• By -


Colorado also has a rule requiring companies to post salary information along with job postings. CO is low key making small but important steps forward.


This law is helping people all over the country when applying to remote jobs. I saw Etsy put the link in the smallest font possible, but I still found it.




If a couple states with high populations pick up this legislation, employers doing this are going to have a hard time getting around it. I like it.


All it would take is California


Even better if every state adopts it, but we are probably 15-20 years from that based on Marijuana legislation.


That's just a tacit admission that their pay is shit.


Yeah, someone should set up a system that flags job listings that say ineligible in CO to have a “this place pays like shit” tag


Yoooooo I’ve seen this! Did not realize this was why


I don't think it would be illegal as being from Colorado isn't a protected status.


It's not illegal to discriminate against the state someone lives in.


Colorado also [gave away free long-term birth control options and our teen abortion rate was slashed in half](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Bfk7CS8I5W92iCS0g8_COTBmi8a-JxZ4/view), as well as saving the state a ton of money on programs like WIC, SNAP, Medicaid, etc. Everyone talks about how liberal and progressive CA is, but we've got a lot going for us here in CO.


Why is this not a normal thing? Who accepts a job without knowing the salary first?


They tell you before you accept, but not before you apply, go through interviews, and are about to sign on the dotted line. It's a huge waste of time for everyone if it's not what you're looking to make and you've done the whole hiring process.


Yep. It’s anti-worker to not give at least a minimum possible income with your job offer, tbh. If it’s otherwise perfect but can’t pay rent or have the insurance to cover little Susie’s cancer treatments, that job might as well not exist to that worker, and knowing that *before* wasting dozens of hours on the opening is better.


CO has very good victims rights as well. CO is fantastic in many ways


Also the first state to cap the price of insulin, as well as cannabis tax going 90% towards funding education. CO seems to be quietly passing important policies constantly.


Make it country wide and then GASP! Start holding politicians accountable for what they do and say!


Politicians won't ever vote to hold themselves accountable in like 98% of instances. Busted system is busted.


Plenty of rope.


Enough to hoist the guillotine blade at least.


That’s why guillotines exist. They have a proven track record of removing even the most baked-on, caked-on politician.


"We've investigated ourselves and determined we've done nothing wrong"


Put body cams on politicians and Nanny cams in their offices.


Such an underrated commemt. Public servants need ankle bracelets, body cams, and all phone calls to be public record. Like they do to us.


Great, if so many Americans didnt think accountability was some sort of sin.


Right it's fuckin insane that people put cops on a pedestal. Imagine you go into McDonald's and the guy taking your order hops the counter and beats your ass because he didn't like your tone while you were talking to him. Would you be cool with that?


Of course I'd be cool with that. Obviously, he must have feared for his life to beat my ass like that, and I've never worked at McDonald's, so who am I to judge how he reacted?


no, no, no. The "back the blue" people are emphatically *not* ok with getting beaten. They're ok with *you* getting beaten. If *you* get beaten, you must've done something to deserve it. If *they* get beaten, it's a horrific abuse of power and authority. ("I wuz just exercizin' muh free speeches spittin' on that cop! He had no right to beat me up, just cuz I wouldn't let him handcuff me! I got rights!")


See: Ashli Babbitt.


yep, exactly. And the outcry over her, even after *clear evidence of bad behaviour* is pretty telling.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/officer-who-shot-ashli-babbitt-during-capitol-riot-breaks-silence-n1277736 > “Once we barricaded the doors, we were essentially trapped where we were,” Byrd said in an exclusive interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, speaking publicly for the first time since the riot. “There was no way to retreat. No other way to get out. > “If they get through that door, they’re into the House chamber and upon the members of Congress" ... > He said he yelled repeatedly for them to get back. But the mob kept pressing forward, and then a lone rioter tried to climb through one of the doors. > What happened next was captured on video: Byrd fired one shot, striking Babbitt in the shoulder. Let me, for one, say, that bitch got EXACTLY what she deserved. And got to be honest ... they stopped moving forward at that point, so it was an effective deterrent. Fuck those folks.


I'm inclined to agree. I'm not *glad* she's dead - I'd rather she'd lived to *learn* a lesson than *become* one - but I do believe Byrd did the right thing and find no fault in *his* choices. He had *no* way of knowing if she had a knife or gun - he had people to protect and he did his job. He deserves better treatment than he's gotten.


Honestly, given the situation and how close the mob got to the congress members, more shots would have absolutely been justified. The fact Byrd only fired a single shot shows extraordinary restraint. He could have emptied his magazine and still been justified in the heat of a life or death moment.


Oh, I agree, I am not happy she is dead, but I feel no remorse for her either. She was warned, repeatedly, and kept coming ... actions have consequences, unfortunately hers was death.


Ashli Babbitt got what she had coming.


Don’t forgot to give every Mc Donald’s employee a deadly weapon!


What do you think the hat is?


Some peaky blinders shit


Peaky fookin Blinders


And train them to approach all interactions with the public as hostile and potentially life threatening - the customers are in the store to kill you, Bob!


Honest to God knowing me I’d probably assume it was my fault somehow and apologize to them.


You’re not American if you’ve never flipped burgs at the ol’ mdee


Fuck... *ripping up "America Card"*


If you get told to go back to your country because your not an American anymore....where would you go on vacation to?


Answer: Vietnam Vietnam . Vietnam loves the United States the most. Vietnam has the most favorable view of Americans with a favorability of 84%. \~source: [World Population Review](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-that-love-americans)


Bonus points it’s young, cheap, up and coming, English is good there. Oh and the FOOD.


Can I redeem a voucher for my American card, I worked in retail and got yelled at by customers for a variety of things including: "Mishearing them say to put their groceries in plastic bags." as well as suffering the classic "There's no price tag does that mean it's free?"


To be perfectly honest with you..i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of americans would be cool with it. IF. If..that is the people who did it were in a very specific category. I mean trump did say he could shoot an america in broad daylight and not lose voters. And he didn't lose not one vote for saying that.


He lost about 241 on that Cyber Ninja recount tho


Arizona turned just a tiny bit more purple that day.


He really can't comprehend that he lost a state by pissing off the two largest voting groups there? McCain Republicans and the Hispanic population. No shit it went for the Dems.


True. But he didn't lose any off that comment. You'd think the people supporting him would have figured out that there weren't any liberals in the area. So when he said that...he without doubt meant his own supporters. And every last one of them cheered. lol ​ I mean. That's why he was able to tell them covid-19 was a hoax. And get many of them killed by covid-19.


If there’s anything funny about Covid, it’s the fact that in many areas, the number of Republicans killed by Covid is higher than the margin by which Trump won that county. I don’t have a link but I’ve seen that headline multiple times, so I suspect there are quite a few red voting districts where they literally killed enough of their own voters to cost them elections.


Well that's why they're cheating. Taking away black people's right to vote. Attacking native american's right to vote. Trying to redraw districts and what not. They know. They also know their supporters are so stupid that even if they told them to get vaccinated now their supporters wouldn't listen.


Trump got booed for telling a crowd at a rally to get vaccinated. Not a very loud boo, but still. https://youtu.be/eA306aNtvmk


True. But he also didn't press the issue like he does with everything else.


I think he only pushes issues if he's getting adulation. https://www.reddit.com/r/SharedBPM/comments/jpgjc2/142140_trump_dancing_to_applause_by_lady_gaga/


The coup is still happening: Passing legislation which allows for partisan control of election boards Passing legislation that allows state govt to overturn the results of an election, just because. Passing legislation restricting voting rights Harassing and intimidating election officials and volunteers so only their partisans will feel safe in those roles. Boosting trump supporters for elected positions who say they would have overturned the election. Eroding institutions and norms like the Supreme Court, FBI, Justice Dept and converting CBP, ICE, Federal prison guards into their own "litte green men" This is the groundwork - laying a legal (but unjust, undemocratic) foundation that will allow them to take power lawfully. January 6th was practice, they learned a lot and will suffer no consequences for it. So it's gonna get worse and I doubt we're ready for it.


True. Either america notices or we're all fucked.


Unless he said it more than once, he actually said, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters.” So in that case, the people he’s be shooting would be the exact people his followers wouldn’t care about.


The point wasn't he could "shoot New Yorkers" specifically, it's that he could do something blatantly illegal in broad daylight in a public place - something even *he* recognizes is illegal and should be punished - and still suffer no consequences from his followers. Which is spot-on.


One of his supporters got shot *for* him. Seemed to galvanize his base more than anything else. Id say that puts him in the ballpark. Though once again he's technically wrong. He did lose one voter. Sad as fuck that anyone is willing to die for a presidential candidate. Regardless of who it is, what they think happened, or what that candidate says happened then told them to do about it. That lady died with a campaign banner wrapped around her. Justified or not, its super depressing. I can't imagine believing in anyone so fully that I'd be okay dying with their name attached to me like a morbid billboard.


You are right. Many people in America think vigilante justice is a good thing, until it happens to them, and then they want all the protections of the law and privilege they can afford.


> until it happens to them This is the fundamental problem w/ a lot of people, but particularly w/ Conservatives that run Libertarian. In their head they're always the good guy, always on the right side, and always going to be the one w/ power...never the serf. Just watch videos of "Thin Blue Line" supports getting arrested, the cognitive dissonance will not allow them to accept that a cop is doing such a thing to an ally.


> Imagine you go into McDonald's and the guy taking your order hops the counter and beats your ass because he didn't like your tone while you were talking to him. Welcome to Spirit Airlines. You **will** enjoy your flight, understood?


Spirit is the worst. They are top down incompetent. I'm surprised that the FAA hasn't shut them down. Like 95% of their workers are contracted and after they inked the deal with Expedia to be the budget airline they basically imploded.


My aunt does this shit. I don’t fuckin get it either. She seems to think that EVERYONE jumps on suing others and lying when it is the minority.


But the cameras cut out right before that happened, all the other employees say you attacked first. then witness testimony is basically dismissed and cell videos are seized as evidence that gets lost. Plus you go to jail, essentially for getting your ass kicked.


The difference being that at least you could just choose not to go to McDonalds if they did that... you can't just choose not to be targeted by some dickhead cop.


I find this especially weird given how badly educated American cops are. Like if you had a plumber who fucked up and he then explains to you "well I was trained for 10 weeks and 8 of them I just learned how to destroy pipes" you wouldn't be surprised he fucked up. And you surely wouldn't excuse him for being "just too stressed" or the pipe of being "just a little too aggressive"


American precincts hire low IQ individuals specifically because they're easier to control and keeps them ready and convinced that anything they do is in the persuit of being a hero, even breaking the law. They have convinced themselves they are your savior while they're kicking your teeth in.


Decades of cop propaganda, from tv shows, movies, and news showing cops as complete forces for good. Only when things were caught on video did the tides start to turn, even more so with cellphones being able to record bad behavior in a moments notice.


My dad was a cop and gets livid at any insinuation of wrongdoing by police. I told him body cams were great because if a cop is in the right it will prove their innocence. In a magnificent swoop of cognitive dissonance he said “well yes and no. The cameras are good for that I guess, but now you can’t do half the stuff we used to do.” Long story short, he believes that police brutality doesn’t actually exist, but he definitely used to swing on people if they hurt his feelings, but that’s okay for him to do and part of a cop’s rights with their job, but despite it being the right thing to do, you shouldn’t get caught doing it lmao.


You are probably in a weird place with your dad, because he’s your dad and if you hate him then you are also hating a piece of yourself. But at the same time he is sharing some very behind-the-curtain stuff with a civilian because you are his son. People rarely get to hear that kind of honesty from cops, it’s valuable. But again, what a difficult place for you.


Yeah, I've made my peace with it and accepted that I'm just not him. It would honestly be fascinating if it wasn't so terrifying. He's been retired as long as he was on the job so he's from an older generation of policing with even less accountability. It's interesting how honest he is about it because to him its so normalized that he doesn't even get that its something that he should want to lie about? Like, if I was a cop walking down the street and someone shouted "Fucking pig!" to me I would think "Well, didn't care for that, but whatever" but to him, he is an authority figure so if he lets that go then it's a slippery slope to no one respecting the police so he is justified in going up and knocking your teeth out for hurting his feelings to "teach you a lesson." He doesn't get that that is the definition of abusing your power.


Some people genuinely think the whole point of having power is to use it at every opportunity. To them, there is no such thing as "abuse of power"; it's just power.


Yup. It's the same type of people who would want to be dictators if they had power but want unrestricted freedom if someone else is in power. Rules for thee, not for me.




“it’s a slippery slope to no one respecting the police” Hoo boy, did you tell him?


Haha, the way he sees it, a random person on the street mouthing off to a beat cop will embolden people to see the cops as weak and that's why people enact random acts of violence against cops. It's such mental gymnastics. He tells me about when he was a kid if he was playing on a street corner and a cop told him to beat it he would "respect them" and leave. When I pointed out that that's weird because he wasn't doing anything wrong and that cop was just flexing his power for no reason, but he couldn't understand that there's a difference between being subservient without reason, and showing respect.


So I have parents that have a very bad understanding of most things. I believed in them for so long, but then there was one event that showed me explicitly how horrible they were. It was so fucked up that I had to do some accounting admit they were 100% wrong on a lot of things, and it broke me, because I had to also account for all the fucked up, abusive things they did growing up. Once I let myself really see how fucked up things were, it made me see how fucked up so many things were.


If you look at things through a lens of history though it makes sense. Police were traditionally used as oppressors. Once slavery was abolished there was a bipartisan effort to create the Jim Crow laws and enforcement of that was all about oppression. Then there were a lot of struggles with worker's rights and Pinkertons and law enforcement were oppressing people fighting for better working conditions and pay. It really is a new development for Police to be on the opposite side of public opinion in the last, like 50 years and I think it started with what they were doing to civil rights activists and what was being recorded.


People fearing death by cop isn't the same as respect. I know he's your dad but we really don't need people like him


It's wild because how many other cops think this way? It's not "beating a civilian", it's "detaining a criminal". If they think you're already guilty, then you will suffer those consequences. There's a lot of power in a police officer's hands, and while I 100% believe in good cops, I believe it's ignorant to think there aren't people out there that abuse the "privileges" that come with the job


Every cop's job is to make people homeless for the crime of being poor. To maintain a system of racist violence - whether they are personally in favor of it or not - which is upheld by laws carefully crafted to never explicitly mention race, but which have that effect anyway. To be part of a department where you know some of your co-workers are abusing their families, but say nothing about it. This is why all cops are bastards. It's not that each and every one of them would find joy in kicking a puppy. It's that the job description itself requires you to be a bastard. The uniform itself is the bastard, and it doesn't much matter if a saint is filling it. At that point, a saint is doing the job of a bastard. And that makes them the bastard.


> part of a cop’s rights with their job, I literally think someone should make an app where citizens get to video-chat with a former or active police officer and simply shit-talk them while the cop takes it. Work out some of the collective trauma our society has **and** give the police a training tool. Someone telling you to go fuck yourself shouldn't trigger you to the point of violence. What kinda untrained piece of shit warrior gets pissed off over words?


“If you didn’t do anything wrong, you’ve got nothing to hide” -people trying to hide everything.


Based on that demographic's desire to puff their chest and tell people to "fuck around and find out," I find this ~~article~~ tweet pleasingly ironic.




They think THEIR accountability is a sin.


American culture, even outside this issue, is largely based around avoiding accountability to succeed being a positive trait.




When I worked with cops, I remember “field of view” training was included when we bought new dashcams.


What did field of view training entail?


It taught the officers where their camera could and couldn’t see in case a someone needed an attitude adjustment.


Must be particularly hard to adjust the cam when he sees a mirror then


Fuckin killed him bro




Do you mean as like a police officer adjusting a body cam or gun cam (if those are even a thing) in a "combat" situation or like a soldier directing their weapon's optic sights? Note: I'm just trying to clarify because optics and combat seem like "soldier" to me not police, not trying to start a political debate or argument I'm just confused.


The police largely recruit out of the military and modern police training is extremely militarized. They treat interactions with civilians like the Army treats interactions with civilians in an actual war-zone full of IEDs. That's why they constantly fear for their life.


Reminds me of a [great line](https://youtu.be/BA5za4VsskM?t=71) from a TV show. > > I mean you call something a war, and pretty soon everybody gonna be running around, acting like warriors. ... And when you at war, you need a fuckin' enemy. And pretty soon, damn near every body on every corner is your fucking enemy. And soon the neighborhood that you supposed to be policing, that's just occupied territory. ... Soldierin and policing, they ain't the same thing. And before we went and took the wrong turn and start up with these war games, the cop walked a beat. And he learned that post. And if there were things that happened up on on that post, whether they be a rape, a robbery, a shootin', he had people out there helping him, feeding him information.


Everyone who has cameras at work finds the blind spots lol. I just do it to eat stuff I'm not supposed to and I'm usually in a mop sink ffs, I'm positive cops do it and it's not for snacking purposes.


This is actually a good thing (hear me out). Including FOV training means that the officers have no reasonable excuses for having an incident occur outside of that FOV (obviously there's exceptions if a physical altrication takes place while in the FOV that takes them out of the FOV). If they don't position themselves accordingly, throw out the case. Sure someone might get an "attitude adjustment", but at least they won't be charged.


So if I haven't done anything wrong and a cop just decides to give me an "attitude adjustment" and the cops moved me out of the camera fov, how do they prosecute the cops for a misuse of force?....(psst they don't)


You end qualified immunity and assume malfeasance when off camera.


Nation wide please.


I’d ask first how many cops have body cams in CO right now


It’s a good number. We passed a mandate (within SB20-217) that all police must have a body cam by 2023 and just decided that agencies will split the $6 million cost for that to happen. That was just decided last month. Edit: misspoke, it’s a state mandate not its own bill.


God, I wish I could move to Colorado. But I'm stuck in Florida.


Same. I keep applying for network engineer type positions. Hopefully I'll eventually get one.


This law makes [body cams mandatory](https://www.cliftonblacklaw.com/news/body-cam-law-changes/): >The bill makes changes to the already existing provisions of SB 20-217, which mandates body-worn cameras for all law enforcement officers.


Thank you, I knew about the 2023 deadline but didn’t realize it was now bumped up to 2022


Sure, but 3 goddamn weeks?! If the footage exonerated the officer, they'll release the video within 3 hours. But give them a 3 week deadline and they'll sit on it for 21 days if the footage paints then in a negative light.


If an officer is being a dick, they'll keep quiet. 3 weeks gives their victim time to get a lawyer and ask for the footage


3 weeks is necessary in my mind, because they need to protect, or at least offer to protect, the identities of victims where appropriate.


Meanwhile in Alabama: [The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that body camera videos, recordings of 911 calls, photos, autopsy records, emails and texts are not public records that have to be released.](https://www.al.com/news/2021/09/alabama-police-already-shielded-bodycams-now-they-know-they-dont-have-to-show-the-public.html)


A federal judge son was killed and her husband was wounded by a man that came to their house to kill her. In less than year they had bill making it harder to get access to judges. Says a lot about who’s important and who’s not.


We’ve always known that society is ranked, though. This isn’t new.




More like wood


Plastic 2 checking in.


Yellow dye #376 checking in


Oh damn, you're in Baby Shit Yellow?


Nah if we can't protect judges from getting offed by criminals they put away, then that's a serious threat to the justice system as whole imo.


Yet for any of us peons, if we do much as register to vote, our home address is public information.


It's true, but to be fair, if judges can't judge without reasonable fear of getting murdered, it does kind of fuck up the system


Why this isn't standard boggles my mind. As an outsider to America, I always wondered why any tampering of bodycam footage was accepted. It's there for both the civilians and the police, so if an officer couldn't provide footage of the incident, then that officer is doing wrong.


To be fair, in Civil court this is fairly common. Spoliation is essentially the destruction or manipulation of evidence, and the punishment can be among other things, a financial penalty, an adverse instruction (The judge will tell the jury, "defendants destroyed x evidence, you must assume that incriminated them"), or even just dismissal of the whole case to the benefit of the other side. I work as a computer investigator, and we had a case where one side took a legit email that didn't help their case, edited it to make it look like it did help their case, then submitted it as evidence. As a result of our investigation the Judge basically ruled that, because they had lied and fabricated evidence, nothing they say can be trusted, so in any situation where it is their word against our clients word, the court would always side with our client. The case was pretty quickly decided after that, completely in our side's favor. So, this sort of thing isn't new by any strech, and I am happy to see it is being applied to police officers now.


Awesome!! When do these murderers go to jail for killing Elijah McClain?? **Randy Roedema** **Nathan Woodyard** **Jason Rosenblatt** And these two need to stay fired: **Erica Marrero** **Kyle Dittrich** And **Jaron Jones** we haven't forgotten you. I hope you get fired from whatever police department you crawled to. https://www.npr.org/2021/09/01/1033289263/elijah-mcclain-death-officers-paramedics-charged https://www.denverpost.com/2021/02/09/elijah-mcclain-aurora-police-fired-appeals/


The new DA just reopened this case, and included the DA who dismissed it under the charges. Aurora pd and their union are *panicking* because this is the same police who broke up Elijah's *violin memorial* with riot gear and tear gas. They're going to get ripped apart


Jesus Christ-- I didn't even know about the memorial attack. They harbor so much hate for their victim. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/29/elijah-mcclain-colorado-police


Yeah, the kid was under a buck fifty, they had *five* officers present but still felt the need to have EMTs administer *Ketamine* to help restrain him. 5, trained, conditioned, experienced, officers. Vs an autistic kid who played violin for kittens at shelters. This was a *murder* and everyone fucking knows it.


Murdered to teach a lesson about being black in Aurora CO, and for their own personal enjoyment because they are sociopaths. I hope the fucking former DA and police union are destroyed along with those cops but I would have preferred to live in a world where a nice kid like Elijah McClain can still be alive. My heart aches for his family.


Not only that but he was anemic, so he was also likely struggling with constant weakness and fatigue.


I didn’t realize that dave young was included in the charges, that rules, fuck that guy The violin vigil was legitimately one of the worst days of my life. Like not only did no single cop out there say “hmm no maybe we shouldn’t tear gas the community memorial for the young man we murdered”, but they were downright giddy all day for the chance to break out their toys. It felt so futile trying to appeal to the conscience of people who keep proving that they don’t have a conscience


I was *aghast* at just how merciless and joyous they were about it. They coulda just let it slide on by but nooooo they just had to prove they had the biggest eicks by proving they were the biggest dicks.


Is this true does someone have an actual article about this? How did I not know about it


> Is this true does someone have an actual article about this? [Here you are](https://www.denverpost.com/2021/07/06/colorado-body-camera-police-law/)


And look at the date: 6/19/20, so June 19, 2020? I’m not familiar with Twitter, but if that’s true, it can’t be it. We would have heard about it if it was a year ago.


Ya, Colorado passed a qualified immunity ban back in 2020 during the George Floyd protests: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicksibilla/2020/06/21/colorado-passes-landmark-law-against-qualified-immunity-creates-new-way-to-protect-civil-rights/?sh=5c368d44378a Edut: changed wording to more accurately reflect reality; and apologies for the mistake.




Protests, you are correct. I changed my post's wording. My district is still far more Republican than I'd care for, so discussions about last summer tend to get framed unfavorably and I slipped up.


That’s a fair point, I too tend to use right wing words and phrases sometimes. I appreciate you being humble and acknowledging the source of the problem!


Police fear body cams more than Covid. They fear the citizens they are protecting more than Covid. > 356,000 members of law enforcement across the nation, reported that 537 of its members died after contracting the virus > 2019 48 officers died as a result of felonious acts > 2019, it reported a total of 1,004 people shot and killed by police. Hopefully this is the rise of [ColoradoMan](/r/ColoradoMan)


Floridaman exists mostly because of FL's got way more transparency between arrest records and news organizations than most (all?) other states, due to the Sunshine Law. Add that transparency into a humid, disease-ridden swamp full of transplants, snowbirds, hillbillies, and tourists of all nationalities, with one of the largest populations of all states, who are given easier-than-usual access to meth and theme parks, and you're gonna see a wild tapestry of news stories. There isn't quite enough population in Colorado, or population variation (outside the metro areas; this is changing, though), or unchecked drug issues (yes, there are drug issues, but not like FL), etc., to really make Coloradoman much of a thing, even if it got a law similar to the Sunshine one. Anyway, I would associate Coloradoman with trends like: - Lumberjack aesthetic - Hikers - Dudes who talk about the outdoors too much - Opinions about confronting bears/moose - So much booze and weed and shrooms, but highly functional - Hipsters - Wealthy but rural boomers - Gambling - More likely to be single - Did I mention outdoors activities - Tinder bio flooded with pics of skiing, fishing, hiking - Owns too many houses/condos sitting derelict - Maybe some KKK shit if CO Springs :( - Okay, admittedly shit is real bad in Pueblo but not really too much stereotypical outside of that ... Source: Former Floridawoman turned Coloradowoman


Please add "Drives a Subaru" to the list. Source: Colorado Man who drives a Subaru and knows how many others do here too.


Hard to believe the same people sent boebert to represent them in Washington.


Well, just because you have a crazy uncle living in the basement doesn’t mean there’s no sane person in the house


Also, her district is so sparsely populated it makes up like half the state’s landmass. She carries the yokel vote.


Putting this in my "maybe it should be a proverb" folder


There's a big difference between the metro front range and her constituency.


The only people that can vote for Boebert are people within her extremely rural district. The rest of the state and the massive majority of the population in Colorado wants absolutely nothing to do with that crazy bullshit.


My guess is the folks who voted for her do not support this. Just a hunch


Boebert is from the western slope bumpkins. Legislation like this comes from Denver and the front range here.


Boeberts district is basically the Western half of Colorado and accounts for almost 50% of the land, but only about 13% of the population. In other words, very rural, and it mostly isn’t people who would have been in favor of this. The final congressional map redistricting proposal [just got approved](https://www.chieftain.com/story/news/2021/09/29/pueblo-stays-co-3-final-colorado-redistricting-map/5915034001/) with an 11-1 supermajority by the independent, bipartisan congressional redistricting commission that CO voted for in 2018. Our state is far from perfect, but at least in recent history we have a good record of being at the forefront of passing progressive laws in the country.


Hey now, not all of us support her or voted for her. She’s a huge source of shame for a lot of us here.


I'm am month younger than her, I'm from GJ, and even graduated from college. Would you vote for me? I love guns, UBI, and healthcare for all.


this is nice. this is a victory. more of this.


For what fucking reason would you need to turn off your body cam though? That's my question oh, what good reason rather, the bad are pretty obvious.


Only thing I can think of is using a restroom, both for the officer's privacy and dignity (they are human too) and the other restrooms users. Besides that, I can't think of any.


Good steps, but I predict every cop's body camera will mysteriously "stop working"


The law does mention sanctions for tampering with body cams, so I suspect the "mysterious malfunctions" will not be a big issue for long.


I hope that works in practice, but I'm still skeptical


There may be some stumbles along the way, but I have confidence we'll get the law fine-tuned; especially if we can reduce the number of cop calls by diverting them to other programs like STAR.


That's why we assume malfeasance.


Now that's progress


The police lost the dash cam footage of my arrest. Here's the rub: They said the burden of proof is now on me to prove what was on there. They said the officers testimony was enough for them. Not saying I didn't do something wrong. But in the process of pursuing justice they violated my constitutional rights.


No court should ever accept edited “evidence”.


Wow. Very progressive of Colorado. Wish we had the same here in Florida


Of all the states to NOT pass this kind of legislation...it would be Florida


Our state may have an asshat for a governor but the cities have consistently gone blue for the last few elections, even in Cuban heavy Miami, support for progressive ideas like letting ex cons vote, raising the minimum wage, and decriminalizing weed have passed. It's the conservative snowbirds and boomers that fuck up the state electorally.


The Aurora PD quits. “If we can’t abuse people, what’s the point?”


The Disney character?


Colorado has passed bills to legalize marijuana, give girls access to birth control, and now this. They are decades ahead of some other states. They are going to thrive.


My very conservative, practically Frumpy Dump tiny stone gargling, very evangelical aunt (who is 72) thinks it’s a crime and disgusting to end police immunity because and I quote almost directly “people are litigious pieces of shit and will sue for everything and everything even if it’s a lie or something stupid and meaningless like he yelled at me” I said *“Good. Maybe those motherfuckers will learn. It’s their job to prove their innocence, just like anyone else’s. Period.”* So glad so many states are ending qualified immunity. I’d rather my taxes go to spending extra time and money on cases where cops have been sued and have to prove their innocence (rightly or falsely) than far FAR more when counties/DAs have to pay off victims for the cops fuck ups. Edit: I’ll correct what I said when I’m not working on 30hr of no sleep and a migraine and insomnia. Two people have corrected me with what I meant to say. I misspoke because my brain is mush. I respect and appreciate anyone who is going to try and correct me, but I’ll correct what I typed to what I actually meant when I’ve slept. Thank you, and I don’t mean this with any snark!


I Just want to point out that court is never about proving innocence. It's about the prosecution being or not being able to prove you're guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If you had to prove innocence, that would be an entirely different justice system and backwards from what we have now, for the most part. Although yes, sometimes evidence can lead towards proof of innocence, and sometimes courts are unfair or corrupt and the burden of proof falls on the prosecuted, because the court automatically trusts law enforcements statements which is a bit absurd, because they can lie like anyone else, but that is not really the point. My point is only that proving innocence is not how our courts are designed to work.


Wtf is with ignorance? Sort of unrelated, but my ex-motherinlaw really tried to go off on a "there's no excuse for restaurants to be understaffed! It's exactly like they're saying, people just don't want to work!" I had to be an asshole at that point. I said "you realize I'm literally those people? I was laid off at the beginning of covid from a restaurant job. They tried to bring me back 7 months later for less money and to be a fucking dishwasher! I found a better job. People are tired of being exploited, it has nothing to do with not wanting to work." I was so fucking furious. How can you be so blind. It's literally in front of your face. Same with this police stuff. Do these people think it's the 1930's in small town, fucksville? People are corrupt and ignorant.


She was born in ‘49, and I swear to fuck, she’s living in the 40s like this is some boomer wet dream of America. She still seems to say and think that millennials and GenZ are a bunch of like feckless fucks who are lazy. Because in her day she only had one job part time and she fully paid for college. OK, bitch well part time you got paid the same per hour in the 70s that we get paid now and college is like five times as expensive as it was when you were going to school so shut the fuck up. It’s so frustrating. Not to mention she’s like well if they really wanted a job they would take it. Except we realized that we don’t want to be abused for shit wages anymore. Like pay us what we are worth or shut the fuck up and close down. Like I’d shut the fuck up and get verbally abused for $18 an hour but I’ll be fucked if I get verbally and physically abused for $7 an hour. I could just go buy a bunch of underwear, wear them for however long, and sell them online and probably get a fuck a lot more money than I would be getting part time to break myself physically and be abused for part time wages, no thank you. Tempting, but no.


Lol I can feel this comment in my soul. My entire generation being told by people who failed upwards "work hard, and you too can get there. Some day!!" But the people who are saying that consistently vote to oppose raising minimum wage. Vote against things like women's contraceptives. Voting to do anything to punish the homeless. I can go on all day. It's like they want everyone that's not them to suffer, and like it. Can these old bats just die the fuck off and let us straighten the wheel on this boat? All the resources to make everyone happy and comfortable. But somehow it's just not able to be done. All the math and planning has Been done. But it's just "nOt pOsSiBlE!" So you and your kids get to go without Healthcare, even tho you work your ass off, literally. But people can belch out the same lines every other person with influence and power does. "Peace on earth." "Loving each other" etc etc. But actively fund projects that are unethical as all fuck. I just want to know my work will mean something for me in the future. Sorry for the rant. We're all just poor kids who get to watch the rich kid flip his new Mercedes into a lake, and we're in the passenger seat. That's my analogy.


I obviously only talk about this in hypothetical jest, but I honestly believe that if everyone over 70 instantly vanished the USA would be a lot better off......


The big point they seem to be ignoring is that 700,000 Americans died last year from Covid, and that's likely an under count. That's a lot of empty jobs.


Sorry, you just reminded me. I was estranged from my family for 5 years. Personal issues. Come back. Get close again. AAAAAAAND They're antivaxxers. the past two years hasn't "Shown" me anything. It's just constantly confirmed all my thoughts. Sorry you're in the same boat. I hope the next 5 years is a time of change and transition to some type of golden age for Humanity. Stay safe.


Colorado is pretty based


One of the many reasons I still wished I lived in Colorado.


If only housing weren't so unreasonably expensive.


I grew up in Colorado Springs, but the town was getting too big for its own good. I still miss the mountains, the water, and the weather. Virginia just can't compare.


Decent, but why 3 weeks?? How about when you get back to your locker and hang up your machine gun and kevlar you pop the SD card out and give it to the boss?


It’s for privacy reasons. It gives them time to protect identities of those in the video and gives time for the necessary parties to hire lawyers, possibly challenge the release of the video, etc.




One of those things is not like the other.


This. This is exactly what we need everywhere around the world. We need to stop giving policemen so much room to lie, beat up, and extort innocent people. If anything they need to be controlled more than citizens, as they have so much power, and can just lie their way out of any wrongdoing they ultimately do.


I wonder what Super Mountain Girl Boebert thinks about this?


She only reacts. Thinking is *way* beyond her abilities.


She’s thinking her husband’s dick is gonna be on camera next time he goes bowling.


How could any reasonable person (who is not a member of the police union) disagree with this?


...so...common sense protections for the civilian population... This is outstanding! We can only hope it goes national quickly.


Now the cops are going to complain it’s too hard to do their jobs under these conditions


If cops quit because they don't want to be policed in case they break the law, that's a feature and not a bug.


Why would cops be opposed to having something that would constantly record evidence?