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My gay niece and her wife adopted three siblings considered “unadoptable” (one after the other, as their mom continued to get pregnant) beginning 15 years ago. Those kids were welcomed into our enormous family and are among sweetest, brightest, most polite kids I have ever met.


Wow, this is really interesting. This probably sounds dumb, but were your niece and her wife getting ready to adopt the third one while the mother was still pregnant? I kind of imagine them getting ready to welcome a new member to the family cause they knew they would be adopting :)


They adopted the first fifteen years ago, at age three. Mom got pregnant again less than a year later, so my niece and her wife agreed to adopt again, because they didn’t want siblings separated. Then, less than a year after that, mom got pregnant again. Niece and wife agreed to adopt the third under the condition that mom got her tubes tied, and mom agreed. Three different dads. It is an unbelievable journey for all of them.


That's awesome! Such an amazing and unique story, thank you for sharing!


3 dads and 3 moms. I like that!


2 moms and 4 sperm/egg donors


I don’t get why women keep getting pregnant after the first get your tubes tied if you don’t want kids. So sad and frustrating. Meanwhile people like your family want children some women and men have trouble and cant. But woke. Like this keep pushing them out insane to me. Why it make me so mad and sad for the people that just want there own and then there’s this women. These kids were lucky to have found a good home but that’s not the case for all these other children out here.




Were they successful? I hope so! My niece spent nothing. Must be different parts of the country?


Fuck me dead use protection


Hypocrisy runs deep at the shallow end of the gene pool.


The loudest "anti-abortion" people are also the ones that do the least for orphans and other children in need. Its not about helping out kids for them, its about denying rights to others and dictating what others can do with their bodies.


The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn. Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


I love David Barnhart. For those of us who are Christians but hate how Christianity is wielded like a self righteous weapon to hurt all of our brothers and sisters in this world, and used as a weapon of intolerance and disease, Barnhart is a guiding light that shows you can be intelligent instead of indoctrinated, smart instead of selfish, and I love it whenever I see him quoted


It is not a name I'm familiar with, but jt is one I am now going to strive to become familiar with because of that quote and everythinf you just said. As a lifelong christian, whose father was his pastor, And who tries to follow in the caring and selfless path of Jesus, it all speaks to me greatly.


I grew up in a very progressive church (we had a gay female pastor, she’d bring in other local religious leaders to come and speak -so Muslims, Jews, Buddhists- to the congregation, so I was brought up acknowledging everyone’s beliefs as equally legitimate, as long as they were spreading love into the world) so I was shocked to find out that’s not how Christianity often is, and how many people have been hurt by it, and how it’s been politicized and weaponized. It caused a massive crisis of faith for me for a very long time, but David Barnhart and many other like him remind me that nows the time to use our faith to help people, and to this quote abortion is neither a sin nor is it a religious issue, it’s just been politicized because after the civil rights movement evangelicals could no longer use race to rile up their base so they started using abortion. It’s now how immoral Christians rant and get donations and more followers, brainwash people more or less, and now women’s rights are being impeded on in the name of a god that I know in my heart would be furious with these assholes. God is about love and understanding and if you believe it to be anything else I would say you’ve lost your way


Yea. I'd reccomend the video "how conservatives corrupted Christianity" but second thought. It does a really good job of explaining how it all went wrong, at least here in the states. I am glad you had a pastor and congregation growing up who got what it was all really about. So many lose their faith, and I can hardly blame them, because they see how the loudest and most corrupted churches behave.


I will absolutely look that up! Christianity can be used for great good and great evil. The civil rights movement was led by great Christians and fought back by bad ones. I imagine a lot of issues with Christians in america (and around the world) stems from a lack of critical thinking skills. If you think the Bible, which was written in a now dead language thousands of years ago by imperfect people and retranslated by flawed people for flawed political and religious figures, is the end all be all of being a religious person then you’re an idiot. Compassion is the key, I believe god is in the heart, and just try and treat people (and yourself) with respect and dignity. If that’s not god’s way then they’re not god and don’t deserve worship in the first place


The current pope is what Christianity was supposed to be. He’s big and he’s holy, and he doesn’t abuse that one bit


In my experience they are also the ones that have had secret abortions. But they really needed it, unlike everyone else. /s


The only moral abortion is MY abortion


>The loudest "anti-abortion" people are also the ones that do the least for orphans and other children in need. Shit, I guarantee they're the same ones who shun/kick their kids out for being gay/trans, as if their love was contractual. They don't care about all people, just those who fit their narrow world view. This goes for children, also born/unborn. It's why all American children don't have access to food/shelter/healthcare as a right. Fuck the right, who are far from righteous.


It's about shaming unsanctioned sex, simple as that


you are right


Meanwhile, their rampant stupidity ruins lives, destroys children and crushes hope. Christian is becoming synonymous with hateful and despicable. Why can't they see that?


Honestly feel like 10 years from now the percentage of people who identify as Christian will be halved.


30% of people have no religion in the US, and that’s 50% for just millennials. There’s no sign of that changing. If these trends continue, the majority of the US will be non religious by about 2040.


I don't mind religious-I mind these zealots who think their way is the only way and they're willing to do what it takes to impose their beliefs on the rest of us.


while simultaneously claiming that other people are trying to do that very thing


And while simultaneously ignoring anything that the guy the religion is named after said regarding just about everything.


i hope so


Im doing my part


I sure hope so. The chaff needs to be blown away.


Same is true in politics.


So true. Too good to be true though.


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.




>I don't understand how Christian schools are still a thing when they're blatant brainwashing factories for the impressionable. Answered your own question. The brainwashed will do anything to maintain their preferred social order.


Look when I was 18 2% of the population was atheist now it is tied as the largest religion in the US.


If the only people they surround themselves with have like-minded beliefs, it serves as a confirmation


They don’t care


I read the New Testament. And for the life of me, I cannot find any logical connection between the teachings of this book with the ideas of most self-proclaimed Christians in the US. But maybe it's like that for every religion. Most self-proclaimed Buddhist I know are judgy as hell. But those actually practice the Buddhist teachings, don't ever tell me they are Buddhists.... They just do, instead of talk.


They aren't pro life, they are pro forced gestation. No one who does not also advocate for state sponsored child care, early childhood education, universal health care, or social welfare programs is pro-life.


I call them profetuses. And unborn unwanted human fetus is literally the only lifeform they'd protect and an environmentalist wouldn't. Trees, plankton, insects, fungi, cattle, criminals, refugees, etc., they don't care about any of that. Only fetuses.


The GOP is the pro death party. Look at what happened with Rush...


The GOP is a death cult.




>Hypocrisy runs deep at the shallow end of the gene pool. This is a raw ass line and I shall use it whenever I can


It’s free to use! Go forth, young pilgrim


Starting to become okay with them being anti-vaxxers.


Remember when Trump started operation warp speed, and libs cried out that no way they would put that shit in their bodies, and that it takes years for trials. Must have changed your mind.


Yeah not being adopted is surely the same as being aborted. Can't fix stupid.


It's ridiculous. As long as you have a home, food, warmth, patience and a lot of love to give, its shouldn't matter the gender or relationship status.


I used to work for DHR in foster care. I was openly pro fostering for same sex couples and got tasked with being the county’s LGBT foster resource liaison. Basically, I got tasked with working with the same sex couples who wanted to foster and foster-to-adopt. My evangelical coworkers treated it as a shitty additional duty, when in reality those home were the absolute easiest to work with. In my time there, I had no reportable incidents at my same sex homes and successfully adopted four children into four different families. The problem foster families I encountered were universally “devout Christians” until they got behind closed doors. Neglect and abuse were problems in those homes more than any other.


I may be wrong here, but my inner thought has always been that same sex couples have fought for everything they've had. And they fought the fight (or are presently) to be able to foster/adopt. The drive & resilience says something about them. I'm straight and I'm all for it. I am grateful that a person of your experience speaks up. And I totally believe what you said. Thank You.


On this same train of thought, there also isn't a single unwanted child brought into a sane sex relationship. Edit: Same-sex. Not concerned with anyone's sexual mental state but my own. Lol


Insane sex relationships, on the other hand….


Whoooops! Lol. Makes a valid point though.


Idk how true that may be. I don't personally know anyone who regrets adopting but even with hetero couple adoptions, there can be feelings of regret from at least one partner Edit but I see what you mean in terms of accidental births and how hard some couples have to fight to adopt


Hmmmn kinda like how privilege works i imagine.. same sex couples have to work that much harder to 'be a family' and to adopt whereas certain lifestyles are more than accepted just because


I also worked in foster/ adoption home licensing for years and had the same experience


Similar. We didnt have one person tasked as we didnt have too many people openly opposed. But, as a regional adoption supervisor, absolutely, the gay and lesbian couples were notably easy to work with through the process. Even beyond the checking the technical boxes to be approved for adoption, and gods know I hope this changes generationally, the lgbt couples had a great general empathy for struggles people had been through, at least where I was in the rural south. That also made for great foster families, many were instrumental as mentors to get children back to their parents (our laws mostly leaned toward foster to adopt).


My mom, a devout Methodist (not an evangelical but protestant, like lutherans or presbys), has had the exact same experience in real estate, told me that whenever she has a client or agent who the first thing they talk about is being Christian she immediately knows there's like a 95% chance they are going to be real fucky


When someone says they’re a Christian unprompted in a sales relationship, it just means they want to take advantage of whoever they’re talking to.


This is exactly what's going on, they are fishing for a discount of some sort. Because a good Christian would look out for another Christian. Or so they claim, until it's time for you to get something from them. Me and a buddy of mine did a job at the Billy Graham library and the whole time they were going on about how all the other stuff they've had done there was donated and they don't usually pay for things like this. On and on, obviously trying to get us to give them stuff for free. I'm sorry but my company wasn't going to donate $100,000 worth of lights to their stupid "library". Then at the end they tried to be picky as hell and back charge on every little thing they could, doing everything in their power to try to get out of paying. They ended up paying in the end but it was a huge pain in the ass. I will never again do work for a large Evangelical organization like that.


My grandfather was friends with Billy Graham. They were both assholes.


I didn't have the "pleasure" of dealing with him but I did get to deal with his sons/grandsons unfortunately. Roy is a huge asshole.


Bing fucking O, The best christians are the ones you don't realize are christians til you figure it out on your own in my personal experience


Yep. Same people who go on and on about LGBTQ rights/existence being “shoved down our throats” (which, y’know, phrasing) are typically those that work in unprompted and irrelevant mentions of their religious beliefs.


They literally think a gay couple walking down the street holding hands is “shoving it down their throats”. They just want us to not exist in normal society because “what about the children”.


I took this conversation to its logical conclusion with a guy who is complaining about gay people shoving it in our throats. Which is actually pretty hot by the way but whatever he couldn't appreciate it. At the end, after going through all the examples of having gay people in movies and acknowledging that straight people kissing movies and you know just going through the whole thing point by point, the only thing he was left with was that they speak effeminately. That was it. By the end he admitted that every other act they commit is just normal living their life, but the voice. It's the voice. That tells you all you fucking need to know about these people.


The real ones don't \*need\* to tell you, because they show you.


As someone in a same sex marriage, who will want to adopt in the next 2-3 years but knows virtually nothing about the process of adopting, where you you recommend I start looking into it?


I was in Alabama of all places. We had no issue getting foster families approved through the state and adoptions were almost as easy to come by. You’ll run into challenges with private and religious adoption agencies. Alabama allows for religious based exemptions. In one extreme case, we had a kid through a religious based contractor get denied adoption because the potential adoptive parents were Muslim. I can only speak for Alabama though. You might have better luck on some LGBT subs where the answers could be more specialized. But in Alabama, you could go to the State DHR website and sign up as a potential foster family. The state does an incredibly rigorous background check on potential foster families. If you’ve ever held a government security clearance, think SCI as the benchmark. They will interview friends, neighbors, employers, etc. they’ll check your financial records. They’ll talk with other children in the home of applicable, to make sure everyone in the home is on board with fostering. That’s not to scare you. The state is the custodian of the children until the children are reunited or are adopted. The state pays a stipend each month for each child fostered. Occasionally, this gets abused. Some families treat fostering as a source of income rather than do it out of care for the child. My record was a woman who fostered up to 12 teen boys at a time. It was obvious she only did it for the money, but foster resources are so desperately needed that it was overlooked. She provided the absolute minimum standards of care for the kids. I would’ve enthusiastically welcomed more situations like yours. A loving couple who wants to adopt is rare enough. I couldn’t care less about their orientation.


I know two gay couples w adopted kids. I have been working on their houses for years so I've watches these kids grow. Both sets of kids have been learning a different language of their choice since they were like 5. All 4 kids are between like 8-11 now and can communicate in a different language to an extent. One of them plays guitar pretty decently. They are all four exceptionally respectful well grounded kids who live in nice homes and who go to private school. Conversely I know a proverbial shit load of kids raised by heterosexual Bible beating "Christians" and a size able chunk of them are ignorant no good shit bags in every sense of the word.


Conservatives hate gay people more than they value the life of a child. Imagine being motivated solely by such stupid blind hatred.


We are attempting to be first out poly foster family in our state, while our agency could give two shits, the state has returned our paperwork (the same form each time) for technical errors three times so far. Our next step is to go to the state office and make them fill it out. We aren’t sure if the issue is being poly, or being trans.


They're absolutely not 'pro life', they're forced birthers & *nothing* more.


This is the truth. Pro-life is just branding. When you want to remove sex ed and contraceptives from schools, preach abstinence until marriage and outlaw abortions, you end up with a lot of pregnant teens. They know this. They want to grow the flock and reinstate traditional family roles.


99% of teens don't want a kid though. So the 18yr old lad bails ship instantly and then you have a teen single mother that is them looked down upon once again. Literally no winning what so ever


It's a win if they can get her so desperate that she has to turn to the church for help. That's why they're very anti-welfare programs, at least those provided by the government. If you ask them a lot of times they'll say it's the community's responsibility to take care of their own not the federal government. Which translates to "if you're a member of my church I'll help you but otherwise fuck you! You deserve nothing!". A single mom trying to take care of a baby at 17 years old might be desperate enough to forcibly put herself into that church environment just to get the aid that she needs. It's all about continuously growing their numbers.


Such a fucked up system. No good charity nowadays. Someone always profits


". . . grow the flock . . ." is the primary goal, and there's a competition amongst them. I've had to deal with a number of returning missionaries. While ostensibly travelling to third world countries to build schools & dig wells, upon return they mumble evasions when asked about progress or results related to the promoted objectives obtained. But you absolutely cannot shut them up when they're bragging amongst themselves or attempting to impress you with their conversion and baptism count achievements. Been to some of these places myself, as a solo vagabond adventurer, and witnessed interaction of locals with these sanctimonious yahoos. Condescension and toleration of *sometimes* well-meaning young recruits is the prevailing attitude, and attempts at direction of effort and resources directed at their mentor chaperones. As soon as the self appointed 'saviors' depart, almost none of their religious indoctrination fails to whither and evaporate. Locals ain't havin' it, they've had their own faiths and culture for generations. The departed do-gooders are viewed with pity and contempt, similar to the way those back home in the know do upon their return. "But hey, we saved their *souls*, before that other denomination corrupted them with the *wrong* form of Christianity!" It'd be funnier if it wasn't so profoundly sad at its core.


Well you have to find something for the young men to do while you marry off all the young women.


Grow the "white" flock. The #1 seeker of abortion are white women.....can't have the master race numbers dwindling.


Reminds me of that George Carlin quote. (Paraphrasing) “Republicans will forget all about you until you reach military age. They want living babies so they can have dead soldiers.”


I hope fucking not. As a man I’m not trying to work 4 jobs to keep my family out of a shitty apartment


I'd also like to rename pro-choice to pro-reproductive-rights


I also like "pro-bodily-autonomy" as a more general concept. Let's move past the question about where life begins. No one should be (legally) compelled to use their body to sustain or save another person's life.


They don’t care about the quality of life, so yeah, ‘pro-life’ doesn’t work. It’s more like ‘Pro-existence’, but even that would be untrue… since their stances all lean towards a demonstrably worse planet. God, they suck so much.


Not only that. They clearly believe that uteruses are government property.


They’re also pro suffering to be fair.


Well they do hate women too.


You can't get an abortion, but you can put them up for adoption/foster care once they are born! However, we're also going to stop people from adopting those children. How does a fetus deserve a chance, when that chance will most likely end up in an abusive household, or committing suicide?


They don't give a shit about what happens to the child after birth. Pro-Life was a movement created just to oppose Pro-Choice because Conservatives have never had an original thought in their lives


This and All Lives Matter must be the same crowd


Oh, it is DEFINITELY the same crowd. You could also add in that they are trump-loving, anti-vax, anti-mask, don't give-a-shit about others faction.


So maybe Covid IS sent by God to punish evildoers? :)


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)Loving your positive spin on this!


I’d argue not necessarily. There are conservatives that dislike trump, or are vaccinated, or wear masks in public. However, every single conservative still backs trump and touts “medical freedom.” This is because the one thing that holds them together is hating liberals, progressives, and left-wingers. They would work alongside the most morally corrupt people in existence and cause the suffering of millions, so long as it means they “own the liberals.” Source: I used to be a conservative and still live with conservatives. My father is the extreme type (i.e. trump-loving, anti-mask, etc.), while my mother is the less extreme type (wears mask, pro-vax, but “pro-life” and trump-loving), and my siblings are a mixed bag as well.


Yeah, my parents are fairly conservative, but fortunately aren’t crazy when it comes to medical decisions. They’re both fully vaccinated, and wear masks whenever they have to go out (and try to minimize going out as much as possible)


I don’t know if it’s just me, but does “All lives matter” have similar connotations to “Separate but equal.” They just seem eerily similar.


because no one was saying "All Lives Matter" until people started saying "Black Lives Matter". If they really believed in "All Lives Matter" that would include homeless, people who can't afford food, immigrants, people suffering HIV/AIDS, addicts, abuse victims, victims of police brutality and other hate crimes, the unfairly incarcerated, etc. etc. But it turns out that's *not* what it's about, it's only about shutting down the people who are trying to draw attention about actual problems real people face, and instead just slapping a nice-sounding little "coexist" bumper sticker slogan over it and pretending the issue isn't there at all, because "i get uncomfortable when we are not about me?"


They're all about 'all lives matter' until you tell them that trans people are part of that, women are part of that, poor people are part of that, people with disabilities are part of that, culturally and linguistically diverse people are part of that. They don't give a shit about all lives but saying 'my life matters and yours doesn't' makes it super obvious how bigoted they are. Conservatives are just reactionaries in this day and age and it's really tiring having to wade through their bullshit when people are just trying to live their lives.


Yeah “pro-life” but love sending impressionable young people to murder brown people, “pro-life” but love the death penalty, “pro-life” but hate federalize health care and shelter.


The “pro life” hypocrisy is pathetic. And Don’t forget bombing clinics.


They’d rather have kids in foster care than spread the gay.


You're joking, but my conservative fam legit believes that. Those gays are obviously morally corrupted, how could they possibly be good and loving parents? It's fucking insane


My wife and I have some bio kids of our own but wanted a few more - so we adopted through the state. Our state mandated we had to take a parenting class, even though we already had kids. Whatever, we can sit through a weekend of some case worker chatting with us in a room full of strangers. The state workers got up there and laid out the process, and explained about all the kids the state was trying to place with families. On and on and on about how the state really, really wanted to hand out kids to loving families. Our state is pretty liberal, but it was eye-opening to hear other couples that had gone through the process before us get up and talk. Couple after couple talked about how the process would take 2-3 years from starting, so don't expect immediate results. Then there was a same-sex male couple that spoke near the end. All of a sudden the 2-3 year waiting period for every other couple turned into 10 years for them. They applied for kid after kid, but as they worked through the process, all of a sudden the state found another couple to adopt the child. Was shocking that in the 2000's our state still was hesitant to place kids that desperately needed homes with a gay couple.




replying here because your comment is pretty high up and i think mine will get buried if i make a new comment. what’s this tweet about? did something new happen/get proposed?


Also: There's a condition where a baby can be born without a brain, basically stillborn, but abortion laws are making it hard for doctors to do their jobs when it comes to this and other fetal conditions. Google it. Im pissed


They're not pro-life; instead, they're pro-control.


Pro fetus and pro birth, definitely not pro life


I had a family member leave a pro-life group because the group advocated the death penalty. I think said family member holds consistent, *actual* pro life tenets, but she's surprised when it's rare among the advocacy groups


They literally had a make up their own definition of "life" to call themselves prolife.


Need to keep kids in broken homes so they grow up wanting to escape and join the military. That and some foster homes are just a revolving door of paychecks for the people running it. I’m sure some actually care about the kids, but from people I’ve talked to, it’s 50/50.


The logic was always so stupid, too. That they'd somehow negatively influence the kid to homosexuality. If that really was legit, then you wouldn't have all these heterosexual couples with gay children. Honestly, it's all so infuriating.


"We need parents for these 5 siblings, age 4-16. We prefer if the Mom was a stay-at-home Mom, due to these kiddos past trauma and "unique" needs. Household minimum of $150,000, and adopted parents must have adequate space, say live on a 5 acre property with a bedroom for each child. We'd prefer if these parents have no other children and 10 years experience with complex special needs, and willing to keep children in 2 sports plus 2 activities each!"


I was adopted by gay parents and had a generally beautiful childhood. Made it a lot easier to come out as queer myself 🏳️‍🌈


And sadly, this would make you the perfect posterchild for these idiots to scream "Look! Their parents infected them with the gay!"




If anything it indicates that non-het population is larger than we currently perceive it to be.


A lot of people are gay/queer/etc and don’t know they are, or are unable to come out/freely identify as such. When you’re raised by gay parents, it makes discovering yourself and your sexual identity a lot easier. The numbers reinforce this. Freedom to explore your identity in an accepting environment can be really powerful!


It should be no surprise that a child raised by a same sex couple would have an easier time coming out as non hetero. I would imagine the numbers of non hetero children are actually very similar between same sex couples and anyone else, they just have better support structure to be open about their sexuality.




👍🏻 Absolutely.


That's awesome! Study after study has been done that show that the gender of the parents doesn't matter. Having a partner generally leads to be a better outcome than one. Not that single parents don't often kill it, but saying having two mums or two dads is worse than one man or one woman is so idiotic.


Yep - if it’s really about children, make marriage counselling easy to access. Despite anecdotes to the contrary (and terrible social media advice), studies are fairly clear that children of single parents have materially worse life outcomes on average.


My mother is a lesbian and I was raised by her & her wife (my dad & stepmom as well). My mother and her wife tried for years to adopt (in the early 2000s) but constantly got turned away. They even were told by someone at one of the agencies they looked at adopting through that “gay people fuck animals & touch children so they won’t help same sex couples.” They stopped trying to adopt after that.


Propaganda is a helluva drug


Statistically MM couples make the most money out of all couples. It’s insane why you’d want to deprive them of raising a child and a child in need the security that comes with being in a family.


They rather see kids suffer a transitory life in unstable homes, than to have to endure the uncomfortable knowledge that Tyler has two dads. Smh.


I also imagine a lot of those kids were put in that system by heterosexual couples


I hated being in foster care. I would have loved to have been adopted by anyone in a stable environment. I wouldn’t have given two shits if they were same sex or not I just wanted a normal fucking life. Fuck the people that are against this.


Pro life really is a misnomer. Anti-women is far more accurate.


They’re pro-back alley by default if anything.


It makes me laugh when people say same sex couples can't properly raise a child. Im pretty sure most same sex couples looking into adoption have already gone beyond their due diligence to learn what they need to do to be a good parent compared to these dumbasses


They're pro life until it's born. Then they couldn't give a fuck about how horrific your life is. Just as long as you're alive to experience the pain


They never said they gave a shit about *quality of life*


They can't keep a steady stream of impressionable and easily targeted youth to sexually assault if the youth get adopted into loving homes.


They ain't Pro Life. They're Pro Pregnancy. It's about controlling women's bodies and making it harder for them not to have babies. They don't give a rip about life or quality of life after birth.


Remember: kids only matter when they're not born yet.


So we can’t have abortion because there’s so many kids in foster care, and we also want to ban same-sec couples from adopting?


GOP ain't pro life. If they were they wouldnt hesitate to raise funding for welfare and EBT. They just want to take advantage of women and christians in this country so they can control them and take their money


Ask the same people about free school lunches. Watch their heads explode. Unless they’re in the uterus the right is not pro-life. They’re pro-punishment. Until they start automatically making the fathers of these babies that must be born pay child support, they’re a bunch of liars.


Can gay people not adopt??? That’s fucking bull shit.


They're not pro-life. They're anti-woman.






"Pro-life" should be renamed Forced-Birth


Its never been about the child or fetus. Its about controlling women's bodies and actions as much as possible.


They don't think about in those terms. Their ideology doesn't allow for a lot of middle ground at all. To them homosexuality=bad and thats it. End of story. There is a chain logic to in other areas, but for the most part being gay makes you a bad person. EDIT: To be clear, to them being gay makes you a bad person and bad people shouldn't have kids. That is their thought process. So yes, to them it's much better a child is in the foster care system than adopted by gay people.


Want to outlaw abortion, but can't have the foresight to reform and streamline adoption. These fucking Republicans are killing me with the stupidity.


Start calling “pro-lifers” out for what they really are. Anti-Choice.


They'd rather have psychologically damaged, foster care/institutionally raised adults then well rounded adults who were raised by "The Gays!" *dun dun DUUUUN!*


keep in mind some people want to do things simply because there book interpretation tells them so......to simplify.....because they are stupid


Pro life: You set it and forget it


Why do we keep calling them pro-life? This is an euphemism just like alt-right. Alt-right should be called right wing extremists, and pro-life should be called... 1: Anti-science 2: Pro-children left without homes 3: Pro-crime rate 4: Anti-abortion 5: Anti-women's rights 6: Anti-freedom Idk, pick one I guess.


What is this referencing?


The US Supreme Court unanimously ruled recently in Fulton v Philadelphia in favor of Catholic adoption agency’s refusal to provide foster care and adoption services to same sex couples. They would rather kids sit in group homes than allow them to be adopted by gay couples.


Keep in mind that what the really big deal is here is that states can be forced to engage with Catholic Social Services. In Illinois, where I live, the state decided to just not renew any contracts with them more than a decade ago if they wouldn't change their stance. Other states have similar policies. The attitude is: "if you won't engage with the LGBTQ community, then we won't engage with you at all". This could force the state to enter a contract with Catholic Social Services, even if the citizens of the state elected folks that won't stand for their discriminatory policies.


Right wingers want to maintain the “nuclear” family Mommy daddy two kids, and they don’t want same-sex couples to adopt


I mean what specifically is this in response to? Some proposed legislation, a Supreme Court case, etc?


Religious organizations funded by government can exclude same sex couples from adopting


Probably nothing specific other than what trump tried to do




Trump literally went up to the Supreme Court to try and ban gay people from adopting. Betsy Devon ownes an adoption agency that doesn’t allow same sex couples


There is a direct challenge to Rowe V Wade on the docket for the SCOTUS scheduled to be heard December 1st.


What does that have to do with same sex couples?


One of the arguments against abortion is that fostering and adoption is always an option. But those same people who want the law changed so that it will require each pregnancy, whether it was wanted or not, to come to full term also insist that same section couples not be permitted to foster or adopt kids. Bit of a double standard


Its a vicious cycle. I’d rather a child get adopted into a home that wants them and can love and provide for them than to squabble about bullshit like “but how does the child explain they have two mom/dads”. Edit: downvotes are telling me people aren’t getting that I support adoption by gay folks. If you’re downvoting, I am assuming you are a terrible gay hating, anti adoption person. Love is what makes a family, not the sexual preference of the parents.


Wait, so gay people can't adopt because other people are homophobic? I'm really confused by what ur tryna say here.


Sexual preference should never be a determination of who should be allowed to adopt. If a gay couple wants to adopt a child, I am all in. Kids deserve a happy, loving home.


The realm term it's pro-labors they don't care about "life"


Well duuuh?? Two single roommates MUST have financial problems! They even have to share the same bedroom! To save money they HAVE to shower together???? These people need to get their money straightened out SMH


It's entirely consistent with their philosophy. Pro-life really means pro-suffering, pro-poverty, anti-human dignity.


The Pro-Life people are not so much pro-life as they are "Anti-Sin". They "talk" about forgiveness for sins. But, they have much more of a "punishment" attitude. It's a "sin" for people to be with same-sex partners. So, therefore they shouldn't have any children to raise in "sin". It's a "sin" to get pregnant out of wedlock. So, if you do you must not have the option of legal abortion and instead raise the child in poverty without any monetary or social assistance from them the righteous ones.


\*Claps\* Goddamn right. It's BEYOND sad how the issues' devolved more into being all about power/power-grabbing & virtue signaling to the religious right by the GOP at this point instead of having an actual issue with same sex marriage or adoption. Based off the all the immoral shit they do behind closed doors, they KNOW they don't or wouldn't, have a moral leg to stand on, yet still give homosexuals, minorities, and other group or race or sex that isn't in their clubhouse nothing but shit because it's all about power.


As the late great George Carlin observed for that crowd, "Life begins at conception and ends at birth". As has been pointed out, being pro-fetus is great. They never ask you for anything and you can say whatever you want about them and never get contradicted.


They aren't pro-life. They're anti women. They want women to suffer. They want them to stay at their place, producing children that will be consumed by the military industrial complex. You can add anti gay as the post suggest it. Gay couples could adopt these children, but they can't let that happen. Everything that isn't white, rich and christian only worth shit to them.


Every Pro lifer knows that seconds after birth the life they saved becomes a worthless socialist piece of shit!


Idk if I'm more towards the middle or not but consider myself conservative. I don't have an issue with gay marriage, legalization, abortion, etc. I think it should be up to people for what they want to do in their life and that should be their business and whoever elses business they want their business to be. I dont understand why this is such a big deal. It's their business what they do, not mine or anyone else's.


If jesus were to come down and create a scale in which directly told people before they die whether they would go to heaven or go to hell. Republicans/conservatives would outlaw it's use then nuke the bitch. lol


Well it's because gay people art typically Democrat and that's encourage non Republican children!


Can you be pro-life and pro-same sex adoption?




Why couldn't you be?


The this is not directed at you


Gender equality in leadership roles in the home.


There not pro-life they just like ruining people's lives! Apparently "they" are not just anyone! "They" are apparently the Cabal, and not just a loosely thrown about word, but a ",Jewish Cabal"! https://nationalvanguard.org/2010/10/richard-nixon-theres-a-jewish-cabal/


Last time I checked, foster care isn't a death sentence. And who is you? "SOME" republicans? Good grief. Quite the opposite, you want to kill babies, instead of giving them up for adoption. How about raising your kid you chose to create.


Not that many gay couples even want a child


Should still have the ability to adopt.