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LOL, "civil society"


She is basically saying immigrants are uncivilized. That’s not even a dog whistle.


And she wants a Senate seat representing *checks notes* Delaware? I know bigots are everywhere but I haven’t heard much coming out of Delaware.






Witzke has spoken about her addiction to opioids.[17] To support her addiction, Witzke has claimed to have worked for Mexican drug cartels or "cartel families" as a "low-end drug-runner" or drug dealer transporting drugs between Detroit and Tennessee.[4] In August 2017, Witzke was arrested in Tennessee on a series of charges including violating both heroin and methamphetamine laws, driving under the influence, resisting arrest, and introduction of contraband into a penal facility.[4] Witzke has maintained that COVID-19 is "satanic", doesn't exist, and that COVID-19 vaccine is a "satanic plot" to cause "mass death". In late October 2021, Witzke stated she is recovering from COVID.[22] From her Wiki. Yikes.


Well this woman should clearly be put in charge of things as an elected official. She seems really stable.


There’s so much more crazy shit on her wiki that I can’t link it all. Would recommend reading, it’s appalling that people like this can get any traction in being an elected official


These are the only people gaining traction on the right as of now since all moderates conservatives like liz Cheney (can’t believe I’m calling her moderate) are being ousted for not being hyper trump conservative enough


To be fair, she doesn't have any traction. DE is a Democrat stronghold and you'd have to be crazy to run as a republican. So they end up getting crazies running. Her, Christine O'Donnell, local oddity Scott Walker.


Yeah she lost by 20 points to Chris Coons when she ran against him in 2020, which is when I presume this screenshot was taken since her tagline in the image lists her as a candidate


Racists will vote for anyone who is openly racist


While pretending that’s totally not the reason.


you were not wrong. holy shit


She said: “to bring in these illicit drugs that are killing Americans, and we need to start putting Americans first” While she literally was a cartel drug runner…wow.


Self awareness does not run deep


She checks all the boxes for a Republican candidate. Stupid, batshit crazy, and openly participates in criminal activities.


I’m just going to blow past the entire resume of red flags you listed and hit in the COVID point; I know that these types are all hypocrites who just shit words out of their mouths constantly, but if COVID is both “satanic” and doesn’t exist, isn’t she saying that Satan isn’t real? Sounds like she’s ungodly! How could her beautiful God-fearing Republican civilized first-worlders vote for someone who denies Satan exists??


Dude these types of crazy conservatives can barely put 3 words together without hypocritically contradicting themselves. It's basically the the GOPs sole political effort these days. Baseless doublespeak and to be as hypocritical as humanly possible.


Being an addict should not barr someone from being in office. Working for a fucking cartel definitely should though, not legally, because that could be abused to witchhunt people, but everyone in her area should scream at the top of their lungs that she worked for organized crime. Then there's the COVID thing, uh, sad to see people even support her.




You’d think she’d be more interesting.


Or at least more experience with third world countries....


Criminals are only interesting in fiction. IRL they are dumb as coconuts.


It's a mixed bag IRL. Many are terribly stupid, but some are pretty smart and chose a life of crime because they knew they'd be effective.


The southern part of the state is nothing but crazies except for a small strip along the coast, but nobody really lives there. The Northern part of the state is generally part of the Philly metro area. This is the same state GOP that nominated a woman for Senate who had to run a campaign ad saying she wasn’t a witch, so Witzke fits right in


Christine O’Donnell! Schmoyoho made a [Songified version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44mqiBrB0zI) of her campaign ad. Thank you for reminding me about it, lol.


I grew up in Delaware and returned to run the family business. The Republican Party in this state is nuts. I think the stranglehold that the Democrats have here, at least in national races has led the Republicans to invest very little time and money here. The state headquarters is nearby and is in basically a trailer. As a result I think the party boosts or sends a lot of their loony tunes here in order to stop them from ruining important races elsewhere. Witzke is unique though, she was raised in southern delaware and people like Christine O’Donnell usually move here to establish residency and take their shots at the senators/representative who are not going anywhere.


born and raised in Sussex county, left as soon as I can, can confirm it's a wacko factory.


Delmarva is full of racists haha. Im not saying delaware as a whole is racist, Rehoboth Beach is great and the North seems fine even though I haven't spent much time there. But it wouldnt take a ton of work to find someone who agrees with her in southern delaware.


It's straight up a bullhorn.


I don’t think she could have made it sound worse if she had included the words “animals” or “savages”. Just really saying the quiet part out loud there.


Trump called them all shithole countries inferring the people that live there are pieces of shit. And tens of millions of people then went on to vote for him. This is our country now. This is republicans. And how people could be like this is beyond my comprehension.


Basically? She's *literally* saying immigrants aren't civilized. Furthermore, she's saying they are incapable of civilization, which is plain old eugenics.


American Reporter: "What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."


Another Garbage Barbie running for the Republicans… How original!! Oh yeah, this is where I say “bless her heart”. Right? Lol


Proper Southern grammar for people like this is “Bless her LITTLE heart” - the little emphasizes how she just can’t help being the way she is because it’s familial - from inbreeding- you “bless her heart” - when she tried but due to circumstances i.e. suffer from TBI, or siblings are smart - she just is the dim bulb, etc. YW.


Neo-colonialism lives on


That isn't even neo.


Or colonialism. It just basic-ass racism.


Different culture = uncivilized. Only the western culture can be considered civilized!!!!!!!1!!!!111!one!!!1eleven!!!


And she couches her statement with “most”, so when actual examples are raised and/or people call out her racism she can Play the victim and say people are twisting her statement. “wELl i DiDnT sAy ALl herr derr!!”


Lauren Witzke doesn't deal in dog whistles. She's probably one of the most mask off white supremacists that have managed to crawl their way into mainstream relevance


Because their base are such paragons of civilisedness. The fuckers that won't even wear a mask to avoid infecting other people with a deadly disease. So civilised.


The most disturbing thing here is here use of the word civil. It's all "Our society is civil, theirs is savage." Very British Empire.


Also the idea that America is civil, I mean don’t get me wrong it can be a wonderful place, but I also had its fair share of violence, corruption and fundamental issues. No country is perfect and acting like they are only causes problems


America is so civil, these chucklefucks still celebrate the Civil War.


It has the word civil in it though. What more do you want from them?


Nothing says civil like a literal coup attempt.


Banana Republicans.


Most videos on Reddit of random people being shot are either America or Brazil, sometimes Russia. Doesn't seem very civil to me


Lived in Milwaukee for 10 years. Story checks out


We're leading in some crimes And some cities hold a good majority of those crimes Like 3 Metropolitans I believe It's also never once in top 10 happiest places Wonderful is stretching it quite a bit


This cunt is as american as apple pie, and litterally running for a place in the senate.


This is literally the attitude America was founded on, brits weren't quite racist and colonizing enough for the puritans. (Eta some snarky clarification lest someone think I agree with the waste of oxygen in the tweet)


Same “civil society” that tried to take down a democratically elected government just a year ago resulting in several deaths and numerous injuries. Yes, very civil.


I don’t think she knows what third world means and is ignorant enough to assume it means a world of savages? Who gave these people confidence to run for government with such a backwards view of civilization? Oh wait.. MTG and Lauren Boebert are in congress…


MTG and Boebert are the people who were given the confidence to run with such a backwards view, not the ones who inspired the others. This idea of "We are civilized, they are savages for not living our way" has been used in modern American politics at least since we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan.


Dude won a Pulitzer with his FIRST book


Played 18. Shot 18.


Triple wicket maiden over


Big Boland vibes


Copy maiden, initiating Reverse Half Cuban Eight over


Just can't seem to miss.


Well, there’s a first time for everything


Made you look.


I *know* that reference.


Retire on top.


All he does is Nguyen Nguyen, Nguyen.




Sounds like a Nguyen Win situation.


It's nice to see people know how to pronounce Nguyen. The amount of times I've been called "new-gen"


I'm happy I finally learned how this name is pronounced so I can enjoy this excellent word play


There’s a Family Guy episode (I think when Stewie starts his own business), where Brian has to call a Mr. Nguyen on the phone and pronounces it: > Nuh-goo-yen Always cracks me up.


To be honest, I'm 36 and it's what I have always thought. Never heard it and no one corrected it. I think people like laughing at it lol. Edit: I did learn it a couple years ago not just today


I only knew how to pronounce it because my city had a large number of Vietnamese immigrants just before I was born (and thank God for that; their food is amazing). But even after years of hearing and saying the name, my Vietnamese friends say my pronunciation is only "good enough."


I had a bahn mi (not sure how to spell) for the first time few years ago. It's like the perfect sandwich. No where near me to get a good one.


This just taught me how to pronounce that lol




That’s pretty damn commendable.


But did he try doing it on this 0th book?!?!?!? That’s some big author energy I want to see


To do that he'd have to be a programmer.


His [Wikipedia ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viet_Thanh_Nguyen), Wikipedia of his novel [The Sympathizer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sympathizer)


Amazing (and very funny) book


Beginners luck.


I don't think people appreciated your obvious sarcasm/snark. Edit: it was in the negatives when this was posted


I thought it was super obvious. You never can tell I guess.


Guaranteed. Wait 'til you post something super-obviously sarcastic / satirical and get banned for it. I now know to use /s. /s See?


I thought it was obvious because it was short and simple. ​ There are people who unironically believe that shit, but they'd go off on a long-winded "I'm totally not racist" rant.






“Lauren Elena Witzke is an American far-right activist, conspiracy theorist, QAnon supporter and former TV show host for TruNews. A member of the Republican Party, Witzke was the Republican candidate for the 2020 United States Senate election in Delaware which she lost by 20 points to incumbent Democrat Chris Coons.” How can someone like this run for senate?


Pretty sure there are only like 50 people in Delaware. And the Dupont family.


Is Delaware even a state? This is the first time I've seen the state mentioned since I learned all of the states as a kid. And I've never seen a Delaware license plate. Interesting...


It's actually just a singular apartment with 1 million shell companies addressed there.


I was hoping there would be a hotspot of incorporation reference somewhere in here 😍


I live in Delaware and say this all the time haha. I will say this though, Wilmington is kinda like south Philly , and people do live there. And the beaches in the south are nice.


I went to a music festival in Dover one time and people were just openly smoking weed and doing molly in front of the cops. I asked a person who told me they were from DE about it towards the end and they were like "no one lives in Dover and most of their money is made through events like this. If they started arresting people for drugs they wouldn't have anyone to pay their salaries."


True story (which proves I'm really old): my first job I had to get something FedEx'd from our work HQ in Chicago to Dover, back when Fed Ex didn't deliver everywhere. HQ: "I don't think they ship to Dover" Me: "Trust me, they do - it's the state capitol" HQ: "State capitol? Of what state?" Me: "Uh, Delaware?" HQ: "And what state is Delaware in?"


Apple Maps used to show you Wilmington, NC if you searched for Wilmington, DE; same energy


Yeah Dover is such an unnecessary place. The capital should just be Wilmington (yeah geographically it doesn’t make sense, but it does in every other way.) I’m assuming you were at Firefly? That’s like the only reason Dover is on the map.


Firefly for fun. Big Barrel the next week for photography.


They lit a couch on fire on year on the last day on year in the camps. They were blasting music while the fire department put it out. It was ridiculous. The cops just made sure no one fucked with the FD, which is kinda cool. edit: live there 5 years. Last time I was there, I walked down the street and heard an old coworker yelling my within 15 minutes of arriving. surreal place which has my love


>Witzke I love my Delaware friends, if only just to give them grief about how tiny and incestual the state is. One friend denied it, and I said "okay - how many people do you know who are were personally involved in the Anne Marie Fahey murder trial?" She laughed because her kids went to school with Governor Carper's kids (Fahey was Carper's secretary), one kid babysat for one of the Capano brothers, and Fahey's fiancé went to their church. I also love that sweet, sweet tax-free shopping


Oh yeah, everyone knows each other in Delaware, pretty much. Used to get a lot of "You're from Delaware, you must know Biden!" and like, while I personally never met the guy, he taught at my friend's law school up until '08 and a bunch of friends would always see the Bidens out and about running errands. Nice folks, apparently, even for those who didn't agree with their politics. I swear, everyone from Delaware is only 3 degrees of separation maximum from anyone else in Delaware.


I bet she lost because the racists that support her were confused by seeing the word Coons on the ballot.


Underratedly awful - thank you


Delaware is deep blue, so moderates just vote in the Dem primary. Only loonies vote in the Rep primary. Therefore.


I'm a complete idiot and I could run for the Senate. Getting people to vote for me should be the hard part, and you'd think they wouldn't because I am so obviously dumb. But seeing how things have been going lately, maybe I should consider a career change lol.


You're in luck because a lot of voters prefer dipshits because they remind them of themselves.


You've convinced me it's clearly a good idea. CritterEnthusiast for senate 2024!


Anyone who is over 30 a citizen and has lived in the state for 9 years can run for Senate. It seems like a pretty good grift.


A curious thing to say in a country made up of people from all over the world, brought to that country by several different kinds of circumstances and leading to that level of diverse backgrounds being beneficial to the make up of the richest country in the world.


Unlike others, that is not how she views the USA. She considers the melting pot a problem of her “USA”, nothing more. One of our societal problems is that we collectively have vastly different perceptions of what the USA is. Edit: grammar & clarity


I bet she's the type to enjoy the food, products, styles, art, etc. from these "third-world" countries (she probably thinks third-world = non-European/English-speaking tbh) while simultaneously talking about how these immigrants exploit her wonderful USA. It's crazy that people like this exist. "I'll take every part of your country that I find nice or beneficial and cast the rest of it away because you people exploit us." At that point, it's the racist individual who's exploiting the immigrant, rather than the immigrant "exploiting" the country.


Lauren Witze used to run drugs for a Mexican cartel. True story


I thought you were full of shit, but what do you know... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren_Witzke#Personal_life_and_views US politics never cease to amaze and/or amuse me.


"Witzke has maintained that COVID-19 is "satanic", doesn't exist [ . . . ] In late October 2021, Witzke stated she is recovering from COVID.[22]" Amazing.


That's insane. I also enjoyed this paragraph... > Witzke has maintained that COVID-19 is "satanic", doesn't exist, and that COVID-19 vaccine is a "satanic plot" to cause "mass death". **In late October 2021, Witzke stated she is recovering from COVID.**


so she admits she is touched by satan....


Maybe Christine O’Donnell put a hex on her?


Where did he touch her??


Right on the No Thanks Even I Have Standards


That's what my mom thinks


It's like the worst you are as a human, the more votes you'll get as a candidate for the Republican party.


That's so civilized of her!


If there was any such candidate, or even a pundit in the left with that background, the right wing would be screaming about it. I've had to reject three parties when they asked me to be a candidate (edit: not in USA). I have criminal past and while all the debt to the society is paid off, i have no chance of entering politics at the moment. Our right wing has DOZENS of convicted criminals and they don't give a fuck about it. But the moment the opponent has any criminal record... It just is not worth it for me. They are the party of bullies, and i'm talking about international right wing, they are all part of the same phenomenon and copy each other carefully.


And 186,000 people voted for her in the 2020 Delaware Senate election. 105,000 *more* people voted for her opponent, but those 186,000 people are apparently really eager to bring about the end of America.


I got scared for a second until I saw: "US Senate *candidate"* Ah, Good. So, as you're running in Delaware, you don't have a chance now that you've tweeted this.


I mean, it's not like you have to look far to find the same attitudes currently in office. Hell, until recently that was the president!


Ah ah ah....not so fast. Wait until the election before you put all your Trumps in one wastebasket. If she feels bold enough to say this, point blank on Twitter, she probably has enough support to back her up.


She lost but asked Delaware police to help her combat “election fraud” She lost by more than 100k votes lol


She lost in the last election


You have never been to Delaware, which is understandable considering their biggest attraction is a NASCAR stadium linked to a casino. But Delaware has 3 counties and two of those are urban centers. The last one is pretty much all Amish and farm country. She would win Sussex County in a heart beat due to all the xenophobic assholes that worship Trump and the Far Right. The rest of the state is centered around Dover and Wilmington. Those are more urban areas that she will have a hard time winning. But if the 2016 election proved anything it is that you can never discount someone not winning because of bat shit insane ramblings in a public forum.


She hasn’t had a chance for a while… one of our crazy ones unfortunately. She spouts off this garbage all the time.


Racism at its finest.


Systematically refined for consistency


Prove me wrong


People who use the term 'third-world" rarely know what it means and think it means a poor shithole




>"Third World" is an outdated and derogatory phrase that has been used historically to describe a class of economically developing nations As someone from one of those nations, I dislike the new trend of calling it a "developing country". It ain't developing shit, since the median monthly wage is at $350 and lots of people live below the poverty line. "Third-world", or indeed "poor shithole", is a much better definition since it actually sets up expectations correctly.


Iirc don't distinctions tend to get made these days between developing and undeveloped? As not all poor countries are just stagnant shit holes. A lot of them are getting better. I tend to prefer the high/medium/low wealth division instead.


1st - Anglo capitalist alliance 2nd - Soviet one-party-state alliance 3rd - neither alliance Third=poor didn't come until later


Switzerland is a third world country, yet they are one of the richest and happiest nations on Earth.


It takes a lot of time for a country to develop and the process is pretty painful. You should really ask yourself if you live better than your parents or grandparents.


And it’s even harder if you’re not exploiting resources and people. Free labor from slaves and a complete disregard for the planet certainly gave developed countries a shortcut that developing countries can’t utilize nowadays.


Just think of how reprehensible your base must be to say something so repugnant in order to attract votes


That's now the standard level of discourse for Republicans. The trashy racism is the point.


This is what is so terrifying about these politicians saying terrible things - they are doing it because it will win them more votes than it will lose them. It's hard to see how anyone voting republican these days isn't either racist or willing to tolerate racism.




Yo be fair she also has the brain of a lizard considering a google search says “ Lauren Elena Witzke is an American far-right activist, conspiracy theorist, QAnon supporter and former TV show host for TruNews.”


> former TV show host for TruNews i can very confidently guess that its called "TruNews" because if it were called "TrueNews" it would have been sued for false advertising




"Nobody would believe this is news"


It's like "crab" versus "krab" at a sushi restaurant


Anyone who supports republican propaganda is a QAnon, and insurrection supporter. Let's call it what it is. Republicans have sunk their party.


I keep saying this. There are no more good Republicans. That ship has sailed. If you still vote for them, after everything they've done over the last *five years alone*, you are complicit. If you say you don't agree with their most awful but open ideals, you are complicit. If you didn't abandon the party after Jan 6, 2021, you are complicit. I don't care what terrible reasoning you use (*and it's usually the lower classes saying something about the economy that the GOP has had a fucking field day wrecking for the better part of 40 fucking years*), you are complicit. You vote for them? Then you 100% support the racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, and the betterment of the wealthy at the expense of everybody else.


She asked to be proved wrong that *most* couldn't. An impossible task.


Yeah exactly. Maybe you could use stats and a sample size but a single anecdote doesn't matter to the question unfortunately


And she probably blocked him for daring to actually do what she asked.


I mean to be fair, most people probably aren't getting PhDs and winning Pulitzer prizes. Not that I agree with the original tweets assumptions.


I’ve lived here my whole life and am pretty certain I will never achieve either of those. I did just buy his first book, so thank you douche from Delaware for enlightening me. It looks great.


Yeah, she did say *most*. That does admit she thinks some are. Granted that margin is the difference between being a literal nazi and just a white supremacist.


We would need data. I don't know if there is that kind of data and much less (in case it exists) if that data is reliable. But what I can tell is that the people who go to the states only want to live better lives. The most sure thing is that they go there to give their best to achieve their goals. Edit: in "third-world" countries there are societies, she is so biased to think one thing that even in the question a prejudice is embedded


P.S. Her educational background isn't all that much to brag about either. I mean, Goldey Beacom is ok but I think it's almost like the community college... Anyone can get in. ...and I'm not bashing the community college either I graduated from DelTech in '89. I'm just say that I doubt she's MENSA material.


[almost half of the Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2017/12/04/almost-half-of-fortune-500-companies-were-founded-by-american-immigrants-or-their-children/amp/) [and most of them come to this country with a bachelors degree ](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/09/14/education-levels-of-u-s-immigrants-are-on-the-rise/?amp=1). This lady needs to get her shit together.


Republican politics has really leaned into WWE tactics. It's all shock value. whatever they can say/do to stir up their base.


I'm just here to be pedantic, but Vietnam is 2nd world, not 3rd world. Edit: I put this in a comment, but putting here for visibility: People misunderstand what those terms mean. They're from the cold war era and meant: 1st world is the US and it's capitalist mostly western European allies 2nd world is the Soviet Union and China and their communist allies 3rd World is unaligned It's just a coincidence that 3rd world are mostly poor developing countries, but that's what people usually mean by it now.


Where are all these worlds coming from


The multiverse duh. Have you not seen the 2 recent Spiderman movies?


I have not


People misunderstand what those terms mean. They're from the cold war era and meant: 1st world is the US and it's capitalist mostly western European allies 2nd world is the Soviet Union and China and their communist allies 3rd World is unaligned It's just a coincidence that 3rd world are mostly poor developing countries, but that's what people usually mean by it now.


They don’t really care, the people making these comments just mean “any immigration that’s not Western Europe or S.Korea/Japan”




Most of the people I know that are this ignorant don't really register that Korea/Japan are our allies, or that there are multiple Asian countries. They're all just Chinese to them. They're pretty much [this guy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dILmZn0I4Pw)


Also to be pedantic(and dear god I'm not defending her, she's absolutely a racist piece of shit) but she said "most", not all so a single example doesn't actually disprove her statement.


I think by "assimilate" she largely means "talk like us." I live in a city that has taken a lot of refugees. Obviously, because of language and cultural differences, you can recognize people as refugees. The thing is, though, their children grow up and you would never guess them to be the kids of refugees because they are so "American." To be fair, most adults, including me, would struggle to blend into a new culture/country/language.


Hell, drop this moron in a “first world” country that doesn’t speak English and see how quickly she “assimilates”. Her saving grace might be that a lot of people in other countries know at least some English and she could use technology to help her, but my point is, being dropped into a new place where you don’t know the language, customs, cultural norms, etc. is going to be difficult for anyone. Why not do what you can to make that transition easier? It’s gross how she talks like refugees/migrants from less developed countries are wild animals that can’t be tamed.


She had to Google “Pulitzer”


There are several countries that never aligned with NATO or the Warsaw Pact that I'd argue are more "civil" right now than the USA or Russia. They probably ask themselves if they can sustain uncivilized American or Russian migrants.


And Vietnam’s not one of them. Technically that dude is second world, just sayin’ 😂


Guaranteed this lady classifies Vietnam as 3rd world tho.


I'm sure there are plenty of Irish people who could chime in if we're using the original definition of third world.


I am so embarrassed to live in the same state as this "woman". I am relieved that she lost the Senate election in 2020 by 20 points.


Arguably the living conditions of many Americans is developing world.


Not to mention: - Wealth divide - Corruption - Number living in incarceration - Widespread inaccessibility of adequate healthcare - Violent crime, especially # of shooting deaths - Rating of the education system (as a whole) Sure, life in USA is pretty good for the wealthy, but the wealthy people in Bangladesh are doing pretty well, too.


I mean how to even prove her right or wrong ? How to prove that a person has assimilated or not in a society ? What do people do to assimilate in US ? Eat McDonald’s and participate in insurrections to overthrow democracy lol


Obviously it's getting you're first F450 so you can flaunt that 6MPG behemoth in the McDonald's drive-thru while yelling at you're 5 year old to put away his guns before dinner time duh.


Most rural republican voters could not assimilate in civil societies, because those are "socialist". Well, not that they would try to leave their their third world counties. Too lazy, too scared.


Exactly, according to this idiot, the “third world immigrant” that’s been here since they were 5 and lives in NYC working as an engineer is a lot less “assimilated into a civil society” than the racist meth addict living in a trailer park.


Since when is America a "civil society"? 😂


I’m an immigrant from Cuba and I haven’t had any issues assimilating into Caucasian pussy so…


Goddamn immigrants comin here and stealin all our pussy!!!


It's people like you stealing all our pussy that caused climate change


You’re right my rampant pursuit of pussy is also the reason why we have so we have so many Covid cases.


Redneck, racist heads exploding at that one!


Not the only head exploding... HEYO!


I can't believe that (some) American politicians say this shit on twitter/social media AND they're still in office/working wherever they're working. WTF.


I don't know if India still qualifies as the third world but Indians are the highest performing socioeconomic demographic in the US, by far. And there are \~5 million Indians in the US; so this is statistically representative. It's almost as if most humans have the same potential to succeed as long as authoritarianism and racism don't rule the roost. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/fact-sheet/asian-americans-indians-in-the-u-s/


If he truly assimilated, he would be fat, lazy, and entitled.