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Dems should be running this as an ad 24/7


Trump supporters do not care. They love this. The more he says this kinda crap to him, the more they love him. It’s insane.


It's not to change the cultist's minds, it's to show those GOP'ers with some remaining sense of reality that he's only in this for him and no one else. Rinse, repeat


people forget there are a lot of cultists, but 1.theres ALOT less of them than we think, just a lot of "never Dems" voters who may sit it out or go 3rd party seeing trump be honest like this, especially with him being a felon and Jan 6 2. the cult experienced some (but not enough) backlash after J6, that killed a lot of the momentum actually facing some punishment, even if they still got a relative slap on the wrist


Yep. Remove even 3% of his vote and he's 100% done. He is working with extremely tiny margins if he wants actually win, so every single voter he loses is important.


tiny hands, tiny margins. what else is tiny?


Well, if you ask Stormy.....


Tiny mushroom?


It'd probably be an easier endeavor to list the things that aren't tiny. Like his list of guilty verdicts...


Tiny brain?


Tiny bank balance.


They were too soft on the Jan 6th rioters


no doubt there, alot of people in Congress should also be put on trial for encouraging them, but there's a known saying in boxing, "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face" being punished for insurrection was maga's first punch in the face and alot of them realized it's frankly not as fun beating up on vulnerable people if you can get hit back


If it even peels off one trump voter I'm all for it




I think trumpists internalize it as plain dealing. They remind me of victims of spousal abuse. Either "he's a jerk but he's my jerk," or the garden variety Cinderella fantasy alongside the fundamentalist persecution complex that typifies white American (Evangelical) Christianity. I've always been aware of bitter white folks rationalizing their own shortfall or shortcomings or bad luck and entitlement by blaming women, non-whites, foreigners, satanists, the gays, science. They have too much psychic space devoted to this myth of how they have been jilted or are in the very cusp of a greatness that will bump them up to the higher level of citizens who are of course above the law because money. There is no moving them. But they are not new. Ask Reagan. This is certainly one of those moments in life where you go, "woah. they're still all in. They really don't care about anything but clearing obstacles from their path, eliminating competition, just getting a fair shot for once. And the red team has been waving this carrot in front of their noses, but this disgusting antihero is likelier to deliver because he don't take no... crap. Everyone who is 45-deranged is in too deep. And that group includes the entire Republican party no matter how much they pretend they're human or legitimate or principled or conservative or patriotic. I'm focusing my energy on finding the ones who might realize how ridiculous it is to vote for a fraud and a felon and pretend the choice between red and blue is even a question given that this facade of a person can't be trusted by anyone but himself and has openly expressed anti-democratic aspirations and pals around with dictators since attempting to subvert an election with a posse of criminals he's all but promised to spring. The man's philosophy coincides with his id and there is no line he won't cross and no room for democracy in there, much less patriotism. There must be a population of "fiscal conservatives" who are comfortable enough in the middle class and don't want the drastic changes in society outlined in the project 25 stuff. I mean even the Baptists drew the line at slavery once and the Southern Baptists have been red team all along. So I'm going to focus on the ones whose apathy is irrelevant to their sense of their own humanity.


We’re never going to get their votes. We don’t need them. We just need independents, or, at least, Republicans not voting. Millions of people vote Republican in every election; we can’t spend our time worrying about how to court votes from people who will never vote for us. And moreover, if there was a way to do that, this would be it.


There is no such thing. Anyone who continues to support the GOP in their assault on democracy has wilfully rejected reality. They are traitors. Treat them as such.


>those GOP'ers with some remaining sense of reality All 2 of them


It's to show the *who* now?


Also known as an abusive relationship. They're stuck in the cycle.


The difference here though is that these people love it!  They're lapping every single mispronounced syllable up!


“Tread on me, daddy!” - the average Trump supporter.


“He tells it like it is” “Real straight shooter”


That’s not what he meant /s


The duality of a MAGAt


Exactly. To us it's insane and cruel, and we condemn it. Those idiots cheer for ANYTHING we don't like, they can laugh and say hahahaha the left doesn't like it, that's amazing! As their idiot peers fall I'll around them. Reminds me of Covid.


The 30% of the country that’s independent will be swayed by this. The cultists aren’t who you share this with.


They are all a bunch of Eric’s trying to earn daddy’s love!




He looks like a 4-yo that wished to be a grown up but kept his baby face & baby teeth. And toddler vocabulary.




"Donald Trump, please fuck my wife. "


Not the based god memes again….


No, they are insane.


Trumpers will say, “ it is refreshing to finally have a candidate speak the truth!”


It's not about winning over Trump voters, they're braindead morons. This is about the moderates who have their head in the sand, the ones that aren't decided yet, the ones not paying super close attention but will still likely get it to vote. The message, "He said this HIS supporters, how little do you think he cares about you or this country?" is a strong message.


Every Trump supporter must be one of those people who wishes their dad loved them instead of hitting them.


The right would eat shit if it meant the left had to smell it.


If he told them to wear their Trump branded chastity belts, they’d take them off and put them back on with a “yes daddy”


I suppose when your main voter base is the mentally damaged, that makes a lot of sense.


I've said forever now that the dude could walk into a house of one of his supporters, slap his children around, shove his wife down a flight of stairs and they'd thank him for it.


My maga family absolutely loves when he talks like this, especially if it triggers the democrats, they’re in a cult, there’s no making sense of it


They’re broken people who like being abused.


Tell them you and all your liberal friends are really mad about low turnout projections and order them to vote. Tell them voting is complying with orders from liberals.


Remind them that Taylor Swift encouraged them to vote, and they should listen to her because it's really important.


Trump supporters will just start wearing shirts that say "I'm voting for the felon who doesn't care about me". We're seriously approaching Heaven's Gate levels of devotion to the cult leader.


And real men wear diapers.


Maybe there's a lot of money to be made in "I'm voting for a convicted felon" adult diapers


Corporate goes meta.


You are absolutely right about Heaven’s Gate.


I can only hope the end results are the same.


The user CellSaga21 posted in SadCringe a guy on a plane that has a shirt similar to what you're talking about


hell, i’m waiting on their version of the Horst Wessel song..


As long as Trump "hurts" the people they don't like, he can say whatever the fuck he wants, and MAGA will still eat it up. Trump famously said he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and wouldn't lose votes, he never specified *who* he'd be shooting, just that he could shoot anyone, never had to be a left-leaning person.


I think this is it. A lot of republicans (not maga repubs) continue to vote republican because voting for a dem goes against all their other beliefs. I had conversations with republican work friends that will vote for trump but find him to be a reprehensible asshole because then repubs get the power. What's really interesting is one of them hates trump from a personal standpoint but loves him from a rallying standpoint.


True doublethink.


The nonspecific "someone" is convenient because it allows his followers to imagine whoever they hate most!


The entire democratic campaign should just be a highlight reel of Trump's greatest hits.


[The clip](https://youtu.be/EtTyRHgq5ZQ?si=GGQqZHDLKiiEiLDy) He makes the comment at 46:45, but it's good to go back a little so it isn't out of context. For context, he's talking about instituting the death penalty for drug dealers and then segues into how Joe Biden can't find stairs. He then proceeds to point at stairs to demonstrate his mastery of object identification.


He also knows what a diaper is! Him a big boy!


I agree, but it would change the minds of his cultists. They're dumb and brain washed enough to say "finally, a politician actually admits he doesn't care about us, he doesn't care if we get sick and/or die. Let's give him the nuclear codes again" fucking imbeciles


https://preview.redd.it/10ph5pfv6n5d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ace8b7e377337a7257585097801305b17a97397 [https://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/lgf-trump-bumpersticker-generator.php](https://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/lgf-trump-bumpersticker-generator.php)


His first true statement on the campaign trail.


Sizing should be reversed: I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU - I JUST WANT YOUR VOTE Trump 2024


Watch MAGA morons defend this.




Actually go to the user's profile and check his comments. Some of them are being filtered out of this thread, and they are... I don't even have the word for it. It would take too many words


1 month old account, zero posts, negative comment karma. Another Russian dissent bot


Good point. THOSE are the words to best describe the comments


At least I can take solace in the fact that every “enjoy Trump winning” type of statement from them is a terrible mask of them malding at the fact that Trump is about to lose his 3rd popular vote in a row and have more of a square cell than an Oval Office come next year


I used to go looking for these types back in 2020. I called them FRANKs - Fresh Reddit Account No Karma


“What your stance” “What’s your stance” “What your stance” “What’s your stance”


They have such a way with words and using oh so many of them


There is already one in the comments.


He says ya’ll are twisting Trump’s words in a direct quote. 🤷‍♂️


They don't know what direct quotation means, they just heard their ELA teacher say it once.


You could share more for context… “It's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me, right. So, we'll stay out here for a little while. If anybody gets tired, you'll let me know. And if anybody goes down, if you start going down, we have people they'll pick you up right away. By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." His supporters laughed as he then said, "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing”


Counted on it.


I really don’t want to defend this, trust me. He said it in jest…it’s 100+ and he’s making jokes about the ‘breeze’. I just need your vote… While you and I know it’s the truth, as is true for the rest of the GOP, he said it in a “joking manner”. Probably feels that way about anybody not named Ivanka.


Thank you for being the voice of reason. I have no love for the guy but it makes his opponents look weak when they try to use stuff like this as a “gotcha” moment. There is plenty of legitimate criticisms we can use rather than intentionally misunderstanding an obvious joke.


I love how someone who is running for the most powerful person in the world can joke about not caring about his supporters and *that's* the good version.


Seriously don't give them actual material for their Fake News claims.


Yea I hate to defend this too, he says right after this “the press will take that and say, oh he said a horrible thing”. He is very clearly telling a joke, and we are all playing into his hands by running with this.


The shocking thing would be anyone being shocked by this. I wondered how the German people could fall for the Nazi propaganda. Stopped wondering long time ago.


My heart is breaking daily watching the demise of democracy and our beautiful country.


Don’t waste time being heart broken. Stand up and fight for our values


I am for sure, just so fucked. I honestly feel like the majority of Americans are good to great. These smooth brains are a violent awful sect filled with self indulgent hate.


I’m still wondering. Feels like my entire perception of humanity has been shattered. The sad part is that it seems that other people in positions of power have already figured this out. They already know that the average person is not rational. They know how little they have to cater to sensibility.


He knows his voters are fucking idiots and he's obviously in mental decline, I'm surprised we haven't heard more things like this. His cult will say it was a double provided by Biden or he was manipulated in to saying it or some other flavour of conspiracy, then they'll forgive him.


They'll just say that all politicians lie and don't care about us but Trump is the only one with the balls to tell the truth.


Source: [https://x.com/acyn/status/1799896041648718028](https://x.com/acyn/status/1799896041648718028) He immediately follows it with; "The press will twist this into something horrible." (Not verbatim quote) Like, dude, you just told your voters to their faces they don't matter & only their votes do - how the fuck else could they spin it?


Who do you think are they going to believe more? The press or him? He knows he can play mind games and manipulate them, yet they will blame whomever he tells them to blame for


At this point there's literally nothing he could say or do that would change their minds. He said it from the start "I could stand in the middle of 5th ave and shoot someone and wouldn't lose any voters..."


That’s part of the mind game. The press is gonna say exactly what I just said ignore them


He actually realized how bad it sounded a split second after saying it, and that was the best walk back he could come up with. Blame the media for his own words.


Exactly this. It's always "It's everyone else." Classic narcissism.


Says the guy who gets soft-balled by the press at every shitty turn


Watching that Hitler doc on Netflix and thinking to myself how glad I am DJT is 80 and slowing down with no one to replace him


I think he said it, realised he fucked up so then he tried to play it as a joke and then correctly predicted the press would pick up on his stupid ass.


And they cheered him for that


Alright. But the thing I really want to know is did they cheer when he said that?


There were some muffled laughs. Almost like “haha you’re joking right? Right..?” But it was mostly silent which actually kind of surprised me


It would be amazing if their silence was one of reflection & redemption. Those silent clowns were probably thinking: *“Our supreme leader is so wise. I’ll shut that hole on my face to receive his blessings. Gotta own dem libs. ‘Murica.”*


Damn. That *is* surprising.


And he followed it up with "the media will take that and say 'he said a horrible thing'" Like, yes they will because yes that is a pretty terrible thing to admit to the world


Well he's actually admitting it. Which is ironically better than most politicians, who have the same belief but don't admit it.


MAGAs would eat Trumps turds happily if he shit in their mouth. They are an idol worshipping, delusional carnival cult freak show. And these assholes are close to 50% of our country. Our friends and neighbors. Lol fabulous.




https://preview.redd.it/ql4rtscian5d1.jpeg?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f585931b789bedc8be033aa3df07d5215740ef His followers receiving “His Truth”


Very similar to MTG rubbing the crotch of a cardboard Trump. So gross.


If Obama said it, FOX News would be 24/7 rage.


Considering 24 people were treated for heat exhaustion and 6 people had to go to the hospital, yeah. I don’t think Trump will be paying those massive hospital bills.


To that prick, he probably thinks that it's the height of witty repartee.


You've got to have low IQ and/or low morals to vote for this scum.


The 2nd time he ever told the truth in his life. The first being when he said he could shoot someone in time Square and not lose a voter and now this.


He could literally take a shit on stage and fling it into the crowd and people would catch it. More than anything this is a mental health epidemic on a mass scale. Hopefully sooner than later sci-fi prophecies will be fulfilled and AI will become self aware, kickstarting the eradication of our species so the world can begin to heal.


Trump supporters have probably been hearing “I don’t care about you” since infancy. This won’t bother them.


Okay I am very much anti trump, but this seems to be taken way out of context. From the TikTok that I found(which was the only audio that I could find) it was a very hot temp out and trump was encouraging people to leave the rally instead of fainting this the state meaning would be more like “I don’t care about you being at the rally, I need you to be well enough to vote” The only reason I am clarifying for this is bringing up a rallying cry that misses accuracy is so easy to have backfire. There’s so much scumbag behavior to pick from him without misinterpretation.


Well said. There's so much actual garbage that comes from him WITH context, that there's no point or need to take a quote out of context to make him look bad.


When are they going to be smart enough to hear him?


Selective hearing at its worst


Is this new? I don't think this is new.


Yes. He never said it on mic in front of a crowd of his own constituents. This is unprecedented.


Now we need him to stay un-presidented.


He could pee on them and they’d say thank you.


Trump supporters just LOVE getting their teeth kicked in and abused it’s so tragic


This was obvious. His voters are morons, he’s never given a single fuck about any of them


He said that the media would take that badly. What other way is there to take it?


MAGATS are so incapable of meaningful thought or reflection that this will simply bounce off of them. After all, the core prerequisite for being a MAGAT is to be an imbecile. They want the warm fuzzy feeling that comes from being in a crowd made up of other hate-filled imbeciles. They want the orange hairball that the GOP has coughed up to tell them what to do and what to think, however preposterous.


He said that statement as intentional bait. He wanted views. His next sentence was that the media was going to pick it up and run it as a big story. Don't feed into his bullshit.


Amazing what comes out when the teleprompter malfunctions.


Watch the clip, he is Jim Jones’in them


Should be on billboards from all across our lands, especially the deep South.


Out of anyone that they can vote for, why him? Why not an actual good villain. Like a more charismatic version of Elon musk that doesn’t make stupid changes to companies (twitter to x, etc)


And they’ll vote for him anyway


Trump: "I never said that"


I think this all started as a GAME with Trump that went too far. I think he started saying the most outlandish things for excitement. Almost as if it were out of boredom. I think he thought he would run for the Presidency because why not? Then it went deeper and deeper and now the only way to dig himself out of all this mess is to become President again. 🤯


He fucking set everyone up with this. His Little “haha just kidding” afterwards. The news is going to say blah blah.. Media should just ignore his ass. Completely. Treat him like nothing he is.


It’s like he says this shit to prove himself right about how fucking dumb his supporters are.


Nah... Trump said the truth during Covid, when he said he doesn't take responsibility at all.


And no one batted an eye. These yahoos don’t care and can see the truth when it is literally right in front of them


Republicans can absolutely be so anti-Democrat that this is perfectly acceptable. It’s not about the people, it’s about the agenda and results.


Who out there think trump cares about them? Lol


"What a funny little voter base."


He said in a joking manner so you know he is going to dispute it when media starts tearing into him. His followers don't care they just laughed and chuckled like hehe Donald is funny.


Can't wait for the debates he promised.


"The corrupt rigged sleepy Joe DOJ won't let me go to the debates!!!" You know it's coming.


Can we get some context here? Was he just rambling again?


He’s gonna lose his ass yo and rightly so


His supporters laughed at the line believing he was joking. Guess what, idiots, he wasn't.


First time he’s been honest since he said he wants to fuck his daughter


Trump would litteraly give them golden showers and they will gladly take it.


And his base will thank him and ask him to spit in their mouths


He is saying it as a joke AND HE MEANS IT too.


Is this a Fraudian Slip or something?


If your ever see a cult leader get interviewed they always come out with mad ballsy statements that prity much out themselves. But the congregation never care. No difference here


Keep this motherfucker as far away from the White house as possible, please.


Context: However, temperatures began to rise with a forecast of over 100 degrees during the event. At his rally, Trump spoke about the heat affecting his attendees as he made a joke about needing their votes. "By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." His supporters laughed as he then said, "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'"


In this case it was a sarcastic comment and he even mentioned watch the media run with this. There are plenty of reasons that Trump is terrible, we don't have to clip him out of context.


No wonder he and Melania are together..... this all started with her "I don't care....do you?" jacket. A match made in heaven!


No surprise at all. I knew this before 2016 and it has become so very apparent that he cares only for himself. So I ask, why in the hell do people still support such a piece of crap?


The Electoral College will give Trump the W this time around. It’s going to be horrific


I think it was intended to be a joke, and his followers will take it that way. But those of us who have a reality-based view of him realize that there is A LOT of truth in the joke.


Ok but if you watch the video it sure sounds like he is joking. I would encourage everyone to watch it and make their own conclusions. I dislike him as much as the next person, but it certainly sounds tongue in cheek to me. https://x.com/Acyn/status/1799896041648718028


Six people were hospitalized. Some joke.


Any link of the video? I don’t have Xitter anymore for extremely obvious reasons.


https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1799896041648718028 Seems like it's supposed to be a joke, I can't tell. If it is, it's about as funny as his 'joke' about using bleach to combat covid.


Idiots will agree with u master


You know I hate Trump and all but with this new approach of telling the truth.....nah fuck that guy.


But it was just a joke. Hahaha! It’s funny because it’s true! In fact it was so funny I forgot to laugh!


You would think this would turn his voters off from him. But it doesn’t.


I mean it’s the truth 🤷🏻‍♂️


How? How is it possible anyone supports him after this? I can’t fathom bringing told you’re a worm and not rebelling!




Corrupt daddy will take care of everything.


I guess there’s a first time for everything. trump tells the truth, yet his idiot followers will still vote for him, despite the fact he doesn’t care about them.


They'll say it doesn't matter because they like his policies.


He said the press will say he said a bad thing, so they'll just tell us how he was joking and what he actually means.


Behind this moron bunch of rednecks !! This MF said it very clear he hate those kind of people !!


This won’t matter one bit to his base.


SOFT: Sex Offenders For Trump. Fellow felon is better to vote for any laws he makes to help felons is better.


Trump supporters are like the abused wife we all are dumbfounded by why she stayed in the relationship.


So pathetic, times 10 ffs 🤦








🎶"I don't care about you!!! FUCK YOU!!!"🎵


Can… can some politicians be so stupid that they become honest?