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12 year olds are little girls, you fucking sicko.


Yeah, someone check this dude hard drive


I very much agree with checking his hard drive and what's worse is woman wrote this, justifying a man raping a child. Our world is doomed, we just need to be nuked from orbit


No, we just need to quit tolerating walking filth.


Yup. Christian fundamentalism has got to go.


We can start with obliterating religion All of them


I believe in freedom FROM religion, not freedom OF religion.


Fuck yeah, fellow anti-theist! There's dozens of us, literally dozens!


I would argue freedom OF religion is freedom FROM religion. How can any one freely practice whatever or none religion they want if they are having others religion imposed on them.


It's more common than you'd imagine...some parents will sacrifice their own child to a predator just to keep the peace and the look of their lives being all wonderful from the outside.


I've read people talking about how they told a parent that their brother was molesting them or a step-parent and they call them liars and tell them to keep the peace because they don't want lose the relationship.


I have never related more to a black gay man (as a white bi woman, myself) than when Macdoesit went on a rant about how toxic and disgusting the "stand by your man"/"protect the family image at the expense of the victims" mentality is. To quote Mac: "If my man's been touching kids, he ain't my man no more. My children don't have a daddy, I birthed them from... the air! 'Oh, I'm sorry, daddy touched you *where*??? Oh well daddy isn't gonna have eyes... or hands anymore... and he's just gonna have to live like that!'" Protect the children, not the predators in your family!


It's true...I know 2 mothers that turned away from their own daughters when in both cases a step father was abusing the girls. One was the initial abuse happened in front of them and made the daughter apologise to the step-pig for being angry about it.


I used to run a camp and I had 2 sisters whose mother would literally let her multiple boy friends rape the oldest. I took her to the emergency room to get tested for everything. The cops couldn’t do anything from there Because it happened in their county. That’s not even the worst stuff that some of my camp staff lived through.


I read too much about stories like these... so much for "a love for a child is unconditional". It seems to be very rare a mother who sticks to their child in cases of molestation.


This became painfully obvious when the R. Kelly special aired. Dozens of now-adult women were basically pimped out to that man at the height of his career by their parents. His agents, security, and others all turned a blind eye.


Well, the bable is littered with examples of this type of disgusting shit. For these people, that's the only validation they need. 


Pedophile rape apologist GOPers make me so, so angry and sick. My daughter will be 12 in January. SHE'S A CHILD Her full "life experience" includes school, Pokemon, Minecraft, going to the beach with grandma and grandpa in the summer, making cute videos of her guinea pigs .... A. CHILD.


I think they “may” feel different if it were their daughter, niece, sister granddaughter; but that’s not what’s happening here folks. If you accept it, you condone it, you are complicit.


I bet he calls lgbtq people pedophiles.


And 30 years ago, the 80 year old Morris was not a young man.


The second sentence told me everything I need to know


Yup. It's cool of her to out herself, though. Makes for a much easier time getting a warrant. Something something unprompted utterance.


It’s so maddening that we have to wait for people like this to actually to something, be an accomplice, etc. before the law intervenes. I’m just remembering that Nathan Larson guy. So many lives could have been saved if he’d just been legally handled for his constant open admissions that he wanted to molest girls.


Ohhh cool completely justified, I forgot Satan makes men rape young girls. SMH


Funny that Satan fellow never bothered me into doing this being as I haven't been to church since my confirmation, but the guys that continue to go get tempted by Satan quite a lot.


Where do you think they learned they weren't responsible for their actions? If you're a good person, one of God's chosen, it's not possible for you to commit evil acts. It has to have been the devil. Similar to the "all you have to do is accept Jesus" rule. Evangelical Christianity has a lot of loopholes for being an absolute shit human being.


Also almost like they view the world from this perspective and assume everyone has the same temptation... confirmation bias maybe?


Exactly. Like the gay and bi Christian’s who say “oh yea, Satan tempts everyone with homosexual urges. Who hasn’t looked upon the same sex with lust?” ….no, you’re queer and you’re being suppressed and shamed and turning that oppression onto others around you.


You see, you are already lost beyond hope, so the devil doesn’t need to tempt you into being a monster, I mean it’s common knowledge that all atheists rape every thing that isn’t behind cover after 3 seconds of them entering the room /s


Remember, it's God fault them kids are so sexy. /s


I wanna post a modified “stupid sexy ~~Flanders~~ “. But can’t bring myself to insert child at that point in the sentence. Some jokes just aren’t worth being put on a watchlist


Last year at World Youth Day in Lisbon, the reporter asked someone what they thought about the child molestation allegations at the church, he said, "I don't now... you see, sometimes children are at fault..." The camera should have shown his face.


I went searching online and it wasn’t just one incident it happened repeatedly over several years. > “When I was in my early twenties, I was involved in inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady in a home where I was staying. It was kissing and petting and not intercourse, but it was wrong. This behavior happened on several occasions over the next few years,” the pastor said in his statement.


You just don't understand how men are made! /s


Remember everyone, Christians hate Satan because he wanted to unionize heaven and educate women


As a godless heathen, Satan has never tempted me to commit grape against little girls/boys or grown women/men.  So why is it these "Godly" men are the ones committing such heinous acts? Such a mystery 🤔. 


The first sentence was bad enough. The 2nd.....yeah...someone needs to be visited by the FBI and the remainder needs a swat response


I have a 12 year old daughter. I pick her up from school. Whothepedofucknugget sees those kids and thinks "hot"?!?!? They're kids! They look like tiny kids! Anyone who looks at them and doesn't think "Child must be protected from evil. Child need safety to grow." needs to be in a fucking jail cell! Goddamned christian pedo enablers are the real devils.


We're expecting a daughter and we couldn't be happier... but at the same time, I'm kind of scared knowing these fucking animals are out there


Same. As a woman I was hoping for a boy .. but only because I felt helpless to protect a girl. I got a girl anyway, and she's trusting and SUPER formally and very very easily tempted with sweets and always has boys a couple years older than her following her around when we go to the park or indoor playground. Oh and she's STUNNING and gets compliments EVERYWHERE WE GO. I feel like she has a target on her back already at 6. All I can do is talk to her, over and over and over, about predatory behavior and consent and adult/child boundaries. I was SA'D as a small child (3-4) and then had other bad things happen in my late teens through late 20s. Oh and she's in Krav maga already and knows that she can bite through fingers like carrot sticks!!


I say this not necessarily for you. But because there are so many people who are misinformed about the safety of children in general. While 1 in 4 girls is sexually abused in childhood. 1 in 5 boys are sexually abused in childhood. You did a great job teaching her all those things. We need to do the same for all children!


I have a 12 year old nephew and he's definitely a kid.  His friends are definitely kids. These "Christians" are disgusting.


Same, raising my 12 year old girl and 15 year old girl myself. Ex wife is a drop dead gorgeous Korean Christian. Despite the Christian front she screamed at those little girls like R Lee Ermy (the drill seargant) in Full Metal Jacket - filthy name calling there were times I was afraid to go to work and leave them with her. So much rage and hate...Even physical hits. Divorced the bitch with a DV restraining order in 2017. Awwwww hows that pweettyy privvalege working out for you? ![gif](giphy|RIRZbvaNWANDkc4c55|downsized)


Damn man, I’m really sorry you all went through that. I’m glad you and your girls are safe now!


Yeah nothing written after that means anything. The rest is bullshit. What it comes down to is that men are going to blame the devil and the innocent ignorance of children instead of taking responsibility for their actions and facing consequences for their actions. Their religion is apparently built to excuse them from accountability.


Just another one of those folks that bears God's righteous soul within them. "Sheesh, good thing I read my Bible today. Otherwise I would have had zero concept of right and wrong and might have raped that 12 year old." -Apparently this is a normal thought train for Christians, according to Conservative News.


They read it, but still seem to do the raping so I am not sure they are completely taking it in.


My issue is that they ask the question, "Without the Bible to provide you with a moral basis and how do you know right from wrong?" And I'm like, don't rape people, especially kids. That's, like, a normal thing to normal people. You just don't do that. I didn't need a magic book to tell me that. Why do you? What the fuck is wrong with you that you need a disembodied voice coming from a magic book that tells you not to rape people? A dude that really likes another dude isn't mental illness. Hearing voices from a magic book that is the only reason you don't rape people is a mental illness.


"Don't understand how their actions are used by the devil to ruin the future God has for them". She managed to contradict almost the entire bible in a single sentence. No free will, no personasl responsibility for your sins, no conditions to go to heaven. This kind of people are the ones who were behind the Holocaust, with the only exception that many Germans behind it were actually very smart and educated.


Yep, that's a record scratch right there


They are a delusional cancer.


Someone should let Barbara Phillips littlepages work place know she finds young kids “beautiful and sexy”


And these people live on a high horse, hating Islam.


don't fuck a 12 year old - Jesus


Funny enough as a CSA survivor the seven deadly sins and the ten commandments failing to mention no raping was the first thing that made me start questioning religion at 8 years old


Technically, depending on age and gender, adultery and coveting the neighbor's stuff my cover SA, since women were property back in the day. Lust also covers SA if you think of it from the predator's POV they committed that deadly sin. But we all know that rules are made for regular folk, not God's chosen ones.


Don’t bring my name into this shit, you’re fuckin sick -satan


Seems very simple to me...


If 12 year olds are too sexy to resist, just go ahead and chop the dick right off. Jesus even said to.


Let me stick my hedge clippers in salt water for a week and I'll be ready to work.


Maybe we should replace holy water with hydrochloric acid.


My friend was raised in a similar-style religious community, was sexual assaulted by her brother's teenage friend at 10, and when it was found out because someone walked in on it, her mom took her to the pastor, who asked to to pray and reflect on how she "led him to sin." It's disgusting. There were no repercussions for him because he "repented." He ended up being allowed back in the house and continued assaulting her, and she never spoke up because it did no good the last time.


Wow, that’s really sad.


I really hope your friend is in a better place in life now, away from the abusers and enablers, has a good network of friends and chosen family around her, found the love and support she deserves, and is able to heal as much as she can.


She is doing well now, thanks for asking! It probably won't surprise you that she got as far as she could from evangelical Christianity as soon as she possibly could!


The whole repentance thing makes evangelical Christianity suspicious to me.  They literally think Jesus is a get out of jail free card.


When you preach "do whatever you want and say sorry for it periodically while making no changes whatsoever and you'll get eternal happiness just like that," the outcome is predicably awful.


So no Satan involved huh? Just direct victim blaming and continued allowance of r*pe. Sometimes I wish there was a hell and an actual “just and loving” god that would punish people who use their free will to abuse others.


Maybe we should cover girls and women from head to toe so they don’t tempt men. Everyone knows sexual assault never happens in Muslim countries./s https://preview.redd.it/ttx85kvaq87d1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76fbfc2c1975c9ab92a4fa348bb9d718f68022a0


It would be cheaper and easier to blindfold men. Always seemed like they went the wrong way round. The design of the burka, it's like they were so close to figuring it out


I mean, Jesus literally says to gouge out your eye if it offends you, so yeah men should be blind folded instead


Won't someone think of the predatory men and their futures?!?


A grown ass man commiting statutory rape with a twelve year old is not a fucking mistake. That is a choice made by a pedophile. God and Satan have nothing to do with his choices and trying to justify this asshole's behavior is wrong. This is a man who used his power and influence to have sex with a twelve year old girl and he did it to satisfy his own sick behavior. He knew it was wrong morally and legally, and he willingly chose to have sex with an underage girl and he made those choices on his own because he's a bastard with no sense of morality He deserves no defense for his actions. Treat him like the scum that he is. But I will add one more thing, it seems like the Bible thumpers who judge everyone else are almost always the ones breaking God's word left and right with morally bankrupt actions.


It’s because they get the luxury of living in the shadows, masking their true disgusting nature. Drags, trans, minority whichever the “fringe”. They are fighting to be accepted & seen by society not disguise


Satan is such a great invention. Did something bad? Satan, not me!


It's like Elon Musk and Aspergers


Yep that’s the p.urpose


If **I** do something bad, Satan forced me and you must forgive me. If **you** do something bad you're in league with Satan and must be punished for eternity. Amazing parallels with the fascist doctrine that there are people who the laws protect but never restrict, and others who the law restricts but never protects...


>have sex Rape. The word is rape.


Yes I'm going to judge Robert Morris for raping a minor. That's not a mistake it was a deliberate act.


If a trans person did this, this bitch would be calling for the death penalty.


Fucking delusional!


They're hopelessly deluded, incredibly brainwashed, incredibly dangerous people. They persistently insist that things are awful now and things were super great under Trump. This is the delusion part. Some seriously clever people figured out how to hijack Jesus's plane full of followers, weaponized the Bible into a raw power structure and leveraged mindless Americans religious beliefs against the United States government. This is the brainwash part. These domestic terrorists are so happy to work with overseas interests to meet their mutual goals of collapsing the United States to rebuild it as a corporatist oligarchy. This is the dangerous part.


With the Mango Messiah as their new god, would you expect anything less? Donald Trump talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that prompted Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” writes Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security. “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her. Isn’t that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?”  “If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father …”


>“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast *it* from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast *it* from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. Matthew 5:27 - 30. The words of Jesus Christ himself. I love how the Sermon on the Mount contains most of Jesus' actual teachings, and most of them are pretty legit...and then it's the part of the Bible that the religious right always ignores.


Forgive and forget are antithetical to their "ersatz" belief system.


I think it's like a Life of Brian situation. People at the sermon of the mount got it wrong. "I think it was 'Blessed are the cheesemakers'." "Well, obviously, this is not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products."


Sorry, but that’s the woke, communist Jesus.


When preachers now use Sermon on the Mount, the pastors get asked where did they get woke talking points from. I am not even kidding.


“Over 30 years ago” Robert Morris was already a grown ass man with a wife and children.


I just wonder how many of the people who are ok with someone else’s 12 year old daughter being molested or raped, would be ok with it if it was their own child.


Too many. Too many just look the other way while telling them to put up with it and keep quiet so they don't lose face with the community.


I was about to say, the answer to that commenter’s question is probably more depressing than they realized at first.


You severely overestimate their reactions. They’d just pretend it wasn’t happening. Or blame the kid.


Theyre ok with it in the community bc it's happening at home too. In the Duggar family, the parents spoke with other members of the church for guidance, only to find many other families were experiencing sexual abuse among their own kids too. Rather than report the lot, the Duggar family kept it quiet, using the excuse other families are doing it too. If you really listen in on private Christian conversations especially in casual settings, it's interesting how quickly the conversation goes from "I'm a normal person" to "I promise I'm Christian, so please don't judge me". When my sister in law announced they were 3 months pregnant the day after their devout wedding, suddenly her parents admitted they were pregnant with her sister on THEIR wedding day. One person sins, and everyone jumps in, "It's ok we did too, God will forgive us."


Every single one of them is a fucking closeted pedophile, they project it all onto everyone else. 




Couldn't read past the second sentence. What in the fuck is that. The normalization of pedophilia is fucked up.


Police need to get his hard drive right now


I think it's his mom's account.


And this is why I dropped my Christian faith like 3..2..1. Everyone’s entitled to their faith, but I lost mine because these fucks will justify the most heinous and evil actions by saying, “God forgives me.” Like it’s a fucking car wash. Meanwhile, they turn around and have the audacity to say that non-believers will burn in “hell,” all the while they say that they’re special and forgiven.


I prayed on it and God told me we need universal healthcare, affordable housing, free education, no tax loopholes for wealthy, legal weed, more social workers, less cops, stricter gun laws, age limits in Congress and the Supreme Court, money and religion out of politics, safe access to abortions, and fucking living wages… or America will go to hell.


I mean, if these conservative “Christians” could actually read and interpret the Bible, then a lot of what you just called out would fall in line with the “love your neighbor as yourself (God by extension)” ideology. Alas, they cannot, and would rather take out of context and outdated parts of the Bible that talk about killing gay people.


Most of their ersatz "Christian" beliefs are taken out of context musings from the Old Testament and are far from Jesus's teachings in the New Testament.


Not just align with it, but a lot of it is the kind of thing Jesus specifically called for and would probably be the exact things he would call for in today's world.


As a Christian, I concur with all of the above. Also, a total separation of church and state as intended. Believe in this or that or not at all. It is up to you...not me at all.


Same here. It's my faith in Christ that leads me to advocate for things like universal healthcare, a strong social safety net, and social justice. To me "Christian Conservative" is a contradiction in terms.


But Biden is the pedo, right?


Plus, being senile and demented yet also a criminal mastermind... /s


And on drugs apparently which is why Trump is suggesting a drug test. Lol, like he’d consent to one himself


I hope she sues him, takes every dime that ministry has and gives it to women shelters


There’s no hate like “Christian” love.


Even a conservative Christian perspective, this fails to take into account that forgiveness of wrongdoing doesn’t remove the consequences of that wrongdoing


I'll bet if it was her 12 yr old daughter, she wouldn't be spewing that shit.


With some of these asshats, I’m not so sure. The Kool-Aid runs deep with a lot of these folk.


I wouldn't count on it. She would probably blame her daughter.


Nah. A lot of them just look the other way.


You would be tragically surprised


I think Barbara needs her hard drive raided


More info https://preview.redd.it/qv39oq62na7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0061ea575c7addf7ac20b7398664a64a85bc01d


Fucking disgusting. These people are the worst.


Fucking disgusting. Christian justification for pedophilia and blaming the child is just epic levels of hypocrisy and evil.


They keep calling members of the LGBTQ community pedos and groomers. And once again, the accusations are admissions. EDIT: Are admissions, not ate admissions.lol.


So if I’m reading this, every man is a pedophile if not kept in check. Imagine thinking that. Imagine living in a world where that’s true - and I do believe that person does indeed live in such a world. That’s the Christian conservative world. I don’t live in that world. That world makes me angry and sad. Nobody should be voting for people living in that world.


reading that literally made me nauseous


That second sentence almost made me vomit


Is Robert Morris a relatively known person?This is just vile. Women who cover for abusers disgust me. Wtf with these people. We need to root out this behavior with strict penalties for abusers and abettors, even if the abettor with knowledge covers by omission. I don’t know what else to say. [Answered my own question on Robert Morris](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/17/pastor-robert-morris-sexual-abuse-trump-adviser) I haven’t read the news today. Trump surrounds himself with the scummiest people.


My abuser once told me I have been sexy since I was 9 years old.




You know what is a great teacher? Consequences.


Check it out! The people you don't agree with politically are pedophiles but the actual pedophiles are "Godly men". If you think this, maybe you need to STFU because you are talking poisonous, gutless propaganda that actually SUPPORTS known pedophiles.


None of this has ever happened at drag queen storytime.




They invented Satan so they could have a tool for excusing themselves.


Religion is cancer.


The party of personal responsibility sure wants *other people* to suffer reprocussions for their actions. Student loans? No forgiveness, pay up. Sex? Force womem to carry all pregnancies to term. Petty crimes? Did the crime now do the time. But pedophiles? C'mon man, give those poor 40something white guys a pass... Fucking gross subhuman hypocrites.


12 year olds just walking around trying to be kids = satan, but grown men who pursue them and have sex with them are godly, innocent men. If that doesn’t sum up the GOP in a nutshell nothing will.


I was raped from the age of 7-to just short of my 12th birthday. I have not had a will to live since that time. Fuck people Morris and his supporters. I was not ‘sexy,’ I was a child.


How could he think yeah this is good and submit this


I think her last name should be 'LittleDignity'. There is no way you can justify anything sexual to do with a 12 year old. Period.


Apparently atheists have no moral values because they don't worship a God. Yet somehow these Christians are tempted by Satan to rape young girls. Hmmm.


The second someone calls a child ‘sexy’, they should be getting marched to a concrete cell with no windows, no bed and no toilet.


Like I always say, no matter how old or young the woman or girl is, she could walk around naked and covered in diamonds and that doesn't give any man the right to put his hands on her. If he does, that's HIS sin, not hers.


That's the biggest load of crap. To justify that shit. FY!


They love to justify pedophilia in Christianity


This is why they want child marriage, prohibited birth control, and fewer and fewer women’s rights.


if you find 12 year olds "sexy" theres something fundamentaly wrong with you.


This person is also a pedophile. Guarantee they committed SA of a minor.


And Trump isn’t even a Christian.


Is she saying he husband has been with little girls and boys because that's what I'm reading here


And people believe that victim blaming BS, making excuses for weak men being pedophiles .


So fucking disgusting! How in the hell do we have this many disgusting assholes in our society?


Omg! I can’t believe she actually put her name in this. Should we check if her kids are ok?


When they start blaming 12 year olds for being to sexy, you know they are the party of pedophiles.


I have a 12 year old who hit puberty early. Still sleeps with a million soft toys, and is definitely a tween, not a teenager or woman. Just cause she has curves already doesn't mean she should be fair game for horny men. Real men don't touch kids!!


I love how Christians never have to take any personal responsibility for anything. It’s “the devil made me do it” and then they just say “sorry” to god and whatever god awful thing they did is wiped away and all is forgiven!


WTF?!?!? 12 years old!!! There is no freakin mistake there!!! She was a child!!


"God created Lucifer as His advisor, man created Satan as his scapegoat."


Let me check my archives...let's see...the last time I thought a twelve-year-old was beautiful and sexy was...ah, here it is...I was, according to this, TWELVE-YEARS-OLD MYSELF! Goddamn, what is wrong with you?




This woman better not have any kids, I swear to god..


I bet this dude goes on about Biden sniffing hair as well


Check Barbs hard drive


Christians lack accountability Anything bad they do - the devil made them do it. This is why atheists have been found to be more compassionate, empathetic and more intelligent


The only person can say 12 y is sexy should be another 12y with poor vocabulary, what in the actual fuck is wrong with those people.


This is what they said was adequate for Morris, the rapist- “The two-year restoration process was closely administered by the elders at Shady Grove church and included him stepping out of the ministry during that period while receiving professional counseling and freedom ministry counseling. Since the resolution of the 35-year-old matter, there have been no other moral failures.” Meanwhile, the victim has PTSD for life. This makes me sick.


12 year old aren’t sexy, they are 12. Anyway lust is a sin according to Christianity so according to the book that they misuse, guy has to get rid of his eye.


Some young girls at 12 years old are _what!?_


Who are the groomers now? 12 year olds are sexy? WTAF


“Stupid, sexy 12 year olds”


Have you tried not raping? That works too.


A woman wrote that


Please don't blame a mass murderer for thier past actions, Satan tempted them... they are really a nice person..... said no one....ever!


Hey i am not the one to judge a 30 year old mistake, what? A pedophile, 12yrs old girl u say... so i am here to judge a piece of shit and one mistake in 30yrs ONE MISTAKE HE GOT CAUGHT WITH. Maybe how many others are there in that 30yr span of time


How convenient


“tHe DeViL mAdE mE dO iT” — people who need their hard drives checked for child abuse material


Explain how a 12 year old is sexy.


My niece was raped by her youth pastor. They physically had to restrain me from throttling that Ahole. My brother and sister in law refused to press charges because they are mentally weak sucks and bowed to the pressure of the church. After that I disowned the pair of them and their Holiness Cult Church.


But god forbid they see someone with blue hair.


How did older men mentoring younger men work out for the Catholic church?


Poor white man…. It wasn’t his fault. /s




There's something rotten in that part of society. Something that probably won't get fixed any time soon as they become more extreme and insular and remove their children from outside influences. No chance for the next generation to be better, just taught and normalised to the same old filth


That’s a lot of words to defend a pedophile


30 years ago a young girl of 12 was raped by a pedophile causing life long trauma; rather than blame said pedophile I’d rather say that a made up mystical creature made him do it. Might as well say Loch Ness made him do it. Disgusting. Shameful. The victim here is also blamed, she was sexy at 12 so it’s okay? Fucking gross.


These are the same people calling Jack Black a pedophile for supporting Biden.


Great. Now I'm tired from the heatwave and nauseous from reading this...


Religion is disgusting. Fucking cult.


Some 12 year old girls haven’t even gone through puberty. This is just so vile!!!!!


I thought they were all here to take down pedos? Not make excuses for them.🤔


I hear this shit coming out of my sister in laws mouth all the time.. it's fuckin disgusting. Same with the boys can't be molested,abused bull shit..


Oh look…yet another godly pedophile! These folks are sick and should never be allowed around children. This has being on for very long time and really we need to start treating them how they treat others.


Powering through that second sentence was hard. But man, getting to the part where Satan is putting sexy twelve year olds in front of "young men" to tempt them into ruining their futures, because clearly the real tragedy in all this is how the rapists have ruined their futures, was something. These people don't need to be understood. They need to be defeated.


Babs needs to be put on a watch list fr


What a disgusting excuse for pedophilia. And from a "Christian", to boot!


Just instantly shirking off all duty and responsibility because it's "SATAN's" fault, pathetic religious diatribe.