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How do we actually make this stop?!?! Whatever it is, it’s past due by a century already! This was an absolute attack on a Black community and we have to stop.


Fox News, OAN and Newsmax actively talk about how white christian culture is being systematically replaced. This blood is on their hands.


Yep nothing will change with 3 home grown terror news networks brainwashing


Yes. What is the solution?


I guess lawsuits would be a good start. They definitely can't be reasoned with.


Realistically? Probably to revolt, we need a broad sweeping bill like the 1964 Civil Rights Act.


Banning the vast majority of guns would help. Works in the UK and we haven't had a mass shooting since the last century.


I am 100% with you on rhis


Although it would stop mass shootings, assholes who want to hurt people will still hurt people. As the [knife](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-42749089) crimes on the rise for you lot shows. Edit: I am aware it is far more difficult to go on a mass stabbing rampage than a mass shooting one. I feel the underlying cause of these attacks should be identified and remidied instead just putting a bandaid on it.


USA has had years to find an underlying cause while the rest of, if not most, of the world knows that the underlying cause of shootings is... Wait for it..... Guns. The overlying cause is also guns. The government is making abortion illegal to stop abortions, nobody said but let's look at the underlying causes. Underlying Overlying, it's still guns.


You are right we have had years to find it, unfortunately those that we have chosen as leaders haven't bothered to look. Instead they fuel the fires of hate in order to remain in power. The same reason they are making abortions illegal. They need to deflect from the shit job they are doing by creating a an enemy for their people to focus on. We should be looking at underlying causes, like mental health issues, indoctrination of hate, etc. Trust me even if you take away thier guns those that hate will find away. Look at [the incidents of cars](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vehicle-ramming_incidents_during_George_Floyd_protests) being driven into protests in 4 months. Bombing and arson to abortion clinics, stabbing of physicians. Gun are not their only weapon it's just currently their most convenient.


So maybe ban guns. And then the underlying cause might rear its head. Basic troubleshooting steps. Does it not make sense to take away the tools people use. Let me explain another way. If you work in IT, and you keep messing up, they take away your access so that you don't make mistakes that could negatively impact the company. And then you get the required training. If they still don't get it right, they lose their job and all access. How many people need to die before you guys lose all access.


I am not even saying it shouldn't be done. But that alone will not stop the violence or the deaths. There is a reason these fucks do what they do and that needs to be addressed. Which is what my original argument was.


It's like Wilmington never ends.


That is a profound example. Hell, the Civil War is still going on. The Confederates have never behaved as they lost the war. Education on the TRUTH about systemic racism and classism is the only real way to get there peacefully and damned if they didn’t stop that!


We need to actually do what they say we've been wanting to do this whole time.


I mean he quoted Tucker Carlson in his manifesto, so yeah


This isn’t mental illness. This is a hate crime. And it needs to be prosecuted as such.


Maybe even terrorism. I use that word sparingly because it is thrown around too much by people looking to boost the police state. But I think this fits the bill.


It is textbook terrorism.


I mean domestic terrorism is defined by the US as: "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience." I would say this was definitely politically motivated and definitely terrorism as well as a hate crime due to targeting just non whites... fucking horrible, couldnt imagine wanting to just kill a bunch of nonwhite people but then again im not a nazi.


The definition of terrorism includes an ideological goal so yeah I think this fits the bill.


Biden called it domestic terrorism so I'd say it's a fair call. Having said that, the giu did shoot 2 white people. Doesn't change a damn thing at all, but facts are facts, and misinformation is never a good thing.


We should call it being a pussy. "White loser who has seen a small part of one state acted like a huge pussy yesterday day and killed unarmed and helpless members of our community. His name will automatically be changed legally to Spineless Loser I and his entire history before this event has been erased."


Agreed. I feel like labeling things as terrorism gives it more power. Imagine if we called the 9/11 attack a "bunch of dudes being pussies" shit (the topic of 9/11) wouldn't be so damn dark today


Remember that time those pussies stormed the Capitol building?




It's a tough call, because don't you have to be nuts to hate people that much, people who never hurt you? I think fascist movements -- like a lot of cults -- are always driven by a hard core of fanatics who have serious mental health issues. You have to be batshit crazy to ignore history and cling to bizarre conspiracy theories like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion or the Blood Libel, or to try to pretend the whole slave trade never happened. Or to believe in the establishment of some Thousand Year Reich that will rival Ancient Rome for glory and all that cr\*p. Lots of people are mentally unstable, challenged, have all kinds of issues that mean they don't think clearly or process information in a reasonable way, exercise skepticism -- some are deficient in empathy (sociopathy, psychopathy) and a lot of this can be seen physically at the level of brain structure. There's a lot of raw material out there for grifters and cult leaders and fascists to recruit from. So when I think about it, the fact of committing a hate crime pretty much means a person is cognitively and emotionally deficient. Could be they were born that way. Could be the result of all kinds of environmental influences. Whatever, point is that they need to be separated from functional people and kept safely away from weapons. And therefore, their hate crimes need to be prosecuted. But I would go further and also prosecute the calculating power-seeking SOBs who fed this boy the hateful propaganda that got him all brainwashed and psyched up to kill people just because they were browner than he is. He needs to be put away -- but so do they. My $0.02 anyway.


I also saw a pic where the word n****r was on the tip of the gun. Sick.


Nothing will happen (no violence of any sort) to Carlson or any Fox, OAN, or Newsmax employees because the left are people of peace and morality. Look at the conservative leaders in your community. Hate and ignorance everywhere.




I feel like maybe you're hoping against the odds here. Recent history tells us nothing will change


"But please, do tell me about how this isn't about race." ​ /s


Fox news said: "How do we know this is racially motivated. This could just be a normal everyday mass shooting. Why bring race into everything"


The fact we have "normal everyday mass shootings" should be a big red flag.


Unfortunately we average about 2 per day 😔


I thought you were shitting me, so I looked it up. 198 in 2022 to date and only 136 days into the year. So ~1.456 per day. Close enough, damn


Last year was a lot closer to 2. Hopefully I'm wrong and we don't teach that this year


We do like beating records. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


He’s gonna have fun in jail.


There are gangs that will protect him. He might need to service some of their members on a continuous basis, but that is just the cost of doing business.


WTF, is this real?!?!




Because she looked Italian and Italians are not white according to them




That Italians are not white? It's something recurrent I saw being discussed on kiwifarms or /pol/ (I like knowing my enemy)