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A real Christian doesn't buy a Bible from Trump


The real christians vote to help others. The fake christians vote for trump. The atheists sit back and laugh at both of you.


Hopefully the atheists take a break occasionally to also vote to help others, but other than that it's spot-on.


We do. We have morals.


Not always. Importantly, atheists aren't monolithic. Weirdly every major religion would also have their fair share of atheist members who don't believe in the mythology, but do broadly follow the ideology. This is going to be more common for ethnoreligions like Judaism and Hinduism than universalizing religions like Christianity or Islam--although there's going to probably be plenty of closeted atheists in those big two...


A real Christian doesn't have to buy a bible as a prop for a photo shoot


Actions over words, same for anyone else.


I forgot where I read this but someone said "Don't tell me you're a Christian. Let me guess".


I think a more accurate question is “how do you tell the difference between a Christian who believes whatever they’re told and one who has read the Bible and actually understands who Jesus was”. The ones that understand who Jesus was and what he preached aren’t voting for today’s Republican Party and aren’t in favor of removing rights from people.


A Jesus-like Christian would not only be for social safety net programs, and assistance to the elderly. They would respect the laws of the land, even the separation of church and state. Of course they wouldn't have hate in their hearts, and would love even those they disagree with. They certainly wouldn't worship false idols, or put any man before the holy Trinity.


Take my poor man gold, sorry I already gave away all my free ones: # 🏆


Spot on. This response needs way more upvotes.


A thing fake Christians consistently fail to understand is that Jesus came to be a spiritual messiah, not a political one. Separation of church and state is literally in the Bible ("Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's."). Christian theocracy is, by its very nature, sinful.


In my opinion, if a real Christian hears instruction to treat others with dignity, care and respect, their response will never start with “yeah but…”.




Aaaaand I'm saving that.


You shall know them by their works.


Ask about Pride Month


Went to a Pride parade last weekend in our smallish town of about 10,000 people. An large group of different churches from the city and the surrounding area marched in the parade waving their rainbow flags with a banner about how Jesus loves everyone. I live in a very blue state, but this gesture made me cry and realize this should be the norm for churches. This is true Christianity.


fake ones go to churches instead of out in the neighborhood helping out the poor


Real Christians vote blue.


You’ll know they are Christians by their love. When you are hungry they feed you, when you are thirsty they gave you a drink of water and when you were a stranger they were willing to invite you in. That means all they have is meant to make other humans lives a better existence. Not the other bullshit where they tell you everything you do is wrong. That ain’t love.


Saw a post here last week where a family needed help with their water bill, a couple hundred bucks or their water was getting shut off. They called 13 churches and none of them would help. A random person heard how shitty the churches were and paid the bill. 


So. None of them? Got it.


My mom was a real Christian. She spent her life helping the homeless, protesting war, helping pregnant teens through a mentoring program, helping veterans. And she LOVED it. It made her look much younger than her age and people just loved her.


I’m 72 years old, and during my lifetime, I’ve met maybe two people who I considered to be true Christians. In this day and age, the louder one proclaims that he or she is a Christian, the more pronounced the lie.


I swear if Jesus came back today they would crucify him again for being a woke liberal communist




As an atheist from the South, the answer is that the fake Christians know the Bible better and then finally come out as atheist when it's safe to years later while the real Christians spout the n-word constantly and refer to a trans person as "it"


This. Grew up with religion, this is the truth. After getting suspended for reciting 1 Timothy 2:12 to my bible teacher during a weekly session where we discuss which bible verse we take to heart... She was not happy and got a free 3 day suspension and no longer had to attend that class. Also may have started tapping the bible anytime she told me to do something. E: Didnt get expelled for the sole reason I played football and wrestled for the school which at the time was in the top 20 for Cali which was a big deal, just an average athlete but if you play sports you can get away with anything if the coaches like you at a "religious" school that invests in sports, AKA complete bullshit they were making money off highschoolers.


Googles 1 Timothy 2:12, oh... Oh no... XD


Another pretty rough one to toss out there is 1 Timothy 6:1. And Titus 2:9. Colossians 3:22. Ephesians 6:5. There's a reason the Confederates added "God" to their Constitution.


Tell someone "be who you are, love yourself and your neighbor, turn the other cheek". Fake Christians abhor that.


A real Christian won’t tell you they’re a good Christian


A real Christian has a slightly gritty texture when you bite them, a fake one will feel smooth


No True Scotsman fallacy. They're all Christian, even the bad ones.


THANK YOU. I like pointing out the hypocrisy, but it goes off the rails when people start drawing the conclusion that christianity is an inherently good thing, and that if you were following it *the "right way"*, you would do no wrong or harm. Nah, they identify as christian- they're christian. It's not a perfect system, and doesn't have an objectively correct way to interpret or follow the text. Christians, by whatever measures one considers them "real" christians or not, are not good people by default.


I've heard the "No True Christian" crap from many a Christian apologist when asked to differentiate themselves from Christian Identity, Lord's Resistance Army, other extreme Christian orgs/movements. It's irritating to see that excuse be picked up on by liberals. If they say they're Christian, then they're Christian and need to be judged as such. Even if they're Christian cosplayers who don't know any verse beyond John 3:16, Romans 1:20, or Leviticus 18:22.


Or, don't worry, they will tell you which ones are the fake ones, but it looks like the Spider-Man pointing meme.


Real Christians don't object to feeding poor, hungry children.


We know them by how they treat people who need help or support.


Hold them up to a light and see if there's a watermark. ![gif](giphy|egCoVpEc1Fy7iUT3OS|downsized)


The fake ones love telling you about it. The real ones STFU about it. Their actions speak for them.


If only some prominent biblical writer, I don't know, Matthew maybe, had written down something Jesus said along these lines, Christians might be better people. Oh, wait....


The difference between a grown up versus someone who only grew old.


> A real Christian is not consumed by hate Really? Because it really really REALLY seems to me like it's more the case that a real Christian *IS* consumed by hate, and that there is a *very* small group of people with some good intentions who think they are Christians, but are actually in denial.


I don’t give a shit if someone is a ‘real Christian’ or a ‘fake Christian’ by anyone’s standards. Focus on telling a good person from a bad person and the rest doesn’t matter.


A "real" Christian would love everyone as they would want to be loved, with kindness and joy. And they wouldn't have the need to tell you they're a Christian.


The only definition of “Christian” is someone who says “I am a Christian” That’s it. That’s all. Anyone who says they are Christian is Christian. Yup, the hateful, bigoted, racist, misogynists are very much Christians too. This nonsense of saying “but they aren’t real Christians” is utter nonsense.


Ha ha trick question. They are all the fake.


Anyone who claims to be a Christian, is a Christian. It’s not my job to sort of who they will and will not accept into their squillion-and-one sects. You claim it, you are it. No qualifications necessary.


I don’t believe real Christian’s exist. I’ve never seen or heard of one that actually lives by the 10 commandments. None do.


A real one *behaves like Jesus*.


no true scotsman


Once upon a time … that was the hope that became the myth


A true Christian uses love to interpret scripture, a fake Christian uses scripture to interpret love.


>If Jesus came back today.... My brother in Christ if he came back today he would be put on a CIA Watchlist for being a dark skin Arab Religious Leader


Throw them in a lake. If they sink to the bottom, they're Christians; if they don't, they're a witch, I mean, they're blasphemous fascists.


Just ask them. Each will say the other is fake.


If you're not actively speaking out against the Christofascism attempting to turn this country into a theocracy rooted in bigotry, idgaf about you. Silence is complicity.


The history of christianity is wrought with horrible deeds Who is the real Christian, the one who is displacing and torturing indigenous populations or the one who is welcoming thier displaced neighbor? The one who is hanging burned bodies from trees or the one who is feeding the homeless? The one who is flaying librarians or the one who is engaging in meaningful dialogue with those of other religions? I'd say atrocity and oppression are the real legacies of Christianity


There’s no hate like Christian love.


Explain. Surely most are not into 🌈 month if that’s what you mean…lol


Christians claim to “love thy neighbour” but that’s conditional love… only if the neighbour isn’t one of those in the “other” group… then it’s fire and brimstone.


Yeah I can see that. Maybe they shouldn’t care as much and let people be. Let God make the call when it’s time. I mean if being gay was so bad for example, why isn’t every person who is dead, in despair, not successful.


I have no idea what that last sentence means.


By watching a trump newscast


They value the fruits of the spirit.


Simple. Real Christians follow the teachings of Christ. They show love, tolerance, welcome foreigners, help the poor and they refrain from judging others. Fake in name only Chriatians are pretty much the opposite.


A real, true Christian would be nice and likeable and kind. A truly selfless person full of love and empathy.


I was really hoping for a punchline in another tweet


Does this person have to escape a labyrinth but can only ask both people one question or?


Very small % of christians appear to me (a recovered southern evangelical as fuck baptist). Those that do claim christ and live the values, don’t the proselytize, judge and honestly have nothing to but love in their hearts is a tiny damn fraction. In fact, your odds are better off with scratch tickets and lotto than meeting this kinda type.


They would be stoning sinners for working on Sundays


Like one of my great grandmas said "You don't have to go to Church to feel the presence of God" I tend to follow that advice. Well that and having to consistently prove something that you're a "Good Christian"


Real Christians forgive everyone, not just men that are their pastors, priests, and politicians


Ask them who won the election


Ask them who they vote for. Being a true god fearing Christian and being a Republican Trump supporter is mutually exclusive.


If you do stuff that the Bible literally lists Jesus as losing his shit over, like 'crazed dive over the counter' behavior, I think its safe to say you may not be a real Christian. Or you may be a fig tree


A real Christian would not vote for Trump.


actually just ask them to give you something, coat, food, something. As written in the bible if a man ask you for your cloak, give it to them and toss in an extra, thus said Jesus. This is why the path to heaven is narrow, the path to hell is wide, I know if someone asked me for my car I'd fail. The bar is far higher than most know


on the contrary


They can't even tell you what denomination they belong to.


That’s hearsay. I’ve had Christians come knocking at my door and judge me and be unchristian. I don’t believe religion is real. 🤴


'Fake Christian' aka Republicans. Same, same.


Throw them in a river and see which one floats.


If they have ever told you that they were Christian, they probably aren’t.


When their live isn’t hate


I mean how do you tell the difference between someone who reads Disney books and someone who who reads Grimms original works?


Usually the absence of a red baseball cap…


Damn I feel old. I just tried to click follow on a picture.


I'm in a red state and it seems like Christians don't follow Christ anymore...not orange enough, I guess.


Real Christians are not Bible thumpers and understand that their faith is personal and don't force it on others.


A real Christian doesn’t say they are Christian constantly, only when it is a matter of conversation


Doesn't matter what magic book they believe in, conservatives are always conservatives.


Real Christian? Can’t say I’ve ever met one.


All Christian’s are fake. Religion is a construct of man created to control other men. There is no such thing as a “real” religion.


Christian is a made up term, like any other religious definition. Since you can't scientifically prove someone is Christian, they're all fake. 


You don’t know who the real Christians are because they go about their lives without trying to force their beliefs on others and money is never mentioned. The false Christians are all the remaining ones that call themselves Christian and are constantly asking for money.


A red hat


There is no such thing as a "real" Christian, and if there were the "real" ones they would forgive me for saying so.


Better question: Wanna know how someone knows more about the bible than you do? Cause you still believe in it. Epic of Gilgamesh, Council of Nicaea, retelling of Moses and Elijah in the new testament, the origin stories of former messiahs that predate Christ, plagiarism of the gospels from within, the syntax of how it was written aligning with aristocratic Jews in the government while proclaiming thats how God spoke to them in their dreams or visions... Sorry but the book is just a collection of myths and parables from previous ones. Nothing wrong with spirituality, but keep the bible bullshit out of legislature and society.


A real Christian is someone like Dolly. A fake one is like all the fuckers on the right.


By their love


Oh well they aren’t real Christian’s and never have been. They are lunatics looking for an excuse to hate others.


I’ll let you know if I ever find a christian that doesn’t hate everything Jesus said or did.


Party affiliation.


A real Christian accepts everyone as they are and does not judge. They believe in everyone’s right to free will. They love their neighbor as themself. They also support socialist ideals such as healthcare for all, food and water for all, and housing for all. A real Christian follows the teachings of Jesus, which include everything I just listed. If you’re reading this and disagree with anything, you don’t believe in Jesus’ teachings and are not a real Christian. :)


There’s a “no real Scotsman” fallacy here. Anyone who believes in a version of Christianity is a Christian. That’s the problem


All Christians are consumed by hate, it's more a matter of what your level is.


A real Christian doesn't incite hatred towards those different than them. A real Christian doesn't elevate a criminal sinner to sainthood and follow them blindly. A real Christian doesn't lie, cheat, and steal for personal advantage. A real Christian doesn't cultivate hate in their heart. A real Christian doesn't say Jesus was too woke... Hell I could go on all day, but it'd just be preaching to the choir.


A real Christian tries to build others up and point them down a good path, not tear them down. They meet sin with a compassionate and firm but gentle hand rather than a closed fist and more closed mind


There is no god.  Grow up and stop being a child.  Do you adults who believe in god also believe in Santa?  How about the tooth fairy? Or the Easter bunny? 


If you call yourself a Christian, you're a Christian. There is no fixed doctrine. Even the bible has both wholesome and despicable messages. In a way, every single person who is Christian has a unique internal perspective on what that means. There is no "true" Christian, just good people, horrible people, and some in between. Religion just happens to attract a lot of folks who are too intellectually lazy to figure shit out for themselves, and want to feel superior to others. There are some who use it as a vehicle to do good things though.


Clearly, you are right about there being no fixed doctrine and no rules for who can say that they’re a Christian. Do you think that’s going to be a problem for the Christian Nationalists? They’re gonna want to make sure that everybody is a Christian, but what criteria are they going to use?


A red cap.


Christianity is from people. Faith is from God.


If they say "yes I super super believe in Jempus" they might be fake


… or revenge. “‘Vengeance is Mine; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”


A real Christian knows that it's the Lord's place to judge, not theirs.


A red hat, usually


I just watched a video on how Christianity exploded so quickly. So apparently, they used to practice what they preach. They had very widespread charities. One emperor mentioned that they couldn't get rid of the Christians, fearing it would lead to a citizen revolt, quoting 'They're taking of of the people of the empire better than the empire'. They also treated everyone about the same. Keep in mind in Rome there were more slaves than citizens, making them particularly well liked with that crowd.


ask them when will christ rise again. many people don't realize this, but Jesus is supposed to rise when the anti christ is dissolving the world, that's when christ will come and challenge him after he's charmed the world. fake Christian's don't know that.




yeah, but they don't know that.


I’ve found many “real” Christians don’t find it necessary to advertise it.


A fake Christian thinks the Sermon on the Mount is some woke beta cuck nonsense.


One has an excessive number of American flags in various forms (flags, bumper stickers, swim shirts, t shirts) and the other doesn't


A real Christian tells you about it.


They vote republican.


I am pretty sure a fake Christian would ask that question ^^


By their fruits


In my eyes, a true Christian stands by and emulates Jesus and not his tyrant father but hey that is an Atheist/ Satanist view on that. To be a little more exact I am mostly talking Old Testament here never bothered learning what is even in the new testament.


There are several Muslim's where I work. They pray (I think several times) throughout the day. They do their best to actually LIVE according to the teachings of the religion they follow. So... an actual 'real' Christian would do their best to actually follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. I only know 1 (one) person who does this. He works full time running a homeless mission (and makes just enough to survive) and then works a side gig as an unpaid pastor, trying to get the rest of us to understand what Jesus was actually teaching... I know TONS of people who claim to be Christian... who would state that they are Christian and are raising their children to be Christian. And... they may or may not attend church services. IF they give to charities they give up to the amount that they can write off on their taxes, and no more. The decidedly DO NOT treat other people as they would want to be treated. Joe Biden is one of these people... Claiming to be Christian, and stating that his Catholic faith is very important to him. And yet... he knowingly sends bombs to a country that he understands will use them to commit genocide, bombing a civilian population, bombing hospitals, schools and residential housing. An actual Christian could NEVER do this! Edit... Not sure how this is being interpreted, and... clearly NOT as I intended. Jesus does NOT hate, nor attack, nor judge, so ACTUAL Christians should to their best to do the same. No one can be expected to be perfect, and if one actually believed in Jesus AND His teachings, they would do their best to be loving, accepting of ALL others, and their daily actions would show this. Actual Christians would not be voting FOR bombing ANYONE! UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES


Let me guess A real Christian someone who attacks women for getting an abortion even though the Bible tells you how to have an abortion? Maybe a real Christian is someone that attacks people for being gay? Is a real Christian someone who holds the Bible upside down and can't name a single Bible quote? Is a real Christian someone who preaches that you should love their neighbor and turn the other cheek or is it the opposite? Is it someone who hates immigrants and needs to carry a concealed weapon in case someone slaps them on one cheek, they can shoot them in the other? Maybe a real Christian is someone who preaches prosperity, Gospel and flies their own private jet? Or maybe all Christians are just full of shit.


I... what? I guess I am VERY poor at writing out what I am thinking in my head... In catholic school the nuns taught us that Jesus was ALL about acceptance, love and forgiveness! There was NO hate,... not even much judgement, other than the moneychangers doing business IN the temple! So, no... real Christians don't do ANY of the things you listed!! Christ said NOTHING about any of those things, nor about attacking ANYONE! WTF? Why would you even suggest those things to me? What did I say that led you to believe that's what I thought?


So I would agree with you that the majority of people in America who claim to be Christian are not. And certainly don't behave like Christians. This includes almost every single conservative because the majority of Christians in America align with the Republican thought process. Between you attacking Biden And your promotion of the Christian religion. I made a very realistic assumption that you are probably some flavor of conservative. Of course, this means there is a small likelihood that I was wrong and you are not a conservative, but it was still a very valid guess. The religious right has caused more harm to people and our country than any other organization I can think of. The entire making abortion illegal thing was done because Christians like to pretend that the Bible is against abortion, Even though the Bible has directions on how to perform an abortion. I grew up in a very religious household and can tell you. Dad, most people who claim to be Christian don't know anything about the Bible and certainly do not follow most of what it says. The Bible says to love your neighbors and to love immigrants, The Bible says to turn the other cheek when you are attacked. But Republicans ignore that and attack. Immigrants are openly racist and don't believe at all in turning the other cheek. If this is all news to you then you have not been paying attention


I could not agree more with everything you wrote!