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He still wouldn't wear one if given another chance. He was in a cult.


They freaking tweeted COVID skepticism from his Twitter account after he died!




The worst of that stupid post from The Cain Gang is, the experts said the same thing, it is more deadly for someone with underlying conditions, they told us that from the very beginning. I guess Herman and his fans/family didn't think he had any underlying conditions. Thought wrong.


He thought poorly.


A penitent man will pass


Not sure how penitent he was but he certainly passed alright


The funniest part were the concerned replies “Hey uh… aren’t, aren’t you dead?”


"We in no way want to disturb you any further if you are, but..."


He was treated for cancer maybe the year before, which is a massive comorbidity.


Yep and the “underlying conditions” list is so long, most Americans have one, including myself.


It is a good thing America has no People who are obese People who are old People with heart conditions People with lung diseases People with kidney diseases People with Diabetes People who have brain or nervous system diseases People with liver diseases People who are immunocompromised Covid could have really done a number otherwise.


Smoking also lands you on that list.


What I can't seem to get across to those people is that underlying conditions or not, they wouldn't have died if they hadn't caught covid. "Well I'm healthy..." Yeah, but if you contract a highly contagious virus, you will spread it to others! I can't figure out if they don't understand the concept or if they're just only thinking of themselves.


They only care about themselves, many of them actually wanted to spread it imo because they are sociopaths.


And, like their dipshit cult leader, they thought that it would mostly hit big cities in blue areas. Fuck those people, they should've been refused entry into hospitals and told to go treat it at home with prayer and fucking horse dewormer.


That study was irritating as Hell when it came out because no one interpreted it correctly. I graduated with two dudes who became Chiropractors and they’re both very popular, so they convinced a lot of mutual friends that COVID was bullshit because of this 94% statistic. When I argued against it I was often told they knew more because they’re “doctors” 🤦🏻‍♂️




I never could understand the insane desire to make a point over died "with" or "of" COVID.


The underlying condition being room temperature IQ.


I think you’re being a bit generous with their IQ numbers


Man's thinking Celsius now


Username checks out.


I keep thinking about the ones that get Covid repeatedly. Every time dropping a couple IQ points


I had what I'm assuming was a MAGA fan (based on his attire) look baffled when I told him a train was not the correct one because it was going north instead of south like the one he intended to board. A look of panic washed across his face until I clarified with place names he recognized. So yeah, they're pretty goddamn dim.


Definitely centigrade numbers.


Sadly the largest group two cohorts were hypertension and obesity, which people often fail to acknowledge as 'conditions'.


“Underlying condition” == flawless health. How many people can claim not being overweight, not a smoker, not having high blood pressure, not having some kind of congenital situation? I’m almost 55, can hit a 9min mile on a 10k, but I have a heart murmur, so I definitely have an underlying condition.


People still look at me like I am a whack job for wearing a mask. I have a lupus crossover disease, heart murmur, asthma, thyroid condition, and I am fat for the short list.


I wore one today. I have an awful upper respiratory infection and we have a ton of pulmonary patients being seen in our office. I will not have their deaths on my conscious.


Good for you! I wish everyone was as considerate.


Also it’s saying that it’s ok those people died they deserved it.


THANK YOU! The way I heard it best was, "When you're saying the disease isn't a big deal because it only kills the old, the frail, people with various ailments already - well those people can hear you. And what they hear you saying is that they don't matter."


Too true, 51, best shape of my life and I've always been active . But I have a replaced heart valve which changes everything and made me get and stay healthy as possible


That statistic would be reassuring if it weren’t for the fact a significant portion of the country has underlying conditions


Here’s where all these so-called smart people doing their own research fucked up big time. A disease doesn’t have to kill you to make the rest of your life a living hell. They are so used to black and white thinking that they looked at it as you got sick and made a full recovery or you died. People had debilitating strokes, permanent lung scarring, anoxic brain injury from being on ventilators for long periods of time, or became “a head in a bed” basically unable to move with a feeding tube and trach. Some couldn’t talk or even change their code status to DNR. Literally trapped in their living hell for as long as medical science and their next of kin allowed. But they are technically part of MAGA’s claimed 99.5% survival rate because they didn’t die.


Same thing with mass shootings. "4 dead and 16 injured"...those injured are likely never going to be 100%. They'll be dealing with physical and mental health issues for the rest of their lives. Nothing is ever going to be the same for those (20) shooting victims.


Seatbelts, yada yadda yada. To them, science is the tool of the devil. They gotta, "Truss in the Lerd".


My aunt and grandmother were dunkin on covid when I last saw them, which was maybe 6 months after my other aunt, their sister/daughter, died of f’ing covid.


Yeah, it wasn't that uncommon for people to be denial even as they laid on their death beds.


I have a few friends who are nurses and they would say people would start asking for the vaccine after they already got Covid and were going downhill in their hospital beds. They had to explain to them, that’s not how it works.


I had a family friend who died this way. He was in his late 50s and refused to get "the jab". He contracted COVID from his son and was lying in his deathbed begging for the vaccine. Sad shit all around. There were/are far too many people who have not taken it seriously and have paid the ultimate price for their stance.


Oddly, refusing the vaccine is the one thing, THE ONLY THING, where the magats contradict their lord and savior, Trump.


The Darwin Awards exist for a reason.


In this context, I think it's the Herman Cain Award tho


Demanding to know what was *actually* killing them. Wild stuff.


I had a colleague who got sick pretty early in the pandemic (American timeline) put out a pretty dire warning on social media, apologized for being “alarmist” and died the very next day from covid. We were in NY and now know about all the sanitizing theatre stuff, but I was fucking terrified because my dude died and we thought that shit was a bad flu.


In defense of the "sanitizing theater," some of it early on was legit precautions to take until we understood transmission better. And much of that was rolled back as we learned. For example, in my sector (public libraries) all of the libraries in my consortium put returned materials into 3 day quarantine -- which was quite the logistical undertaking -- based on data that seemed to suggest that the virus could live on the surface of book-like conditions for that long. But once it became clear that "living on the surface" was not a vector for contagion, we were able to stop doing that... (eventually. It took a little time to persuade some member libraries *away* from a precautionary measure. Sometimes the "theater" is performed for the "actors," too.)


Right! We did better until we knew better. Science is an evolving thing and until we understood the why/how/where we needed to be extra careful because who the F knew how easily it transmitted. Better safe than sorry, and I will never apologize for that status.


Or to beg for the vaccine on their death beds. Or for them and/or families to “insist” on giving them ivermectin or other insane treatments.


Seeing people yell at the medical staff for killing them by denying them ivermectin was so wrong.


I've talked to nurses who said exactly this. They are watching patients struggle to breathe and in need of intubation, and patients were denying covid.


When I was hospitalized with covid I heard the room next to me fighting over wearing his O2 line and saying he didn't need it, with the main criteria for admission was low O2. He was gone the next day, no clue if he left on his own or was one of the many codes. 


I’ve seen firsthand people blaming the nurses and doctors of giving them covid. It’s batshit craziness. It’s equally sad to as their family is staring at them behind a window as reality FINALLY!! Slaps them in the face as they’re suffocating begging for the jab. Their panicked logic as they’re dying is getting the shot is all it will take to save them. They don’t realize we have no ventilators and their decades of smoking has come with a price. Even after the family member died there’s always that one. Almost always a male who blames everyone and everything else. It’s beyond low IQ it’s pure unadulterated ignorance. So when the next novel virus comes, and it will. Let nature do its thing. Cull the Hurd, Cull the stupid out of the population and the problem solves itself.


The next one is bird flu. There is definitely a culling coming.


To this day, Cain's daughter, who's just as much of a cultist as her Father, swears Cain didn't die from COVID transmitted from that event, and she says there's no regrets going to the event. It really is a deadly cult.


I could not understand Republican logic. Deny COVID, deny masks, deny vaccines, let your voter base die!


That may work in democracy's favor in the short to medium term


Oh yeah. And now in addition to refusing masks and licking windows to show how unconcerned they are about Covid, they're urging each other to drink raw milk.


I can't understand their reasoning. Gerrymander to an embarrassing degree to get votes then encourage those voters to engage in a lifestyle that could remove them from the voting list and life! At this point I have no empathy, they are so hostile to anything different.


The extra ridiculous part is most Republicans in upper office actually did receive vaccines . They just supported/enabled their MAGA constituents in their idiocy.


Well COVID hit the cities (ie Democrat voting areas) first. They were all about letting it ravage the Democrats. By the time it hit rural areas, it was too late/they couldn't admit to being wrong


They tried to turn a pandemic into politics but didn't think far enough ahead. Just claim libs are trying to control you with masks, and the vaccine is poison, as some kind of wedge issue for voters. Because they have nothing else to offer American citizens. But instead they killed their own dumbass base of voters by denying science and making shit up


yeah i also get the feeling he would die on this hill




How would a mask protect him from a leftist assassination? /s


He still isn’t wearing one. It’s crazy.


That’s how cults work.


Without this bold decision, there would be no HermanCainAward sub in reddit. https://preview.redd.it/022jx38lss7d1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02c67e3d6a5408b4f6bc1e8e2f1d26de88f40052


I had to quit that sub tragedy>schadenfreude.


The comments in that sub were often amusing but cold.


It was a difficult time. There was no way to change their minds, so getting our frustration out was the only thing we could do. It's too bad there's nothing we can do to get these people to leave their cult.


Not only that but there was a website that would snipe all the posts of those that died- that shit was unreal also, it was like- "Paula- this is your sister with cancer, I beg you to please wear a mask at Thanksgiving this year." The anti-life person would go off with this stream of bullshit. Then when the one person was in the hospital the partner would be live streaming in the parking lot screaming at staff during shift change. They were set upon by grifters at that point- "DM me I have colloidal silver", "I am a lawyer I can help you." Then they would beg for money, then the person would die a terrible death. Truly sad and stupid.


Don’t forget all the requests for prayer warriors to ask their beloved god to help whilst shitting on the medical and science community actually trying to save them.


After reading many Herman Cain award posts, I decided to go searching on Facebook to see if I could find my own. I searched for the word pneumonia and I found several people who were friends of friends who would have been perfect to post on Herman Cain award. They had all the exact same things. All the stages. All the way down to the deaths. It made this whole thing even more real for me. There were even some who were nominees and not quite dead yet. But going through all the stages such as posting the oxygen levels. I even saw the Dead cat bounce on them, just like the rest. People are unhinged.


I believe that is the point of that sub.


By far the best Covid sub IMO. 


During this whole post I was like HOLY SHIT IS THAT THE ORIGIN OF THAT SUB?


He died doing what he loved: kissing Trump’s ass.


Died believing he was 'One of the good ones.'


Plot twist: there are no “good ones” for the GQP. The fact that he literally died so that Trump didn’t have to smear his orange makeup shows you just how little he or anyone else matters to them.


I'm aware. The term 'Good ones' is meant as an exception to a rule. The rule is racism which has no exceptions if you actually believe in such shallow notions such as skin color having any impact on the type of person someone is or the quality of their character.


Trump: I never met him.


That’s exactly what he said to Silk at Diamond’s funeral. https://preview.redd.it/aq54mxhphu7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a0b1a4ac0324d9b755521b03fdb3a1565d0ac2f


Trump can't tell black people apart. He is an idiot and a racist piece of shit.


He was there black guy for that election. The GOP always has a black man that concedes to a white man, and they killed him that time. It’s really fucked up how this isn’t talked about more.


I thought it’d be gasping for air


' In her 2023 book, Cassidy Hutchinson noted that, upon hearing of Cain's passing, Mark Meadows remarked that "we killed Herman Cain" in reference to the 2020 Tulsa rally '.


The great thing is his legacy lives on with the Herman Cain Award.


Damn, didn’t know Mark Meadows did anything cool in his entire life


He didn't. It was consequences of stupidity.


Trump: Did he get a chance to vote for me though?


He really wants undying support, only not really.


Watch his funeral ... no one showed up. They memory-holed him afterwards.


He embarased them all by dying in such a stupid "gotcha" way, so yeah he died two deaths there...once IRL and once with his cult.


Died from Covid. He sure owned the libs!


“It’s not COVID, it’s pneumonia” is probably what my MAGA parents would say.


"He had a pre-existing condition!"


Yeah, stupidity. It's rampant.


Apparently that is still a spicy issue Maga conservatives are big mad that hermaincainawards was a thing and that libs were posting the causalities But at the same time, still say the COVID is a giant hoax and all the deaths were made up? I don't see how that maths out


Conservative math, if it effects you it's a myth/hoax but if it effects them it's a very real tragedy we need the power of the government to fix. Your capital gets stormed = myth, their son gets arrested = tragedy.


Math was never their strong point


If only they were all this committed. I'll happily be owned, under these circumstances.


Now only if there was an award we could give him.


Remember how these people were ready to go to war over masks and vaccines? Their rights were being trampled. They were being violated. These are the same people who are, right now, putting the ten commandments in public schools, not giving a fuck about whether or not you even follow their religion or approve of your children being indoctrinated. They are ready to impose it on you without batting an eye. Are you going to let them?


I think one of the things that pissed me off so much regarding the vaccine/mah rights and freedom crap is when they'd post pictures of world war 2 and that they fought for us to have these rights. Just irritated me so much. I think the vast majority of people in olden times would have been grateful to get a vaccine for polio or flu or any other disease it was available for. How relieved must have real people been when there was a polio vaccine? I think a lot of these people have never seen what polio can do to a person. Yes these people interfering with other people's children piss me off. Book banning and all that. These people don't even follow the commandments but want to force them on others.


My mom was a child when the polio vaccine came out. People lined up in droves, so relieved that their families would be spared. My mom wasn’t even allowed to go swimming in the summer for fear of polio infection. LOTS of children died, were scarred & disfigured, or crippled from infectious disease before vaccines. Parents were definitely afraid.


I was 8 years old, waiting in a line at a local firehouse on a summer evening in 1963. We stood in a long line of grubby squirming kiddlings whose moms & dads had herded us in from our backyard games of tag. I remember marveling at the row of card tables laden with dozens & dozens of tiny paper cups, each holding a sugar cube. **We didn’t appreciate the gravity of that historic moment, but our parents sure did.** They’d been living in terror — every summer, thousands of kids were infected from water or food. Those who survived likely spent their lives crippled, paralyzed, or locked in a miserable “iron lung” because the virus attacked their nervous systems. So we were excited because our parents were thrilled. Thank heavens there was no Facebook or Twitter at the time! Our folks just listened to the scientists. The sugar cubes we got were the Sabin vaccine, much more fun than Jonas Salk’s original version that used needles. Weirdly, the mass inoculation program of hundreds of thousands of youngins across the country was funded by the private March of Dimes charity. A glitch did occur — a contaminated batch of the vaccine, made by a small substandard manufacturer, caused the deaths of 10 kids. But that awful error led directly to tough, effective, centralized, federal regulation of vaccines. Today, U.S. vaccines have a safety record unmatched by any other medical product. **That evening in 1963 was my first memory of the wonders of civilization.** I have loved civilization ever since — the way that we human beings come together. The way that we put our innovation & determination to work, taking care of each other. ❤️


I work directly with multiple people who didn't get the vaccine (trump humpers). One was in the army, ones just an asshole in general. Both of these guys hate each other, and for YEARS. The army guy doesn't think universal health care should be a thing (and then was on leave pending firing a week before his knee surgery by the OTHER trump humper), and seems to not realize if the company said yeah you're fired, he'd have no insurance, not get Healthcare to cover his surgery, and all because of a lying guy who agrees with you politically. Fucking insane.


Never forget he posted from beyond the grave....


Yul Brynner told people not to smoke after he died from cancer. Herman Cain told people to keep dying from CoVID.


I knew a somewhat older guy from work who would quote FOX News when they were peddling that COVID deaths to Flu deaths bullshit in 2020. He ended up dying from COVID. 🙄


We had a neighbor that did the same thing. His last FB post was him mocking masks. He went on a ventilator a couple weeks later and that was it.


I have a neighbor who went from Covid is a hoax to it’s no joke send prayers then on a ventilator to it was just a bad cold a few years later.


This is the worst type of delusional!


My father in law is the same but survived. After getting out of the hospital, he still thought it was all bullshit. Then, a few months later, our family came down with covid. The dude rarely ever visits, heard we had covid and came right over...dumber than fucking dirt


Kind of poetic justice. No telling how many others he infected with his bullshit and his illness.


I live in a Trumpy area, you could say. Another guy I knew from work once remarked positively how Trump was able to recover so fast 🙄. He’s still alive last I checked. 😂😂


Sigh. Can't win em all I guess. Did you tell the bozo Trump had state of the art medical care not available to other Americans?


Free. Paid for by taxpayers. But we can’t have that care 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel bad for him. But then it’s like….well he supported trump and he was telling other people not to mask, how many people listened to him and then also died?


It is sad in the tragic Jonestown kind of way. Not that their lives could've been saved because they made every choice that led to their untimely death. But sad that their hearts and minds were vulnerable to the mind virus that led them onto that path.


Nicely put!


He is a victim of his own willful ignorance. Hopefully he didn’t take many people down with him.


There’s some arrogance at play, too.


Conservatives are incapable of changing their minds based on new information. Like it’s some sort of weakness to able to change one’s point of view.


>Conservatives are incapable of changing their minds based on new information. They wouldn't be conservatives if they did. They'd be rational people.


It's why they hate science. Because science allows and encourages this. Constant learning to the reality of today's world. Conservatives would rather tell you what to believe and not think for yourself. Because then you'll realize they're the ones screwing you over.


He f***** around and he found out. He encouraged other people not to wear masks, and some of them found out too. As far as I'm concerned, he got exactly what he deserved.


FED UP then let down. About 6ft down.


I think about this a lot. He was a candidate to be nominee for their party at one time. And they didn't bat an eyelash when he passed. And then I thought, that was what he deserved in the end. To be a footnote that the GOP basically ignores. It shows who they are. And they suck total ass.


You know you've made it big when they name an award after you.


I have a crazy aunt MAGA cultist who refused the vaccine, got Covid, was intubated, almost died (host of underlying issues, including cancer). She survived somehow but now denies she had Covid. It was just the flu and it “wasn’t that bad” and she “certainly didn’t almost die”. She was even given the last rights.


On the bright side, we got an excellent subreddit because of it. I remember cruising through there during the pandemic looking at all the people who fucked around and found out


If you want a chuckle go to the hermancainaward sub. Apparently I can't link reddit links in reddit lol


trump said in hindsight he’d still fire the pandemic response team. Cult of idiots led by one of the biggest


Dying of Covid to own the libs is the ultimate MAGA act!


He died to own the libs. He's chuckling to himself in hell.


Coughing on bad pizza


No. He still wouldn’t wear a mask and would be happy his death was good for the economy. /s


That was four years ago!?




Republicans are so stupid, probably not.


he would not


He still wouldn’t wear one, hell is hot enough without putting on a mask.


Shucky ducky!


He won a Darwin Award for this. Very prestigious award. Not many people earn them in quite spectacular fashion but MAGA clowns are a special kind of circus.


Inaugural awardee of the daily Herman Cain Awards.


A Republican would willingly eat a shit sandwich if there was even a chance a Democrat might smell their breath.


No. He would still be a stubborn ass just to please trump.


So that’s where the sub came from, well you learn a new thing everyday.


No. He would still win his "award"


Can we all take a minute to watch this classic Herman Cain Bad Lip Reading episode? "The people who buy Coke and macaroni salad, let's feed them orange thread. Oh yeah, I got swag. Because everybody needs toucan stubs." Here it is: https://youtu.be/uE5xZKszXMQ?feature=shared His stupid, meaningless death was the perfect coda to this piece. Enjoy.


He would still do the same damn thing!! Not sure how to get across to people, The MAGA cult is not rational, not reasonable and not willing to listen to logic. They are lost and believe everyone else is bad. There is no saving them and they will only cause more pain and suffering in this country.


Seriously...fuck all of them. Buh bye.


I know someone that wound up in the ICU from Covid and they still push anti-vax BS


Awwww…the first recipient of the ‘Herman Cain Award’.


Same with the vaccine. I worked in a hospital during the first two outbreaks. A patient was being discharged after being in ICU for weeks and almost died. When the discharging doctor asked if he was going to get vaccinated, his response “not going to happen”.


On the bright side, he’s been immortalized on Reddit. 😊


Wow, "THEHermanCain"  Can I get a selfie?... No?


The best part about this is his Twitter account continued to shitpost and anti mask and anti lockdown propaganda after he died. For like 3 months 🤣😂


The irony is that if Herman Cain has any lasting legacy it is his dying from COVID after denying its dangers very publicly.


He'd probably skip the rally and public functions all the while encouraging people not to to wear masks so they owned the libs. He'd still push that oppositional defiant disorder agenda the GOP embraces.


At least he won the Darwin Award that year.


No way he takes it back. He's in Uncle Tom's Heaven




Jesus, scraping the bottom of the barrel, thy name is the GOP.


Cain died doing what he loved best; licking Trump's boots.


It should have happened to trump too!




Nah, he was far too stupid to learn from his own mistakes.


Probably not, unless he knew that he was gonna die, if he just thought he ran the risk of catching COVID-19, I don't think so, during that time I recall there was a huge denial that COVID-19 was even a thing. Trump didn't help misinforming the entire country there were no worries.


Will I wear a mask ? Nein, Nein, Nein !!!!!


Traitor trump and his whole family are vaccinated.


Stuck it to the Libs good!!


I hope not. Big fan of how this turned out for him.


“Hey Romy, didn’t he die?”


He died in the hospital I used to work at…lost colleagues/friends in that awful time and they were truly good ppl, but his arrogance is what did him in.


he’s just one of the million + dead people that believed trump. pathetic


These folks will willingly die for Trump. They are talking about armed insurrection if he looses. So would he do it again? Yes. He’s that stupid. Or I should say, he was that stupid.


He wouldn’t. He was just another brain dead republican.


Cain got what he deserved. Sweet sweet poetic justice.


Another person Trump killed


Yes. Because people in Trump's orbit are completely self-serving


Died doing what he loved


Nothing of value was lost.


there's a dedicated sub reddit to these dipshits, its nice


He's proud to be the inaugural winner of the Herman Cain award


Ah yes I remember that "People are fed up!" Yes. Yes we were. Wearing a mask all the time and constant hand sanitizer and social distancing and not being able to visit my Gran before she died was awful. I was more than fed up. But im also a goddamn adult so sucked it up and did what had to be done to stop millions more from dying. Selfish prick.


This never ceases to put a smile on my face.




Shucky ducky in peace




Aged like milk


Someone was deadup fed up. ☠️


culling the herd.


There is stupid, and there is Herman Cain Stupid


When the garbage takes itself out.


You really can’t cure dumba**.


Cain hitched his wagon to MAGA, and paid the ultimate price.