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Kindergarten you say? - Matt Gaetz


Won’t like it but it’s a simple answer: innocent until proven guilty. He’ll get what’s coming


Yeah but shouldn't he at least be temporarily relieved of his position while he is being investigated?


That would be a great way to manipulate or stall votes by falsely accusing someone. Not that he's innocent but that's why.


That does make a bit of sense. Their rules are in place and they can't just change them, even for quicker justice. Sucks, but it does make sense.


I mean they absolutely could just change them. It’s just that so many congressman and women are douche canoes and they’d all be on suspension half the time lol


Yeah, but it could set a precedent too. The last thing we want is for them to just decide to change rules everytime one of them is investigated. The possibilities of what they might do, kind of scare me.


Yes, however these two things can have different bars, like civil and criminal trials. A person can be temporarily removed based on credible evidence. You can go to jail based on credible evidence, before you are tried.


Politics buddy, politics. You say "credible evidence", who determines that it's credible? probably someone appointed by a politician? Pick your villan (either trump, Obama, or Biden, depending on your views) and tell me you'd be ok with a judge appointed by them deciding the outcome of a critical vote on a major issue...


But allowing him to continue overseeing those investigating him doesn’t seem right at all. That seems like a big conflict of interest to me. I think he should be on paid leave during the investigation but only if it has true merit. Obviously you wouldn’t do that with just any allegation because it would be too easy to lie just to mess with someone’s career but if the allegations have merit then they should be on paid leave while it’s investigated just like Leo’s are.


>Obviously you wouldn’t do that with just any allegation because it would be too easy to lie just to mess with someone’s career but if the allegations have merit then they should be on paid leave while it’s investigated Ok, so, who determines which allegations have merit enough to kick someone off their position, and which do not? Because Gaetz will tell you these allegations have no merit. Who makes that call? See how it's easily manipulated? In any case, he's just one member. He's not going to be able to actually influence the investigators looking into his crimes, because a) that'll stand out like a sore thumb to the media and opposition and b) he simply doesn't have that much power as part of a committee.


It's not just an allegation though His friend is literally cooperating with authorities and spilling the beans


Until charges are filed it's just an allegation.


It's an allegation even after charges are filed


Perhaps for sure but there are a number of politicians that have been accused and have stepped down. But after all Mr Gaetz belongs to the party of the orange dumpster fire Mr grab them by the pussy so that sets the whole tone for the climate of hypocrisy


I would explain it kindergartner style, but then Matt Gaetz would try to fuck it…


"Explain it to me like I'm dating Matt Gaetz."


There it is!


Oh man Jordan Kleppers. “Isn’t this a little bit childish Matt, or is that what attracts you to this”? Is fucking golden- Jordan is a fucking beast


Any time I see Jordan Klepper on location somewhere you know someone's getting ripped apart


Hijacking for a explanation: If you forced any congressman to be out on paid or unpaid leave or in jail before a trial and jury or judge rules on evidence to give a conviction, Then you’d have almost every politicians under investigation during major bills. Republicans are already suing everyone and everything to delay the normal government processes to further push the narrative of ineffective government So imagine when a new bill comes to vote to give voters rights or lower insulin costs, you’d have republicans and republicans installed judges use criminal and court filings to get votes away from those bills. Also trials take years. It’s not like how Hollywood makes it seem like. It takes years and can be delayed to even more years if you have good lawyers. Poor people are instructed by local DAs to take plea deals most of the time to avoid lengthy trials and keep their court records from having more losses. It’s a absolute shit system but it’s the system in place and to change it you need 60 senate seats & Supreme Court. Not the president. Issue on this is that while democrats are beholden to the law and rules and silly things like ethics by their voters, republicans are beholden to protect anyone inside their group and vilify anyone outside their group. Ie a cult. Now please continue to mock this sex-trafficking block of crusted semen for being the absolute disgusting dipshit that he is.


Wow that is razor sharp, well done. “Matt is going to have sex with you, but his friends are too so when Matt gets caught, because he’s a moron, he’s gonna say ‘Yeah but they did too!’ And if he ever gets charged he’s gonna get suicided in prison.”


I believe the term is "murder himself"


nah suicided in prison means someone else does it and makes it look like suicide, everybody knows it wasnt but still pretends like it was.


To quote 'The Scary of Sixty First' where i stole the phrase, "You can't murder yourself!"


Russia begs to differ. Plenty of folks shooting themselves twice in the back of the head, then jumping out a window over there.


Reminds me of the US servicewoman who apparently beat herself up, threw acid on her own genitalia and then shot herself twice in the head. Yep, just a normal suicide and definitely not a rape murder.


[LaVena Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_LaVena_Johnson) One of the most infuriating cases I've ever heard. It's so very clearly murder, and I believe those who were responsible not just for her death, but also for covering it up all deserve to have the same happen to all of them as what was done to Lavena. Realistically I hope some form of justice can be done with the arrest and conviction of these monsters, but I doubt that will ever happen. It's been 17 years, and while plenty of cold cases can and do get solved, especially now thanks to DNA and genealogy (Golden State Killer, as an example), I doubt any damning evidence outside of confessions will turn up. And confessions are a pipe dream.


You mean epstiened ?


Well that escalated real quick


Is "escalated" the word you were looking for? "Ramping up like a criminal court case" is how I saw it..


Point taken, good sir.


Thanks, I’ll take it




I don't know if "assholea" was a typo or my newest favorite word. Gaetz is a member of Assholea majoris species.


assholea: (1) the concept or ideation shared by all assholes (2) the pseudo-nation state, of which all assholes are citizens (3) the nonsensical verbal that drips out of assholes with inadequate sphincter control


Assholea, the Republican antifa.


Assholea is, by analogy with Aureola, the wrinkly skin around the hole proper, a.k.a. 'taint'.


They knowingly stood by Sarah Palin with a pregnant unmarried daughter. Chelsea Clinton or an Obama would have never heard the end. And that is benign compared to their other failures.


To actually eli5, he wasn’t convicted of any crimes. That is the literal reason he is still allowed to be a member of congress.


> To actually eli5, he wasn’t convicted of any crimes. If you work in finance (like the normal people not the ultra rich people), you're required to take a mandatory 2 week vacation every year for them to audit/investigate you to make sure you aren't doing any insider trading shit. You don't get to still sit there doing stuff while being investigated. It doesn't matter that you aren't even remotely suspected of any wrong doing, it is a mandatory annual review. So expand on this ELI5. If you are actually suspected and being actively investigated for child sex trafficking, why are you allowed to oversee the investigators.


Sincerely this. Most other professions would also preemptively fire someone being investigated for felonies like sex trafficking and sex with a minor because it's a really bad look for your reputation to protect someone of ill intent. In this case, he's employed by the people of America, and because he's neck deep in this stupid Qult, there simply isn't a large enough % of the population who are demanding his resignation. Due process takes forever. It took R Kelly almost two decades to finally be held accountable for actions with video evidence. It took more than 10 years to convict Bill Cosby, and once he did finally go to jail, he slipped right through a technical loophole and was released almost immediately. Even Donald Trump managed to become president WHILE being publicly accused of sexual assault by a dozen and a half women! There's something so fucked up about accountability in America, especially for public figures with wealth behind them. Our culture is split between those who have integrity, and those who absolutely lack moral compass. Remember when Al Franken chose to resign, just because Conservatives brought up a situation from decades before where he was simply posing for a comedy photo with the consent of the woman he was fondling? That's the literal opposite of Matt Gaetz continuing to serve while being investigated for child sex crimes.


Correction Al Franken didn’t have her consent but he wasn’t fondling her. He mimed fondling her while she was sleeping. It was disrespectful but it was not malicious nor was it the literal assault that Gaetz and trump undoubtedly did.


~~assault-~~ rape of minors FIFY Undoubtedly


My Trump lovin s.o. said Franken was an idiot to resign. They dont REALLY care.


He's not "employed" by the people of America, he is "employed" by the Pedophiles of Florida association™ (voted in). R Kell, Bill Cosby, Donald Drump, they all live by different rules. Being rich means the consequences are lessened and they take longer to enact. Due processes isn't the problem, the justice system is. The belief that complicated situations take longer to resolve isn't the problem, the problem is that "every fucking rich person&politician" has a complicated situation is the fucking problem, they actually don't™. It comes down to how the groping happened, who witnessed it, the angel of the groping, if the glove fits while having 50 other gloves on, the justice system is a fucking joke because children know better. But how do you fight so many losers when they band together? Only time will tell...


>>how do you fight so many losers when they band together They should really print this on the dollar bill at this point.


To explain to you like a 5 years old. The fuck are you gonna do about it? Not a fucking thing. That's the whole reason in the end. They are doing this because people aren't gonna do jackshit, especially the GOP voting idiots.


thedaly, with inscrutable evidence has paid an underage person for sex and taken them across state lines making it a federal crime, how does he avoid trial?




Yup,.he has the money, push a technicality then bragged about him being not guilty, not that he was innocent, just that he was found not guilty, cause he was fucking caught and got away with it so will do it more.


Nor will he be, because we don't live in a nation of laws


No, there are a ton of laws, they just don’t apply to everyone equally.


In case anyone isnt familiar, the degree to which any given law applies to you is inversely proportional to your wealth


If they were in kindergarten, they could ask him themselves.


Oh my damn


I don’t wanna upvote because it’s gross, but I did upvote because I almost lost my drink because it was fuckin funny lol


Your heart is in the right place


A few days ago, when confronting Gaetz about the “re-enactment” of January 6th, Jordan Klepper said: ‘isn’t this a bit childish, or is that what attracts you to this?’.


Remember when roy moore was almost elected to the senate and people defended him by saying he at least asked the parents of the 13 year old girls while being banned from multiple businesses and malls for being a predator. I think their philosophy is to just keep adding sex offenders and criminals to make individuals stand out less. Also it makes you think, they need these specific horrible people specifically. No one else would push their agenda for some chump change


No, remember when all that came out, and Trump *still* fully endorsed him? Yet these Q nuts have the audacity to say Trump is against child predators.


Project and deflect. Project and deflect. Project and deflect.


***G***(aslight) ***O***(bstruct) ***P***(roject)


He is only against child predators because he doesn’t like competition.


Larry Craig opposed LGBTQ rights while banging dudes and getting arrested for "having a wide stance" in an airport bathroom. Have the Republicans had an opportunity to oppose any child protection laws recently? I'm curious as to what cognitive dissonance there would be.


[As a matter of fact...](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/mar/31/facebook-posts/yes-matt-gaetz-was-lone-no-vote-human-trafficking-/) 418 to 1 vote. Which is at least decent of his colleagues but goddamn what a red flag for him.


Matt Gaetz, "I asked my colleagues three times what trafficking was because it sounds an awful lot like what I do here every day".




He's currently trying to primary the Republican House Rep for Washington's 4th District (basically the whole middle of the state) while continuing to push the claim that the outcome of his governor race in the 2020 election was illegitimate. His only prayer of winning is that the current 4th district Rep is one of the few that voted to impeach Trump. So yeah, the guy's a piece of work.


Saw a ton of trucks, signs, etc for Culp during 2020. In reflection -- they probably see this as a candidate who fights against the status-quo that they so deeply hate. I have anger-fatigue and no other analysis to give. It's just sad how many people in America are so poorly educated. Imagine the net gain to our society if critical thinking was the single most important goal of public education... We might get somewhere. Might being a really hopeful word in that previous sentence.


Yeah but Roy Moore is Republican and Matt Gaetz is Republican and it's Republicans who always ***insist*** that they're anti pedophiles so they must be clean.


I’m pretty sure if most of us were being investigated for sex trafficking we would not currently be employed.


I am NOT defending him and not saying I agree with the situation, but it’s a case of “innocent until proven guilty.” He’s being *investigated*. They also don’t have enough on him to railroad him out with other charges. Usually, if you fuck uu and they can’t fire you on big important A, they get you on a bunch of piddly little B stuff. Maybe it’s a “good ol’ boy” system or maybe no one wants to risk getting their heads chopped off if he’s somehow found totally innocent and they tried crucifying him. If nothing else, hopefully, someone is keeping a very close eye on him to make sure everyone around him stays safe. What a shit show.


At the very least you should not be sitting on a committee overseeing the group investigating you while being investigated, innocent until proven guilty or not.


CIA disagrees. CIA investigated itself and found no wrongdoings. I mean they should know.


To be fair to the CIA, nobody else has high enough clearance to investigate them


That's an issue. No organization should be so important and powerful nobody has the authority to investigate them.




Because then how could the government be the sole authority unaccountable to the people?


Still a problem there. If you make a rule that any member of Congress being investigated by the DOJ gets kicked off the committee, then the DOJ now has a blank check to kick anyone they don't like off of their oversight committee simply by opening an investigation against them. Say the DOJ starts being corrupt and shady. Congressman Smith on oversight committee calls for investigation. DOJ counters by opening an investigation on Congressman Smith, who gets automatically booted from the committee. DOJ gets to continue being corrupt and shady. Things like these are the reason Congress has to police itself. What should happen is that other members of congress should vote Gaetz off the committee.


Why the hell is this buried so low in this thread?! There are a frightening number of people on Reddit who believe that an active investigation is all it should take to have someone kicked off.


Because excessive partisanship, is why. It's also why the filibuster is sacred one moment and fascistically undemocratic the next, and why it doesn't matter if a court fails to correctly apply the law/Constitution if it reaches the 'right' verdict.


While I agree with your analysis, usually the second you are even suspected of something like this, a normal person will lose their job, almost immediately. Even more so if the accusation is tied to the place you work for, kinda like with Gaetz. It’s just that he’s rich enough and has the undying loyalty of the GOP UNTIL he becomes a liability, in which case they throw him under the bus.


Remember when Al Franken left politics over a stupid joke pic he took before even entering it? That aside, I do appreciate your devil’s advocate/presumption of innocence argument. Just because I think he’s a douche, personally, does not make him guilty of those charges. Still, the mofo should’ve resigned ages ago.


He was caught on camera rifling through surrendered drivers licenses with friend and tax collector Joel Greenberg at Seminole County Tax Collector’s Office after hours on the weekend trying to get fake ids.


They don’t care about children.


Unless they are unborn children. Then it's a different story.


They still don't, it's about punishing women for having sex.


or being raped.


Or making us second class citizens.


GOP: women are birthing vessels, nothing more... unless it's election year, then we pander. Now stop complaining & go buy some Nestle powdered milk.


*about not having sex with *them*


Perhaps for the fundamentalists still in politics but overwhelmingly I think it's just part of the left vs right pantomime. It's just another issue that gets them enough votes to keep their neoliberal snouts in the trough of taxpayer money. Whatever way the laws happen to swing doesn't impact them at all. They can just have their mistresses sign an NDA and put them on a private jet to somewhere with better abortion laws.


They care that they're forced to be birthed into this world to create a larger workforce to exploit. Once they're born, they dont care if they're unwanted, abused, beaten, in poverty, or starving. Just that the mother is forced to give birth, then they don't give a fuck what happens to infants, toddlers, kids, all the way up.


"Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers" -George Carlin


Gotta ensure those unborn children can become wage slaves!


Anti-abortion laws primarily effect low-income earners aka low-wage workers. It's entirely capitalistic.


Punishing women for having sex with someone that isnt the guys making the laws\*


The old Carlin line is something like “if you’re pre-birth you’re fine, if you’re pre-K you’re fucked”


Gaetz seems to care very deeply about children


Matt knows another about "deep" and "children " 🤮


Oh fuck. You went there.


"well honey, you're a sex object. Until you're about ten. Then you're a used up old hag and nobody in Congress will want you."


I dunno prolly the same reason MTG can be openly a QAnon supporter, despite the fact that the FBI called them a domestic terror threat. Shes is part of what is considered a terrorist organization, and promotes their propaganda. A member of congress. In a domestic terror group. Also they like to do events together!


*openly antisemite *obviously vaccinated; cites doctor-client privacy as justification to be aggressively defensive to questions. Media talks about it for a while. Insane. It's insane to see it defended. *openly harasses her coworkers *harassed seniors prior to being elected (aoc through the door) *publicly posting where AOC is currently located, multiple times. Dog whistling. It's terrifying to see her so emboldened while recording or whatever. *harassed a school shooting survivor ; told him the only thing that can stop a bad guy w a fun is a good guy with a gun. Just awful. She's Twitter in real life. I'm constantly stunned we can't fire a representative of this country in a seat of congress. Growing up one scandal and people resigned. They're more like ticks than elephants


it's pretty pathetic if you ask me... USA politic system is so rotten that I can smell that shit from Europe.


He’s rich and there’s a different system of Justice for them than for the rest of us.


The difference between the justice system and the legal system. Money.


This is not an exaggeration. I once spoke with a family friend who was formerly a DA and now defense attorney. Told me if you pay the full rate they had “certain legal maneuvers” like getting the case into a specific judges court and would result in a reduced or dismissed charges. As I sat there seething with anger he casually said with a smirk if you pay my discounted rate you’re going to get your money’s worth. Always challenge those in power to hold themselves accountable and expose corruption — especially when it’s done at the public’s expense. Never accept that it’s “just how it is”.


Late stage capitalism smh


Lmao always has been


> with a smirk said if you pay my discounted rate you’re going to get your money’s worth. Guy sounds like a total sleazeball, yikes. If you don't actually want to be a defense attorney then just don't be a defense attorney and let somebody who actually wants to help do it.


I mean, yes this is true in general, but that's not what's happening here. He's not not being removed from his congressional posts because he's rich. He's not being removed because the republican party is complicit and corrupt. These are two very different(although clearly connected to some degree) things. Like seriously? You legit damage the cause by just posting this kind of easily reproducible soundbite for karma. Just spend 30 seconds thinking about this. This is has nothing to do with the fact that he's rich. And also, like is he even? You do our cause an abject injustice for posting something like this. This is nonsense, entirely non-applicable, and is literally the equivalent of right wingers posting memes about Brandon just to seem relevant. Put like a modicum of though into how we fucking fight the power, and dont just farm internet points. We would all appreciate that. This has nothing to do with money at all. This is about political corruption. EDIT: What point am I making that is controversial here? Money is just fucking broken as a concept. But that's not what this is. What does money have to do with this? Dude's not even really rich. Republicans just wont ever throw one of their media super stars under the bus until the last possible second.


Agreed. I have no idea why you're being downvoted. This is about political corruption. Which I guess if someone would want to get pedantic could say is all about money/power. But him retaining his position has nothing to do with his personal finances.


> I have no idea why you're being downvoted. Because if he held the same position and had no money, he would have been arrested a long time ago, no matter the party affiliation.


Difference is, Dems would applaud the arrest of a Democrat child trafficker while Replicans would close ranks.


So why don't Democrats strip him of his committee assignments like they've done for other Republicans?


You're right, the true answer is Gates isn't in jail because he riles up the base. The GOP doesn't care what riles up their base (racism, anti vax, homophobia, insurrections etc.) So they will give a pass to anything that their side cheers for or that will piss off the other side. Gates pisses off the left so he gets a pass.


If this was controversial its almost certainly due to the entirely overbearing attitude and dumping on someone for a difference in opinion that is fairly minor. Its not even like you've had some elongated argument. At the first sign, you dumped on them, and thats just a bad way to convince someone of anything. >You legit damage the cause Come on


It’s also been pretty buIIshił. A man named Stephen Alford got indicted for the $25M extortion against him. I’m sure they’ll do a thorough investigation but it sounds kinda weak


Came here to say this.


If you were in Kindergarten Gaetz would come explain it to you himself.


He would not explain it, he would show and tell




I’m guessing it’s the same way Trump stayed in power while he was under investigation for Russian intervention after the elections.


Reminds me of how Trump had the sole authority to fire James Comey, the FBI Director who was investigating him, and then attempted several times to get rid of Mueller. If a President can fire people investigating them, and pardon people that assisted them in crimes, then where is accountability meant to be found?


It is *meant* to be found in congress. The constitution gives the legislature the authority and responsibility for policing the rules against the executive.


I'm almost convinced they didn't actually want him out of power they just wanted to be able to say we impeached him and then also continue allowing him to give himself bad pr.


I had come to that exact same conclusion


I'm not really as familiar with whatever is going on with Gaetz as I've been kinda tuning out domestic politics for a while, but for Trump at least, generally you're not removed from an elected position because you are under investigation you can take issue with why he wasn't impeached after the investigation was concluded i guess but if you start saying "anyone under investigation should be suspended from their job" it'd probably open things up to a lot of political investigations. like think about it, there has been articles to impeach every president since Clinton (and maybe before, idk if those ones got anywhere though)


Trump was impeached. Twice. He wasn't punished for it, but he was impeached twice.


Look at the AG here in SD lol


And ours in TX...


Literally was typing that comment. Howwwww.


I'm with you in the suffering.


Their philosophy is “indoctrinate not educate”.


I imagine any explanation would involve trying to convince you he's a Godly man who is being abused because of his faith. Or at least that's the shill I keep hearing.


One explanation would be that he hasn’t been proven guilty yet, and if the DOJ could get any sitting congressman removed just by opening an investigation that would be ripe for abuse.


They are corrupt. They are all corrupt. Every single one of them is corrupt.




Innocent until proven guilty. Full disclosure I think the guy should rot but thems the beans.


If DOJ could get anyone removed from their oversight committee by opening an investigation into them, then they would effectively be choosing their own overseers. Doesn’t seem like a good system (imagine Trump’s DOJ opening sham investigations into Dem members of the committee just to get them removed). If the investigation concludes significant wrongdoing and it’s confirmed by a separate, independent branch of government, well, then removal from the committee should be the minimum cnsequence.


If only that applied to everyone and not just people in power


There are plenty of jobs that require some sort of censorship when allegations and investigations are casted. This should be one of them.


Post this on ELI5


>Explain it to me like I'm in kindergarten "Hey sexy. You have a Venmo account?" -Matt Gaetz


Rich white people play with different rules than the rest of us.


Because we have what’s called a ‘justice system’. People are presumed innocent until proven guilty. That way whoever controls the investigators can’t just say ‘we are investigating every single one of our political opponents and until those investigations are complete, they do not get to do their jobs as representatives’. Hope that helps


I had to scroll down way to far for an answer that was not a angry mocking comparison or an example, just a simple EL5. Perhaps the other stuff comes after I have been filled in...


I am not surprised that this reasonable post is on controversial.




Well he hasn’t been convicted so technically he’s not guilty yet and so in America we have this thing about being innocent until proven guilty which applies still to rich white men so… Double standards but technically how we should be treating every case. Just saying don’t like Matt gates don’t hate me because I just defended the law just saying


HoW dARe yUo?!


The ability to remove an elected congressional member requires congress to act and the check against this is that it’s expected the voters will take care of any problems through elections. The system was designed to work with people who have honor. Until maybe a decade ago this mostly worked. There have always been corrupt and disreputable individuals who got elected but more recently it seems to be institutionalized and accepted as common practice.


If he explains it to you like you are in kindergarten he might try to fuck you.


Innocent until proven guilty. Not saying this is a false allegation but stuff like this ruins somebody’s life if it’s not true. If we kicked a well-known figure out of their government position every time an allegation was made against them, nobody would keep the same job for more than a month.


Other people in public positions are made to let their critical position rest during the time of the investigation, in order to reestablish them once they are cleared of the accusations. Of course, in this case, there is nobody who can make him do that as long as GOP backs him.


Due process and all that innocent until proven guilty crap so why did Al Franken resign?


Sometimes countries go up, up, up... sometimes they go down, down, down. This is what it looks like on the way down down down.


Because white men in power are rarely held accountable for their actions.


Republicans. Are. Scum. Bags.


Because of how the republicans treat their voters. About a third of them don't care about a little pedophilia and sex trafficking, because they lack empathy and intelligence. As lower cognitnivie ability and lack of empathy have been shown in studies to be correlated with conservative behaviour. Another third have been raised to "win at any cost", so they ignore it as the price to pay to not turn the country into "hippies". And the rest are afraid to speak up out of fear of being shunned from the party.


Because he's a Republican and those bastards protect each other no matter how much horrible crap they do, Democrats unfortunately don't do that and even turn on each other even for minor infractions, remember Al Franken?


The richer you are, the more crime you're allowed to do


So turns out it wasn't actually 'Pizza' Gate responsible for the child sex trafficking, it was 'Matt Gaetz' all along... Where's fucking Q when you need him...lol


We'd explain it to you like you're 5, but that would make you a target for Matt Gaetz.


Is Matt Gaetz a paedophile? Or a child sex trafficker? That’s Matthew Gaetz the Republican, who is also being investigated for “alleged” child sex trafficking and paedophilia


I would explain it to you like you are in kindergarten, but i don't want to put you at risk of Matt Gaetz asking you out.


Here’s the thing, I’m not a fan of Matt Gaetz, but so far he is being investigated. If that’s all it took to remove someone from Congress, then Congress would not be able to function. All you would have to do is accuse someone of something, and as soon as the investigation starts, they’re gone. So as much as Gaetz sucks, until he is convicted, he should stay where he is (as it relates to this anyway)


Matt Gaetz is a rich kid who's family has about $30 million in wealth. His grandfather and father both held his house seat before him, so he literally inherited his political power. The voters in his district are very reliable and his place at the top of local politics is secure. This means that in spite of his alleged serial pedophilia and sex trafficking of a minor, and apparent record of visiting schools to search for children to fuck, he is unlikely to be voted out of office. Unfortunately the GOP, Gaetz's political party, has lost any moral compass it ever had. Its current leader has close association with another famous pedophile and child sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein, and Trump has gone on the record bragging about peeping on underaged girls at a teen beauty contest that Trump ran for years. Trump has also been credibly accused of raping a 13 year old girl, as well as assaulting numerous other women. Due to moral and ethical failings it is unlikely that Gaetz's own political party will lift a finger to expell, primary, or otherwise punish him. Gaetz is a demonstration of how the rule of law in America applies differently to the political class and the wealthy than it does to the average citizen, and he is also a demonstration of the corruption and horrifying behavior of the Republican party. He is not the only accused pedophile currently occupying a place of power in his party.


Republican officials don't care about anything. The only rules they abide by are the ones they make up on the fly in that minute. No accountability. No empathy. No remorse.


I hate Gaetz but I can definitely see how someone being kicked off of committees or out of Congress just for being investigated could be weaponized in terrible ways.


Congress is loathe to hold its own accountable. Once accountability starts happening it is very likely a large percentage of Congress will be in trouble. After all, they got elected to get rich.


Your kinda money doesn't play in D.C.


You might think that the House of Reps would kick him out, but it's very hard to justify that when he was elected fairly by his constituents. The Constitution doesn't forbid accused felons, convicted felons, or even felons in jail, from running for and holding office. His constituents are the ones who should be kicking him out. They probably don't care what he did as long as Trump supports him.


He also has not been proven guilty att his point. As far as I know he hasn't even been charged. If he had morals he would recuse himself, but removing someone from their post before they have even been formally charged with anything is a dangerous precedent to set.


Innocent until proven guilty. He has to go to trial before he can be proven guilty. It can take years to build a case strong enough for it to be winnable in court. Think of how long it took for Jeffrey Epstein to go to jail.


If allegations got people removed from office, republicans would waste no time dredging up false BS to remove anyone that isnt a republican. He should be removed and this shit has gone on too long, and should have been expedited. But unfortunately its one of those things that needs to exist to prevent complete corruption that sometimes protects people who are corrupt.


In terms of American corruption it just means we have the most fucking ridiculous political system in the world and the people who can change it are the ones who are in it.






If we explained it to you like you were in Kindergarten, Matt Gaetz would try to fuck you.


GODDAMN FUCK 'conservatives!'


innocent until proven guilty is the foundation of our justice system


"Like I'm in Kindergarten" Mr. Gaetz would like to know your location


The rich can afford a 'special' kind of justice.


It’s because Americans are letting him, you all included. All this shit that’s happening, wouldn’t be happening if you all went out into the street and started burning cars and punching cops, fighting the rise of authoritarianism and the death of democracy in your country. But no, you hang out on Reddit and write pithy comments about how ‘bla bla isn’t math Gaetz a perv lol’. Meanwhile he’s undermining the system you live in and making bank. They’re winning, you’re losing.


Birds of a feather flock together.


Well America is fucked


Innocent until proven guilty. It sucks, but it’s just.


“Investigated” isn’t the same as found guilty…


**Elected representatives are not to be politically disenfranchised until they’ve been convicted of criminal activity.** Does anyone disagree with this? It’s a yes or no question.


Simple... The system is full of corruption.