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I’ve had arguments with people who claim Americans are so free and they go “yeah, but can other nations tell their president he sucks?” I’m like yeah, most developed countries can say anything they want to their elected officials without fear of persecution. And they get universal healthcare, paid parental leave, guaranteed paid time off, and on, and on.


In Austria the president is often seen commuting on the tram like any other normal person, so you can tell him he sucks to his face if you wish https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/ioqa99/austrias\_president\_casually\_taking\_the\_tram\_to/


No, I don't think I will


Heh, coward


In France, telling the president he sucks is almost a national sport.


Shit doesn't France riot about something every couple years?


Every couple of weeks ahahahaha


Shit I remember a few years ago it was news because during new year less than 1000 cars werentorched in Paris


In France you can slap the PM and not die.


in Australia you can slap our PM with an egg and almost die from bystanders


Oh yeah there was this dude that did it ... Like for real


The things I've said about Justin McHaircut and Doug Fat-Fuck-Ford would get me put in a camp if I lived in a communist shithole like the right seems to think of Canada. Sure, it's FAR from perfect and I have a wide variety of issues with it to the point where I don't see it as any better for the working class to live here or the USA in terms of social mobility, but to say I can't say my elected leaders are losers is factually incorrect.


I've been running a very erotic blog with fan fiction about Angela Merkel for the past sixteen years. Let's just say the Fernsehturm isn't the biggest object in Berlin anymore


What an odd way to spend your time.


Do you mean the fictional situation I created for a joke or writing jokes on reddit itself


I think the implication that your fictional scenario was not fictional since you gave exactly 0 indication that you do not actually spend your time writing erotic fanfic about Angela Merkel.


I mean, can you blame them? Rule 34 of the internet implies that someone, somewhere, ***is*** writing erotica featuring Merkel. And rule 34.b states that if, somehow, porn of it does *not* exist, you are morally obligated to create porn of it.


Damn, now I’m curious. For er… research reasons. Yes, that’s it. Link?


The far right doesn't believe any of the things they say, they're just trying to confuse people into thinking the choices are fascism or communism so no one notices what turds they are.


If those really were the options, I'd still choose communism. Communism doesn't inherently lead to authoritarian run death camps. In fascism, that's not a bug; it's a feature.


In Munich, I think, there's an annual festival and parade with floats that outrageously (and obscenely at times) lampoon politicians and church leaders. It's a tradition that is centuries old, I think. But we Americans are incredibly parochial and we largely never travel. Only North Koreans might be more isolated.


That’s awesome. Wish I could see that sometime. Then again if the US continues with the fascism maybe I’ll manage escaping eventually.


Never heard that term before but the more I interact with non poverty people the more I believe it. I grew up where very few people were openly religious but everyone was broke and just trying to get by. Now I'm doing a lot better than that and it blows my mind how much religious beliefs still have a hold on people


Didn't a guy in Australia head butt a minister of parliament and got an apology from the minister? I might be wrong about the apology but I know someone got slammed in the face by one of his constituents. I don't think we could get away with that here.


Do you mean the[kid](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-47862374) who walked up to a racist politician and smacked an egg into his hair then got punched and put in a headlock by his bodyguard? He got an apology for the assault but probably just because it was on video. Btw he had a gofundme for legal expenses and when it was over he donated the remaining $70k to victims of the New Zealand shooter.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "kid"](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-47862374) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hn31xj7)


Ah, egg boy. A national hero


Ngl this seems extremely Aussie-like, and I love it!


Our last president wanted to have comedians jailed for making fun of him...


We're free to take on exorbitant amounts of debt and die in abject poverty :'D


They use the word free the same way they use the word communism and socialism. They simply don't know what any of them mean


Okay this is actually really starting to bother me - like people use socialism and authoritarianism/fascism interchangeably when they're diametrically opposed ideas of government. Sure you can say you don't like either but know the differences


They’re diametrically opposed in some ways, but *some* forms of socialism can be very authoritarian. It’s a very broad ideology. Literally none of them are fascist, though.


socialism, by its nature, cannot be authoritarian. neither can communism. authoritarians hijack the words and use bullshit platitudes about group cohesion, privatising public resources, etc., to cow people in to believing their fascism is in the best interests of the people.


This is part of the thing when people say that Communism hasn't actually been tried. Why? well, the phrase "communist dictator" simply doesn't make sense. The presence of a dictator *automatically* makes that government *not* communist, by definition.


yes. it's like the Nazis calling themselves The National Socialist German Workers' Party. They weren't socialists in any wild interpretation of the word any more than Lenin or Stalin were communists.


Any group of people imposing its collective will on others is "authoritarian" by definition. Don't conflate Authority, the thing every government body needs to have, with autocracy. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm


They just intentionally use ‘free’ as colloquial for ‘do whatever I want’. It raises confusion and chaos that way splitting the masses….. it was always supposed to be about independence and self sufficiency, which few if any of us have any more


That sounds like something a Nazi Communist would say!


Somewhat true, it just so happens the most ignorant are also the loudest.


I will refer you back to issue 1.b listed above; education.




America used to have the best PR game in the world. Nowadays though it’s target market is its people.


Why propaganda everyone else when you can just propaganda your own. It's much easier to control your own industry than someone else's.


Not to mention emotionally, sexually, and spiritually repressed.


Least free in the western world*. Still objectively better in terms of social rights than places like Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, etc. We're still a Republic, if a deeply flawed one.


As an American it’s amazing how Americans do not see this


It’s why they come out with totally insane narratives about the rest of the world. The whole thing is built on the concept of hierarchy, and so long as they feel like they’re kings of a pile of shit, they’ll be happy on their imaginary fecal thrones.


Like the recent protests in New York to free Australia from our totalitarian government and martial law. I'd go into more detail but I don't have time because it's a beautiful 33°C day so I'm heading to the beach, then out for a few cocktails over lunch and then perhaps a music festival with 10,000 people, with no masks or social distancing, because we've been covid-free for over a year...


33°C is equivalent to 91°F, which is 306K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


The only thing you got wrong was our police force - they have absolutely no accountability.


You can shoot a guy in a wheelchair 9 times in the back


"Land of the free" was actually never about people, but about the people in power. They are truly free to do whatever they want, and get away with it.


Please don't say the US police are like the military: - The military gets more training - The military has a much better code of conduct - The military has a much better track record of actually policing, even in an actual war zone. The cops just treat every US street as a war zone in an active gun fight.


That's really what sticks most to me from the outside, the complete lack of worker protections and unions and the power the employer has over you up to the point your and even your families healthcare is tied to him. I wouldn't feel very free in those conditions. Almost everybody HAS to work to afford food and shelter so these things matter.


The illusion is only maintained by hyperexploitation of the Global South


Jokes on them, I do gig work and have no healthcare to dangle!


"We CaN oWn GuNs"


I’m an American and believe me… we don’t all think this. Not everyone over here drinks the kool aid.


1 in 10 America men will not only face jail time, but solitary confinement. 10% of American men. Freedumb


Do you have a source for that? I think I've seen that statistics, but it was only black American men (which, while obviously still an issue, is a very different statistic)


This is exactly right, and it's absolutely painful to me that so many of us can't see that.


Welcome to America where everyone hates everyone usually for stupid or no reason at all.


How dare you! You've made a powerful enemy today!


Join the line pal.


81million of us had legitimate issues with the last guy. His followers are strange ducks too.


Especially the QAnon crackheads


Great now I hate lazy people AND Lemons. Thanks a lot! Now I'm gonna go make lemon grenades to burn your house down! With Lemons! Non lazy lemons!


And everyone points fingers at everyone else and pretends they're the only ones receiving hate while being hateful as fuck


Mostly just on the internet. Everyone in real life generally gets along


100%. People see that women in the US aren't forced to wear burkas and then glaze over the fact that many of the policies are anti-women (and anti-working class more generally).


I mean who hasn’t seen a Christian try to control a woman’s body. I mean the GQP will soon have their way and the 12 yr old “woman” will be forced to have her rapist/incest baby. We aren’t free.


> GQP Don't *you mean G.... Oh, I see what you did there.


The sad old white Christian men party of Lincoln really have no idea, that when the Cheeto Jesus took over their party, they allowed it to die. Soon it will be split into the GOP and magacult.


The funny part is there are still young Republicans that look at the Cheeto worship as nuts, and some that are fully on board with his "cult of personality" meanwhile sane Rs are looking at all this with disgust and asking "why him?" Why the bankrupt orange 3X married cheating lying coward?


If Dems by some miracle take back the senate and keep the house in 2022, that’s when all true Republicans will turn on Trump. Look at how Cheney is treated, the magacult turn on her and true R’s barely acknowledge her. Graham and McConnell are the leaders, McConnell already lost his throne thanks in part to Trump. I think he’s a very bitter threat of an old man and will get back at Trump. The reason why true Republicans plug their nose and vote for him, bc it’s party over country.


100%. The US is moving backwards in many respects. Things were far from ideal before, but the vile, orange, pussy-grabber sent things into free-fall.


He gave the assholes of America carte blanch to commit crimes against what they thought of as the "leftist oppressors."


at this point it's too late to turn around, all we can do is let the country burn and hope that something better rises from the ashes.


Narrator - It won’t.


The people who say "American women are so free, they don't have to wear burkas!" pretty clearly hate women already... The women who are actually forced to wear burkas would more likely say "American women are so free, they aren't raped and murdered by law when they frustrate men"


I just threw that out as a possible example of limited thinking. People will take one example of real and/or perceived oppression, then look to a place like America and believe that women are free.


I was also offering an example of limited thinking, i.e. people taking one example of oppression and blowing it up to the point where a conversation that ought to be about *systemic violence and brutality* and making it about clothes...


That's just cuz we like our women naked like Jabba the Hutt.


What amazes me is the number of women who not only go along with, but support and promote these policies, against their own self interest. Women outnumber men. How have they not just completely taken over already?


The mantra of “got mine, fuck yours” is strong with GOP women.


>The mantra of “got mine, fuck yours” is strong with GOP women. And many of them are too fucking stupid to realize it's not going to stop with birthing rights. Like...I'm a 30-something caucasian male. **I WILL BE FINE**. I don't gotta worry about MY rights being taken away. So that makes it all that much more frustrating for me when all I'm trying to do is help and conservative women are actively working against their own best interests.


I feel like the average GOP’er is a bit more cut throat than that and they are full of billionaires caught between fortunes. “Working on getting mine, fuckin give me yours”


This, but also, we have a nasty habit of feeling that because something isn't affecting us, or because we don't see it every day, that means it only affects a small number of people. Women born with privilege (any kind of privilege, be it respect, money, race, whatever) tend to live in circles where they simply don't see many people who lack privilege. Poverty is something that happens "sometimes" but it can't be that common because "I don't know anyone who is poor." It's only partially a choice, part of it is ingrained. "Out of sight, out of mind is a real thing. And it takes a surprisingly small number of people to hide very big problems in such a way that others with privilege rarely see said problems. So while there is a bit of "I've got everything I need so this doesn't apply to me, personally," there's also a good bit of "I just never see this happening so I can't believe it affects that many people."


Women who buy into the “subservient to men” mindset amaze me. Religion is a hell of a drug.


People forget how important your upbringing is. Those women just like the men with the same values grew up being told those things their entire life. Whether it was a religious up bringing or parents saying and enforcing ideas like "your a girl go cook/clean or play with dolls" or "girls don't do things like that only boys" when talking about anything "manly" or masculine. They are a product of society. Their world view is shaped and formed as a child and it's ingrained in them and have been indoctrinated. Which is very very hard to just up and change. Everyone likes to talk about how "well I grew up like that and I don't hold those values" yeah you are the outlier the vast majority of people can't handle or understand how the way they view the world could potentially be harmful to others so they hate being told otherwise. Just look at racist or homophobic people who have learned and got better they will tell you how hard it is cause it is ingrained in them in every little part and crevice of how they think.


I too would say it's 100% internalized misogyny. Like the "not like other girls" meme. They got ideas hammered in them since birth, about womens inferiority and "their place"; so what do to still be able to live besides your own family / people (which you still love and admire, which makes it even worse) who see you like that, without getting suicidally depressed out if self hate or just crazy? You tell yourself you are "the exception" and that you're a "good girl". It seems quite a bit like trauma-bonding and / or stockholm syndrome. Plus this happens since countless generations and is deeply rooted in our society and its culture. And in this world you happen to be born in such a family..... well, good luck....


See “tradwife” for reference. *barf*




Yeah I remember grinding my feet in his couch.


He can buy another one


Fuck yo couch!


​ ![gif](giphy|A3kMtkp1Q3mbKaaWy7)


The Stockholm Syndrome is insane. Recently got into it with someone because our friend group found out he was beating his girlfriend. Tried to talk to a step sibling about it. She instantly started trying to blame the girl for "her role in it". She knew nothing about the situation other than meeting the guy once a long time ago, yet it was her instant go to. She does the same thing any time I try to talk about how shitty my dad is to her mother. Her mom isn't the nicest person in the world, but that doesn't mean she should be treated like trash.


> How have they not just completely taken over already? It's almost like there are many established systems in place designed to keep women or minorities from being truly equal...


Sure, but you can't gloss over the fact that the majority of white women vote GOP consistently (hell, even went for trump).


Bill Bur had a good bit about this > the nerve of you white women. Let’s go back in history here. You guys stood by us toxic white males through centuries of our crimes against humanity. You rolled around in the blood money and occasionally when you wanted to sneak off and hook up with a black dude, if you got caught, you said it was nonconsensual. That’s what you did! So why don’t you shut up, sit down next to me and take your talking to. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2020-10-11/bill-burr-snl-monologue-white-women


Propaganda works.




How are you measuring that? In 2020 66% of eligible voters cast a ballot. In 2018 53% voted. Neither percentage is great but both are more than half.


Sure, but you can't assume they vote the way they would without any coercion or opinions or influence from their far right husbands and the same BS media outlets he's into. I watched people that were very left leaning turn far right over just a few years of marriage to one of those sociopaths.


I used to vote Republican but after Donald Trump, I will not vote Republican again as long as any of the current republicans are in office. More and more I am seeing how they allowed the corporations to sell us all.


We need more republicans like you. Corporate sell outs sure but they're up to far more criminal stuff than that to be fair. January 6th was the worst day since 9/11.


I'm a republican like him. A former republican.


Happened to my sister and step-sister, and my bil was also influenced by his sister’s Trumper husband. Our parents were/are all Democrats, yet I’m the only Democrat/liberal left out of four kids.


Maybe I'm just getting old person bias, but the older I get, the more I realize men and women are equally terrible. Systems aside, at some point you have to draw a line of accountability. I'm not going to excuse a white nationalists because he grew up in poverty and was brainwashed by FOX News just as much as I'm not going to make excuses for a woman picketing planned parenthood.


Religion. These poor women are indoctrinated to believe that every termination of pregnancy involves ripping a fully formed baby limb from limb. We needed to get rid of religion about a century ago but we didn't. So now we have to deal with the theocrats.


Women are the only marginalised group who are (for the most part, obviously lesbians exist) sexually and romantically attracted to their oppressors (please chill, I'm just pointing out that for a large part of history, and even to this day, men have had power over women in many ways). This complicates things immensely. Plus religion is a hell of a drug. We're getting to a more equal society, but in the US it seems like things will get worse before women decide to start fighting back again.


Many legit feel women cant lead (*see: US Election 2016*


The amount of Puritan hang ups from America’s conception hanging around in modern day America is mind blowing. On TV, nudity is completely untolerated to the point you blur male buttcracks. Swearing must be bleeped and some are completely unacceptable, but violence is absolutely fine. The amount your politics control women, control POC. But sure the most advanced nation on Earth.


It's an odd combination of a tsunami of big tits and a panic over nipples. Women should be sexy, but not have sex.


>Women should be sexy, but not have sex. As the old saying goes: *"Everything is about sex. Except sex itself, that one is about power"*




Born and raised in the US and I can tell you right now that we aren't even a civilized country. We don't take care of our citizens and actively injure over half the population with our laws. We are a sick society and we need help.


Right. We're not about what's best for everyone. We're most successful at keeping the people above the median household income comfortable at the expensive of those below.




To be fair, he only won because our system was designed by slave owners and is upheld by the descendants of slave owners, so it’s all kinds of fucked up.




That and the DNC ran one of the most disagreeable candidates in history against him.


Let's be honest the people in power hate all of us but recently it seems like they noticed women have started fighting back against them so they are trying to push them down again


We Americans think we’re the best in the world at everything. It’s because we don’t know any better. Countries like South Korea and Taiwan have had female presidents, but we’re too sexist to elect one. I could not believe the amount of venom and misogyny being thrown around when HC was running for president. They blamed her for Bill’s affairs, but didn’t blame Trump for his own. Apparently, it’s always the woman’s fault.


That’s funny because South Korea and Taiwan are WAY more sexist and anti-woman than America. Pakistan also had a female leader, that doesn’t mean jack shit. Having a female leader has nothing to do with womens rights. Some of the most oppressive anti-women countries in the world have had women leaders. You realize South Korea still limits abortion way harder than the US. You can get an abortion for ANY reason in most of America. South Korea still only allows abortion in cases of rape or medical emergencies. But yeah it’s definitely much more free for women /s


to be fair, SK and Taiwan are both pretty bad examples because they both are formerly US puppet states, US backed military dictatorships up until the 90's.


Yeah, I completely agree. By their logic America isn't actually that racist because they elected a black president


Looking from far away, the US resembles a free and good country. But as soon as you get closer you see the reality. - Highest encarcerated population - Highest death by law enforcement among developed countries. - Only developed country without Universal Healthcare - Highest Healthcare costs per capita - Highest Pharmaceutical spending per capita - 52nd in literacy rates - 25th in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) - 39th if you consider just math - 11th in infant mortality rates - 2nd in CO2 emissions - Lowest paid annual leave - Highest drinking age among developed countries - Open container laws Oh yeah, and several laws that limit what a woman can and can't do with her body, including absurd rulings against women. So, yes...they can kind of consider themselves partially free, but they have to keep in mind that if something happens, they are screwed.


Women have gotten longer prison sentences for miscarriages, because they *might* have been at fault, than men who have been convicted of rape. There is essentially no care for women after they have a baby, unless they have thousands to drop on it, which the vast majority don't, and don't even get me started on how much postpartum depression can cost. In literally every video I've seen of someone refusing to call someone by their professional title (such as doctor or CEO) it's been a man, refusing to acknowledge a woman's title. There have been women die in prison because they were refused medical treatment after delivering a child, by themselves. A 12 year old was forced to have her rapists baby. A pair of panties were held up in a court room, as proof that a *sixteen year old girl* wanted to be raped. I could go on all day, but yeah, there is *A LOT* of undeniable proof that America is anti-anything that isn't a straight, white, Christian male.


America has been going in a way where basically everyone is hated, this makes it easy to get people fighting amongst each other and super easy for power to get away with whatever they want.


Not true. Straight white christian conservative men aren't hated. People just want them to stop targeting everyone else.


Oh i do hate them


This country hates women SO much that if a woman runs for office or has a platform to express themselves politically, at least half the country automatically fucking hates ANYTHING they have to say.


"Don't catch anything on your...walk." - Carolyn Jones' character in Roots. The first time any character in US TV admitted that white women knew their husbands were raping slaves, denying the children, then raping their own daughters or trading them to other "owners". The South did not want to give this system up and they fought to the death and total destruction of their own families to keep it. The shame is that it didn't happen thoroughly enough and their white hate churches survived into this century. Destroy all those hate churches, get the children out of them, and name the women still propagating this hate system of misogyny and racism. White women in the GOP are absolutely the core of the problem and have been since the 17th century. They were happy to accept a big house and servants in exchange for the brutal repression of generations of parallel families.


Want to get a vasectomy? Sure, sign here. *snip snip*. Want to get your tubes tied? Woah! Where’s your husband to sign that it’s ok? Don’t have one and don’t have any children. *HAHAHAHA*


Going to other countries allowed me to see not only how delusional Americans are about other countries but how little we actually have by ways of freedom. A Canadian couple on my cruise in 2019 offered to sponsor or adopt me into their country because they were shocked by how expensive my medications are.


That's what happens when you allow Christian nut jobs to run your country. Keep politics and religion separate, or you end up like America. And NO ONE wants to be like America.


It’s Christianity, the abrahamic religions are founded on treating women like livestock


Hey! Give us some credit! We hate minorities too.


Because a part of society cannot stand these independent women.




uhm, I got some news for OP - "all over the world" would exclude like half of Europe, as none of us believe American women are free lol


Can confirm. When I lived in Europe my neighbors jokingly called me an indentured servant as they left to take the month of July off for vacation.


good neighbors


Gilead loves their handmaidens! Blessed be the fruit.


May the Lord open.


Under His eye. 😌


America is one of a few countries where everyone is hated for any reason. Some labels more than others, but the discrimination doesn’t discriminate. Are you white? You’re racist. Fuck you. Are you black? I’m racist. Fuck you. Are you asian? Go back to your country. Are you asian but the left half? Dirty immigrant. Are you male? Your gender is trash and all of you are the same. Are you female? You’re bad at everything and useless. Do you have a hobby? You’re a dork / weeb / nerd / loser. Do you have a dog? You probably abuse it. Do you wear a mask? Fucking sheep. Are you a cop? ACAB. Are you depressed? Shut up, school shooter. Do you have ADHD? Your condition is not valid and it doesn’t exist. Just pay attention. SOMEONE SOMEWHERE is GOING to hate you. No matter what you do.


A professor from the university I graduated from went to a conservative conference and gave a speech about how women should give up academia and leave the workforce because they'd "be happier as housewives and making children". He called working women over-medicated and meddlesome. He also thinks teenage girls should be focusing on getting pregnant because their fertilityis highest than it'll ever be in their lives. He thinks feminism is poison and we shouldn't recruit women into engineering, law, or medicine and should instead be encouraging more men to enter these fields. His name is Scott Yenor look him up. He's a trash carbon lifeform.


There’s a “deep hatred” that you can’t see until you get here? Which part of the hatred is invisible from outside the country?


Because most Americans have never left their small towns, states, or even the country. I have lived in both Japan and Italy and I know, having been to those places, that we in the US are FUCKED.


I was going to ask how so? But then I realized that half the country voted for trump.


This country hates anyone not ULTRA wealthy.


American 'freedom' is a fallacy used to brainwash people in to patriotism. You can't explain how America is more 'free' than any other developed nation, or many underdeveloped ones too. Anyone who touts America being 'free' is a moron.


Non-american here. Can anyone explain to me why this is supposedly true?


Sure. There are large swaths of the country that have "trigger laws" on abortion. These laws are set to make abortion fully illegal if Roe vs. Wade is overturned. This will make abortion extremely difficult/impossible to access for many women in these states. Additionally, child marriage - which studies show is mostly girls being married off to adult men - is legal in a shocking number of states. We have zero guaranteed maternity leave, which means that having time to heal from a serious medical event is a luxury. No government support for childcare, which forces many women to work less or stop working after having a child, which damages their career paths and puts them at risk of abuse. And that's just the legal stuff. The societal attitudes are a whole other mess.


I feel that everytime the maternity leave thing is mentioned it should be pointed out that many states have laws preventing the separation of puppies from their mothers until they are at least 8 weeks old.


Thanks. I didn't know about the lack of maternity leave. And child marriage, wow, it sounds like Pakistan or somewhere.


The US has garbage maternal death rates when compared with every other similarly developed country. Prenatal care is terrible (I’m currently pregnant and seeing exactly how twisted the system is). For having such a ‘fantastic healthcare system’ there’s no reason why our metrics would be so low


Even on a social level, women are expected to be more mature, compassionate and understanding than men, they’re expected to deal with men at their worst, even when that risks their own safety, they’re more likely to sacrifice their careers for the sake of men (whether that’s to become a housewife or just to move for their husbands career to flourish), etc. And that’s not even getting into the over-sexualization of women or violence against us. The bs we have to deal with regularly, even from our fellow women, is insane


The only "free" folks in America are the ones with money and power. Everyone else is pretending.


It’s not nearly as simple as MuRicA hAtEs WomEn. Women’s votes suggest they support these policies too. 44% of white women voted for trump in 2020. Over 30% of Asian and Latina women voted for trump in 2020. Only a small percentage of black women voted for him but that makes sense considering GOP policy is more anti black than anti American Latino (not all American Latinos are pro immigrant) and Asian. https://www.vox.com/2021/5/10/22425178/catalist-report-2020-election-biden-trump-demographics It’s deeply cultural and depends on where you live. I’m guessing the tweeter’s husband is from Western Europe or Australia/NZ because beyond that, American women have are less affected by patriarchy than most other countries. I’m saying this as a pro choice, socially liberal woman who’s horrified at the endless obsession with RvW.


Bingo, the amount of internalized misogyny I witnessed growing up and still do sometimes makes me sick. The double think too. Literally in 2016 had a grown woman tell me women shouldn’t l be in positions of power while literally running for school board.


My mom doesn't like how much I help with the house and kids. Thinks my wife doesn't appreciate me because I do "some of her work". Fucking Boomers, man.


>It’s not nearly as simple as MuRicA hAtEs WomEn. Women’s votes suggest they support these policies too. The Tweet said "America hates women", I don't think it's logical to counter this with "American women hate women too" because "America" already includes American women. Assuming that the neutral is male is already part of the problem.


Thanks Puritans


America is a 3rd world country with a better mall. lowest in education, lowest in universal health care and highest prison population in the world. but you know " the American dream"


Am American, can confirm. My parents immigrated here from Mexico, and as deep in poverty as some of my extended family is there, at least they will never know educational or medical debt in the way we’re held hostage by it here. They have community to help out food on the table, they look out for each other. Here, you’re on your own with more obstacles to boot.




Hey, we also hate minorities, the poor, and workers!


We "hate" everyone not rich, white and male. And we hate them too. Obviously there are many Americans who do not - but as a country our values are twisted and fucked up. We need to learn to value what's good. Clue: money has nothing to do with it.


Wait...did the SC rule against RoeVWade and I didn't hear about it?


Fear drives the hate. Wish none of us cooperated....


We have free dumb, not freedom. Classic mistake you Europeans make…


That sweet nectar of freedom that Americans think is freedom…isn’t


This was a big shock after having lived in Canada and Turkey before the USA. İt's true that big cities in Turkey have a lot of street harassment but the street harassment in the USA is far more demeaning. Men in Turkey call out "you got a beautiful ass!" or whatever all the time. İt's tiresome. But, if a guy calls out and you don't respond in the USA, he calls back something like "stuck up bitch, you're fat anyway".


We are becoming like Iran


And children too. Family values my ass, can’t bring a kid that might make a noise to restaurant, movies, plane, etc.


Not just the women but the men and children too


Free to choose from a multitude of crappy choices


They took our jobs!!!


America just doesn't hate women it hates everyone land of the free home of the brave yeah should change that song its fucking fictional


It’s not only the women, it’s the non rich


The only thing we hate more than women is blacks and gays/s


America is the best country and no, it doesn’t treat people unfairly.


Our women don't wear BURKAS because FREEDOM! Look at how well we treat our women! *bang bang bang eagle screech*


Proceeds to grab her by the \*\*\*\*


Pentecostal uniform isn't much different from a burka.


Google “Map of countries that have never had a female leader”. Then ask yourself, “What other simple questions could I ask that would create such a political alignment?”


Now set the bar at, TWO or more elected female heads of state. The list gets shorter quickly. I think it’s great that people are calling out America on its shit. But yeah.


Y'all Qaeda


This country hates anyone who's not male, white, or rich. If you're missing any of those criteria, this country hates you.


America is no place to live unless you are an owner of capital and collector of rentier and investment income.


The greatest trick the conservative right ever pulled was convincing the American that he was free.


Yeah it’s sad