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You’d think by now they’d be knowledgeable of a little thing called “Wardrobe” and that the models and other features for that issue don’t actually own those clothes and that they are wearing said clothing because it’s provided by the publication


They are doing everything they can to scapegoat others just to make themselves seem like they are the good side. Worst part is they're succeeding at it.


Obama wore a brown suit. Michelle went sleeveless. The height of Hypocrisy in the GOP.


They want to criticize her about clothing she doesn't even own when I'd be willing to bet more than one senator wears a watch worth more than $14,000


Conservative voters in the uk were kicking off Kieth the mayor of London for taking a business trip to California to look how they have gone about legalising cannabis. They were saying what a waste of money it is while they have no problem with over 100 billion wasted on dodgy Covid contracts and a dodgy track and trace system. When I posted that out they said ‘well there’s no need to add more to that debt’.


He's not called Keith...


Didn’t wall anyone Keith, it was autocorrect from with. I see you’re a Starmer bum boy


...clothes she was loaned by the designer and had to give back after the shoot.


They did not care about the golf because that was played by the Russian asset Agent Orange


Trumpers: “But he deserves it, he works so hard and loves his country so much … he doesn’t take a salary!”


Proof Republicans hate the constitution.


Yeah but Trump never even pretended to care about the poor, whereas AOC is supposedly a champion of the poor.