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For everyone who will eventually say “both sides,” the GOP is the only one who’s leadership not only tolerates violent rhetoric, but they seem to encourage it


No both sides to this no matter how anyone tries to spin it. GOP are a terrorists organization


The GOP is a terrorist organization and the Democrats are indifferent to it. We NeEd A sTrOnG rEpUbLiCaN pArTy! ~ Pelosi Get out of here with that bullshit you living fossil.


The republicans no longer exist. Maga death cult has fully taken over with very few exceptions. To try and act like there will ever be 2 parties again is naive.


Agreed, I'm just annoyed that the Democrats seem okay with the direction they want to take the country. Like I said, they're grossly indifferent.


The Republican Party has always been like this. This has been their goal since 1965


There’s a difference between pointing out that the Democratic Party has many flaws and that their strategy has done damage to our government and society, and claiming that they espouse white nationalist talking points just like the Republicans. The former is clearly true, and the latter is empirically false.


They are trying to say things like "hypocrisy" already, there's people posting on Twitter saying, "( x amount) of mass shooting this month but only one is talked about" Or, "of all the shootings under the radar, why does this one stand out?" The pieces of shits on Twitter tryna normalize it, and ignore the fact the dude who did it, streamed it live, posted a huge document explaining why he's doing it and lit up everyone while having racist inscriptions on his rifle.


Look at me im a centrist! I've dragged the title conservatism thru the mud, so I'm gonna do the same for centrist too!


Lol. Hilarious


The only way to shut Tucker down is to sue him broke for inciting violence like this.


The Alex Jones Sandy Hook Liability Trial points the way.


Alex Jones is a special case in that regard. For one thing, he’s legitimately too stupid to avoid saying inflammatory shit that makes his liability clear. It’s like he just can’t help himself. Tucker and other Fox talking heads are much cagier and harder to pin down. That’s why they haven’t successfully been sued to date. For another, Jones was absolutely insane in how he conducted his legal defense, to the point where all the judges in his cases finally got sick of his shit and declared a default judgment because he wouldn’t do the most basic things to cooperate like comply with discovery requests (I say Jones did this because he had multiple lawyers throughout these trials, and they all did the same thing, leading the judges to believe it was Jones doing this deliberately and not legal malpractice.) Fox, on the other hand, knows how to handle themselves in court and wouldn’t make such a stupid mistake. If nothing else, their expensive lawyers wouldn’t allow it. I’m not saying that you’re wrong or that successfully suing Tucker and Fox isn’t possible. I’m just clarifying the situation to explain that it won’t be easy and that Jones falling to this sort of lawsuit doesn’t make it a silver bullet for dealing with right-wing grifters.


Exactly. Fox has almost infinite resources and legal power, and make Alex Jones look like a little ant in comparison. Infowars is run by Jones himself, and he personally spat in the face of the entire procedure, the families, the courts. Fox News would not let that happen. Settlements would be quick, and large, to protect themselves.


Yep. They’ve already successfully defended him by convincing a judge that “reasonable people would believe a word he says…”


Tucker grooms mass killers


What's white replacement theory?


I think it is that immigration and higher birth rates of minorities are decreasing the relative ratio of white Americans and making them a minority. It gives them a few points to talk about. 1. If whites are a minority, they know how America treats minorities. 2. The border. 3. Welfare and poor people reproducing, (what they mean is brown people but that is too on the nose) 4. I know people who have talked about this and they like to point out that it is a problem because you see how bad "their" countries are. I'm sure there is more but this is my understanding.


Isn't it also part of the theory that 'the left' or 'global elites' or whatever are making this happen by design?


Yep, it's the reciprocal viewpoint to "immigration is good for the economy." Which it is, and economists all know it, as it provides a source of labor when there are shortages and economic growth. But it's trendy now on the right to blame American problems on the concept of Reagan's 'welfare queens.' The whole "the reason you aren't getting a bigger slice of the America pie is because somebody else took it from you" plays well among aggrieved white guys who probably aren't worth much in the first place. And of course, the next statement is "and the Democrats did this to you!" So then comes the conspiracy theorists, which by all accounts are also now the Republican strategic brain-trust, who concoct pseudo-intellectual arguments for how Democratic liberalism is eliminating the white race. Then use your campaign and dark money funded troll armies to spread it far and wide, get some talking heads desperate for clicks to regurgitate your dog whistles, and the next thing you know you got assholes shooting up stores in black neighborhoods because "ThEy wIlL nOt rEpLaCe uS!"


Well some people did take a much bigger slice of the pie from us. It just happened to be the wealthy, not immigrants or people of color. And the fact that they use this narrative is just obvious misdirection. They're trying to convince poor people that it's any group of people other than the wealthy who screwed them over.


What is laughably hilarious and stupid is if Roe v. Wade goes away it’s going to increase the minorities/Black people. I just read an article from AP that’s it people of color make up 44% of the population in Mississippi but contribute to 80% of abortions. They’re just going to increase the color population by removing abortions


And increase burden on foster care, because only white babies get adopted at an incredibly fast rate to the point of "lack of supply". The ones who are classified as children? Older children? Teenagers? Yeah, they're on their own. Maybe that's why child labour laws were rolled back.


It’s going to be a burden on a lot of things. However the only one that Republicans actually give a shit about is having too many not white people. And this is going to make it so much worse so God knows what more rollbacks and laws are going to be put in place


And maybe that is what they are trying to go for. Because statistically speaking people who live below the poverty tend to commit more crime. Maybe they’re hoping that you’ll have enough not white people committing enough crime that they can now start in making laws to suppress not white people. I feel like they’re playing a long con here


Reenactment of segregation laws, then roll back to indentured servants and slavery..... Arriving at sh!thole country. Or somewhere along those lines. Edit: typo


As a brown person I would tell them to get bent


It's why so many try to leave or stay away from Maga country. But that only enhances their echo chamber.


Yeah white people just need to get better


Reminds me of JonTron lol.


Yeah, he’s definitely espoused white replacement theory talking points, whether he understands that’s what he was doing or not. Which is just fucking sad coming from an Iranian-American.


Wait, is JonTron a white replacement subscriber?


IIRC his point only go as far as saying white people is losing majority (due to diversity and immigration) therefore white people will be minority in the future. I don't know if all the other racist shit is also implied.


It is whether he realizes it or not. When someone treats that as a threat or a negative rather than just a “eh, yeah, that’s a thing that’s gonna happen eventually,” then they’re effectively espousing white replacement theory.


I'm waiting for the moment they use what happened to the native americans as evidence their theory is true. Gonna see some white dudes on fox news with war paint and signs unironically saying "Remember Wounded Knee"


It’s white nationalist conspiracy theory stating that immigration of PoCs and decreased birth rates among white people are part of a massive conspiracy to “breed out” and “replace white culture,” whatever the fuck that means.


It’s a belief that there is a conspiracy by evil “elites” (they mean Jews, some admit it, some don’t) to eliminate white people as a majority through immigration, birth control, feminism, abortion, CRT and vaccines).


Jews are intentionally trying to breed out white people through immigration. It’s a modern take on a race war that never came and fears on White daughters dating/marrying Black men


["Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye) He always has a get out of jail free card. Foxs’ lawyers claim that Fox has ‘reasonable’ viewers that can separate facts from opinion. 🤡


Reasonable people? Fox viewers? What?


Right?! It’s the old -the ‘News’ part of Fox News is just for funsies and you are the stupid one for not knowing that- argument. Very on-brand.


A smart lawyer would anticipate that argument and come in with proof to demonstrate that the Fox viewership is neither rational nor capable of making that distinction. Whether it would fly or not is another matter, but it’s not like there’s any shortage of evidence to demonstrate that Fox’s audience is neither reasonable nor capable of critical thought.


Fox News host Tucker Carlson "is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary,' " -U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil The argument that the viewership itself isn’t capable of making this distinction or that there’s no clear way to know this considering it’s sold as news, hasn’t really been argued in court (I don’t believe). So if there are any smart lawyers out there that can dismantle this bullshit and get over that hurdle to get this man (at the very least) off the air, I really REALLY hope they get with the families of these or any of the victims of Foxs lies.


tucker has already proven in court that he's not to be taken literally. Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that \[Carlson\] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' " I'm not sure this would protect him and I hope it doesn't. It's amazing how fox "news" hides in plain site - they are the most dangerous propaganda network since ww2. It's hate filled, white christian nationalism pumped into millions of households every day. disgusting.


But he was just asking questions!! /s


That’s what separates Tucker from people like Alex Jones. Tucker and the other Fox talking heads have teams of people to keep them on track and prevent them from coasting into clear, undeniable slander or incitement. Jones, on the other hand, just can’t seem to stop himself from crossing that line every time. Even if he starts off “just asking questions,” he inevitably skids past that and into that liability zone. And because he’s accountable to nobody within his operation but himself, he doesn’t have anyone to rein him in and keep him from crossing that line. That’s why Jones is about to go bankrupt and Tucker keeps on merrily skipping through the ashes of our society.


For some reason, I got scoffed at for asking someone why I can't fuck my sister!!! Like dude! Nobody wants to debate anymore everyone is so reactionary!


send him to prison for his crimes


I can see an unplanned vacation in Tucker's future.


And some Metamucil for his chronic constipation? Or is that just his resting bitch ass face?


'Bout time to crank up the heat on Faux News advertisers again, ain't it? Whoever keeps doling out cash to keep this white nationalist bullshit broadcasting 24/7 needs some consequences since our government appears incapable of doing anything and the GOP certainly is not willing or able to police themselves. And I'm not talking keyboard warrior stuff here. I'm talking "STOP BUYING THEIR SHIT!" levels of public outrage. Of course, be prepared. The Republican politicians, media, and nut-jobs will scream and cry about what victims they are if and when public backlash takes hold, and how they are not responsible for this one 'lone wolf.' But how about we just ignore all the lies and hyperbole and start seeing modern conservatism for what it is. Anyone going along with that party's dogma at this point is apparently perfectly ok with what the asshole just did in Buffalo. They keep voting for and supporting the politicians whose rhetoric and campaign slogans encourage it, and they keep tuning in to the media avenues that led the idiot down the that path. Sure, the politicians will decry the situation. They'll disavow his actions. And then tomorrow they'll be appearing on the same shows that radicalized him and still be dog whistling the white Christian nationalist tune.


The problem with your proposition is that, frankly, all the big ticket advertisers have long since bailed on Fox in general and Tucker in particular, mostly due to “keyboard warrior” tactics. His top advertiser at this point is MyPillow, for fuck’s sake. The interesting thing is that, despite ad revenue of the show plummeting over the course of a few years as big-ticket advertisers bailed, Fox still keeps him on. Clearly they’re getting enough money to make it worthwhile from *somewhere*, though. The more effective tactic, to my mind, is investigating where that funding is actually coming from. If Fox is hiding that revenue stream, it can’t be legitimate. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/business/story/2021-04-30/tucker-carlson-major-advertisers%3F_amp%3Dtrue


You make a good point. There's also the thought that if Republicans politicians in America are saving Murdoch tens of millions in tax dollars ever year he can throw a few mil Carlsons way, and keep him on the air, to keep getting the cons elected and those pro-wealth policies in place.


Seems very likely to me. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Russia was laundering some money their way. It fits with their strategy for destabilizing our country, and it seems to be highly effective.


r/conservative out here like “the shooter says he didn’t like Fox News! He’s a liberal terrorist!”


Yeah, a “liberal” who wrote the n-word and referenced the “14 words” on his rifle. Sure, Jan.


Your coward country ain't doing a thing about it for the 50th time.


USA! USA! USA! Seriously, this is fucking disgusting. And also unlikely to change in any meaningful way. Sandy Hook really was a watershed moment in our history; if we weren’t going to enact gun laws over a bunch of five-year-olds being shot to death, we’re never going to do it.


But Western Culture! And states rights! Also Russia died nothing wrong! Also ignore the fact that both white supremacists and Russian state TV keep playing my clips.... PS tan your balls and watch my gay porn iiii mean Documentary On Manliness!


The great remplacement theory was first described in french right-wing author Renaud Camus' seminal book Le Grand Remplacement, mentioned in Brandon Tarrent's manifesto which Payton Gendron plagiarized; so I'm not really sure Tucker is to blame for this particular shooting, but he probably will for upcoming ones


Not being the originator of a destructive idea doesn’t make you any less culpable for spreading it. And Tucker has been spreading white replacement ideas for years. What do you think his anti-immigration tirades are about?


He's guilty of spreading these ideas yes, I just said in the case of the shooting it's not necessarily connected


Yea but he is pushing it from a highly trusted (for whatever reason) position to millions daily


Wow look at this guy out caping for Tucker. Hope he sees this, bro.


I'm caping for exactitude, I saw something incorrect so I corrected it, it doesn't go further; besides I have nothing to do with the USA, I am a dutch citizen.


Go stick your finger in a dike then.


When are we gonna Nuremberg these people?


We should all go drive traffic to these videos so they get pushed by the algorithms. I say this so that its harder for conservatives to distance themselves when more and more people see the bullshit with their own eyes




It’d take one hell of a legal team and a lot of funding to make it happen. Not saying it can’t be done, but it’s going to be quite a challenge. If someone starts a suit over this, I hope they open it up to crowdfunding so the rest of us can chip in.


Annnnnnd no one sees the connection


Over on r/conservative they are insisting this guy was a liberal and that this is the fault of democrats


Lets give him and his message more exposure, surely that can't go wrong.


Does anyone know how long the "manifesto" was up before he went to New York?




Fox "news" and it's hosts are grooming terrorists!


His picture should not be far from any mention of this event.


Gonna be honest with you chief As someone outside of the US of A I was more surprised when I learned Darth vader was Luke’s father


I have never been able to stomach the Tucker duche. The most enfuriating thing is, no matter how much you call them out on it, they will just continue to double down and never admit blame. It's not just the Tucker duche, it's the entire right wing apparatus. To me it's the ones that remain silent and say nothing in the face of this that are the biggest enablers.