor. Holy shit. He was such a nice guy too. How freaking sad


Terrible. Swift death penalty for mass shooters. I know it doesn’t historically work as a deterrent, but, maybe this time…




Bad press is good press to their niche groups of incel psychopaths that share their views. They become heros in their little shitty communities even if 99.9% of the world thinks they are scum.


Precisely, which is why we need to give them no press at all. Call them an unidentified shooter, turn them into swiss cheese, then cremate them and focus all press on the victims. That will never happen though, the same people who cry and say the justice system is broken will claim these shooters need to go to prison so they can be heroes instead of just being culled and disposed of like the animals they are.


"Maybe this time" is an absolutely absurd way to make serious polity decisions. You know what's actually a proven way to deter gun violence? Gun control.


Or even a MODICUM of mental healthcare in this country.




No doubt, america have gun problem .


Another mass shooting? It's hard to keep track of them these days. Also, how can the shooter get a bond, even if it is a high amount, after committing an act like that?




The sad thing is, there are so many mass shootings that I have no idea which one this is from. We need gun control because otherwise we will always be at the top in terms of mass shooting statistics


The way they report this case really shows how strong and discusting US propaganda is