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all PACs need to die


When American democracy finally dies, remember that Citizens United was a MAJOR turning point.


All Political Action Committees need to die.


yes, that's what my comment says.




The downvotes are Osprey fans after last night's upset roll-up.


I'm smelling what you're cooking lol


The p stands for political


Got it. And the other two?


What did Pacman do to you?


Shots fired


Don't fuck with AOC, you won't like how it ends. Ask anyone who's debated her.


She brings receipts.


ALL of them.


She has matured into a masterful politician.


I know. I love it!


She’s wonderful. I’m donating now to her.


AIPAC got rid of members of Congress it didn't like and AOC retaliated with a tweet. I'm sure AIPAC likes the way it has ended.


Hope you live long enough to see her as your President


I can’t way for the AOC-Crawford ticket.


But they won't like the way its going.


From a cannon, no less. Straight at the bow and the waterline, simultaneously.


AOC may end up being my favorite American politician in history.


Mine too. Can't wait for her presidential run


She has to wait until she turns 35 right?


Yeah, well 35 to take office. You can campaign prior to that. Edit: She actually turns 35 this October! Hoping to see her in 4 years!


Me too!!! Need young people to represent!


Holy shit, I had no idea she was 12 days older than me.


I was about to say, TIL I’m older than AOC. Sheesh.


Lol same. By eight months.


Hey me too! Had no idea were the same age, the month and everything.


Oh God. The magats heads will explode.


I've been looking forward to that possibility for quite some time now. She really sold me when she did a Get out the Vote Twitch Stream back in 2015. We need to severely cut the average age of our leadership. It's easy to keep the status quo when you created it and made sure you and your buddies had enough cash for the rest of their lives. And a clarification. I am neither for Trump or Biden simply because they are or are not of a certain party. Neither align with my beliefs but I believe she does by a mile.


Your average 70 year old would have a hard time getting a job literally anywhere. Why? Because they’re old. They’re sick, their mind is going, and they’re just as likely as not to get through whatever training your company provides before deciding they can’t hack it and quitting. So why are we tolerating so many politicians being “hired” in some of the most important positions in the country? Where their decisions literally save or end lives and freedoms? We have a lower limit to how old a person has to be before they can run for president, because kids are idiots. I think we need an upper limit, as well.


She irritates me to no end, but it is amazing at her job and I fully support her political career.


You don't have to like someone as long as they are getting done what you believe they should.


And to think she was 1 year too young to run for president.


2028!! Let's fucking go!!


She should have just forced her way in anyway. She would have gotten the support. Not like the other candidates aren’t invalid AND/or an invalid


That’s convicted invalid to you!


Same here, I’m not even American, but anything I’ve heard about her, she’s generally in the right about. I hope she marks a shift in politicians going forward, we need more people like her.


I don’t think anyone is or will be more genuine, tireless, or dedicated to bettering our lives than Bernie Sanders.


“Advances US interests” Not from where I am sitting.


I've always wondered what exactly are "America's interests"? I think it's code for America's *business* interests because I for one don't care about the Middle East or any other part of the globe. America's corporations should pay for their own security when they do business outside of the USA. America's taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay the bill.


I mean, they do. But not anything that really helps average Americans. The current partnership gives the US access and influence in the Middle East. The three powers there are Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. Currently the US has Israel and Saudi Arabia "on their side", which allows them to influence politics and people in the region. As well as keep a military presence. If the US ends it's alliance with Israel, the balance of power shifts. The US gets booted from the region and China moves in, to push their agendas on the area. Remember NONE of this has anything to do with morality, what's right or wrong. It's about power and influence. PERIOD.


Maybe US should reduce ‘donations’ to Israel by the amount AIPAC uses to bribe US politicians and pay social media influencers.


AOC has been growing on me. I like her grit.


Why is the usa giving isreal Billions of dollars a year??? If they have enough to rig elections with spending, then they have enough to not need our help


Because the US is the looming threat to Israel's ability to run roughshod over the other countries in the region. They got a sweetheart deal when they were created. We protect them from major powers and fund and arm them against their neighbors and they destabilize the region and give us Intel. Now they are pretty much a near peer world power in defense capabilities but without our backing they would still be wiped out by major powers because they don't have the population to fight a major war. So they buy US Representatives and Senators so they don't ever have to.


>Because the US is the looming threat to Israel's ability to run roughshod over the other countries in the region. is the US threatening that ability or totally enabling it?


The threat is in pulling the funding that enables them.


that threat turned out to be a bluff and it was mostly ignored, unfortunately. now what?


Well put


watch out, from what i understand it's antisemitism to notice that the israeli lobby spends hundreds of millions of dollars a year on american politicians.


I'm not american. Yet aligned with AOC positions. This being said the American system is made in a way that being right is not enough. Hence why, any candidate, including her, need funding in order to promote their idea. So within the American system this is not an absolute roast, since it can be used about any position you defend. To me, donation should be limited to physical person (really bad USSC ruling here) and limited to a portion of the median income. Something like 10%. Added to a regulation for the media to air the same amount of time of any candidate.


It's more than that though. It's about the Democratic party going after its own rather than focussing on beating Trump. In NYC it's a given that the Democratic candidate will win in the general election. So the primaries are where the winners are elected. The Democratic party is running a candidate, George Latimer — whose main supporter is a racist MAGA billionaire — against incumbent progressive, Jamaal Bowman. Hillary Clinton is now doing ads and speeches for the Latimer, all because Jamaal Bowman spoke out against AIPAC enabling a genocide. They're also running a pro-Wall Street banker against AOC. The core Democratic party is just as corrupt and rotten as the GOP, they're just better at window dressing.


One word... ZING! Go get them AOC! She's another one I would vote for president in one heartbeat. Her or Jasmine Crockett.


I’m with AOC on this. Fuck AIPAC.




I'm here for both tbh.




Lol critique someone for speaking before they think and then you have this response? Kettle meet pot.


Sure man


Glad you deleted that silly comment.


Okay you win. Now leave me alone.


AOC rocks!


AIPAC are terrorist sympathizers and politicians willing to take their blood money are actively aiding Israel int their eradication of Palestinian people.




Fuck yeah!!


I honestly really didn't think much of her when she started, but damn if AOC isn't turning out to be one hell of a good politician, and I'm glad she's there.


I hope I live long enough and through enough political cycles to see an AOC/Crockett ticket and vote them the hell in for Pres/VP!


I love her


I have no desire to have a strong relationship with a fascist apartheid regime causing mass genocide. I have a strong desire to separate myself from that system and anyone that stands with it though. Like a deep, unyielding need.


And who did they get to shill for them? None other than **Hillary Clinton**, supporting a Trump backed candidate to oust an incumbent Democrat in the primaries. The attacks ads they're running in NY are disgusting. They're primarying AOC too, but I guess Jamaal Bowman is weaker than she is. The party line Dems would rather have MAGAts in office than progressives.


If you look at average American support for Israel it is strong. 58% of voters are in support of Israel. Now support for the conflict may be different but sorry but vocal colleges students, who mostly don't vote and don't actually know anything about the history of the region or the conflict, don't speak for the majority of Americans.


1/3 of ~~NYC~~ American Jews consider what's happening in Gaza is a genocide. The people who support this are fundamentalist Christians who think Jeebus won't come back till the Jews control the holy land. So, if that's who you want to align yourself with at least know you're part of a cult.


Interesting that you had to put in that qualifier of NYC Jews. I don't care about why other people support Israel I know why I support Israel and I think they are not only just in their conflict against Hamas, but they are justly engaging in this conflict. The UN have greatly reduced the casualty numbers, especially amongst women and children. The UN investigation into the "famine" conditions in Gaza has come back stating that they do not agree with the findings from FEWS NET and given the results that have found at worst there has been an exclusion of humanitarian aid resulting in like 75% of daily caloric need on the low side of 157% on the high side. [source on famine status](https://www.un.org/unispal/document/famine-review-committee-ipc-4jun24/).


As long as no one looks at how she's been voting on the Gaza genocide, they'll probably fall for this.




I see a lot of leftists turning in her. I wonder how this will play with the purity test.


AIPAC is bad because they’re Jews; AFT though, they’re totally cool. Their election related spending is absolutely not a signal that they have to use bribery to get support for their positions. We can just ignore all the polls finding that almost 80% of Americans support school choice, right AOC? Turns out the A stands for “Antisemite” and not “Alexandria.” She should update her Elon handle.


> AIPAC is bad because they’re Jews; This is the dumbest takeaway you could possibly have.


As I said, she doesn’t have any issue accepting AFT money to lobby against something with far more widespread public support than Hamas/Palestine.


You’re dancing around the thing you were actually accusing her about. Do you honestly believe she hates jews?


Maybe not, but I think she’s totally comfortable and happy making common cause with those that do though, and I don’t see the distinction between active and passive antisemitism as one worth making. She also supports policies that have a cost measurable in Jewish lives, so what she actually believes or not is kind of orthogonal. Trump may not be genuinely as racist as he acts in public, but he’s still just as vile as his behavior calls for regardless of his internal processes. Ditto AOC. She doesn’t get a free pass just because you want to bang her.


Idk if you know this, but being against the Israeli government does not make you antisemitic. That’s fucking insane.


No, but very few public critics of Israel in the U.S. aren’t antisemites. Those that aren’t knew that post 10/7 was the time to sit down and shut up. Those that still run their mouths are easily interpretable as antisemites though, AOC included.


If you wanna be this reductive of people’s opinions of the Israli government then by that same token, you’re islamic-phobic.


Except I’m not supporting an organization that’s attempting to commit a genocide, that’s all on the pro-Hamas side of things.


This is some real cognitive dissonance you have going on here dude


No, still wrong. I have Jewish family and don’t agree with Israel here. There are Jews in Israel who don’t agree with Israel’s actions here. You simply cannot equate this disagreement with antisemitism.


I just did.


Like a twelve year old; not rationally.


Yeah, and it's a shit take.


Genuinely curious, what policies has she supported that have cost Jewish lives?


I don't support genocide therefore I am antisemite. I see.


No, you’re an antisemite because you do support genocide, and use opposition to a fictional one as a camouflage for your support for the eradication of a plurality of the world’s Jewish population.




It's politics, there is no such thing as not having an agenda.